IELTS Live - Writing Task 2 - Band 9 Structure and Content

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hi students and welcome to today's live IELTS class my name is Adrian and I'm streaming to you live from beautiful Budapest here in Central Europe I hope everybody is having a great week in today's live class we are looking at a task to writing example and we're focusing on structure of a band 9si this is a members chat class of course everybody is welcome to watch and I will host an all chat class in 90 minutes focusing on the reading section while we wait for some of our members and viewers to join up this lesson is brought to you by AE help comm for academic IELTS help check us out at AE help calm and join the Premium Package there we have over a hundred hours of HD video lessons for all sections of the exam as well as original practice tests and a fully interactive course for your phone tablet and PC for general IELTS check us out at G IELTS help calm that's general IELTS help calm again we have loads of materials there for you also hi himand good evening to you it's still the afternoon for me here at least for the next four and a half hours students are websites they look like this this is the academic version here with the blue background click that big red button to join the Premium Package do yourself a favor get materials and strategies that will definitely help you to get the maximum score on your exam this is the general version of the website with the green background click that big red button to join us there hi just preet nice to see more members coming into the class students you can download our apps link them to your web accounts search for academic IELTS help in general IELTS help on the Google Play and Apple app stores if you have questions about our products or the exam just send me an email Adrian @ae hi Yura I Preeti nice to have you in the class our books are available or exam books on Amazon look for AE helps academic IELTS and G helps general outs you can purchase those books in paperback or electronic copies again tasks to today followed by reading tomorrow we will continue with this task - and also I will host a task one class for the all chat class and then we'll finish the week with some speaking part - and speaking part three students let's get into today's topic so this is task 2 writing this question could come up on your academic or on your general exam so it doesn't really matter which one you're sitting for the tastic question is very similar between the two exams sometimes the topics are a little bit more academic for the academic exam but the concept is the same you're writing what kind of essay so even for Dobbs or engineer what type of essay is task 2 I think it's good to review this every now and then I know some of you already know this but it's a good idea to to review these concepts sometimes so task 2 there's really only four types of writing or essays in languages and this essay belongs to which group what type of essay is this task 2 in the IELTS is a it's not called an opinion essay Evon there's a different word it's good to use the technical word in this case your clothes opinion is almost the perfect synonym for this type of essay and but we don't call it an opinion that's right reg Barry we call it a persuasive essay the goal of this essay is to persuade or convince your reader of a position or argument okay and there are a lot of subcategories students so argument essay advantage disadvantage type essay which outweighs which so there's lots of different types argument counter-argument essay there's a lot of different types of persuasive essays but persuasive essays is this category of essay where we want to convince our reader why is that important to remember because that dictates the language that you use okay high key C long time no see good to have you in the class I a Mont so persuasive essays the reason that it's important to know this is because this should dictate the style of language that you're using okay so it is important to keep in mind that your persuasion should dictate or decide the type of vocabulary and grammar that you are using okay why is this important for the IELTS and for university and for work and jobs because that's what life is about life is often about us coming up with an opinion or a position and convincing our audience about that position okay one of the common mistakes that I see as students our week okay in their opinion so keep this in mind in order to get been 7 or higher especially on the academic IELTS the examiners are looking at the coherence and strength of your argument okay does that make sense students hi Ravindra welcome aboard to our group of members so does that make sense students in the IELTS exam above been 7 or 7 or higher the examiners are not just looking at or is your spelling accurate or as your grammar accurate as your vocabulary accurate that should be almost perfect but they're actually looking at the strength of your argument okay so how good of a job do you do to convince your reader of your idea okay all right just be totally it turns out nice that pasta so you have to be careful okay so you must be careful to avoid weak and ambiguous arguments okay these are two often common all for student responses such as it depends or there are both advantages and disadvantages okay now here's an important one in most cases you should take one position in the argument okay somewhere along the way some IELTS teachers who aren't necessarily well-trained in writing persuasive essays started teaching students to write that well you can write the first paragraph about the advantages the second one about disadvantages and then kind