IELTS Live - Speaking Part 1 - Steps to a Band 9

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hi students and welcome to today's live ielts class my name is adrian and i'm streaming to you from beautiful victoria here on the west coast of canada i hope everybody is having a great day so far and uh you're looking forward to this class we're focusing on ielts speaking part one and we're going to discuss ben 9 fluency how to give some nice affluent answers hi carolina welcome to our moderator welcome members hi natalie j neil good to see our regular students kyber welcome everybody all right this class is presented to you by ae help dot com for academic ielts success please visit us there and for general adults please visit us at g on both of those websites we have loads and loads of help for you to improve your english and your communication let me just show you those real quick this is our academic alex website here with the blue background at and you can click this big red button to join our premium package we are a british council outs registration center and we are certified british council agents so all right uh nidhay welcome to the class all right kyber i'm definitely safe from covent for now thank you for your concern okay everyone so this is our general alex website here with the green background again click that big red button to join the premium package there all right so uh we do have apps academic ielts help and general ielts help if you're looking for apps just go to your google play or apple app stores and you can get them from there and also we have something exciting for you here um we've reached a thousand followers on our instagram and so we're giving away two courses for some students who are going to go through these four steps here so um we have this uh free course giveaway all you have to do is number one follow both of our um instagram profiles outside a help and gl's help and then you want to like our instagram posts that announce this giveaway uh share these instagram posts and tag three of your friends so go through these steps and you have a chance to win a free uh premium uh course all right content roasters good luck on your speaking test tomorrow okay again in our websites to check those out it's ae help dot com for academicouts and g for general ielts all right now this is a speaking class that we're doing doing today so make sure to speak and repeat and if anybody has questions for me you can always send me an email my email is adrian so you can get a hold of me there all right uh lucky ahmed i'm doing fantastic thank you for asking all right everyone uh so let's get into some speaking oh by the way of course as many of you are realizing the schedule has changed so i'm streaming at a different time than the last couple of weeks of course so the new schedule is according to this time here which is universal time or gmat time uh for members it's 12 30 to 13 30 and for the all chat class it's at this time which is 14 to 50 o'clock wednesdays to saturdays okay so members i see that there are lots of members in this class which is great i see natalie preeti joining lots of others which is fantastic members make sure tomorrow you attend class at 12 30 universal time okay so pay attention to that all right okay um so and tomorrow members we're starting with task one and then we'll have reading for everyone okay so um ielts speaking it is a uh 12 to 15 minute interview these days usually closer to 12 minutes okay and in that 12 minutes you have to prove your best english communication skills not your everyday communication skills in english but kind of your best english communication skills and i notice how i'm not just saying english skills but english and communication skills that's your goal all right so in order to do that you have to show lexical resource you have to show fluency you have to show grammatical range and coherence okay now they will pay attention to your pronunciation a bit um but pronunciation is not so important a lot of students really worry about that but that's not a deal breaker okay as long as your words are clear even with a thick accent you can get a band nine so most important is coherence that your answers are clear and accurate fluency is important it's a part of coherence grammatical range lexical resource those are important okay uh content roses is asking if the interviewer asks me what is your full name it is it necessary to say you can call me by my first name yeah so content rosters you should tell the examiner what they should call you okay because the examiners have difficulty with certain names especially so um and they want to be polite so they will ask you you know what you prefer to be called what's your nickname okay so definitely include that and we're going to start with that right now so let's warm up with some of these introductory questions and then i will give you some more tips about fluency and coherence as we go along okay so you go to your exam and your examiner will greet you they'll say uh welcome to the speaking portion of the ielts exam my name is adrian i will be your examiner for this part of the test this is candidate number seven three five uh two um the exam is held in munich at thirteen hundred hours and i'm recording this for clerical purposes firstly may i see your identification even before your name they're going to ask you for your id may i see your identification simply because if you cannot show your identification they will dismiss you from the exam even though you registered even though you showed your passport or your id before if you don't have it for the examiner they will dismiss you so you have to show your identification make sure you have it with you okay all right so uh amman judd says yes here's my passport that