IELTS Live - Speaking Part 2 - Practice for Band 9

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hi students and welcome to today's live IELTS class my name is Adrian and I'm broadcasting to you from beautiful sunny Budapest here this Saturday I hope everybody is doing fantastic today we are looking at IELTS speaking part 2 for this class next class will be the reading section and this class is for members it's one of the perks members get to request classes and have several members chat only classes each week they also get access to our six full practice exams the next class will be for everyone the materials come from our websites AE help calm for the academic version of the exam and for general check us out at G ie LTS hi I'm Rita hi Paula good to see some members joining in on the class again do check out our websites when you have a moment it's worth spending a couple dollars to save yourself headache and stress about the exam click that big red button to join there at AE help calm or click this big red button to join it G IELTS help calm and you can use the code Li v20 for a 20% discount you have questions comments concerns about our products or about the IELTS don't be shy send me an email Adrienne ADR I am at AE help calm alright hi Alexander hi Hong good to see some more members in class home am i pronouncing your name right these days I wrote it down and I practiced it a couple times I just want to make sure that it's at least somewhat accurate is it hyung H a u ng home Oh perfect thank you alright so for this week we are finishing up again with today speaking part two and reading no class on Sunday Monday Tuesday and then I will be back Wednesday with speaking part one high for Dobbs high patricio alright so again members we will focus on a fresh new part to cuecard speaking question it's really important that you practice part two at home regularly it's not every day that we have to talk for two minutes on a specific topic so it takes practice and it's good practice public speaking especially in English is always great practice there is a an international organization that focuses on public speaking and it's free there are chapters in most countries does anybody know what that organization or that Club is again there's an international club where you can practice your public speaking in English even and it exists in most countries anybody know what that club is what is that club you should check it out if it's if you have one in your area you can maybe join I don't know if they do much online I haven't investigated myself but there is a very famous public speaking club that's found in most countries anybody it's not meetup Paula that I'm thinking of I'm not too familiar with that could be a different one this one has been around for a long time even well before the internet that Club and again it just you know always thinking of tools to help students and I think this one is definitely one that could help a lot of students even if you're a high level student it could be great to advance your skills even more no it's not the ICC so international public speaking club and it's like I say it's free to join and to go it's called Toastmasters look at that even microsoft word recognizes that as an official word it doesn't underline it it's called a Toastmaster Toastmasters everybody anybody hear of Toastmasters it's a good one check it out okay by the way a Toastmaster is a person who gives a toast at the beginning of a meal or meeting raising their glass of wine okay I'm not sure if you're familiar with toast mastering or doing a toast but when you have friends or family or a group of businessmen and you're sitting for a meal and then you raise your cup and you say hi everyone I'd like to get your attention I would like to make a toast to the celebrated couple of the evening to a happy marriage and a long life filled with many adventures and excitement so that's a toast okay the name of that what I just did that little speech that's given at the beginning of a meal usually with a glass of wine a chin chin or a company shiyagare or a salut million ways to do it cheers in English that's toasting you're toasting and you're giving a little speech so that's where this club gets its name from Toastmasters so check it out when you have some time it's a great place for practicing speaking skills especially public speaking and giving speeches okay that will help you with part two for the IELTS guarantee it okay all right so let's get to our question for today any questions about that members you're just kind of quiet in the chat listening to me is that clear what toast is and what Toastmasters is all about they also help people to overcome their shyness or their lack of confidence so it's great for that as well thank you I'm reat v4 Dobbs Paula Patricio for confirming fantastic okay cool let's go ahead with this so here is our part to cue cards so you're doing well in part 1 of the speaking you answered the questions use the grammar of the questions gave complete answers with explanations examples and now the examiner says ok that is the end of part 1 now we will continue with part 2 Thank You Rahul for part 2 here's a card with some questions do not turn that over here's some note paper here's a pencil you will have one minute to look at the questions think about your answer you may take notes if you wish and then you will have two minutes to speak I will tell you when to start when to stop are you ready to begin that's where you should say yes I'm ready to go all right so you turn over the card and this is what you see talk about a time you surprised another person you should say who it was where did it happen why did you surprise them how did they feel about it you will have one to two minutes to talk about this topic okay fantastic now right away so you took five seconds ten seconds to read those questions okay carefully paid attention what is your first step what are you doing always your first step always always what do I do immediately I need to realize or recognize