IELTS Live - Speaking Part 2 - Practice for Band 9

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hi students and welcome to today's live IELTS class my name is Adrienne and I am broadcasting to you from beautiful Central Europe I hope everybody is having or has had a great Friday so far again today it is an IELTS speaking part - this is a members class it was requested by one of our members hi for dobbs good to see you in class and the materials are coming from our websites for amazing materials to help you with the exam check us out at AE help calm for the academic version of the test and gie LTS for the general now this is a speaking class so viewers members Patricio Alexander Shalini Yvonne make sure to repeat me as you hear me say sentences so repeat repeat repeat all right I believe this question was actually sent to us by Rahul again for members you get access to our six practice exams as well as you get to request classes so keep that in mind members send me requests Mauro I know you sent me a request hello and I've scheduled that for tomorrow as well so that's great all right if students have have questions send me an email Adrian ADR I am at AE help calm and I will gladly answer Rahul there you are I believe this is your question for today if I'm not mistaken and after this class in about 90 minutes we will have a listening class practice and example from our websites our websites are AE or academic English help calm that's this website here with the blue background click that red button to join or for the general module go to this website here again IELTS helped calm click that red button to join there all right let's get cracking let's get into today's lesson so here is the cue card for our speaking part two is the font big enough can you see this clearly students I can maybe enlarge a little bit further there we go there we go if it's not clear please do let me know alright so again in the speaking you have three parts part one asking questions about you your life on some general topic like hobbies or movies as we just did the other day and then after a few minutes of general questions for part 1 the examiner will say that is the end of part 1 now we will continue with part 2 for part 2 I will give you a card with some questions here it is please do not turn it over here's some note paper here's a pencil you will have one minute to look at the questions think about your answer take notes if you wish and then you will have one to two minutes to speak are you ready members are you ready if the examiner asks you that respond say yes I'm ready to go absolutely okay so or you can say yes let's do it alright and then they will say your one-minute preparation time begins now so you turn over the card and this is what you see IELTS speaking part to describe a typical marriage ceremony in your country you should say the aged couples usually marry what type of clothing is usually worn who attends the ceremony and describe any special customs during the wedding ceremony you will have one minute to prepare what you're going to say and you will have one to two minutes to speak fantastic what is your first step student so you flip over that card right away what should you recognize what is the very first thought when you see this card that should come to mind and this one is a fairly generous question in my opinion this one should be fairly straightforward to answer there are some challenging parts to it but it should be fairly straightforward begs God says recognize that this is an event absolutely yeah so first step identify that this is an event absolutely it's a wedding ceremony which is clearly an event now what do you need to think about even before you get into the details of the question what do you need to remember when you speak about an event okay what are the key points for consideration and for your notes when you're speaking about an event so bags that says location of course we want to know where it takes place so the card doesn't actually asks you that ask you that but it's definitely a good thought to have so the location absolutely okay what else the purpose yeah and even when you're talking about a wedding and it seems like the purpose is quite clear you should consider it you should think okay well it's a wedding why do people get married and what is the reason for that in my country what's the purpose right starting a family signalling love between two people so that's important don't just assume that it's understood by the examiner by your listener so definitely the appear how home says the appearance of the event yeah so describe what this event looks like sure we can include that so appearance and marwah says definitely remember activities okay so we can put an appearance decorations we can think about that or decor and then absolutely Marv why you're right the activities that happen there and of course the people Marla I see that you said that in bags odd as well so who goes there the people the attendees now clearly when we look at this card with these questions you already have the these points embedded here so who attends the ceremony and the age of the couples when they marry that's actually attendees right what type of clothing is usually worn that's kind of what Holmes said the appearance of it right and then here describe any special customs during the wedding ceremony now for some of you maybe the word customs is unfamiliar customs means the tradition or clearly the activities right so the activities that happen what people do okay now notice interestingly the card does not ask you the location so it doesn't say where does it usually happen however that would be a very very smart point to include because it gives the context for what you're saying okay so absolutely all right and your solemn yeah how the event takes place in the culture activities that's all what we're talking about here so okay now we're on the right track what should I do next with this question so I've