WE WALKED AWAY From CASH TOWER Inside The High Limit Coin Pusher Jackpot WON MONEY ASMR

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it might go to the left she is taken out oh george i got a hank and hanger hankering for some uh finger exercises i'm getting my finger exercises on before we head to casino somebody's been pushing to go coin pushing you sure you're ready it's important to get your exercise on especially with these wrists and these fingers all right little less conversation a little more action baby [Music] the chickens needed tenders that's what they needed i love me some chicken tenders this reminds me of like a bread with some tater tots a money tower that looks like a broccoli head facing down with [Music] george said this does not qualify as a tower because it's not quarters that is correct would you like to clarify there's a huge difference between coin towers and paper towers money towers so you're dropping to the left so paper towels not paper towels well i guess we could use if you get enough we'll use them as paper i knew what you meant so paper doesn't do anything in regards to the tower rule which you've already broken which we've boycotted everything just moved okay so there is you see the middle the middle there of all those hundreds yeah what do you think a couple grand justin oh wow oh she yeah 700 in a bundle this one's an expensive one for sure the hard part is gonna be oh elvis is singing already yeah i definitely don't want a rapid fire right now because i don't want the bundles falling outside of my playing field looks like somebody already rapid fire to your right and they lost the game they've abandoned it already [Music] it's shifting in the right direction george i don't know if anybody has ever told you but shift happens [Music] better better to embrace it now shift lives matters [Music] [Music] she is dropping to the left but some of them they're bouncing to the right oh my and the paper the paper money tower is actually definitely moving forward but if she doesn't get enough quarters she's out and if you're out another buy-in doesn't help you make any money whatsoever remember high stakes high profit if you can make it if you play it right she's gotta get the ammunition you gotta time it right you gotta play right you cannot focus on getting the big prize you have to get the small quarters if you can get enough small quarters you get enough ammunition then you go for the big prize and not until then that's where everybody usually messes up because they want to go oh man i got i got 25 in quarters i can knock that thing over right now and that's where you lose it they get super excited because i watch them i observe them i love so if people watch love to observe they just start rapid firing their [Music] i know you're going for the quarters on the left but the whole thing is definitely moving [Music] wow if everyone can see my concentration face right now [Music] she's got her lips pressed in together her tongue on her upper lip those big old egyptian eyes my eyes are huge right now aren't they always but they're bigger than normal i didn't say it she said why do you always prefer the left to the right because left once you go left you know it's done best she's dropping quarters she's dropping quarters but that whole thing is moving what's the face is that a basic choice it is it's a base of 20. there is a whole entire face of 20s if you look at the front it's starting to divide it's like it's like a platonic tape plate yeah that thing there's like an earthquake about to happen in there oh my goodness oh my goodness i think you're getting enough quarters to stay in i think so too but you just gotta keep it going that very top one elvis is gonna lose that top bundle she doesn't wanna drop any of the money to the left or to the right okay the good news is if you go to the go to the right it's already played out so we can try and save anything if it's worth it the [Music] [Music] i don't know if that rule was applied and i think that was a joke don't worry i know my bible [Music] from the angle that i'm standing at i feel as if the top bundle is going to go bye-bye what is that those aren't hundreds right those are all george washington those look like george wash those look like george's to me there must be a picture maybe those aren't all hundreds maybe those are mixtures those 50s in there or no i'm seeing 100 i've got five shiny quarters five shiny quarters left to see what kind of damage she can do [Music] the tower still stands i'm timing all my drops would yeah oh man that thing is moving that is crazy no more quarters all right we gotta keep our eye on this in case it falls [Music] they're not gonna believe it they are i was able to push back off twenty five dollars exactly 25 exactly how crazy is that she started with 25 she's able to push off 25 even this thing definitely this is like the leaning tower of pizza because we could get some serious pizza for lunch today pizza sounds amazing right now what kind of pizza do you want love pizza with old world pepperoni versus regular second you just told me i don't know how many years in a row two years in a row you would never eat expired food and now you want old pepperoni it's called old world pepperoni oh all the more reason not to eat expired food and then you wonder why you get bubble gums but it's not expired that's just the name of the pepperoni what's an old world [Music] it was an old world pepperoni versus a new world pepperoni so the difference between old world pepperoni is regular pepperoni it's gonna it's just old remember when we got the fried pepperonis at the casino on kelly's island that was good it's similar to that that was good [Music] they were called pepperoni crisps