$1,000 STUCK IN THE CHUTE Inside The High Limit Coin Pusher Jackpot ASMR

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[Music] tag-team back again probably because he's pushing does he have his eyes because if he doesn't he can win the free $5,000 LASIK eye surgery package which is transferable to anybody if you haven't seen that video yet we're gonna put a link to that video in the pinned comments on this video make sure you watch that video you yeah you can win that free $5000 package and they can give it to who can they give it to Jorge anyone anyone you can give it to family friends your auntie your uncle it doesn't matter but you got to be subscribed so make sure you do [Music] and just opened up and you chose this you will chose any book no actually there's a pyramid over there but she didn't [Music] going left alright let's count how much this is not going to be easy we've got one two three four five I mean there's got to be a thousand dollars in there but oh my goodness everything is everything is we got a push that's not bad [Music] No that was already well if I kind of sign it and even think it all of them I thought the one next to this the pyramid would be the best one as far as yes money but it was already taken some it was Hardy their plan you are into music we gotta be a little bit quiet today [Music] we actually gun beat here today so initially George's waiting at the doors okay [Music] I don't have the chest harness oh my goodness I'm just gonna have to lean in a little bit look at this man so what's the plan what's the point you're going left the entire thing they're going but they're going [Music] [Music] lefty lefty righty lefty like you righty [Music] nice nice nice she just pushed to those a good bush I actually can't believe it I can't believe it and she's actually my lucky bag holding $15.75 I'm gonna continue to attach your lucky Elvis machine is holding thousands how many Benjamins wait I thought we were going for Franklin what are you gonna prevent them in soon we should be going for Franklin [Music] Oh the music's burgers that's incredible I did that was awesome oh man [Music] come on big money big money you got the belt to go off to now you can get the market to lay up if you can get the marquee like Spanish often the top like top for my quality vote for Paul George is so close it's literally on the edge you have got to get at the mall good at the fall I need a Georgia [Music] you only have one quarter all right she's got one quarter left one quarter rhabdo one quarter left one Franklin inside the shoe 2775 that's pretty good [Music] look back still lucky bring home the big removes want I counted one two three four five six seven eight nine ten I see eleven on the playing field right now yeah that's what I see let me count again one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven [Music] Wow Wow [Music] nice and count 12 now there's 12 on the playing field she's got one in the shooting [Music] and they're afraid of okay okay that was kind of pretty that was pretty yeah that was pretty no doubt monomer wannabe wannabe super foods this is actually I thought this was gonna be a whole lot harder no there's two above each other it's a Ben Franklin sandwich the best kind there is no nope they can go she's gonna spill the coins reporters are going to drop it drop it like I saw this one I thought it was gonna be harder because like there's stacks everywhere wait and it's definitely a murder oh nice the weight gets harder [Music] I don't know how you're gonna get them all those are all gonna get caught up and you know they're all gonna get caught that's why there's there's box one over there pyramid that's why we wanted that one because that one actually we know that it doesn't actually get [Music] come on Bennett when I was think all shook up we need all you guys to take to take you with us in TV you just shake that thing just remember shake it but what George just remember shake it don't break it and we're not gonna be held responsible if you break your 80-inch depreciates unit whoa we need a good boy my lucky bag gets ginger by the play but I got 47 dollars before me five cents that's pretty good my good enough that's pretty good we don't usually this this close so note we don't really she doesn't they get close sometimes like blows close nice I don't you can't win them all well I can but you don't let me play you wouldn't know you would let me play [Music] come on because because people there we go there's nothing quite as satisfying as that [Music] come on better game time [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] like a little Franklin I have how the hell do you do this [Music] well you already know it's killing burrowstrike they're definitely not the one caught that flew into the corner that wall is ready love me a good money oh my [Music] close call between the rollers and the other venture [Music] actually the $100 bill is that false oh not at all drumming and luggage oh I mean I'm so pretty impressed at that hundred dollars a flat hundred and the roll under both policy they're way too loud usually I'm just so excited [Music] oh nice nice whee so the right side looks like it has been neglected know why you won't know what too many people work here this morning it's fourth of July week oh yeah they're on vacation that's why so many people work through this usually we got the place but everybody's on vacation you're actually getting them down there support the gorge choruses [Music] it's freaking the netting not only that you got plenty to work with - come on big money big money big money big