of make a position and that creates a lot of these weak essays where the readers kind of like okay so this is good that is good this is okay that's okay neither is better than the other and that's that when a reader reads this kind of essay they feel like they wasted their time they feel like they didn't really get anything from that five or ten minutes reading the essay so you should take a position it's very rare that you sit on the fence does that make sense so only questions that ask you to discuss both sides should you discuss both sides okay most essays will not ask you to discuss both sides if the essay question is not asking you to discuss both sides you should not discuss both sides especially in a short 250 300 word essay okay thanks Kesey thanks reg veer for confirming that it's really important it is one of the most common mistakes and it's one of the fastest ways for a lot of students to improve their tasks to score is just simply to make a better argument to make a stronger argument okay all right let's get back to the question I really wanted to emphasize that because I'm finding myself reading too many essays with weak arguments that could get higher band scores all right so let's let's read this question now carefully and then we'll work through the planning stage and get the introduction done so read with me IELTS task 2 right you should spend about 40 minutes on this task many people believe that people should eat more vegetables and less meat others disagree what do you believe and why let's change one of these people to individuals so support your opinion and give examples and explanations from your own experience are right so let's paraphrase this question so that we make sure we understand it and we know the voice of the essay as well so go ahead members and viewers as well you can do this at home paraphrase this question okay so paraphrase this question that helps you to collect vocabulary get a clear idea of the question and start thinking about your position okay so let's do that together and then we'll compare the paraphrase paraphrase means rewrite this question in your own words so state this another way okay so all right so here's my paraphrase I'm guessing some of you are finishing up your own let's look at the original again many individuals believe that people should eat more vegetables and less meat others disagree what do you believe and why support your opinion and give examples and explanations from your own experience lots of people argue that individuals ought to consume more greens and less animal protein however there are those who refute this position what is your opinion and why refute is another way to say disagree I see just be you just asked me that so refute means to push back so if somebody tells me something and I refute that idea it means that I push it back towards them okay so refute a kind of an easy way just free to remember refute is think about it like refuse to refuse an idea okay all right and then I made sure to paraphrase the whole question and that's a good idea in this case back up your ideas with samples and reasoning from your own past so that has the same meaning as support your opinion and give examples and explanations from your own experience okay quick question what voice should this essay be alright while you answer that himand sharma says it has argued that individuals can suit should consume more vegetables over animal products whereas a certain population refutes this position good himand himand you don't need the comma after whereas that's just a smooth flowing continuous sentence so no comma there okay Rajveer says many people argue that individuals should consume more vegetables and less animal products however others think the opposite what is your position and explain Rajveer it's not animal food because that means we're eating like dog food cat food and livestock food which is kind of funny so careful there animal food is what we would feed the animals okay fer das WF says certain individuals ascertain that people have to consume more veggies instead of eating flesh yeah flesh is a little bit odd sounding for a native English speaker they're eating less meat flesh is more of a medical term for dogs so when we're dealing with flesh we're usually using that word with humans or animals if you're talking to a veterinarian but it's more of a medical context okay I know that's what you learn right understanding how to use these in context Rajveer I like how you finished your paraphrasing support your position with explanations and examples from your life nice reg fear so that gives you that clear idea that it's first-person essay and Mahesh and kisi and Yvonne all agree with you reg fear that it's a first-person essay for dogs it's definitely a first-person essay support your opinion and give examples and explanations from your own experience that's very strongly a first-person request okay Casey says certain individuals ascertain that eating more greens and less red and white meat is better however others disagree you see that first sentence is a sentence fragment it's not complete another way to say it is it's an incomplete sentence okay Preity Cena says several people argue that they should consume more veggies and less comestibles I don't know that word however others oppose this statement what is your opinion and why yeah I don't know that word camasta Preeti I'll be honest I've never seen it before or used it so I can't give you feedback on that okay so what's the topic here what is the topic what are we talking about what are we focusing on so topic please identify that and the controlling idea so what are we discussing what should this si continuously focus