IELTS Live - Speaking Part 1 - Get higher band scores

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hi students and welcome to today's live IELTS class my name is Adrienne and I am streaming to you live from rainy Budapest here on this almost spring day I hope everybody has had a great start to their week in this class we are looking at speaking part 1 questions answers practice and of course some strategy to get those higher band scores hi Tito hi Hemant iowa's hi kieran hi Jessica Ron hello to all of our members Michael fan I see that you said you just paid for membership I believe that's on our websites so you're probably paid for a premium course at a help calm orgy Alex help calm to be a member of the YouTube channel that membership is controlled by Google by YouTube you have to click the join button beside the subscribe button where it's available that Google decides and countries decide where that's available if you don't see that button you can send me an e-mail adrian at a help calm and then i can send you some more information on how you might be able to be a member of this youtube channel also ok again a little bit while we wait for some more members and students to join up a little bit about us these lessons are presented to you by AE help calm for academic IELTS success definitely visit us there and for the general IELTS please visit us at G ie LTS help calm on both of these websites we have loads of materials for you to improve all aspects of your IELTS exam and of course as well as your English and communication skills I'll just show you those really quickly this is our academic web portal here at a help calm you can click that big red button to join the Premium Package and this is the general version with the green background and again you can click that red button to join us there students you can download our apps and link them to your web accounts search for academic IELTS help or general Al's health in your App Store's again if you have questions about the exam or our products just send me an email adrienne at AE help calm this week we have four days of classes today speaking part one tomorrow reading for members followed by listening parts one and two for everyone then on friday task one for members listening parts three and four for everyone and then on Saturday we'll have a question and answer session for members and do speaking part three for everyone so that's looking ahead to the next week alright students let's get into today's class I know you're anxious to get going this is a speaking class so make sure to speak it's great if you type into the chat but also speak and repeat okay so repetition is good practice just repeat what you hear so repeat what I say I will correct your answers in real-time that I see in the chat again my English is west coast North American think about Seattle Vancouver Victoria that area okay it's a crisp clear English so by all means it's a good pronunciation to master alright so you walk in to your speaking interview okay you visualize that you're speaking interviewer is your grandma or your grandpa so you feel confident comfortable you feel like you're loved and you're going to do your best to speak clearly loudly because maybe grandma grandpa their hearing isn't all that good anymore so you want to speak with a clear loud voice where should you keep your hands when you've never asked this question before but what should you do with your hands when you are in the speaking interview it's kind of a fun question to throw out at you so what do you think what's what's a good idea so what should you do with your hands and arms and arms during the interview what do you think BEC Jen says put it on the table and I says put it under the table okay so a little bit of disagreement there I suggest putting your hands on the table okay in front of you don't lock your hands so don't do this don't lock your hands keep them apart don't put them under the table and don't cross your arms okay sometimes when we feel really nervous will instinctively cross our arms and close our sphere of communication that's a bad idea when you put your arms on your chest that literally pushes on your lungs so even your breathing is restricted so definitely don't cross your arms don't put them under the table my recommendation is put them on the table keep your body posture open and forward okay so you're enunciated out word and use hand gestures so if you say big small use your hands to gesture what you're saying is that you see me doing this class that will help your communication okay our brain our speech and our body language they're closely connected so you'll notice that good presenters teachers they incorporate body language into their communication so body language is good okay eye contact is good you don't have to stare at the examiner that might make them feel a little bit awkward but do make eye contact okay so keep your hands on the table use body language and keep an open body posture open confident body posture okay so that's good strategy all right yeah absolutely come on so resting your hands on the table makes it easier to use your hands for body posture okay so you're in the exam you're feeling comfortable you're sitting straight make sure to wear comfortable clothes you don't need to wear a tie that's choking you okay just a shirt dress shirt not a tee shirt if possible and then the examiner will greet you so the examiner will say welcome to the speaking portion of the IELTS exam my name