IELTS Live - Speaking Part 1 - Band 9, Yes You Can!

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welcome to today's live ielts class my name is adrian and i'm streaming to you from beautiful central europe i hope everybody has had a great start to their week and is staying healthy and optimistic hi marjona hi yoon sijuti good to see many students in the class today we're focusing on speaking for the ielts part one especially band nine yes you can you can do it ielts is an english proficiency exam it's not a test for native english many people think ben 9's native english it's not native english it means you're an expert user of the english language and we will talk about what you can do to be an expert user of the english language this lesson is presented to you by for academic ielts success visit us there for the general ielts check us out at gee ielts help dot com on both of these websites we have lots and lots of materials to help you this is our academic website here with the blue background click that big red button to join our premium package this is our general ielts website here with the green background you can click that big red button to join the premium package there all right everyone let me just show you where you can practice your speaking for free 100 percent free speaking practice with other ielts students if you click this green button you can create a free demo account and then you get a my student account you can log in to your my student account and when you're in your my student account on the right hand side you will find this student partner speaking button now you click on that and then you can absolutely start speaking with some other students who are usually in here right now we have lots of students we have uh hamad in here we have siraj we have jnn we have akshay so we have students in here who are waiting for you to video audio chat make sure the topic stays on ielts respect each other and uh practice with each other for absolutely free if you have troubles with it it could be um because of where you're located you might need to use a vpn a virtual proxy network i'll let you figure that out on your own uh make sure to enable your audio your video depending on how you're chatting there's also questions that you can use so here's some sample ielts questions just click on those and then you can talk about people objects so that's absolutely there for you and it is 100 percent free so check it out all right let me brighten up our lives here a little bit just have to keep it dark so you can see that background clearly okay everyone make sure you use it lots of people do hi rashika hi nick hill hi os hi abhishek hi jay neil nice to see many of our members joining in as well fantastic good to see you all all right so um you can check out our instagram accounts they're brand new we have lots and lots of information and help there for you ielts underscore ae help for academic ielts instagram and g ielts for general ielts instagram you can use the code insta25 to get a 25 discount on our websites and as a promotion and if you have questions you can send me an email adrian i will definitely uh answer as quickly as possible all right faith welcome to the live lesson uh we have lots of live classes this week so today right now speaking part one tomorrow we're going to have task 2 for members some reading for everyone then we'll have some more writing and reading and we will have speaking uh two classes on saturday so six more classes in the week definitely okay a deal i'm going to give you lots of tips on how to improve your speaking right now and you can even practice with me right now so hang in there okay so uh the ielts uh speaking uh section okay uh now um many of you are getting ready to do your ielts exam and uh if you are registering for your ielts exam online you get to choose a few different times for your speaking okay often you get three different options in many cases when you're registering online if you have the chance the best time usually so this is just this is an interesting tip here okay um so when you register for your ielts exam and maybe many of you know this that already did your ielts exam so when you register for your ielts exam you can pick from three different times my suggestion is pick a time between 9 30 and 12 30 if possible it is proven that the human brain functions at its peak during these hours okay so uh if you have the chance pick a time between 9 30 and 12 30 that's am of course not going to be uh am and 12 30 it's p.m okay so within that kind of three hour uh time frame all right that's when you want to uh kind of get it if you want the kind of statistical um facts uh most studies show that human brains function optimally around 10 30 to 11 in the morning now yeah that's why businesses like to hold meetings at around that 10 11 o'clock time okay so when you're registering for your exam it'll give you a choice of times to do your exam ideally you want to do it around then okay and of course make sure to speak english all day on your exam okay so make sure to use english all day from the morning on the day of your exam until you are finished very important all right everybody catch that yeah that can easily make a band score difference or even more so just building up your fluency i've seen students when they start an exam cold like just without any warm up and it's usually not very good okay so um definitely all day at least until you're finished okay that's another really important tip okay uh and one more tip as we get going here okay so speak in full sentences by using the question in your answer all right i'll show you what to do there okay so you go into your ielts speaking exam and you have to get there 30 minutes early okay so when you register it will say be at your exam 30 minutes so if let's say that your exam your speaking exam is at 10 30 then the instructions will say get to your exam at ten o'clock get there even earlier okay so uh get to your