THE MOST DANGEROUS GAME Inside The High Limit Coin Pusher Jackpot WON MONEY ASMR

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remember what i did to the alien yeah take it at the knee so grab it by the ankle grab it no the knee i've never said anything about an ankle i think you got a hunk of hunk of hunk of burning love for the coin bushers i do but you see this right here is that gray hair that's another gray hair oh 60 gray hairs do you think you think of what i'm thinking what do you think you should let me play i don't have any hair you can play will you remember that i let you play you won't remember she won't let me play i've got 20 size dollars in quarters in lucky five and i know i said i wouldn't do it but i'm playing towers no actually george said i could play i i can't believe it either i didn't tell you she did tell me that i could play i can't believe it either so here's here's my tactic george i'm going to go middle i'm going all middle center every time we do one of these if we go to the sides we knock the base of the tower out to the sides and it goes to another side so i'm going middle i'm going middle 100 all center i'm all centered and that's that's what you support i think it's important it's important that um it's later in the day and this was the only playing field that wasn't taken yet or played out so this was the option there was no other option so we can see there's a five oh my gosh i just saw it i just saw it fall too so there's a 500 gift card on the tower to the to the right there was a display of gold and it still is it's over it's over to the right the gift cards to the left the gold is to the right so we think we can't see down in the there might be another gift card we think something's hidden or it fell into that tower the tower just moved the whole thing because we've seen we have seen things hidden in the powers before is there anything we haven't seen i don't know you never know if we haven't seen it i mean you don't know that we haven't seen it right how would we know we have seen some crazy things oh elvis is singing and the tower just moved the tower just moved they both moved forward [Music] i'm just not pushing very many down right now i'm definitely i do not get as much ammunition going in the middle there's no doubt about that which is why george always goes to the left but i'm going to keep going to the middle regardless because i don't want to lose the actual power in another [Music] that's good so you know [Music] i'm not sure that going to the middle is doing anything for the towers because all we've seen has been pushed forward they did scooch up the little board but what it just pushed forward again did you see it okay i'm down to my last couple quarters here let's see if we get anything to fall one more here we go and come on i need good pushes i need good pushes give me good pushes and [Music] not this round oh i did i did drop some quarters though eight dollars 25 cents uh george i'm kind of i'm kind of learning here maybe it's not the best idea to go middle definitely well you've had lower returns than that before what do you want to do you want to continue going center center i'm going center okay i'm going center all the way what inspired you to go center [Music] oh that big push forward but again there's another one if we don't get ammo let's just see what happens [Music] although i mean i'll support you it's foolish to just see what happens when you're paying money there's a lot of money on the line it'll probably add on 10 more gray hairs for you or for me for both of us because i worry for you when do i i don't have any gray hairs everything oh yeah yeah yeah on my back yes the gray car's on my back yeah you know it's all navigating south come on baby come on i think i can push it i think i can push it [Music] oh man i'm sorry to share this is my very last quarter and this is not looking good come on come on give me a good push come here good push oh i'm still in it a little bit i'm still in it a little bit [Music] it's getting lower instead of higher 7.75 george i'm not so sure i'm not so sure i should have done this i mean you guys should have played i should i should not listen to back seat drivers uh armchair quarterbacks and people think they know how to play the machine i should have gone with the professional training that you gave me well let's just we'll play it out to the middle see if i can i'm okay this is the experiment [Music] did you say spearmint gum or do you remember wrigley's spearman the spearmint okay that gum gives me a headache really yeah i think it's supposed to open up all your navel packages i did get some drops there there must be something in the artificial sweetener that gives me a headache okay last quarter elvis is singing elvis is singing i need this push right here come on oh come on elvis i thought we were bffs i thought we were bffs 775 not much to work with at all especially when going for giant towers but i'm going to stick to the course for the spearmint even if it is a little gummy i'm going to stick to the course i'm just going to keep trying we've had pushes forward are you just going to do center center center the whole time until something happens well the theory is as you're well aware the theory is is we use powers to the left and the right because we play to the left and the right and if we were to take the base of the towers out in the middle which obviously we