IELTS Live - Reading Section - Tricky Question Strategy

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LTS class my name is Adrian and I'm streaming to you live from beautiful Budapest here in Hungary I hope everybody is having a great weekend so far Hilux me car key high flyer Sun nice to see students joining in on time this lesson is brought to you by AE help comm for academic IELTS check us out there that's academic English help calm and for the general version check us out at GI e LTS help calm that's general IELTS help calm on both of those websites we have loads of great materials for you including original practice exams interactive lessons with strategies and tips as well as over a hundred hours of video lessons with myself and other IELTS expert teachers High Violet mewhen hi Harv endure nice to see many more students coming into the class let's take a look at those websites just superfast while we're waiting for a few more students this is AE help calm here with the blue background click that big red button to join our Premium Package and you get a my student account with all of those goodies hi Karolina hi reg we are good to see members in the class this is the general version of the website at G IELTS help calm click that big red button to join us there hi if you have questions students you can always send me an email adrian at AE help calm and also download our apps and link them to your web account so the websites and the apps they link together for a really nice learning experience our apps are academic IELTS help and general IELTS helps so you can get that from Google Play and Apple app stores students were doing reading today so we are going to get right into this this is a reading passage one from our exam number six and it starts with a list of headings questions I see many students asking how I'm doing I got over kind of a cold but I'm doing great now thank you for asking okay so list of headings questions fine we'll read those in just a moment but first of all we'll read the title of this reading passage let's take a look at that it says battle for the world's tallest building okay so make sure you read with me when you read the title battle for the world's tallest building you can paraphrase that so competition for the planet's highest building or high a skyscraper I'm sure many of you are probably thinking where's Kalifa which is the tallest building in the world currently okay great then we do a little bit of critical thinking right so what is this battle for the world's highest building so what does that mean what is battle for the world's tallest building in your mind what does that mean this will help you predict this reading passage and will help you understand it as a result so always read the title visualize here maybe see the Burj Khalifa right and then ask what why how that's critical thinking so the example here is what is the battle for the tallest building not what is the tallest building what is the battle for the tallest building okay answer Mahesh says its competition with other buildings which one is the highest building in the world says Rajveer pay us as many countries want to stay in the first position as having the highest building yeah very good Karolina says fighting for who is the tallest yeah competition often national or international should say right the whole world so competition often international for having the highest structure or skyscraper in the world yeah sure and again be specific okay be as specific as you can be when you're thinking about this so what is the battle for the tallest building competition often international for having the highest structure skyscraper in the world whoo-hoo all right why why do you think people do that so why did we spend billions and billions of dollars so why compete okay this is our second question why compete for having the tallest building is it because we're crazy maybe maybe not okay so why do it IDO Nair says because it makes you famous Rajveer says it attracts tourists from around the world so for fame and fortune yeah to attract tourists let's see if anybody comes up with some other Carolinas as ego yeah why not as an ego boost to boost ego right so people can be like yes yes I have the highest building in the world ego boost yeah absolutely Karolina I agree with you anything else yeah Pavan that is saying a less surface area more number of people to accommodate so to house a great number of people in a small area okay sure that makes sense that I'm sure that has a lot to do with it as the world becomes more and more populated and hey think about it if you are an investor and you buy a 50 square meter or a 100 square meter lot in the city you want to build as high as possible right all right anybody else one that comes to mind I don't quite see it but I think it's true is technological advancement right did anybody write that to prove engineering and technological advancement I mean it takes a lot of Engineering in technology to build these really high buildings and to build them higher than ever before so it's also a proof of our advanced human civilization yeah and I can see some of you writing that now so how what are some examples so when you think of the house you should think of some examples and we already said Burj Khalifa I'm sure many of you are thinking that what are some of the other highest buildings in the world especially historically like what was the highest building before the Burj Khalifa what was the highest building a thousand years ago five thousand years ago so think about that so what are some examples of humans building to the sky and reaching the sky IDO NER says the Empire Tower it's called the Empire State Building a donator so Empire State Building in New York