MYSTERY BAG OF GOLD Inside The High Limit Coin Pusher Jackpot WON MONEY ASMR

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is elvis texting you no i mean [Music] you get all of your meds i'm all about the winning streak but did you get your meds my meds i'm your doctor jay you mean nurse jay no doctor giant there ain't no is there a doctor in the house i'm right here i'm literally right here all right you ready to go see if we can pick another one yeah i'm all about keeping up with my winning streak my profit streak well she's not telling you why would we leave now she's already lost twice today that's what she's not telling you dust our eyes deceive us she gave the bag of money to me yeah elvis elvis sensed a little bit of jealousy the last time and was like you know what george you should let jeremy play yeah but you still picked this one why'd you pick this one besides it being the only warrior one with anything it's like a full stack the cool stacks it reminds me of like racing lanes i just want to know what's in the bag and you were staring really hard at the mystery bag okay we are all about the mystery did you even see a move that was two quarters and it's already [Music] [Music] i can't really answer that question wide left is my favorite i guess it's just been a lucky sign all right i'm trying to make the pushes count see what we got what if i go middle though instead oh my goodness what if i go middle you can go center do you think that's a good idea well i mean you definitely want to get more ammo to stay in the game so whether your center center looks promising so you think left to get ammo and then [Music] what is that does that just fell off i think that was paper money remember when we remember when we found the zoo that was awesome that was pretty awesome i didn't even go to the right and the penguin fell over what are the others is that a swan and yeah the middle looks like this one what are you looking at this one what's the one to the left the one to the far left could be a bird [Music] birdie oh my god what happened to the bird oh my goodness the bird is the horn totally got crushed okay [Music] okay i'm going to the right look that thing is leaning in i'm going to the right okay as long as it doesn't fall back well that's what i'm saying is to get it to lean forward [Music] i have the ammo arby's has the meat well i i've got the meats but i have the ammo and the meat it's gonna be hard to get that mystery bag over all those quarters you do realize that right [Music] okay yeah i realized before we just had another fall nice the base of that one all right what do you think two of your animals have been crushed [Music] they're both on their left the swan is still on a sling on its side okay there are two on the left we're gonna have to clear a path because mystery bag mystery bag is not gonna not gonna come to us over that whole how much if you had to guess how much money do you think is in there [Music] that's one way to make sure nobody gets a bag [Music] maybe close to five hundred dollars in quarters [Music] you know what that means start flicking that wrist dropping the quarters i'm getting carpal tunnel look at these drops is that not an epic drop or what you are making it rain hard pale storms you know i want to know what's in the mystery bag because we haven't found a good mystery box we've had some mystery vending machines yeah the last the last unit we bought the vending machine we found quarters in the vending machine which was awesome and dimes and nickels too right it's all about that point wow right yeah um and now you can get interest you can get interest by turning in your coin to the bank so you can make a profit by turning over your coins should we turn in all of our coins yeah we're all about making a profit we should offer to pay to pay cash for anybody who has coins if anybody has coins at home we'll give you cash face value for your coins so we can turn them into did it move so yeah don't know whether that's an ohio thing or if that's i know i don't have any more quarters so that's something we got a pool and i'm open like hails there's a bunch there's our boy elvis giving us that look 69 dollars and 75 cents and guess who is not playing anymore it didn't last long that's for sure i'm gonna play to the left and try and rescue some of these animals no no no she's not trying to rescue animals she saw a hundred dollar bills rescue ranger and she was like guess whose turn it is jeremy she said i'll save the animals and you can have the mystery bag that's pretty fair right did we just kid oh my gosh the guy next to us just made one of those quarters we have somebody to the left of us nobody's to the right to the right that one's already been played out but most of the left has been played out too [Music] oh a mega super deluxe push oh now now we got mega super deluxe bushes do you know how hard it is to write a song with mega super deluxe bush i think it flows really well well jk could do it but i'm dr j [Music] [Music] what did we decide the other animal was i don't think we know we're a snapping turtle we do love going out to the wilderness center and seeing snapping turtles we do we just love going to lake any type of petting farm best petty part if anybody comes safari if anybody comes near us in ohio which we're in wayne county right below us is holmes county the largest amish population in the world which i know we're going to get a million comments now they go no it's not it's lancaster pa well