both know is not working and does not work then we would keep the towers in the actual plane area so we're uh finding out this theory was more to lose your money than making money so the option is go to the left and right with the danger of a tower going into another playing field and losing money that way or keep playing the middle and lose everything and have absolutely nothing [Music] let's see what happens let's see if the power of lucky bag 4.0 the power of elvis you know the power of lucky song and lucky drawer i have my crocs on i don't have my lucky sock that's what the problem is no socks with crocs no socks with frogs i started a movement no socks with crocs with dad bots that's what the issue is that was my last quarter this is getting rough a little bit better this time around 11 50. so i'm going to keep with the spearmint keep with the spearmint all the way center you're going to keep going center all the way says go center they said it'll be fun they said [Music] remember what rhymes with center yeah me either me either all i remember is if you went center you probably i can't remember anything i'm getting a plan yeah you made a dent you made a dent if you went center you made a dent that's pretty much yeah oh come on if i knock one of the towers down what do you think about us going back camping yeah speaking of camping i had a weird dream that i didn't share with you i was seen by wolves on the island well then let's definitely go back up to the yacht and use me as bait for bessie first you were going to use me as bait for bessie now you're going to use me as weight for the wolves well you you didn't finish the rest of the dream that was it i should tell you some of my crazy yeah we're in some vacant properties exploring it's a little premature to be talking about property and there were two wolves which is weird were the three little pigs they weren't coyotes they were wolves and were there any little pigs three houses i am out of quarters even though elvis is singing man this is twelve dollars fifty cents not too shabby not the best but not too shabby actually the incentive of going camping i think it's helping already i think it really is helping i think it's exactly what i needed so did i ever tell you about the dream that i had that i that there were aliens did i tell you about this ever i don't think so okay this is when i was a young man and um i was newly married it was actually my honeymoon week which is a little awkward but you've got to hear the story because it's crazy okay so i had a dream that aliens came down and i don't believe in aliens by any stretch of the imagination you do know that right so but i had a dream that aliens came down they came down in their ship and then they beamed they beat the person i was with up and then me being me i felt like i had to you know go on the rescue mission right because that's what manly men do and um do you know any other manly or men than me no okay so actually we can just stop the whole dream right there that's all so i somehow got up in the the tractor b i was much thinner then i mean if i were to be abducted by aliens now the beam the beam would probably drop me just too heavy or i would clog the the portal hole but i got up into the ship and they didn't know i was in the ship so i was there undercover in the ship exploring i've got just a few more here a few more [Music] oh that was my last quarter let's pull on that tell you the rest big old whopping twelve dollars nothing's really nothing's really going the way i want it to go but i'll take it i'm not out yet i'm not down to that 75 cents or that video or that 25. [Music] yeah you're still in the game so i'm in the game but i was also in the alien ship and they have no clue this is where things get a little crazy i started exploring in the zero gravity in the in the alien ship because i'm on the rescue mission and i'm hiding behind beams and hiding behind alien different equipment remember this is a dream so it's a little out there right and um finally i see this alien and this alien doesn't see me so you know typical alien that you would think of that you've seen in the movies i mean we already all have that [Music] okay let me let me push here [Music] oh come on to the middle i'm going to the middle go straight to the middle better we'll make it dinner center will make you a winner if you're playing at home watching somebody else win other than that it's doing nothing so i see the alien i'm watching his every move right and oh that's a decent drop for ammo not a bad drop i got there on my last view here the alien doesn't see me come on come on come on all right i gotta pull 15 we're going up this is actually not too bad too bad things were bad in the aliens starcraft though so he doesn't see me i don't know if it was a he or she but you know big big eyes you know darker kind of tones wait am i describing you they have those big oval eyes am i describing you right now no no's but now was i dreaming about you when i was 20 no you're sure she didn't know each other then you're sure elvis is singing so i'm watching are you in a rapid fire or make them shake it no no no no just make a shake make a no rapid fire this is too too tricky with the towers too sensitive to rapid fire too sensitive right now so come on ellis come on push something [Music] so the alien is you know it's kind of going here there everywhere but there's zero gravity and i see that the