IELTS Live - Speaking Part 1 - Smooth Band 9

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hi students and welcome to today's live ielts class my name is adrian and i'm streaming to you from beautiful victoria here on the west coast of canada i hope everybody has had a great start to their week welcome ragov welcome members hi janil hi kaldive good to see you uh nico nice to see so many uh students in this class everyone we are looking at ielts speaking part one and i'm going to talk about how to get that smooth band 9. um the lesson is presented to you by ae for academic ielts visit us there and for the general ielts check us out at g i e l t s help dot com that's general dot com on both of those websites we have loads of materials for you videos original practice exams we have apps for those websites of course and you have some free speaking with other students so i'll show you that really quickly this is our academic ielts website here with the blue background you can click that big red button to join the premium package it is a one-time payment for lifetime access we are british council um registration uh center and uh certified agents uh and if you log in you can create a free account by the way you can try it for free by clicking this green button and then once you log in to your my student account then in your my student account you're going to see a lot of great materials computer-based practice exams etc um and then you see this uh let me just slide that over yeah there you see that student partner speaking and then when you click on that student partner speaking on the website then you will have a chance to find other users on this page and then you can video an audio chat with them i'm the one in here right now but usually you'll find lots of other people in here as well okay and it's the same for the general ielts the general ielts is the green background again you can click that big red button to join the premium package it is a one-time payment for lifetime access so check it out um all right if you have questions uh send me an email my email is adrian any questions about ielts or products i'll be happy to answer welcome rajvir hi natalie okay yeah uh rajvir um yeah i've i'm using a different setup you noticed yeah rajvir said it's better video quality today um yeah i'm using a much higher performance system and i'm going to keep improving it so it's going to get even faster and better rajvir so thank you for noticing that's good feedback i was wondering if somebody would catch that um all right so uh we have classes uh all week all the way until saturday today we have speaking tomorrow we'll have writing and listening and then we will have a q a session on saturday for members and then from may 5th um we're going to have a new schedule coming so i'll inform everybody about that over the course of this week but we will have a new schedule for the live classes it will basically be the same schedule that it was before when i was over in europe so um yeah so that's exciting all right okay yeah good so several people are noticing the video quality is better that's fantastic okay um all right everyone so this is speaking yeah it's kind of you get to really experience more this time um so it is speaking so this is a speaking class so don't just listen to me that's good it's a good start for speaking you have to listen uh but definitely speak and uh repeat i'm just gonna do a plus sign there instead of a slash so speak repeat okay it's super important that you practice your speaking in these classes so just copy what i say copy my intonation copy my pronunciation copy my my annunciation so as much as you can if you catch some new words write them down you don't have to write them down now you can revisit this video later watch it again and then copy out the new words okay all right i'm glad i'm getting all that great feedback about video quality that's fantastic yeah i'm using a canon rp this time it's a higher caliber camera and system all right so um i'll give you some tips on what to do in your speaking exam but i really want you to just warm up right now and start speaking so we're going to go through the typical introductory icebreaker questions you will arrive to your ielts exam hopefully an hour before your speaking test find someone who is there practice your english with them talk to them be confident it's a great way to build your confidence before the interview to find another candidate and ask and answer some questions take some speaking questions with you and then 20 minutes before your speaking exam you will have to complete your registration make sure you take your id make sure you take your passport with you use english sometimes people are using their own language in their registration room try to ignore that really try to stick to english and then of course 20 minutes after at your given time you will be asked to go to the interview room and you will sit face to face with an examiner these days because of covet often with a mask on so make sure to practice with a mask before your speaking exam okay wear your mask at least an hour before you go into your speaking which you will if you show up an hour early so you get your breathing used to wearing the mask and then you will be uh met by the examiner um could be a native speaker could be a non-native speaker with really advanced english and then they will begin the interview and they will be sitting down they will greet you and they will say welcome to the speaking portion of the ielts exam my name is adrian i will be your examiner this is candidate number 347521 the exam is currently being conducted in dubai at 1400 hours and now we shall begin first question always may i see your identification so it's here but that's the first question because if you don't have your id even if you use the registration they will ask you again so may i see your identification and you have to prove the identification or they will just simply stop the interview there okay hi you jin all right um so give me a