IELTS Live - Task 2 Writing - Advantages and Disadvantages Essay

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to today's live IELTS class my name is Adrian and I'm streaming to you from Central Europe Budapest I hope everybody is having a healthy safe and good week so far hiya was in this class we are looking at a task to writing question that asks to discuss both the advantages and disadvantages hi I was this is a members chat class of course everybody is welcome to watch in 90 minutes we will have a listening part 1 & 2 all chat class where everybody can join the chat to become a member of the channel click the join button beside the subscribe button if you don't see it there send me an email my email is Adrian at AE so you can send me an email and request further information I Abhishek hi Tito hi pretty nice to see more members joining in on time while we wait for a few more members these lessons are presented to you by AE help calm that's academic English help calm for lots more help with the academic IELTS check us out there and join the premium package for the general version of the exam please visit us at GI e LTS help calm that's general IELTS help calm and join our premium packages there hi doctor Krishna good to see you as well hi Pavan I'll just quickly show you our websites and this is the academic one here a help calm and this is the general one here GL's help calm both of these websites have over a hundred hours of video lessons original practice exams and fully interactive courses students if you have access to our websites please make sure to link join your mobile app okay our mobile apps are academic IELTS help that's for a help calm and general Al's helped us 4gl Khan you can link your accounts so that they work together we're always developing and adding materials so just keep going with those okay Bhoomi Puneet Himanta MUC soo nice to see more of our members we've got lots of students in the class now so we'll get going with today's lesson let's get right into it so this was actually requested by one of our members I can't remember who sent this request to cover this question but it's part of your perks members at the second level welcome but hard so you can request classes if there's a question that you find difficult or confusing send me an email and you can request that I cover those in class okay Neha I saw your email so I'll answer that later okay all right students so IELTS task 2 writing a step number one of course is to read this question carefully how is the brightness of the screen for you right now I know it's a little bit different for everyone I always try to figure that out so if it's too bright let me know I'll darken it up a bit if it's okay if you can read it then that's fine I'll keep going okay I'll be checked says it's perfect good thanks I'll be checked for letting me know all right so here we go students tasks to writing you should spend 40 minutes on this task it is worth two-thirds of your writing mark so make sure to spend the full 40 minutes okay all right here we go let's read this in many countries people would rather rent a house instead of buying one describe the advantages and disadvantages of both okay it's a simple elegant question that gives you an opportunity for a lot of different ideas and answers write at least 250 words students I'm going to say this over and over because I there's always confusion about this word count you shouldn't try to write exactly 250 keywords okay so I'm actually gonna write it into the lesson here just real quick this time so if you want to get a band score seven or more you should be aiming to right around 300 to 350 words okay now remember that quality is more important than quantity so find the right balance for the 40 minutes okay and this is what you really have to practice alright so don't make a lot of mistakes if you write 350 words but you make a lot of mistakes you will get a low band score if you write 250 words and it's perfect you'll probably get a bend eight maybe an 8.5 think it's really difficult to get a band 9 with just 250 words simply because you probably won't have a well-developed idea okay so keep this in mind alright so again one more time the question and then let's get into paraphrasing so in many countries people would rather rent a house instead of buying one describe the advantages and disadvantages of both okay write a nice paraphrase so step number one okay first paraphrase the question for clarity ideas and vocabulary okay that's why you're paraphrasing muck sued the introduction is between 50 to 80 words okay it can be 50 to 80 words many students write very short introduction that don't do anything for the reader except just paraphrase the question that's not a good idea muck suit so muck suits question is how long should the introduction be to answer that muck sued a good introductory paragraph should be between 50 to 80 words okay I'd say 50 is the minimum that's if you're very concise and accurate all right so let's paraphrase this this question here I'm going to just write it underneath here and then we will compare okay so again in many countries people would rather rent house instead of buying one so all right so I see some paraphrasing coming up from a lot of students that's fantastic you see that my screens getting a little bit brighter so I'll darken it up student so you can see it a little bit more clearly I don't see my face as well but you'll see the text a little better okay all right here we go so awaaz says now in days and numerous nations the majority of individuals prefer to lease a house rather than purchasing one yeah it's okay lease is okay I was the word lease is a little bit tricky because it can mean a couple of different ideas or was just so you know okay so the word lease it's good the word lease can equal rent or rent to own okay but you can use it it is a good synonym in this case so you can say lease instead of Renta was so that's a nice paraphrase alright c'mon