IELTS Live - Reading Section - Effective Strategies

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hi students and welcome to today's alive IELTS class my name is Adrian and I'm streaming to you live from beautiful Budapest in the heart of Europe I hope everybody has had a fantastic week and looking forward to a great weekend in this class we are looking at the IELTS reading section some effective strategies we're using an academic IELTS reading passage but for general out students that's kind of the same as your section 3 reading passage so these strategies will work in your general IELTS exam also these lessons are coming from AE help comm for academic IELTS check us out at AE and for the general version of the exam do check us out at G IELTS help comm that's general IELTS on both of these websites we have loads of great materials for you and today we do have a coupon discount code for you in this class as well use our 40 YJ on the websites I'll show you where this is our academic IELTS website here with the blue background click that red button when you do you'll be presented with the checkout form and you want to use the coupon code here with this blue button so again you can do the same for the general version with the green background at G IELTS help comm click that big red button and then use the coupon code for today again that coupon code is a 20% discount from our premium package our 40 YJ where you'll get over a hundred hours of HD video lessons a fully interactive course and lots of practice exams hi Raja money come assume Ally welcome to our group of YouTube members that's fantastic make sure to send me an email to get your exclusive my email address students is Adrienne ADR I am at AE help calm if you have questions about our products or about the exam you can always send me an email there and I see we have lots of members coming in Heidi - hi ex Don hi amira and hi again Rajamani come I hope I'm kind of pronouncing that nice long name correctly hi four doves fantastic this is a members chat class everybody is welcome to watch in 90 minutes we will have an all chat class where everybody can join the chat which will focus on speaking part to students you can get our exam books from Amazon also in digital or paperback version search your Amazon 480 helps academic IELTS RG helps general IELTS hi charlie nice to see many members joining in on this class so again today reading followed by speaking and then more classes tomorrow and on Sunday this week all right well get right into it looking at reading passage 3 from exam number 5 today and notice that we have a list of headings question here which will we we will go through together and solve and I will give you strategies for that list of headings question as well members what's the first step so when you're in the reading section and you have figured out which passage to start with the one that seems like the easiest topic for you then what do you do what is step number one so some of our longer time members should know this from previous classes what is your first step so step number one as soon as you get to your reading and you decide on which passage to start with step one always this first step to get those higher band scores okay yes Tonya I'm sure some of the vocabulary will be the same in your actual IELTS but it's always a different topic so you will have some unique vocabulary for sure okay so fir table says read the headline topic and visualize fir Dobbs the correct word that you're looking for is read the title it's just simply called the title the title Amira same thing not the topic it's called the title that's the accurate English word there so read the title visualize see the information think critically which means what why how and thereby you predict the information and that's correct okay Rajamani come you're not looking for keywords yeah no that's that will not help you at this point or not help you significantly anyway all right so let's do that let's look at the title and we have a picture and pictures should always remind you to visualize to try to see the information that you're going to read that's right Shruti critical thinking is essential at this stage so the title here is mirages okay and then we have a picture here and the picture is showing a large desert with the sky and then what looks like some rocks and maybe some water here in the distance so in this case the title is mirages now we're visualizing this and then of course we're asking the White House so what is a mirage and why do they exist and how does it work so what is this why does it exist and how does it work okay give me some answer students to the best of your knowledge okay that's all you can do is think to the best of your knowledge maybe the topics familiar for you maybe it's close to your major you study geography or psychology maybe not so maybe you only have a little information but that's okay even if you just have a little information about this gather it collect it get your mind moving okay so next on says it's the delusion of the existence of water okay I like that that's nice next on okay and some of you are saying that it's light reflection that's also good I like it good job charlie says it's maybe a hallucination as well okay perhaps Pavan says it's an illusion that's a good word okay so it seems like there's water in the distance yeah great Amaris as there's a water image on the horizon but it's not really there good okay all of those are good why does it exist so don't just stop at the what the what is a good start but definitely one of the most important steps in the beginning when you're doing this quickly in the first 1 to 2 minutes is don't just stop with the what question but move to the why question so why do we have this delusion or illusion or hallucination of water in the distance and I think Charlie you're kind of close to it with saying that it's light reflection okay so Shruti says it's due to temperature okay maybe but that's a good idea all right Charlie says it's the different temperatures in the air level so due to temperature differences in the air and again if you have this knowledge fantastic if not that's okay