nice full sentence answer for this one okay so may i see your identification before your exam practice several different ways to respond to this question um khaldeep says sure um call deep i would do more just so that you immediately get into your fluency and show your fluency um by saying sure the examiner is kind of like oh is this going to be a band 5 or band 9 who knows okay uh brian here you have is not correct english here you go is correct okay so not here you have here you go sean says sure here it is please have a look um i'll hold it for a moment i don't know if i'd say that sean you do have to hold it they won't take it from you because of covid they'll ask you to show them the id okay call deep says here's my passport that i used for registration um for my exam charmin says my pleasure this is my passport that i used to register please take a look very nice uh danielle says yes of course here it is please take a look that's good janil so simple but still fluent right here yes of course please take a look okay it's still nice and fluent rajvir says certainly here's my passport that i used to register for this exam a couple of weeks back please take a look very nice and original you want to show diction that's a really good sign of a high band score for the ielts or an expert level speaker when you don't just speak english but you even have diction does everybody know what diction means the word diction that's what you want to aim for when you go into those band 8 band 9s okay okay so um yeah when you're very good in a language then you have a very clear diction which means a unique and original style of speaking okay yeah so sean says it's an intonation and style that's unique and even your word choice is unique to you it's your style of speaking okay all right so that's what you want to do okay and examiners will pick up whether or not you have diction even just from these first few questions so yes uh certainly here it is please take a look i used my passport to register for this exam a couple of weeks back if you need me to hold it closer just let me know okay i purposefully did that let me know okay so here we go um here's an original uh sentence with kind of my style of diction or my style of attitude as well repeat after me may i see your identification yes certainly here it is please take a look i used my passport to register for this exam a couple of weeks back if you need me to hold it closer just let me know okay try to repeat this after me we really just kind of smash these words together in natural english so just let me know just let me know okay just let me know one more time may i see your identification yes certainly here it is please take a look i use my passport to register for this exam a couple of weeks back if you need me to hold it closer just let me know all right okay cool so let's keep going next question of course is they're going to ask you for your name so now that you have your id you can stay you can sit the exam and then of course the next question is what is your full name okay so give your full name exactly the same way as it is in your passport otherwise they're going to look at you really strange or strangely alright 99b gamer says my last name is shrestha and my first name is shichi kashiti but you can call me by my nickname and maul all right animal yeah i would definitely would i have trouble pronouncing both your first and last name so all right but that's good that's a good answer uh navnit says my full name is navnit kawar but please call me by my first name navnit okay navnit that that works okay uh not with my first name by my first name by my first name okay viral ghati says my name is viral ramesh bee ghati please call me uh by my first name viral okay or viral viral maybe instead of viral darshan says my full name is darshan raishura you can address me as darshan darshan i wouldn't use the you can address me because in this case the examiner has seniority it's okay to say you can address me usually we use that when we're in a higher position than the person we're speaking to so um my name is adrian i'm going to be the manager i'm going to be your manager in the company you can address me as mr adrian okay that would be an example of you can address me as in many contexts okay so one more time when you use that form it's like hi welcome to your new job my name is adrian i'm going to be your manager please report to me if you have any questions you can address me as mr adrian okay so like that all right but in the ielts i would say stay away from it so azam says my full name is azam khan call me azmi yeah azam i would actually in that case say my full name is azam khan as you can see in my passport please call me by my nickname azme okay so my name is azam khan as you can also see in my passport please call me by my nickname ozmi okay so that's that's how i would do it because ozmy is clearly a nickname so um repeat after me what is your full name my name is azam khan as you can also see in my passport please call me by my nickname ozmi okay osmi uh for part one i will ask you some more questions to get to know you better and some questions on a general topic do you work or study very very common question i believe they asked me this as well yeah i'm like 99 sure they asked me this in my speaking exam also so really practice this one never get bored of it always sound like you're excited about this just give me one second here everyone new system i'm not sure what's going on uh just a moment i'll fix it okay so here we go still working out the bugs on this new system but we'll get there okay two moments i'll get us back on the screen not as exciting of a background anymore as uh the baby picture okay all right so back we are no worries okay um so uh we've got some good answers coming up jai neil says i both work and study i've been working as a technical illustrator at expert global since 2019 and studying english for this exam so that i can continue my further education abroad okay daniel that's a good answer just a