says what are some of the pros and cons of staying in a rented house against staying in your own house yeah come on it's not bad it's a little bit unclear staying in a rented house doesn't necessarily mean I'm the one renting but it's okay Charlie says certain individuals believe to live in a rented house where whereas others believe in buying a house describe the pros and cons of both of these scenarios okay Abhishek says in numerous countries the public would rather rent a home instead of purchasing one ok Abhishek a little correction there define the benefits and deficits of both good Elena says people of various territories should lease an apartment instead of purchasing one explain the pros and cons of both I think Elena apartment is too specific so instead of so apartment is mmm I I think it's too specific I would rather say home or real estate property okay maybe residents has would be a good one I think residents and home are the best paraphrases for house so residents residents because residents also means that you live there you reside reside means to live there and of course home is a synonym of that right real estate is more broad real estate can be an office for example same with property an apartment is more specific right so careful with your paraphrasing students in your essays one of the most common mistakes that I see in essays is word choice okay so be careful with word choice all right be very careful with word choice wrong word choice is one of the most common mistakes that decrease scores okay in order to learn better word choice okay so to learn good word choice meaning the meanings of words knowing the accurate meanings of words in context read and speak Lots okay that's really the key we can get into it more but that's really what you need to do alright okay so Rajveer says people around the world would prefer to rent a home instead of purchasing the same what are the pros and cons of both viewpoints okay good Puneet says around the world people are attending to rent a house rather than buying one explain explain the pros and cons alright so there's lots there good let's keep going I'll read different students for diff and sentences this is my paraphrase here okay in many nations individuals prefer to be tenants instead of home owners explain the benefits and negatives of each so I'm using the word tenants because if you rent a home then you are a tenant of that property it means you're a renter okay tenant of course is another way to say renter and if you buy a home then you're a home owner so this is kind of looking at the apple from a the same Apple from a different perspective alright so one of the great tricks to good writing of course is being able to take the Apple the Apple here of course means the topic and the question and being able to turn the Apple in different directions breaking it pulling it apart and looking at it in different ways to give clear explanations alright so that's what you're going for here okay so what are we talking about here okay what's the topic let's keep this simple it is a it is elegant and simple so you shouldn't over complicate this so what is the topic in this case clearly identify it okay yeah exactly Tito right Bhoomi it's your home it's your residence it's where you live right it's your place of residence so it's your home okay or residents good nice job Tito to use the vocabulary that I'm giving you here exactly so the topic is residents we're talking about your place where you live okay it's not rent versus owning it's your home okay and what's the controlling idea so if the topic is your home where you live then what is yeah who needs so Puneet says it's the possession of property which is your residence penny but it's a nice elegant way to describe the topic penny the possession of property or the type of possession of property yeah and it's the advantages and disadvantages of renting and owning yeah yeah very good Bhoomi so bumi says it's the pros and cons of renting and owning a house not just being tenants Rashmi but also ownership right it's not asking you which one is better himand so heme on to be really careful always with the question okay in this case the question is kept quite simple by the IELTS here they don't actually say which one is better they just say describe the advantages and disadvantages of both so students be really careful in the IELTS not to include information that you're not being asked for okay so that's why I really liked this question from this member because it's simple its elegant and I think one of the common mistakes here would be students including information that you're not being asked or candidates okay so do not include information into your essay that you are not asked okay like which is better what would you prefer okay the question does not ask for these okay so don't include it instead go into detail all right be very careful that's why before you start writing even if you have a good paraphrase always review the original question okay going off-topic is a dangerous path that can cost you a lot of banned marks okay especially in in task 2 so the controlling idea of course is the benefits benefits and deficits of renting and owning a home okay so good now let's just quickly go over the what why how here so what is a residence so what is that how would you define your residence okay what would be a good way to define it again focus on being concise and clear so yeah you're right Bhoomi now we're looking at the what why have the topic and the controlling idea is to get as much clarity as we can and to get some good ideas for the essay roshni renting a house here in this case okay means that you're paying a landlord to rent your home so you're giving money to somebody because you're living in somebody else's house so you're renting it so renting you technically own the home for that month right so Tito says it's where families and people live together freely all right Elena to back your thoughts I see that where