IELTS Live - Listening Section - Part 1 and 2 Band 9

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welcome to today's live ielts class my name is adrian and i'm streaming to you from the carpathian basin here in central europe i hope everybody is having a good and productive week so far staying healthy and strong hi lydia hi violet hi harvinder nice to see many of our regular students navnit lepay and ashraf nice to see our members joining in as well this lesson students is an ielts listening section practice for part one and part two and some strategies and tips along the way to show you a band nine uh the lesson is presented to you by ae help dot com for academic ielts success visit us there and for general ielts check us out at g on both of our websites we have lots of materials to help you improve get those higher band scores spending a couple dollars to really learn effectively and improve quickly is always a good idea you can of course download and link the apps academic ielts help links to general alts help links to again if you have questions about our products or about the exam just contact me at adrian and if you're looking for our exams to practice from physical books you can get our books uh our exam books from amazon do a search for ae helps academic ulcer ge helps general outs and you can find our exam books there and you can purchase them or digital or paperback versions so listening now tomorrow we'll have task one and more listening and then speaking on saturday let's get right into our speaking so this speaking is coming out of our sixth exam for those of you that have it you might have seen this one already and i'm just going to uh hop over to our website here a help dot com for the audio so for those of you who have access to our websites this is the academic website here i'm just logging into the my student account and in the my student account i'm going to open up the audio for this now students i'm going to play this audio through a nice bose speaker and my headset so the audio quality is as good as it gets with real time live streaming if it's a bit quiet for you i definitely recommend using a headset or turning the volume up on your end i checked the volume on my side and hopefully it will be clear if it's not let me know and then um i'll try to adjust but uh most importantly uh save your answers until the end so everybody has a chance to write their answers um and then we'll share them okay at the end so write them into write them sorry write them into a separate document so we can share them at the end okay all right uh here we go everyone i'm just going to fire up the audio and then we'll go right back to the question so ready with listening section 1 or part 1 from exam six here we go recording is copyrighted by two think one solutions inc and world esl tutors you will hear several different recordings and you will answer questions on what you hear there will be time given to read the instructions and questions and you will be given a chance to check your work the recordings will be played only once the test is made up of four sections at the end of the test you will have 10 minutes to transfer your answers to the answer sheet now turn to section one listening section one you will hear a conversation between a man and a woman concerning the requirements of running for municipal office first you have some time to look at questions 1 to 5. you will see that there is an example this time only the conversation relating to this question will be played good morning you've reached the information office for municipal affairs this is florence speaking good morning florence my name is walter and i'd like some information on running for municipal office in the upcoming election you're in the right place the first piece of information i'll need from you is the specific office you'd like to run for town councillor i'd imagine the man says he would like to run for town councillor so this has been indicated for you now we begin you should answer the questions as you listen because you will not hear the recording a second time listen carefully and answer questions one to five good morning you've reached the information office for municipal affairs this is florence speaking good morning florence my name is walter and i'd like some information on running for municipal office in the upcoming election you're in the right place the first piece of information i'll need from you is the specific office you'd like to run for town councillor i'd imagine great i need some information from you in order to get you on the ballot this september are you ready to get started yes i'm ready this should only take a few minutes okay then let's start with your surname walter colchester c-o-l-c-h-e-s-t-e-r and walter is spelled in the regular fashion yes w-a-l-t-e-r okay next i need your date of birth i was born the 11th of december 1979. the 11th of december 1979 makes you 36 years old at the time of the september elections is this correct yes that's correct great i'll need your national insurance number my national insurance number is wc28569833 wc285 69833 that's right great and the last pieces of information i need from you are your current address and phone number i live at 23 shaftbury lane plymouth and you can reach me on zero one seven five two six 667 835 wonderful next i'll give you some information on running for municipal office you now have some time to look at questions 6 to 10. now listen to the rest of the interview and answer questions six to ten first of all you should know that you are one of 15 candidates so far that have registered for the four town councillor positions since the deadline for registration