in holmes county ohio there's perch burger farm actually now is the perfect time to actually go down because they have pumpkin whoopie pies the amish pumpkin whoopie pies the most amazing oh my goodness pumpkin now would be the perfect time to go get some pumpkin ice cream we have to go up to sandusky ohio and get pumpkin ice cream we'll buy it by the three gallon bucket so i'll take a cooler and try and get two or three three gallon buckets to last how much [Music] i thought you said you were in the dad box remember what happened to the bag of jelly bellies that one of our subscribers sent us i thought you said you were into dad box i was just trying to be more attractive to you i am i'm into your dad bod but you also were trying to lose weight just to get so i didn't die in the devil's hands but yeah i don't want to be a badass how are you gonna be a bad influence with pumpkin ice cream how could that be a bad influence on anybody why it's so good okay well number one toss dairy in ohio what's up near sandusky ohio holy cow wow right next to cedar point it is the oldest dairy farm in the state of ohio and with that age has also come wisdom on how to know how to make the perfect pumpkin pie ice cream some of you have had pumpkin pie ice cream and you're like yeah that's all right this is the most incredible incredible pumpkin pie ice cream you've ever had in your life it's not just a swirl it's like real pie isn't it it's like real pumpkin pie and it's just absolutely amazing i'm salivating right now i'm just thinking of it it's the best i was gonna drop i love their pumpkin pie and i discovered it when i was at cedar point and once i had it at cedar point i had to go back oh come on drop drop drop i had to go back and buy it in bulk but when you go to the main to the main dairy farm where they make it the factory they've got they got the taste testing out front oh nice you got it you got it he's over oh he's over to the right so focus on the right but i found out you know they usually scoop out of the three gallon buckets yeah and i was like all right well i'm definitely taking a three gallon bucket home with me but i actually don't like hot cakes the first time i got it i got a three gallon bucket of pumpkin ice cream and then i got a three gallon bucket of apple pie ice cream and the apple pie ice cream was good i'll give them that apple pie as well yes but the pumpkin pie ice cream is the most amazing you just it's just the most okay so i've had pumpkin whoopie pie from hershberger farms which is pretty incredible that's one of those in the morning i had to take you there in nepal because that was just would you say the ice cream is better than the whoopee pie i would say those are two different areas of absolute amazing mint and then and that the best scenario is to eat your pumpkin whoopie pie with your pumpkin ice cream and that's when god gives us a little taste of heaven on earth that's my suggestion to people have you ever done it or did you just come up with the idea i just came up with it right now that's how i roll that's how i roll did you learn to do that for me because i like that you mix everything i do you mix everything i don't think you would have paid 90 percent of your mixes are amazing 10 are straight up blah blah blah it's probably experimental it's all experience she likes to do this whole chemistry experiments with food i do she's like if i put twix over my pudding twix and pudding together i could be afraid of it but it turned out good yup and i've because there's always room for it who exploding what was that animal which one the one that's crushed that would look like the penguin the penguin is to the right it was the first thing that fell yeah that was a penguin for sure to the right speaking of mixes you mixed up all your crystal light flavors together and you fell in love with it see you did speaking of mixes how many years have we been together now two and you love it [Music] how many more quarters do you have i'm down my guess is you dropped i'm gonna say 300 in quarters how many how much do you think you drop no come on give me a number a lot of ammo give me a number uh 228. she said 220 55. 75 and i think 300 let us know what you think down below as well that my friends that is a hails of a lot of quarters 208 dollars 25 cents we are both way off way off all right and she gave it back to me so i saved i rescued two of the three animals and my heart is happy enough i think we have plenty i think we can get everything with this bag with one big sweep i don't well let's see if we can get a ton of the quarters too i mean we just got 200 quarters for sure so if we could get 200 more dollars get the other animal and get the mystery bag i would call that a good it's a win-win i would call that a good you know a good start to the afternoon yeah i mean that's just me that's the winning streak i was telling you about except you still haven't told them about the two you lost apparently you did though [Music] i haven't said anything [Music] you [Music] what is know that's the penguin for sure i love penguins we need to see look at monies just keep smiling it's raining george's hallelujah it's [Music] it's raining georgia oh my goodness are you seeing this oh my gosh now he can breathe he can breathe again he was suffocated are you gonna give himself you should give cpr i can try but i think he's good you think so he's totally gonna dive in the hopper dive in the hopper come on come on i'm feeling it right here i'm feeling