IELTS Live - Speaking Part 2 - Cue Card Strategies for High Bands

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hi students and welcome to today's live IELTS class my name is Adrienne and I am streaming to you live from beautiful Budapest here in Central Europe I am Canadian from West Coast Canada in Victoria capital city of British Columbia near Vancouver Iowa's hi Yura hi Parmar get to see students in this class hi Khyber again in this class we are looking at IELTS speaking part 2 the cue card we will talk about some strategies for the cue card and then go through an example together while we wait for some more of your fellow students a little bit about us this class is presented to you by AE help calm that's academic English help calm where you can find loads of videos practice exams and lots and lots of help to increase your band scores for the academic IELTS for the general check us out at G IELTS that's general IELTS just real quick let's take a peek at those sites this is the academic site here at AE help calm click that big red button to join the Premium Package and for the general version it's the green background and you can click that big red button there to join the Premium Package hi Karolina get to see you in this class missed you in the previous members chat class I hope you're doing well alright and if you have questions don't hesitate to send me an email adrian ADR I am at AE help calm about our products or about the IELTS exam you can get our books from Amazon search for AE helps academic IELTS or GE helps general IELTS on Amazon as well a couple of quick notes I never said this before but you can also find some of our materials on udemy and also on hello English as well so you can find us in a lot of different places on the internet quite popular we've helped thousands of students improve their band scores okay students so today speaking part two this is the last class for this week we will continue IELTS live-streaming next week on Wednesday okay so that will be Wednesday the 19th all right so let's take a look at today's part two question here we go part two this is a speaking class so be sure to speak and repeat what you hear and repeat what I say Kame so speak speak speak as much as you can how you Jin I love the cowboy hat happy face with the Panda combination that's great all right Rajon money come a good luck on your speaking exam this Thursday here is our cue card so cue card comes after part one you have completed part one in the interview you're feeling good you're confident you're calm you're speaking in full sentences and the examiner says that is at the end of part one now for part two here's a cue card with some questions on it you will have one minute to look at the questions think about your answer here's some note paper and a pencil you can take notes if you wish and then you will have two minutes to speak I will tell you when to start when to stop your one-minute preparation time begins now and so you turn over the card and this is what you see so you see this talk about a place you went to often as child so that's your topic your controlling idea michael fan says sir your hair is standing in an oblique direction is my hair going all crazy again sometimes it does that Michael all right so put a smile on my face though Michael I must say all right so then you read the card carefully you read the card carefully so you read this part here what is this place or what this place is where is it located what can people do there why you went there as a child and how do you feel about it now so these are the sub questions what should I do before I start thinking about my answer what's my first step here so what's a really good idea to do my UNK I will allow your contact information just make sure not to share personal information okay there you go all right so Kevin Bowie says identify what you're talking about awaaz says identify the topic and boohoo me cheese bar says read twice the topic yeah Karolina says read the question carefully and hidaya Zohar says read twice that first sentence yeah students that's absolutely it so this first sentence the talk about a place you went to often as a child you have to read that twice because you really want to make sure that you're focusing on all of the elements in this part of the question this is the key to the question so here you're talking about a place you're talking about a place you went to as a child you're talking about a place you went to often okay as a child so you really even do what I just did because when we're nervous and I'm sure a lot of students are nervous when they're doing their IELTS exam it's really easy to misinterpret even simple information so you really have to focus in on this question so this is where you want to calm yourself focus read it twice okay so that's my first tip here okay because too many times I listen to students talking off topic okay so tip number one read the topic sentence of the cue card twice okay it is really easy to miss interpret information when a person is nervous okay so that's my first tip okay all right then you identify what you're talking about so here you're talking about a place okay and as many of you know you're either going to be talking about a place a person an object an event or an idea all right one of those five okay in this case you're talking about a place each of the five have a very kind of set structure of ideas to clearly communicate about them okay so here we're talking about a place when you talk about a place what should you keep in mind so and this is the rank order so