identified it's an event I know I need to talk about location people activities what this event looks like what should I do next what would be a smart way to think about this question what would be a a good strategy for a clear well-structured effective response that gets me a nice high band score what should I do and again this is happening very very quickly Holmes has right structured notes that's a very good piece of advice so don't just write notes randomly hyung that's right you should write them in somewhat of an order bag Zod says choose a couple of points so don't get carried away beg so that's good advice as well because with this question of course weddings are quite familiar for people who take the exam so we could probably talk for a lot more than just two minutes about a wedding ceremony in our country so we need to be careful to have well chosen points in structured yeah I agree with you bags odd you don't want to talk about the moon and the stars and everything in between regarding weddings so you have to be strategic definitely I think what would really really help is to visualize it so actually picture a wedding in your country from start to finish so when you have such a big event as a wedding and there are chronological steps does everybody know the meaning of chronological what that means so again you want to visualize the wedding from start to finish okay in a chronological fashion or order okay Rahul says sequence Chronos Rahul means time Crono or Chronos is Latin for time so it means time order so what happens first second third if you're jumping around in the wedding and you start by saying and and the bride tosses the flowers behind her and then they're in front of a priest or a religious leader and they tell each other there are vows and you're jumping around it's going to be very confusing and you will get a lower mark so you want to visualize it okay so let's go through and what would be the best to start with so what would be the the first point to consider came so how would what would I want to talk about first when my one minute is up and my two minutes speaking begins what would be the first few ideas to express to your examiner what do you think you should start with okay what should you start with we still need our first sentence bags odd but before that what should we start with how long this is a wedding ceremony so let's jump back to the picture here or the card so here's the card it's a typical marriage or wedding ceremony what would I start with probably well you would choose a wedding ceremony and I think Beggs odd the clear simplicity for this one so choosing a simple wedding ceremony would be the one that happens in your country in your religion of course right so for your belief system that would be the easiest here so other than that I would probably start in the beginning by location so we have to choose our wedding ceremony let's do this together so there's Christian weddings there's what other types of weddings are there help me out here students what kind of weddings there's Buddhist weddings I don't know how to spell right Buddhist weddings there's Islamic weddings absolutely okay or Muslim yep what else Hindu or Punjabi weddings yes that's right all right so let's choose one let's choose one and just go with it you can do a different one for practice at home if you wish but for now we'll just choose one let's do something fun so of course I'm familiar with Christian weddings I know a little bit about Islamic and Hindu weddings and Punjabi weddings so let's try let's try a Hindu wedding I think Hindu and Punjabi weddings are quite the spectacle they're quite big parties so we'll go with those okay all right so choose the one of course in the real exam without say you would choose the one that's the closest to you your culture your religion that will be the easiest to talk about okay so let's learn a little bit here I'm guessing I'm going to learn some information as well we have a pretty good spread of cultures among our members here as well so I think we'll learn from each other let's do a Hindu wedding let's try it anyway it'll be a challenge for me as well so what is the location of a Hindu wedding okay actually before we do this let me step back a little bit as it might get tricky so how many students are familiar with Hindu weddings how many of our members so if you are familiar with Hindi weddings then say yes if you have no idea about that one then say no your solemn says no okay I just want to see we need to have at least a few students who are familiar to make this work if not we have to go with a different one so Shalini says yes her Mandir says no Petruchio says no hyung says no Marwa says no okay so we only have one yes so far I definitely want to pick one that at least a few people are familiar with okay riehen says no okay it sounds like that might be a little bit difficult with for us because obviously we don't have enough familiarity so let's go with Punjabi how many are familiar with Punjabi okay say yes if you're familiar with Punjabi say no if you're not and we'll try to pick one where we have a higher ratio Shalini says yes for dog says no no no okay all right again a lot of nose the only one yes so far we might have to go with the yeah Rahul that's what I'm going to do is do a Christian one here cuz I think that might be the best choice for us so how about a Christian wedding who's familiar with a Christian wedding okay so say yes if you're familiar with a Christian wedding okay your solemn says yes Shalini says no patricio says yes Rahul says yep Marwa says no Yvonne says yes riehen says yes Bagshot says a bit okay well we have a lot more yeses there so let's do that one and then for homework you can do the one that you're more familiar with okay home says yes as well and kisi says a little bit alright so a Christian wedding seems to be the one that most of you are more or less familiar with so we'll do that one okay so let's talk location then