it you're gonna get a good push i'm trying okay here we go by the time i'm right i want all that i want all those coins in the corner there though too you see them all yeah if i take a timer get a pretty push [Music] this might be it right here everybody start shaking shake shake shake shake shake your device he's gonna fall right now right now right now oh my goodness i can't believe it [Music] yes thank you thank you thank you thank you you're safe now little guy you are safe now mama george is going to put you in with the chicken hashtag new friends [Music] you should give an update on the chips [Music] a month away from being able to lay eggs right september we aim for september probably yeah my favorite thing to do is give them fruit i like to give them um i'll dice up strawberries for them or i'll dice up apples for them and then they love blueberries so i don't have to dice you have blackberries and blueberries right by the chicken coop so we fed them that we've diced those up for them and fed them those and they love it and the best thing is whenever whenever i have my nails painted a certain color they think that my nails are the fruit so they start pecking at my my nail polish just so everybody knows chicken pecking does not hurt [Music] no it doesn't like my neighbor is scared to death his daughters are going to get pets and for me being on the farm and having so many animals i just sit there and shake my head and laugh like you got to be kidding me the chickens are more scared of people yeah they are that's where the term chicken is that's exactly where the term you're a big spirit of everything you're scared of everything [Music] but they do love getting their fruit i try to give them a daily uh a daily serving of fruit every day just to mix it up they love their feet don't get me wrong they love the feed but they also love the fruit come on push them on so we've been saving eight cartons empty egg cartons in preparation for them playing a and we'll have enough eggs to feed an army hi i'm in the army i'm hoping for easter we can get some cadbury eggs out of them [Music] except you don't call egg salad salad what do you call it i call it what you call it what do you no you named it what did you call it i'm just going off of what you call no you named it don't you try and play innocent now well we all know that the the smell of aids has that hard-boiled egg has that sulphur smell so you called it heart salad no you called it like you want me to make sour yes i have a video to prove that you called it first challenge were you videoing me without my permission oh again it was our very first catching and coins video you've been calling it park salad because you called it heart salad i would i'm a lady i would never think of such things i would never think of such [Music] or your sister they would tell you that i'm a lady they would laugh hysterically [Music] we're doing it i'm going to try and get the ones we're going to get it no matter what i'm just trying to get all of the quarters at the same time we got 208 so i figure work the line work it from the right from the left okay show me what you're working with nurse jay you know what i'm saying just work the whole line get we're gonna get it get all the points too because that could be another i don't know see that's what i'm talking about so knocking two birds with one quarter um there were birds in there or at least i guess there's a penguin a bird [Music] maybe so i was in south africa chelsea was four chelsea was five oldest she was four or five i took her to south africa when i was building the zip line and doing leadership training for the locals there and one of the guys with me on the trip they we found we found by the way there are cold weather penguins and they're hot weather penguins and most people don't realize that so our south african viewers which we have plenty they'll share with you yeah there are penguins in south africa right on the tip and there are hot weather cold weather penguins well nate walked right up to the penguin to pet it and penguins didn't like that and went right for nate's finger like it was trying to protect himself and chelsea was watching that and i'm like chill still petting the banquet don't touch it maybe it thought it was food or was trying to protect itself probably a long finger like that kind of yeah [Music] uh i'm in recovery i have to sleep to get rest for the show ready [Music] sorry [Music] i don't know what do you think is that enough i think you've got another two hundred dollars in the number you gotta know when to hold them [Music] [Music] she's joking big time she she invented the term [Music] remember when we would go into stores and you would be like hey jeremy jeremy watch this wait was that an overshare is that too much i'm not i'm not gonna admit to it but i'm also not gonna deny it [Music] i'm not even sure what time you're referring to actually i think i recorded it and put it in some of the earlier videos of you on the channel i'm pretty sure there's it's on the channel there are but if you've been a long time fan let us know do you remember seeing the videos of george not being elated are you trying to embarrass me [Music] uh i think you were trying to entertain me i think that's what was happening it didn't have anything to do your sister would share that [Music] bag is getting um to the edge you think it's ready to jump in but not just yet you just need a pretty push and one q push all right time for guesses what's in