right i don't remember they're pretty much i think they just deep fried i just remembered the day after uh the bow would [Music] well worth it everything is worth it oh my goodness she's gonna knock these over now here's oh it hurts it hurts it's gonna fall in my paper are you sure [Music] it might go to the left she has taken out everything in the playing field isn't that crazy how they all landed on their side how insane is that she just perfect alignment everything in the playing field this is like bam bam bam now if i would have attacked the center and just went for the gold right away everything would have fell to the right you would have lost all your now and now she's got to get them around the base of okay all around the face the the first row that looks like all 20s the second row looks like hundred one two there's four bundles of hundreds there's one there's more twenties and it looks like a george washington one there another twenty so on the actual pusher hopefully those are all 20s bundle 20s bundles of george's another bundle of 20s this is intense very intense and that's what i mean like when we go camping in the tents george don't do no camping intense i used to oh i loved it i went out and bought a ten person camp or a tent and it was two different rooms and it stood up like i don't know maybe seven seven feet tall eight feet tall there's just so much room for activities it was awesome [Music] now you're in a camper now i'm in a glance where i do more glam facials than camping all thanks to you [Music] oh you just dropped to 20. you just dropped to 20. [Music] should we let everybody know that we think we found a piece of property on kelly's okay i won't say anything if you don't premature story of my life if you win this maybe we'll have enough for a down payment [Music] i didn't say i was gonna save up all the money from the auction down payment on a house how much do you have so far we're doing the same thing with all of our casino winnings it's all gonna go towards [Music] what if we make an announcement we're going to go to a storage auction this week if it's scheduled if it's already scheduled then it's okay to announce that was it premature to say that you wanted old world pepperoni on your pizza are you sure [Music] she writes the rules this is george i don't know how you're gonna [Music] this is gonna be a tough one all right there is no way they're gonna believe it i was able to push off another 25 even in quarters this is this is ending up to be another miracle day it's 25 25 all day 25 her second poll versus 1400. 25 cents i'll take 25 quarters versus 25 [Music] this is i can't even tell you how many times i've lost and had one quarter was able to push off one quarter and lost it if you pull 25 the third time in a row [Laughter] i don't know if we're staying or leaving we're going to be here for a very long time we ain't never going home yeah yeah we are we're definitely going that does a little premature to announce that don't you think don't you think that was premature we uh get addicted and we stayed here for hours upon hours you were that was a little premature no bathroom breaks just straight focused man she put me in adult diapers thankfully we find a bunch of storage units i'm not allowed to move i just stand here block [Music] actually it's quite convenient i like it i'm not complaining it's nice are you all about that it's a time saver for sure it's definitely a time saver but i do think it's a little [Music] [Music] that we're staying here all day i can't believe she just did that wow okay she got her first bundle and that would have been that would have been a bundle of twenties one two three four five six seven seven twenties that would be twenty forty 140 that's 140 in that bundle 140. we're still not in the profit [Music] oh zone not being in the profit zone you're still dropping like you're gonna get some profit those hundreds are right up against the glass those bundles they are on the glass and look they're just ready to fall look at that oh my oh my oh my oh my oh me oh my god they are now the tricky part when they do bundles like this we found out in previous times here that if they're standing up and down like that they don't they don't move as well as if they're on their side so for example the 20s on their side to the left or the stacks up on the upper trade those move a whole lot easier and better than the ones standing up and down so it truly becomes a game of skill seeing if you can actually get them to move and default to rotate over a certain way to drop you need you need the surface area to move this is wild if you get 25 again how nuts would that be that would be nuts three in a row that would be 25 even i'm telling you if you do it's miracle day again [Music] everything's gonna go crazy oh nice pushes [Music] [Music] [Music] shaking out doesn't matter that this was pre-recorded probably i wonder if days and days before they ever saw it it was they're shaping at home their faces look like mine with their tongues hanging out when they're shaping at home shaking oh shaking yeah my guess is yes all right that was my last quarter not bad you got you got at least 140 in there we know that nice there's that bundle yeah but what we really want to know is this they're twenty five dollars again i was able to push off more than twenty five bucks there's thirty three dollars in quarters thirty three dollars not bad not bad at all okay she's got some center or right i think you keep going left don't you okay because look you've got the one bundle that's on its side you know that's gonna fall and if you knock that in that may knock the other one that's leaning on the glass that may fall in as well if you can start taking them out like dominoes