a person lives okay a place of staying with the family so neha says a place where we live you may or may not be the owner okay a place where we reside either temporarily or permanently okay sure all right so Charley says a place where people stay for a long time all right a residence is the shelter for a person to conduct personal well let's not go into the shelter for a person let's just keep it really simple why do we have a residence maybe this is the more interesting question so why do we have a residence why have a shelter why not just live in the wild freely like our ancestors did many many thousands of years ago or as our close relatives the monkeys still do chimpanzees so why not just live in the wilderness okay so what is the purpose of a shelter of a home okay we're going quickly or again do this quickly students the only reason you're doing this is just to have a really clear idea that you're not talking about buying or renting an office or a school or some other type of building but specifically the residents where you live okay so that's why we're going through these what why how okay so the heart says it's one of the basic needs for human survival maybe by hard but why so how does it help okay so Allah says it it offers protection so it offers protection from others animals and weather sure yeah that's primarily air right it'd be difficult to live outdoors in certain parts of the world where it's extremely hot or extremely cold right so it offers protection safety from animals others and yourself how let's go through this so how it has walls and a roof with a door okay so at the most simple level right again the reason you're doing this in practicing this at home is to build your visualization to build your thinking so that you can come up with good words good sentences and good ideas okay exactly I'm on to be safe from the environment basically and to be able to rest okay sure all right so let's get into the controlling ideas here what are the benefits of renting a home let's go for this one so if you think about renting a home instead of buying a home what would you say is the benefit of that so what's a positive for giving money to someone each month to stay in this shelter from the elements or from the environment what's the benefits that okay so Tito says you can leave it whenever you want okay a teacher not bad Tito instead of thinking in the concept of you try to think of people or the tenant okay so the tenant can relocate easily to another home more easily let's say to another home okay sure any other benefits so Charlie says needs a smaller amount of money up front okay so needs less money up front means right away so you don't have to pay two hundred thousand dollars but you can just pay two thousand dollars right so needs less money upfront and then [Music] somebody Elena says renting a home can be cheaper than buying a home okay needs less money upfront I can be cheaper than buying a home all right okay so roshni says more flexible yeah I think that's the same as this answer here right so flexible okay we're gonna leave the negatives for now okay and I'm just going to jump to the other side of this argument what are the benefits of owning a home so be dynamic in your thinking when you're planning your essay don't necessarily think advantages disadvantages for one side and then the other side but maybe you can think of benefits for one side and then the benefits for the other side which will help you to come up with ideas for the negatives of the other side and then vice versa okay so here let's start thinking about what are the benefits of owning a home okay so bumi says can save money okay so saving money there's a word that I'm looking for specifically here okay bumi says provides identities sure came permanent location but hard says it's an asset that can be passed on that can be inherited right okay absolutely so an asset means it's a value right yeah so Puneet rila very nice sopa neat says it's an investment and a lifetime asset this is the word I was looking for everyone so good job Puneet I don't know if anybody else mentioned it as well but it is an investment okay so and it's a big one it is arguably the biggest investment that most people will make in their lives the reason you want to think critically so I'm going to take a moment here students to really focus in on this so that you understand the importance of critical thinking okay so the importance of good critical thinking in task 2 and in the speaking section as well is to come up with a key idea that can possibly get you an extra a whole extra band score such as buying a home is an investment investments can pay off or can be a great loss okay so when you invest in a home or for example in another investment opportunity like stock for example either you can win a lot of money or you can lose a lot of money as well right so investments can go both ways as we know now real estate is usually a pretty good in s-mint although it's not always the case so let's go back to the question now and here with the what are the benefits of renting a home now if we think about the benefits of renting a home if we rent the home we're not really investing in that property okay so we're not going to win a lot of money but also we're not going to lose a lot of money so one of the big benefits of renting a home is what okay can anybody guess what's inside my head so if I'm renting a property then I'm not going to gain a lot because I'm not putting money into that property into my pocket and investing but I'm also not going to lose a lot so what is one of the advantages of renting a property what do you think is inside my head that I'm going haha this is a great idea that will be very useful in this essay there we go but hard very good Barad sorry barod sorry for the pronunciation so barod says it's risk free okay beraud not exactly risk free but low risk right that's the concept right so what are the benefits of renting a home is its low risk