IELTS Live - Task 1 Writing - Bar Chart Band 9

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and welcome to today's live ielts class my name is adrian and i'm streaming to you from beautiful budapest in the carpathian basin i hope everybody has had a good week and looking forward to a great weekend this is a member's chat class of course everybody is welcome to watch and this class is focusing on ielts task one writing this is for the academic ielts exam for general adult students your task one is quite different you have to write a letter or an email for academic students they have to write about a graph chart diagram flow chart so it is quite different so this is more for academic students to become a member of our channel you can click the join button beside the subscribe button and these lessons of course presented to you by ae help academic ielts success visit us and for the general apps check us out at g ielts help dot com that's generalised help dot com we have some of the best materials online in the world and we help to prepare thousands of students every day to pass their exams improve their communication and their english hi bec john hi janeil hi abhishek nice to see our members coming into the class for everyone just a quick peek here this is the academic web portal with the blue background you can click that big red button to join the premium package if you have questions just click that little help button there to interact with us and for the general ielts it's the green background here and you can click that big red button to join the premium package and get access to over hundred hours of video lessons original practice exams in a fully interactive course if you have questions about our products or about the exam just send me an email adrian and of course we have apps for your mobile so you can download the app academic islets help link it to a help dot com or download general ielts help and link it to g ielts help dot com welcome we t for dobbs jess winder nice to see more of you coming into the class it's fantastic today task one and then uh we will do part three and part four listening after this class everybody will be able to join in on that chat of course that's in about 90 minutes and that's a continuation from yesterday's part one part two uh speaking and then tomorrow uh we'll have or sorry listening uh tomorrow we'll have speaking so tomorrow we'll have speaking part two and part three uh for uh members and for everyone at this time okay so make sure you're there for that speaking practice and we'll get right into our task sent to me by one of our regular students and they said hey here's a kind of a question that i was looking at and i was wondering if you could do a class on this just to see how to think about this bar graph and develop a good high band 9 response so first thing is first as the saying goes uh let's read the question carefully i'll task one writing you should spend about 20 minutes on this task spend 20 minutes on the task don't spend any more don't take time from task two always start with tap one task one is worth one third of your mark it's an expository essay which means that you have to explain what you see uh in theory it should be easier than task two because all of the information is given you don't have to come up with original ideas so as long as you know what you're doing you're golden okay here we go so let's read this the graph shows the percentage of males in a particular country who prefer watching sports to males who prefer participating in sports summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant okay so some country something about sports whether these men like to watch or like to play in a specific sport now here keep in mind students it says write at least 150 words okay uh 150 words that that's the minimum so if you write less than 150 words you will start to lose marks okay you have enough space and time to write about 200 good high quality words uh making a good essay so uh your aim for the students who need or want those high bands like band 8 band 9 you should be aiming for about 200 words okay in that time all right so here we go with our bar graph can everybody see this bar graph clearly enough i know it's not the highest resolution but i'm hoping that it's clear enough maybe i'll walk you through it a little bit uh puiti in general version you don't get graph some bars you get a letter you have to write a letter to someone like a boss or a friend um so it's letter writing it's different that's a narrative piece pt not this for that one check out uh okay all right back john says it's good i can see it great uh thanks bec for letting me know so uh just to clear uh the first bar in each one that's the watching okay and then the darker uh bar it's got a little bit of a different pattern it's a diagonal pattern rather than the box pattern so the second bar for each uh sport is the participation okay all right and then we have the sports we have football rugby basketball badminton fishing and horse riding and racing okay all right so those are the different sports we have one two three four five six different sports okay all right um so so far so good uh now we need to begin by putting together our overview now to put together the overview we start by paraphrasing of course we're going to move along here nice and smooth today students this isn't an overly complex bar graph so we're going to uh go through this nice and smooth and really just get it done okay so first step is paraphrase the question with more detail so go ahead and paraphrase this question with more detail i'll toggle back to the bar graph in just a moment so you can get some more of those details maybe i'll um give you some information here so you can put it together okay so to give more details you should use the word bar you should probably use the words uh six sports okay and for the sports you have football rugby basketball i would guess this is