let me just put this up here still okay so the instructions uh tell you to arrive uh 30 minutes before your test time actually 40 yeah 30 minutes for the sit down part as well but you should actually arrive like even one hour before and get comfortable and practice speaking okay so that's really important do that as well okay so not just 30 minutes 30 minutes is absolutely the minimum abhishek if you have a question just ask it if i see it i'll answer it if i miss it send me an email okay so you get to your exam you're there you're getting comfortable you're building your confidence and you take some deep breaths relax the sun will shine tomorrow i promise you okay it's not the end of the world uh it's a proficiency exam you've done everything you can uh there's nothing more to do within that short amount of time just remember your strategies remember what you need to focus on we'll talk about those in a moment and then the examiner calls you into the exam room and these days often you're wearing a mask so make sure you put your mask on at least 45-50 minutes before your exam as soon as you get there okay and then the examiner calls you and sits you down and says welcome to the speaking portion of the ielts exam may i see your identification now you have to take the exact same identification with you that you used to register for the exam so if you use your passport take your passport with you okay all right so go ahead and answer this question for me students may i see your identification oh it says my pleasure this is my passport that i used to apply for the arts exam please take a look abhishek says yes of course here's my passport which i used for registration please take a look janelle says yes of course here it is please have a look you can probably see this through the shield yeah if there's a shield between you okay del priet says yeah sure this is my identification that i used to register for the exam dil preeth heart careful with your spelling kasirsha says sure here is the id i use for registration please have a look yeah and you can use uh the question again right so instead of identification you can say yes here is my id rather my passport that i used during registration please take a look okay so i'm doing some nice iteration here some nice paraphrasing repeat after me may i see your identification yes here's my id rather my passport that i used during registration please take a look and then you pass on that uh yeah sure okay it's a short answer again fluency show fluency right away all right so uh again speaking everyone so make sure to speak and repeat as i say the questions and the answers okay speak and repeat okay show fluency right away sachin says yes of course here's my passport that i used to register for the exam i believe you will find my picture and personal details on the second page sachin i would i would finish that it's nice fluency i would finish that sentence with where they can find it obviously they'll find your picture and personal information birth date and so forth tell them where you think it is okay so i believe you will find my picture and personal details on the second page okay okay abhishek good answer as well all right and then while they have your identification or while you're showing them your identification with kovid these days sometimes you just hold up your id they will then ask for your name they're matching your picture your name with your id so here we go what is your full name now your full name exactly the same way as it is on your id okay so janil says my full name is janiel gabbani please just call me by my nickname jarvis all right jarvis i love that name jarvis it's just such a nice strong name okay surya says my full name is surya shanmugam please call me surya okay yeah please call me by my first name surya okay all right tiger world says my surname is akbar and my given name is uzman please call me uzman yep it's good so you can call me uzman is fine as well okay giant titan says my given names or my sorry my given name is and my surname is shien please call me by my english nickname titan thank you okay so good good all right uh careful with your plurals titan okay my given name is if it's one name with the hyphenated if it's two separate names then my given names are you need the s chao lun okay so careful with plurals you don't want to make awkward mistakes during this first bit of introductions that's just really awkward to get that band 9 and yes you can you have to be very accurate and clear on these kinds of meet and greet types of questions because obviously an expert english user would have no problem in this kind of meet and greet scenario and they would not make any unnatural mistakes okay all right so uh my given names are lara alexandra and my family name is watson please just call me by my first name laura okay here we go so repeat after me what is your full name my given names are laura alexandra and my family name is watson please just call me by my first name laura i'm just making this up okay but uh it's an example and again choosing a female name here and then the examiner will say okay laura here is your identification back maybe just put it in your pocket so you don't forget it and then the examiner will say let's uh start with part one i will ask you a couple of questions to get to know you better and some questions on a general topic where is your hometown okay very common question for icebreakers where do you live where is your hometown where's your hometown basically means where are you from where did you grow up where do you live so you can answer basically where your childhood was okay harpreet coher says i hail from a small village called manguwal which is located in punjab in the south part of india okay good yeah that's a nice answer abhishek says my birthplace at the center of india delhi not only is it the heart of my country india but it is also renowned for its distinct cultures and traditions its heritage monuments and