an important fact which is ah very good patricio says I think you're talking about an event yeah Paula says recognize the topic yeah this one's kind of interesting because at first glance it might seem like you're talking about a person and you kind of are because you're talking about a person who you surprised or whom you surprised but in fact you're mostly talking about an event absolutely so I'm very happy patricio and Misha and Paula that you recognize that this is an event it's not so much a person fantastic so first you recognize I'm talking about an event sure and when you talk about an event what details do you need to include so what are immediately as you start to think about your response what you should say what key pieces of information do you need to include when talking about an event okay immediately you need to think about this this is how you can create a solid two minute response so time yep when it took place very good yeah location yeah absolutely where it took place okay who was there yeah absolutely so the attendees yeah the people that were there so time location attendees what else there's a couple more really important ones okay reason sure you can think about that as well so reason for the event so the purpose of the event yeah absolutely that's a good one we will look at the specifics of the surprise but before that there is one other one and it's interesting how often students forget this one Paula says feelings yet so how you felt about it sure but there's even one more that is very important and I don't see it I'm looking at the chat to see if I maybe missed it but I really don't see anybody naming this before we get at the specifics member so before we even look at the reaction or the accomplice or anything like that there's another important point that you have to consider when you're talking about an event and I really don't see it so remember this for the future activities okay it's interesting it's it's the one that students often ignore when they're talking about an event when it's of primary importance so the activities okay what actually happened at the event so beyond you simply surprising the person what were people doing were they eating food were they dancing telling stories sharing adventures so what were the activities that that took place at this event it's actually quite surprising for me how often students forget that detail in these responses so it's very important keep that in mind okay I'm great so what do I do next okay so number two it's very important what do I do what do I do before I start thinking in great detail and you know of course don't rush so one minute it's enough time 60 seconds is enough time to strategically think and come up with some good answers yeah how I'm very good so I'm read take a look at home so home says think of two or three events and then choose the best one from that yeah absolutely okay so think of two to three events okay I'm really I really want to basically encode your thinking to go through this process nice and fast when you're doing this so think of two or three events and then wisely choose the best and easiest one to talk about so the question here is why wisely so what do I mean by wisely and at this point members what are some events so what are different types of events where it is common to surprise another person so what comes to mind right away what is what is quick logical thinking here okay so think of a couple okay a surprise visit sure okay what would be another one surprise visit surprise at a wedding sure that's possible I think perhaps the most common one Rahul just put up which is a surprise birthday party yeah any others that come to mind so surprising a visit okay there we go Rehan very good so a surprise anniversary yeah that's a very good one yeah definitely okay and if you are at that stage in your life and you especially if you're a man in most cases if you've surprised your partner by asking for a hand in marriage right so that one could work very well if you have experience with that so does anybody know how to say that so that's not wedding so if I get down on my knee and I ask my girlfriend for her hand in marriage how would you say that in English starts with a P P R so it's a surprise that would be a really easy one it's not important is what happens after riehen that's right it's a surprise proposal yeah absolutely okay so a surprise proposal in gate you're engaged after so the engagement and you could say surprise engagement party maybe but proposal is more accurate so it's a surprise proposal you propose marriage okay surprise graduation or a graduation party I'd stay away from that one I mean people usually know when they're graduating the parties are usually planned it's kind of awkward to surprise someone but you could you could surprise a person for their graduation you could show up okay sure so we have some good ones now again you only need to think of two or three in class I'm always showing you more just so you realize that there's usually a lot more than two or three so for these part two questions in most cases there are going to be five or six really good ideas that you can think of you really only need two of them and then choose the best one so which one of these do you think is the best and again choose wisely so do you think it's a surprise visit just generally speaking surprising someone at their wedding a surprise birthday party a surprise anniversary or a surprise proposal which one of these do you think would be your best choice to answer for the examiner for Dobbs says maybe wedding or a birthday Paula says birthday hyung says anniversary or you says surprise visit okay so we have quite a variance there and that's not a surprise for me I think all of those are good so I think a birthday party wedding anniversary or even a surprise visit could be quite good it also depends on where you are in life if you are married then definitely a surprise proposal would be a very good one telling the story of how you surprised the other person you could