right that's one of the big reasons we rent homes in many places around the world is because it's low risk if I lose my job and I have to move it's much more difficult if I've bought a house right so what are the negatives of renting a home so if it's low risk let's keep going with this concept so it's low risk to rent a home and the negatives are what if it's low it's low risk but it's also low something else and you should get it from this brainstorming so it's low risk but also low yeah so Reggio says it doesn't really get your return so it's low gain okay is the expression that we would have there so it's low gain money goes out of pocket each month okay any other negatives so this is the main one that I wanted you to think of so low gain money goes out of pocket each month what else is a negative that comes to mind okay yeah so preaty says interruption by landlord so you are less in control right less control okay obviously you can't just suddenly knock out one of the walls because you want to build a bigger bathroom you have to ask your landlord for something like that they probably won't let you so you have less control okay so it's lower gain it's less control all right so now the other side here with buying a home or owning a home it's what so what are the words that we want to put here for the let's go for the negative okay so jump to the other side here owning a home the negative and if students are wondering viewers are wondering why is an Adrian writing the introduction and the body paragraphs and so on the reason why students is because the fastest way to improve your IELTS band score is not just by practicing your English which we're doing here anyway with all these words but it's to also practice your thinking for these questions okay if you can think quickly think well then you will write a much ese the number one reason I see a lot of students getting lower band scores in the writing section is not because they have bad English it's because they're not producing the right information okay yeah so charlie send says it so this is why I spend more time on the planning you're learning English anyway here okay all right so Charlie sense says it's huge risk Bhoomi says yeah it's high risk at the liability of the loan absolutely okay so you stand to lose a lot so it's high risk high risk loan liability okay now of course the advantages are the opposite is it's an investment it's potentially high gain and lots of control okay so now we are ready to write the thesis statement okay I think everybody has a very clear idea so the thesis statement advantages disadvantages of both go ahead everyone write a thesis statement the thesis statement for those of you who are not sure is the clear argument of your essay this is a sentence or two which presents the clear argument of your essay the voice of the essay and the structure of the essay okay so that's what this is it's the last sentence of your introductory paragraph okay so what you really want to avoid students is a situation where you're writing a task 2 essay to a question like this and then as you're writing the essay during the second body paragraph you suddenly realize oh yeah a much better way to look at this as high risk versus low risk high control versus low control and I should have done that in the beginning but now I'm finished the essay I'm out of time there goes my band score ok so that's what we're really working hard to avoid that's why you want to spend three four minutes on this kind of planning so you have the right content in your essay okay three four minutes five minutes of planning from your forty minutes will actually let you write much faster you will have much better structure content you will have better English as well because you have more clarity so go through these steps okay those kind of tricks that some IELTS programs are showing you where you just paraphrase and say this essay will discuss the benefits and disadvantages of both will not get you good band scores okay I hope that's really clear for everyone so this is just while I'm waiting for your thesis statements so using template writing tricks okay like paraphrasing the question and then stating this essay I'll actually show you a bad introduction okay so this would be a bad introduction here where we just take the paraphrase that I had up here okay so if I take this and we'll compare the two introductory paragraphs so I'll do that in this class where I'll give you a direct comparison okay so this will be introduction a I see so many of these okay so this is introduction aim and then we'll compare to introduction be which of course we're going to do to do together now okay so this is a bad introduction and now we're going to do a good introduction and we'll compare and you're going to see why okay meanwhile I'm going to read some of the thesis statements coming up by the students so Roger says the advantages of renting a house are lower risk and more flexibility while its disadvantages or no gains on the property no gains or control of the property Rajveer good Rajveer you don't have to repeat the no okay so Rajveer you have really good writing really good English work really hard on making it more concise that's your next level of skill okay has even more concise writing the benefits of owning a house are high gains and great control while its deficits are high risk and loan liabilities loan liabilities reg fear is a part of high risk so I don't think you need to state that so again it's concise I like Rajveer how you did it in two sentences I can tell very clearly where you're going with this essay okay all right Elena says there's nothing better than owning a house in in terms of privacy and security however renting a home can be cheaper than buying a home Elena it's not bad so I think you could make an essay with those ideas but I don't think the essay will be the same caliber as what Rajveer is writing just because reg fears approach is let's say a higher level of analysis