IELTS Live - Task 1 Writing - Bar Graph Practice and Strategy

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hi students and welcome to today's live IELTS class my name is Adrienne and I am streaming to you from beautiful óbuda pest here in the heart of Europe I hope everybody has had a great weekend thus far today we are looking at I ele s task one a bar graph example for the academic module this lesson and these videos are brought to you by AE help comm for academic IELTS preparation and for general check us out at G IE l t has helped calm that's general IELTS on both of those websites you can find lots of learning materials including over a hundred hours of video lessons six original practice exams and a fully interactive course for your phone tablet and PC also you can download our app academic IELTS help look for our logo in your Android and iOS app stores now this is a members chat class of course everybody is welcome to watch we will have an all chat class coming up in 90 minutes for you as well so make sure to tune in for that hi Pavan get to see one of our members joining in while we wait for a few more members I will show you our websites real quick this is what our academic website looks like for the homepage you can click that big red button to join then you have a my student account with all of our goodies hi I'm a third Doc Iowa's high house son good to see more members getting in on the class here is the general version of our website GI LTS help calm click that big button to join us there hi Preeti I'm happy many of you decided to make it on your Sundays into this class I know that Sunday's usually the day most of us like to relax but hats off to you for joining in today and deciding to expand your minds even further with the English language bar graphs and so on hi Kesey students if you have questions do not hesitate to contact me Adrienne ADR I am at AE help calm hi Anish okay so today task one members followed by task two in 90 minutes let's take a look at today's question here we go IELTS task 1 you should spend about 20 minutes on this task the following bar graph shows a variety of sales strategies for several products at a company summarize the main information and make comparisons where relevant all right right at least 150 words that means you need to write minimum 150 words for task completion and I do recommend writing three paragraphs not just two one should be your overview the other should be your body which is your analyses and then your summary that will give you an even better task completion concept okay another reason to write a summary members is to just have even more of a task completion right it's like and to summarize let's complete this task okay let's look at today's graph there it is well ma'am okay an interesting looking bar graph member viewers for the bar graph in the academic IELTS do make sure to practice different types and different appearances of bar graphs so sometimes you see a bar graph with these vertical bars sometimes you'll see bar graphs with horizontal bars at times you'll see bar graphs where you have two of them this one here is interesting because you have these separations with these lines so it's almost like you're really looking at one two three four five different bar graphs but in fact they're all one came OH Anish that's super cool that's why you're sharing that you're applying for a student visa in Canada and 7.5 Anish that's enough to apply for most master's programs even some PhD programs so good for you Anish I hope that your application goes well thank you for coming back and sharing your result and encouraging other students so that they know that yes you can do it yes you can achieve your goals good for you in Asia I'm sure that you'll get your visa I'm sure that you will reach your study goals keep going okay all right so back to point members I'm looking at the graph I read the question what do I do what do I do now what's my next strategic step to move smoothly through task one while attaining the best possible score and many of you should know this by now if you sat in on a few different classes it's basically the same strategy the same step no matter what kind of a pie chart line graph diagram map you're looking at you should always be taking this first step and Hassan very cleverly and Hassan I love how you know that I know you're one of our newer members and I do know that you've watched a bit of the classes but it's great that you're picking up the information Preeti and Casey second your correct opinion you paraphrase the question and give more details to that using the graph now that of course is your overview and here it works because it's an expository essay so your overview has two components as you know component one is a paraphrase plus details and component two is the most observable feature of the graph okay those two elements usually two sentences will make up your overview now of course focus on your grammar accuracy focus on your lexical resource your vocabulary choices so here we go the following bar graph shows a variety so do it now members so do the paraphrasing add those details the following bar graph shows a variety of sales strategies for several products at a company summarize the main information and make comparisons were relevant I roshni welcome aboard just in time so here again is the graph okay ideally you identify the number of products so it's one two three four products a b c d and we have sales strategy one two three four five on our x-axis and on our y-axis we have zero 50 100 150 200 thousand dollars okay and so of course this is showing the revenue according to each strategy according to each product alright i will start to come hoes that first sentence as well and then we can make comparisons so right that's what I was looking for there so when you saw me do that scroll when I did that scroll what I was looking at is the word company in the original question and of course immediately I realized that wait a second that company might have a name let's look at the title of that graph okay there we go so Pavan first one out of the gates very good Pavan Pavan says the above depicted bar graph illustrates various sale techniques techniques for a number of products Pavan so you're paraphrasing which is okay but you're lacking detail alright you need to express to your reader how many sales