WORLD'S BEST COIN TOWER FALLS Inside The High Limit Coin Pusher Jackpot WON MONEY ASMR

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looks like you're having fun with all of the uh auctioned items i'm reminiscing oh reminiscing of all the times elvis and i had together you you look like you're actually doing better though i'm trying to keep my mind preoccupied by packaging by packaging okay the auction winnings there's some pretty cool stuff there um what if i what if i put together some more epic tower falls for me yes please no for them for them they're not in love with elvis yes they are it is i think it's actually touching the glass oh my goodness oh give me something good i think it's actually touching the glass yeah for sure then the the card will fall first before the tower does come on you think the card is gonna fall yeah forward or backwards all right she's calling the 500 that is a visa oh my gosh that's a gift for you gift card recipient 500 although that's not the normal power is leaning towards me that 500 doesn't look like it's normal like usually they put them right up in the corner [Music] come on [Music] you barely breathe right now the anxiety is too much oh no no way how the hell did you do that how the hell did you do that how the hails did you get that thing to fall forward okay she definitely if you guys saw that everything fell forward oh guys guys elvis elvis is singing shake with us shake with us shake it come on come on shake maybe she'll get the other tower down shaky shaky shaky shaky shaky shaky maybe the tower will fall oh come on oh come on grab your tv earthquake it baby earthquake at quarter lance [Music] okay okay it didn't work that time but [Music] i literally think that gift card is up against the glass i have no idea how she got that middle power to fall forward everything always falls backwards so she got the box to fall oh nice she got the box to fall forward which means the goal of the game you always have to get enough quarters to stay in to go after the big prizes so that's where we lost in the beginning that's the way it goes most of the time so very rarely because she gets stuff to fall forward and you get to see when she does it's got to be my lucky 2.0 i don't think it's luggage 2.0 again it's the sock everybody knows it's the sock come on who gave her the assist on this one guys that was epic when that thing fell oh look at that oh my goodness they're gonna be so much ammunition now so always get the quarters as fast as you can so that you have enough to take down anything else if you go straight for the big stuff you lose immediately and that's what they're counting on this card is about to fall right now it's leaning which way is it leaning it's leaning towards me did i tell you about that one-legged girl that i went to school with no her name's eileen a dad joke um come on so we definitely i mean there is going to be so much to work with here look at this just pushing everywhere a ton to work with come on baby oh even more i can't believe that thing still expanding look how much it's leaning see how much it's leaning it's up against the glass she's got two quarters left and that thing is up against the glass come on oh there's a push i can't take my eyes off this thing i cannot take my eyes off this thing got it back 66.50 i gave her the setup and look at that there is a hundred dollar box there's something in it there's definitely something in it i'm going i am definitely going for that tower to the left here we go all right i know we got plenty of ammunition we got to take this thing down and if i take i take it quarter by quarter oh my goodness look at that thing it is smacked up against the glass if i take it by quarter i will still take it i think it'll fall backwards i think i'm gonna get both of them this time at the same time i'm gonna get the left and the right oh man if you guys could only see it is leaning up against the glass oh my gosh the anticipation i just bounced one i just bounced one if i could bounce every time they bounce if i could bounce one to ricochet up top would that be like a three-pointer in basketball that would be pretty epic okay so here oh yeah yes yes oh oh wait wait wait wait look did you see the back of it it just did oh i see what they did did you see the back of it yeah i see they're they're protected oh they're protecting the information so nobody can steal it that makes sense they're protecting the information that's what it is that's why it's weird okay oh elvis elvis is singing guys all right i'm gonna rapid fire everybody everybody shake your shake let's take the rest of that tower down and we gotta get we gotta get that 500 get a timber on come on lumberjacket with me people lumberjack it with me all right all right i'm not the best one that was a pretty good push right there oh that was another sweet push okay i gotta get that card if i can get if i can get the tower to fall well it's like surfing the card is like surfing big time which is usually what you know the cash does they're just not heavy enough if you can drop coins on them [Music] surfboard it's like a georgia says what you're talking about georgia says it helps push the beast oh i just gotta push the car oh you know what i was just thinking see it move forward and then move back again what if oh my goodness what if the other one falls into the other playing field my prediction is that this visa to the right will fall forward my hope and prayer is that it doesn't fall into the other plane oh yeah