probably for australia just by the sports but who knows okay badminton fishing and horse riding all right so that's some of the vocabulary that you should use paraphrase uh the question with more details to show your understanding of the question okay all right beck john says the given vertical bar graph uh illustrates the proportion of men who opt for either watching or participating in six types of sports in a specific nation okay beck john it's good all right um i would probably list the sports here six is just enough that it can fit there so we're clear on all of the sports that we're discussing so i would probably list this the sports okay and i do see your correction there for the seven so that's fine uh vertical bar chart is okay the other way we call this type of bar chart begin is a column column bar chart okay so this column uh bar graph i'm i call these graphs um chart it's interesting chart is kind of um i think i know the british like to use the word chart and i think the australians and kiwis also use chart canadians and americans tend to use graph more we both use both i think but in north america and the us in canada we tend to refer to these more as graphs i like to call them graphs i'm canadian but if you call it a chart that's fine so this column bar graph depicts always paraphrase the word shows it's just so easy to paraphrase that there's so many ways to say that okay so depicts the percentage of men in a certain nation who choose to either watch certain sports or play them namely football rugby basketball badminton fishing and horse riding okay all right so that would be my detailed paraphrase of the question okay this is where the examiner sees that okay this student is not just simply paraphrasing the question but they're adding details using the graph so they're already starting their interpretation their expose of this expository essay um and um they're going into details okay so this is part of your overview slash introduction your overview and introduction is the same thing you don't need to separate them if you really want to fine i think it's awkward i think if you separate your overview in a university class dealing with the graph or chart the professor might say why did you do that it's just your introduction it's weird to separate that into two paragraphs i see that on the ielts this is sometimes recommended by some um courses i don't think it's necessary and i know that you will not lose marks for separating it the problem with separating um the uh introduction from the overview in my opinion is that you're actually using space especially if you're writing in the paper-based uh exam okay so that's one of the kind of logical reasons especially for high level students who can write quickly and can write more than 150 words okay so keep this in mind i haven't mentioned this in past classes members but if you are taking the paper based ielts exam your writing space is limited so you want to maximize your use of space therefore you should not separate the introduction from the overview because this is not necessary also you should not separate paragraphs with lines but instead you should indent okay is everybody clear on that so save your space okay um there is no specific rule that you have to separate paragraphs with spaces you can absolutely separate a paragraph with just an indent it means moving the first word of the next paragraph five spaces in that is technical writing in english okay and you should not separate your introduction in your overview because you're wasting space when you have limited space in your answer booklet for your writing section okay so everybody clear on that if you do a practice exam at home you will see this okay so if you make use of as much space as possible for task one task two especially for those of you who are fast writers and can write to the limit or to the maximum space available then make sure you pay attention to that okay yeah os so your paraphrase is the start of your overview so it definitely counts as part of your 150 words okay all right um gineal there is no specific number of points that you have to include in the key features it really depends on what the graph is that you're looking at so that graph might have just one key feature or it might have several okay i probably wouldn't include more than a few one or two at most okay all right for dav says the given bar graph depicts the comparison of men who watch six types of sports events or play them in percentage in a certain government for doves one really important correction is or instead of and okay that's very confusing and is uh not correct it's very incorrect in this context right okay so be careful with that and all right everyone so that is the start of our overview um so here's my beginning of this overview let's um pop this down here okay just give me a second so overview let's correct that overview all right um and then here we go so uh this is how it starts this column bar graph picks the percentage of men let's correct that in a certain nation who choose to either watch certain sports or play them namely football rugby basketball badminton fishing and horse riding notice i didn't say horse racing because i think that makes sense it doesn't have to be separate like graph then we look for the main feature okay so now what we're looking for kind of main feature here that really just jumps out at you when you look at this graph so there's definitely one point that really clearly pops out at me when i'm looking at the graph and hopefully some of you will get the same idea here again this is very simple thankfully this is not an overly complex graph if you get something like this in your academic ielts consider yourselves lucky it's a good one okay should be fairly simple okay um so beck john yeah absolutely that's what i got to so beck john says at first glance it's evident that males choose to take part in uh most sports rather than watch them with the exception