is in a week i do not anticipate this number increasing by more than a candidate or two second please know that there are three all-candidate debates of which you must attend two in order to qualify for office i have to participate in debates yes that's right they are on the 14th and 28th of august and the final one on the 4th of september they'll be held at the local community hall on ashford street each one begins at 6 00 in the evening that sounds fine is there anything else i need to know yes there is do you plan on spending money on your campaign this could be on adverts and newspapers promotional signage or other advertising well i was planning on taking an ad out in the local paper yes not a problem but please keep in mind that there is a strict 2000 pound limit on campaign spending for town councillors all expenses must be reported to this office overspending will result in disqualification i don't think that should be a problem oh and one more thing mr colchester there is a 50 pound registration fee for each candidate for town councillor you may pay this fee over the phone by credit card with a check in the post or in person with cash credit or debit how would you like to pay i live right by the office so i'll drop by this afternoon to pay in person my assistant will take care of that for you i think that is all i need from my end do you have any questions i don't think so thanks for your help you're welcome and good luck that is the end of section one you will now have half a minute to check your answers fantastic students and make sure to use that half minute to check your answers okay don't jump forward in that half minute because in that half minute you can absolutely uh catch often like a spelling mistake or the wrong word and save yourself one or two marks okay so it's really important to use that half minute to actually check your answers um and then you will have time again to review the next questions a little bit later okay now um students did you notice how at the beginning there when the instructions were going on i kind of quickly moved forward to part two part three and part four uh what i was doing in that time is i was just trying to get a sneak peek at the uh kind of topic of part two part three and part four i was able to see that part two was some kind of like a company meeting that it was talking about and i remember that um part four was something about roads i was kind of able to get that information as well uh anybody remember what um part three was about so was anybody able to catch a couple of ideas from part three and what that might have been about i don't quite remember that one so maybe somebody else caught a little bit of that but basically in the paper-based exam not in the computer-based exam but in the paper-based exam you can actually do this and many students have said to us in email that they did this and it really helped them a couple times students said that the proctor in the exam said please don't look at the other sections but a lot of students that we asked they said yeah i had no problem i actually flipped the pages and just looked at the topics real quick and it really helped me to get that advanced piece of um information okay um puiti it was probably a bit fast for you because you didn't know what i was doing so all i was doing was when the instructions were going on i quickly kind of just went to section two and i looked at this like who pays the salaries of the workers okay so paying the workers and then um i looked at this kind of a little bit to downloads and constants so i knew it was some kind of a discussion in the workplace and then i quickly stopped for part three and i looked at this how many books has the guest written what description does the guest give the book so it's something about book or book writing okay and then i looked at um section four and i and it says what created the first roads though roads were necessary so i see the word roads coming up again and again so i realized that was something about roads okay so was everybody able to kind of catch or were some of you able to catch kind of some of the uh topics here the what this was about okay or what these different parts were about because part one is fairly easy compared to the other parts uh you you should use that introduction time to kind of look at those topics and get your brain working on those topics okay but you can only do that in the paper-based exam all right now uh from 2020 there are a couple of changes small changes but important changes uh to be careful about in the listening section uh one notice how here we had this example so the speaker says what are you applying for and then the person says well i'm applying for the town counselor uh position now you don't have this you don't have this example okay so it no longer exists it no longer exists uh since 2020 they just start right away there's no example in part one also notice how here we have section one but that's actually being changed to part one um because it makes it more clear because in ielts they call the different sections like uh the listening section reading section writing and speaking section so they don't want to confuse you so they um so they renamed it part one part two but that's that's just a small change you don't have the example anymore okay all right um yeah moni absolutely do this okay so absolutely do this okay so let's get into some of these answers here all right um now so i i saw a couple people saying hey wait a second the answers here were jumbled okay so they actually gave the answer for the date of birth before they gave the answer for the address interestingly in the ielts sometimes you will have the