aliens can go from from one story of the of the ship to the next story they kind of just zero gravity in a little portal going up and down it sucks up and down so he goes up comes down i've got him in my radar i'm watching i'm watching it all i'm messing around i'm on a mission on did you say a dummy mission or a rescue mission rescue mission so i picked my time and i time it perfectly the alien is back to me i'm hiding behind the beam in the starship and the alien is about to go up in the portal to the next level and as it's going up i come out i grab the alien by the leg to pull the aliens back down to interrogate the aliens to find out where this person was that they were alien and all of a sudden i am awoken by the loudest blood-curdling scream i had ever heard in my life at that time this was the very first night of my honeymoon and i had my wife's leg in my grip and i was pulling no this is a reality in the dream it was an alien in reality it was her leg and i was squeezing the death out of it and she was blood curdling screaming going what did i just get married to thank you darling for pushing off 13.25 now it's my turn um that's not what you just said you said you were taking over i am going to take this is not hopefully more than what's been happening going to the center i want to hear your craziest dream the tower just shifted oh geez dreams are just so wild to begin with that you have no control of your dreams so i've had many many many wild dreams [Music] we want the craziest ones i do remember like the craziest dream probably being eaten by wolves though the craziest one that you remember that was the one that i had not too long ago but i do remember having dreams multiple dreams where i'm crying in the dream and i wake up with tears coming down my face you ever have one of those dreams crying in the dream you're crying you've got tears you're shedding tears in a dream and then you wake up and you're crying in your sleep i don't think i've ever had one of those where i'm crying i'm sure i'm not the only one all right did you see the tower just shifted no i wasn't looking i was trying to see if you were crying i'm not crying right now what about the dreams when you uh you're mad at your significant other because they did something in the dream that they can't control yeah whatsoever and then you don't speak to them for a week george i've had that's happened to me before and i know i'm not the only one that that's happened to either because it's real it's true like that's something your significant other either did or will do or has done no or something that they would totally listen to her now she's trying to throw the dream world into reality or there's times where i i laugh in my sleep i laugh at my sleep you get abducted she went left and it wasn't even theft was able to push off ten dollars not bad not bad at all clockwise so it went from noon to 1pm you're dropping quarters at me now just throwing a marsha like you get a quarter you get a quarter everybody so it looks like it almost looks like you have the power up against the glass now it's definitely touching the glass you think so the one on the left the one on the right doesn't look like anything's going you're welcome oh did you see it move again no what to do it just move forward and it rotated a little bit which way did it rotate to the right to the right to the right to the right [Music] i've already dropped 9.25 i don't think so nada [Music] 650 elvis is singing she's got to go i can't rapid fire though yeah don't run yeah take your time take your time don't don't mess around with your time you got this i thought we would get it on elvis sing and thought we could get a good push there it is that a word post-mature it can't be no really well i just created another word nobody forget that it's called post-mature post-mature most maturing post-maturing you created that word i just created post mature i don't know what that post-maturing thing is don't know anything about that one you don't need to know it's a made-up word not everything in life is meant to be understood i made up mana guessing today i know exactly what it means i have to be able to find this on wikipedia you know that [Music] and this is why we don't like towers although we have loved some powers right yeah like i said before it's a love-hate relationship it's a very thin line how thin is this line it's so thin like thinner than one of your gray hairs one day we hate it the next day we love them is it safe to say we love it when we win we hate it when we lose yeah okay and towers towers [Music] isn't always the losing factor for us we've played other fields where we've lost and there was no power involved i didn't see the tower move it's called the tower of power for a reason isn't it i did that was a really good push that was a good push it was a nice push i want to hear about your best dream the borders are hiding is it about a tower falling down in your playing field and knocking the other tower down [Music] and and then we go camping that no that sounds like a nightmare i'm just kidding my last two orders this woman nice stealing it with eight dollars and shoes i'm still gonna go to the left in hopes to push the tower down okay left it is to get it [Music] but she's definitely she's put the left power closer up against the glass the right tower the right tower's almost done no it hasn't budged at all i got that power oh that was a good push