is Adrian I will be your examiner for this part of the test there are three parts to the speaking I will give you instructions for each and I will record it for marking purposes to begin a few questions to get to know you better and some questions on a general topic and then they'll open up with one of these two questions so let's start with this one what is your full name so give me a nice full sentence for this one so what is your full name okay what is your full name and again practice saying this in many different ways so you can be natural confident and fluent right away okay khyber Jan says my full name is Khyber Mohmand as you will see in my passport please just call me Khyber Khyber very nice okay fluent Tito Botti says my complete name is Tessa's shot of Fras but you can call me by my nickname Tito okay my apology students if I don't pronounce your names accurately of course it's challenging names from around the world Marah Saba rocky says my full name is Marissa but Aki simply call me by my nickname which is honey okay because you're sweet like honey murasa right okay Jess Quran says my full name is Jessica Ron sing please just call me by my first name Jessica Ron that works and I really like how many of you are remembering that you should tell the examiner what to call you because they're instructed to ask what should I call you so if you don't say that then that's their next question so it's good to show that you prepared for the exam so my given name is Aleksandr and my surname is Jones please just call me Alex for short okay so here's another way to say it repeat after me what is your full name my given name is Alexander and my surname is Jones please just call me Alex for short okay British Canadians we like to say surname Americans will say family name either one it's okay all right and then comes the next question again these two questions are always side by side may I see your identification please okay so the examiner will ask for the identification that you used to register for the exam they have a piece of paper their instructions are to match your registration ID with you and the information that they have on the paper so make sure to have it with you if you don't have it with you that would be the end of your test right there so hopefully you have it with you of course and then you need to respond clearly and completely to this question as well again remember students this is not a chitchat so you want to give as complete answers as possible teto but he says yes sure here it is the one I used for registration purposes please take a look okay good Tito let's see Muhammad Wahab says certainly here is my ID I used for registration muhammad Wahab here h er ye okay roshni yes here it is please have a look sir or madam okay ya be polite but don't kowtow too much okay which means don't be overly polite that can be awkward as well okay boo me chat bar or other members says sure here's my passport please have a look yeah you don't have to overcomplicate it's fine so you can say absolutely or yes of course absolutely is maybe a little too colloquial yes of course here is my let's say driver's license this time which I used to register for this exam okay and then don't get freaked out a lot of the examiners they'll stare at your ID they'll stare at you they'll stare at the idea they'll look for you actually things like your eye color or the positioning of your nose and so on because in the past people have hired doppelgangers to sit the exam instead of the meaning people who look like them so they do stare at your ID and then they stare at you to make sure that you're not just a look-alike a phony or a fake okay the specific word for that in English is a doppelganger doppelganger is a person that looks like you again students when you're hearing these words especially if they're new make sure to speak and repeat okay all right and then comes a very common icebreaker question icebreaker means a question to make you feel comfortable do you work or study do you work or study Sobek John's jumping the gun a little bit BEC John says I am not only studying at the Eurasian National University but also I am preparing for this IELTS to pursue my graduate education in Canada next year a very nice nice use of the correlative conjunction not only but also to emphasize ok tit sir Sara says I'm currently working as a teacher in a private school near our house tits are what do you teach do you teach all subjects or do you focus on a specific subject like math or history give me a little bit of detail okay students detail detail detail okay the key concept for high band scores always really important tip here okay is give details details show fluency complexity and range of vocabulary so details are important okay so give details as much as possible okay show your ability to its fullest alright think answer explain example alright paws up command of says I not only work at McDonald's as a cashier but I've also been studying English to start my education in Canada it's good and it was it's good to contract okay we don't actually say McDonald's restaurant because McDonald's is so well-known so native or natural English will just say McDonald's I'm going to McDonald's for a burger where I work at McDonald's and the I have been studying has definitely contracted so a native speaker would say I've been studying I've been studying English to start my education in Canada Charlie says currently I work as an adjunct faculty and a private engineering