of fishing so beckjam you have to be a little bit cautious with the wording here remember that your reader is an alien they might not be looking at the graph so finish the idea okay at first glance it is evident that males choose to take part in most sports rather than watch them with the exception of phishing that's more clarity okay especially because it's still just at the very beginning of your essay so you want a lot of clarity here all right you want to complete that comparison okay even though it seems intrinsic vecton you'd want to state that in a report in an expository report okay um so what beck john's talking about different ways to say that but he's right notice how for all of six of these except for uh horse riding okay bechten it's not fishing it's horse riding um or sorry yeah no sorry back john you're right uh fishing uh if we look at all of these then we can see that with all of these sports except for fishing uh the bar for um uh watching and for participating is different okay so watching is low here but it's much higher for participating in fishing all of these other ones watching is the highest okay so um beck john just maybe you didn't see this here clearly okay again or maybe i confused you at the beginning and explain this wrong so this is watching this is participating i think maybe the graph's a little bit unclear so i'm just showing you that again okay so bar is watching second one is participating so more people watch foot participate in football uh watch rugby then participate in rugby okay so this is uh watching participating watching participating sorry if i was a little bit confusing there okay right so maybe rewrite that back john so that makes sense okay so second column is participating or taking part or actually playing or doing the sport the first one is watching it maybe live or on television who knows that's not given that detail but it definitely means being the audience instead of taking part this kind of watching participating what you want to think of as well is um or are other words that you can use like audience okay uh participants take part play okay or do all right so you want to think about these other words that will be useful for you so you're not just repeating yourself okay all right so yeah that's the most uh observable okay in all cases the watching ours are higher than the participating except for phishing which makes sense right most of these graphs are kind of like real life so i think that most people would rather go fishing than watch fishing on tv okay most people for sure i know i would um and then with these other ones it's kind of agreeable as well so that's the main feature okay so immediately it can be noted that of the six sports more men like to be observers than participants with the exception of fishing okay so absolutely yeah okay and now i see some other people coming up with their ideas as well uh always says the percentage of watching is more than participation os i agree and also the the graph disparity the rate of participation in different sports um yeah os but i think that's going to be true for nearly any graph so it's a bit awkward to state that okay it's too general you want to use information os that's more specific to the graph and i think it's more specific to state this as the main feature okay so abhishek says at first glance it is apparent that seeing sport games watching seeing is a bit awkward abhishek so or observing another synonym for watching is observing seeing is not quite the same because seeing is passive watching and observing are active okay did everybody catch that that's an important difference between the word seeing and watching and observing seeing is passive i can passively see information from the corner of my eyes but when i'm watching the screen or observing the screen i'm actively looking at it i'm processing the information so keep that in mind okay it's like the difference between hearing and listening hearing something that we do passively listening it's something that we do actively all right so careful with that okay all right um so abhishek says at first glance it is apparent that observing sport games are more popular for men except for fishing which has more um members than other sports um okay careful it's a bit of an awkward one all right especially with seeing and members so careful with your vocabulary choice beck john says at first glance it is evident that most males choose to be an audience rather than taking part in sports with the exception of fishing very good back to a nice correction okay just winder says immediately fishermen are higher than others fishermen are higher than others however the audience of football and horse riding at the top i just wonder that's confusing and it's too much detail for a main feature um and it's not quite accurate so you have to really clearly separate just winter here the concept of being the audience versus participation don't try to say too much too quickly just winder so separate it into clear ideas okay dr krishna says at first glance it is clear or sorry one more time dr krishna at first glance it is evident that the majority of men prefer to be audience rather than playing the game except fishing yeah that works dr krishna that's good all right okay so now we want to go through the bar graph and kind of identify our points of comparison now of course we started by saying that all of these uh the men like to watch more than play except fishing so it makes sense to of course uh make this comparison first so this first point here what would be your second point so after in the analysis on the body paragraph after going into more detail and explaining this piece of data or datum what would be the next one what would you think it makes sense to be number two your second sentence or your second uh analysis what makes sense here so just says why wouldn't we talk about football second because then fishing okay and jay neil agrees okay