money big money she always goes left that's the key to the game you got to get enough quarters down the three quarters gotta push down in there got enough ammunition but you still because she's got a lot in there she's got to get the push out so you got got em oh I like it can't be done you got ammo and I try so you're going all left or right now wait you're going left and center yeah okay $65 do pretty much to go anywhere right [Music] a lot of bounces to the range snap them to see that they stack the points and then put the hundreds in between course knowing that those flat hundred they don't fall very well in the shoe here [Music] I guess he's going Metamucil on it with the movement I should speed a Metamucil into the shoe taken [Music] that was awesome come on happen welcome to see that middle one will boom big money big money big money oh look at this yes [Music] this one's falling neck hole became a fool for all the pocket [Music] well she's calling that people she's saying that one's gonna fall next but then again really what are the opposite the other ones are all standing up there so this one this one is it too hard to call here that's like going I think the quarter and the front will fall before the border it's bad it's almost re we need everybody to help us safe everybody help us shake yeah it's already working he's not singing this is very tog this is this whole machine's dedicated to his comeback before I think it was in Vegas I don't know what it was yeah was in Vegas I don't think I was I don't ever think I was a lime when it happened so it must be a sum but for money with just come back to our videos they treated that's we're talking about he's like it's been nine years since I've been on nothing live what Elvis says in that yeah he says it's been nine years since I heared why my peer dead a few times but this is the first time alive no and I think it's cuz he's an actor he's probably I don't know maybe Elvis was acting and then went back to music I don't know I rather do research on how to win the coin butcher and you say Oh [Music] are you getting angry yeah I mean they're speaking for Benjamin giving me the dirty look I'm either in the green see see if you went enough we can go get launched cottage cheese - which one no you take their minds there was a whole there is a whole pyramid over there that's the one we originally wanted to play maybe been killing it because those those boxes we've learned that they fall through the chute a whole lot better [Music] all nice nice push [Music] Oh she just got one of the boxes George you just got one of the most part on the truth stop stop it's human so what the only ones getting stuff stuck [Music] come in mr. Latta storage units alike the money bugs intruder [Music] [Music] got his own stuff you're gonna have to get your son [Music] [Applause] [Music] she's got Tory bug stuff here oh nice nice I thought you just talked about food [Music] oh you just my goodness just dropped another one they're all stuck in the 200 you need your guy's help we need your guys's George you've got a rapid-fire rapid-fire grab the fire [Music] so nice thanks for kicking at home [Music] shake shake shake [Music] that was good that was a good poet [Music] twenty more quarters she's got one more dollar love come on she's not gonna hundreds up I just don't know that any has actually gone down into the full box [Music] that's what are we going to the pump a and then lucky back holding oh that's what I'm saying I just sent you that mean yesterday and now we got another neighbor [Music] we're gonna have to keep it down a little bit anybody we're not the only ones that get allowed I mean if people are I would think that people for me bio-rex know I think it's normal when you win and if people were silent that would be weird [Music] like I've never seen anyone when they win I think [Music] you're always sitting on the toilet when people play candy crush for two hours the fact that you're tiny in well I'm like work to go for two hours and I get up I go look I'm like it's still blowing mother oh he's like she stops she stops calling for an ambulance because she can't walk well maybe if she didn't sit on a toilet for two hours playing candy crush it's my time that's what you put your plane to the right oh man here we go you need to play to the right and get those hunters off come on drop drop drop drop it like it's hot drop it let your dork on the toilet drop drop it drop it [Music] oh here we go here we go yeah now you're finally playing the right you're getting something right [Music] we need to go alright and knock those things down is that why you spend two hours on the toilet on my gym I don't call it the telling table at my gym this sounds much better when I tell people George at my gym for two hours [Music] Gothel upstairs now look at them look at them compile them everywhere here [Music] my drawer there oh you might get them all to fall at the same time oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no you know it's all I can't believe it do you know what's happening the quarters the hundred dollar bills are actually blocking the quarters from falling down into the grab shoes oh my goodness what are we gonna do [Music] I can't believe it there you're either gonna have to drop you're gonna have to drop a million quarters or she's gonna go all American on the snap again I'd like to report you going to marry me get on the fast [Music] you have a tendency to get us kicked out of places you do have a tendency to get us kicked out [Music] [Music] spit in the hall [Music] you just got money everywhere look all this is