college at Kolkata but at the same time I'm also studying for IELTS so that I can pursue my dream which is to settle down in Canada nice charlie okay good all right I like your use of idiomatic language okay pursue my dream to settle down alright it's good idiomatic language you don't have to use complicated idioms in the IELTS exam students you just have to use idiomatic language which can be much simpler okay all right flower son says well I'm a student and I'm learning for IELTS okay join your ideas flower son and I like learning for IELTS is not unique from being a student or if you're trying to tell me that you're a student in college or university and you're studying for the outs then you need to express that in a clearer way okay roshni koonta says I've been working in an op for an IT company as a recruiter as well I'm preparing for the IELTS to pursue my higher education at a university abroad okay foreign univer city yeah it's okay roshni in University in another country okay Juan Pablo Avila says I'm between jobs right now but I've been studying for several months for this exam really nice so there's a good example of a response that's fairly short but at the same time it's high level okay Juan Pablo I'm gonna take your answer for this one right now just so students can see that you can answer high level in a shorter way but it is more challenging okay so I'm between jobs at the moment and here many native speakers Juan Pablo are good communicators would actually throw in what they do okay so I'm between jobs at the moment by trade I am a software engineer nevertheless I've been studying for this IELTS exam over the past six months as I plan to immigrate to Australia okay so I added a little bit to it okay one Pablo a little bit more detail but again it's not a very long answer nevertheless very high level okay I'm between jobs is definitely an idiomatic expression meaning I had a job before so job before no job right now but I'm looking for work in the future or looking for work so that I can get a job in the future okay so this is a really nice expression which includes all of the information so when you tell a an English speaker that you're between jobs they understand all of this you had one before not now and you're looking for work so I'm between jobs at the moment by trade I'm a software engineer nevertheless I've been studying for this IELTS exam over the past six months as I plan to immigrate to Australia so lots of connection nice range of grammar using present perfect progressive okay and giving a lot of clarity to the examiner that's how you score those high band scores so well done with that good job okay Huan Pablo you've really improved over these past months in your natural English language use so good to see that okay alright now the next question what do you like about your work or school give me a nice full sentence answer for this one so what do you like about your work or school okay give me something nice all right while I'm waiting for some of those a little bit more of from our members but Sal says I just I I've just completed my Higher Education at Green's College and I am studying master's in science at University but so always take the effort to specify which school ok you don't have to tell us the real school if you want to keep that confidential but just make up a school like I did okay Mahesh camellia says I just completed my bachelor's of pharmacy last July in India and now I'm preparing for this IELTS exam so that I can continue my masters in Canada good all right let's all just one time is enough I'll usually catch it okay for daug snub you have is answering this question what do you like about your work or school for Dobbs says at my job I love problem-solving I mean I like to use my cognitive skills which I implore as much as I can in my adult years in addition I like my co-workers who are kind and awesome okay all right I've heard Ava's careful not to over complicate or unnaturally complicate language as well okay so using complex grammar students doesn't mean awkwardly over complicating what you say so careful with word choice and over speaking Charlie sense as well I like the environment in the teachers room in my college everybody is friendly and cooperative with each other like yesterday I was absent and it was the last date for submitting questions I'm not sure where you're going with that charlie send that example don't get too complicated with the example okay all right violet neuen says the part that I love most about learning is that I can speak to more more people in different countries and I feel more intelligent so violet new in a couple Corrections there and this is to all students don't use the word thing okay one way to speed up your improvement in any language of course in English as well is to avoid ambiguous nouns okay so this is an important tip learn languages faster by working hard to avoid ambiguous ambiguous means there unclear okay we don't really know what you're talking about so learn language faster by working hard to avoid ambiguous unclear words such as thing stuff sometime something okay people even okay always find and this is the key here as always find more accurate words another one if we're looking at verbs is do okay we use do to substitute more accurate verbs so always find more accurate words okay like aspects components criteria at 5:00 p.m. professionals trainers okay so always think about that more specific word okay convolute expedite so I'm just