answers to a table type question like this coming out of order okay keep that in mind so there is no guarantee that you're going to hear the answer to question two before you hear the answer to question three often times yes in many situations yes in many ielts exams yes but not always be careful that it's not always in order because this is considered one question type okay so this is one type here it's all one form completion and the answers are fairly simple so they give you the name colchester and i saw many of you write that okay so yes the answer here is colchester this has to be a big c okay or they can be all capital letters like jai neil is writing into the chat it can be all capital letters for your answers in the listening or in the reading it's okay all capitals is okay all small letters is not okay okay so these answers are relatively easy so they don't have to give you these in the same order okay when they say what's your date of birth you should be able to see date of birth because you had time to review so there is no magical rule for the ielts exam that the answers come in the order of the audio often oftentimes yes but not always be very careful about that especially with table questions is everybody clear on that so when you have a table type question like this there is no guarantee that the questions come in order it's just like later on for question 10 okay so this is what's called a multi-multiple choice where you had to choose three from the six and there is no rule that those three are coming in order okay so again this is another type of question where the answers aren't necessarily coming in the order of the list of answers okay so careful about that okay careful about that i think that really catches some students off guard okay so some students are very surprised by that okay um so let's go here usually yes students usually yes but not always there's no guarantee there okay all right uh so uh number one colchester capital c or otherwise it's incorrect if it's small make sure that with capital letters like c or o you make them very clearly big the c here should be double the size of the lowercase c if it's just kind of bigger they'll get they'll mark that wrong okay that's another point i want you to be really clear on okay so if you're c or your o with a it's easy because a is a different letter or a different looking letter for capital or lowercase but with letters where they look the same like c or o okay make sure that they're very clearly bigger letters if you're using both upper and lower case if they can't really see the difference if your c is like this okay and it's similar to the lower case they'll mark that wrong okay they're not going to play around right yeah man you can write all in capitals okay you can write all capitals so colchester like that or colchester like that okay now if you're writing all capital letters be careful about two points okay writing all capital letters um it's a fact that a it's slower okay that's one of the reasons we have lower case letters in english by the way so that we can write faster okay so i'm gonna just kind of make a note on this for everybody and then i promise you that we'll answer all the questions but i think this is important for all of you who are really adamant or excited about writing all uppercase so especially in the listening where you have the audio coming so keep in mind that writing all upper case letters is a slower and b higher error rate for spelling okay here's an interesting tip or a trick write the answers and this is only for the paper base so i should say paper based okay this won't work in the computer-based exam okay write the letters in the question book all in lowercase and then when you transfer write them in uppercase okay this will make you faster during the listening now when you transfer make sure that you are really paying extra attention to the spelling okay everybody clear on that okay is everybody clear that's only for the paper-based exam with the computer-based exam uh you can write fast in uppercase because you can use the caps lock okay so if you're going to write uppercase in the computer-based exam use the caps lock all right don't hold the shift button the whole time but use the caps lock button to make it all uppercase everybody knows the caps lock button right it's a button that you can press to make all caps lock actually means capital letter lock okay so in the computer based exam use caps lock which actually means lock letters to capitals okay capitals is another way to say uppercase letters okay everybody clear on that yeah it's clear uh sure hell you do get paper but it's only for notes okay all right so that's a little tip and now we'll keep going okay all right everyone uh fantastic here we go so uh walter colchester so again cole chester okay where does walter live what's his address you only need a number there okay thanks jasmine that's nice of you um so where does he live you just need the number and please use the number don't use words uh for this um so you got to complete the application uh 23 yeah 23 shaftbury lane plymouth don't write plymouth because it's given here if you write 23 plymouth here you'll get it wrong because they give plymouth in the isles the rule is don't repeat answers or information that's given okay so 23 shaftbury lane plymouth okay and what's mr colchester's date of birth did anybody catch that lydia says 11 december 1979 yeah and lydia the easiest way to write that is 11 december 1979 you do not need commas you do not need the full word you can use the abbrev abbreviation december you can do all capitals okay you want to be fast here because the audio is going so you