charissa congratulations on completing your IELTS exam I will keep both of my fingers crossed in hopes that you get a nice high band score okay all right so Amira says it's the reflection of the sky in very hot weather okay all right now for all of you clever ones out there let's take it one step further so how does that actually happen okay so there's a reflection of light something to do with temperature with heat the sky the earth but why do we see water right so how does that work give me an example when you think about how does it work think about examples okay so think of common examples what are common examples of mirages and Rajveer says it's in the desert on hot days okay so Rajveer for the how when you're thinking about the how reflecting on the title then what you want to do is a person in the desert sees water in the distance okay and that's good that's kind of what this picture is showing here right so in the reading passage the picture shows this concept of this hot desert terrain with water in the distance okay always push yourself one step further do you ever see it anywhere else other than the desert so do you ever see a mirage in other places not in the desert but somewhere maybe else okay think about that so always think outside the box students that will help you to pick up a couple of extra points in the exam the IELTS exam it band 8 bann 9 is testing clever thinking meaning thinking outside of the box so incorporating yeah so Charlie says in the summertime on a long drive very good ok excellent yeah so yeah a long journey in the car you see it on the road as well right so when you're driving along and you have a nice straight stretch of highway or asphalt then suddenly you see hey it looks like there's water on the road but maybe not okay good so that's what you're doing so that's your step number one what's step number two so you've gathered all this wonderful information to help you understand the passage of what is step number two what do you do next after you have gathered as much information as quickly as possible using the title and hopefully a picture if you have it then step number two you and I'm hoping many of our members are typing this right now look at the questions right review questions that contain information from the passage and skip questions that have extra or false information right okay and Amir is saying paraphrase while you do that very good Amira thank you for sharing that absolutely okay so when you review questions that are contained in the passage then you should actually review and paraphrase questions because that's what the examiners or the exam is doing is it's paraphrasing between the questions and the content in the passage absolutely so here we go let's go back to our first set of questions here so our first set of questions is list of headings with the list of headings should I review this before I read the passage or should I just skip this question so is this a good one to read before the passage or not what do you think yay or nay this one is helpful to read before the passage or confusing to read before the passage let's see if anybody is in class today that's had some information about this fraud op says read it Amira agrees a yaks ton says definitely absolutely okay so list of headings you'll notice when you're practicing it doesn't matter if you're using our exam books or barons exam books or Cambridge exam books you'll see that list of headings is always given before the passage because the examiners want you to read it before the passage why why that's a really important question here so why should you review this and paraphrase this before the passage why do the examiners want you to read this before the passage what's the logic here okay there's two good answers to that question Jack's done says because all of the information is in the passage yex done in this rare case and this exception it's not true okay because you don't use all of the headings so notice that here we have 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 possible choices but I think we only have six paragraphs so there's almost twice as many possible answers so there's definitely five wrong answers here are five confusing pieces of information so then why would you read list of headings before the passage even though you're reading five pieces of confusing information what do you think so this is a unique question that's why I always emphasize this okay there's something different here from other questions let me tell you what that is maybe you'll figure that out okay so because this type of question you answer while you read okay now that also gives you another really valuable tip or strategy that other questions you should not be answering while you read okay this is the only one that you answer while you read and I'm sure this is a shocking and new piece of information for many students because unfortunately a lot of classes and information online is wrong and it tells students to search and skim read for answers but if you're looking for those band seven band aid band 9 scores that's not effective okay so these other questions that are coming at the end let's take a look at those okay so here we have some completing short answers right so there's two words or maximum two words missing from the space here this type of question and all the other ten different types of questions like this classification question or this multiple choice type question all of these you answer after the passage okay the examiners are the people who make the exam they didn't lose their mind and put those ones after the passage and the list of headings before the passage for no reason okay there's logic to the way they make the exam and the only question that you get before the passage is the list of headings the primary reason the number one reason the examiners do that is because they want you to answer those questions while you read all the other questions especially for high level students they want you to complete after you read the passage and yes you have to read the passage the absolutely no real way outside of some lottery level luck to search and answer questions with the text without