abhishek good football yeah um because here if we look at football and we look at fishing there's a very clear contrast what word or what vocabulary comes into mind when we compare these two sports or the data on these two sports what word comes to mind so what will be a nice connective word conversely is good um there's another word bekjan that starts with an i and it sounds very similar to conversely does anybody know what i'm talking about abhishek dr krishna os so instead of conversely i would actually use a piece of vocabulary here that's more specific to this comparison what would that be it also ends with sleet it actually ends with ursley yeah for dobbs very nice so not invert but you're very very close inversely okay so you're very close okay inversely it's the inverse okay it's inverted or it's the inverse of it right so it's like the flipped of it so it's inversely conversely or inversely okay all right um good so there we have number one number two what would be number three so what would you take is number three okay so we have number one we have number two what makes sense is number three hopefully we're all thinking similarly here because i think number three is kind of an obvious yeah because i would agree horse riding so i would take that as number three why because it's similar to football right good flow here number one it's unique number two it's the inverse number three it's similar to number two and then what would be number four yeah back john we would definitely use similarly there uh what would make sense is number four hopefully everybody's kind of thinking the same thing for the fourth piece yeah absolutely abhishek number four would basketball because it's a little bit higher and then number five we find right so hopefully everybody sees that we could combine the analysis because rugby and badminton are quite similar in their proportion of viewers or audience versus players or participants with a little bit more participation in badminton than rugby right so yeah so owis uh careful basketball's a little bit more than these other two but um definitely badminton and rugby are quite synonymous okay quite synonymous all right so now uh of course keep in mind the percentages here okay 0 12.5 five thirty seven point five and fifty and that makes sense right because all men together hundred all right so a man is uh the audience there can be both so it makes sense that the y-axis goes only to 50 and it's divided in these ways um all right so let's do this let's get into the analysis okay so let's now choose our vocabulary pay attention to our grammar and then give the analysis for each of these points starting number one which is going to detail about fishing okay fishing right so fishing so fishing is right at 50 percent and for participants and for audience it's just over 12.5 percent okay all right 50 a little bit over 12.5 careful here students not to um use too many numbers okay like 13.75 so careful not to use too many numbers okay uh yeah i just wonder if it makes sense to mention the x and the y-axis it's okay to take to say that i i saw that some students said oh my teacher said don't talk about the x and the y-axis i don't agree i think in some cases it absolutely makes sense to include uh what the x and y-axis scales are okay it makes it a lot clearer for your audience so in this case i don't know if it's absolutely necessary okay i wouldn't mention the x and y in this particular case but especially with line graphs just when with line graphs it's often very sensible to mention what the x and y axes are because they're your dependent variables and it's continuous so with a line graph just winder often yes okay all right um so i'm going to start writing here and you start writing in them we'll compare okay so analysis all right you that's my first point right oh it says it's clear that the highest rate of participation in fishing reaches to 50 percent okay it's not bad os 50 is half half of the men right behind says when looking at the data in more detail it's evident that phishing is the only sport where there are half of the males who prefer to partake whereas just over 12.5 percent do the opposite yeah and beck john always use the symbol for percent don't actually write percent it's one word it's not percent it's percent one word and use the symbol then you won't make a spelling mistake okay um ferdav says analyzing dipper for doves not analyzing dipper it's analyzing deeper okay deeper d e e p okay deeper d e e p e r okay all right okay so this is what i have so far so looking at each of these sports in more detail uh half of all men in this country prefer to be active fishermen while just over a tenth uh choose to be audience okay so notice that what i've done here is i took those numbers and i turned it into interpretation okay so i'm interpreting your goal is to interpret that that's what will get you those high band scores okay abhishek says looking uh into more detail uh fishing activity is the highest for participants that almost touch half of all men while the audience are slightly above 12.5 percent okay it's very specific uh abhishek touch the half of men is kind of weird it's kind of funny too um so participate which almost um which is almost half of all men it's not almost abhishek it actually is okay so participate which is half of all men okay so the here the top here maybe you're confused by this extra line at the top but the 50 mark is right here and that actually touches the 50 mark so it is half of all men okay um okay now football is the next keep writing students if you fall behind a little bit if you're still working on fishing and i'm working on football don't worry about it i'll catch what you're writing okay so i can maneuver around just keep going i'm just moving uh forward okay so i'm gonna go to football here uh inversely football is watched by nearly half of all men while a tenth prefer playing on the pitch okay so here i'm looking at