even do it as a woman you could it's a modern world you could say you proposed to your husband so all right Raul says what if she says no it would be even more suspenseful yes Rahul but let's not jump ahead of the game absolutely okay hopefully that hasn't happened to anybody that would be a real disappointment okay so for our class the one that I think suits everybody is a surprise birthday party okay so let's go with that one it's the easiest one to make up information so we're going to choose surprise birthday party okay now before I start really getting creative what should I think about for a surprise birthday party so what would be my next step again I'm developing logic here so that I can put together well-structured high-level complex clear response to get a good score so what would so I figured okay surprise birthday party will work well especially for all of us because of course that's a topic that no matter who you are you should be able to talk about yeah so viche yeah that's very good so if you said well we need to figure out who who should it be for okay so who is a good person to choose who would be a good person to choose the surprise birthday party for do you think that would be easy to talk about and then we can think about planning so V says my spouse or my partner yeah so a boyfriend/girlfriend could be a good one as well mum Petruchio says friend I would agree with Patricia on this one I think the easiest one to go with is my best friend now that could be your partner as well of course so alright perfect so now we can get into some details and we can talk about where when who why we'll do that together in a minute but here you can so you would take notes okay so your notes would be like at our house okay on Saturday over a dozen friends decorations and cake so just bear with me here students I'm just showing you like if I am in the IELTS and I have the one minute to prepare then I go through okay this is an event I have to talk about where it happened when it happened who was there the activities that happened the reason for it I think about okay wedding anniversary maybe a proposal okay Bert surprise birthday party that one will work really well who was it for all right my friend we're at my house okay and then I start taking some notes on Saturday over a dozen friends decorations and cake loud noise music dancing games okay so I'm thinking of all of these points very quickly it's an event it's easy to think about I'm moving along nicely bear with me here and then what's the last thing that I write so what is my last so I realize okay I spent about 40 seconds 45 seconds until this point I have about 15 maybe 20 seconds remaining before the examiner says okay your 1-minute preparation time is up please begin speaking so what do I need before that happens very good Paul a very good Petruchio very good I'm reads think about your first sentence okay so very very important have that first sentence ready it's it's absolutely keys so just that one tip members can increase your band score by half a band for your speaking because it helps you to focus it helps you to stay on topic it helps you to be specific and not just general okay so give me the first sentence so what would be a good way to start this first sentence for this okay so it's a surprise birthday party again when you write that first sentence look at the card talk about a time you surprised another person okay again make sure that that first sentence is clear and without any mistakes so it's fluent it's accurate it's natural it's coherent and it answers the question specifically please please please do not start by saying I have surprised many people one particular incident that I remember it's kind of like really you surprised a lot of people okay so our meet says I gave the biggest surprise to my friend John on his 17th birthday I'm right that's a great start it's a really good start so I gave the biggest surprise to my friend John on his 17th birthday it's brilliant it you you're right away giving me just such valuable information that as an examiner I'm just checking off all the boxes clearly understood the question able to generate accurate ideas using good grammar expresses himself with details so all of those check boxes I have on my marking sheet that help you to get your band score I'm read you're hitting all of them with that sentence okay Paula same thing last year I planned an amazing surprise birthday party so Paula don't forget the word surprise just throw it in there between amazing and birthday so last year I planned an amazing surprise birthday party for my best friend Sam okay then it's brilliant very important that word surprise in this case vish says it was my best friend's birthday on the 25th of September when I decided to throw the ultimate surprise party vish when I decided to throw the ultimate surprise party okay throw that in there the surprises it's the essence of this question so make sure it's there okay Rahul says I planned a surprise event for my spouse on her 22nd birthday after our marriage Rahul that's good just notice those Corrections but it's very good that you have the word surprise in there yeah absolutely after our marriage it's a little bit awkward Rahul it's kind of like you're mixing another event in with it I don't know if I'd do that but just be careful okay if I had to choose and this is you know it's not to create competition but the best answer out of the ones that I see so far is um rate on rate has the highest band level sir it's most accurate to what the question is asking okay okay so that would be my first sentence there I organized the biggest surprise no it says form party there I organized the biggest surprise for my for my best friend John for his 17th birthday so again one more time students and repeat viewers students members repeat this is a speaking class so make sure to repeat such sentences I organized the biggest surprise from my best friend John for a 17th birthday okay that will work okay Petruchio says I remember when I surprised my