on what concept should it echo for the reader throughout so that they're crystal clear on what is being discussed what are we talking about we have a great group of members in the class today so they should have some nice answers and again remember when you're identifying the topic focus to be as concise as possible kay Rajveer says food to be eaten by humans Bruce Len says consuming food benefits of vegetables kisi says food students there's even one word it's four letters it's not food starts with a D okay or you could say it another way with an N maybe the N word is even better Preeti says eat more vegetables and less meat Preeti I think that's more yeah very good for doves that's almost more into the controlling idea so for dog says diet right so if I want to be as precise and concise as possible so always practice to be as precise and concise as possible okay in this case I would say human diet okay or the other way you might say it is human nutrition right nutrition is perhaps even more accurate than the word diet because nutrition reflects the concept of the value of food that we're putting into our body so whether it's good or bad or there vitamins enzymes and so on right so human nutrition and the controlling idea himand is the benefits of consuming more vegetables and less meat the benefits or deficits is right so that would be our controlling idea so we're talking about human nutrition or diet and the controlling idea is the benefits or deficits of consuming more vegetables and less meat that's what we're targeting here okay so now of course we can go through the what why and how and it's worth doing that so sometimes students are like well it's really easy right human diet what is it but let's go through this just for fun just so you can see okay a lot of times and this is a little tip here okay do not assume that because a topic seems straightforward you automatically can think of all the necessary information without going through the steps of critical thinking I'll give you a good example for this in just a second okay students so wait for me here what why how okay I'm sure many of you will agree with this and I'll add this here actually to this note think of how many times your math teacher warned you to go through all of the steps in the equation and show your work okay does that ring a bell for many of you so when you're learning math in school and you have an equation like X plus y equals four times two why something like that so I'm just coming up with something maybe doesn't even make sense but and then students will say oh okay X has to equal ten right without showing their work and then the math teacher says it looks easy but you really need to go through the steps and show your work and then oftentimes we're like oh yeah okay so how many of you have had that experience Rajveer says every time all right Rajveer well in English and in logic in what the Greeks referred to as rhetoric or argument it's the same you have to go through a certain number of steps even when the topic might seem super simple okay so reasoning and arguing follows a lot of the same types of logic as mathematics and we tend to assume that we're very familiar with certain topics even more than in math and that's where we make a lot of mistakes in our arguments okay yeah just breathe just grunt I love your honesty members me too all the time I always thought I could oh yeah I don't need to show my work here I'll just jump ahead and write the answer and then of course I got many of those answers wrong so same thing when you are making a verbal argument especially when you're writing okay it's often important even in spoken presentation to go through steps of logic in your head when you're writing it's especially important okay so show your work so let's go through these okay so question number one what is human nutrition so what would you say that is so let's go through these what is human nutrition and then of course question two is why do humans eat in question three would be how do we eat or how do we maintain our nutritional needs okay so let's go through these three question so what is human nutrition so Yvonne says the ration of food for a day okay c'mon says fuel for life c'mon when you're doing this don't use abstract or analog as concepts okay we put fuel in a car I kind of get what you're seeing him on but be even more specific so Preeti says proteins vitamins minerals fat that we put into our bodies right so finish the idea Yura says proteins vitamins fats okay Sam cut nori says in my opinion human nutrition is the diet that we take okay Sam says to take energy from food let's go step by step here okay it seems to me like you're jumping around a little bit student so what is human nutrition the substance is especially food and liquids that we put into our body okay so again you're always focusing on being concise as concise and as precise as possible so it's the substances especially food and liquids that we put into our body okay why do I say foods and liquids some people might say well that's everything but don't forget people will inhale smoke some people smoke cigarettes for example and that could even be considered a part of the nutrition but I'm not going to go into that much detail okay so let's let's not jump to the parts of nutrition yet like proteins and acids and carbohydrates etc etc okay so Ruslan says it's the inner elements that supply humans with energy and life that we consume okay all right why do humans eat number two give me some really good answers for this one I saw some people answer so to keep our body in good health to live and survive so to live survive health I'm surprised that I haven't seen one come up