techniques how many products this is where you can clearly define that and what is the name of the company so by giving me that clear definition I can give you better band scores because you're being more coherent you're completing the task better so give those details Pavan just paraphrasing is not enough for those high band scores getting into the seven seven point five I'm sure that that Anish will also agree with this on each got seven point five and he might explain to us that yeah I definitely gave some details in my paraphrase Anisha if you're there is that what you did did you paraphrase and give more details for your task one expository let me know alright kisi says the bar graph represents the sales of four products at peach Technology Inc by using five different strategies very nice kisi so that's what we're looking for we're looking for that detail okay ma the doc or ma the doc says the given bar graph illustrates the difference in the sales in dollars for a group of products a b c and d using various strategies of peach technology company yeah okay good that's good various strategies name the number of five strategies right that's the reason we want to say that is because that is the description of our x-axis is the five strategies okay a son says the illustration depicts various commodity tactics for four products in technology Inc and the unit measured is dollars dollars is the unit with $50,000 intervals so careful Hassan with the y-axis definition make sure to be clear on that nice use of the word tactics Hassan for a synonym for strategies ok tactics is good Hassan name the graph so name that it's a bar graph in the official IELTS I was a little bit generous here because in the official IELTS the original question will just say the following graph it won't even tell you that it's a bar graph so you obviously have to name that so it's good to do and here's my paraphrase okay so the following bar graph depicts the sales of goods from 0 to $200,000 notice how I use K instead of thousand I don't want to write all those arrows and I don't want to write the word thousand it takes too much time K capital K is a clear indication of thousands so two hundred thousand dollars with intervals of 50,000 remember this additive descriptive clause notice my use of commas a lot of commas in the sentence and expository descriptive writing will tend to have a lot of these commas because commas of course in punctuation allow us to give description and definition so here is $200,000 comma description with intervals of $50,000 for for products comma description a 2d ABCD comma according to five different strategies at peach Technology Inc okay Hassan or sorry roshni the bar chart illustrates the sales of four different types of products at a at peach technology capital t roshni part of the name with five different strategies alright don't your y-axis if you don't mention your y-axis within this first sentence you might just add it as an additional sentence any questions about this first step here of the the paraphrase with the details any questions about this sentence members before we go to the next part Preeti says the bar graph illustrates five different sales strategies for four products a 2d at peach Technology Inc period also y-axis depicts 0 to 200,000 sales of goods with $50,000 intervals Preeti you might as well finish that good so Preeti you broke that into the two sentences as I mentioned which is good Preeti capital P capital T on peach technology okay it's the name it's gotta be capital okay all right any questions members if you don't have questions and no answers sometimes good to because that lets me know that I can just move on a waz says what can I do if I cannot paraphrase the question good question I was so I was if you cannot paraphrase the question fine use the same words that you find in the question but give more details okay so if I'm not able to paraphrase the words then I might just write the following bar graph shows sales of four products for five strategies at peach Technologies Inc so even if I can't paraphrase or was the question too much I can still give detail and you're still going to be in a much much better position than if you just repeat the same sentence okay so if you can't paraphrase use the words from the question but add details good question it was okay any other question if it's a no then say no and move on okay let's do it ma the doc thank you for that no you're welcome it was next step of course the most observable feature okay how do you know what is the most observable feature so when you're looking for the most observable feature what should you do and I've said this in previous classes so let's see how many of you remember what's the technique what's the right strategy for identifying the most observable feature what can you do for that how do you identify that nice and quick of course let's see who remembers who's able to recall nope am atha doc it's not the maximum and minimum Pavan nope it's not necessarily the highest and the lowest okay nope it's not necessarily from left to right Hasan is the closest so Hasan says what does your eye catch first so look for what is your eye catching first okay that's um that's a much better answer that's the best one so far and you're right huh son to put it another way look at the graphic the visual image that really kind of pops out at you so not necessarily highest lowest here definitely I think for this one you have to look at visually so don't look at the words words don't matter for the main feature I could erase these and just simply look at picture wise what jumps out at you the most and look for the biggest okay biggest is always the entire graph so the biggest visual information is looking at the entire bar graph then you may look at these individual strategies okay so in line with that what jumps out at you so when you look at this at first glance what is the most prevalent piece of information that you notice Preeti you're still looking for higher lower and it's not okay Hassan says B is the best for selling goods I don't think that's what pops out at me the most okay so we can see that in B there's a lot of nice hi graphs but or high bars but that's still not what pops out at me at the most kisi I still not came I think I think you're all still getting lost on the individual strategies so you're focusing