uh old buildings okay good couple of slight corrections to be more natural but otherwise quite good sami says my hometown is vijayawada which is one of the banks of the river krishna and andhra pradesh located in the southern part of india okay sammy good nice description inaya alves says i was born in cuaba the capital city of the state of matsuroso which is located in the central part of brazil okay inaya very good nice nice description sorry if i'm having trouble pronouncing some of those words i'm sure they're pronounced a bit differently but uh very nice okay dilpreet singh says my hometown is london the capital of uk it is located in the south east area of england on the river thames it is well known around the world for its amazing history architecture music and fashion okay deal pretty good yeah you can say that now careful because if it seems like you haven't spent your whole life in london you should explain why you feel that it's your hometown so you should say my hometown is london i have been here for the past couple of years and i wish to stay here for the rest of my life i feel at home here it's the capital of the uk and it's located in the southern part of england along the river thames okay so explain yourself if you're not being clear that's very important otherwise the examiner will think that you didn't understand the question okay one difference so um i'd like to explain this and i'll do this in a second so i'll give you an answer here and then i'll get into this kind of tip or strategy a little bit so repeat after me where is your hometown my hometown where i was born and raised is victoria bc it is the capital of the province and is located on vancouver island which is one of the most western regions of canada it is known as the city of gardens okay so here we go uh where is your hometown my hometown where i was born and raised is victoria bc it is the capital of the province and it is located on vancouver island which is one of the most western regions of canada it is known as the city of gardens all right so a really important kind of note to keep in mind here okay i want everybody to remember this note the ielts speaking exam is not a typical conversation now some of you are probably going yeah adrian i knew that okay all right so you don't just talk to the examiner as you would to your friend or colleague that you meet for lunch okay it's not the same idea okay so for instance the examiner will not ask you for clarification to your answers if they are confused they might in part three but in most cases they will just go to the next question so you have to be extra careful to make sure that the answers you give are absolutely clear okay so in a real conversation when you're speaking to your friend or your colleague and you're sitting down for lunch and you're having a good conversation if one of you is confused about the information the other person's saying you'll stop them and you'll say oh i'm sorry do you mean that's where you grew up or that's where you're living right now or is it simply where you've just immigrated and you're working right now so they can clarify oh no i mean my hometown is london i was actually born here and then i lived here for my first five years then my parents traveled back to india i grew up in india but then now i'm living here again so i consider england and london especially my hometown right so you can explain yourself you can't do that in ielts okay it's 12 to 15 minutes it's go go go there's a set of questions that you're being asked and there's no chance for clarification like in a real conversation so you have to be exceptionally clear everybody clear on that everybody good and you have to practice that that doesn't come easily and naturally without practice even in your own language okay so you have to practice clear and accurate communication everybody clear okay it's not like a chit chat or a conversation where the examiner can at or the person can ask back of hey can you explain that a bit more i didn't get you the examiner is not going to say hey i didn't get you what you mean by your hometown okay all right so i can see some thumbs up and that so it's good all right good good okay so let's keep going um so the fir the question here was where is your hometown and then the next question they often will follow up with the question is what do you like about it okay so where's your hometown and then what do you like about it yeah jion absolutely clear and accurate communication very important okay all right let's see so here we go lots of great answers coming up i can see them okay uh makbuba send me an email and i'll answer that question for you okay harpree says i like my village because it's a dazzling place and i like the um nature uh it's got a lot of greenery uh where i can spend my leisure time okay harpreet so that's okay but it's not a very clear explanation and example so that's where i would like to see uh more um explanation more examples so what do you mean it's got a lot of greenery and a lot of forests explain that a little bit clearer okay samir says i mainly like the culture of the people there uh it is very simple living and the city is famous for the wholesale of ceres an indian dress tradition and for the famous food of the city dokla okay samir again good i think you could do a little bit better what is dhokla what kind of a dish is it what is it made of what kind of a spice does it use what do you mean the people are simple are they friendly kind helpful give me a little bit more okay oh it says in my amazing hometown i like the kind people they are generous and i miss the forta river i usually spend five hours for fishing and barbecuing there on the weekends and i like to picnic in the spring and enjoy the fresh air okay oh it's that's good description all right izabek says in nukus i am quite partial to the skyscrapers which are located close to my home and i can uh generate some ideas when i see them uh for my business and aside