yet for this just Quran says for energy there's still one missing and this is where I want to show you the importance of critical thinking even when it appears to be simple okay there's one key answer to question two that I haven't seen yet very good colleague tune so color Tunes like oh yeah of course wait a second let's visualize this guys are we really eating all those chocolates and candies for survival yeah arguably not right so for satisfaction so we also eat for pleasure right okay always think outside of the box right arguably a lot of human nutrition in today's world is focusing not on survival but on pleasure okay and I bet that many of you are now thinking L wait a second that could be quite an important concept when we're comparing eating meat and vegetables would you agree with me on that members so identifying this answer for why do humans eat for pleasure is an important concept for this essay question do you agree with me can you so here what I want you to think about is the IELTS examiner who gets 200 essays to mark okay so that IELTS examiner's sitting there they have they have a pile of essays like this on their desk and they have to mark them okay and they're reading one after the next after the next think about how much better an essay will read that identifies pleasure as part of the idea of eating especially eating meat and vegetables okay that student has a huge advantage to get a higher band score then those students that didn't identify that component okay and I can see Ruslan just read Rajveer some endure Herman and ki see that you're all there okay so this is why we go through what's called the order of operations in math right so going through all of the steps showing our work okay so we eat for these reasons now how do we maintain our nutritional needs so what do we do okay in practice yeah of course Yvonne exactly and I think that's what everybody else was thinking - yeah we're eating meat a lot of the time not because we need to but because of the pleasure the sensation that it gives us to eat meat right meat is very sweet and salty at the same time it's a very pleasurable sensation to eat a steak or a grilled chicken okay so how do we maintain our nutritional needs what do we do to eat every day yeah ruslan I bet yeah I apologize in advance for those students who are getting really hungry during this lesson that will happen game so Sam says by eating a balanced diet for healthy life fridge vir says by eating vegetables meat Yura says by ingesting vitamins and doing work or sure ok yeah ok so by putting food into our mouths but how do we how do we procure our nutrition so do we do it like our forefathers thousands of years ago we go out into the field with a spear and we hunt down a mammoth or we find a bush full of berries and pluck all those berries off the bush and collect them in our basket or somewhere else and then take them back to our tent or a cave so how do we actually procure our nutrition yeah so himand says most of us buy our food for markets yeah so we buy our food from markets or restaurants ok if it's the restaurants then it's already prepared right we also prepare dishes at home sometimes we produce food at home in the garden right then we eat ok so that's what's important here we work yeah Preeti very good so Preeti seen us as we work we earn money we buy it we eat it good Preeti fantastic that's exactly what we do color tuned says from butcher shops we get our meat great alright so now we go on to the controlling ideas ok so the controlling elements so for the controlling ideas we want to ask some important questions here so now we've gone through these important basic steps of human nutrition now we need to go through the controlling ideas what is the right question so sometimes answering the questions of course is not too bad we get the right ideas the more challenging part of arguing is to identify the right questions right so what is the right question there are a couple that we can start with here so give me your suggestions what do you think is the right question for the controlling idea and again be as concise and as accurate as possible okay we've got to get a move on students let's get to work so what's the right question what's the right question here how much nutria so Ruslan says how much nutrition is in veggies and meat Preeti says eating vegetables is more healthy than having meat Kesey says the benefits of eating lots of vegetables almost kisi almost you're the closest so far okay anybody else so I would start with question what are the benefits and again simplify it when you have the right question students your mind will know okay when you have the right question your mind goes oh yeah of course that's the right question okay and so it's usually what so the first question usually starts with what okay ruslan you should choose a side but only after you've thought about both sides right so in this case it's it's I think fairly easy to choose the sides of vegetables most of us know that we should eat more vegetables but you should still go through these steps so what are the benefits of eating more vegetables and less meat okay that is the right question so what are the benefits of eating more vegetables and less meat what's the answer okay and give me your ideas here so what's the benefit now hit him think outside the box okay so what are the benefits of eating more vegetables and less meat give me your answers whatever comes to mind just get them out as soon as you get the the okay so Yvonne says reduced weight that might be the there we go reg ver says easy digestion so yeah easier digestion which results in losing weight okay all right caller tune says we can maintain