yeah that was a high high high building for the highest for a long time pea says the Eiffel Tower World Trade Center yeah World Trade Center Eiffel Tower our example Jablin says the pyramids but she says the sienta not CNN it's the CN Tower in Canada yes en Tower my homeland CN tower in Canada absolutely in jail on says pyramids okay good great so students you've done a fantastic job you're thinking about it good now we look at the questions okay so again this reading is battle for the world's tallest building we quickly thought about what and why and how now we have a picture in our head and we are much more ready to read this information in some challenging English list of headings what do I do I read it I paraphrase while reading you should always try to paraphrase list of headings as you read at home on paper in the exam in your head what's another way to say controversial designation can somebody tell me so you read this at home you do a little arrow in your paper and then you write your paraphrase again in the exam you quickly do it in your head and you move on don't get stuck on it so what's another way to write controversial designation okay Mahesh says criticism yeah criticism is okay Mahesh it's not bad what else how can I say this in another way controversial designation if you don't know at home you should use a dictionary or a thesaurus to come up with synonyms for controversial designation make sure you learn new words like this when you're practicing at home if you're not sure okay so Rajveer says an arguable argumentative designation yeah arguable is okay another way to say it is debatable debatable designation means name or naming in this case okay when you designate when you give an item or an object a name you designate the name okay disagreement is okay reshma says how about disagreement perfect that works okay Industrial Revolution Age of factories all right building in space or buildings in space out worldly structures okay there's always a way to paraphrase spaces off world or out worldly buildings or structures fast and impressive quick and amazing all right so that's what you do with these lists of headings is you try to paraphrase them as much as you can as quickly as you can on paper at home when you're practicing and during the IELTS in your head hope that makes sense why because in the passage you will likely not see these exact words you're going to see some other forms or some paraphrases okay all right so we do that and we remember to answer these questions as we read right okay so we're going to do this together I'm going to show you how to tackle these questions in just a moment let's look at the other questions so here we have some yes no not given we don't worry about these because there can be false and confusing information so we skip these questions okay we don't look at those questions yet here we have some multiple-choice questions for multiple-choice we only read the question what was the world's tallest building in 1960 okay after the mid 20th century what was the highest structure on the planet tried to paraphrase again in your head don't read the options because they can confuse you okay just the question what according to some commentators is the difference between buildings and structures which statement best summarizes the message of the passage and that's it okay so let's do this let's answer these together remember list of headings is the only one that you answer while you read so students let's do it this is following from yesterday's lesson that we had with the members the reading lesson okay read with me and then we'll answer so battle for the world's tallest building the desire to construct taller and taller structures has been a part of human culture for at least 4,500 years dating back to ancient Egypt and through the modern day the construction of tall structures has mirrored advances in technology logistics and engineering today the world's tallest buildings are landmarks tourist attractions and points of civic and national pride for residents woohoo what do I do what do I do now and I love how some of you were paraphrasing while we were doing those list of headings so what do I do now and I want to get a high band score in this passage what's my next step I read this paragraph what do I do and I'm hoping some students especially members that were in yesterday's class will quickly give me a the correct answer because this is what we talked about yesterday so what should I do I visualize this I may be understood at 60% yeah very good Karolina so Karolina says ask yourself what is this paragraph about Rajveer very good yeah so ask an answer of course right so what is this paragraph about and what is it about reg beer and Karolina students what is it about what is this paragraph about don't just jump to the question because that's not gonna help you you'll get easily confused you have to use your brain first then the questions okay yeah so Schaub son says give it title for the paragraph you do that by asking what is the paragraph about so Marsh says make your own heading yeah absolutely what's the best answer what is this paragraph about Kieran says it's past and present but past and present of what Kieran it's more important than that or it's more detailed than that Roger says it's the importance of the tall and tallest building in ancient and modern times okay I like that Rajveer so Reggie says importance of tall buildings in ancient and modern times Karolina says buildings over time but Karolina it's more specific than that because it's not just any buildings but tall buildings over time right Karolina so and Mahesh same thing importance of tall buildings over time right so over time or throughout history right that's what it's about its