I'll tell you why Elena if I rent a home I have privacy and security as well okay in most places around the world you cannot kick a person out of their home if they paid rent okay so you're going to have a really difficult time creating a clear argument there Elena both privacy and security when I rent a home I have privacy and security okay the can't cut or the landlord can't come and just kick me out especially if I paid rent I just called the police right and say hey look I paid rent what's going on so renting a home the only difference is you're actually only buying the home for that one month right kind of thing so careful roshni says most people say that renting an abode is more beneficial as it's low-risk and less investment however I believe that owning a home is beneficial for large gains and loan liabilities mmm I think there's a lot of confusion there roshni loan liabilities are not necessarily beneficial careful with that and abode meaning a home we kind of use that in slang so if I say it's my humble abode these days in modern English abode is kind of a slang for home although it's a good word it's still just slang so keep be careful muck Sood yeah very good I like how you remember that expression cookie cutter yeah so this is a cookie cutter introduction and the most this will get you is on your way to a band 5 or a band 5.5 exactly right so owning a house makes you secure and keeps your investment intact whereas we rent rebutting a house gives you freedom to entomb eyes your funds the way you like not bad Puneet instead of getting too fancy with vocabulary Puneet be a little bit more fancy with content okay so this would be my thesis statement here okay so renting a home is lower risk and provides flexibility while giving less control and less personal control let's make it pair for grammatically parallel so less personal control and monetary gain however owning a home provides greater control but also greater risk okay so that would be my concise thesis statement so renting a home is lower risk and provides flexibility while giving less personal control and monetary gain however owning a home gives greater control but also greater risk okay so that would be my ban 9 I'm just gonna replace one redundant word here a repetitive word and change it with gives it just reads a little bit better so that would be my thesis statement this thesis statement shows that my body paragraph 1 we'll talk about renting a home is lower risk but also less personal control and gain financial gain monetary gain financial gain and my second body paragraph we'll talk about owning a home and giving more control but also greater risk more control can also be about finances as well so in the sense of investment ok alright so for introduction B can everybody give me a hook please so the hook is an interesting statement that catches the reader's attention I'm going to write a hook also write the hook let's move along nice and smooth here students to finish this introductory paragraph so here we start with a hook the hook an interesting statement that contains the topic it's short and accurate okay meaning no mistakes all right let's see what you come up with your for the hook okay so Bumi says a home is the basic need of every living creature yeah Bumi I think I think instead of creature let's just stay with humans or people so the home is the basic need of all people yeah Elena from the ancient times shelter as one of the basic needs of human beings yeah I like that Elena nice from from ancient times I wouldn't use the word era Elena I just say ancient times from ancient times kazeem says buying or renting human beings need a home to live kazeem good idea I just fixed it a bit okay or buying or renting , human beings need a place to live period that would be good it's a little bit more tricky Kazim so be careful with grammar when you're expressing a more fancy idea okay you don't necessarily need to do that on the IELTS to get a high band score okay Preeti says buying or owning a house is the dream of buying it okay let me try to figure that one out Bumi or sorry yeah it just got retracted yeah needs needs some work ok Tito says residence is all people want in this era because it's the primary need of individuals too complicated Tito make that simpler with no mistakes ok it's too complicated with too many mistakes a lot says the home can offer protection from hazards yeah it was you have the right topic but I think you're going off on the wrong controlling idea okay so there's a couple of good hooks there okay so the home is a basic need of all human beings sure we can keep it that simple okay the home is a basic need of all human beings all right now background it's the importance and definitions okay now give me some background so I've heard a few students asking me in emails and so on of Asia and I'm having trouble with the background right so again visualize why are we talking about renting or owning so what is the importance of this why should we discuss this okay c'mon says the residence is a place from where our live starts and ends so it's always close to every individual all right it's a good start Hemant Elena says a shelter can not only protect us from the elements but also gives us a feeling of well-being yeah keep it simpler Elena you don't need that much detail okay so a residence provides people with shelter from the elements and a place to rest arguably the money spent by an individual whether renting or buying is one of the greatest expenses incurred during a lifetime okay so why are we talking about this well because it's a big part of life why is it a big part of life because it's what we spend a lot of our money on okay so one of our greatest expenses arguably for most people in their lifetime will be the money spent on their home that's why we're talking about whether we want to rent or buy okay so Bhoomi I yeah how can you generate a good background think about it why are we talking about this why are people