football and i'm making that second comparison right that inversely okay inversely so it's the exact flip okay proportional flip uh janelle says after deeper inspection it is notable that fishing riding and racing is watched half of the men while just over one fourth of men janil you have to rethink that that's very confusing uh take a look at this so uh the participants are half the watchers are just over a tenth 13 percent okay if we think about 100 percent it's a tenth right um horse riding is quite different here all right it's quite a different piece of data so again i think the difficulty here is that you're including too much information into or trying to include too much information into one sentence separated out a little bit more carefully okay all right for dave says inversely soccer is observed a bit less than fifty percent while only twelve percent of males are keen on watching this sport uh you mean playing for dogs careful with your information okay dr krishna says on the contrary football audiences almost fifty percent of men while only ten percent uh preferred to partake in the match um dr krishna don't use past tense preferred use present tense this is a point that a lot of students ask me is should i use present tense or past tense we don't see any dates here so this just says generally this is the trend in some country okay so this is not a very specific graph in the sense that we don't know the country i'm guessing australia but we don't actually know the country so you can't include information and um also it doesn't give us the year so there is no 2002 2010 when there's no year included you have to stay present tense okay with your verbs so pay attention to what year the information is if there's no year given then it's present tense that's an important note okay oh it says regarding football sports is the highest audience among other sports unlike the participation in in this sport lowest among the six sports um in comparison os yes within the sport right we don't know the actual numbers so here's another important tip os and others uh uh viewers uh for academic purposes be very careful about this this percent we don't know the actual numbers and the numbers would actually be very different if we saw these so maybe for football it could be as high as a hundred thousand men um and this would be maybe like um i don't know let's say in comparison uh uh 20 000 men okay uh but you might have something like horse riding and this might be something like 2 000 men and this one here would be like 800 men okay so even though the graphs seem to be the same height these are percentages they're not numbers so os you have to be very careful to change the concept of percentage into actual amounts or numbers of men okay you see how that information can be misinterpreted if you say highest or lowest you have to say percent or you have to say half of because it's proportional so you have to be really careful right i know that you might not have intended to mean that you might be like look of course i realized that but that's you choose your words in that way it can misinterpret it okay so careful with that all right it's percents percents keep that in mind okay um so you have to write accordingly you have to write very clearly in that all right uh so let's keep going here um so that was uh one and two now go to uh horse riding okay um so horse riding co relatively comparable pro portion of viewers and doers about uh 47 percent and well maybe it's a little bit more doers here but anyway and 19 respectively yeah somebody might call me out on that and say hey and i think that there are quite a few more actual uh doers than with football but you know what i'll they're not gonna be picky about that uh if you do it like i did i guarantee you'll be just fine okay okay all right um yeah don't worry about it janil that happens okay just make sure that in the actual exam you keep it really really clear okay dr krishna says horse riding presents quite similar rates to football as uh viewers and players around 47 and 19 percent respectively good uh freda says likely like football not likely for us but like like football more men love to watch horse riding and racing about 46 were twice as less males like to do it we don't play horseback riding so be careful with your verbs here we play football we do horseback riding okay so these are a bit tricky i know uh but uh do pay attention to this detail of doing versus playing okay you play tennis you do horseback riding or you do swimming for example you don't play swimming you do swimming i know english can be tough sometimes it's one example beck john says similarly there is an approximate 40 percent of men who are eager to be observers in horse riding and writers compose just under a fourth yeah riders very nice beck john yeah they are they're horseback riders so that's a good way to do it okay um so now we're moving on to basketball all right so um okay notice how i haven't used percentages all the way until here so my writing isn't filled with percentages but it focuses more on interpreting the data that's really really important okay so now for basketball so in regards to basketball the proportion of viewers and players is more balanced about 37 to 25 respectively it's not about it's exact here okay and then the next one here is rugby and badminton which show very similar trends at about 30 percent viewership and approximately let's say 18 19 uh participants okay so that's for rugby and for badminton finally rugby and badminton show similar trends of preference preference with viewers at thirty percent participants at twenty percent say just put in the word roughly because they do differ a little bit so roughly 20 okay and i know everybody's still writing and that's fantastic okay i'm sure you're doing a good job um i want to get to the summary so that's why i kind of completed this here because i want to get to the summary okay and it is good to include a