couple of recommendations so um i do both work and study instead of the do i think you're doing that to emphasize but i think it's more it's smoother and more natural to just say i both work and study okay and definitely contract the i have been so i've been i've been when you have the bean with the i have it's very clear that you're using present perfect even if you contract the i have to i've so i've been working as a technical illustrator at expert global since 2019 okay all right let's see some more answers uh rashika says currently i am both an employee and a student i have been working as a nursing assistant for one year and i'm learning english to get the required marks for the ielts exam to join the workforce as a registered nurse abroad i can't see the rest of that rashika but that's a very good answer okay it's nice and clean and accurate all right sean says presently i both work part time as a waiter at a coffee shop near my home five days a week and uh study outs for my master's in biomedical engineering in the uk uh starting later this year okay good yeah that's great all right uh shakvir singh says i'm a student i've just completed my senior secondary education and now my wish is to go abroad so i'm preparing my documents including the ielts exam okay good so that works as well all right right on okay let's take a couple more for this one uh again show lots of fluency here students so uh charman says well i'm a full-time doctor and currently i'm working as an emergency medical officer at a private clinic in central dhaka division as well as i'm studying for my post-graduation in medicine okay very good nice that works all right rajvir says i've been working as a software engineer in a multinational company for the last seven years in parallel i'm also studying ielts for immigration purposes yeah very good so there are some nice words that you can use if you're doing both so currently i'm both working as a part-time lecturer at college teaching introduction to psychology for first-year students and simultaneously i am also brushing up on my english skills and learning for this ielts exam so that i can continue my phd later this year in the states okay all right great so i'm taking a little bit from what a few of you have said and giving you some nice vocabulary and even an idiom here to use when you're answering this question okay so here's again the question just repeat after me do you work or study okay currently i'm both working as part-time lecturer at college teaching introduction to psychology for first-year students and simultaneously i'm also brushing up on my english skills and learning for this ielts exam so that i can continue my phd later this year in the states okay so a couple of points to pay attention to the use of correlative conjunctions really makes communication sound more professional so both working and learning okay so you see that use of both working and learning okay that's called a correlative conjunction again that's very very useful and of course whenever you can use a little bit of a phrasal verb or a simple idiom to enhance your lexical resource like brushing up on does anybody know what brushing up on means in this case so um brushing up on and then here's another vocabulary simultaneously rajvir used in parallel these are the same okay so i'm teaching psychology for first-year students and simultaneously means at the same time in parallel means at the same time okay all right brushing up on improving is close preparing joelle is close rahul says working on um rahul says sharpening the skills uh rajvir says revising cool yeah so um close yeah enhancing um yeah brushing up actually means um if you want the more specific answer for this so brushing up on yeah some good guesses students brushing up on means improving [Music] and relearning reviewing okay so that's the sense of this idiom brushing up on um with idioms it's good to be visual so just imagine something that's old and then you're brushing up on it meaning you're moving your brush okay sorry guys my camera is bugging out here a little bit again it's a new system i'm just testing this out so i'm gonna figure out why that keeps happening uh to it but uh for now you'll just have to bear with me while i reset it um and uh meanwhile um i'll jump to the next question which is what will you do after this exam so give me a nice full sentence answer for that one what will you do after this exam just give me one moment i'll reset this camera one more time try a different port for this okay let's do it this way okay just a moment and do your best to answer this question while i'm doing a little bit of resetting here all right okay hopefully this will give us a little bit more juice okay so yeah so usually in the exam they'll ask you like um two uh maybe three of these uh warm-up questions okay let me just check this out okay that's not gonna work all right okay we'll get this sorted just give me a second all right and here we go okay all right just bear with me here i appreciate your patience okay all right there we go so let's take those off all right okay back we are okay um so let's see what we have here i see lots of great answers uh coming up okay all right so gal thumb says i'm planning to uh take my entrance exam in germany up one more time all right give me one more second i'm gonna try something completely different okay there we go okay i'm gonna do this one more time it's a much more powerful energy source that i'm using right now let's see if this will work and if this is good then problem solved again uh thank you for your patience i'm trying a new system here today so we'll see all right okay cool okay so um he says firstly i will visit my friend's apartment because yesterday we had decided to travel to a nearby temple together furthermore there's a birthday party where i will attend um it's my girlfriend's b day okay uh prithvi uh not bad just watch your grammar um there okay so you've got a few awkward use of the past tense so be careful about that okay all right uh rajvir