IELTS Live - Vocabulary Learning for Band 9

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hi students and welcome to today's live ielts class my name is adrian and i'm streaming to you from beautiful victoria here on the west coast of canada i hope everybody's having a good weekend staying healthy staying strong welcome to this class today we are looking at ielts vocabulary so what kind of vocabulary to study how to study vocabulary so that you can get those higher even the band 9 scores this is a members chat class of course everybody is welcome to watch there's a lot to learn to become a member of our channel just simply click next button on the channel this lesson is presented to you by ae for academic ielts success visit us there for the general ielts check us out at g that's on both of our websites we have lots and lots of materials to help you improve your communication and your english so that you can score better welcome janelle hi rajvir we will be using these websites in just a moment this is our academic website here with the blue background you can click that big red button to join the premium package it is a one-time payment for lifetime access we are an official british council ielts registration center and certified british council agents this is our general uh ielts website here again with the green background and you can click that big red button to join us there welcome for dobs all right everybody so we are moving along nicely with our new schedule if anybody has any questions you can always contact me at adrian schedule 90 minutes from now today we will have one as well it will be speaking part three and then sunday to tuesday we usually do not have classes our classes go from wednesday uh to saturday so um after today the next class will be on the 12th and that will be speaking part one for everybody hi kyber good to see a good number of members in the class already all right um so uh we're going to get right into some vocabulary learning uh we haven't talked about this topic in a while members so i thought i would do a class i think maybe some members know about this and some newer members probably don't but i think it's a good time to go through this because vocabulary is fairly important of course for success on the alts exam in the writing section they do look at lexical resource in the speaking section they look at lexical resource it's one of the uh marking categories and lexical resource basically means uh your and let me ask you anybody know what lexical resource means outside of just the idea of vocabulary so uh when we say lexical resource and you're getting marked on lexical resource uh what does that what do they actually think about so your ielts speaking and writing section gets marked on what they call lexical resource okay but what does that actually mean i mean why don't they just say something simple like vocabulary okay so why do they why do they quote fancier term of uh lexical resource what do you what do you think that means so when al says okay we're marking you on your lexical resource um what does that mean okay so rajvir says they're marking you on phrases collocations as well kyber says resource rich with vocabulary like idioms uh phrasal verbs yeah so definitely you're on the right track so it's the ability of the candidate to use a variety of vocabulary tools like uh phrasal verbs collocations even slang okay and you're speaking slang and also to be dynamic with your vocabulary so you're able to paraphrase this is what i keep of course reiterating in classes paraphrasing expressions metaphors okay so lots of different types of um of uh parts of the english language okay so that's what they're looking for um and then of course importantly um able to fluently okay so using that lexical resource fluently all right that's that's really really really important all right okay um so uh let's talk about daily words here a little bit so i've got a couple of topics to go over with you today nicely step by step um [Music] here's an interesting question that i think is important to think about how many words uh do you think the average native english speaker uses on a daily basis okay what would be your guess members so um what's the variety or the range of vocabulary that an average native speaker of english uses on a daily basis okay what do you think that number is all right danielle says two to three hundred words kyber says a thousand words for dobbs says ten to twelve thousand um rodriguez says maybe around five hundred yeah so um according to people linguists that have kind of measured this they say about 500 so uh roughly 500. so it might be a little bit different for each different person but their range is roughly above or so they say but let's say it's maximum of 500 to 1000 depending on okay so in some ways it's not a lot okay now for dav says 10 to 12 000 that's roughly the total vocabulary bank of the average person is 10 to 12 000. now of course um the english dictionary has a lot more words than that it's the biggest uh um vocabulary base in the world now is the english dictionary anybody know how many words there are in english today according to the dictionary just fun and guess big okay all right oh it's good to see you in the class as well so i haven't seen you in a long time that's great uh janil says a million rajvir says about a million uh yeah actually what i've heard jaineel regivery you're not so it's a good guess you guessed big that's great i've heard is it's closer to 1.5 million you might want to do your research on this but i've heard it's closer to 1.5 million if we count all of the technical words okay um so why am i asking these questions um and uh what's my point here my