this is the order that you should be thinking when you're talking about a place what should you say first so what is the first idea you want to present to a listener when you discuss a place okay before you think about kindergarten amusement park and so on what do you want to discuss first about this place okay so boonie says it's location Khyber Jen says it's location appearance yeah that's right so it's location and appearance okay that's first if you want to tell me clearly about a place that I have no idea of the first point that you want to say is where is it located what does it look like okay that's the first that you want to say okay all right what do you want to say second so you explain to me where it's located you've told me what it's look like what it looks like then what do you want to say about it so what should you say second yeah so second you want to say what happens there its function and the people who go there okay so what is it used for this place and who goes there that kind of goes together like that okay all right and what should you say third so you've told me where it is you told me what it looks like you told me who goes there and what people do there and then what should you do third okay so what's your third set of ideas so bumi says maybe something about its history yeah and in this case its meaning for you okay so that would be included here especially with this card right because this card is asking about a place you went to often as a child so the history and its meaning Nisour its connection to you is very very important okay so all of this has to happen in the first 90 seconds then if you still have time elaborate go into details and give examples and opinions okay don't repeat information that's the last thing that you want to do all right is repeat information okay so appearance location function attendees history meaning this of the place all right what's my next step here so next step so far I'm doing great and of course this is happening very quickly because I practice this I know these steps so I've read the card I've read the title the topic sentence twice I identified that it's a place I go okay I got to talk about its location appearance function attendees history meaning I have to do this quickly look at the questions on the card what's my next step Oh Waze says write some usable notes yeah not yet boo me very good boo me I can tell you've really been studying our materials because you have a lot of the right answer so boo me good for you I'm picking that up okay by the way students I only respond to about twenty thirty percent of the comments that I actually read I'm reading many many more comments than you're probably thinking so boo me very good yeah think about three or four different possible ideas so think of three or four at least two okay possible ideas to answer and choose the best one okay which is the best one it's hard to be sure but the best one is the one that is unique and easy to discuss okay that again you have to practice at home so now you can think about some places so what are some places that you went to often as a child give me the first three four places that come to mind soma-rasa says park near my home let's label these okay what would be another one nagura says family camp in the summer okay ruslan says skate park let's see what else we have karolina says kindergarten right maybe a religious place we ponce as a temple or a church all right pachoo says supermarket Manju says grandparents home all right yura says amusement arcade okay so lots and lots there okay Beach yeah and it doesn't necessarily mean that you don't go there anymore so hopefully many of your grandparents are still alive and well and you maybe still go to grandparents home often but of course you went there often as a child that's okay the question doesn't say talk about a place you went to often as a child that you don't go to anymore doesn't say that so you can certainly talk about a place that you still go to often and that might actually be easier because you're still very clear about that place so you have a vivid memory you have fresh memories and ideas about that place okay just make sure that you're specific all right I think we have a lot of good ideas here all right so I think part near my home is a good idea skate park might be a little bit tricky because it might not be the easiest to discuss what people are doing there and explaining what it looks like so this could be quite challenging make sure that you're up for the challenge before you choose that one family camp I like it I think it's fairly easy to talk about I think it's unique as well kindergarten yeah it's easy to talk about but it's probably not unique okay I would imagine that many candidates would choose school or kindergarten as one of their top picks all right so I would avoid that grandparents home could be okay as long as you have some clear ideas of what what's going on there Temple is the same kind of s kindergarten so I think a lot of students might choose a temple or a church so here I'm going to make the decision for us I really like this one summer camp okay so I'm gonna replace family camp here with summer camp okay summer camp summer camp there's a lot of ways that you can go with summer camp that's why I really like this here summer camp okay summer camp and I'm sure a lot of us have at some point in our lives attended a camp or two we've seen lots of movies about going to summer camp we can use our imagination for this so let's work together okay summer camp summer camp alright so now my next step