reading okay does that make sense so list of headings the only question given before the passage because you answer them while you read all of the other questions you should be answering after you read the passage is that clear the logic I know it seems may be a bit confusing but that's exactly what the exam designers or makers want you to do and it's logical to do it that way okay does that are you picking up what I'm putting down okay if the examiners wanted you to answer this while you're reading they would put it in the beginning but that would be really confusing okay because maybe the answer for this comes from two different paragraphs after you read all right so that's the number one reason and then the other reason I saw a couple of you say that for Dobbs said it he said it's helpful yeah so the second reason that you want to read list of headings before the passage is because this question will help you understand the information and answer other questions okay so that's the second reason so reason number one because you answer while you read reason number two because it helps you with other questions and understanding all right so now with these lists of headings questions as Amira correctly put it it's very important to paraphrase okay make sure to paraphrase these choices while you read let's practice that a little bit members so let's go back to our list of headings let's try to paraphrase these as much as possible so windows mirrors and hallucinations what other way is there to say that so maybe something like glass reflection or reflect and hallucinations visions okay so here I'm just using kind of synonyms okay try this one here without my help so how the brain processes mirages members give me some different ways to express the same concept think about synonyms think about grammar think about Anthon him negatives think about descriptions so there's lots of different ways to paraphrase a sentence give me another way to express this concept how the brain processes mirages let's see what you come up with meanwhile I'll do the next one temperature gradients heat differences okay and again your goal here is to do it as best as you can so it doesn't have to be perfect doesn't have to be the same as what I'm saying it's just as well as you can hear you can think of Fahrenheit Celsius okay and if you don't know the words then that's okay just move to the next one do as many as you can okay while I'm waiting for this answer I'll keep going here so film a ball but ultimately up to the mine film a ball means can be captured on video okay so can be captured on video is a definition of filmer ball but ultimately up to the mind however in the end the brain decides okay so mine is brain now this helps me paraphrase here right because I just realized wait a second another way to say brain is mind okay or thinking Mahesh says how the brain works in different conditions so how the brain processes mirages how the mind works in different conditions sure Mahesh that'll work why not okay that'll work yech stun says the way the intellect processes images the way the brain or the intellect intellect is another way to say mind intellect processes understands images okay that could be one so the way the intellect understands images how the brain processes mirages okay fir DAF says what makes the brain see illusions yeah for dogs very good so what makes the brain see illusions not illuminate but illusions fir Dobbs is the word that you're looking for Pavan really nice Pavan says the way the mind determines the illusion okay good so notice from your peers that there are many ways even though some people are thinking well how do I paraphrase something like how the brain processes mirages but then you look at what your classmates are writing and they're great Pavan I'm not sure why you retracted that paraphrase because it was a very good paraphrase okay so here we have a common experience of a mirage we'll just read these you can practice more paraphrasing at home in your own time a common experience of a mirage the need for water the cause of mirages true hallucinations and adventurer sees something the difference between toofan and the valuable human mind okay good the x10 says we could say the demand for h2o h2o instead of water everything in and around you can be paraphrased okay there is no such sentence or word virtually that you cannot say at least one other way so always practice your paraphrasing okay let's look at the other questions now determine whether we should read them and then we'll go through the passage together read it and answer so here we go members this is completing the information and the sentences definitely in the passage so we read it again this is a reading class so for all of our viewers make sure to read and follow with me okay read nice and loud mirages are created by that fool the mind differences in air are the cause of mirages the pool of water seen in the distance is a of the sky now you did some really good critical thinking so you might realize hey this might be reflection okay one of you already said that so that's probably correct but don't get ahead of yourself so don't say okay that's for sure and the real exam what I would do if I think oh I I don't even need to read I can figure this one out what I would do is I would write it in small above reflection but I would leave this space open just in case it's a different answer while I'm reviewing okay absolutely Pavan and that was really a good paraphrase okay all right so small letters above this space because you have a good idea you don't need to search for it but leave the space open okay number 35 we interpret the Mirage as water and not a mirror because the mine makes on something from its past experiences what letter will start this answer okay number 35 what letter starts this answer bonus question it's a good one for those of you who are really studious and focusing on all these strategies Charlie says I x10 says maybe an A we don't know it could be an A it could be an i and o au or an e right pavan says girls guys it's a vowel yeah absolutely so vowel okay so you already know that this word has to be a vowel because you