point is that there aren't really um any people in the world today that know all of the english language not even close okay so learning english is a lifelong process and native speakers come across new words all the time and have to learn new words all the time as well okay so um if you think about the fact that we really only use 500 to 1000 words a day and there's 1.5 million words in the english language there's a really big gap between the actual use of english and the total amount of english that's out there so of course a good question that people should ask is well what should i learn so what english vocabulary should i learn and that leads me to my next topic here which is choosing words so choosing the words to learn okay right um os i don't actually think that 1.5 million includes the phrases and idioms so those are separate that would be even more because those are just paraphrases it's actually always the 1.5 million is 1.5 million unique words okay so um yeah it's i mean a lot of those words os we have to keep in mind for that 1.5 million they are technical words so uh we live in the information age and uh over the last 20 or 30 years we have produced a lot of new uh science a lot of new information whether it's technology like the internet computer science or medicine biology and all of these fields are producing these words in the english language because it is the global language it's the language of science business so those are all being produced in english so the the technical words do make up a big piece of that 1.5 million um but of course it's for choosing words it's important to know words that are in your field so if you're studying engineering you have to learn words that are part of engineering okay um so let's talk about choosing words so how many words should you learn what should you learn before the ielts um what do you think okay so let me start it with a question here again so uh ideally you want to start studying for the ielts at least three months before your exam okay keep this in mind so you should start to study for ielts 90 days or more before your exam how many words do you think you should learn each day okay so how many new words should you target learning each day what do you think what's a realistic number so in our adult minds what would be a realistic number okay uh rajvir says five to seven words says five to ten uh kyber says three to five okay i would say you should shoot for about five okay so um you should focus on learning uh five new words okay per day meaning both understanding and using these words all right now if you think about it that means that if you actually do start 90 days before your ielts exam as i'm suggesting here and you're learning five new words that means you're going to effectively learn about 450 new words adding to your vocabulary before your exam so 90 days times five words means uh for your exam 450 new words okay that's pretty good so of course uh you already have base english you're already at an intermediate level so this is just expanding your vocabulary and as long as you can expand your vocabulary by these 450 words you're definitely on the right track to really improve your scores uh for all sections of the exam okay kyber says if you have time seven to eight ten to one hundred i say just five so um if you've got that time if you got the 90 days or 100 days before your exam five words is a good number uh five words it's it's challenging uh with busy schedules uh to learn more than five words well okay all right um janeil says uh plus the one to two hundred we already know i think i know that a lot of the students um a lot of our members actually know more than 200 so you probably know even a thousand okay um so think about it this way um i'll give you a little bit more information here janelle for a band 8 to 9 on ielts you should have a total vocabulary of about 2 000 plus words okay so i would say 2 five hundred words okay that's a good starting point for those higher higher band scores so you're basically adding another twenty to thirty percent of words uh to your vocabulary base okay all right um so let's keep talking a little bit more about choosing words um so what words should we choose so what words should i learn for the ielts that's a great question we get that question often i'm going to show you uh on our website where you can find vocabulary and anybody can do this so this is for the academic outs but you'll find this on the general outs as well and then you log into your my student account and when you're in your my student account uh in the top right if you're using a computer on your phone it'll just be at the top you'll find this blog okay and in our blogs you find a lot of different topics we have several hundred articles now in the blogs and this is kind of new so even for our older members you might not have seen this uh we have these uh categories in the blog i know it's a little bit bright so bear with me here ielts focus ielts uh information learning materials preparation and in here we actually have of course it's alphabetical um ielts vocabulary and now most of these are organized so you'll see that there's 11 uncategorized but we have lots here that are organized so click on that ielts vocabulary i'm going to darken the screen a little bit so you can see this clear just give me one second okay let's do that all right okay yeah prethemes i got you i'm on it so let me darken this up a bit okay all right so that's better all right so here you have uh some different articles okay um you have ielts uh linking words connectives and there are some explanations there on how to use them as well okay and then um there's this one here which is ielts vocabulary