from that i like the national museum called sovitsky okay isabek very nice good description uh izabek when you like the skyscrapers in your city like you live in new york or dubai then you would like the skyline okay that's the most accurate term so uh if you have a city where you have mountains and skyscrapers then you like the skyline vancouver has a beautiful skyline okay so i really love the skyline of vancouver the skyscrapers uh with the mountains and the backdrop are just surreal okay so that's kind of what you would want to say so skyline skyline the skyline of dubai is absolutely incredible with those monstrous skyscrapers including the burj khalifa right okay let's see uh jien titan says uh tainan is a city known as the food paradise of taiwan lots of uh cuisines are very tasty in addition tainan retains a great amount of historical buildings and i love seeing this rich culture of food and architecture very good titan a little bit better english a little bit more vocabulary to explain yourself better but the idea is good arda says basically in my hometown there's lots of shopping centers so i can go shopping with my mom to buy whatever i need every weekend we go out now however nowadays we can't because of the coveted pandemic okay arda not bad again a little bit more diversity of grammar and be more specific right so i love shopping for clothes and shoes and there are definitely lots of boutiques like versace and gucci with the latest trends my mom and i really enjoy shopping even if we don't buy any new attire we love the window shopping okay so a little bit more lexical resource a little bit more grammar all right okay all right uh so what do i like about victoria um all right uh i love my hometown of victoria not only for its rich greenery but also uh for all of the beaches which surround the city on almost all sides across the strait of juan de fuca i can see the olympic mountain range of the us and the people are very kind and happy most of the time okay so uh here we go what do you like about it i love my hometown of victoria not only for its rich greenery but also for all of the beaches which surround the city on almost all sides across the strait of juan de fuca you can see the olympic mountains of the us and people are very kind and happy most of the time okay great so now we'll continue with some more of part one and again answer explanation details quantitative language okay so numbers descriptions go into details use your adjective clauses which that who okay use your connectives not only but also therefore as a result consequently so think about your connectives use your connectives so um the examiner here will introduce the topic of part one let's talk about school and then they'll ask you some questions about school here we go first one usually a very simple question just to get you kind of going be fluent continue being fluent where do you go to school give a nice full answer for this okay so for dav says i used to go to a school number 41 which is located in the heart of st petersburg nowadays my son goes to the same institution he is in grade two yes the beautiful cycle of life for dobbs um where do you go to school for dobs perhaps you go to school here on youtube to learn for the ielts exam virtual school is kind of a location as well so think outside the box i go to school in my office i turn on my computer and i log into the university of wisconsin educational psychology site to study for my master's degree right so you can go for the virtual world of school as well it doesn't have to be a physical location necessarily think outside the box the question is present tense it's where do you go to school now so if you do go to school some form of school right now that's what you should be talking about not where you went to school but where you go to school okay pay attention to the tense of the question oh it says i have graduated from school of nursing in 2008 where i attended um classes uh for a couple of years and it's about 20 kilometers from my place okay it was good quantitative language again you're talking about the past i'm more interested in the present where you go to school if you don't currently go to school then you need to mention that then you need to say currently i'm not attending any school unless i consider my studies at home on the internet okay but then you need to make that clear un says i go to negoti school which is about a kilometer from my home it's located in haiba turing street and it's near me timi local park i usually ride my bike to school with my friends very nice son it's a really nice answer good quantitative language it's present tense it's clearly understandable say it with good fluency and of course with a much better accent for those names than i did and you're on your way to a band nine nicely done so um right after on students saying i lived in china previously and now i've moved to hong kong to learn and continue my studies so the establishment where i go for lessons is hong kong okay you need to be a little bit clear i cannot pinpoint the place so you need to name the school you need to name a little bit more accurately what it is okay all right so here we go i'm going to give you an answer and then you can see and compare your answer to mine so where do you go to school i'm currently attending online classes at ubc the university of british columbia for my uh masters in educational psychology so physically i go to school in my home office however virtually attend classes with 20 other students or better said peers in my program online all right so again uh think outside the box include quantitative information and uh be specific here we go repeat after me where do you go to school i'm currently attending online classes at ubc the university of british columbia for my master's in educational psychology so physically i go to school in my home office however virtually i attend classes with 20 other peers in my program online and if i want to add a little