don't want to miss answers you don't want to get confused so you want to be as quick as possible you do not need the superscript okay so this is called a superscript when you put the th up here if you have it down here that would be called a subscript but up here it's called a superscript and you don't need the superscript in the ielts it's not needed yeah just the number okay all right uh cool so moving on the phone number now with phone numbers national insurance numbers be patient they usually repeat these numbers a couple of times okay uh yeah so z was asking is the audio going to be this fast yes it is okay um students be very careful some of the materials that you find for outs listening online is not like the real test the audio is slowed down and the people speak slower for practice okay the exams that you find on our websites and the exams that you'll find in the cambridge past papers they are the actual speed of the audio and yes they are absolutely this speed okay so they are absolutely this speed now a lot of your answers are being blocked because chat doesn't like phone numbers being shared but i'm unblocking them so you'll see a few of them coming up if you check back on the chat now i'm just unblocking your answers yeah chad is very careful about privacy so you'll see your answers come up now and i see that a lot of you answered zero one seven five two six six seven eight five three uh yeah that seems to be the right answer so zero one seven uh five two uh double six seven eight and then three five or five three let me just double check that it's three five okay so that's the correct answer you don't have to worry about spaces it can be just one long line of numbers they do have to be correct if you switch the three and the five you'll get it wrong so be very careful students if your sevens kind of look like ones if you write really quickly and your seven kind of looks like a one just put a line through it so it's a clear seven okay um one of the common ways to write seven is with a line through here just uh to make sure that nobody confuses it with a one if you have a very clear seven like this it's okay all right but this line should be horizontal in this line should be 45 degrees okay for a clear seven if you want to be absolutely sure you just put a little line through it okay should not look like a one if some of you didn't catch that number and you kind of do this to try to make it look like a seven or a one they will mark that wrong if they can't tell right ielts examiners will not try to guess if the student's writing is not clear okay uh national insurance number what was that so what was that cambridge books that you use for the audio they're going to be the same speed as this one is this audio and those are past papers so those are exams taken from the past okay all right uh so here we go uh jynil says that this number should be wc listen for that w okay it's a dublin if you're french wc28 5 6 9833 sammy rocky agrees and that is correct i highly highly recommend using capital letters uh for letters in a string of numbers okay so use capitals for letters in a string of numbers um if you use lowercase it looks a bit awkward it looks clear like this okay if you ever have the word o or zero which probably won't happen in the ielts but zero and o are differentiated by a line so this equals zero okay and this is an o so o zero also one way you might see it on computers is capital o's tend to be very round as where zeros are a little bit more ovular so that's the shape the name of the shape ovular they're an oval okay all right um let's go to the next set here so this man is registering to run for town counselor mr cole chester and uh the woman says there are three debates you have to go to at least two of these and then she gives information about the debates and she says the second debate is happening on this date and at this time and then the location is given uh what's the date what's the time of the debate 28th of august seven second debate yes it is and so all you need here is 28 ogg sorry and try to be consistent um if you're using all capitals then use all capitals so 28 og hey isn't that tomorrow yeah that's tomorrow who's coming to the debate no i'm just kidding that's just by chance but tomorrow is the 28th of august um all right so 28th of august and it's at six o'clock uh six o'clock is okay but students the best answer here is 6 p.m okay because it's six o'clock in the evening no more than two words you can't do six o'clock evening because this is counted as one two three so you get it wrong this is quite tricky uh six pm would be counted as one two so this would be okay the other way that you can do this is switch it up to a 24-hour clock okay lydia absolutely you want to mention pm here because the i'll send questions and answers always need clarity they always need absolute clarity so the other way that you could do this is like this okay that would also be correct that would count as just one number is that clear so be clever be quick okay you can absolutely use a 24-hour clock in fact when you hear the times like 4 30 in the morning or 10 p.m in the evening i would recommend just switching it to the uh 24-hour clock just remember that 10 p.m in the evening would be 22 right that's 10 p.m because it's always 12 plus the number so 12 plus 6 is 18 okay so fastest way in my mind clearest way is just to do that 18. all right okay uh so then the woman gives a little bit more instructions to mr colchester and uh she says that there's a campaign spending limit on advertisements and such um what is it says two thousand lydia says two thousand pounds danielle says two thousand surya says two thousand