on individual strategies and you're making these kinds of comparisons be a bit more general look at the whole diagram what do you notice when you look at the whole diagram instead of the individual elements and it's sometimes just really simple okay just state what's right in front of you we can talk about which strategy is the best and worse later on or which one has the highest overall sales and so forth but there's an even more general feature an even bigger main feature that is quite evident again remember you're working for peach technology you're doing a presentation on strategies and products what are you going to say what will be a part of your introduction in your presentation so ladies and gentlemen of peach Technology Inc my name is Adrian and I have been analyzing five sales strategies over the past year for products a B C and D that was my first sentence first I want to bring your attention to what we can observe overall looking at these bar graphs immediately we can notice that just like I'm giving a presentation but instead of verbally I'm writing it down okay so I'm a the doc says all strategies seem to work for products C and D no it looks like product D doesn't do so well in strategy one okay what I notice I'll spoil the fun for you maybe some of you're realizing it now but and we'll see when we match up so what I noticed looking at all of these strategies and bars together is that immediately it is clear from looking at the entire graph that different products sales performance varied significantly based on the strategies or the strategy used okay that's what I notice first okay so when I look at it I noticed the variance okay and I'm sure for those students those members who are into math and statistics or economics and accounting well suddenly say yeah I get what you're saying so if we draw a line here or if we draw a line here or if we draw a line here if we draw a line here or here notice the variance it's a very high variance of product performance based on certain strategy do you see what I mean by that's the main feature is that is that clear why I would name that as my first observable main feature for my reader or for my audience if I'm giving a presentation yeah pretty so fluctuation so sales fluctuated according to strategies now fluctuate preety keep in mind is a better word for line graphs but here the better word instead of fluctuation is variance variance okay so there's a lot of variance in the performance of products based on the sales strategy applied okay that's my most observable main feature now I can start looking at individual strategies and product performance and and comparisons okay all right so what should I do next so what's my next step and I chose this a little bit more challenging bar graph today because I always want to challenge your thinking and is absolutely the kind of bar graph that you can expect for task one in the academic exam so what's my next step I start my body paragraph my analysis but before I do that right so now I begin my body paragraph which is basically my analyses okay and before I write I and this is very important it's a very bad idea to just start writing find the main comparisons right Casey so I want to find the main comparisons okay so what's my approach I can kind of do this two different ways so I can there's two different approaches that I can take to analyze what are the two different ways that I may organize my points for comparison and contrast either one way or the other way what what are the two ways so what can I do and it's this is a very important question this will absolutely make a difference in how fast you can write how clearly you can write and how good your band score will be at the end okay and this is why you don't want to just begin writing but you want to start by thinking I know that 20 minutes is not a lot of time and that's exactly why you want to take a minute here very good so Kesey says you can compare strategies or products yeah exactly so I can say okay I'm going to start by comparing products as they perform within and within each strategy so I can say okay I'll take a look at product a and I'll compare how product a performs in strategy one two three four and five sure or I can begin by comparing strategies so I can discuss how all of these products perform in strategy one and then compare it to strategy two and then make some comparisons to the other strategies what do you think is the best so if I am working for peach Technology Inc do you think I would begin by talking about strategy one first and then comparing in two two three four five or if I want to make more sense for my audience what I choose to first talk about how product a performed in each strategy be performed which one would you choose let's see who takes which side so compare strategies to each other or compare product performance to each other so Pavan says probably products is gonna be the better approach let's see what others say before I give you my opinion so I'm a the doc says let's compare strategies Preeti says no I think products awaaz says strategies Preeti says products are far easier Hassan says I believe keep it for the writer I'm not sure what you mean by that Hassan kisi says products as well amantha doc says strategies will help to be more concise with the data roshni very clever says let's do products and then strategies very clever so members viewers I agree with roshni I think starting with products and then doing an overall comparison of strategies is the best approach okay if you want to be very very clear start with products okay so compared the performance of product a in each of these and then compare strategies later on okay that's going to be the easiest the way you can decide that is visualize what you will write okay so think about what you will write here I can say okay product a perform the best with strategy three and five and the poorest with strategies four and one okay I can even leave out to I don't need to mention it it's clear that it's somewhere in the middle so that I can write very easily all right and then I can repeat that for strata for products B C and D and I can see that okay that will be fairly easy for me to type or to write paper-based computer-based exam and after I write three four sentences about product comparison then I can say that overall the strongest performance of sales