is usable notes okay next step write useful notes you should use both your notes and the cue card during the two-minute speaking time okay lots of exclamation marks there why you probably like Adrienne really is that necessary do you really need to put like ten exclamation marks on that point yeah so so many times when I see students writing their notes a lot of notes are useless so they'll actually write summer camp on their notes and it's like okay that's your topic I'm sure you're going to remember that I don't think you need to write down summer camp because that will be your first sentence right and then students will write down in the summer yeah I mean of course that's summer camp right so those are useless notes don't waste that one minute on useless information that's in your head and easy to access okay useful notes means quantitative information that's a little bit less likely for you to access okay so think of descriptive sensory and quantitative information okay so descriptions I don't want to give you all of this yet because we want to do that together but think of descriptive language so how would you describe what are some unique features of this summer camp that you can actually tell me so I can increase your lexical resource score in your speaking okay sensory language means smell touch taste okay so I can still smell the flowers that grew in the garden and in the forest around the summer camp so flowers at summer camp that would be a useful or roses tulips whatever they might be daffodils okay so sensory information means smell taste touch hearing okay here the birds the owls at nighttime okay so that no violent new and you cannot ask for more time you have to do this in the one minute okay and quantitative information so numbers when did you go to summer camp what was the exact date okay three weeks in August that would be useful notes okay all right so useful notes and then you should use your notes and the card during the two minutes speaking time so many times the students I see students writing like crazy in the one minute and then the examiner says okay your one-minute preparation time is up please begin speaking they take the cue card and leave it there or some students will even shift the cue card and the notes and then they'll start talking for two minutes sometimes they get stuck for ideas and they're thinking and they're still not looking at the card they're still not looking at their notes probably because they're nervous they forgot that they exist completely or something but the examiner can't say well why don't you look at your notes or hey look at the cue card you missed one question so the examiner can't say that and it's really frustrating it's very difficult as an examiner when a student it's clearly nervous and they forgot about the cue card and the notes so use them keep them in front of you keep them face up and when you get stuck or when you're organizing your thoughts look at the paper read your notes look up and start talking continue talking okay all right so Yura I'm glad you're being really honest about that and I know a lot of students do it so pay attention okay all right um good good good so let's take some usable notes give me some usable notes let's start with appearance okay so with your notes try to follow this information here location appearance function attendees history so try to follow that okay so bumi says 200 kilometers from my home okay so here are our usable notes all right just move this down to the next page here and then we'll create some usable notes so 200k from home okay sure give me some nama vishal says not my lake okay sure give me more so it's summer camp Parmar the subject is summer camp a place that you often went to as a child okay all right let's see just beat yeah you should make eye contact with the examiner you don't have to stare at the examiner like this the whole two minutes but you should look at your notes look at the examiner talk to them okay Ruslan forests and mountains okay forests and snow-capped mountains all right so Karolina is saying when so three weeks in July so all of this could be usable so I'll just take July there Karolina and we can say three weeks in July for ten years six to sixteen so aged six to sixteen okay again of course shorten your notes as much as possible now reg beers getting into friends okay Rajveer that's later in your notes because that's the importance for you right so before that you want to say what happens there so again location okay description of what it looks like and then what happens there so if you're talking about making friends there and the other importance for you then that comes later you want to explain what happens there so what happens at summer camp okay okay Manju says an animal watching and this is where Manju you might want to do something like deer oops deer Eagles owls okay and maybe even a bear whoo-hoo okay I don't know where Tigers depends on where you are in the world of course so think about those animals that you saw there the plants Kyra Jen's has sports okay now sports is something that you will remember so instead of writing sports write words like archery basketball okay football crickets okay whatever it might be so instead name the sports right don't just write sports but name the sports Rajveer very good adventure games like rafting okay exciting games okay what else so you have sports okay don't get caught up on one point good Sita Sita new paint says how about some other activities like music okay now with music again don't just think music but go into detail playing