importance of tall buildings over time or throughout history a take a look so don't let me convince you let the paragraph do that the desire the want to construct to build taller and taller structures has been a part of human culture for at least four thousand five hundred years it introduces that right there and then it explains it in ancient Egypt through to modern day construction of tall structures has mirrored advances so this and this are actually quite close paraphrases as well right okay so definitely when I asked myself what is this paragraph about my answer is it's the importance or it's this desire or want of tall buildings over time or throughout history okay always work hard to give a complete answer of what the paragraph is about all right so now which one of these is the closest match so which which of the Roman numerals here one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven do you think is the closest match to importance of tall buildings over time a donator says it's got to be a part of human history yeah so tall buildings a part of human history I think that's quite good and Latifa harsh and sub Sun all agree that at seven so it sounds like a good good pic absolutely Karolina agrees as well usually students if you look at the majority choice especially after I've explained like that then you know it's the right one so paragraph a is seven okay okay sounds good let's keep going same way paragraph B read with me ancient Egyptians believed that to be closer to the sky was to be closer to the realm of the gods and afterlife while regular Egyptians had to settle for burial in the ground the pharaohs got to be entombed much closer to the sky in purpose-built pyramids the world's first truly high structures the Great Pyramid of Giza was built in approximately 2560 BCE for the burial of the pharaoh Khufu reaching a height of 481 feet at the time of construction the Great Pyramid was the tallest structure in the world for almost four thousand years okay so same thing what is this paragraph about give me an answer so what is paragraph B about what does paragraph be about give me a nice full answer I'm sure many of your thinking pyramid but maybe you can give me a little bit more okay so salam says the history of ancient egyptian tallest building the pyramid salaam that's good salam Quran says ancient Egyptian tallest building the pyramid yeah Rajveer a very good example of an old tallest structure the pyramid right II don't adore ancient tallest building nice good logic students logic will carry you a long way in the IELTS exam so an ancient super tall structure the pyramid yeah all right that looks pretty good so if I go back then which one is the closest match give me the right number and this is how we do it nice and smooth step by step we use our own brain first we come up with accurate ideas good logic and then we choose the closest one ido nater says it's got to be 10 tall structures of the ancient world what is that tall structure of the ancient world is the pyramid right sure that seems to be correct absolutely right okay and lo and behold it is it's the one that's given to us as an example X right so now we're sure that we're using good logic testing your logic on the IELTS exam is a great idea let's keep going paragraph C okay read with me nice and loud it wasn't until the year 1310 C e and the construction of the Lincoln Cathedral in England that the height of the Great Pyramid was surpassed that 525 feet it was only slightly taller throughout the period from 13 11 to 18 the title of world's tallest building changed hands a number of times through both destruction and construction but each structure was a European Church interestingly the world's tallest building from 1647 to 1874 the Strasbourg Cathedral in France was actually shorter than the original height of the Great Pyramid standing four hundred and sixty nine feet the cathedral was approximately 13 feet taller than the Great Pyramids contemporary height which had been reduced 35 feet from its original stature by erosion okay what does this paragraph about Julia says I'm Egyptian that's cool yo yo I'm jealous I'd love to see the pyramids haven't seen them yet so what is this paragraph talking about paragraph C again just like that step-by-step you read it you ask you give a complete answer what is paragraph C about now think of the whole paragraph here hint hint it's the title of the world's tallest building in a certain time sure fight for the okay largest rug structure salam says historical look of the Middle Ages Europe's tallest structures yeah okay I would say it's the tallest buildings in the Middle Ages which are churches okay that would be my answer tallest buildings in the Middle Ages which our churches why I'll show you that okay so summarize here right so notice the dates 13 11 to 1880 1647 to 1874 so this is what I would call the Middle Ages a historian would say I'm probably nuts that's not the Middle Ages but I'm gonna call that more modern history and the Middle Ages okay and then I look here and I go okay the Lincoln Cathedral that's a church okay and then it says throughout the period from thirteen eleven the title of world's tallest building changed though through both destruction each structure was a European Church okay Strasburg Cathedral in France it's another Church okay there's the word Cathedral again it's the church again okay so that's what I'm identifying as the title there that's my logic and what do you think is my best choice from these numbers here from 1 to 11 what do you think is the best choice then when you see the same word repeat over and over and over again like Cathedral and Church in a paragraph you have to be careful so a lot of you are saying okay it's going to be the