i mean i may be completely wrong but they need room to roll around right now you got to open the field up i would say definitely do not go middle i think yeah i think you have to open the field up get the one on the left i mean the left is already it's been treating you well so far it's been a good choice although going to the right there looks like there's a lot of quarters over there to the right yeah but then money will start falling and then it'll be really really tight there'll be no room for activities and movements yeah activities are extremely important that's true that's why that's why i'm going to put bunk beds in my room there'll be so much more room yeah i agree i got you you feel me i got you boo-boo come on [Music] oh did you take care of the chickens before we left yes each chicken is laying an egg per day they're always so yeah so out of the eight chicken we started off with three of them are [Music] so we took our first dozen of eggs fresh fresh eggs camping on cali's island with us and we made breakfast hobo sandwich pies they were so good a lot of people asked what are hobo pies they're any type of sandwich that you make in the pie iron you just cook it over the fire so the the sandwich the sandwich maker over the fire called pie irons and then one of our subscribers told us that jumbo dogs gfs gordon food service actually carried jungle dogs and so we made a pit stop and guess what we found we found jumbo dogs and each each hot dog is a quarter pound of meat that's a lot of meats the second dozen of eggs i gave to my parents and they've made scrambled eggs so far with them your mom and your mom made my dad my dad made scrambled eggs dad mama george made scrambled eggs yeah my son had some and both my parents ate some scrambled eggs he said it was good mama george ate some scrambled eggs too did they get any double yolks no double yolks yet no triple yolks no triple yolks and then i think our next dozen i'm gonna give away to one of her friends here local in worcester you are yeah her birthday's coming up [Music] i thought maybe some breakfast someday when she comes over we're gonna get to the point where we'll have so many eggs we won't know what to do with it just so we're clear everybody i have not gotten any fart salad from my chickens it's yet don't you worry look at this she's got a line up now she's got one two three four four four five again like seven bundles one two three okay five that was an exaggeration she's got five bundles up against the glass she has to get them somehow to fall that is a traffic jam this is gonna be intense yeah if the quarters can fall up from underneath them [Music] they'll drop straight down yeah the quarters make like a table you see to the right they they lean out over if the quarters aren't there on the lip the bundles fall a whole lot easier but all those quarters they create a table going out past the loop [Music] um do you think it was premature to announce that you're giving the third dozen away to a local friend no i'm pretty sure that was premature i don't think so uh i think it would make an awesome birthday gift i think it's premature because the event actually didn't happen yet and therefore why would you announce it because i know that i'm gonna give it to our local friends because i told them about it months ago before they started linking do you know that we're looking for a piece of property on kelly's island yes do you know what side of the island do we want to see we know what side of the island what what's the muscle but nothing's been accepted yet do you follow me this local friend has accepted eggs from me already see that how do i not know about this i told you about it you forgot i told you about it and you totally forgot no i don't think the local authorities know i'm not okay with shipping eight it would have to be local pickup only all right down to last quarter ready oh man look the bundle the bundle on the right is halfway in the shoe and the quarters are keeping it up this is insane this is insane i'm going to guess right off the bat it's got to be 25. it looks like it could be 25 but it's a little over 25 27.22 still a miracle day no doubt [Music] i'm guessing that if i drop my quarters right and i time it perfectly the next bundle to fall will be this one on the right that's hanging on the edge you want to bet some money on that the money the money could surprise me could this surprise me and something else will happen and i didn't see it coming yes i got it oh my goodness you called it you called it you called it you called it i'm getting good at it nice i thought you were a little premature to be i honest that was a little premature [Music] all i know is that i'm going to keep playing to the left [Music] time the flick of my wrist [Music] and hope to make it rain over and over and over again it's raining quarters it's definitely it's definitely all jamming up maybe i should switch to the right should i switch to the right stay center i think keep doing what's making money all right i'll stick to the left sticking to the left because that's what's best oh my goodness you did it again oh wow oh my gosh nice nice can't believe it [Music] what's the next prediction my next prediction will be one of the bundles towards the center what if you go to the right you want to switch it up and go to the right well i'm just saying i think okay she's staying to the left don't you think that might be a little premature to claim that you're staying to the left i just did i'm just throwing that out there just saying we did we pulled the other two bundles already so we didn't want anything else jamming up in the shoes to go so we got them out before anything else jams all the way up to the top she's got a bunch to go