pounds shraddha says two thousand puiti and khushbu are correct you never repeat the given symbol okay so pounds is given so only the number pay attention to given information if you write pounds you can actually get that wrong okay because they give you pounds with the symbol sterling pounds sterling pounds given to you okay so british pound so don't repeat it if you see the symbol percents or pounds or dollars you only need the number don't write the word it's a waste of time and you'll get it wrong okay so just the number pounds they're quite strict in the marking in this sense because they want you to really pay attention to detail okay so just 2 000 if you don't see pounds you have to write pounds if you don't see pounds don't write the word use the symbol okay how much is the registration fee 50. now everybody's on board yeah 50. and you see the pounds so you only write 50. okay all right cool so 2050 um now we have one more uh question remaining this is question 10 it's one question it's only question 10 you have to get all three of these correct to get this correct so what are the three ways of paying the registration fee mentioned in the recording is it direct debit check by post credit in person cash by post credit over the phone check over the phone okay kamal says abc akbar says abc evil genius says it's cfe lydia says it's cab well you can send a check by post so b is okay you could definitely pay by credit card in person sure why not and i would say uh credit over the phone so the correct answers are b c and e why do i know this well here we go simple uh logic okay this is where you want to remember your good friend logic all right now of course provided that you're familiar a bit with this kind of payment system in many western countries she doesn't talk about direct debit so there's no talk about that um you should never send money uh most of us learn this you should never put money into an envelope and send it so that's just silly so that's logic okay um and check over the phone i don't think that's possible so again logic okay now you can take some pictures of checks and do something but i think that's still not really possible in this case so not possible you should never do that they don't talk about it these three are the right ones okay did everybody get that so even if i didn't catch the audio and i'm really paying attention now if i don't catch it right away then in my review time or in the 10 minutes to transfer the answers i can kind of think about that okay so here's another really important tip students in your review time and in your time to transfer answers logic can often help you figure out the correct answer everybody got that super logic sammy yeah logic is your friend remember that logic is your friend you can get a lot of answers correctly even without the audio okay don't put no government office would ever ask you to put money into an envelope and send it to them okay all right so hell if it's 4 a.m you just write 4 a.m or you just write 4 like that that would be 4 a.m okay okay cool um so let's uh do the next one uh which is part two so we'll do part two together the same way now um remember students that there's quite a big jump between the difficulty or the level of english and questions between part one and part two so don't be surprised it's a bit of a jump for sure okay part one is clearly the easiest part in the listening part two gets much more difficult and then part three and part four more get more and more difficult as well but definitely i think the biggest jump is between part one and part two so let's go to part two and uh we'll do it the same so once more i'm using my headset microphone which is it's good it's a samson um and i'm using a bose speaker which is also good it's real time streaming which is of course not perfect yet and just write your answers into a separate document so that everybody can answer on their own and then we'll share them after together here we go everyone from our website with listening part two here we go take some time to look at questions 11 to 16. listening section you will hear a recording of three disgusting strategies for an upcoming meeting with investors first you have some time to look at questions 11 to 16. now listen carefully to the interview and answer questions 11 to 16. thank you both for coming in for this preparatory meeting as you know we have an extremely important meeting with our investors next week while i'm more than confident in the work we have done over the past year we must be prepared to justify our progress to our investors after all they are the ones who pay our salaries first i want to review the positive outcomes we've achieved over the past year this will make up the bulk of our presentation amy would you like to give us a rundown on this front sure we've achieved many positive outcomes over the past year and furthermore we've achieved more in the past four months than in the previous eight months so we're certainly showing significant progress first and most important sales of our app are up 50 from last year totaling 586 000 units in the past 12 months up from 390 000 units in the previous year this is great progress second we're achieving a higher purchase rate while our sales are up 50 percent the number of total downloads has remained relatively constant this means our conversion rate has increased 50 percent as well this clearly demonstrates that our efforts in this area have been fruitful by targeting the conversion rate instead of the raw download rate we have raised our standing and search result priority within the application stores this will eventually lead to a higher download rate and even more sales