the bag what do you think i'm thinking of a gold porter what do you think oh you know what i would be shocked if it was empty no there's no way it's empty it wouldn't float more actually it's moving like if the mystery bag was empty why would they put it there might be another penguin in there a penguin yes [Music] what about when i eat the nuggets about the cadbury eggs [Music] i promise you i get a chicken nugget something's going to need saved oh you're so close we started with two hundred and eight dollars with some nonsense and i probably have about 108 left yeah yes we have we have done really well clearing the playing field we're trying to get all the all the points now elvis is singing again i thought it would be harder because the quarters were stacked i thought but this has actually been an easy one yeah it hasn't been as challenging as we thought it would be you just you know i know what you did after your losses this morning you're like all right let's [Music] [Music] is [Music] oh yes yes nice okay more quarters what do you think how many quarters you have left uh i got enough to keep dropping it's so cute if you want to get more ammo or if you just want to let's see if we can clear it let's see if we can clear it and then we'll check and see what's in the bag let's get as many corners as we possibly can okay do you want to play all the quarters in your bag and then cash out yeah let's do it let's do it let's see how many how much money 200 what was it 208 was like 208 let's see how much money let's see what happens all right now it's time to save the quarters [Music] come on baby there definitely were a lot of quarters and we definitely have gotten a lot of quarters out of them i guess around 500 big quarters so you think you think if we will be close to 500 bucks in quarters probably close to like three three fifty all right i will go i'm gonna stick with five you're gonna take a five i'm loyal okay you're not going to be able to get off all because i'm including all the quarters that's in the plane too i just want i want the lump supporters there from the structures that were there in the beginning the bases yeah see some of the bases still there so if one quarter can push in two quarters or three or four or five we're still making banks and there's enough there might as well try it we'll call it an experiment how much money can 200 that that's pushing 200 in quarters that is pushing over and putting in over 800 corners 800. you believe that can you believe it should i start rapid firing yes really start looking at wrists it's like the middle the middle is where the bulk of it is [Music] everything on [Music] that's why i don't favor the center and i always go left all right it's definitely where the both of the coins are right now it's like all focused in the center moving around it what if i what if i go a little bit off the right side yeah you can try that see if that'll work okay good idea or bad idea let me know i'm thinking nothing can forget am i losing money at this point you're not getting good pushes i'm rapid firing i probably got 25 dollars more importantly it's a little bit fall in the center [Music] whoa that one jumped in we'll just continue on with the experiment and see what happens once you drop all the borders other words you don't care because you already got the lucky bag all right you got the mystery bag so you're like push it all in this is what i have left okay if we come out with less than two hundred and eight dollars that's gonna hurt what do you think the chances are that i don't think we'll come out with less definitely more in the hopper [Music] that was a halfway decent call okay one more good handful and then we're gonna find out and then we gotta figure out what the animal shapes are let us know what do you think i mean you guys have been watching the experiment right so what pushes better right left [Music] the middle yeah because that's where the block of the [Music] base it's odd that the middle wouldn't do too well [Music] although that was a good push but i honestly i feel like at this point i'm actually losing money trying [Music] all right last quarters last pushes come on big push big push big push experiment's over let's find out how much money we made we did it we saved the animals this definitely looks like some type of bird i was thinking more like an armadillo armadillo i don't know okay i have no idea this is definitely all one hundred dollars y'all and then and then what are you looking at now after three hours of counting quarters how many quarters do we have george 296.25 in order so it was worth it to keep going almost 100 more dollars what i really want to know what's in the mystery bag in the bag there she goes it's there there's definitely there's different something in it definitely something like a dark blue oh there yeah is yes another yes oh man i love it i love it [Music] you
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 173,836
Rating: 4.9412637 out of 5
Keywords: coin pusher, coin pusher jackpot, playing high stakes coin pusher, won money in high stakes coin pusher, coin pusher machine, coin pusher big win, coin pusher game, coin pusher money, high risk coin pusher jackpot, high risk coin pusher big win, won bitcoin, high risk coin pusher videos, progressive jackpots
Id: PxQag-fdIOE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 14sec (2174 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 18 2020
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