for products was using strategy two and the lowest performance of products who are using strategies one in five interestingly for strategies three and four products see nd perform very strongly however a and B didn't do so well so visualizing the information and my order in advance will help me okay so products then strategies and you can go with left to right if you want or you could go with the strongest product C and D up to you I would just go one two three four so comparing product one one one one one obviously two two two three three three four four four and then the strategies okay for the strategies I might go with two first okay so five there then I would probably do strategies three and four as my point number six and then maybe strategy five and one as seven okay so that would be my approach okay roshni what will be over all we'll get there later okay you don't need to think about your summary roshni until you write it because often this summary will be clearest once you finish your analyses alright so you don't need to predict your summary in advance roshni that's too much thinking it's too advanced for the IELTS exam unnecessary all right okay so members do we agree can we do it this way anybody object anybody say nope Adrian you're out to lunch I want to do it differently okay all right so let's do it let's let's start putting together our sentences all right so first of all let's look at product a product a performs the strongest in strategy three sorry I have to step back here yeah so strategy three and strategy five is where product a performs the strongest alright at roughly one hundred and twenty five thousand so don't forget about your y-axis okay you it's easy to just suddenly forget that this y-axis exists but do remember you don't need lots of numbers but you do want to indicate some key numbers so strategy three and five at one hundred twenty five thousand for product a strongest weakest is strategy for at about a hundred thousand put together that first sentence okay I'm going to do the same and as fast as you can students let's start moving through these points okay all right so again before I write I need to have a clear identification of points for comparison and contrast I am clear now so I can start writing okay so here we go all right so that would be my first sentence once you practice these once you have identified your points for comparison your writing should be fairly smooth fairly fast especially for this kind of data so looking at the data in more details it is evident that product a performs the best with strategy three and five with sales around 125,000 now if you want to be really fancy you can of course add in your dollar sign as well however it has the least sales with strategy for at around 100 K now I don't need to write about strategy 1 & 2 because it's clear for the reader in the audience that that means that strategy 1 & 2 is somewhere between 100 and 125 K so product a performs fairly well overall in all of these strategies okay a may says sales of product a performed well with strategy 3 and 5 where it amounted to roughly a hundred and twenty-five thousand dollars good I'm a Hassan says product a shows a significant amount of sales in two strategies three and five which is nearly the same at about a hundred and twenty five thousand dollars very good Hassan Hassan just used numbers in task one even for 0 to 10 you can just use numbers I know I use the word zero earlier but it's absolutely okay in this case to just write the number three in the number five in task 2 of course not there are different types of essays this is an expository essay looking at data so here it's okay to use numbers 0 to 10 you don't need to write the words okay Preeti says product a has great sales of almost 125 thousand in strategy 3 & 5 whereas it has the lease sales in strategy for at 100k Preeti very nice beautiful differences so viewers members look at how am a Hasson Preeti and mice we all wrote the same information but we all use different grammar different word choice and they're all great okay they all work well okay let's keep moving along so now for product B okay product B clearly performs the strongest and strategy to close to 150,000 and it has the lowest performance in three and four with about 80,000 okay so two highest three and four all right making sure that I'm using those words for comparison and contrast of course here I'm stating conversely product B excels in sales using strategy two at a hundred and fifty thousand dollars and does poorly in strategy three and four with revenue around eighty thousand all right no worries I'm our GTR in here now members viewers remember we do have class this week on Monday and Tuesday so tomorrow and the day after also because we do not have classes next week from Wednesday to Sunday I will be away okay so it's a different schedule i Margie I do post the schedules on the YouTube channel pay attention to those I try to be regular emerging with the schedule but of course I'm human so there is going to be some variance in the year okay usually I'm RG they're Wednesday to Sunday or sorry Wednesday to Saturday I know but this week it's quite different okay no worries you're here now I'm RG you can catch up ok so that's my next sentence again paraphrasing using synonyms as much as possible so using the word excel excel means to do better also the word poorly replacing the word least or to have lower performance okay so that is the sentence for product B alright now I'm on to product see Preeti says nonetheless product B sales escalate in strategy two at 150,000 and has low sales in strategy three and four with 80,000 good Preeti Hassan says product B Rockets in sales using tactics to nearly $150,000 while it has the lowest in both strategies three and four Hassan just a little correction in real-time with your sentence but mostly good Hassan you do not need the comma after dollars before a while because that sentence the dependent clause comes after the independent clause so you don't need a comma in that sentence Hassan but otherwise a very good sentence okay so now I'm going to go on to product C which is the red bar here I'm noticing that it has the highest sales in strategy for the lowest sales in one and five in strategy for it's all the way up past $150,000 and it's also the second strongest performing product after product D