how many did you say [Music] 11 bundles 11 bundles of joy happy happy joy joy happy happy joy happy happy [Music] i was speaking happy happy joy joy happy happy joy happy happy joy joy happy happy joy what language is that spongebob i think pinky and the brain i'm pretty sure that was running stimpy the happy joy song yeah that was right i said pinky in the brain weren't they both rats they were laughed mice yes what do you want to do today george same thing we do every day take over the coin pushers [Music] did you see the gold quarter up to the right i just noticed it yeah it was extra shiny it's tart i missed it with all the tower there just the way i like them [Music] [Music] she wants to go to kelly's island by a property near the gorge not the forge sometimes i get it to go to the units to storage the two bundles that are stacked on top did you know i was a rap master i do know i'm great at christmas presents you're what great at christmas presents oh i'm a rat master i promise you them quarters will be them corners will be crisp and tight and nobody rap like i rap down to four quarters one two unfortunately i can't count well hello andrew jackson aren't these so cute yeah i'd say those are two bundles which are 120. no i i do not want to go on record as calling andrew jackson cute but he's so cute no no he's not definitely not 240 right there in my hand okay um i was able to push off it was 280 but don't tell her oh 280. my bad i was off i was able to push off more 20 more than 25 dollars in quarters i got 33 or 35.75 nice okay are you gonna go to the right this time and try and get that tower dock down yes i got it in a position where if it falls i won't lose it [Music] unless i spoke to you because now everything's shifting to the right i think it's so stinking tricky [Music] you see the two bundles that are stamped stacked on top of each other yeah you're gonna knock them [Music] i know it's a little premature but the piece of property that we're looking at on kelly's island should should we share that the owner lives in dubai are you sure oh you got it i'm gonna lose it aren't i no no it's still in there it's definitely still in there i think you're doing good look at it it's just hanging yeah but if you move everything it'll be okay [Music] i don't know everything's moving you're going to be all right that might be a premature announcement that it's going to okay so everything is basically premature now right that laugh was premature how about that was that premature premature premature [Music] oh that center bundle that center bundle but the 100 bundle is going to send a boat down whatever you're doing keep doing it because it's working it's definitely working okay i'm down to four quarters whatever you're doing make them four quarters count come on come on come on come on okay second wave second wave and [Music] close close i was able to push off 38 and feeling great i was going to say that looks like a whole lot more than 25. here we go come on left right she has got bundle after bundle jammed up here at the front lots of bundles to rescue and it has not been an easy task it never is is it yeah but that one oh man the 100 and that 20 bundle is so ready and elvis is singing yes nice now the 100 is going oh come on gonna make it rain in here gonna make it love it love it love it love it oh i got a quarter to bounce i still find that so weird every time that happens [Music] i got one more bundle to get off the pusher but it looks like washington's to me well if we have to leave washington behind i'm okay with that as long as benji comes home with us and i don't mind taking andrew jackson home too action jackson yeah we take action jackson oh nice she is making it rain i got enough ammo to rapid fire now and that rapid fire is not an easy task either that took a lot of [Music] a lot of practice a lot of people think rapid fire is easy okay nothing easy about a rapid fire is there when you spend so many hours in the casino like we do you eventually learn how to do it it was a struggle for me at first because i have little hands beautifully the voice big push with the little hands [Music] [Music] yes things are moving things are moving [Music] somebody had their metamucil today it's always a good sign that things are moving it's healthy it's very healthy [Music] come on drama older intense my heart has angina don't don't stick your head like you don't know what angina is now i've taught you you know what angina is it ain't angina a medical diagnosis you gave yourself that's what i'm shaking my head about [Music] another reason why i shake my head at you often is because you're so ridiculous you're so ridiculous it's redonkulous yeah and you'll love it i do love it never a dull moment all right down to let's see if there's any quarters hiding in the bank down to one quarter come on make it happen oh so close got a hundred bundle and a 20 bundle so that's 8.40 total wow 840. she still has stuff everywhere 43.25 in quarters not bad not bad at all it's actually it's impressive to say the least that's impressive why thank you now if she could just get these bundles to fall everywhere come on george you can do it put your mind to it you can do it [Music] you got this you got this wait sorry there's a bundle on the left and a bundle on the right either one of them can fall i'm sorry i was very premature in saying that you got this i would like to retract that statement back up and go and we'll say i'll say something if you do get it okay is that is that fair yeah that works okay but i like it when you're my cheerleader [Music] but it's premature to be a cheerleader right now you know do you know what i'm talking about it keeps me amped when you cheer for me [Music] come on baby i'm right