giving you some made-up verbs for replacing the word do okay for instance so always think about those more specific words and if you find yourself saying the word thing or writing down the word thing recognize it respect it so say okay I just used the word thing I have to stop take it out put some other word that makes more sense is more specific and will get me more lexical resource points on the exam and of course give more clarity for your listener if you're wondering about my speech and how I speak like this in real time that's one of the tricks I've worked hard to master over my years and years of teaching is really paying attention to avoiding the word thing and stuff in my speech and writing okay so pay attention to that in your answers all right so what do you like about your work or school well I can't say much about my job as I don't have one at the moment but I do love to study because it empowers me to better understand the world around me and also to achieve my dreams like moving to the land down under and exploring the amazing culture and nature there all right so this is in regard to my previous answer remember my previous answer I'm between jobs at the moment by trade I am a software engineer nevertheless I've been studying for this IELTS exam over the past six months as I plan to immigrate to Australia again students remember speak and repeat so the next question what do you like about your work or school I'm connecting well I can't say much about my job as I don't have one at the moment so I'm reflecting what I said here but I do love to study because it empowers me to better understand the world around me and also to achieve my dreams like moving to the land down under I'm paraphrasing Australia one other way that we call Australia is the land down under of course that comes from its location on the world map so when you look at a world map Australia is kind of stuck down under all of the other continents okay so the land down under and exploring the amazing culture and nature there okay all right so hopefully by this point you're really calm and confident in your skills and your feeling fluent okay and the examiner will introduce the general topic of that interview session okay so here we go let's talk about friends so the examiner will say let's talk about friends okay and then comes the first question how often do you meet your friends so give me a nice full sentence answer for this one okay so how often do you meet your friends and lots of answers coming here all right let's start with an S and s tusla Kali says I frequently get together with my buddies each day of the week either at home or outside like today I met with Austen in order to get some motivation for this exam and that's not bad come together with my buddies is okay I frequently come together get together in my neck of the woods anyway it's more natural okay I get together with my buddies quite often nice paraphrasing and that's a nice push for paraphrasing okay it's good I like it alright awaaz says as I am employed I don't have enough time to hang out with my friends however I sometimes meet them throughout my workday when they meet up with me to grab lunch grab lunch I was grabbed some fast food ok Tito says I usually meet my friends every day after getting back from work like yesterday we met at a restaurant and had a delicious dinner nice ok I liked your smooth flowing examples is great Ellen amore says as I am preparing for this exam I can't manage sparing time for hanging out I would say I meet my friends maybe two times a month Wow Ellen uh that's so sad friends are good to meet with why don't you I meet with your friends'll and unmake them speak English with you just say hey I can meet with you but I have to multitask let's hang out let's practice English at the same time it's a good way to do it Hmong's Sharma says I'm normally busy on work days so I meet my friends on weekends over a couple of drinks at a sports bar which is usually our favorite hangout joint okay come on mention the name of the sports bar if you can it would make a little bit more sense okay all right let's see a couple more MUC simcha Yash says I often meet my friends at weekends because I don't have free time during the workweek like last weekend on Saturday I went to a pool hall and shot a couple games of billiards okay or sat at a coffee shop so that smooth flowing example it's a good idea all right Muhammad Nasir says I usually meet up with my friends almost every day through prayer just like yesterday I met with them and we went to a stadium to watch a football match okay mr. Beck says as I have no job these days I meet with my best friend on a daily basis we stroll around the streets have some coffee three hours ago I was with my friend Achmed we ate out and played some computer games nice okay so again really good students I think many of you have been paying attention to the lessons on this channel and maybe on your web accounts and you're really putting together some nice responses that are sounding natural and accurate and detailed okay that's great so when you have this kind of a question how often do you meet your friends this how often question is a very popular part one question often is looking for an adverb of frequency right like always often usually sometimes rarely never okay so that's your adverbs of frequency you should use one or two of those that make sense in the context now the other point for talking about frequency okay so how often is of course