says after this exam i'm planning to relax and watch some comedy web series i have been feeling a bit exhausted due to this exam preparation mostly we'll binge watch the big bang theory for a couple of days as cinemas are closed these days okay um yeah so that's a good answer it's nice and fluent absolutely okay sadesh says um maybe i'm off topic but do you get study material if you register for the computer-based exam similar to the paper-based exam uh sadesh i think that's a question there uh the speaking is the exact same for both the uh the paper and the computer based it's done face-to-face if you're asking about our websites then we have uh computer-based exams as well as paper-based exams on our website when you register for the uh premium course absolutely okay i'm not sure which one you were asking about there all right so again the question we're looking at right now is what will you do after this exam so you want to give a nice full fluent answer okay all right by fluent think about answer explanation example santiago pinzon says sincerely i plan to take a little break as i have been studying hard for this ielts and icfes standardized tests that are taken by all 11th graders in my country okay that's kind of known knowledge santiago so it's a little bit of an awkward answer but it's not bad okay so following this test i plan to chill out at home and eat a delicious meal most likely i will order a um yeah hawaiian pizza because i will be exhausted both mentally and physically so i do not want to uh bother with cooking and cleaning then i will kick back and watch a sci-fi flick and zone out all right uh so here is my response again repeat after me so what will you do after the exam this exam one more time uh what will you do after this exam following this test i plan to chill out at home and eat a delicious meal most likely i will order hawaiian pizza because i will be exhausted both mentally and physically so i do not want to bother with cooking and cleaning then i will kick back and watch a sci-fi flick and zone out okay so again i'm using uh lots of different types of vocabulary after this exam following this test okay you want to do that as uh quickly as possible with these simple questions where you're paraphrasing key elements of the question so what will you do after this exam following this test okay it's a nice paraphrase i plan to chill out at home and eat a delicious meal most likely i will order a hawaiian pizza so notice how here i don't just say pizza but i describe the pizza if you like pepperoni pizza fine meat lovers okay but definitely use adjectives so be descriptive with your language okay right um now the examiner will introduce the topic so let's talk about your exercise now pay attention it's not just exercise but it's your exercise it's dealing with you and even if you don't like to exercise you need to just pretend that you do and give some clear and fluent answers okay so if you don't exercise often pretend that you do pretend like you like jogging doing yoga playing football cricket all those different types of athletics okay you want to be fluent and you want to use vocabulary so please please please don't say well i don't exercise i just sit on my couch and eat potato chips all day it's a conversation killer don't be a conversation killer in the ielts okay they will not switch topics it doesn't happen all right so uh let's get into this uh first one here um how often uh do you exercise so give me a nice fluent answer for this one how often do you exercise okay all right sharman says well as i'm a doctor i have to rush to my clinic to see my patients and i have to maintain all of the outdoor emergency patients so uh i will certainly be very busy after this exam i think sherman you're answering the previous question um okay janil says i work out daily for about 30 to 45 minutes in the early morning so i can stay mentally and physically not stay well general but stay fit i usually do 20 minutes of running and then 10 to 50 push-ups and other exercises finish that sentence jenny other exercises okay classic says although exercise is an imperative part of life at the same time i do not get much quality time due to my chores to do this ergo i take part in football on the weekends okay not bad classic careful make sure you're speaking not just writing so put it all together okay josh says i have been working out since 2019 so i do exercise each time akash that's a really good start i love how you're using quantitative language since 2019 twice a day half an hour it's giving me lots of clear information quantitative language is really good especially when you have this how often maybe give me a little bit more fluency and tell me what kind of exercise you do okay so 15 minutes of stretching followed by 20 minutes of weight lifting all right so go into detail students this is where you can show your diction again as well okay all right so prathamesh says i often do exercise mostly 60. exercise is a crucial part of my everyday routine yeah don't generalize prathamesh so exercise is a crucial part of my everyday routine okay always bring part one back to yourself santiago says well it's not usual for me to exercise on a daily basis but recently i've been thinking of taking up jogging once a day practicing basketball with my friends santiago if i may give you advice from my personal life running every day it's really hard on the knees and back especially if you're at my age um over 35 let's just say that so i would recommend running every two days and anything else like swimming or weight training every other day okay so how often do you do exercise i exercise quite regularly at least four to five times each week i go running every other day and i mix at yoga weight training and swimming on days when i'm not out for a jog just this morning i ran an 8k in about 40 minutes along the beach near my home okay so answer explain example quantitative language definitely an asset definitely a benefit to get those higher band scores here we go so how often