bit more clarity i can say i sit down at my desk at around 9 00 am and log in to a live lecture okay all right next question here we go now we're looking at past tense uh what other grammar are we looking for here so now the examiner says what other schools have you attended what other schools have you attended what's the grammar that the examiner is looking for here in your response okay what grammar is the examiner looking for here with this question what other schools have you attended okay abhishek says have you and what is have you um it's actually have attended it's a little bit better to think about that uh hadith cage says it's present perfect yeah it is present perfect absolutely and uh what else am i paying attention to so here i'm paying attention to my band 9 answer my band 9 answer will include the present perfect and will be or it will be plural okay why because uh we have um uh plurals here schools okay so don't just talk about one school talk about at least two okay your high school your elementary school so present perfect and plural pay attention uh to all of that harwinder congratulations on your 6.5 overall score i hope that gets you to where you are planning to go you're very welcome uh harwinder send me an email i would love to have your testimonial up on our site if anybody would like to send us a testimonial after doing a good job on their exam just email us at adrian we always love seeing our students success stories and we post those on our website and our instagram so we love getting those and it helps other students to learn and improve as well through using our materials whether free or paid doesn't really matter okay all right so uh cinder yeah absolutely masters in educational psychology is definitely a school program any kind of learning official learning is a school program uh jainill says i have attended two other institutions the first one i've just completed my bachelor studies in aerospace major at parole university and before my graduation i had completed my higher secondary at very nice gineal very nice use of present perfect and past perfect okay um fur khan olgun says in the past i've attended two schools in turkey when i was in eighth grade which was a private organization located in istanbul also i've attended another school in turkey um which was a private organization located in istanbul okay you have some repetition there forecast i'm not sure if that was purposeful it looks a little bit different but awkwardly the same all right samir says i have attended many types of schools like junior college degree college and currently i'm doing my master's so that i can get a good job and also to boost my knowledge in my field okay samir don't go into the present too much the question is about the past so focus on the past okay nick hill says i had attended my secondary education at city international school and also did my grade 12 at poon high school okay i have also done my grade 12 okay so here it's a good time to mix present and past perfect okay all right abhishek says i have attended uh two schools in my past one is kv and the other is mb patel both of them are located in my hometown about 10 kilometers from my home good abhishek that's what we're going for nice natural quantified language okay all right so yes [Music] i have attended several different schools while growing up some public and some private i had attended athlone elementary school from kindergarten to grade six then i went to shoreline middle school and finally i graduated from mount douglas high school these were the public schools that where i learned until the age of 16 till age 16. meanwhile i also enrolled in some vocational education like athletics classes as well as music lessons okay i'm getting a bit carried away but i just wanted to show you a range of responses that would suffice for this kind of a question so um here we go uh repeat after me what are what other schools have you attended now again paying attention to present perfect and plurals i have attended uh several different schools while growing up some public and some private i had attended athlone elementary school from kindergarten to grade six then i went to shoreline middle school and finally i graduated from mount douglas high school notice the um chronological ordering here so whenever you're talking about the past or the present or the future it's a good idea to practice your chronological communication okay chronological communication means that you can jump back to a certain time and then you can go from there forward into the present it's much clearer for your audience than if you're jumping around like oh yeah i graduated from mount doug high school before that i had gone to shoreline middle school oh yeah and then after that i actually attended a junior college as well and then in the very beginning i went to affluent elementary school yeah okay it can be understood but your listener at this point may be going so which one was first then which one was last um so you want to practice speaking in a linear chronological uh kind of way or structure so that it's clearer for your audience okay all right so anytime that you're practicing talking about the past to present work on building chronological structure okay so these were the public schools where i learned until age 16 meanwhile i also enrolled in some vocational education like athletics classes as well as music lessons all right so just a quick tip here right and if you if it doesn't work the first time no worries go back and correct so tip um whenever you are reporting events in time work to speak or communicate in a chronological order from oldest to most recent this will lead to clarity which in turn will lead to higher band scores okay especially in part two so especially if you're talking about an event in the past and part two for the cue card be very careful to retain a chronological sequence of events as much as possible okay that will be much clearer for your examiner