that would that'd be nice that would be heartbreaking which you just never know what the hell is going to happen that's that's what we've learned we know that's true [Music] did your cat porter just bounced i just bounced a quarter i'm getting too excited i'm definitely rapid firing way too quick okay i gotta slow down i gotta breathe i gotta breathe i gotta breathe oh i'm moving it i'm moving it the metamucil technique it's taking course remember are people still confused about what a meta musical is no no not our viewers no ways already know our viewers absolutely has anyone asked no they know exactly what it is or or they hop on the google machine and look up no our viewers never google anything they've typed questions in the comments what about the younger one no they don't google either they just put it in the comments what's asmr they must have grandparents that explain it to them okay we got a quarter on the gift card now oh that'll help move it forward that will help move it forward that's the george assist that i was talking about oh that's it yeah okay well apparently that's what she the says come on bishop push it push it okay i'm gonna doing really good we got this much left we got a lot left to work with i'm trying the rapid fire i can't believe she's actually left me [Music] trying the rapid-fire technique [Music] and i am i am a mess that's right i'm so excited that's what you do because you're finally letting me play again elvis oh yeah come on [Music] shake it so we can drop oh there you go nice drop guys nice job come on now you can just get that piece to move forward this is not gonna be an easy one this unfortunately is not gonna be an easy one oh but we got ammo now you have three georges on the vehicle yep look at that we actually have we have weight on that card that thing is gonna move as a matter of fact i'm gonna drop a little bit more on it i'm gonna drop a little more on it right now okay i'm gonna see if we can drop some weight on the car to get that thing pushing see just like that you see that i'm gonna drop some weight on it beautiful beautiful drop it like that's the way to do it i'm dropping everything everywhere okay there we go we're gonna drop a few more on there okay we're gonna drop a few more we're gonna get it we're gonna get it has it moved at all uh no maybe maybe just a smidge it's not taking enough metamucil you see you're supposed to take a teaspoon in the morning throughout the day in the evening three times a day well i mean it depends on how regular you want to be [Music] oh nice that was a few inches later lucky bags holding 78.25 and unluckily while we were pulling we blanked we blinked the tower did fall more you can see right back here the good news it actually put more quarters on the actual gift card why don't you just go all the way to the right see if you can get the other gift card just go right right right right right see if we can get that other gift card to fall because oh we got some ammo she stole the bag back she's got it we lost the fall that's the crazy thing you blink you move oh you blink or move and something's gonna happen in these machines and i didn't think it was at the point where i couldn't i don't know just found this is it this is gonna be it oh so close oh i saw it drop i'm the one dropping it like a top come on i'm getting that card it's coming home to daddy it's coming home to daddy it needs to fall already [Music] d [Music] and get that machine that keeps your eyelids open and i'm going to put them on your eyes so when you're watching me you don't you don't lose a thing when i'm teaching you how it's done [Music] two more pushes in that vehicle what if i jam it i jammed it i jammed it in the back [Music] oh my god but more importantly lucky drawers all right teach me there's a giant tower i'm just gonna i'm gonna start going to the right no no no no no always start to the left the whole point is to get more quarters aka more ammo you don't want to go straight for this already [Music] so they say when i play i drop too fast yeah so i gotta wait for the trade to extend all right and then see i'm dropping dropping it like it's hot already what they drop drop drop drop it like it's high all right why am i going to the left because the whole point is to get more quarters so that you can have more ammo to come back and blast that tower but what if i just blast the tower right from the get-go i feel like you'd be throwing all the way your quarters and you would get nothing potentially that's a good drop right you don't want the house to win oh how's my flick of the wrist look at the wrist is on point tell me how much i didn't even touch it i didn't touch it you were right you were right you were right left always to the left what the hell's just oh my gosh you might as well just drop the mic now because everything's about to fall all at once where did all the money come from there must be one inside of the tower i didn't touch i didn't touch the right i only put like three quarters i only put three quarters over there let's get a good push you need more quarters got to be kidding me i only put three quarters over there before you told me go to the other side well remember science is always on our side uh no it's up to the left things on the right move nothing to do with that at all science had nothing to do with that do you believe in science what the hell's just how many hundreds do you see that looks like three oh one two three that looks like two more oh the black box black box just