reign of the churches yeah the rain means that they are in the winning position okay so this the rain it's not rain low so this is rain like you know when it's raining outside and there's water droplets coming from the clouds okay so that's rain rai n this is the same sound okay so it's a Honda NIM but it's a different meaning okay so rain like this means to rule to be on the top in a leader position to lead okay so same pronunciation rain rain okay keep that in mind alright means to rule and yeah that's a good choice I which I would pick that the word church comes up now careful look under here it says the Strasbourg Cathedral that's just an example that's too much detail okay this is the more accurate answer number five so I indicate number five in my answer booklet and I move on to paragraph D let's do that together okay so remember this rain rain same pronunciation different spelling rain where there's water falling from the sky it has an R and a and I and an N this one has an e IGN okay so keep that in mind all right let's keep going paragraph D again read with me don't just listen it's not a listening lesson it's a reading lesson read together 1884 marked the first time the world's tallest building stood in North America the washington monument standing 555 feet in washington DC is also the world's tallest obelisk and tallest all stone structure during this period engineers and architects were reaping the fruits of the 19th century's industrial revolution which led to accelerating advances in construction engineering and technology in 1989 the Eiffel Tower was completed and stood as the world's tallest building at 960 980 6 feet for over 40 years okay what is this paragraph about so this paragraph is coming into more modern times and it's talking about the Washington DC Monument the obelisk obelisk is the symbol of raw the sun-god from Egypt right it looks like that okay so that's an obelisk and then it talks about the Eiffel Tower and it says during this period engineers and architects were reaping the fruits of 19th centuries Industrial Revolution okay so what is this about up here of all says it's about technology and industry and advancements amend or Co or Gries technological advancements in the 19th century Borja manip says Industrial Revolution restaura says technology and technology okay that looks like it looks like everybody's kind of following that same logic so I'm happy that none of you are saying what it's about America or it's about France or something like that let's look at which one is the closest match so which one of these do you think matches the best for paragraph D controversial designation of the Industrial Revolution buildings in space fast and impressive the reign of the church the Strasbourg Cathedral part of human history technology logistics engineering the Industrial acceleration tall structures of the ancient world looking towards the future ok I see a lot of twos and I see some nines ok well let's take a look at some of the ones that seem correct ok the Industrial Revolution that seems like it's correct maybe ok I think even number eight technology logistics and engineering maybe ok and the industrial acceleration that one looks good as well now your question is which of these three best summarizes this paragraph which one best summarizes so which is the best ok in the IELTS that's a very important question because sometimes you have multiple possible choices but for band 8 bann 9 you have to choose the best one and I would say the best one is number 9 because it includes the idea of industry and industrial technology and acceleration so building greater and greater buildings fast notice why okay so again industrial acceleration is the most accurate answer when we look at D it says during this period engineers and architects were reaping the fruits of the 19th century's Industrial Revolution which led to accelerating advances in construction there's that piece so you have industry and you have acceleration okay so nine is a better answer than two two is not bad but nine is better okay you always have to choose the best answer all right let's keep going let's keep reading II the designation of the world's tallest building returned to the United States in 1932 with the construction of the twelve hundred and fifty foot Empire State Building in New York City one of the incredible architectural achievements of the 20th century it was completed in just over a year an astonishing pace the first building in the world to boast over 100 stories the Empire State Building stood as the world's tallest for 36 years what is this paragraph about so what is paragraph a about what is paragraph e about the largest building in the second or in the 20th century empire state bill Empire State Building history so the Empire State Building is amazing that's what I would say okay so again I'm Canadian not American so don't think I'm super patriotic here but there's no doubt that the Empire State Building is amazing that's what this paragraph is about okay nitesh Prajapati says an architectural achievement an architectural wonder Rajveer says the quick construction of the tallest structure in the 20th century Rajveer careful 20th century okay in the 1900s that's 20th century azeema says surprise it's a huge amazing 100 storey building okay yeah so I think many of you are getting the right idea which one is the correct answer which one of these is the most accurate to the amazing quickly built Empire State Building it's unlikely that they're going to give you the choice of the Empire State Building that would be too easy you don't need good English to figure that one out so which one do you think is the right answer all right many of you are saying for fast and impressive yeah impressive