i used to register for this exam please have a look that works perfect kyber says yes here's my passport which i used for registration online please have a look that's great nice fluency ahmed says yeah sure this is my passport which i use for registration that's excellent ronnie says certainly here's my passport that i used to register for the test please have a look uh good nice everybody is uh using full sentences that's great carolina says yes here's my id that i used to register for the exam please have a look fantastic so right away you want to show fluency even with this question okay so yes certainly [Music] here is my passport that i used to register for the exam let me just find the page with my credentials okay here you go so be natural use your own diction all right uh again um speak and repeat everyone so may i see your identification yes certainly here's passport to register for the exam let me just find the page with my credentials okay here you go um so imagine that you're sitting there because of covid they will not take your id you have to just show it to them okay and so imagine that you're there you pull it out you go yes here's my passport that i used for registration uh just a moment let me find my credentials okay there you are all right and then they'll look at it and um the next question they will ask you is what is your full name okay so of course it's a part of that first interaction that greeting they want you to be comfortable so give your full name again use full sentences okay kyber says my last name is momond and my first name is kyber so you can call me by my first name kyber okay good nidhay says my first name is nidhay and the last name is karenpan please call me by my first name hey good again so nice natural comfortable fluent full answer okay ronnie says my given name is ronnie and my family name is raymond please just call me ron for short very good ronnie yeah so call me ron for short again be comfortable be natural okay kashirsha says my given name is kashirsha and my surname is uh ronan uh please just call me kaz for short very good okay uh cigar says my name is hansora cigar most of my friends and family members call me by my first name cigar so please just do the same cigar very good i would end that a little bit differently a little bit more gentle so i would say so please just do the same so instead of so you can use the same so please just do the same okay all right good so my full name as you can see in my passport is christina alexa mckinley please just call me by my nickname chrissy okay so um i'm just uh coming up with a fictitious name here of course uh repeat after me uh what is your full name uh my full name as you can see my passport is christina alexa mckinley uh please just call me by my nickname chrissy okay chrissy the speaking exam has three parts i will give you instructions for each for part one i will ask you one or two more questions um about you and then some questions about a general topic let's begin what did you do this morning so again a couple of warm-up questions often this will be do you work or study in this case what did you do this morning before you came to this exam okay aman judd says as usual i woke up at six o'clock and did some exercise then after bathing i uh took uh my breakfast and then that was prepared uh by my mom um yeah i mean i know the british like um using the word take like taking tea but um i would use the more specific noun there amanja i would say i ate breakfast that my mom made me some ham and eggs okay be specific sammy says well this morning i got up at 6 00 a.m and went for a morning walk for about an hour studied for some time for this exam and left home at 10 a.m to arrive to this exam center on time okay very good all right again i'm doing some real time corrections so make sure to pay attention to that and just copy what i say okay if something's not clear ask me and again record the time of my response and you can go back and check okay jesse says i woke up around seven in the morning and had a cup of tea then i um set my day with a 2k light walk after my exercise i dressed up to get to this ielts institute where um i had to be for 10 am okay jassy not bad careful with your word choice and grammar okay all right uh if you say i had a 2k light walk it would be awkward to say that that's a workout a little bit workouts are usually a bit more intense so i would say exercise okay uh by the way how is the lighting everyone carolina how's the the light right now is it too bright i'm trying to find the right balance between the light on me and the light in the background so if you're having trouble reading the board uh let me know okay so i can get the perfect setting it's quite hard to figure that out in live streams okay uh call deep says i got up early at 5 am this morning uh firstly i headed straight for the washroom after that i um gargled with lukewarm warm water for five minutes then i did some push-ups and then brushed my teeth and had a breakfast had a break is kind of weird there called deep so had breakfast okay all right so very good um i rolled out of bed around uh 6 a.m um brush my teeth had a glass of water then i got dressed and started studying and reviewing my notes for this interview i caught the bus near my home around 9 30 to get here on time all right um so here we go uh might as well show a little bit of idiomatic language early on whenever possible it doesn't mean using complicated idioms but just some um light idiomatic language so here we go what did you do this i rolled out of bed around 6 a.m brushed my teeth had a glass of water then i got dressed and started studying and reviewing my notes for this interview i caught the bus near my home around 9 30 to get here on time okay all right rolled out