we're taking our notes here we have that one minute time where does a Christian wedding take place usually of course don't get really tricky weddings can take places in many many different venues but we should just go with the tradition here notice how the question on the card also says usually marry usually worn so you want to go with the easier ones here so it's in a church yeah okay so the wedding is it okay it's a church anywhere else so any other location that's used other than a church for the whole wedding ceremony now I'm thinking here about the reception the reception okay where does the reception take place usually in a restaurant or some other venue okay so church for the wedding and then the restaurant for the reception okay sure so the purpose what's the purpose of getting married yeah your solemn it could be in a hotel for the reception as well so restaurant or hotel that's a good suggestion your solemn yeah yeah and what is the purpose why do people get married well of course to show the world they love each other to signal the start of family life right those are some reasons came keep that one simple not too many questions on the card asking about that okay um so purpose location who goes there okay yeah Rahul that's right so who goes to the wedding who are the attendees relatives sure friends and family community neighbors maybe it's possible coworkers yeah absolutely very good for doves yeah people often do if they're big weddings invite some of their co-workers sure it's possible who are the two most important people the bride and the groom Marwa that's right let's not forget about them okay so friends and family of the bride and the groom the priest yeah absolutely you Qian Lou nice so the priests religious official okay fantastic anybody else at the wedding there's uh there could be a couple more people at the wedding if you're getting really clever you might even think of wedding photographer waiters caterers for the reception right okay good now of course you know you have just one minute to prepare your note so you want to be quick get those yeah kisi the camera guy it's the photographer okay the wedding photographer is the specific word for that one kisi as opposed to wedding guy okay and then what happens there okay so what happens at a wedding this is where you want to be clever often I'm actually very surprised that when I do these part two interviews and the topic is an event oftentimes students really don't speak enough about the activities they don't go into enough details or explanations okay so yeah dancing now this is where so home says of Kay guys don't be careful to stay structured so especially when you're thinking about the activities this is a really important part to keep structure okay so be structured here okay especially when you are thinking about the activities so let's try to do this in order what happens first okay so what happens first let's really try to plan this out step by step okay before we get into eating delicious food and dancing what what actually happens before that so let's really go step by step here yeah so Marwa says the bride and groom promised each other to share their happiness so Marwa that is wedding vows okay it's called a wedding vow now students in the actual exam you don't have enough time to write all of this you would just write the word vows okay or say vows before they even say the vows what happens your solemn very good so special entrance for the bride and groom okay again really visualize so I'm going to put this in a very structured way so you can clearly see it okay so the attendees first gather in the church and wait for the couple right begs that says the father of the bride of walks the bride down the center aisle that's right okay so the attendees gather and wait for the couple the groom is present first then the bride makes a special entrance usually with her father yeah then the vows okay then what happens after the vows okay ring exchange yet very good excellent that was pretty brilliant pretty good job so ring exchange then what happens after the ring exchange let's really go step by step here ring exchange what happens next okay so four doves says that there's a priest speech the priests speech actually happens after the bride arrives right so yep ring exchange after the reading exchange the couple exits right so the couple exits what happens after the ring exchange though before the couple exits there's something that happens there I'm surprised nobody set it so far yeah there we go fir Dobbs very good that's what we're waiting for so fir DAF says they kiss each other that's that's tradition right let's not leave that one out so the kiss okay and then the reception okay dancing speeches cake so we're moving along okay so again the very important point that I want to make with this is when possible and so if you have a part to event where you're talking about a wedding or you're talking about a birthday or a New Year's celebration okay or a business meeting definitely a very powerful strategy to keep yourself focused speaking clearly and getting a high band score is when you're thinking about the activities that happen at the event make sure you're structured so when you write down your notes try to not write them randomly if you do so let's say that you put the kiss a little bit earlier so you know your brains going a mile a minute you're nervous and you're like it's really hard to keep this this order when I have time pressure and that examiner is sitting in front of me so you might you might not be able to write it down as effectively because of course the human brain is not always so linear so then what you can do I'm just purposefully messing up the order here you'll see why in a second so let's say that that you know you're you're writing a little bit less organized because of that pressure then what you do exactly home so home says then when you have all your points quickly take a couple of seconds and mark it with