have an here okay and when you have the article and we know that that word must begin with a vowel so that gives us a little bit of help okay always pay attention to those little details yeah those are called vowels vowels okay now here we have a classify the following facts as applying two mirages or hallucinations again this information is all in the passage so you can read this they are fictitious they can be caught on camera fictitious course is unreal okay so not real unreal they are unreal they can be caught on camera now here we had a word in the list of headings anybody remember what that word was another way to say catch on camera and then here are 38 they are a product of the mind interpreting unfamiliar contradictory phenomena so they are a product of the mind interpreting unfamiliar contradictory phenomena so again paraphrasing is vital anybody remember caught on camera from the list of headings they use the paraphrase I paraphrase it another way yeah very good film about right so if I make this connection here caught on camera and film a ball then which one do you think it is mirages or hallucinations so here you can already guess the answer and I'm going to let you in on a little secret if you have really good critical thinking students you can actually answer about 50% of the questions in the reading and in the listening without the information just from the question logic okay so many of you are saying that's gotta be Mirage yeah so a not be careful next on not be if I can catch it on camera it's probably a mirage and not a hallucination because this passage is about mirages and one of the list of headings says that it's filmer below it's very likely a mirage right so again what I would do in the real exam if i sat it tomorrow and got this reading passage is I would kind of put an A here just like I wrote above the line but then leave it open so I wouldn't put that in my answer key yet I'd leave that open and then say okay it's probably a but I'll leave it open all right okay so logic can really help you pick up some extra scores to get some higher band scores okay multiple choice never read this part here so never read the answer choices because three of the four are false so you are really wasting time you might not even need to read any of those extra three because you can get it right away from your first look so with Liz with the multiple choice only read the question why do we see the Murrah the image on the road as a puddle of water so why do we see the image on the road as a puddle of water so only read that don't read the choices that's waste of time and confusing and then number 40 why can't a person unsee a mirage okay good all right so far so good now let's get into reading so read the passage at a nice comfortable pace and let's answer those lists of headings questions all right here we go so read with me members viewers nice and loud a man is walking in a desert in dire need of water up ahead he sees what seems to be a lake or a pond excited he runs towards the source of water he gets closer but the water disappears he looks again and the water reappears but it is in the distance once again he runs once more but his efforts are futile the water is not there okay so this is paragraph a now to give the correct answer for the list of headings what should I do so hmmm what should I do this is the most important step to improve your list of headings score okay so after you read each paragraph ask yourself what is paragraph a about in this case and then give the answer okay so yeah so Charlie says make your own heading but it basically means answer the question what is the paragraph about and the key word here is what not the example not which words seem difficult but ask yourself what is the paragraph about so what is this paragraph a about the one that I just read what is it about remember there's a man in the desert he sees water in the distance he's very thirsty he gets close to it the water's not there he looks in the distance there's more water there but again it's in the distance so what is this about well it's not about a mirage we're not talking about the mirage here yext on per se who is the subject of this paragraph in this case if you're having difficulty thinking this way this is another question you can ask yourself what is the subject of the paragraph because that's what the paragraph is about okay and in this case what is the subject or who is the subject of this paragraph okay yeah so Pavan says it's about a person getting fooled in the desert okay yeah I agree Pavan yeah I'm Mahesh very good so match does it's about a man yeah Meera very good so it's a thirsty man in the desert right who's seeing these images alright so now we have this answer and you need this answer to be accurate this is what you practice at home is getting these accurate answers okay so the more accurate your answer the closer you will match to the list of headings choices so it's a person getting fooled in the desert a man thirsty in the desert that's what that first paragraph is about okay don't think about the whole passage just think about this paragraph so now we match okay which one of these choices is the closest match to our answer of the thirsty man in the desert who is getting fooled okay which one is the closest match what do you think one two three four five six seven eight nine ten or eleven what would be your answer on this exam let's see if most of us agree for this answer for table says nine or eleven Amira says nine Pavan says 11 Charlie send says nine the x10 says 11 all right hmm let me ask you this what's the subject in number nine so subject what's the subject in number nine what's the subject here so what are we talking about in number 9 what are we talking about in number 11 okay let's start with number nine so what's the subject in number nine so fur dove says hmm the subject in number nine is adventure okay because you have the ER it means it's a person on an adventure right so adventurer means a person on an adventure and then fur table says in this one the subject is the mind and you're absolutely right okay human mind the human here is not the subject okay human here is an