here where do you want me to go cheer for me when don't i cheer for you just right now you said you weren't gonna cheer for me because it was premature [Music] uh i would say you just had some pretty good pushes right there i was ready to cheer for you but but i'm not sure i actually can share you oh now i'm gonna cheer for you it ain't premature no more yes give me the g give me the e give me a oh give me a g [Music] you spelled geo i spelled yes that spells geo nice nice nice nice oh elvis is singing singing time to shake shake [Music] roll on over buddy roll on over definitely looks like it wants to drop so close i need one more good place [Music] come on yeah it's almost almost there it'll make it it'll make it come on george i mean i mean i'm sorry i will be excited for you when you actually receive the body that bundle on the pusher just keeps rolling back [Music] keeps rolling rolling rolling you got it nice oh you just moved another one oh my goodness okay i gotta calm down because i'm being a little premature [Music] all right [Music] assessment bonus more rescues another 100 bundle and another 20 bundles i'm gonna be building bunk beds like nobody's business 8 40 right there i'm going to be building book beds forever 25 39 and feeling fine you better get it on because elvis is singing now i got a rapid fire now there she goes [Music] [Music] 100 moving like breaking facing i think i got it facing forward to where it will drop now you think so [Music] everything is moving everywhere so here's the thing bundles will move like crazy bundles move every time the quarters move underneath them if you can get the quarters to drop like the ones on the lip you can see the ones where the bundles have dropped those quarters have all dropped so there's a shelf under there every time one of those quarters moves the bundle moves if that shelf of quarters moves then the bundle falls they move like crazy it's intricate it's absolutely intricate so this actually takes a whole lot more skill than other ones that she's played before oh no it's rotating again to the side i want it facing forward say rotating [Music] yes [Music] it was moving counterclockwise [Music] i moved counterclockwise once [Music] i'm so close to getting it off the pusher look how close the edge it is now so stinking close just got to get some money to fall [Music] just gotta get some money to drop come on [Music] stop teasing us man these bundles of cash are bigger than you george [Music] what do you mean good sir [Music] if we get a little peanut butter spread going we'd be perfect [Music] if we were peanut butter and jelly which would you be the peanut butter or the jelly i'd probably be [Music] the jelly because you're the peanut butter to my jelly if we were coffee and creamer which one would you be definitely cream because i'm dark and i'm the sweeter one you're very funny you're very very funny you're definitely the coffee because you're the darker one i'm the creamer because i'm the sweeter one you're very funny enjoy peanuts you're very very funny george [Music] if we were a butter and sugar sandwich which would you be the butter or the sugar the sugar you're the butter because you're the clingy one really not bad i was able to push off 34 and ready for singing again while we were pulling you can see over there to the right one of the bundles fell deeper down it's like a tree just ready to go she's just got to push to the right once you go right you finally went right it might go right now it might go right now probably it'll probably fall after two more good pushes you think so i hope so there are a lot of quarters under it that's for sure that's the thing getting those quarters latched out from under it and then it gets off of that little table shelf and boom boom i got you another bundle encouragement i'll get you a bundle you know who's the most forgetful in our relationship definitely you uh absolutely you you don't remember ever playing remember [Music] what's a good vegetable that helps with memory [Music] um you letting me play [Music] you got to start eating more of that vegetable i forgot you definitely don't need any more carrots because lasik got you covered yeah but i still like putting ketchup on my cooked carrots i don't know anyone else that enjoys ketchup on their cooked carrots baby i think it's safe to say you don't know anybody else in this world like me [Music] you're definitely predictable you knew i was gonna say that yeah a little premature to claim that don't you think would you like some humble pie uh what am i going to say next predicted how did you know that how did you know that she's so predictable how am i predictable [Music] i just knew you were going to say how am i quarters i predicted you were going to say look at all those quarters see that's how predictable did you see that take a look up with me now that's how predictable you are there's just an echo in the room i'm just trying to show you how predictable you are man these things are jammed everywhere there they are this has not been an easy game play not by any stretch of the imagination i remember to stretch my fingers and my wrists stretch my back enough i'm glad you did your exercises [Music] we've been here for a couple hours playing the same thing remember we added and otherwise our videos counting oh my goodness maybe an hour just us quarters would be ridiculous [Music] already yeah nothing fell we need the cash you got to get back in this and pull that cash looking good there george i got me 33.50 in lucky bag not bad she's got she's got stuff hanging everywhere dude three bundles are hanging on the edge borderlands shine [Music] i got that dollar the george dollar bundle to come up to the glass but now it looks like it's