of bed um if you see new words or new expressions that i'm using make sure to write them down this is very visual it means to get up in kind of a difficult manner so you're not just the other one if you're getting out of bed very easily had a good night's rest would be popped out of bed i don't know about you but i sometimes pop out of bed but sometimes i roll out of bed so um it depends on you okay but you can get a little bit more specific with this all right um okay so let's see we've got some good answers here all right okay and the video seems to be good that's fantastic okay um so after this the examiner will introduce the topic of part one um it can be really about anything so uh for me when i took um the official ielts exam back in february the topic for part one was maths so when did i learn math and did i like math here's the topic for today for us let's talk about your numbers okay part one is about you it's your experiences okay so here we go let's talk about your numbers uh what is your favorite number and why uh give me a nice full sentence answer for this one so what is your favorite number and why okay give me a nice full sentence answer for this one okay a little mermaid says i have always been a fan of the number eight i consider it my lucky number my birthday is also the eighth of august besides i found the number eight was the easiest to write when i was in kindergarten that's a great answer little mermaid i can absolutely tell that it must be truly your favorite number um for dave says my number one digit is 23 when i was 23 years old i finished my tertiary education it's the first time i had been to a foreign country i got a brilliant job and finally met my wife wow for dobs that is a lucky number 23 for you very good all right it's a good number it's a great answer so that's what you want students the two answers that i read so far they're really good because they're fluent they give clear explanations and lots of details they're original so those would get high high band scores band nine even with some nice fluency okay uh sukdeep says to be honest i think all numbers have its own importance that's why i don't think that any number is special because any number did not help me in any specific case okay so deep that's an okay answer but that one is less original so um it's better to be specific in your answers okay so students try to avoid generalized answers and try to avoid negative answers so if you say well i don't have a lucky number or i don't have a favorite number um sure that's an answer and in everyday life i wouldn't really question you about that but during an exam that kind of answer doesn't let me know whether you're a band 8 or band 9 user of english ok because even a band 5 level person should be able to say i don't have a favorite number okay that's band 5 level speaking it doesn't show a band 8 or band 9. so it's better to come up with something jibbin bobby says my favorite number is three it's my lucky number and it helped me succeed in many situations especially in multiple choice questions okay jimin very good um sure so maybe give an example jabin like um uh last month i had a math exam and i uh chose the third answer uh for many questions that i didn't understand and got a 90 percent as my final score so give an example of how it helped you succeed in your multiple choice answers okay all right look at that so pretty like for dobs uh priti says my all-time favorite number is 23 because not only was i born on this day but it's also lucky for me um it used to roll my number during schooling i used to be first in class okay i'm not sure what you mean roll number or it used to be my roll number during school i get it okay vishnu says well when it comes to numbers the number two seems appealing to me um i don't have any particular reason but i reckon that when i believe this number in exams it seems to bring me positive results okay vishnu sure so that's great learn english easily says my favorite number is one because i always want to be first among others and this on a daily basis helps me to reach my goals and never give up very good okay so my all-time [Music] favorite digit is nine ever since it was my number uh in high school basketball i loved playing with my teammates and i felt that this number on my uh jersey brought me luck score uh many baskets since then i have picked this number several times in games of fortune and it has done well for me all right okay so here we go um what is your favorite number why uh you should always answer the why question even if they don't ask it okay so some examiners won't ask the why question until you just give a short answer then they'll ask you why for fluency for band nine fluency it's really really really important that you always give reasons for your answers okay so much more than just in casual conversation in the interview you want to always give an answer and an explanation a reason for your answer and then as much as possible give a smooth example don't say for example don't say for instance but just give the example okay all right so repeat after me what is your favorite number why my all-time favorite digit is nine ever since it was my number in high school basketball i loved playing with my teammates and felt that this on my jersey brought me luck to score many baskets since then i've picked this number several times in games of fortune and it has done well for me okay maybe if i was playing the lottery or some kind of a card game number nine as being lucky for me okay uh here we go next question all right everybody's doing a great job if i miss some of your answers don't worry i'll try to catch different students at different times so what number do you use often okay what number do you use often so uh make sure to give me