all right on the website and click on read more and then here we have a really nice blog article about uh 570 words okay so here you can see that so here is a list of 570 words often used in english writing okay so a couple of very clever i think linguists um professors in new zealand uh decided to statistically analyze which words are the most commonly used in english writing especially for academic purposes okay yeah jacob you can use neutral words for sure there's no there's no rule of what you cannot use jacob um in the academic exam you should not use contractions but we can talk more about that later so i'm gonna stay focused here on this um i'll give you a chance to ask me some questions later jacob so keep that in mind okay all right so uh in this blog article we actually do go through the steps of what you need to do for effective vocabulary learning i'm going to talk to you about that in a lesson today okay and you can review this later on the website at or okay all right um so here we have this list it's called avril cox heads high incidence academic word list you can find this online it is open source this is the name of the professor or one of the professors that worked on uh this project and then you're going to see these numbers here like number one okay the number one means that these are the most common words used especially in academic literature in the english language and they're alphabetical so you can see um analyze analysis approach area assess assume authority and then this continues and we have all 570 you see that here we have a number two so these are of second highest frequency okay and then it goes all the way oh so it goes all the way to 10. uh now 10 doesn't mean that these words are not used like adjacent albate assemble collapse colleague compile so these words are also used they're quite frequent they're just not as frequent as number one okay they're 10 compared to that but they're still very frequent so you should make sure that you can learn all of these uh 570 words if you can learn all 570 before your ielts exam that would be absolutely great okay and of course you probably already know many of them like let's say the word colleague which of course is a synonym for co-worker so if you already know the word colleague and you're sure that you can use it effectively okay knowing and really knowing are two different ideas so if you're like oh yeah colleague i've heard of that word before i think it means co-worker well that doesn't mean that you perfectly know it so you should work on it to make sure that you can use it as well okay so uh again if you know the word cross it out if you kind of know the word then practice with it if you don't know the word uh for sure try to learn it okay now you don't have to stick to this list of course you can uh add to it you can add phrasal verbs idioms as you go along as well okay but the idea is to choose uh five words from this list each day okay so um i'm going to just choose a couple randomly okay uh there's a nice one i'm going to i'm going to choose a number 10 word here i'm going to choose encounter so right now i'm gonna make our lives brighter here in a moment don't worry about it okay this is just for an example so i'm going to use the word encounter all right let me choose another one when you're choosing these it is a good idea to kind of start from the top and i do not recommend choosing in an alphabetical order for the brain it's not the best way to be alphabetical okay so let's go with derive okay so that's a level one word i would start from the top here okay so let's go derive all right and i'm gonna pick one more maybe from uh level two category so let's go with um institute okay sure so we'll pick those three words and i'll make our lives brighter here so you can see everything nice and clear all right there i am back again not just my silhouette okay cool um all right so uh you know that that vocabulary list is there check that out later go through it start picking out your words um and then uh you want to do of course five each day we're going to do a few together uh today and i'm going to show you the correct strategy for what you should do okay so first of all for this correct strategy very importantly the first step is create an easily accessible um word notepad and audio file on your mobile phone okay uh when i this vocabulary lesson to aisle students many years ago i said to have kind of a paper and pencil that you can have in your pocket and i think that's still a good idea but we have technology now most of us carry around our mobile phones with us all the time every day so what you want to have is you want to have a notepad and an audio file on your home screen or one of your main screens on your mobile phone so that you can access that at any time anywhere is that clear members so it's very important that this vocabulary that you're learning is in front of you it you don't have to open a computer you don't have to be at home to see it you don't have to dig through your phone to be reminded that you have it it has to be in front of you accessed daily okay this has to be routine this is very important it's not going to work if if you're not doing that is that clear okay i'm getting a lot of thumbs up so that's good so when you create the audio file when you create the uh notepad put it on the main screen of your phone so it's right there all the time okay because here's it says i do it all the time all right kashirsha you're on the right track okay so not hidden in some folder of a folder of a folder that's not going to work okay all right and then your first step is what i just showed you here after that or your next step i should say is pick five words