numbers so you know what's first second third fourth sand that's a really good strategy so then after you're finished you can go one okay and then you can go to then you can go three and then you can go for five six seven eight okay so quickly use numbers to mark it and that will really help you during your two minutes to know where you're located and what you still need to talk about is that clear that strategy that I showed you there so is it clear that it's really important to keep the activities in order because that will help your coherence your coherence score will be much higher and even if you don't write in a chronological order because your mind is racing and it's pulling information as as it finds it then make sure to just put it into the correct order using numbers so number order them okay it's very very useful especially for this kind of activities all right good okay I'm glad that's clear for everyone okay now as a couple of you said earlier we need to have our first sentence ready so let's come up with our first sentence so what would be a good way to begin our response when the examiner starts well get it in their home don't worry we'll get it in there so what would be a what would be a good first step what would be a good first sentence when the two minute speaking time starts I would probably start with the location okay yeah so Marwa says i'm going to talk about the christian marriage ceremony that works so you're identifying that it's a christian marriage ceremony that's fine Marwa i might even take it one step further and immediately get the location in there so the most traditional christian weddings are held in a church which denotes the religious okay so they're adding a little bit more detail alright waiting for those first sentences don't be shy students just throw it out there whatever comes to mind so the most traditional Christian weddings are held in a church which denotes the beliefs of the bride and/or the groom perhaps a Catholic or a Protestant Church right Yvonne says I'd like to describe a Christian wedding which is traditional in my country yeah very good and Yvonne always be specific so even instead of saying country say Russia right so I'd like to describe a Christian wedding which is traditional in Russia most commonly Roman Catholic right I believe Russia's mostly Roman Catholic right so you can be even more specific the more specific and detailed you are with your answers the higher the band score will be the better your lexical resource and coherence marks will be okay great all right now what can I say next Baggs odd says the most typical wedding ceremony in my country Canada is Christian which is held in a church very good Kesey says I still have a vivid memory of my cousin's wedding marriage ceremony which was held in a hundred-year-old church in my hometown ok Kesey that's ok yeah you can make it personal - but Kesey do be careful here the question and I'll go back to this I think you came late Kesey so you didn't see it it says describe a typical marriage ceremony in your country this question is not asking describe a marriage ceremony that you attended ok so I would probably stay away from that key scene if you use a personal example during the two minutes it's ok but notice that this is not actually asking for your experience but rather it's asking for a usual ceremony so make sure not to confuse those two be very very careful with the specifics or the questions specifics okay fir Dobbs says there are many types of weddings and one of them is a Christian wedding which is held in a church for doves I would probably avoid saying there are many types of weddings the card is asking for a typical marriage ceremony in your country if you respond by saying there are many types of weddings it's confusing because I'm thinking well I'm just asking you for a typical wedding so if it's a Christian one that you're going to choose just choose it and talk about that one okay so the one that works for you okay your solemn says marriage is one of the most important events and in my country Eritrea it occurs in a church usually Christian Orthodox weddings the religion of the majority your solemn again so you only need about half of that information you don't need to say it's one of the most important events the card is not asking you about the importance of the event so really stay focused okay our Mandir says here I would like to talk about Christian marriage of my friend which I attended last year again Harminder same advice as to kisi be very careful the card says describe a typical marriage ceremony in your country so it means that this is a question that's asking you about a general explanation not a past situation you have to be really careful about that students because your band score will go down if you start talking about a wedding that you attended connected to this here's my question what grammar should I use mostly in this a response what would be my choice of grammar for most of my sentences okay begs odds has passive voice maybe yeah bags odd there could be some passive but I think it's a lot of active because it's an action Marwa says present in key he says present as well yeah definitely and that's you know we've talked about that in previous classes where you need to identify the grammar that will help you so here yeah absolutely students you should focus on using present tense to express general situations also you would probably use a lot of conditions okay so president present perfect as well as conditions okay good so that's important so kisi and who was the student before that started talking about their friend's wedding Harminder so kisi and harm endure one way that you can avoid trapping yourself in talking off topic about a wedding that you went to is just when you see the topic of the question figure out the tense and then you realize that here you're not going to use a lot of past tense to talk about your friend's wedding okay all right good so let's