the upward trajectory here is very clear we have also decreased the complaint rate from 2.5 percent to 1.5 percent while our goal is to get this rate as close to zero as possible this decrease represents a positive outcome and shows that our efforts to increase customer satisfaction have been successful yes but if i may interrupt i actually have to disagree on one point i don't believe it should be a goal to get the complaints weights down to zero while we certainly don't want a high complaint rate the resources spent on getting the complaint rate down are better spent on increasing downloads and increasing the conversion rate i think you now have some time to look at questions 17 to 20. now listen to the rest of the interview and answer questions 17 to 20. that's a great point we really want to emphasize that we're doing everything we can to optimize and maximize the money and resources we've been supplied with speaking of which we all agreed that we will be asking for 20 increase in operating budget yes yes good and how are you going to justify such an increase well certainly by pointing to the statistical outcomes you previously referenced but also by our need to expand we need to increase our catalogue of apps and to do this we will need to hire at least two additional developers in addition to this i think we are now at the point in our business where hiring a market analyst would be justified such a person could be charged with finding niches to exploit within the market right now our operations in this regard are rudimentary at best and an expert in the field could help increase our sales volume significantly such an expert salary might take up five percent of our operating budget but could lead to a 10 increase in sales or more the five percent difference would result in a net income increase of almost 100 000 pounds i agree hiring a market analyst is long overdue one more justification for a budget increase is an across-the-board pay rise if only at the rate of inflation two percent say this would go a long way to increasing worker morale and output quality in addition to this that is the end of section two you will now have half a minute to check your answers okay everyone so that was part two and again you'll notice that it's quite a bit more challenging than part one because you're getting into real life situations so in part two in the alts exam you get into conversations okay and the conversations are between students between colleagues between uh team mates on a sports team uh and the reason why of course is because ielts is testing how well you will be able to handle this situation in university or in your workplace uh in english okay so uh you have to be able to listen to different kinds of english so you'll notice here that we had three speakers one of them was a new zealander and two of them were british the one of the women or sorry the women was british and one of the men were british okay so uh it's a conversation and you had to pick out the information so let's go through the answers and then i'll chat about this a bit more as we go so who pays the salaries of the workers in the recording young says investor young almost you still get that incorrect unfortunately it's in vesters uh plural okay plural is very very important okay so it's investors with an s all right make sure the spelling is correct they say it a couple times okay uh this table may be a bit challenging you have to really pay attention to the headings so the current year these are numbers and then the change from previous year so the change from previous year for sales was up 50 percent so in the current year uh here you had to figure out the number of sales and what was that number of sales sami says 586 000 yeah 586 000 okay fastest way to write three zeros or a thousand is the letter k so 586 k 586 000 okay that is okay all right that was the total number of sales the downloads for this year is not given change it's constant okay the conversion or the purchase rates they're talking about an app here that their company works with it's not given and it was up by how much okay lydia says 15 sammy says 50. yeah and 50 okay so the conversion rate was up by 50 and the way we know lydia that it's 50 and not 15 is that the speaker actually says it's the same as our sales so the change is the same as sales it's 50 percent all right so they even give you a little bit extra help there with that okay the complaint rate the current year's complaint rate was 1.5 so this was their actual complaint rate and what was the change of the complaint rate uh from the previous year priya it's not 2.5 but nirlan has it it's one one percent because it's the change so sometimes ielts will have these easy math questions to test your critical thinking right so last year it was 2.5 percent this year it's 1.5 so the change is 1 everybody clear on that now so last year it was 2.5 percent this year it's 1.5 the difference is one percent simple math but you have to subtract lydia that's right okay those are called your inference type questions and it's very likely that you will see one of those uh on the exam okay so keep that in mind so these were the correct answers okay 586 thousand fifty percent one percent okay pay attention to the column headings change not the number this is the number this is the change okay all right so uh then we had questions 15 and 16 which were multiple choice now in these multiple choice questions you see that the questions are long the answers are long so the only way to get these right is to listen for the answer okay so listen for the answer what point do the investors disagree on you should have listened for the answer which was to get