the guitar singing jazz songs I don't know maybe not jazz maybe you're singing rock or pop or campfire songs but again be specific right okay good and you've made a lot of friends that last a lifetime maybe you learned some skills like making a fire with sticks okay very good Kevin roasting marshmallows telling ghost stories good good good there you go now you're on your way to a band 9 alright so we are doing fantastic what's my next step so I have lots of notes students if you're able to write down these notes in your one-minute then I am sure you are going to be on your way to a band 7 or more okay alright so what's next what's my next step I have good notes I have good ideas I guess a lot of you are probably now realizing that hey yeah summer camp would be a really good response for this part 2 question Awad says write your first sentence yeah absolutely ba-ba-ba-ba-bom again I'm doing all of these crazy exclamation marks like I'm screaming I'm like ah get your first sentence ready that's because so often when the examiners say okay your one-minute preparation time is up please begin speaking students go well I went to many places when I was a child I often went to many places where well and and and thank you for giving me this chance to talk about this Wow check that time out I just used up 30 seconds and I've said nothing okay so I'm not getting any points all right so your first sentence has to be quick clear and to the point okay you basically have to get on track and move all right so make sure you have your first sentence ready if it helps write it down okay and I actually checked the time on students and the average time wasted by students is between 15 and 20 seconds that's a lot in two minutes okay all right so if it helps write it down okay give me your first sentence so what is a good first sentence here I see reg beers already on it Reggie has a place which I used to go to in my childhood his summer camp in Manali in India very good okay so a place which I often went to as a child is summer camp I'm going to use our notes here at nama Lake about 200 kilometers from my home okay good so that is your first sentence okay this sentence shows the examiner right away that hey okay this student read the card carefully they have a clear idea they chose a topic well they've been practicing for this exam and they're going to deliver a speech when the examiner feels that when the examiner feels alright this student is going to deliver an original speech on the right topic you are on your way to a ban 9 okay all right now stick to your strategy okay so location and appearance all right so a place which I often went as a child is summer camp at normal Lake about 200 kilometers from my home give me the next sentences students appearance describe what it looks like so Rajveer says it is surrounded by green lush forests yes so that's that sensory language green lush forest lush means that it's healthy and thick okay it's a thick green forest so the lake is surrounded by green lush forests and snow-capped mountains are visible in the distance okay great let's see what other students have given me for describing this place okay we're just making this up it's totally fine you can be a 100 percent imagination here okay all right so exhaust son boy says it is surrounded by mountains great pretty yogi don't talk about several places that you visited in your childhood and one of them is summer camp just talk about summer camp okay I don't care about the other places I want you to just talk about one place okay all right give me some more descriptive language all right it was says the name of the summer camp is happy childhood and that's good I was sure why not give it a name right be specific so camp Thunderbird or Camp Tiger roar right it's called camp let's call it camp Tiger roar I really like that okay all right so give me more about the description what is at summer camp see the summer camp in your head there's a part that I'm really missing here with the description for this summer camp okay so what do you find at the summer camp I don't I didn't see anybody mention it unless I missed it I usually don't miss much in the chat let's see I don't see anybody talking about it yet what do you find at summer camp students that we're missing from the description here I'm really missing this from the visual component and it's not the flowers it's not the pool okay let's see yep there we go Amira said deck thank you you get my two jumbo thumbs up tents and cozy sleeping bags so yeah come on there's got to be some kind of a place for people to stay and eat right so tense or cabins and a lodge okay so there are a couple dozen cabins lakeside as well as a main lodge for activities and mealtime right that's what we're missing and if you're really going fancy you can even go into more description there so you can say wooden cabins okay so all right okay now good so we have description now we can go into a little bit more of who goes there what happens there but in this case be careful with this cue card okay I would definitely emphasize that I went there often as a child okay so this is where I would put in this piece of information three weeks in July for ten years from the age of six to sixteen okay all right so I went there every July for three weeks from the age of six to 16 all right so now we're cooking now we're moving along nicely a place which I often went to as a child is summer camp at nama Lake called Camp Tiger roar students I'm gonna start that again I want you to speak with me okay so speak with me okay all right thanks pens