so I'm going to keep all of that information in my mind and describe it as best as I can in one or two sentences okay alright awaaz says the data for strategy two shows that the strongest performance of product B is found there around one hundred and fifty thousand dollars while the lowest quantity for this product is in strategies three and four with an income of roughly $80,000 not bad Owosso you're taking a very different approach just a couple of grammatical mistakes careful it's a very complex sentence or was it's easy to make grammatical mistakes there Casey says by using strategy to product B you don't need the helps key C so by using strategy 2 comma product B has a revenue of a hundred and fifty thousand dollars which is the best sales for this product among the five strategies nice kisi again you're taking a very different approach so good for you it's possible just a couple of changes one word taken out one word put in and it's fantastic alright I'm going to now go on to product C so all right so there is my sentence for product C and you'll notice something interesting that I did there so here's my sentence product C is a high revenue good with the best sales shown in strategy for over a hundred and fifty thousand dollars and the lowest sales in strategies one in five just under one hundred and fifty thousand dollars it is also the highest overall grossing product why did I say that I took a closer look at these bars and I noticed that okay the highest individual sale of a product is d in strategy for but if I add up the sales of product C in all five strategies we can notice that it's actually the highest overall selling product so D and C are interesting for sure because here for D we have this very high sales in strategy for but we have very low sales in strategy five and quite low sales in strategy one that bring down its overall value again if I'm a business man working for peach technology Inc that is a very important point for my colleagues right I'm sure you would agree that they would want to know that ok that's great but even more importantly product C is our most valuable product overall it performs very strongly in all strategies ok and those are the kinds of descriptions and explanations in an expository essay in task 1 academic IELTS that will get you those nice high bands those band 8.5 nines okay all right Pavan says it is noticeable that product si has sold well in strategy 3 & 4 whereas product C has the lowest date and strategy 1 and least in 5 Pavan I think you're getting lost in just the size of the bars keep the overall image in mind and keep in mind your y axis as well okay always remember your y and x axis students for line graphs and bar graphs ok the X and the y the X and the y axis for bar and line graphs should always be floating in your mind okay roasty says interestingly there was massive sales of product C in strategy for at above a hundred and fifty thousand period for this product comma people show the least interest in strategy one and two at nearly a hundred and fifty thousand dollars respectively roshni good ok that's really nice explanation exposition expository just careful with your with your punctuation and your sentence breaks roshni otherwise it's good okay Preeti says product C is the best sales in all five strategies compared to other products and also it has the highest sales at above one hundred and fifty thousand in strategies for the lowest sales in strategies one in five good Hassan says the figure for product C experiences the highest sales in tactics and five at about a hundred and fifty thousand in comparison with the others and the second place at strategy for with more than a hundred fifty thousand and again notice that it has the highest grossing sales overall so if I add this one hundred forty thousand 150 160 165 130 that's going to be a greater total amount of gross sales total sales than any other product okay Oh Margie yeah you could write that but even more valuable are margitta is what I'm showing you right now that it's the highest selling product regardless of the strategy used compared to all of the other products okay and see that would have been a little bit difficult to identify at first glance when we were writing our overview so that's why I didn't do that alright so now we have product D left to describe and then we can compare these strategies I'm gonna stop here today's students and I'm gonna leave it to you to finish this task one I showed you the beginning and I have a feeling that you're now able to complete this task one with the remaining information comparing product D comparing a couple of the strategies and writing a brief summary to get those high band scores I will finish this essay for you over the next few days or next week and I will post it on our YouTube community board so you will be able to see it there okay just to follow up on it I'll post it with the graphics so don't worry you will have the full essay from me later on for now let's wrap it up if you're interested members you can send me your complete essay to my email and I'll let you know an approximate band score and how you did okay so for everybody watching join our Premium Package at AE help calm and gee IELTS help calm hopefully I will see most of you in my next class for task 2 essay writing where everybody can participate it will be an advantages/disadvantages style essay good job kisi nice sentences nice unique approach today I loved it a was good work also taking a unique approach Hassan some nice clear expository writing roshni some nice detailed writing keep it up members keep it up you're going in the right direction that's it for now hopefully catch you in 30 minutes bye
Channel: AcademicEnglishHelp
Views: 5,466
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: IELTS writing task 1, diagram, pie chart, line graph, bar chart, flow-chart, IELTS descriptions, International English Language Testing System, English examination, writing for graphs, writing for charts, writing for tables, IELTS task 1, Lesson, Teacher, Learn, Student, Lessons, Learning, Free, Intro, Tutorial, IELTS task 1 explain, IELTS task 1 learning, IELTS task 1 descriptions
Id: l6mReLEr1c8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 7sec (3247 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 17 2019
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