best friend Aldo I organized a big party for his 18th birthday perfect Patricio that works well also just the second half of that sentence pay attention to that okay all right so now I have that first sentence and that will allow me to be focused and create some great fluency once the examiner says okay your two minutes is up please begin speaking and then right away you say I organized the biggest surprise for my best friend John for a 17th birthday all right so how should I continue what would be there's different ways okay it's not there's not just one way to do this but again you want to have some good structure okay so when you're creating structure you need to create context by context we mean that you should think about time location and people before you start talking about act these reasons and feelings okay so if you said there were many people involved to make the surprise party successful okay even before people viche it's okay Vichy could start with people but even before that I would probably give it location and time okay location and time I think makes sense to to explain or Express before you get into the people at the party so focus on location in time okay why because you're creating an image B so you want to create an image in your audience mind so you want them to kind of see the place where this party is happening just think about it members like you're building a movie set right so we have the title of the movie it's a surprise party for your best friend John now we need the actual location right so we need the place with the windows and what it looked like okay we need the time so summer okay sunshine right and then you start to put the people into the party and then you start to put the activities into the party like listening to music okay it's an old ghettoblaster I'm old school alright so you want to build it in that kind of logic if you talk about the people first what happens is you are challenging your listener to build the scene awkwardly so if you talk about people first viche then basically you have people right but you don't have the location yet you don't have the time so if I now say the location then I have to put the people suddenly in to that location it's a little bit more difficult to do it that way does that make sense hopefully okay so Rahul says I planned the birthday party at my house because she comes home after work with a couple of mutual friends having a big cake lighting effect in different colors of balloons okay Rahul you have some great ideas with the balloons the lighting at your house you have to say that in a few more sentences so I think you're trying to put too much information into one long sentence but it's the correct approach Omri says the party was at his house in Brampton in the evening okay good excellent um right so you're you're giving it that context fantastic viche says it was held at my home on the 24th of December at midnight where other friends brought him without giving away the surprise okay that's good yeah home says the surprise party was at his office when he got back after work in the evening okay when he went back to work in the evening I think home is what you want to say all right yeah so those are all possible ways to continue and you've got the right idea now indicate the reason right why you chose that location so I organized the biggest surprise for my best friend John for a 17th birthday I set up the party at his apartment with some friends we decorated the place with balloons and banners the reason I decided on his flat was so that he wouldn't suspect the surprise okay so when you discuss the location it's a good idea to quickly include why that location so why did you choose his apartment or why did you choose their work place right so again follow up on your ideas right for daug says the surprise party was in New York City during our holidays in July for doves sure that works as well okay why was it in New York City right why was that the location so give me that information okay my friend is born July 14th so we had the party that week on Saturday which was the 18th if I remember correctly okay all right and again use some natural language so get used to and get familiar with these kinds of expressions like if I remember correctly native English speakers commonly use these types of fillers these expressions okay so again repeat I organized the biggest surprise for my best friend John for his 17th birthday I set up the party at his apartment with some friends we decorated the place with balloons and banners the reason I decided on his flat was so that he wouldn't suspect the surprise my friend is born July 14th so we had the party that week on Saturday which was the 18th if I remember correctly all right fantastic what do I do now so I have the context it's his apartment we have the time it's July 18th roughly what do I do now okay while you're thinking about that I'll read some of the suggestions rahul says i chose this location because it was easier to decorate the houses in such short time and arrange all the facilities with the help of nearby local vendors and mom-and-pop shops sure well that works ok Paula says my flat was the perfect place because it was not only big enough for all the attendees but also because my friends would never expect a birthday party there Paula really good I like how you're remembering to use the the correlative conjunctions not only but also I'm rate I guess you're asking about the present tense use in that sentence it's because I'm generalizing you could say my friend was born on July 14th in this case my friend is born July 14th it's just a general statement it's less usual but it's still ok yeah but good I uh Marie you could say my friend was born July 14th that'll work also I'm saying is born because it was this past July 14th so it's generalizing right birthday is on the 14th 14th of every year you get why the present tense can be used there it's a good question all right so Paula says I'd look at the card and Rahul agrees Raul says yeah let's look at