a nice full sentence answer here as well give explanations and examples all right so jesse says i frequently use uh the number zero in my day-to-day life as uh most of my passwords contain the digit zero whether it's my mobile phone's front lock or my instagram login password okay jesse very good um let's see some more sami says i generally use uh the number three and seven because as i just mentioned that's my birthday it's on the third of april and seven is like the completion of the weekdays and a total of my birthdays three plus four seven okay sammy yeah here it's what numbers do you use often so it doesn't have to be a single number and it's kind of tricky because when you're in the outs you have to think outside the box so these aren't necessarily numbers 1 to 10 but it can be numbers like phone numbers or your address number or your password number okay so think outside the box malik pillow says the number i use often is three each day i like to uh list my three top priorities for today it was exercising talking with my family and working on my project i feel this keeps me focused and uh dedicated all right good so be direct with your answer students don't say well there's lots of numbers that are used daily but i just directly give your answers okay all right uh anil says i often use ten as i was born on this day it has a one and a zero both balancing the positive and negative thoughts and emotions uh this feeling helps me grow in a balanced way wow anil that's very metaphysical of you it's a good answer okay i mean there is no right or wrong answer on ielts and it does certainly sound original and that's very very important you want to sound like yourself so that's great okay so i can't read the cyrillic but the answer is honestly it is quite easy to notice a lot of numbers around you on a daily basis but i reckon that 100 is the most common for instance the very first thing that you see is a hundred percent on your phone okay so this is where you have to be careful um the question is about you not about me okay so what numbers do you use most often students be careful do not use the word you especially in part one because these questions are not about the examiner the examiner is asking about you and this is what i mean with coherence okay so here's a very important tip for today all right tip one the questions especially in part one are about you so use i me my myself do not use the word you as you are not talking about the examiner okay this is important for coherence right for good communication as well all right in everyday communication we do this to draw the attention of our listener but in good communication we shouldn't do this okay so what numbers do you use often the numbers that i frequently use our phone numbers of my friends and family as well as numbers for my regular let's just say for my daily errands such as online banking and logging into my email these digits i use at least once a day in fact i dialed my mom's number just this morning um to get some confidence from her for this exam all right there we go so here numbers don't necessarily mean specific ones two three four um it means uh numbers right house number address number those would be some other ones as well so here we go what numbers do you use often the numbers that i frequently use are phone numbers of my friends and family as well as numbers from my daily errands such as online banking and logging into my email these digits i use at least once a day in fact i dialed my mom's number just this morning to get some confidence from her for this exam okay i know that was a bit fast let's do that one more time so just repeat after me okay practice questions as well as answers so what numbers do you use often the numbers that i frequently use are phone numbers of my friends and family as well as numbers for my daily errands such as online banking and logging into my email these digits i use at least once a day in fact i dialed my mom's number just this morning to get some confidence from her for this exam okay so nice and fluent when you're practicing at home go through the same question and answer a couple of times so you really build that fluency and i highly highly recommend recording the question and the answer on your phone okay all right uh here we go uh next one i bet now you'll come up with some really clever answers for this one uh which numbers are important to remember okay another good question which numbers are important to remember can you give me a nice full sentence for this one of course you want to give the answer explanation and example okay all right sammy says some of the numbers that i remember easily are even numbers also dates like birthdays wedding anniversaries my graduation day and the day i joined my office uh for per for me particularly my wedding anniversary that's right sammy especially if your partner is watching that's a good one to emphasize okay yep uh marasa says well a few numeric digits which are important to keep in mind for me are like um emergency numbers uh my mobile password which i use uh thousands of times daily to unlock my phone okay mara so good that's an exaggeration that thousands of times daily but it's good it's a good exaggeration okay we do that that's natural very nice yeah okay i guess that a pivotal set of numbers um for a person for me to recollect is numbers zero to nine um because of the simple fact that all science and math is strongly related to it yeah don't use the word stuff and again avoid the word you okay all right let's see hanhan says um i think it would be simple numbers such as seven or six or birthdays graduation days when i celebrate these days and i want to memorize these for many many years to come so that i can be polite and sympathetic especially for brothers and