IELTS Band 9 Speaking practice with YOU!

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[Music] welcome to ielts test preparation videos are you ready let's practice for a band 9. you are the candidate and i am the examiner after your practice i will face off with another examiner to show you exactly how to do this remember use the time between my questions to give an answer an explanation and a smooth example the subtitles are there to guide you but i encourage you to try and give your own answer first let's begin welcome to the speaking portion of the ielts exam my name is adrian and i will be your examiner for this part of the test and i will record this for marking purposes what is your full name may i see your identification thank you okay here's your passport back for part one i will ask you a few more questions to get to know you better and some questions on a general topic how did you come to this exam do you have any hobbies let's talk about walking how often do you go for a walk where do you usually walk do you like to walk at a fast or at a slow pace what do you like to wear on your feet when you go for a walk have your walking habits changed in the past 10 years and if yes how if you could walk around any place for an hour where would you go and why that is the end of part one now we will continue with part two before watching this part one speaking interview between me and another examiner for that band nine i want to tell you about a really special opportunity with lingoda to perfect your english for your next ielts speaking interview with intensive three months of practice with real professionals when you complete the super sprint event which is 30 classes each month one hour a day for three months lingoda will refund 100 of your payment or you can choose the sprint event which is 15 classes each month one hour a day and lingoda will refund 50 of your payment upon successful completion the next sprint event starts january 15 2021 but you must sign up no later than december 28 2020. spaces are limited so hurry up and book your spot today both the sprint and the super sprint event require a 49 euro deposit but wait lingoda has given us this special code also in the video description to save 10 euros from this registration fee and lingoda will even refund this registration fee upon successful completion in addition when you sign up for the sprint or super sprint event you will get free access to cambridge's online speaking tests over 35 000 people have participated in past sprint events many of these were ielts students who then got high band scores and succeeded on their exam to join university or to immigrate abroad i have been learning spanish with lingoda for the past few months and so far i've been loving it classes are small there are an average of three to four students in each class so you get lots of time with the tutors to practice your speaking in order to help you with your progress lingoda has a gift for you a habit tracker that will be sent to you by email once you register for the next sprint event this will allow you to keep track of your progress and make sure that you succeed this is the perfect plan for you to get those high band scores on your next ielts exam now let's continue practicing part two and part three of the speaking interview followed with an example where i face off with another examiner for part two here is a card with some questions on that please don't turn it over yet here is some note paper and a pencil you will have one minute to look at the card read the questions think about your answers and then you will have two minutes to speak i will tell you when to start and when to stop your one minute preparation time begins now go ahead and turn over the card your two minutes preparation time is up please begin speaking your two minutes is up i will stop you there and now i'm going to take back the note paper and the card with the questions and the pencil and we will continue with part three for part three i will ask you some more questions related to the topic of part two let's talk about recycling and waste how has waste management changed over the past century how will it change in the future some people neglect to recycle their rubbish as they used to what can be done to discourage this behavior why is this important which behaviors should be encouraged in current and future generations to reduce waste and safeguard the environment how can this be done let's talk about nature's wisdom if people continue to abuse the environment what will be the consequences what are the warning signs of such consequences that we can observe today some people believe that it is too late for people to reverse the damage already done to the planet do you agree with this why or why not that is the end of part three and that concludes the speaking portion of the ielts exam you will have your mark in about 10 days time with the other sections have a great rest of your day and do remember to take your passport with you welcome to the speaking section of the ielts exam my name is eva and i will be your examiner for this part of the test the test will have three parts i will give you instructions for each part and i will have to record this for marking purposes so in the first part i will ask you a few questions just to get to know you a bit better and then after that some questions about the general topic uh first of all what is your full name my given name is adrian and my surname is lee please just call me adrian okay adrian may i see your identification please yes absolutely here's my passport thank you [Applause] okay that's fine thanks thanks so how did you come to this exam well i came to this exam by public public transit i took the number three metro about six stops and then walked for about another three minutes i was a bit nervous so i didn't want to drive do you have any hobbies i do i have a few hobbies namely collecting coins and comics i just love the stories that these items tell okay now let's talk about walking how often do you go for a walk i often go for walks i would say at least two to three times each day just because there are so many places conveniently located near my home such as the grocery shop grocery shop or the gym where i work out where do you usually walk well as i had just said um either to buy groceries a couple minutes from my flat there's um a nice big store and um red gym which is approximately two minutes about 200 yards from my flat i go there three times a week as well i go to the mall that's a couple blocks away to do my banking do you like to walk at a fast or a slow pace i'm definitely a fast walker often people are asking me to slow down when i'm walking with them some people even say that i walk almost at the pace of a slow jog i really like to just get to where i'm going and not waste time what do you like to wear on your feet when you go for a walk mostly i wear sneakers i have a comfortable pair of running shoes and that's what i wear i'd say about eight months of the year and then in the summer time i switched to sandals have your walk-in habits changed in the past 10 years i think the way that i walk has improved quite a bit especially in the last two years just because i've been running recently which i didn't do before and i used to walk a little bit pigeon toed so now my feet are a little bit more straight when i'm walking uh if you walk around any place for an hour where would you go given the chance to take a 60 minute stroll anywhere in the world i would probably choose maybe the burj khalifa in dubai i've never been there and it looks like an incredible building i'm sure i could spend an easy hour uh walking around okay thank you that is the end of part one now we'll move on to part two for this i will give you a card with some questions on it don't turn it over just yet you will have one minute to read the questions and prepare