fell oh i wonder what's in that black box though 20 20 box another 20 box oh my gosh you're about going for the hundreds yeah the hundreds are gonna fall uh and here we go here we go who's got the flick of the wrist now who's got the flip oh my gosh and you have a golden ticket which means who's got the flick of the wrist answer the question who's got the flick of the wrist professor hale ain't no professor in the mouth this is just downright we got the steel to pay the bill all the hails look at this is elvis about to say yeah and i still have all of this i have all of this get it baby get it get it get it get it get it get it get it apparently you must have been sent you must have been dropping quick because you started saying it i think the tower to the left moved again [Music] ready for takeoff 21.75 elvis is singing right now you got to go you got to go you got to go for it come on come on oh [Music] i need another good push like that it's literally up against oh man oh man it's still there it's still there the gold bar is actually on the go bar oh no the bombard just dropped the gold bar just dropped wait wait there's coins everywhere holy i have no idea we have to get the gold bar i don't care about the gold quarter i care about the gold car i'm gonna save you gold bars oh my goodness oh my look at this just pushing on itself it's gonna start raining at this point oh man oh man oh man oh man oh come on okay oh it just slid to the right what the gold did gold bar yeah okay gold is now over to the right okay what's the what's what's the objective here are we going to try and get quarters i want to try and get as much quarters as i can and then go after the next power i'm coming for you next right tower come on how epic will be if you can actually get the gold bars and they don't fall in the next uh field oh my goodness come on all that so much weight it's trying to push nice you're getting ammo you are getting ammo i just actually saw the tower i saw the tower i saw it move a little [Music] come on oh nice nice you definitely are getting ammo now all right i'm down to two quarters well i got a feeling you're gonna have a bunch to work with there's the gold right there coming for you coming for you a happy girl i got 46 25 cents in the bag i thought i got one of the towers to fall but guess what i got this got the gold i actually thought she would have more money but i guess most of the tower fell backwards now forget that forget the left side go to the right get the gold oh that's right i'm not sure she's going to blame it on meds that she can't remember but there's gold over there i'm not sure if anybody else forgot the gold is moving everybody else forget as well there's actually gold over there oh come on oh yeah come on don't you dare go to the left all to the right you guys seeing this once you go right you never know what's gonna happen you never know what the hell is gonna happen come on move gold move oh my goodness i cannot believe this this is gonna be an easy one it's just gliding its way over here i cannot believe this yes we've already learned there's too much weight in all the other quarters to push you need to go for the gold i'm here to save you only the gold come on oh my goodness i can't believe it you're so close once thank god drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop it's so close i can't believe it i cannot believe it just got an ounce of gold we got to keep it down too many eyes are looking like this oh my goodness that was pretty awesome drop the tower drop the tower all right tower i'm coming for you next forget the left side the left side isn't going to do anything anymore come with me oh okay there you go so we got some more ammo just keep playing that right it's not a trap we're here to save you i cannot believe it that was pretty awesome that was beyond awesome the way that it just slid its way over here and you wanted to play to the left oh my goodness look this thing is this thing is completely pushed up against the glass like the other one i just need some really good footage just keep pushing it [Music] eventually all the quarters will knock it down oh man i can't believe it i can't believe it you can't believe that it's not butter or that i got the gold coin i can't believe that the bar fell [Music] man yes [Music] that was pretty awesome my heart's still racing from there now it's time for story time once upon a time there's an egyptian girl and this girl's name was george weird we know she went to the casino because she liked shiny quarters and shiny things she started to play to the left but finally went right because when you go right you finally went right and then she got an ounce of gold and she is rapid firing quarters everywhere dropping it like it's hot come on that tower is ready to go look at this pushing against the glass that looks like the other one look you get enough good pushes yeah and it'll fall [Music] it's all about the flick of the wrist and staying to the right i'm actually shocked more people are over here when the first three there were a couple people hovering behind us and they didn't understand so they just walked away or did you craft us them you want me to call that that was my last quarter i propped us right now don't you dare [Music] mama 73 even in quarters holy cow but more impressively yeah nice and there's another one waiting to be had okay i think suffice to say that she is going right you are going right correct george okay i don't know because last time she was going