the questions before we get too carried away so absolutely so we look at the card who it was okay we said it was my best friend now we might want to say a little bit more information about that so what can I say so we talked about where it happened we talked about who it was why did we surprise them that's one that we haven't really talked about so definitely a good idea to think about the question here so why did you surprise them what would be a good reason to surprise your best friend okay so you have to think quickly here and this is definitely an idea that you want to develop in your one-minute preparation time if you can so why did you surprise your best friend what was your reason come up with something clever think outside the box okay so our meet says didn't see him for the last three years I'm right you definitely want to use present perfect for that haven't seen him for three years okay haven't so have not used present perfect Paula says because she did not want to celebrate rehan says for a special treat to make them feel special okay Veatch says it was the 18th birthday so it was to celebrate becoming an adult from a teenager Paula says because they deserve it sure okay one that comes to mind for me is maybe because they're going away for university or college and you want them to know that they're very special in your life okay so write some sentences students create full sentences and we'll compare okay I'll write a sentence you write your sentences it can be different kinds of information so all right Rahul says because I love her and it's my moral duty to keep her happy so I surprised her on her birthday she was dazzled and full of emotions Rahul that's really nice okay that's a very good expression that's really really good really good set of ideas you've done a great job there I'm rate says he was graduating high school and it I wouldn't have the chance to see him for the next four years as he was going away for his bachelor's at a university far away sure you can be a little bit more specific I'm right you can say in the US or in France so just name a country going away for university abroad in Germany okay and then we go okay so you're not going to see them furred off says my friend didn't plan to celebrate his birthday because he was far from his family so I wanted to surprise him and make it special yeah don't be shy to use that word special for dogs that's good I would definitely finish that up a little bit more with some sentences okay but otherwise it's good all right this is what I have here repeat with me or read with me the reason I decided on his flat was so that he wouldn't suspect the surprise my friend okay sorry from here okay one more time the reason for the party was to make John feel special I wanted him to know that he is my best friend forever no matter what and since he was moving away that summer for college study in another city I really wanted to make a lasting impression on him so that he knows he is loved by his friends and family back home okay a couple of new expressions maybe for some of our viewers lasting impression impression means that you create an idea or a situation which the person remembers and lasting for a long time okay Paula it's the future as seen from the past the grammar that you have to use there so it's I knew that she would feel special and loved because of the party okay so Paula says I wanted to surprise her because she was going to London next year for her engineering degree so we would probably be far away from each other for a long time I knew that she would feel special and loved being celebrated at the party Paula very good yeah Paula check out that grammar that I just mentioned so it's called future as seen from the past future as seen from the past they would do this okay patricio says I decided to organize this party because some days before my best friend lost his job and he didn't have any money he was down on his luck a little bit depressed had not too much food or decoration very good petruchio I like your approach as well so you want to cheer your friend up petruchio it's cheer up my friend okay give you a couple of side notes there Patricio some good language for future so my friend lost his job and he was down on his luck so what better way to cheer him up then with a surprise party for his birthday with all of his friends okay so that's a nice way to express what you're saying there Patrizio so my friend lost his job and he was down on his luck so what better way to cheer him up than with a surprise party for his birthday with all of his friends okay all right good so we're doing a great job we're moving along obviously we still have a fair bit of time we're probably only about 3540 seconds in so what should I do now so I've talked about who it was where it was why I surprised them if I have to look at the card again how did they feel about it it's my next question up how did they feel about it definitely want to answer that okay so what are some good words with some good vocabulary to use for how they felt about it yeah definitely I'm rate quick glance at the cue card I'm really happy members that you are remembering the points I'm instructing in your previous classes because really these will help you to construct much better responses in your part to so many IELTS candidates look at the card write down notes and then in the two minutes speaking time they look at the examiner they look at their hands they look at the ceiling and they just don't look at the card or at their notes and it's just so frustrating to see that as an examiner okay so for Dobbs says the word delighted Paula says thankful grateful pleasant paulus is excited armories says on cloud nine yes I'm right you can use an idiom as long as you use it correctly careful most of the time students use idioms incorrectly in the IELTS exam so just be very careful I'm read he was on cloud nine yeah you can use that okay what's the first reaction so you walk into the room and everybody jumps out from their hiding place and screams surprise