remember your quantitative language so twice a day three four times a month once a year so think about quantitative language I'm a very social person by nature so I frequently hang out with my friends in the evenings and on weekends I would say at least four to five times a week on average just yesterday I visited my friend John and we chatted for a couple hours over a glass of wine so I've taken a few of the elements from your responses and incorporated them into this band 9 response ok so I'm a very social person by Nature let's get rid of that s I'm a very social person by Nature it means that I socialize I'm a very social person by nature so I frequently hang out with my friends in the evenings and on weekends that's my specific language hangout is the idiomatic language ok again you don't need to use these complicated idioms like the apple of my eye for instance or don't throw bricks when you live in a glass house you don't have to use these complicated metaphors or idioms to get been 9 when the IELTS books and teachers say idiomatic language they're really just referring to these simpler natural idiomatic expressions ok I would say at least four to five times a week on average this is my quantitative language my numbers okay four to five times just yesterday I visited my friend John and we chatted for a couple hours over a glass of wine that is my example to back up my answer okay so that's how you do it okay all right next question let's keep rolling you guys are doing a great job hats off to you what do you usually do with your friends give me a nice full sentence answer for this question what do you usually do with your friends okay see a little chatter going on about IDP and British Council doesn't matter they're very closely connected it's the same okay tons and tons of answers coming up I can tell many of you were thinking students try not to get ahead of the curve okay so focus on what we're doing at the moment I know you're anxious to get your answers out but don't get ahead of the curve it means focus on where we are in the lesson currently don't try to be pre-empting these following questions it's not as effective in the long run okay you'll have a chance to answer anyway all right pooza goo room says I usually meet and play football with my friends and a park near my home just last Saturday we played together and enjoyed the game a lot Donna Nagi kethu Tia says whenever we get to meet each other we usually have food to eat remember what I said students about not using something we usually have warm food to eat like chicken curry just yesterday moreover we often visit each other's house whenever possible okay or maybe a yummy beef vindaloo or something like that okay so be specific done and I done an IG okay be specific don't use the word something as soon as you catch yourself writing ving something stuff go back replace it alright okay Oh waz it says when I meet my friends we frequently play ball games like football or basketball like last Sunday we played a very dramatic game of football and our team won okay it was good alright so let's see a couple more here Divac mental says usually we go to the cinema or at times on a short tour apart from that we play games with each other most of the time okay diva you need more detail okay usually we go to the cinema because there is a really nice new theater located about a five-minute walk from my place three or four times a month we'll go for a high at the forest that's near the city and apart from that we play computer games like Call of Duty with each other okay so again be specific students the more specific you are the higher your band score because the more complex your language will be all right okay Fahd says we meet four we meet at a coffee shop and we drink a cup of cappuccino after that we go to the cinema watch an interesting film then perhaps our favorite restaurant for some tasty food as usual but I like that okay so you're going into detail coffee shop we drink a cappuccino talk about what we did during the week then we watch a movie at the cinema like the new spider-man film just the other day and then we go to our favorite restaurant called okay so good that's the detail that we're looking for Ellen amore says we generally meet at the nearest Burger King restaurant we grab a whopper and chat with each other for a long time okay I like it that's specific that will get you marks all right so most of the time when I'm together with my pals we either do some athletic activity like shooting hoops last Sunday or some other entertaining adventure such as paintball Wars all right so here we go repeat after me what do you usually do with your friends most of the time most of the time is paraphrasing usually when I'm together with my pals pals paraphrasing friends when I'm together setting up my real condition we either do some athletic activity like shooting hoops hoops idiomatic expression for basketball last Sunday very specific or some other entertaining adventures such as paintball Wars okay notice the use of either/or I'm combining subordinating conjunction of time with correlative conjunctions of either/or these are the elements that the examiner is looking for to give you those high band scores now if that was a little bit confusing if you're like whoa did Adrienne just throw a whole bunch of grammar words at me what do I do don't worry I'll write it here so tip practice combining subordinating conjunctions with correlative conjunctions for effective and