left for some reason i only dropped three i like to switch it up i like to drop three quarters on the left and then three on the right and see what happens come on baby weird things happening some good pushes oh experiment like that we have some good pushes [Music] do some good pushes come on come on [Music] come on come on it moved it moved it did it moved if you rapid fire try rapid fire it moves no way oh my gosh no i gotta go there to the left now i gotta go oh man elvis is singing hit to the left hit the left oh my god we're still holy crap look at this not to the right we're going to get it off it fell right when alpha started singing you're my boy elvis that's why you're my beautiful oh man how in the world are we going to get that gold bar through all that way to coin oh my gosh we're going to be here no way i can't believe it i cannot believe it it just glides over the quarters like the other one it is not going to glide you know it's not going to glide i know it's not gonna glide we have tried to push we have tried to push all these quarters before actually they're moving today lucky bag makes weird things happen they're actually moving we've tried to actually push all this stuff before and get somewhere and it is not easy come on come on baby drop that gold fall off come on slide down follow my voice come hither [Music] who's your daddy i said follow my voice nice oh my goodness my husband my heart is pounding i can't take it i literally cannot take it you might have have heartburn oh it just moves you know what that is but it's heartburn i can take it it's just harder yeah in no time you'll be okay holy cow look at the quarters falling now ain't nothing but a heartburn thing drop that thing off wow it's moving but it's sliding back you can't tell me your heart isn't beating like crazy too oh it hasn't stopped beating like crazy [Music] i've been having palpitations since we got here i thought that was since we met that too my heart started my heart started palpitating at hello you know back then i didn't know how to predict the future so that's all right patricia does a good job of it what was patricia's heart doing at hello who's patricia really now you don't know who patricia is [Music] patricia is her alter ego and that's not the nice one new year who dat [Music] come on girl just all you got to do is just follow my voice it moved did you see it i did my quarters are going down 7.25 going down but i swear that christmas tree looks like just hit oh my goodness look at look at look at look at look in the middle of the christmas tree are you seeing that where where where where you're not seeing that i see it now there is a money roll in that christmas tree this is the christmas tree that just keeps giving and giving i'll take it i see one in the top [Music] there's one there's one roll all right if there's one roll there [Music] [Music] there could be a lot of gifts in that christmas tree a teddy bear [Music] 11.25 a little more ammo to work with attack that left it looks like it's still sliding doesn't it like like it's the leaning tower of pisa lean back baby lean back doesn't that look like the leaning tower pizza or the leaning tower of christmas exactly it is the leaning tower of christmas it is i swear it's sliding i swear it's still sliding you got you got the top to fall perfect just get that thing to fall if you can get the bank off of that you got plenty of ammo to do your damage oh come on come on [Music] you know it's ready to go look at it leaning is that 100 where on the pusher is that 100 yeah it's the 100 that fell off the top of that christmas tree it fell right off the top all right down to my last ball but you got a huge push [Music] down to three quarters come on it only takes one only two three pointer three-pointer three-pointer here we go oh you think it's gonna move i think it's gonna fall all right you're gonna pull i'm gonna stay focused on it coming back with a vengeance you know you could be santa boss with all these quarters i could be would everybody get a shiny quarter from you you is that what you're gonna give your nephews and nieces for christmas shiny quarters yeah how did you know is that what you're gonna get your son you're gonna give him a shiny quarter i'm gonna give him two two shiny quarters if your son gets two how many shiny quarters do i get three really three and i'll get to play those three shiny corners here you guys didn't play an entire an entire game by yourself the thing is moving george i'm telling you that thing is moving nice now things are going to start moving how many rolls came out oh i see the one i see the one behind the ornament oh i see another you do from the angle that i'm standing at i see something else inside the tree it's hollow christmas [Music] nice oh you just dropped the box it was either a present or an ornament i don't know what it was but it definitely just dropped your left is moving again yeah it is i see it rotating the left is moving again [Music] oh man all hundred dollar bills in there for the 20 that i lost i just gained oh the 20 to the left are you kidding look there's one two three there's all kinds of hundreds hidden in there that was my last quarter really that was your last quarter because it looks like you're getting fishtails of quarters now um it's just not going to end is it wow let's keep watching that thing was awesome oh you're going to get more mortgages dropped and finally settle down this is like the calm after the earthquake oh this is the hidden money