is amazing right amazing and in fact it does it's not amazing in the paragraph but in the paragraph it's astonishing right so I believe that's the word that they use yeah so it says dumped dumped and astonishing astonishing is another way to say impressive amazing incredible okay all right good good good so four is the right answer let's keep going with F read with me after domination by Egypt Western Europe and the United States in 1975 or sorry 1975 saw Toronto Canada's CN tower steal away the designation of world's tallest with a height of 1815 feet over a third of a mile high the CN tower was the world's tallest for 32 years this designation is disputed by some academics as they believe a building must be inhabited or be worked in in order to count as a building the CN tower is neither worked nor lived in though it does have an observation deck so while it was unambiguously the world's tallest structure during this period opinions differ on whether it was the world's tallest building 2007 clarified any debate there was concerning the designation with the construction of the Burj Khalifa in Dubai United Arab Emirates it became undoubtedly the world's tallest structure and building standing 2722 feet precisely 50% higher than the CN tower the Burj Khalifa soars over half a mile into the sky what is this paragraph about 3GS Babu says it's a dispute to identify the tallest building pavan says it's a controversial designation maybe but pavan always give your own answer first okay so Lam says it's a debate about the CN tower okay good all right let's see so which one of these answers is the best to summarize this paragraph what this paragraph is about the IC SPP says the Burj Khalifa is amazing absolutely I agree Latifa says is building in Canada a structure or a building for DAF says arguably the tallest building so the best answer here is and I can see many of you giving it already a controversial designation so are we talking about the tallest building or the tallest structure so yeah that's the correct answer number one very nice good job all right let's keep going last paragraph so the answer there was number one so all of you pick number one you're correct okay it's number one controversial designation all right G here we go last paragraph where do we go from here what Heights will buildings of the future reach will we one day construct buildings that reach into space while the impetus for the construction of taller and taller buildings may no longer be proximity to the gods the desire to touch the sky with our creations remain or remains what is this conclusion about so where do we go from here buildings into space we no longer build these buildings to be closer to God but we build them yet what is it about Abdul Rahman Hamdi says it's about the future the future future future future the future of buildings the future yeah that sounds pretty good sounds like we're talking about the future or theorizing about the future okay so which one do you think is the closest to that yeah which one do you think which one is about the future here it is number 11 yeah always use the Roman numerals so XII saw a couple of you accidentally write 10 so be very careful okay students use the Roman numeral x1 in your answer sheet ok don't that if you write 10 I'll get that wrong it's obviously not 10 this is Roman numeral number 11 okay so 11 it is 11 it is looking towards the future good good good looking pretty everyone looking pretty alright let's go and answer these yes no not given questions number seven the Great Pyramid was the world's tallest building for over 4000 years is it important to know this information yes so therefore it's given can't be not given is it true or false I'm very careful when I read these questions ok tallest building for over 4,000 years this is a key word here over okay if I'm not sure hmm under or over does anybody remember under or over be very very very careful with these prepositions and your true false not given z-- k students was it over or under less than 4000 years or more than 4000 years Rajveer says I have to look at the passage register I do too so I'm gonna quickly look at that okay and I remember it was B right and I see 4000 years here so here we go reaching a height of 481 feet at the time of the construction the Great Pyramid was the tallest structure in the world for almost 4,000 years so almost 4000 years is it over or under it's under that's right Karolina sub Sun its under yeah careful with these students careful with these questions don't rush okay slow and steady wins the race okay don't rush it all right so number seven is no this does not agree with the author because it was under that time number sorry it's number eight so no all right erosion caused the Strasbourg Cathedral to lose some of its height erosion caused the Strasbourg Cathedral to lose some of its height erosion means like rain and wind is it important for this passage to know whether the Strasbourg Cathedral lost some of its height because of rain and wind no it's not important so it's not given okay the Washington Monument is the world's tallest all stone obelisk I remember reading about the Washington Monument is it important to know whether it's the tallest all stone obelisk yeah because it was the tallest structure at one time so this is important so it's given okay is it true or false I think it's true I'm quite clearly remember reading that it's the world's tallest all stone obelisk so I'm gonna go with a YES on that okay I'm not gonna check right the Eiffel Tower took over 40 years to build hmm is it important to know how long the Eiffel Tower took to build now I remember that the passage talked about the Empire State Building because it was built in just one year so was fast and