okay my heart i'm probably not the only one my heart is kind of beating in my chest i'm ready to fall [Music] it out moved definitely making moves right here [Music] oh man [Music] man this is crazy intense not bad you're back in it without a doubt you're in it i am nervous okay so she's going all left very nervous that's why she wanted she wanted us to stay to the left and to begin with instead of the middle she knows what she's doing she knows what she's doing sometimes but when she doesn't she still will tell you she knows what she's doing i think i just saw a move it did move a little bit i'm almost positive i barely can move myself i can barely breathe right now anxiety breaths do you have any xanax no do you have any narcican what do you use for what do you use for uh the nitro i need some nitro what you need some nitrogen i don't know what you're talking you're about to give me a heart attack how can you not know what nitro is i only take one apartment i'm gonna need some nitro this is too intense right now no idea that one to the left you see this is the scary part the gift card just leaning to the left i'm gonna lose that's what is making me so nervous right now is that i could lose the gift card [Music] definitely if you've heard george say that before that why do we torture ourselves like this no it's why do you torture me like this i have nothing to do with this nothing at all nothing to do with this this is all you oh man i have faith in you george 11 25 i have faith in you just attack attack attack remember what i did to the alien yes take it at the knee so grab it by the ankle grab it no the knee i've never said anything about an ankle the knee oh my god oh my goodness did you go for the ankle or the knee i went for the ankle you went for the ankles [Music] behind the oh my goodness the gift card is behind the other tower i can't believe what you just did oh my goodness oh man always trust george go for the apples go for the answer feel my heart in my throat i can't believe it go for the ankles no matter no matter who you're up against what you're up against in life we're going to create t-shirts it's going to say go for the ankles go for the ankles oh my goodness i can't believe this in the beginning i thought this was going to be a losing losing video and it was never even going to be shown oh my goodness and you kept the 500 gift card is in the field it's hiding behind the gift tower oh wow you put it right in the playing field right in the playing field wow down in my last two quarters here's my last one that was insane oh wow wow wow i will never doubt you again i will never doubt you again okay so we're gonna go right because it's finally right once you go right it's right or are you going for ammo i'm gonna go to the right so i can push the gift card okay oh you just got some more to fall i didn't even have to do anything she's going to the right she's going to start trying to take the other tower down it would be epic there is a gift card back there are you rapid firing or are you going precision i'm going to try and do both i'm going to mix it up okay oh that's right that's her her trademark her trademark move point you know what i just realized don't confuse it with um with man friend confusion because she likes to do that too do you know what i just realized we could call it caucasian confusion this entire time you haven't been wearing lucky socks so you can't say lucky sock is lucky i got lucky drawers [Music] although i have done crocs and socks crocs and socks crocs that tower is moving no doubt about it right now that tower is moving oh and elvis is singing [Music] are you you're doing coin confusion and rapid fire rapid fire or point well that's rap fire is part of wind confusion oh she mixes rapid fire for the i don't know if signature got this caucasian confused that's for sure [Music] right now everybody's going what jeremy's a caucasian everybody's still trying to figure that one out aren't they did you know that egyptians are part of the caucasians i did yes egyptians are caucasian do you know what i am caucasian are you sure like coffee and creamer i'll take your word for it i've learned it's best [Music] the tower is touching the glass now it is the top lip is touching the glass because then i just need a couple big pushes i remember thinking that once [Music] when are you gonna make one pusher t-shirt it's not well the tower is embedding itself on the glass as well nice coin confusion george i'm liking it i'm liking it looks like it's working if the coins aren't confused at least i am [Music] if i haven't confused the points i'm pretty sure i've confused many yeah definitely you guys can see it actually rotating maybe i can get it to come down i guess yeah i guess we can't see it the card the card is behind [Music] [Music] i love this gimbal [Music] [Music] i don't know you have to come up with it okay i'm gonna give you guys the coin confusion 2.0 here goes trying to try it's point confusion every time elvis thinks the thing is definitely pressing up against the glass and the gift card is rotating it's still rotating around yet it's trying to is trying its hardest [Music] now the uh the tower was like a perfect it was perfectly round now it's oval it's like egg shaped [Music] speaking of eggs i miss our i miss our chickens yeah good thing we have we have chicken cans in the coop so we can talk to them and they understand they totally