now because the card is asking us about that I would definitely put that in okay so when he opened the door to his flat and everyone jumped out from their hiding places and screamed surprise at first John was what what would be the word that comes after so john opens the door to us flat everyone jumps out from their hiding places right for me that's easy Wow I am surprised so what are you first yes it says scared the better word is for Dobbs and Paula shocked so he was shocked right that first he was shocked so at first John was shocked but soon his pale face filled with color his cheeks became rosy and he had a smile ear to ear that's some nice English expression for you there okay so at first John was shocked but soon his pale face filled with color or the color returned to his pale face his cheeks became rosy and he had a smile ear to ear okay all right the party went all night long with music dancing games and chitchat okay so again don't forget those actions it's important to include actions when you're talking about an event everyone had a great time and John left to college filled with love and happy memories okay all right so students now I can look at the card again make sure that I've answered all of the questions okay so who it was yes talked about it my best friend John where did it happen yes talked about it his flat why did you surprise them yes talked about that he's going away for college how did they feel about it they were shocked then they were really happy so we talked about that now we have our full response it's probably about 80 to 90 seconds long well go through it in just a minute and then if you still have time if you still have 30 40 more seconds you could talk more all you need to do is expand okay what's really important and this is quite an important strategy these days with so many students taking the IELTS exam you should focus to answer all of the questions on the cue card in the first 70 to 80 seconds the reason for that is because examiner's don't always let students talk for full two minutes in fact oftentimes the examiners will stop students before the two-minute mark so it's quite important it's very important that you answer all of the questions on the card and then you can still speak more if the examiner is just kind of looking at you like hey I'm really enjoying your story just keep going then keep going you can say that in fact the following December when I thought John was away for his studies in Paris he surprised me with a visit so because of this birthday party he felt that he should do something special for my birthday also so you can keep going you can keep expanding but it's really important that you answer all the questions on the card in the first 70 80 seconds okay all right Paula says I can still remember her face when she opened the door and saw everybody there she was shocked at first then she started to cry and laugh happiness happiness happiness was radiating from her face and she thanked us all night for this wonderful gift ok good fir Dobbs says he was not only delighted but also shocked for the first few seconds all right ok students so let's read this together let's say it nice and loud I organized the biggest surprise party for my best friend John for his 17th birthday I set up the party at his apartment with some friends we decorated the place with balloons and banners the reason I decided on his flat was so that he wouldn't suspect the surprise my friend was born July 14th so we had the party that week on Saturday which I think was the 18th if I remember correctly the reason for the party was to make John feel special I wanted him to know that he's my BFF no matter what and since he was moving away that summer for college study in another city I really wanted to make a lasting impression on him so that he knows he is loved by his friends and his family back home so when he opened the door to his flat and everybody jumped out from their hiding places and screamed surprise at first John was shocked but soon his pale face filled with color his cheeks became rosy and he had a smile ear to ear the party went all night long with music dancing games and chitchat everybody had a great time and John left to college filled with love and lots of happy memories okay Rahul says she was not only smiling but she hugged me for a couple of minutes other friends were yelling at us to kiss her then we kissed I also became emotional Rahul it's fantastic I think you're kind of reliving a surprise party through this IELTS class which is great and a really good job for doves Paula I'm reat fantastic contributions today keep up the good studies students again remember go through this several times practicing part two at home remember that tip that I gave you at the beginning of class check to see if there is a Toastmasters club near you oftentimes there are Toastmasters clubs in English in other countries so check that out and in 30 minutes for everybody who's watching we will have a reading class for academic IELTS it's also good for general so hopefully I will see most of you or all of you in that class again check us out on our websites join us ayyyy help calm for academic gee IELTS help calm for general these websites look like this this one's the general click that red button to join or for academic so the blue background click that red button to join thanks so much everyone see you in a few minutes bye for now
Channel: AcademicEnglishHelp
Views: 4,032
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: IELTS, speaking, section, British, accent, part 1, part 2, part 3, high score, fluency, vocabulary, practice, sample, example, explanation, questions, types, complex, IELTS description, examination, dialogue, conversation, test, understand, examples IELTS speaking section, Lesson, Teacher, Learn, Student, Free, Intro, Tutorial, IELTS learning, interview, easy
Id: bjQN_E0iSkc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 19sec (3439 seconds)
Published: Sat May 25 2019
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