amazing but do you think the author would talk about how quickly each of these buildings was built no I don't think so okay not given so don't confuse yourself all right Empire State Building yet it said it only took one year to build that it was super fast I don't know how long the Eiffel Tower took but I doubt it took 40 years and I don't remember visualizing that information did any of you see in your mind did any of you see like this I'll be pretty boo boo boo boo boo boo eiffel tower being built oh and it's taking 40 years to do it didn't anybody see that I didn't see that in my head did you see that in your head probably not right hope not otherwise you're imagining information okay so far so good multiple choice works very very similarly to list of headings okay dice ESP B if you put T or F instead of true or false it's totally okay if you put TF f instead of no and yes then you're in trouble but if you put T and F instead of true and false that's totally fine okay so here we go right the correct letter in boxes 11 to 13 on your answer sheet what was the world's tallest building in 1960 Empire State Building that's my answer hopefully it's yours as well Empire State Building yeah eh okay it says it was completed in 1960 I remember that because that's such a nice number 196 zero so Empire State Building okay if you don't know then search for this number okay now remember that this passage it starts in ancient times with the pyramids right pyramid then it goes to the church is then it goes to I full tower maybe or yeah I fall or sorry not Eiffel but Empire State Building then it goes to the CN tower then it goes to the Burj Khalifa so hopefully most of you did have this kind of visualization in your head where you saw the pyramids then you saw the churches then you saw the Empire State Building with all of its floors then you saw the CN Tower in Toronto and then you saw the Burj Khalifa okay hopefully that's totally not what it looks like but anyway okay so you should have had that kind of chronological vision in your head so if I have to search for 1960 I know that it comes kind of later in the passage and I will find Empire State Building okay okay what according to some commentators is the difference between buildings and structures I remember this because it was so interesting buildings for living or work so that's my answer hopefully something matches buildings are made of different materials no buildings were constructed after 1932 I hope not buildings are designed for people to spend time in ok that kind of seems like it cuz living or working you spend time in it buildings have observation decks no so see I think is the best answer here right so again the trick for multiple choice students is don't start searching for the answers before you think about the answer always think about the answer first and I can see that Quran for da violet knew in Ramon you're all on the right tract there inhabited there habitable we live in them or work in them okay all right 13 which statement best summarizes the message of the passage okay even this one which statement best summarizes the message so my answer here would be people really love building taller and taller structures for the last 4,000 years for many reasons okay humans have an inexplicable desire to build towards the sky that looks pretty good humans will always build higher and higher because they want to get closer to the gods no cuz it started that way but it didn't finish that way human engineering mirrors the height of buildings throughout history mmm it's kind of true but it doesn't say that it is human nature to seek knowledge that's too general so I'm going to go with a on this one maybe okay so humans have an inexplicable desire to build towards the sky so I think a is maybe the best answer right and that's it so we're done and that's how you do it ladies and gentlemen that's how you go through a reading passage effectively now we took 50 minutes to do that but if I'm not explaining and talking about all of these details and I'm doing this nice and smoothly in my head you can do it in 20 okay and you'll get all these answers correct students for lots more videos and help with your IELTS exam to get original practice exams real strategies developed by psychologists for the IELTS exam visit and join us at AE help comm for academic IELTS and G IELTS help comm for general IELTS okay those websites they look like this this is Jen I'll click that big red button to join the Premium Package and this is the academic click that red button to join us there thank you for joining me in this class I hope you picked up some valuable information and I look forward to seeing all of you tomorrow for task 2 essay writing for members followed by speaking part 3 practice and strategy where everybody can chat you're very welcome Rajveer welcome pavan Karolina push forward okay just keep going forward you're brilliant much love to all of you from the heart of Europe beautiful Budapest bye for now
Channel: AcademicEnglishHelp
Views: 6,501
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Keywords: IELTS, reading, passage, tip, strategy, skill, band 9, body, paragraphs, academic, sentences, vocabulary, practice, sample, example, explanation, questions, types, description, English examination, read, speed, fluency, true, false, not give, understand, Lesson, Teacher, Learn, Student, Free, Intro, Tutorial, IELTS learning reading, IELTS passage explanations, sections, question, list of headings, paragraph completion, multiple choice, material, papers
Id: CywY3sJs-Xg
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Length: 53min 47sec (3227 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 08 2020
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