your answers and also you can take some notes if you wish here's some notes paper and also pencil that you can use after the one minute preparation time you will have two minutes to talk about the topic i will tell you when to start and when to stop is that okay okay then let's begin your one minute preparation time starts now okay uh your one minute preparation time is up uh please begin speaking uh an idea that i had not so long ago sometime last july to help protect nature is to organize a community cleanup crew in my neighborhood i had this idea because i'd been walking around in the neighborhood over the last few years since i moved to this region and i noticed that there was a lot of waste just carelessly thrown away by people pop bottles plastic containers even styrofoam newspapers and then ditches near the on the sides of the road and in the park so i came up with the notion to campaign around my block and ask my neighbors to join forces with me and create basically a group who would gather every saturday morning for an hour or two and on designated routes pick up all of the garbage that we see sort the garbage into different kinds of recycling bins for papers plastics metals and glass in order to make this idea become a reality i needed to do the work talk to the neighbors as well as organize a schedule i used google drive to coordinate all the people and then we submitted a proposal to our local municipality for some funding for the equipment this idea worked out really well and it's functioning to this day the neighborhood is a lot cleaner as a result and we can see that um everybody's enjoying the surroundings the parks are cleaner i'm sure the plants are happier as well and it might even be having a positive effect on tourism in our local area just because it's more pleasant to stroll around in the parks and in the streets okay your time is up so this is the end of part two please can i have the card slam the paper bag thank you okay so now we will continue with part three in this part i will ask you a few questions that are related to the topic of part two okay so let's talk about recycling and waste how has waste management changed over the past century well i would say that a hundred years ago there really wasn't a system in place to manage garbage perhaps in the cities garbage was collected and taken away otherwise i believe that recycling was virtually unheard of as were these days we have waste management systems that separate especially dangerous ways such as chemicals from other rubbish and of course now we have well-established recycling centers which refurbish or reuse a lot of the materials such as plastics and metals how will it change in the future i think that as technology improves so too will the ways that we manage our waste especially as nature puts a greater strain on humans to pay more attention to this for our own survival and benefits so i think that even more kinds of materials will be recyclable and i think that people will also be forced to reuse a lot more of their containers and other products than in the past some people neglect to recycle that rubbish as they should what can be done to discourage this behavior that's a very valuable and important question in today's society i think that in order to stop people from avoiding their recycling responsibilities government's authorities have to step in and basically punish them with strict fines such as a thousand dollar fine if they are to find plastics and paper combined with their garbage bins why is this important this is critical for the prosperity and survival of the human race the resources on our planet are finite and if we don't take care of them we will have less of them and eventually it will lead to our own demise which behaviors should be encouraged in current and future generations to reduce waste and safeguard the environment well there are two very important factors in response to this firstly people have to be motivated to reuse what they have so rather than throwing away paper coffee cups every day using a plastic mug that they refill and even take with them to the coffee shops furthermore i think that people need to consume less so we live in a world of over consumption where people are buying a lot more than what they need and therefore they're creating a lot of excessive garbage and this has to eventually stop how can this be done well i don't think this will be easy but i do believe that people can achieve these goals with some education and other types of motivational factors such as taking people out to nature and showing them the beauty of the world around them the forests the plants the animals so that they develop the respect needed to make these changes in their behaviors let's talk about nature's wisdom now if people continue to abuse the environment what will be the consequences i think that a lot of the consequence consequences of neglecting nature are are already evident around us with the disappearance of many species of flora and fauna i'm sad to say that i believe tigers may be an animal that our grandchildren will no longer be able to see because there are so few of them and eventually i think that people themselves might eventually might become extinct if we don't take better care of nature what are the warning signs of such consequences that we can observe today well what i've just said the disappearance of certain species also the contamination and pollution that we can observe in our daily lives with the changing colors of lakes and rivers where in our childhood many of the rivers around us were crystal clear now they're brown and murky also the deforestation that we can see when we're in a plane and we look down where there used to be forests and there are now no longer such forests some people believe that it is too late for people to revise the damage already done to the planet do you agree with this why or why not um i don't agree with this although i sound pessimistic i do like to think of myself as an optimist and i believe that humans are incredible especially when we band together to fix problems and i do think that we will be able to come up with solutions to pollution and the damage that we've done such as building better recycling centers but even better waste management what we talked about earlier and i think humans will be forced to just consume less for their own survival okay and that is the end of part three which concludes the speaking test your mark will be available within two weeks along with the marks for the other sections as well enjoy the rest of your day and make sure to take your passport thank you thank you bye-bye bye to get over 100 hours of video lessons with strategies and practice to help you get those high band scores as well as original practice exams and a fully interactive course visit and join us at also make sure to download and link our app academic ielts help begin learning for success today subscribe to our channel click over here watch another video click right up here and click our ielts hero to join our 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Channel: AcademicEnglishHelp
Views: 446,930
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: IELTS, speaking, practice, band 9, section, examiner, candidate, official marking, band score descriptors, cue card, score 9, interview, British, accent, part 1, part 2, master, pass, high, part 3, fluency, vocabulary, sample, example, explanation, questions, types, complex, IELTS description, tip, trick, strategy, dialogue, conversation, test, understand, IELTS speaking section, lesson, teacher, learn, student, free, intro, tutorial, IELTS learning, easy, brave people, English lesson, English tutorial, English
Id: -vW-QUI__LA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 32sec (1772 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 18 2020
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