the 300 and then the two prices are 320. and there's still money on the field she's not done so much money and then lucky bank 5.0 i was holding a hundred and seventeen dollars a quarter all right let's see what 117 dollars can do are you thinking what i'm thinking what are you thinking go left to get all that ammo and then go after that tree so you don't lose any money yeah honestly if you keep cutting it to the left anyway it may end up falling to the left instead of where it's naturally leaning to the right i would love for that to happen that would be nice there it is there it is [Music] here we go elvis here we go you know [Music] you know what else is awesome what your second favorite christmas gift but you still have not told me what it was okay you want me to just rattle something off i want you to tell me the truth what was it you got a bike what was your favorite toy that wasn't that big what was that one toy that you put around your ankle and you skip it yeah just skip it's pretty awesome that was pretty awesome you had to skip it yeah i thought i was the coolest kid in the vlog you would die right now if you had to skip it yeah i'm not as young as i used to be oh there it goes all right so going for some more ammo on the left trying to rapid fire as quick as i can come on [Music] i think it's standing there like the leaning tower of pizza and it's never gonna move so so mad it's looking more like a santa hat [Music] wow i can't believe that thing wild the right side always gives you problems [Music] no matter what the right side always is giving you and that's why i never started very rarely will i go right first what else do you want for christmas besides to move next door [Music] well that gets you for the time when you did it to me my mouth was open i never did that i did no such thing you surely did when don't you do that that's your favorite thing to do [Music] wow [Music] [Music] oh i'm all shook up [Music] should i play the rest of my bag of course got this come on george [Music] it's probably too late to do my finger exercises stretch it out a little bit it might be a little late for that it might be a whole lot late for that [Music] something's got to give eventually it's up top we're gonna have to see if we can actually trick shot it back in let's let's just pull and let's see let's get a bunch of ammo let's pull and let's see what happens [Music] then we'll see if we can trickshot it [Music] we literally just missed it literally just missed it i can't believe it we were counting look george george was ready here's the 400 that fell i cannot believe it oh i cannot believe it 275 dollars and 75 cents in quarters though jeez well you might as well just play it like i own it right i didn't think it was gonna go when it went yeah you might as well play it like you own it get as much fuller as you possibly can still still a great christmas i don't know try trick shot [Music] trick shots are always good look at that you're getting a 20 already maybe i am i do love confusing me as well [Music] you're not confusing me with your mouth no matter how bad you try did all of your christmas dreams come true early oh my goodness yeah early christmas it's [Music] are you glad that i made you stop here i mean i'm not complaining yeah you were you hated coming here well you would hate it if i was talking about another woman the whole time too you talk about priscilla all the time yeah me nothing nothing just push your money push your money's push the money [Music] all you need to do is you don't want to be a dip when are you going to make elvis t-shirts or is his image copyrighted yeah i don't think that's allowed well you could always put my image on a t-shirt oh i just got the chips to move dressed up like elvis and you just got the left leg to move they're creeping around the mountain she's opening up to you that ship is ready to fall [Music] are they still riding each other yeah the ones on the other's [Music] the right leg is definitely pushed up against the glass the left leg is leaning to the left and scaring me quite a bit [Music] it just leaned further to the left and somehow that shift is hanging on my [Music] [Music] i don't know how it's still hanging on [Music] it's not ready yet now it's not even on the left anymore it's mid air wait wait it might just be touching oh it's it's not touching it's not touching it's just being held on by the weight of the right leg it is not touching at all if i can hovering to the left and the other two on the left to drop at the same time whatever you're doing you're getting you're getting the leg to the to the left to definitely move the one to the right just move the one to the left just keep lifting and shifting shift happens left leg is leaning man that's uh that's not lean if i've ever known one that chip's not even touching it's not even touching the left side of the bridge it's hovering it knows magic what is the deal with that levitating what is going on with that yeah okay it is magic i'm starting to believe it's magic if it's levitating like that it's magical [Music] the asmr sure someone got a ton of views uh yeah and a ton of people who don't understand that it's our channel don't listen well let's remind them it's our channel what the asmr what the asmr is our second channel so no need to report those videos just the ones on the facebook the facebookers [Music] whoa oh man surprised the chip hasn't fallen i'm surprised the left leg hasn't fallen to the left that one's shifting too all right i'm