adjective the mind is the subject because the mind is the noun so human mind together you can say is the subject but the mind is the subject right Shruti okay careful not to confuse your adjectives this is an adjective okay this is the noun so this is the subject mind is the subject not human okay so be really careful with your adjectives and your nouns okay all right so now that I know the subject here is an adventure and the subject here is mind which one do you think is the better answer let's see if everybody can agree now on the correct answer so anybody want to change their answer to nine or eleven so fur table says what's got to be nine then because adventure would be the man in the desert right four doves I bet that's your logic if we were in the same room I bet you'd be nodding your head going yep Adrian that's right I realize that that's the one thanks for dobbs makes me feel even more real for doses yeah Pavan agrees that it's nine okay yeah definitely so the subject here is adventure and if we look at my answer here a person getting fooled then here it's also a person right so person adventurer that has to be okay so careful with the way you interpret the choices the subject has to match okay I'll even make a note of that so that you remember this when you get to these questions okay the subject between your answer and the answer choice must match otherwise there's confusion right otherwise you didn't understand something about the paragraph it's only logical okay so keep that in mind so you choose the closest match then you move on okay you want to be nice and smooth when you're doing this okay all right let's go to paragraph B and practice some more sounds like fun like a good time building your communication and critical thinking skills for the IELTS exam should help you a lot in other aspects of life such as work in school and even family life as well so it's good practice all right here we go everyone let's read together be the man is not going mad in fact there's nothing wrong with him or his vision at all what he has seen is called a mirage mirages are optical illusions caused by atmospheric conditions which play tricks on the brains visual system importantly they are not hallucinations hallucinations are fabrications while mirages are a result of a phenomenon in the real world another way to look at the difference between hallucinations and mirages is that mirages will be seen by any observer hallucinations conversely exist only in the mind of the person hallucinating okay what is this paragraph about what is paragraph B about so again we read it we asked the question what is paragraph B about give me an answer for that one Mahesh Shruti yaks done for Dobbs what do you think Amira what is it about Karissa if you're still here even though you did the exam mm-hmm so Mahesh says well the obvious answer here is the difference between a mirage and a hallucination right okay yeah I agree seems right one way I mean that it becomes obvious is when you have this end and start start stop with the same word so called a mirage mirages are they are not hallucinations hallucinations are okay so you see those doubling of the words mirages and hallucinations in those sentences and then of course you have that comparison so that's quite accurate to say that it's the difference between these two so which one do you think is the best answer okay so again let me know what you think is the correct answer for this one just give me the number let's see how many of you pick out what I'm picking out yeah very good we seem to have a unanimous vote here so the difference between two phenomena phenomena is plural for phenomenon okay so phenomena plural for phenomenon and of course one phenomenon is Mirage the other phenomenon is hallucination so that one makes sense yeah so here look at that we have X for paragraph B that gives you confidence that you're doing it right okay they give us this answer your answer matches with the given answer fantastic okay let's keep going so remember for a it was nine right and for B it's ten okay all right let's see what paragraph C holds in store for us continue reading with me while the man walking in the desert anecdote is a popular Mirage narrative the most common Mirage in everyday life actually takes place on long straight flat highways on hot sunny days hey that's what we thought of when we were doing our critical thinking driving along such a highway on such a day it is common to see what looks like a puddle of water in the road in the distance but once that point is reached the puddle is gone and is instead located further in the distance what's going on here what's that about what's paragraph C about okay so what is paragraph C about so it says well it's popular for people to know about this water in the distance in the desert we usually see mirages on warm sunny days so Fred of says one more example of mirages yeah very good for dogs you're on the right track so Fred of says a something example of mirages and your clothes for dogs you're very very close to what I would be thinking very good so a mirror says it's a common sense of a mirage yeah the road right so this is descriptive paraphrasing the road the water on the road describes the most frequent situation of a mirage right right most of us don't hang out in deserts and see water in the distance but most of us do take drives on hot days on long roads where we see this Mirage in the distance right okay so which one matches which one of these do you think is closest to this frequent Mirage a situation pull that down a little bit more so frequent Mirage situation any of those match to what you were saying this paragraph is about and we have a unanimous number five here a common experience of a mirage yeah which is what which is seeing the water in the distance in the road on these days right absolutely Joe and dusty very good joining in excellent so here we have our answer number five okay we're halfway done we're doing great and again once you practice this viewers members you'll get really fast at it and you'll get very accurate so when you practice this strategy that I'm showing you for a list of headings your speed and