okay so number two uh pick five words from the list all right um so i picked a few here to show you uh today on what you need to do okay uh now when you pick a word okay uh the first um step is to define the word okay so after you picked the five words then the next step i should say is to define the word okay so begin with a clear definition okay so here we go encounter uh what does encounter mean so first of all we want to fix no or want to figure out that it's a verb okay and it's a regular verb so encountered and what does it mean um okay osman says to meet or come across um so come across as the phrasal verb version of it okay and what does it actually mean to meet someone accidentally very good prathamesh yeah so encounter means to meet a someone or something okay you can encounter an object as well meet someone something accidentally okay so that is the definition all right b so once you have the definition for the word the next step of course is to write and record an example sentence with this word okay pay attention to make the sentence a complex and b include yourself and c unique okay funny sad scary okay so it's really really important when you're learning vocabulary that you create sentences um which are complex which include yourself which are unique funny or sad that way your brain will hold on to that information and will be able to recall that information much much much much better than if you're using some kind of just a common everyday sentence okay so khalid saying include yourself in the example absolutely okay so let me show you what is not effective okay or i should say ineffective right effective example for encounter would be something like john encountered let me so john encountered his friend uh sarah at the store okay um so this would be a highly ineffective way to learn this vocabulary and unfortunately this is what you get in a lot of vocabulary textbooks that's why i'm not too impressed with a lot of the vocabulary textbooks out there because they give you these really basic examples and you practice with them and then students are surprised why they don't really learn the vocabulary after they finish the exercises in the book and it's because this is so uh boring and it's uh irrelevant in our lives it's not connected uh with our own experiences or ideas so john encountered his friend sarah at the store is just not a good way to learn vocabulary okay so this is not effective okay this is ineffective learning okay so rather you want something like i encountered a little green alien while i was traveling to the moon who helped me with directions okay so this would be an effective sentence why because here i'm using the word in my own context so i referring to myself okay so i'm included immediately my brain catches this information because it says well what i'm going to the moon let's hold on to that information okay uh a little green alien so not just some person like sarah but a little alien like yoda okay um and then complex sentence so while i was traveling to the moon so during that time that i was going to the moon who helped me with directions maybe i was a little bit lost where's the moon okay so it's kind of fun funny um i'm able to hold on to this information okay all right i can see members are already practicing uh for this kind of strategy which is great uh jainil says i encountered my al's teacher mr adrian at the mall which is next to my home when i was shopping for clothes there yeah janil um it's not bad if i wanted to make that even better janil i would make it not the mall but something a little bit more interesting so i encountered my alt teacher mr adrian at disneyland while i was on the mickey mouse roller coaster that would be even more kind of catchy so you want to make them as catchy as possible okay kyber says we've encountered an enormous problem which will lead to a lot of difficulties in our company not bad kyber i don't think it's specific enough so it's good that you're practicing these examples because i can give you some feedback kyber i would make that more specific so that your brain can catch it better so i would write something like we encountered an enormous problem um at the company whereby our boss could not fit through the front door because he was so fat okay so something like that like what was the problem the problem was that the door uh that that uh um was for the front of the building it was too small for the boss the boss was too fat so that's the problem that you encountered so the funnier the more unique the stranger that you make it the better your brain will function to hold that vocabulary is that clear so you really want to be creative and this kind of creativity will help you in other parts of the alps as well okay um [Music] bachrod says the covax and virus encounter to delhi government after central meeting of cms with pm modi that doesn't include you buckrat the virus encountering something is a little bit awkward it's humans that encounter usually okay so you're not using it correctly in that context background so try a different sentence or try to write that differently it's an incorrect use of the word okay rashika again be very specific so after 500 years i encountered my childhood friend at the dentist office so try to be a little bit so notice how um janil also said at the mall and rashika you're also writing at the mall so obviously the mall is not really a unique context for the word encounter okay so be more creative okay be more creative rajvir says i encountered a bangle tiger on my way to jim corbett national park in 2018 and it chased me for three hours okay so rajvir good start i like it encountering a bengal tiger from yesterday's lesson as well right