not true it this definitely is not does look the hundred dollar bills have plumbed and blocked everything up we've been here before [Music] you got like 300 Franklin's bagans we go to the farm thing they want to be used at the buffet [Music] maybe I don't even know how you gonna get quarters back unless you go from plane [Music] the solution to pollution is dilution how are you gonna die [Music] this is America's walk with all of that how many hundred dollar bills have you actually gotten through the shoe so far that was for my goodness I don't remember how many were like oh nice Busch [Music] you have so much trapped oh well you almost had a good push there you going alright she's going alright this is how much you have some crap in there right now you're just produce something just broke loose you got something to go oh you just got something to go something broke loose you want to pull you want to see what let's go let's see what fell yeah so you could see we didn't we didn't pull the quarters but you see it went right in the chute like that and all of the quarters were in there and then you got enough pressure that thing fell we haven't actually pulled the quarters but she's not done we just pulled the hundred dollar bill out of there so there's still there's still hundreds it might happen again we shouldn't have to go threaten the staff [Music] one more just well oh yes they're dropping on the microwave it's rainin men George Washington Benjamin Joe we could do that it's raining Ben's hallelujahs fans oh here we go come on everybody we got to shake this right we gotta shake it to the right but when you go right you finally went right in three two one shake Oh push you guys gave us all in good push okay let's see if we can do it again she's wrapping fire in here we go ready not yet not yet now yeah that was good that was good gonna get these Benny boys home better get these Benny boys homes plug them in for bed hook them in that leather wallet Green three Benjamin's hanging on this intense my heart hurts again and it's not just heartburn that Hammond and I know a lot of you think of the gorge break your heart maybe it's acid reflux so that's that's one of your many many medical issues my [Music] [Music] playing it is the fall and she's actually go sometimes I've got three that need to move closer I don't know if you do it why are you doing left again instead of right no why are you going middle instead of right that was looking right oh you know why he's stuck in the crevice he's stuck in the machine crevice you're not gonna get him to move he's stuck in the machine crevice and he's legally he's still on the plane table I bet you they don't give you that I bet you they do not give you that you're gonna have to threaten them within an inch of their life quarters come on Frank insist that they oh that looks like lunch to me nice holy cow but that's not the hundred dollars that we want we want that that that you'll know fast enough Paul she's getting some before she's got I honestly I don't think she's gonna I don't even think the staff will give you that because it's still on the plane table it's not stuck in the chute so even though it's stuck on the edge here I don't I don't know you're gonna happen [Music] so Elvis is my bestie pretty sure Alma said why is it everything I claim you have to then play mistake over it didn't make my toilet for hours I cleaned out my bestie Elvis all of my all of my storage unit gold and silver [Music] you getting ready for Christmas in July oh you got a good drop just gotta get them and gotta get them $100 bill football not only that you gotta get definitely no I don't even know how you gonna get that thing to fall that's the bounce bounce some quarters with a big dick a flick of the wrist [Music] oh that was good [Music] [Music] they are moving closer but they are good old [Music] oh come on come on if we have a chance out of this now tell this tell me because who a school Elvis that was awesome but we need the hundreds to fall not just the quarters come on come on get in the hub oh oh my goodness [Music] a few inches later you got them close and it's like they're put there on the edge of the glass - I think I think they're tucking in just like that one oh you got them but they're stuck in the chute oh my goodness are you going for the quarters to push them in are you gonna go complain to the staff oh they're going they're going what are you gonna do about this what are you gonna do about this hmm did somebody say alright why don't you just go present a minute for their life but you do me see what they say that's looking mighty fine 1100 and Benjamin alright that's in the Benjamins 115 there but you want to tell them or do you want me to the staff says they would pull the other ones but they would not pull this because of official rules it was still on the playing field therefore George did not win it it had to come completely and totally off the playing field no Benjamin Franklin's left behind except for this one [Music]
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 200,626
Rating: 4.900044 out of 5
Keywords: coin pusher, coin pusher jackpot, playing high stakes coin pusher, won money in high stakes coin pusher, coin pusher machine, coin pusher big win, coin pusher game, coin pusher money, high risk coin pusher jackpot, high risk coin pusher big win, won bitcoin, high risk coin pusher videos, progressive jackpots
Id: DSgVdKG17fg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 59sec (2459 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 02 2020
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