accuracy increase so you'll save time in your reading passages and you'll increase your answers in your or correct answers and your band score okay I hope that makes sense okay let's go to D here we go read with me the cause of mirages is the difference in heat between the ground and the air tarmac the surface material of highways can get very hot in the summer and release heat raising the temperature of the air immediately above the tarmac the air higher up is much cooler so there's a sharp temperature gradient or rate of change in the air above the highway it is known from physics that light is refracted or bent differently through air at different temperatures the sharp temperature gradient in the summer air immediately above the highway causes the light rays to bend upwards towards the cooler denser air because the human visual system interprets all light rays as being straight which is generally true or which in general is true we interpret these bent rays as originating from the ground what is seen on the road in the distance is simply a reflection of the sky on the ground which from afar looks precisely like a puddle of water in the middle of the road what is this paragraph about so D what is it about what do you think yeah so Charlie senses the scientific reason behind a mirage yet stun simplifies and says it's the cause of a mirage I like it yet stun simple is beautiful all right any of these choices match so any of these match to next on what yex done sings the excellent saying it's cause of a mirage scientific explanation for a mirage is very good amira as well same with Charlie so any of these match kind of have a little smile going here okay you should definitely get this correct because yech stun has a perfect match except for the word the right if you have a perfect match students choose that one please please do not choose a different answer when what your answer is matches perfectly with the answer provided okay so here there is no way you should be choosing anything else especially if your acts done then seven because what you just answered and the correct answer is a perfect match and that will happen when you practice this strategy enough okay in fact I've seen that happen with students where students send me an email and go Adrian I practice that strategy and now half of my answers are the exact same as the list of headings choice okay so that's your ultimate goal that's what should happen all right students we're a bit short on time so let's read the rest of this passage and then you can do the remainder at home so here we go read with me that humans see the phenomenon as a puddle of water is not a coincidence however it is the result of a rapid problem-solving process in the brain which attempts to make sense of conflicting phenomenon since humans are not accustomed to seeing non-straight light rays the brain must make sense of them as best it can water on the highway is not the only explanation for what the mind sees ahead a window pane or a mirror may be on the road instead if there was a large mirror on the road for example the visual phenomenon would be identical the driver would see a reflection of the sky on the road in the distance so why is that we always interpret the Mirage as water on the road and not a mirror in the road or something else it is because the brain without consciously thinking makes the best inference it can the average person in their catalogue of experiences does not have a real non Mirage experience of seeing a mirror in the middle of a highway conversely the average person does have a real experience of seeing a puddle on a highway any sufficiently rainy day will produce this effect the brain compares the probabilities of these two and other possibilities and concludes that the phenomenon must be a puddle of water knowing that the water is not in fact there does nothing to dispel us from the visual impression that water is on the highway the brains visual machinery is not subject to the logic of the rest of the brain no matter how hard a person tries to unsee the Mirage it will always be there all right conclusion interestingly mirages can actually be captured on film because the refracted light rays really are forming an image on the road what the false image is mistaken for however is entirely up to the interpretation of the human mind members solve those last couple paragraph list of headings on your own as well as the short answer categorization and multiple choice answers send them to me by email and I'll send you back the correct answer key okay and for all of you who are watching today again you can get our premium IELTS courses at AE help calm and gee IELTS help calm today with a discount 20% off use code are for tyj are for tyj on our websites this is G IELTS help calm click that red button to join and with the blue background is AE help calm click this red button to join us there and again use that code to access all of our videos practice exams and interactive courses and applications for your phone and tablet today with that ok good job students remember mastering list of headings questions and the strategy takes practice practice being the key word here and in 30 minutes I will discuss more about speaking part 2 cue card with an original example hopefully you will tune in hopefully I will see you there Joanne Pavan Amira Firdos Mahesh and many more of our current viewers bye for now from Budapest in Hungary
Channel: AcademicEnglishHelp
Views: 5,647
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: IELTS, reading, passage, tip, strategy, skill, band 9, body, paragraphs, academic, sentences, vocabulary, practice, sample, example, explanation, questions, types, description, English examination, read, speed, fluency, true, false, not give, understand, Lesson, Teacher, Learn, Student, Free, Intro, Tutorial, IELTS learning reading, IELTS passage explanations, sections, question, list of headings, paragraph completion, multiple choice, material, papers
Id: 4FWT4vSYu20
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 44sec (3284 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 07 2020
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