our physical posture but kala tune I'm not sure what that means okay keep your thoughts simple students simple thoughts are beautiful and they lead to high band essays so Rajveer has the best one so far with easy digestion okay Hamas has a lower chance of inheriting viral infections from animals himand let's simplify that okay so less contaminants okay contaminants are for example bacteria or virus like bird flu mad cow disease all of those different illnesses Salmonella that happens with chicken consumption but contaminants like mercury hormones and so on that's also often found in meat today right Casey says cheap and easy to get maybe it's arguable that vegetables can be even more expensive but sure okay so easier digestion less contaminants cheap yeah Preeti says like heart attack okay lower cholesterol right I have never written that word on think but lower cholesterol absolutely okay so lower cholesterol also now students whenever you're thinking about your arguments here's a really good tip okay for your exam so always think of individuals and society as well okay so whenever your deal for most topics when you're dealing with these advantage disadvantage type questions think about the individual okay and then think about Society because humans we are individuals and we're also pieces of that greater mechanism that we call our society our city our country or continent and of course the entire planet right okay and don't get carried away with your thoughts don't get emotional don't get all you know excited about oh I'm a vegetarian so I'm gonna argue this and that stay with the program so just like in math stay with the program hi Karen welcome aboard to a group of members okay so so far what are the benefits of eating more vegetables less meat easier digestion less contaminants cheaper lower cholesterol diet Preeti those are the results life expectancy can increase okay any benefits for society so any benefits for society yeah so Hamas says creates more efficient nutrition or nutritional chains for humans yeah you're kind of on the right track come on but you want to simplify that okay you want to simplify that okay so if you're getting really fancy and you want to get AB and 9si then you should consider less demand on Natural Resources okay so meat production is extremely costly for humans the amount of resources needed for just a few cows can produce enough vegetables for a hundred more people okay so it's not just animal protection KC but the actual so I've I've read in a couple different places that to produce one 10 ounce steak requires something like a thousand liters of water okay or even more so keep that in mind alright so think outside the box okay alright now next question is why does eating more vegetables or veggies than meat have these benefits for people so why came so why now I'm gonna move us along here a little bit because I can see that we won't really get past the planning stage here today but that's ok because the better planning we have the better we can write two more on the faster right so why does eating more veggies than meat have these benefits for humans what do you think so what could we say here if somebody if somebody says well why is it easier to digest okay you're gonna laugh but if we had the same question and we were all dogs okay so we're all dogs we would have some really different answers here we would not have easier digestion as our answer here if we're all dogs or wolves or Tigers we would say whoo you're gonna wreck your stomach you're gonna mean a lot of pain if you start eating a lot of veggies right so it seems like it's intuitive but you have to spell it out just like when you're doing math so why can we answer that eating more vegetables helps our digestion or it lowers cholesterol why can we say that for humans okay what do you think so Preeti says veggies are natural products that do not have heavy elements or heavy elements don't concentrate in vegetables as much right Sam says we live healthier lives have less instances of obesity sure Sam that's part of it why why himand our veggies easier to digest for the human body than meats what do you think what's the simple answer here okay the most simple elegant essays with good English will get the highest band scores guarantee you and will get the highest scores in university as well okay so why arguably humans are primarily designed or evolved as a better word to eat vegetables and only a little meat okay so we're designed that way that's the most basic answer here just like our monkey friends the gorillas the chimpanzees we do eat meat we do have teeth to eat meat and we can digest it by the way an animal that eats both meat and vegetables is called an omnivore okay but there are so and there's um there's a really big misconception with Omnivore's so when you have a carnivore like a tiger it's clear that they eat meat and almost just meat right when you have a herbivore like a horse then or a cow then it's clear that they eat just grass and just greens where the confusion happens is with omnivores okay omnivores are animals that eat both meat and plants okay there's a range here all right so a human eats like 95% is designed to eat 95% plants and maybe 5% meat I might even be over shooting it here versus a bear that's designed to eat I'm just coming up with these numbers but they're approximations twenty eighty percent plants and 20 percent meat okay and you can kind of look at our teeth and look at the teeth of a bear and see these differences bears actually have a lot more of these sharp canine style teeth they consume more meat okay so but humans are primarily plant eaters okay all right so let's let's ask the next question here