so concerned about renting or buying and eventually when you think about it you should realize well because it's what we spend a lot of money on every single month okay so now I can just grab my thesis statement and then put it in to the end here to finish just don't want redundancy there this introductory paragraph so this is my introduction be here okay I'm gonna darken up the screen a little bit more here studios getting brighter as the sun's coming around so this is my introduction be the home is a basic need of all human beings a residence provides people with shelter from the elements and a place to rest arguably the money spent by an individual whether renting or buying is one of the highest expenses incurred during a lifetime okay and then the thesis renting a home is lower risk and provides flexibility while giving less personal control and monetary gain however owning a home gives greater control but also greater risk okay so now students take a look at a band five level start and a band nine level start obviously you can see that this introduction is a little bit longer it's going to be closer to 50 60 words as where this one is closer to 3035 words I see a lot of these kinds of introductions for task 2 IELTS but I'd really like to see a lot more of these kinds of introductions okay and to do that you have to do a bit better planning now it looks like you know we're taking a lot of time to do this generate these ideas but I promise you that when you practice it's going to be much much better okay yeah flexibility Elena absolutely can be related to moving so Elena that's what you would explain later in the body paragraphs that you can relocate to another place more easily where you might have a better job offer or in case you fall in love and get married right so exactly flexibility can be a lot of different points still in the introduction remember you Lena you're narrowing your ideas like moving in the body paragraphs okay alright so here we go students imagine you're an examiner you're looking at hundreds of essays tasks - essays that are answering this question and you're reading lots of essays that start something like this in many nations individuals prefer to be tenants instead of home owners there are negatives let me just change that a little bit so it reads like an introduction of a student just give me one second here it's the slight adjustment okay so this is introduction a in many nations individuals prefer to be tenants instead of home owners there are benefits and negatives of each this essay will discuss the merits and demerits of both renting and owning a home okay now introduction B this is the next essay that you're reading the home is a basic need of all human beings a residence provides people with shelter from the elements and a place to rest arguably the money spent by an individual on their home whether renting or buying is one of the highest expenses incurred during a lifetime renting a home is low risk and provides flexibility while giving less personal control and monetary gain however owning a home gives greater control but also greater risk which one are you going to think okay this student is probably AB and 9 an expert user of the English language versus another student who is almost a fluent user of the English language I think you know the answer okay so please please PLEASE students work hard and study towards writing this kind of introductory paragraph okay alright that's all the time we have yeah so obviously I'm pretty sure introduction beat yeah you have a lot more clarity you know have a lot more about the structure and so on absolutely okay so that's what you want to do okay that's what you want to do who was it it was muck Sood that said it very clearly this one here it's a cookie cutter okay it's clear that all this student did was looked at some old school IELTS lessons and materials and copied a very simple strategy in hopes that they're going to get a good band score and in paragraph introduction be sorry introduction be obviously the students studied essay writing strategy used in literature in persuasive s knows the concept of a thesis direct thesis so here it's very clear that the student has a much deeper understanding of writing than student a okay so be really careful with this students okay be really really careful with this all right I'd like to change just being just changing to this style will get you a better bounce I promise you will get you a better band score okay all right that's it for today members tomorrow we will finish B paragraph body paragraph one body paragraph two and the conclusion okay so tomorrow will be body one body two and conclusion okay so coming up in 30 minutes I will host a listening part one listening part to class with some practice and strategy students to learn the correct methods for communication for the IELTS to get those high band scores check out our websites a help calm GL to help calm will help you improve your English your communication and your IELTS band score so check us out there and hopefully I'll see most of you in 30 minutes great work members lots of members now it's fantastic to see all of your hard work that's great okay very good job bye for now see you and a half hour
Channel: AcademicEnglishHelp
Views: 8,265
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: IELTS, Task 2, writing, essay, paragraphs, sentences, vocabulary, introduction paragraph, band 9, body paragraphs, conclusion, IELTS description, English examination, writing IELTS, writing for task two, second part of writing, writing strategies, IELTS task 2, Lesson, Teacher, Learn, Student, Lessons, Learning, Free, Intro, Tutorial, IELTS task 2 explain, IELTS task 2 learning, IELTS task 2 explanations, plan, planning, understand, skills, strategies
Id: rxffQsovJ4A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 55sec (3415 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 16 2020
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