understand yeah well like when you go in there and you go lay an egg or i'm going to fry you up for chicken dinner do it right away captain [Music] i don't know you went with it so i'm just guessing yeah you go out there every morning and spend time with them majority of the the chicken are laying uh that brown brownie the brown shell and one of them is like little tiny white eggs [Music] what about the speckled eggs the speckled egg yeah yeah one of them is playing special day [Music] come on baby come on baby oh i can't believe it's so close that card is definitely getting wedged more and more into the back of the tower [Music] you think it's going to fly around the front no i think it's too narrow to come around the bend your coin confusion is definitely confusing it's confusing the gift card too like you threw a coin that was funny [Music] she knocks the gift card down the gift card's now behind the tower it doesn't know whether to go left or right and we can't see down the tower come on it's definitely up against the glass no doubt about that yeah it's a good sign because then you know once you get a couple good questions if it's on the glass you're about to tap that okay all right what fill in the blanks glass [Music] i'm trying to come up with a rhyme elvis is singing maybe we can shake it up come on baby all right down the last few quarters if it's on the glass it's gonna fall at last oh i like that one [Music] is that your last quarter yeah oh man oh you got another push got another push so close i think i really can't tell i doubt it strong tower i got 627.25 did you just say 600 i mean 2 i'm dyslexic a little bit 267 okay i thought you said 600 and i was like what okay sorry i had a dyslexic moment there all right i was hoping i was like all right let's just roll let's roll 600 ain't bad 600 would have been a record the most i think the most quarters we've ever pushed off the most shiny quarters we [Music] [Music] if there's anybody out there that actually remembers george's record let us know [Music] all right so you're going for the tower the gift card's still so the only way to get the gift card would be to knock this power down so that's an absolute it's got to go yeah and it is touching the glass which means it will fall with class yes definitely [Music] that's a puppy man that is a blank would be good right now a blank would be really good [Music] i like blinks remember the first time you blinked at me yeah i blinked at you and you thought i winked at you and i was like whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa hey there big fella i was like whoa that'd be way too soon if i winked at you [Music] oh that was a good push funny when you're the one that said you fell in love with me after the third day that's the third thing i realized that i really really liked you um the words you used before was love yeah i looked and i was like man like you ever taste ever taste like a candy bar and you're like man that's good i love it [Music] typically skittles i got a taste of your singing and your white albany's albany's gummy worms gummy bears gummy butterflies yeah i got a taste of your singing and your dance moves and i was like i love this i like that [Music] you don't mess around george look on the edge look on the edge it's on the edge do you see it yeah what is that yo what do you mean what is it that's a gold bar you don't see the shiny look on the edge oh my gosh look on the edge no way i gotta rescue that answer wait wait wait where is the gift card it's right there i see the gold bar on the edge where where where where where i don't see it i don't see it i see the gold bar on the edge i see it you're sure you see it the gold bar is definitely [Music] you got the second tower to fall look at it's perfect in the field this is this is wild i don't think i've gone to center once since i took over so the moral of the story is look how nicely that gift [Music] don't do it don't do it the gift card is moving nicely now i don't even see it i'm not even sure how you can see it it is blending in with the borders but then again all the time i saw that i thought the gold bar was the gold bar up on the up on the platform it must have been in the tower it was probably hiding in the tower i can't believe it even though we hate towers we love when things are hidden well this was like perfect gameplay it all felt right do you see the gift card now [Music] just a little bit i see the black is still hidden i see the plaster just a little bit yeah it's definitely camouflage in there without a doubt it's camouflage oh wow wow wow surfing nicely it's like a beach voice surfing surfing safari oh my goodness that was epic that was truly happening i was scared to death on the first house i was scared the first tower was gonna fall to the left yeah me too and i got super nervous there and luckily it fell in my favor okay so do you think the gold bar then fell in the tower or i bet you it was on top and it fell in the tower probably like whoever set up the tower wild oh my goodness so wild [Music] how many of these quarters you gonna go are you gonna go for it all well obviously you're gonna go for the gift card definitely might as well get as many quarters as you can i just need like two more good bushes and i think i've got the gift card oh elvis is singing for you rapid fire i'm gonna rapid fire with my coin confusion point confusion conditioning 2.0 [Music] 2.0 [Music] do you