okay so we're talking about schools and the next question that the examiner is asking here is which was your favorite and why so here they're asking basically which was your favorite school and why so which was your favorite school and why give me a nice full sentence answer for this one okay uh violet newin says you helped me a lot with my homework grammar vocabulary and more okay i see violet there's your top part so violet new and says my favorite school was my english school because it was my childhood school when i was in primary school and it was the school which helped me get good at english also i met a lot of foreign teachers that helped me with my homework grammar vocabulary okay violet don't say and more because that's useless it doesn't mean anything to your listener and also be really careful about saying school school school okay so my favorite school was um english vocational because it was my um childhood studies where uh when i was in primary school okay so you want to try to paraphrase and cut out some of the school school school school school school school it's a little bit awkward all right okay vaishnavi ready says my all-time favorite over all the schools which i attended was ravindra bakrati where i studied my 10th standard which gave me a lot of amazing memories and that was the school where i met most of my good friends who i hang out with to this day vaishnavi very nice i can see where you're going with that even though the end got cut off so very good uh oh it says throughout my education i preferred my nursing school the most because i have met a lot of friends there and i have a lot of great memories also i like to help patients and people through the knowledge that i gained in my nursing classes okay oh it's very good so you like your most recent kind of education issa back says that's quite a tough question my favorite school was pushkin as i mentioned studying lots of information and the students were friendly and kind i was quite keen of the food there because it was good isha beck i'm not sure are you talking about the food they served at lunch or something like that you have to clarify that uh in most canadian or american schools they don't serve lunch during lunch time you have to bring your own so make sure to clarify okay all right uh ferdov says i loved my university studies more than any other uh specifically my studies in economics as i was not only taught information that interested me but i also made a lot of friends there who have become very close to me over the years and i'm still interacting with them until now all right ferdovs good answer i made a few corrections to have that sound a little bit more natural okay so that's a tough question it's a fair enough it is a tough question especially if you like school so that's a tough question as i've been fortunate enough um to attend many good schools where i've made many good friends however if i had to choose i would say that my four years of under graduate studies at the university of victoria are my favorite simply because i was learning exactly my field of interest psychology and i was independent to make decisions without the consent of my parents for the first time okay so here we go repeat after me which was your favorite that's a tough question as i've been fortunate enough to attend many good schools where i've made many good friends however if i had to choose i would say that my four years of undergraduate studies at the university of victoria are my favorite simply because i was learning exactly my field of interest psychology and i was independent to make decisions without the consent of my parents for the first time in my life all right so that response shows you that banned nine level complexity where i'm playing around with the grammar of my answer i'm building a lot of fluency using quite a range of vocabulary as well and of course being very very original that's my final tip for today is make sure to be original for bad nine marks okay i keep reminding students about that and uh you definitely want to do that okay so tip tip tip be original all right okay here are a few more questions for you you can practice these on your own on our websites with other students do you enjoy school why or why not what is your favorite subject what is a typical day in high school in your country that would be an interesting one to talk about that could be a part two question as well by the way all right everyone fantastic job you all put in a great effort i see lots of fantastic responses where many of you are giving answers explanations and examples that's superb for lots more speaking as well as help with other sections of the ielts visit us at where we have hd videos as well as original exams uh an app for your phone the app is academic ielts help for general ielts the app is general ielts help and join many many students who have succeeded using our materials you will often see them come back in live classes and share their marks as well you're welcome uh fur khan nikhil abhishek thank you members uh thank you you jin for the little clown emoji that's cute um ozod beck you're absolutely welcome as well have a wonderful rest of your day everyone keep up the good studies you're all brilliant beautiful people remember that i'm adrian signing out from budapest bye for now you
Channel: AcademicEnglishHelp
Views: 14,433
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: IELTS, speaking, section, British, accent, part 1, part 2, part 3, high score, fluency, vocabulary, practice, sample, example, explanation, questions, types, complex, IELTS description, examination, dialogue, conversation, test, understand, examples IELTS speaking section, Lesson, Teacher, Learn, Student, Free, Intro, Tutorial, IELTS learning, interview, easy, Band 9
Id: p9jWOiVcHgM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 43sec (3223 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 27 2021
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