sisters who i love very much right okay hon hon again talk about yourself so again a quick reminder everyone part one you need to talk about yourself okay natalie says i always learn pin codes for my credit cards it's important for me to remember these because um i don't want people to see them so i want to be able to input them in machines very quickly okay natalie the beginning is good the end of it's a little bit awkward rethink it all right cigar says my college roll number is the most important number for me to remember because it changes in the semester and i forget to write it then there will be mistakes in my grades for me and other students cigar you have a good idea it's a complicated idea so make sure that you only say that kind of an answer if you're 100 sure that you can clearly express what you want to say i kind of get what you want to say but it's not perfectly clear okay all right so be really careful with that students all right nico says most of the numbers for me are very important but the ones that i have to remember are my password numbers for my bank accounts because if i forget it i could be in a very awkward situation when i'm at a store trying to purchase goods and services okay yeah so which numbers are important to remember there are several strings of digits which are vital to store in long term memory for me these include my own phone number emergency numbers such as 911 for police or the fire department not only these but also my pin code for my bank and credit cards otherwise i could get into some highly awkward situations at the checkout counter in fact this happened uh to me once and i was super embarrassed okay so um here we go uh repeat after me uh which numbers are important to remember there are several strings of digits which are vital to store in long-term memory for me these include my own phone number emergency numbers such as 9-1-1 for police or the fire department not only these but also my pin code for my bank and credit cards otherwise i could get into some highly awkward situations at the checkout counter in fact this happened to me once and i was super embarrassed okay now this is a nice full complete fluent original answer hint tip number two very important when saying an answer of this length you have to be fluent otherwise the examiner could interrupt you because they will feel that you won't stop talking if they don't interrupt you and also they're trying to pay attention to time to make sure that they have enough time for part two and part three so when you practice this is a tip here okay so tip two when you practice an answer of this length make sure to be very fluent so that the examiner does not have the inclination or time to interrupt you okay so yes you can say an answer like this i gave the examiner answers like this during my interview but of course i had to be very fluent so you can't stop if i say that such as 9-1-1 for the police and fire department and then i stop here at before the knot only and i start to go um or up the examiner will go right to uh the next question they'll go right to the next question and they'll say okay are you good at math why or why not so they won't give you the chance then to continue so you have to be very fluent in that connection okay um so here we go uh next question are you good at math why or why not think of uh other ways to express the word math okay so are you good at math why or why not marasa says yes i'm perfect in mathematics since my childhood because it's very interesting for me as well as it's an important subject without maths it's almost diffic it's difficult to learn other science subjects like physics and chemistry okay marasa make sure you keep it about yourself sammy says yes i'm good at calculations because i studied bachelor of science mathematics not only that but also my father is a mathematics teacher so from my childhood he has taught me arithmetic now i'm planning to teach it in the future okay very good sammy i'm guessing you're definitely good at math uh reba says unfortunately not i'm not really good at math i feel that math requires good cognitive skills to solve uh numerous equations i start feeling under the weather when someone asks me a math question um feeling under the weather means that you feel physically sick like you have the colder flu so um that's not quite the right expression there reba would use something different if you're looking for an idiom there are some nothing's coming to mind for me but um you should say i feel anxious or i feel nervous when someone asks me a math question okay or another one that you could use reba is uh whenever a person asks me a math question i'm definitely out of my comfort zone if you want to use an idiom there okay all right assad beck says i'm not into math because there are too many formulas that i should learn and i've got no interest in arithmetic particularly however i am good at counting uh especially at counting money haha okay very good i said it's a nice answer and good use of idiomatic language there absolutely so i wouldn't say that i'm a genius when it comes to arithmetic by any means i've struggled with this subject ever since elementary school i have a hard time working through the uh equations i'm more of a social person he never took the time to um really get into this area of science okay so here we go you don't always have to answer positively however it's often easier so if you do answer uh in a negative way then make sure you give a clear complete answer so are you good at math why or why not i wouldn't say that i'm a genius when it comes to arithmetic by any means i've struggled with this subject ever since elementary school i have a hard time working through the logic of equations and i'm more of a social person so i never took the