dream about the point pusher um yeah there's been a couple dreams where i've lost so again not really a dream more of a nightmare that would be a bit of a nightmare yeah with all of those quarters on the field i kind of think you keep playing see how much you can get with your try and rescue the bases well technically that's the base in there where of the towers all those borders yeah that are overlapping each other yeah i would try and rescue as much as you can i mean it's not going to hurt to make a few hundred more dollars because now everything's out of the way hey and if you can push that gold bar in as well we can stop for taco bell if you get the ball what you're actually going to eat taco smell taco bell what you need what you need you know you would have been happier if that was the taco bell oh my goodness i'd be one happy girl if that was a taco ball gift card but i could redeem it and that's true the nice thing is that gift card can be used anywhere right i don't know we're gonna have to look at it we'll have to look at it we'll get it out we'll look at it we'll see what it is if i saw it correctly it's a type that you can use just about anywhere which would be awesome so taco bell would definitely be a place we should stop [Music] what do you think should we play the rest of this bag and push off yeah play the bag out and get as much money as possible this is how many quarters i still have left that's not bad [Music] i can't i can't believe you got them i can't believe you got them down [Music] if i don't go center i mean you can go center and experiment with it but you already know how i feel you gotta start off with the left [Music] [Music] maybe we can get some things to fall we're getting some really good pushes here and when i say we i mean me [Music] get it with that coin confusion lucky sock is in here great air conditioning i don't go anywhere without free air conditioning [Music] you got to have the air conditioning [Music] all the shiny [Music] [Music] there's times where all i do is focus on the quarters up on the pusher really yeah it's like tunnel vision i don't even pay attention to the rest of the borders so you like that i like when that happens you like the upper level pushes yeah i think i like the lower level pushes you know why because you actually win something you're winning you're winning all the quarters that fall off of the pusher kind of determines what type of push you'll get which then leads to the quarters that you push on [Music] sure it's all part of a domino effect but i just like it as much as you like el taco better yes [Music] just as much as much as you like albany's gummy worms and gummy bears and gummy butter i can't believe i didn't know about that stuff before i've opened your eyes to a whole new world we discovered it last year towards the end of last year do you remember what we were doing why we discovered it [Music] were we in florida then or was it discovered before i'm just testing you you tell me do you remember i don't okay me either i'm pretty sure it has something to do with it was either a gift for us or i was craved maybe craving some sweets because i am addicted to sugar [Music] that's why i wish she's with me i sweat it out because i eat so much ketchup [Music] if i ever got a kiss if i ever got a kiss you would you would taste that there's sugar in my face [Music] ketchup has sugar in it [Music] the best part is the right side has given you problems on the last few games yeah but you've dominated the right side this time it's crazy it's crazy that's why we tell you you never know what the hell is going to happen what the hills you'll find with [Music] oh my goodness you pushed so many quarters the chute is jammed up look at that the shoot might have jammed up with your gift card oh my goodness it's gonna be a long count [Music] oh my oh i think your gift card your gift card might have jammed it just like when the one dollar bills are the paper the paper 100 bills have in the past yeah [Music] my guess is yeah it probably jammed it no way oh my goodness that is crazy jam to the left jammed completely and totally everything is jammed right now everything is jammed wow wow nice jam in there george why are you a good thing we didn't uh i'm just gonna call her jamming george boyce this time around [Music] you know what don't go center do not go center don't go center let's go center just for the funds all right all right and it went to the right because once you go right you finally went right [Music] you saved it nice job george i love it yeah i think yeah those are the things i can use this anymore i'm pretty yeah especially yeah it's gotta be for taco bell yeah i'm pretty sure taco bell would use that oh this is a big that is a bag of quarters dollars and 505.00 cents in quarters now that is my record thank you lucky bag what a game [Music] [Music] you
Channel: undefined
Views: 453,606
Rating: 4.8688278 out of 5
Keywords: coin pusher, coin pusher jackpot, playing high stakes coin pusher, won money in high stakes coin pusher, coin pusher machine, coin pusher big win, coin pusher game, coin pusher money, high risk coin pusher jackpot, high risk coin pusher big win, won bitcoin, high risk coin pusher videos, progressive jackpots
Id: ypXHkfdVvYM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 0sec (3420 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 26 2020
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