i would make it more visual make it more unique and it chased me for three hours okay the goal is to basically trick your brain into really remembering the information okay so do you see rajvir why i put this chased me uh for three hours at the end of the sentence because encountering the tiger is like oh there it is it's a good start but if we can make it like oh no now it's chasing me that's going to be a much more significant piece of information for you emotionally and your brain will hold on to it okay amanda says some people you encountered are just uh acquaintances not friends okay amanda that is not the kind of sentence that you want to write your brain will forget those kinds of sentences it's not directly related to you so it's you're not saying i encounter people um or my my best friend jim encounters people it's not unique it's not interesting so amanda that's the exact kind of sentence that you want to avoid writing okay so i'm seeing a lot of sentences members however honest opinion you do need to work on making the sentences personal unique and interesting okay so make them complex okay use however um when since so complex sentences using subordinating conjunctions make sure to include yourself so i me my my friend my brother okay and make them unique and interesting it's very very important keep practicing that we'll do that with the next couple of words here okay all right so let's go with the word derive we'll keep practicing here for these words and i'm going to show you a little bit more okay a little bit more here so uh derive uh derive is a verb again okay uh what is the meaning of derive anybody know what that is before i give it to you yeah exactly raj of your sense of fear and fear is a great motivator to remember okay bakarat says to formulate that's a synonym bakrat so when you're giving the definition you don't want to give a synonym but you actually want to define it okay kyber says to obtain something from okay to come up from somewhere okay that's a good start rajvir says to obtain or get something prathamash says to find something oh it says it means the origin the origin sorry i should say of something um yeah rashika that's the best one so far to obtain from a source yeah um to get yeah it's kind of tricky so you want to look around this is an important step the definition you need to have a clear idea okay so to get or obtain a piece or an idea from some source okay all right and then we want that example sentence so give me an example sentence with the word derive that includes you that is a complex sentence and that is interesting in some way okay i'm going to write an example sentence as well and then we will compare all right okay so that's that's my example sentence and it's quite visual um you'll also notice that i'm making connections among uh my example sentences here for my quote unquote daily vocabulary so a little green alien here helped me with directions to get to the moon that i encountered of course okay and then here you can have fun with daily vocabulary learning uh should not have to be painful have fun with it students okay so i derived from the blank stare of my isle speaking examiner that he was not at all interested in what i had to say about the elephants living on the moon okay that's kind of a funny context so derive means that i was able to obtain this information from the look on my ielts speaking examiner okay all right um let's see oh it says i derived my business idea from my friend khalid okay os keep going with that so so far you have just a simple sentence os you want to make it a complex sentence and make it even more interesting so what was the business idea how were you able to derive it from your friend khalid why did you derive it so think about these questions keep going with it os i'd like to see that same answer in the chat but expanded with a complex sentence okay all right gus says i derived a bad score on the ielts exam and that made me feel sad all right um no it doesn't mean uh so good try gus but you cannot use derive in that way and that way you just simply got a bad score derive is not a synonym of get or obtain it means to get from a source so you can't use it like that gus you could say gus i derived from my bad score on the ielts exam that i need to spend at least another three months five hours a day studying and burning the midnight oil so that i can improve by a couple of bands okay so that you can say so i derive from my bad score that i need to do more and then continue okay all right okay prathamesh says i derived a new recipe while making a napoleon pizza um it didn't re it didn't look very good however it was really tasty yeah um you can say that okay so uh prathamesh i derived a new recipe while making uh neapolitan pizza which didn't look very good however it was really tasty so a little bit of a grammar correction in the end it's a good way to practice these complex compound sentences as well um that's that's a good idea so i can i that's a good sentence prathamesh i can picture that and that's quite quite interesting okay um for dob says i derived a lot of knowledge um about green aliens from my online classes last week okay for dobbs it's a good start i put in the word green aliens to make it a little bit more interesting so for dobs make it interesting okay so that your brain can really hold on to that then green aliens will suddenly trigger a hundred different words okay so that's just an example all right uh good so uh here we have the word institute i'm going to leave that one for you you can practice that at home i want to use our last five minutes of class to talk a little bit about reviewing vocabulary and because this is really important and this is