time to really get into this area of science okay next question have the way people use numbers changed compared to a couple decades before really pay attention to the present perfect in this question everyone so in your answer you should include that so again have the way people use numbers change compared to a couple of decades before okay give a nice complete sentence answer for this one as well okay all right murasa says yes it has changed as compared to the past like nowadays people okay good mora so good start with the present perfect okay ratchet says well they have changed a considerable amount i would say yes due to the basic counting of goods and services nowadays people don't need calculators for uh sim for complex equations they can just simply uh use their mobile phone or the till okay ratchet um careful with your uh grammar and um your word choice sami says i would say no because numbers are the same um in decades past and there are different types of numbers i've been using like numerical and roman numbers but when it comes to computers like coding okay good sammy use the present perfect i would say it hasn't instead of saying i would say no i would say it hasn't meaning it hasn't changed okay all right for dobbs says yes it has evolved nowadays people mostly type numbers uh and 20 or 30 years ago people uh often used to write numbers with pen or pencil yeah so the medium of um writing down numbers has changed for sure in the past decades prior people wrote numbers down with pencil and pen but nowadays we type numbers into our phone and into computers yeah very good kashirsha says i think the way people use numbers has definitely changed nowadays people don't pay so much attention to doing arithmetic like adding and subtracting numbers while doing their groceries they can just simply use technology to help them figure out equations um very good kashirsha so i finished that sentence for you i see the finish later that was good um all right nicely done okay assad beck says yes it has because nowadays people think math is life because it's completely every day we use numbers but a couple of decades ago our parents and grandparents didn't use numbers as frequently as we do now yeah a sudden back valid argument especially in the world of computers the use of numbers has become very frequent yep and passwords and pin codes so we definitely use a lot of numbers these days okay uh hopeless romantic says obviously we have seen a dramatic change in the use of numbers nowadays they're not only used for calculating but for coding as well in the digital age of computers numbers have become extremely important for most people's work okay i added the have and have been the present perfect students it's very very important for your fluency and coherence that you reflect the grammar of the question so if the question uses have make sure to reflect that okay so yes the use of numbers uh has certainly evolved and changed um much over the past 20 to 30 years as technology becomes increasingly more common so too does the demand for numbers i would say that my parents back in the day uh hadn't needed to use numbers in their daily dealings as much as people do now with what i mentioned earlier like pin codes and passwords okay there we go so um here we go uh the way people use numbers changed compared to a couple of decades before couple of decades decades means 10 years couple of decades means 20 30 years roughly so again paraphrasing using the grammar of the question have present perfect so yes again repeat after me yes the use of numbers has certainly evolved and changed much over the past 20 to 30 years as technology has become increasingly more common so too does the demand for numbers i would say that in my parents that for my parents back in the day they hadn't needed to use numbers in their daily dealings as much as people do now with what i mentioned earlier like pin codes and passwords okay so get the present perfect into your answer notice how here i changed it as technology has become so another uh present perfect okay all right everyone fantastic work today again a quick reminder that we have new times for these live classes so tomorrow we'll have writing task one for members an hour and a half before this class and then at this time at the time of this class we'll have some reading practice and strategy for everyone so make sure to come back and join for that now remember that you can practice your speaking for free on our website at and and if you like this video and you want more hd videos and content join our premium package go to for general outs click the big red button one time payment lifetime access and for the academic outs the blue big red button click that you can get a lifetime access one-time payment i hope i see all of you tomorrow uh for some more english some more communication and i wish you all a lovely rest of your uh day uh that's it for now keep up the good work everyone you're very welcome uh you'll do's okay you're welcome monvar much love to all of you remember that you're smart beautiful people don't let life get you down ever i'm adrian bye for now you
Channel: AcademicEnglishHelp
Views: 13,063
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: IELTS, speaking, section, British, accent, part 1, part 2, part 3, high score, fluency, vocabulary, practice, sample, example, explanation, questions, types, complex, IELTS description, examination, dialogue, conversation, test, understand, examples IELTS speaking section, Lesson, Teacher, Learn, Student, Free, Intro, Tutorial, IELTS learning, interview, easy, Band 9, section 230
Id: nzkZYu7aUE0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 29sec (3329 seconds)
Published: Wed May 05 2021
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