do you exercise again repeat after me so i exercise quite regularly at least four to five times each week i go running every other day and i mix yoga weight training and swimming on days when i'm not out for a dog just this morning i ran an 8k in about 40 minutes along the beach near my home okay not out for a job for a jog so take a note of this interesting uh phrase here every other day every other day means basically every two days so if i go running on monday then i'll go running on wednesday and then i'll go running on friday and then i'll go running on sunday so that's kind of the every other day okay practice that these kinds of expressions will help you to have original diction okay all right next question what is your favorite place to do exercise give me a nice full sentence answer for this one so what is your favorite place to do exercise answer explain example okay answer explain example miyuki says i love hiking and swimming since i live in hawaii i can probably to maintain my health especially my immune system or autoimmune system it's not the vocabulary miyuki that will get you the band scores so my immune system okay not just my health but my immune system because of course a strong immune system will help you fend off pathogens such as covin19 all right classic says there are a plethora of athletic sites available in located near my house is the one where i find my feet okay classic a little bit awkward careful not to use too many of these catchy words uh from online vid uh uh platform is overused these days um gothi says to talk about my favorite place for exercise my terrace uh palace nowadays outside my home due to this pandemic mm-hmm janeil says well my favorite spot to do a workout is my house's patio as i've just mentioned about what kind of exercises i do i set up some equipment and a treadmill on my big balcony so i feel that it's a fresh environment i breathe more oxygen as my balcony is less up on the 10th floor okay so a little bit more detail there daniel but that's definitely fantastic okay all right see some more here let's take one more so shakon says there's a park just 200 meters from my home where i go to jog and i've also um signed up for membership uh at a gym about two clicks from my home i enjoy going to both of these places for working out check on good i made a couple of corrections there shakon uh notice the favorite place to do exercise uh you have to kind of include that okay so i love working out at the local gym near my home it's called red gym and it is just a short five minute walk door to door the owner and people there are very friendly and the place has all of the modern equipment i need to get a full body workout i was just there yesterday doing an upper regiment all right so here we go again answer explain specific example repeat after me what is your favorite place to do exercise i love working out at the local gym my home it's called red gym and it is just a short five minute walk door to door the owner and people there are really very friendly and the place has all of the modern equipment i need to get a full body workout i was just there yesterday doing an upper body regimen fantastic lots of original words lots of detail an explanation of why it's my favorite place quantitative language of how close it is to my home lots of detail and an example i was just there yesterday doing an upper body regimen or an upper body workout okay all right next question let's keep rolling everybody's doing such a great job and again i'll give you feedback if i didn't catch you for the previous questions don't give up i always try to catch different students of course i do pay a little bit more attention to our members because they're easier to see their name is in green and of course they support us so we support them back but hey i try to split it up fairly so keep going okay next question can you improve your health more give me a nice full sentence answer for this one so how can you improve your health more thank you our pit okay the nickname says there are lots of exercises i can do to improve my health um well i thought of doing exercise even more regularly a half an hour of running and with a bit of diet uh maybe less sugar i have a sweet tooth i can lose a bit more weight and be even more fit okay nickname good nickname make sure that you are staying in the first person me my eye the whole way okay juan says in order to improve health aside from exercising it's key to have a good diet and eat different kinds of food last month i tried tofu and i'm planning to eat more of it instead of meat very good one tofu is great there's some really delicious tofu out there so if you start deep frying the tofu it's not as healthy anymore but it's very delicious all right kodi says i think i can do more health by at home these days due to the pandemic and doing some workouts at home also as well drinking orange juice every morning should boost my vitamin c and enhance my immune system during these challenging times yeah so orange juice very good lots of great vitamins specifically vitamin c and it's great for the immune system okay begzot is asking a question how can i improve my pronunciation uh beg zad pronunciation is not that important for the alts exam nor is it that important for english in the sense that there are thousands of different accents in english around the world uh english is very global so i wouldn't worry too much about accents but what you do what you can do exod is uh focus on phonetics uh do a lot of enunciation practice where you slow your language and really pronounce the all the key syllables and words and you can check the phonetics of words and phonetics exercises by just simply typing phonetics into google okay so english phonetics and start your pronunciation from there um [Music] there is uh an app as well we've worked with them in the past it's called elsa speak elsa speak they specialize in pronunciation okay so check that out how he does uh responds to this question to make my body even healthier i need