expressive communication okay so subordinating conjunctions or cause and effect cause plus effect time condition and opposition okay if you aren't familiar with this term subordinating conjunctions just google it okay I'm sure you'll find a lot of information if you type in the words subordinating conjunction into Google correlative conjunctions or you're paired conjunctions que paired conjunctions like either/or that's the one I just used neither nor weather or both and and there's a few more I'm not gonna write them all right now combining with these creates very strong clear communication okay so work on that all right okay students next question where did you meet your best friend give me a nice full sentence answer for this one where did you meet your best friend okay and if you don't know right off the top of your head you can say Who off the top of my head I can't remember just give me a sec okay so you can ask for a bit of time it's okay to do that all right Sadia is asking me how can I answer questions in part one two or three where I don't understand them okay you can't study us so you can't answer a question that you don't understand if that's what you're asking me you just have to say I don't understand what you're asking me let's move to the next question okay if you don't actually know the answer to the question because it's a strange question then just make up some imaginary answer you should be okay all right okay so let's see what you have a for this question violet neuen says my best friend and I usually meet every day at school but we haven't done it much now because of this new virus outbreak that we're staying at home that's not where do you usually meet your best friend violet neuen careful it's where did you meet your best friend so it means the first time that you met your best friend where was it okay Charlie sent says well I met with my best friend so deep in my college she's a very shy nature with a fair complexion I remember we talked to each other for the first time in our college canteen where he was looking for a place to stay good answer Charlie nice okay but sauce says my best friends live in my community so we meet daily at night and share our daily activities again students this is asking you the actual one occasion where you met your best friend okay it's not where do you it's where did you okay Bhoomi shot bar says well I first met my best friend Pooja 10 years ago during my graduation in fact we were roommates for a course I would say those were some memorable days a boomy good you understood the question well careful with your grammar and word choice okay I do like how some students are realizing that hey I should mention my best friend's name okay so oh yes I remember or I recall I met my best friend you can say BFF best friend for life Cory in at basketball practice in grade 11 we chatted a bit and hit it off we've been friends ever since okay so repeat after me students where did you meet your best friend off the top of my head I can't remember just give me a sec well yeah I recall I met my BFF Cory at a basket at basketball practice in grade 11 we chatted a bit and hit it off we've been friends ever since okay all right so again notice the use of natural language contractions and speaking is a good idea like we've okay so make sure to practice that students few more questions how do you keep in touch with your friends have the games you play with your friends changed in the last 10 years and if you could give a gift to one of your friends what would you give and who would you give it to so these are getting a little bit more and more difficult and I'll leave these questions for you to practice at home for homework and you can send me your recording to my email Adrian at AE help calm and I will estimate your IELTS speaking score okay so you can see those questions again a little bit later in the video it will be on the channel to all of our viewers make sure to check us out at AE help calm for academic IELTS in G IELTS for general we have lots and lots of HD videos with the right strategies for getting those high band marks taught by me and some other teachers as well we have practice exams in a fully interactive course for your phone tablet PC again those websites the general one looks like this G IELTS Elcom click that big red button to join and for the academic look for the blue background AE help calm click that big red button to join really a fantastic job I'm so happy to see many of you communicating much more effectively with details with clarity that's fantastic you're very welcome roshni Bumi you're very very welcome it was you're welcome Thank You members for your support and much love back at you John to Nyame and everybody else watching from the heart of Budapest have a great rest of your day and hopefully I'll catch you tomorrow bye for now
Channel: AcademicEnglishHelp
Views: 6,996
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: IELTS, speaking, section, British, accent, part 1, part 2, part 3, high score, fluency, vocabulary, practice, sample, example, explanation, questions, types, complex, IELTS description, examination, dialogue, conversation, test, understand, examples IELTS speaking section, Lesson, Teacher, Learn, Student, Free, Intro, Tutorial, IELTS learning, interview, easy
Id: NHVQ3s94tbA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 45sec (3045 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 26 2020
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