the complaint rate as low as possible okay so the correct answer was c if you're just searching for the answer it's going to be too slow if you know the answer you can find that even later on when the audio is finished okay number 16 what is of primary importance according to the employees what was the answer to that what is most important maximizing the investors money right so basically for those who are business students roi return on investment maximizing the investors money so maximizing the value of the investors investment a okay like most businesses roi if you have good roi you're golden if you have bad roi it will soon be the end of it all okay let's keep motoring along so now we have to complete this summary and again students definitely practice listening to multiple speakers in a conversation okay all right so here we go the employees are requesting a 20 something in funding they say this about two three times it's not operating budget sammy it's just something more simple than that yeah increase muhammad nurlan that's that's right so it's just an increase okay this will allow the company to hire two additional what what can they hire with this money from the increase in funding funding is operating budget so that's why it's increased 20 percent increase in funding watch the word form here right that will help you okay so nurellan and lydia and puiti and priya all agree that this answer is developers now it's not capital it's just a small d and obviously an s because it's two right so obviously plural s okay all right who will allow the company to broaden their catalog of apps they would also like to hire us something what would they like to hire or who would they like to hire what kind of a position this was a little bit more challenging so it's definitely looking for those higher level people or students in english okay it's a market analyst yeah market analyst absolutely so somebody who analyzes the market and says hey this is what we should do it's a very popular position in companies these days it's a market analyst okay great so now we have one more question left finally the team wants a pay raise pegged to the rate of pay very careful attention to this to the rate of what the rate of inflation that's right inflation all right now i saw a really cool question um from adele earlier on adele was asking uh i heard from my teacher that i should never change my first answer if i'm doubting myself adele that was a good question absolutely you should never ever change your initial answer especially with multiple choice very often students change correct answers to incorrect answers so do not change your answers students that was a good question adele okay all right well how did everybody do what did you get out of 20 so what was your score out of uh 20 for part one and part two how did you do sandeep it was market analyst because that's what they said they said we need to hire a market analyst and they said a market analyst even if it costs five percent could help us make ten percent more uh neural on says 17 out of 20 17 out of 20 sammy 17 yeah 17 is good okay student 17 is good so um you should be looking here for 16 or more okay if you're looking for a band score uh 6.5 or more okay how should i do that okay so if you're one of those students who's looking for a band score 6.5 or higher and then in part one and part two you should be looking to get at least around 16 answers correct because part three and part four will be more difficult so if you lost four points in part one and part two there's a good chance you're gonna lose at least another six or seven in part three and part four and that will bring your score down to about a band seven okay keep that in mind okay uh 15 lydia is like borderline so that's around your 6.5 okay you absolutely don't want less than that puiti if you're looking for an 8.5 you should basically have 19 to 20 correct in part one and two so almost no mistakes in part one and two pt if we you want an 8.5 okay 8.5 is very high you can only lose i think four marks in the entire four sections okay cool students so that audio again was taken from our websites we have six original um exams on our website along with uh many many hours of video lessons and a fully interactive course um you can check your score on our websites as well there's a score calculator for the ielts on our websites at the very bottom so make sure to check us out at a help dot com tomorrow i will be back at the same time with this listening exam for parts three and parts four okay so you're very welcome eugene i'm happy to have you on board i always love those emojis they just kind of spice up the whole chat there so come back tomorrow for part three part four let's do it together let's finish we will do some more strategy as well have a wonderful rest of your day stay healthy stay strong stay productive much love to all of you i'm adrienne signing out from budapest bye for now you
Channel: AcademicEnglishHelp
Views: 4,595
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: IELTS, listening, section, audio, British, accent, part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, vocabulary, practice, sample, example, explanation, questions, types, fill in the blanks, IELTS description, English examination, listening practice, dialogue, conversation, test, understand, examples IELTS listening section, Lesson, Teacher, Learn, Student, Free, Intro, Tutorial, IELTS learning reading, IELTS passage, headings, multiple choice
Id: LF8UIqhKBdw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 30sec (3450 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 27 2020
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