eight I just saw your comment there okay so read with me a place which I often went to as a child is summer camp at neva Lake called Camp Tiger roar about 200 kilometers from my home the lake is surrounded by green lush forests and snow-capped mountains are visible in the distance there are a couple dozen wood cabins lakeside as well as a main lodge for activities and meal time I went there every July for three weeks from the age of 6 to 16 ok now give me some more sentences now get into the people the activities the memories just go for it ok let's see what you come up with don't be shy don't worry about making mistakes I'll make corrections and add in your suggestions into the speaking go for it oh and to help you I'll roll back to our notes here so here's our notes animal watching deer eagles owls bears archery basketball football cricket rafting guitars singing jazz songs ghost stories learned skills making a fire with sticks made a lot of friends okay Karolina if the camp still exists today then it's there are if the camp doesn't exist any more than its there were you can make that clear for the examiner okay alright let's see so awaaz says I went there with my classmates in the middle of July because in this period the weather was always superb and we could go swimming every day oh wise that works sure talking a little bit don't go off-topic though was right it's the on topic here shamil says they conducted many activities such as cycling and adventure activities so shamil sure the people who conducted them would be the organizers or the camp counselors right there were several camp counselors who conducted who organized and managed the kids aged the kids and organized activities such as wilderness adventure hikes where I saw lots of amazing animals like owls Eagles and even a bear one time or a tiger it's called Camp Tiger roars so and even a tiger one time all right let's see what else you're coming up with Menaka Patel says we enjoyed a lot of activities like basketball archery and cricket that's Manish Manish Mahesh as we played a variety of games yeah okay furthermore also we played a variety of team sports like basketball cricket and football okay [Music] where I made lots of new friends sure that's fantastic let's see what else can we add Sassa and boy says every morning we climbed the top of a mountain so each morning we climbed to the top of a nearby mountain and sang camp fire songs the whole way up I still remember one of the camp leaders [Music] would bring and play his guitar sure okay doing fantastic so we're rolling along and we've roughly reached maybe 60 seconds in our speaking time as long as we're going along nice and smooth so maybe if I'm stuck here what should I do oh I'm stuck you know stuck I'm running out of ideas what do I do panic stare at the examiner repeat everything that I said so far using different words maybe maybe not probably not I think not what should we do flower son says read the card Karolina says look at your notes Rajveer says check your notes check your questions yeah absolutely students in two minutes it's okay to take 10 seconds to look at your notes and get some good ideas okay don't start repeating yourself don't panic and freak out so check the card and check your notes alright so important so first check the card okay because you want to make sure that you're answering all of the questions on the card in the first 90 seconds maybe even a little bit less 80 seconds so what this place is okay we talked about that where is all we checked like literally in your mind you're like okay check where is it located okay check what can people do they're sure we started talking about that why you went there as a child and how do you feel about it now okay we haven't really answered that question so why did you go there as a child and what is your feeling about it now so give me some information for that okay why did you actually go there we got an idea of that okay you're there and you're doing all of these fun activities but why go there why did your parents send you there for so many years okay what was the purpose what was the reasoning behind this was it to make friends was it to learn life skills why did you go there okay so what was the purpose why do parents think about it right why do parents send their children to these camps in the summer so what's the logic here okay and you can come up with lots of different ideas I'm sure but think about some of the common ones okay so Rajveer says i love to travel in the wilderness and lakeside to learn new skills Hammond says to learn life skills and responsibilities okay sure so my parents felt it important to send me to summer camp as they hoped I would learn many useful life skills as well as become more responsible for my own actions as well as the actions of others I'm just going with this but you get the idea all right let's see a straw table a EV in my opinion I could get a spectacular memory and also I learned through traveling and being independent very good ah sore yeah independent nice use of that word son cat says spend time with essential activities not things tsunkat activities which made me happy and gave me mental fortitude mental strength not peace to use my spare time in my summer holidays wisely okay not kill my spare time son cat that's awkward in this situation we only say kill time son cat when it's a short time like five minutes so to kill time before the meeting I played a game on my mobile phone but we don't say kill three weeks of summer time okay that's awkward all right so careful kill time that expression