summary especially for those of you seeking those high band scores okay it's an expository essay expository essays will commonly include assignment in your expository essays and presentations like this about graphs and charts you are expected in most cases by your professors and teachers to include a summary okay so you can start with in summary and then you want state and some point that that's interesting that we learned from this graph that we haven't really said in the overview and that we can understand from all of the analysis that we've done so by analyzing all of this data in our second main graph what can we summarize about this okay so what can we summarize about the men in this country and their preference uh in the world of sports okay so this is kind of what i wanted to get to here this is why i moved through the last couple of analyses a little bit more quickly because i wanted to ask you this question for the summary of what can we summarize here okay and if you're stuck just read what you've written so far and perhaps the summary will really come to mind okay so this column bar graph depicts the percentage of men in a certain name who choose to either watch certain sports or play them name football rugby basketball badminton ching and horse riding immediately it can be noted that of six sports more men like to be observers than participants with the exception of fishing looking at each of these sports in more detail half of all men in this country prefer to be active fishermen while just over 10th choose to be audience inversely football is watched by nearly half of all men while a 10th prefers playing on the pitch was relatively proportion of viewers and doers about 47 percent and 19 respectively in regards to basketball the proportion of viewers and players is more balanced 37.5 to 25 respectively finally rugby and badminton show similar trends of preference with viewers at 30 percent and participants at roughly 20 percent in summary and what can we say in summary okay so what can we say in summary if you haven't finished that's fine give me your summary what can we summarize about this this is what i would write think about it don't look at what i'm writing until again you okay yeah very nice back john so um you wrote that before i finished mine so i know that's your original thought and that's great so in summary there's a significant difference between players and viewers in these uh athletics okay in these athletics not in some athlete spectrum but it makes sense to write in these athletics okay instead of sports athletics dr krishna says to sum it up the majority of men prefer to be observers but fishing is an exception dr krishna that would be okay but you've already said that in your overview okay so if you write only that in your summary dr krishna then you're really just repeating your overview and you haven't done anything original so you might as well just leave it and then go to task two right so make sure dr krishna that your summary is a bit more than just a repeat of your main feature in the overview that's one of the most common mistakes that students make in their summary is they just paraphrase or repeat the key feature the main feature of the overview okay oh it says the audience rate of all sports are more than players especially football and fishing or the last one i forget which one oh it's okay not bad simplify that os so you're on the right track os but you want to simplify it there's significant difference depending on the sport and that's kind of what i've written here so in summary although men more commonly prefer be the audience in these sports with the exception of fishing the proportion of participants to viewers varies significantly depending on the sport so that's what we can summarize about this right is that when we look at the graph you have sports where there's loads of viewers and very few participants and then you have sports where hey look the participants and the viewers are almost the same so there's quite a bit of variance depending on the sport okay that would be your summary all right okay everyone i will post this i will put up the full essay with the graph into our youtube community thread into the post so you'll see it there later on in the next few days thank you so much i hope everybody picked up a few gems from this class that you can apply to your academic ielts task one and also your academic studies when you're in school and you're doing engineering chemistry biology medicine and you're looking at these graphs and charts how to better express yourself again focus on interpretation don't just don't just describe the numbers that you see but interpret them okay all right uh everyone coming up in about 30 minutes uh listening parts three and four practice with some strategy uh jay neil i'm not sure what you're referring to send me an email if i didn't catch something there you're very welcome os beautiful participation i love it when our newer members really engage these classes you get a lot of value out of it os so keep it up uh hopefully i'll see everybody soon remember check us out at for academic outs check out the premium package it's worth the investment for general ielts and uh see you in half an hour i'm adrian signing out for now from budapest bye
Channel: AcademicEnglishHelp
Views: 4,715
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Keywords: IELTS writing task 1, diagram, pie chart, line graph, bar chart, flow-chart, IELTS descriptions, International English Language Testing System, English examination, writing for graphs, writing for charts, writing for tables, IELTS task 1, Lesson, Teacher, Learn, Student, Lessons, Learning, Free, Intro, Tutorial, IELTS task 1 explain, IELTS task 1 learning, IELTS task 1 descriptions
Id: zjXkBNE-ZeQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 38sec (3398 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 28 2020
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