keep going okay so now we will continue with the response so let's build on each other okay here we go the most traditional Christian weddings are held in a church which denotes the beliefs of the bride or the groom perhaps Catholic or Protestant okay what would make sense so let's keep going here came what should we write after Shalini let's stick with the Christian wedding for this class and then Shalini what you can do is you can talk about a Punjabi wedding recorded on your phone and send it to me and I will gladly listen to it and mark it for you so that can be a homework exercise for you members to talk about a different kind of wedding ceremony okay all right for daug says talk about preparation yeah for Dobbs absolutely right so I agree with you that's what I was hoping one of you would realize is that here the card gives you a good start usually these first two questions on the card are a good start point okay so the aged couples usually marry what type of clothing is usually worn that's a good start point so these three questions can be your first twenty two seconds maybe thirty seconds at most okay and then this is actually it kind of looks strange on the card because students think that this is what they should talk about the most oftentimes it's actually this question here this last question that should be the majority of your your response Shalini just send me a recording not not a whatsapp unless you want to book speaking class with me which you can do in your my student account so this should make up about one minute okay these first three should make up twenty thirty seconds this is the context so you've explained that it happens in a church now you should just in a couple of sentences answer these questions and then we get to the majority of it right so let's answer these questions okay and again don't overcomplicate just keep it simple so the age that couples get married and what clothing is warned all right give me some sentences with that okay I'm gonna start writing as well so we're moving along here okay so that's what I would do these days most couples marry between the ages of 25 and 35 after they have graduated University and started work Marwa can you speak more than two minutes no the examiner will stop you Marwa so usually the examiners will stop you at two minutes or less at a minute and a half okay if you speak only for one minute Marwa it could affect your score especially if the examiner has not stopped you with the big topic or a big event like a wedding ceremony where you can really talk easily for two minutes or even more you should speak until the examiner stops you so give a complete answer a complete idea but keep giving more details about the wedding ceremony until the examiner stops you because there is a lot of information that you can say here that's answering this question okay so Kesey says it is common for most of the couples to marry at the age of 25 to 28 usually the bride wears a white dress and the groom a white suit okay usually a black suit I think he see but sure it doesn't matter they will not judge you for saying a white suit so you can say that if in your country it's a white suit fine absolutely okay so before going to the church the bride and the groom who are around 25 years of age have to go through a medical check hmm bags odd that's an interesting point I'm not sure about that and sign documents I think you might be going into too much detail there careful okay Rahul says the age for the bride in India varies from 20 to 25 whereas grooms tie the knot between 24 to 28 a bride usually wears a bright white princess dress and the groom comes in a black lethal suit Wow Rahul some really nice writing they're good for you you get my huge thumbs up fantastic yeah okay good so all people who attend the wedding are expected to dress in formal attire and put on their best clothes the bride has a beautiful white wedding gown and the man or the groom wears a black tuxedo okay there is probably a few new words there for you members so you might want to jot those down to learn for later so it is called a white wedding gown not really a princess dress although I can understand that so Rahul princess dress it's good description but the examiner will catch that you don't know the actual expression or the collocation of wedding gown it's a wedding gown and the for the man a suit is okay there probably if you say it's a black suit a lot of times these days men do wear just a simpler black suit but even more fancy as the black tuxedo okay it's the tuxedo has that long part on the back it's got more layers it's cut a little bit sharper all right okay sure so that's good we're moving along nicely okay so now we have the location we have the age we have what people wear if one of that a little bit more detail we can say the remainder of the invitees we're dresses for women and suits for men okay and then we might want to look at the card who attends the ceremony we can move into that really nicely I'm going to move along here a little bit members so we can get more of this done I think you have the idea now so just keep writing sentences I'm going to go from my response to your response and I'll make some corrections as we go along so just keep pace with me imagine that we're running a marathon together in this response and I'm writing my response you're writing your response and I'll move back and forth between the two and give you feedback okay just so you can see how I would answer and also get some correction okay so in many cases these weddings host around a hundred to a hundred and let's say between fifty to a hundred people including the family of the couple or the families of the couple as well as their friends and co-workers of course a religious official such as a priest is present and perhaps a cameraman or two who have been hired to record the festivities okay all right moving along nicely so Preeti says usually most of the couples marry after the age of 25 when