going to switch it up and go right center what do you think what right center is going to do i think the right leg is up against the glass 500 ship hovering in midair it's magic george says it's all about her new lucky bag the only constant thing that george has ever had in the casino is my lucky drawers and my lumpy socks that's it it's the only thing that's never changed my wrists haven't changed you're flipping look at the wrist what that's been consistent yeah but natural talent will only take you so far you need luck like my drawers trust me i was wearing these drawers on day three and ever since you've never taken them off ever since why would i all right down to three quarters two years plus later still wearing them [Music] oh 59.25 that went down what happened to the to the magic it did go down but i gained to royal blue okay that went up that definitely went up all right so are you trying to get the chip now what are you doing i think i'm going to do point confusion see what happens how much money do you have for coin competition [Music] you just knocked 100 in look look you just knocked it out no no you probably lost 50 and you knocked 100 bucks and look at it look at it just look at it you've probably probably lost 50 bucks oh the chip yeah [Music] holy cow that thing went with so much force you put a hundred dollar cube you put a hundred dollar box in the upper tray the hundred dollar chip in the upper tray and then you put a 100 box on the other side of the tray up on the edge so you lost 100 but you gained an actual cash and the other 500 chip is still floating frankly if that's not magic i don't know what it is maybe okay do you see anything you're wondering if anything was hidden do you see anything to the left not yet not yet maybe something will be in on the left let's see knock all that knock all that in see if anything i love the look it looks like fish scales chain mail [Music] if you get enough of this ammo from the left you can take that right side out no problem at all [Music] nice bounce look at you trying to bounce bounce look at you trying to do trick shots again [Music] and coins are falling all we had back then were those shoes from poland made of wood and we were grateful for them and let me tell you when you stepped on a nail you could never get it out [Music] tell me that wasn't your best grandpa impression no that was not my best i was impersonating you there [Music] we couldn't even afford wooden shoes we were lucky to have one pair of wooden shoes for the whole house we all had to share and the horse usually got to wear them [Music] elvis isn't speechless [Music] he knows when he hears the good stuff [Music] this is a lot of a lot of work my arms hurt my shoulders hurt oh did you see that nice bounce shot that was a pretty sweet mountain shot that happened by accident those are my favorites by accident [Music] i think we need to switch and of course as the skyscraper heard you yeah you still want me while we were switching might as well since we already switched you want me to keep rapid firing you need to save i cannot believe that you know what we're gonna need we're getting two chest harnesses yeah we should that's actually a really good idea i have one every how often every ooh there we go every what every every other day i have an idea but two of them are good a year something like [Music] you know what but the good news is to watch it fall and crumble the good news is you're going to have plenty of ammo to take the other one out i don't think there was anything hidden inside the skyscraper it doesn't look like it doesn't look like it [Music] you think we'd learn our lesson by now and just have to i think your skyscraper just moved again i didn't see it [Music] is it cruising like the beach boys [Music] if if i could get you all these voices [Music] boys oh there it goes what if you go to the right do you think going to the right will help take the tower down i mean you know what i mean the sky's great [Music] i didn't mean to upset you upset you all in a tower upset you i think yeah i i mean you did ask me to annoy you for the rest of your life is upset part of that you've already done [Music] what did i do [Music] is that an old egyptian cliche logging up the machine here getting a good cloggity you know what i'm thinking it's time to throw in the towel isn't it you're throwing ship ships already what are you thinking i'm thinking you keep playing you just want to watch the skyscraper come crashing down yep we want to watch something so beautiful get destroyed yes i do it's a main thing it must be a cheery thing it wants to come down [Music] [Music] that was a long time how many quarters do you have left just a few like two handfuls better start playing them [Music] i think you played for over an hour that was intense yeah but it only felt like five minutes really because it felt like hails of a lot more than that [Music] you
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 181,724
Rating: 4.8690538 out of 5
Keywords: coin pusher, coin pusher jackpot, playing high stakes coin pusher, won money in high stakes coin pusher, coin pusher machine, coin pusher big win, coin pusher game, coin pusher money, high risk coin pusher jackpot, high risk coin pusher big win, won bitcoin, high risk coin pusher videos, progressive jackpots
Id: dVgU_ect_aw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 20sec (3560 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 15 2020
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