to build muscle any person i would need to eat a bit more protein to build muscle and i've started to eat more meat and fish uh since last week okay very good uh yeah so in order uh to enhance my level of physical fitness even further i would like to um put on some more muscle mass and cut my body fat even more to do this i will add more time in the gym lifting heavier weights as well as i will drink protein shakes daily and to cut body fat i will do more cardio exercises like hitting the treadmill or the um rowing machine all right i just think of some new words to give you along the way uh while i respond to this question so here we go repeat after me how can you improve your health more in order to enhance my level of physical fitness even further i would like to put on some more muscle ass and cut my body fat even more to do this i will add a greater time in the gym lifting heavier weights as well i will drink protein shakes daily to cut my body and i will do an extra 20 minutes of cardio exercises like hitting the treadmill and the rowing machine okay so notice what i did there i wrote it down but while i was reading i realized that i used the word more too often so i adjusted vocabulary i made it more quantitative and less repetitive as well that's something that you want to do at home when you're practicing your speaking record your answers on your mobile phone listen back to them and say the answers again don't make too many changes unless the answer is really terrible but try to stick with the same or similar kind of answer just refine your answer by adding more detail reducing the redundancy of words paraphrasing more that's really useful and that's a very good exercise to do okay cardio exercises are exercises for the circulatory system for the heart cardiovascular is the full cardiovascular exercises notice how i use this word here muscle mass muscle mass as your actual chunky kind of bigger muscles that you build on your body you cut body fat okay notice this in the cut in this context so you cut your body fat sounds kind of bizarre but that's the way it's used okay um i don't really recommend drinking too many protein shakes unless you really do go to the gym and you need that i'm just using that as an example okay it's better to eat more fish and eggs go the natural way if possible all right okay uh so next question when do you exercise and why give me a nice full sentence answer for this one so when do you exercise and why here of course the examiner is specifically looking for a time so when do you exercise and why okay sudesh says i generally work out in the morning around 7 a.m i feel that in the early mornings the air is fresher there's more oxygen from the trees less smog from cars and that helps me to stay fresh throughout my regiment uh very nice sadesh i love how you reflect the word regiment that i used earlier very good uh cigar says normally the morning time is good for exercise for me and i do it at that time on the weekends because in the morning the surroundings are very peaceful and most of the people like the atmosphere very good okay nice answer says usually i do exercise in the early mornings before 6 a.m as this is the only time that's perfect for me to work out after that i have to get ready for my college classes and unluckily the bus arrives very early at my hometown all right cole you know what they say early bird catches the worm so very good jassy says in order to hit the gym i often opt for the morning times from seven to nine as this is not only great for wiping out early morning laziness but it's also recommended by a lot of experts jesse a lot not a lot a lot two words okay a lot of experts all right i enjoy working out early in the mornings between 6 and 7 a.m as i feel fresh and full of energy usually the air is clean or cleaner at that time because the morning traffic hasn't started up yet excuse me i went for a refreshing jog this morning at 6 a.m what i mentioned at the start the interview making a connection okay all right so here we go um the question is when do you exercise uh just repeat after me uh when do you exercise i enjoy working out early in the mornings between six and seven am as i feel fresh and full of energy usually the air is cleaner at that time because the morning traffic hasn't started up yet i went for a refreshing jog this morning at 6 a.m what i mentioned at the start of the interview okay so making some connections all right students i'm going to stop there for today thank you for your patience with those um technical hiccups again i'm using some new equipment here it sounds like um many of you are thinking it's it's better sherman says video is blurry but i think it's better than before so um we're gonna keep working on it we're gonna keep making it better and better and better uh for all of you so that you enjoy the experience as much as possible for hd videos that are pre-recorded with um very high-end gear uh check us out at for academic ielts and for uh general aisle swati you are very very welcome on both of those websites again you can practice your speaking with other ielts students uh for uh free okay all right um you're very welcome rashika thanks for the feedback viral gotti um have a lovely uh rest of your day i'm adrian i'm signing out from beautiful victoria on the west coast of canada much love to all of you bye for now you
Channel: AcademicEnglishHelp
Views: 8,640
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: IELTS, speaking, section, British, accent, part 1, part 2, part 3, high score, fluency, vocabulary, practice, sample, example, explanation, questions, types, complex, IELTS description, examination, dialogue, conversation, test, understand, examples IELTS speaking section, Lesson, Teacher, Learn, Student, Free, Intro, Tutorial, IELTS learning, interview, easy, Band 9, section 230
Id: 9Wv1iqlHMYE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 39sec (3519 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 28 2021
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