they started earning and the bride wears a long white gown and the groom wears a black suit Preeti that is some nice clean grammar from you in that sentence good for you okay I know I'm sometimes picking on you for your grammar so you I see you're practicing good I'm read says people from both sides of the family are invited to participate in the wedding usually some invitees organize a special performance to make the wedding spectacular I'm right that's good okay it works all right Begg Zod says usually in these weddings there are often close to 150 people including both relatives and parents of the couple's singers neighbors and colleagues as well as photographers bags odd really nice okay very good list of people who would be present at the wedding 150 sure 100 150 200 those are all realistic numbers so that's great Kesey says at the ceremony the attendees are the couple's families co-workers friends and a religious official of course Kesey good yeah very good okay fantastic so different ways of saying the same idea all of those are high-band okay you're doing a good job students your English is really improving I'm very very proud of you Rahul says of course family members wearing smiles on their face and close friends with enthusiasm and other guests with excitement and joy attend this holy matrimony as well as give their blessings to the couples Rahul really nice writing I like how you're putting adverbs of manner to give more description in there like enthusiasm and including some nice words there Rahul I corrected some of your sentences made them more natural so pay attention to that maybe review it at a later time okay great all right now comes the events right so first the attendees gather in the church in anticipation for the arrival of the bride the groom waits patiently [Music] at the altar for the father of the bride to walk his future his daughter down the center aisle okay so now we start going through those steps of what happens at the ceremony okay so once the bride arrives and the father takes his seat at the front of the church the priest gives a speech before the bride and groom exchange their vows the holy union of matrimony is sealed with the exchange of rings and kiss afterward the husband and wife walk out of the church back down the center aisle being cheered on by the attendees it is customary afterwards to gather at a hotel or restaurant for a reception okay so I'm just flying along there a little bit members before we run out of time just to kind of show you the fluency and the connection of ideas and here I'm not quite done yet so I can talk more about what happens at the reception but I'm definitely in the right direction so students before we wrap up today just repeat after me okay so repeat after me the most traditional Christian weddings are held in a church which denotes the beliefs of the bride and/or the groom perhaps Catholic maybe Protestant these days most couples marry between the ages of 25 and 35 after they have graduated University and started work all people who attend the wedding are expected to dress in formal attire and put on their best clothes the bride has a beautiful white wedding gown in the groom wears a black tuxedo the remainder of the invitees wear dresses for women in suits for men in many cases these weddings host between 50 to a hundred people including the families of the couple as well as their friends and co-workers of course a religious official such as a priest as present and perhaps a cameraman or two who have been hired to record the festivities first the attendees gather in the church and anticipation for the arrival of the bride the groom waits patiently at the altar for the father of the bride to walk his daughter down the center aisle once the bride arrives and the father takes his seat at the front of the church the priest gives a speech before the bride and groom exchange their vows the holy union of matrimony is sealed with the exchange rings and a kiss afterward the husband and wife walk out of the church back down the center aisle being cheered on by the attendees it is customary to then gather at a hotel or restaurant for a reception okay all right members you've done a fantastic job really you have I can definitely tell that your English is improving rapidly you're all very ambitious students and you will reap the rewards for it you will have a lot of great opportunities in life and work in love and remember when you're talking about events especially with the activities have structure in your notes okay if you write the activities randomly and frantically in the one-minute preparation time just put numbers in front of the activities to help guide your structure during your two minute response time all right in 30 minutes everyone listening practice for the IELTS exam coming up bags odd Rahul thanks for your question bags odd kisi Marwa home Preeti thank you so much for all of your contributions Shalini homework for this one try it on your own record it on your phone send it to me as an mp3 recording I will tell you how you did okay so I'll give you a band score estimate send that to Adrienne at AE and everyone watching be sure to check us out on our websites for great IELTS examples and strategies you helped calm for academic gee IELTS help calm for general that's it for now see you all soon
Channel: AcademicEnglishHelp
Views: 7,876
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: IELTS, speaking, section, British, accent, part 1, part 2, part 3, high score, fluency, vocabulary, practice, sample, example, explanation, questions, types, complex, IELTS description, examination, dialogue, conversation, test, understand, examples IELTS speaking section, Lesson, Teacher, Learn, Student, Free, Intro, Tutorial, IELTS learning, interview, easy
Id: QnQonZZt0yM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 35sec (3515 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 07 2019
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