just for short periods of time okay pretty yogi says I think parents send their children to summer camp because children can use learn useful skills yet but Preeti remember this part two is about you so don't say why parents send their children there say why your parents sent you there okay keep it with yourself okay in addition this was a great way for me to meet many new friends and participate in healthy physical activities okay all right good so now we know why you went there right so why did you go there and how do you feel about it today okay give me a couple more sentences on that so how do you feel about this today yeah my parents wanted to enjoy themselves my parents wanted a little bit of adult time without the stress of children that's possible - okay so how do you feel about it today come on says this camp helped me to discover my career path as I fell in love with nature and chose to be a photographer yeah so these I feel a be direct students so I feel very positive about this place and all of the wonderful experiences I gained there in fact it helped me to choose my career path as today I am a nature photographer sure all right great Alex Joseph says I felt the camp was invaluable for every child especially for myself in fact it can be the turning point for some students students Alex Joseph don't go off-topic okay it's about you your experience is a place you went to often you have to bring it back to yourself all right vishal says today i understand how important it is to take a break from the busy city life which helps me to rejuvenate mentally and physically and be more creative for my job okay that's good too all right so and if the world is coming to an end I feel confident that I can keep warm by making fire with two sticks and some tinder okay let's finish on that note okay all right students so if you have more time this is where you would want to elaborate go into more detail if not then the examiner will stop you there anyway okay so let's go over this together speak and repeat students speak and repeat with me so again for those who are just coming into this class we are answering a task - cue card the task - cue card is talk about a place you went to often as a child what this place is where is it located what can people do there why you went there as a child and how do you feel about it now let's speak for those of you who are confident and high level don't read just repeat a place which I often went to as a child is summer camp at nama Lake called Camp Tiger roar about 200 kilometres from my home the lake is surrounded by green lush forests and snow-capped mountains are visible in the distance there are a couple dozen cabins lakeside as well as a main lodge for activities and meal time I went there every July for three weeks from the age of six to 16 there were several camp counselors who organized and managed the kids and organized activities such as wilderness adventure hikes where I saw lots of amazing animals like owls eagles and even a tiger one time also we played a variety of team sports like basketball cricket and football where I made lots of new friends some of whom I'm still friends with today each morning we climbed to the top of a nearby mountain and sang campfire songs the whole way up I still remember one of the camp leaders who would bring and play his guitar my parents felt it important to send me to summer camp as they hoped I would learn many useful life skills as well as become more responsible for my own actions as well as the actions of others in addition this was a great way for me to meet many new people and participate in healthy physical activities I feel very positive about this place and all of the wonderful experiences I gained there in fact it helped me to choose my career path as today I'm a nature photographer and if the world is coming to an end I feel confident I can keep warm by making fire with two sticks and some tinder that is your band 9 cue card response for this type of question does it seem impossible no absolutely not people can become great storytellers when they practice storytelling is an exceptionally useful skill in everyday life in business and in school believe me I know and for this you have to pay attention to structure organization and strategy okay so that's the key you can get lots more help like this for other topics talking about people events ideas or objects from our websites we have videos that cover these topics make sure to join our premium packages at AE help calm for academic IELTS geodes help calm for general outs you're very welcome hikmah till your welcome but you thank you students for your contributions in today's chat I couldn't have done it without you and I wish you a fantastic rest of your weekend and a great start to your week I will be back on Wednesday with speaking part one at the same time much love to all of you take care believe in yourselves and push forward bye for now
Channel: AcademicEnglishHelp
Views: 7,872
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: IELTS, speaking, section, British, accent, part 1, part 2, part 3, high score, fluency, vocabulary, practice, sample, example, explanation, questions, types, complex, IELTS description, examination, dialogue, conversation, test, understand, examples IELTS speaking section, Lesson, Teacher, Learn, Student, Free, Intro, Tutorial, IELTS learning, interview, easy
Id: LJ3UkfBOsTg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 44sec (3284 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 15 2020
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