before we go on there's a very important question here students remaining so we've asked two of three good questions for the controlling idea what are the benefits of eating more vegetables and less meat we gave some great answers then we asked what does eating more veggies than meat have or why do these have why does this have more benefits for humans or for people so we have an answer there and we need a third question here that's really important yeah Preeti there's definitely an Ruslan there's definitely a range of meat and vegetable eaters around the world but most humans in most parts of the world are designed to primarily eat vegetables and not meat okay so there's a lot more plant matter on the earth in all regions than meat okay we have one more really important question remaining and you should not start the essay before asking and answering this question what is that question so if my first one was what are the benefits of eating more vegetables and less meat my second one was why does eating more veggies than meat have these benefits then what should be my third one keep it simple conceptualize visualize we really need to ask and answer this one okay because this will be very subjective ok very subjective Rajveer says how does eating more veggies than meat have these benefits yes that's good okay I agree Rajveer and there's another one that we need to ask here let's focus on this one okay so let's focus on this one that I've just put up here you are right you are correct reg fear that this how question is important but this is another one that you have to think about so how do we eat more veggies than meat what does that mean it's a subjective opinion okay so this is a subjective opinion and exactly because of what some of you said so a couple of you said well in different parts of the world that's a different idea right so you have to tell your reader what you actually mean by eating more vegetables and less meat so let me hear it members I'm really curious about your answer for this okay what does it mean in your world in your subjective view to eat more vegetables and less meat okay I just freed in 30 minutes we will have another class of 40 minutes we will have another class on reading okay so answer this last question for me students what does that mean in your world in my world that means instead of eating meat everyday eating meat only once a week okay and of course replacing that dietary need with vegetables so this is where you really want to be quantitative okay because your essay will have to show that for your reader if you don't it's gonna be a very awkward essay will be difficult to interpret what you're actually trying to explain right so here I would say instead of eating meat every day eating meat only once a week and replacing the dietary need of meat with veggies right so in the Western world in Europe and in North America it's very common to eat meat not just once a day but even several times a day and instead of that eating meat maybe just once every week would be that eating less meat and more vegetables okay members we're short on time here so here's the homework okay I'm gonna give you a little bit of homework today for tomorrow please and the more of the you that do it the better the class will be for tomorrow so please write the introductory paragraph for tomorrow okay so for tomorrow's class have the introductory paragraph ready I'll do the same and then we'll go through it nice and quick we'll reflect and then we'll focus more on the body paragraphs and the conclusion Quran I see that you saying you're saying the same so eating meat once a week where people can develop enzymes that are not covered for a vet by veggies yeah yeah so Rajveer says once a month okay all right okay students so we'll stop there for today again really important right the introductory paragraph remember a hook background thesis okay those are the three elements that we're looking for and then we'll look at our introductory paragraphs tomorrow and complete the rest of the essay one of the most important points that I want to again reiterate from today's class is go through the steps of critical thinking just like your math teacher telling you to go through every step and show your work that's what I'm telling you to do with these task two essays go through the steps show your work especially when you're practicing at home just breathe don't send the introduction anywhere just have it ready for tomorrow's class okay and we'll share our hooks background and thesis statements students viewers this lesson again is presented to you by AE help comm for academic IELTS please check us out there join our premium packages and for general IELTS check us out at G IELTS help calm and join our premium packages there I'll be back in 30 minutes with some reading practice and strategy you are most welcome great attendance in today's class nice participation hopefully I'll see most of you shortly bye for now
Channel: AcademicEnglishHelp
Views: 5,016
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: IELTS, Task 2, writing, essay, paragraphs, sentences, vocabulary, introduction paragraph, band 9, body paragraphs, conclusion, IELTS description, English examination, writing IELTS, writing for task two, second part of writing, writing strategies, IELTS task 2, Lesson, Teacher, Learn, Student, Lessons, Learning, Free, Intro, Tutorial, IELTS task 2 explain, IELTS task 2 learning, IELTS task 2 explanations, plan, planning, understand, skills, strategies
Id: usqwNkSQBUs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 7sec (3307 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 20 2020
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