stuck come on you got this oh were you cheering for me no no i was prematuring for you i'm pretty preacher i like that prima cheering [Music] [Music] not bad not bad getting things moving now just gotta get the rest of everything else keep it all moving [Music] should we get some pizza after this rescue mission old world old world pepperoni yeah yes [Music] i think i think that money that just dropped wanted to be spent they're like spend me on pepperoni oh world pepperoni pizza nothing like expired pizza pepperonis once you taste it there's nothing expired about it [Music] who introduced it to you baba george [Music] no mama george no i think i discovered it on my own [Music] come on come on come on come on man this is a tough field hello i'm checking you out oh got another 100 funnel nice another 20 bundle nice and that loses one five bundles left inside and 39 all right let's see what you got with 39 now if i'm doing my math correctly i see a hundred bundle in there that is 700 we've got one two three 320 bundles in there so that would be 360. that's a thousand dollars in 60 it looks like we got a one bundle seven so there's a thousand sixty-seven dollars left in there if my math is correct neither george and i are very good at what george mathematicians were both mathematicians oh i thought we were magicians i thought we weren't good we both love to eat oh yeah that is probably that's on my resume professional eater you're a foodie and you didn't even know it would you just call me you heard me what'd you call my mom what'd you say about my mom's beer didn't say anything about your mom's beard wait your mom has a beard what'd you say about being raised by clowns didn't say anything about being raped like what'd you say about being raised by circus freaks didn't say anything about that either why are you talking smack look i'm just over here minding my own business playing the torches see that awkwardness coming oh got things to move that was a good push and everything shifted that's what bubble guts does you got to go full on out bubble guts on this and the machine yeah how are you doing with your lack of meds since we're late oh so close definitely some fell there i'm thinking about just we're we're in the profit zone so i'm thinking of just walking away i need to eat and take my next dose of medicine so you're trying to stay sane alive is more important than that bundle yes you just want to recoil that's what you want to do i'm okay with no bathroom breaks but i can't be okay with no refueling breaks i love these [Music] do you just want to record into love which reminds me later this week we actually have a restore to the love video coming out yeah we do explain to the people what we're stories that love me is one of the things that we'll do we'll go to an auction we'll buy a storage unit and then we'll give it back to the original person who lost the storage as long as they don't have like a long criminal history background as long as they're not in jail or gonna try and kill us basically which is usually nine out of ten but so we have a movement to re-storage the love it's a pay it forward movement and uh i think we're releasing that video whatever day this one comes out it's gonna come out after this one but i think that one's going to be friday right friday this week i think is when we release that yeah i think we decided everything is recorded before anybody [Music] ever and if and if i'm really good you're gonna let me go back up to kelly's island this week right yeah bonus might as well enjoy the warm hoody weather here we go man nothing is going to go just a bunch of quarters what are you thinking i didn't get that bundle you're thinking you thinking lunch or you think it's day let's do lunch i need to refuel and take my next dose of medicine 5150 by georgia's chewing she gave me the opportunity to rapid fire we're gonna see if my rapid fire can do anything here let's go [Music] come on baby come on will you remember this moment what will you remember this moment remember what huh did you say something here we go i'm just going to wrap the tire that bundle in the far left is ready to fall a few inches later come on drop it drop it drop it something's got to drop [Music] man i think you're right i think i probably just lost those quarters i think you're right the machine is given what it's look at the bundle on the left okay i got one more handful i'm thinking you're gonna get it you think yes let's see if my prediction is right uh sounds a little premature in my opinion a premature prediction and last quarter come on baby come on something something come on second wave oh i got a feeling i just lost us a bunch of quarters that is 29.40 now we could keep going but she already knows we're losing money and look this one this one's jammed on the machine this one is jammed in the machine holding these back and this one this one is actually one dollar bills that's only seven dollars so how many coins do we have we're down to 34 quarters we're losing money we're losing money there's no way to get it back i think we did a hails of a good job you ready to get some food let's get some pizza [Music] you
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 540,001
Rating: 4.8537478 out of 5
Keywords: coin pusher, coin pusher jackpot, playing high stakes coin pusher, won money in high stakes coin pusher, coin pusher machine, coin pusher big win, coin pusher game, coin pusher money, high risk coin pusher jackpot, high risk coin pusher big win, won bitcoin, high risk coin pusher videos, progressive jackpots
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 43sec (3583 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 22 2020
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