where a lot of students make a big mistake okay so what often happens is um uh learners will pick up a few new words and then they'll kind of forget about them until much much later when they have to use them and they're like oh yeah what was that word which is not ideal okay what you want instead is you want to review these words so ideally you review your new words after three to five days of having learned them and then again a month later okay to do this have a checklist such as underline the words after review okay so i'll show you what i mean say that um that i did my vocabulary learning uh for encounter on last so today is saturday let's say on wednesday for example okay so i learned the word encounter on wednesday and i'm like okay i know i have to spend a couple of minutes today reviewing uh my words so i open up that text document or that notepad document on my phone and then i go okay i'm reviewing this word so i'm going to underline it okay so by having underlined it i know that i'm now reviewing and i have reviewed three or four days after and then a month later when i come back maybe i line from it okay or removing the underline i put word into italics like this it's kind of hard to see the italics from free but or bold it okay so just that little trick just to kind of it's like a check box like check i've taken care of that word um and then i review it and very importantly if i don't remember the definition then i would read the definition again but if i do then i just read the example sentence i encountered a little green alien while i was traveling to the moon who helped me with directions okay good so i reviewed that and then i review the word derive so i underline that okay um i derived from the blank stare of my old speaking examiner that he was not at all interested in what i had to say about the elephants on living on the moon okay great so i now reviewed that as well is this true review so so okay um what i want to do now during my review and this is a very important step is combine them okay so and two um so combine two vocabulary in a new example sentence for your review three days later two weeks later okay so here i'm going to do encounter plus derive okay in my example now of course this example has to be complex it has to include you and interesting just like before okay that's always important okay so here's my example sentence okay so uh i'm sticking with my green aliens today um encounter and arrive i derived from my encounter with the green alien that there are intelligent life not only on my way to the moon but also on jupiter okay so that's a combination of these two words and that's a great way to both strengthen the understanding of those words and also strengthen your ability to use those words in your speaking and in your writing on your ielts exam does that make sense okay so very important step and this is the one where a lot of students forget to do it they don't do it and then their learning is only 30 okay this is what makes your learning of these words 100 so make sure you get into a routine to do this does everybody follow me on that so every three days four days if you miss a day it's okay make it up right so go back review a couple of the words that you wrote down and then combine two of them into a new interesting complex unique sentence that includes you okay so i derive from my encounter and once i do this i guarantee you that you will have a much better chance of remembering both derived and encounter and using them in context quickly okay the brain is an amazing machine when it comes to this kind of integrative learning okay all right so this is a very important step for effective vocabulary learning all right um [Music] okay so janelle says this process teaches vocabulary grammar improving writing and speaking so skills as well yeah absolutely gino it's very integrated uh adado lapo ogunsus welcome to our group of members happy to have you on board send me an email so i can hook you up with those exclusive videos uh students you've done a great job i won't have too much time to look at examples of this i see prathamesh wrote i encountered my old friend and goa while i was on a holiday and we derived a new game to play while on the beach it was really great okay derived is not used perfectly they're pretty mesh so you want to reconsider that all right everyone um again uh the vocabulary is on the website so check it out there okay it's in the blogs you can easily find it it's categorized so go to ae help dot com for academic outs for general ielts i highly recommend joining our premium packages there it is a one-time payment for lifetime access so i strongly recommend all you need to do is click those big red buttons to join that's it for now i will be back everyone in about 30 minutes with speaking part three which will be a continuation from yesterday speaking part two so make sure you come back um and hang out with me natalie i'm glad you enjoyed the class uh see you soon everyone bye for now you
Channel: AcademicEnglishHelp
Views: 7,859
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reading, passage, tip, strategy, skill, band 9, body, paragraphs, academic, sentences, vocabulary, practice, sample, example, explanation, questions, types, description, English examination, read, speed, fluency, true, false, not give, understand, Lesson, Teacher, Learn, Student, Free, Intro, Tutorial, IELTS learning reading, IELTS passage explanations, sections, question, list of headings, paragraph completion, multiple choice, material, papers
Id: Qdvv2f5Kj0I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 42sec (3402 seconds)
Published: Sat May 08 2021
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