I Used an Entire Kingdom to Torment One Person - Crusader Kings III - Ad

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Cazzah 📅︎︎ Sep 05 2020 🗫︎ replies
hey there it's josh welcome back to let's game it out we're checking out crusader kings 3 today this is a grand strategy game where you can be a psychopath in limitless ways look at these three they're already like i know what you're thinking you're gonna make our lives difficult aren't you this video is also sponsored by xbox game pass for pc where you can play crusader kings 3 right now as well as over 100 other games and you can start your first month right now for one dollar using my link in the description let's go be a well-adjusted ruler see you can tell this is going to be good just look at this loading art look at this loving family right here uh-oh what's happening and you can tell he means business because he brought two blades so here we are at this big old map also known as most of the game we have to pick a starting place a realm a country a land and from there we're gonna create roots and try to get by with all these other countries probably trying to create alliances with us as well as kill us the possibilities are endless anyway the year is 10.66 and just think we can pick any of these oh my god there's so many options you know what let's go with france primarily because their king is 14 years old which indeed if you look it up is historically accurate but everything we're gonna do is probably not yep there i am king philip philippe felipe let's learn a little bit more about you oh god or a lot more about you so there's me unmarried if i die everything goes to this fellow which is our nine-year-old brother because as you can see down here we have no kids yet obviously we also have some traits here for example we're calm zealous paranoid and curious as you can see these things give us stat bonuses or take some things away overall seems like a decent lad here's all you need to know we're france whether he wants to or not we're gonna get married soon and we're part of house cafe that last part is really only important because i realized we can change that oh my god i can change the motto too well let's get rid of this goodbye real history hello house of oh my god can i just keep going dang it name is too long so be it instead of being the house of we'll just have to be the house of mmm stop much better and for our motto victory through my tummy remember how they used to talk that way in 1066 a.d all the rulers walking around talking about their tummies [Laughter] welcome welcome to the house of um i can rename the dynasty 2. founded in an 866 a.d by king robert of france the robert teen dynasty was then renamed in 1066 later known as the hungi for brekkie dynasty house house of the hungi for brekkie dynasty victory through my tummy oh my god look at our beautiful realm this is the most beautiful thing i think i've ever seen oh no i can rename france all right here we go name adjective tasty look at this here's my realm the kingdom of um now i hold the title to the kingdom of him and everything past that is just impossible to read and now you might be wondering why did i do um twice because it didn't let me do enough um's the first time just when he thought things couldn't get better we can customize him let's change his hair what are hair loops yep done and done and for headwear and i want to do something like this because i don't want to hide that beautiful haircut ah there we go it highlights it rather than hides it and lastly for clothes like yeah sure we could do any of these and they all look just fine but nothing says kingly to me like prison rags goodbye old king hello sweet prince and now it's time to find you a spouse we're gonna go with charna frost whisper solely because of her name also helps that she has pretty good stats a pretty nice house shield and send that proposal and look how lucky we are we've received a missive from the king of poland i love that this has to go in every correspondence with us you will be betrothed to my courtier and just like that they're betrothed try to look a little happier you two well now that we've gotten the basic stuff out of the way let's handle a couple of other basic needs it's kind of a problem that our archbishop doesn't endorse us so let's see if we can't improve his opinion of us so first because it gives me the option let's go ahead and put you in a nightgown give you a crown for no reason give you some nice charles manson hair how about a big bushy beard there you go from archbishop to king theoden from lord of the rings i love how embarrassed he looks in his profile picture now everyone else looks all dignified holding a scroll or a sword or a dagger and he's up there like um i'm an archbishop i'm sure there's a reason that i just don't know by the way but i can't actually change anyone else's look just the archbishop okay but anyway we need to turn that thumbs down into a nice big thumbs up and the way that we're gonna do that is we're gonna send him a nice gift that'll increase his opinion of me i give him 50 gold and his opinion goes up and he endorses me yes send that gift tada now we're at a nice plus 12 and he likes us so these numbers here we want these to be as high as possible and this chancellor just not cutting it so let's appoint a new one and it looks like baron valerian here is the best choice in for the jobin goodbye other guy hello new posed dude person one of the things i really enjoy in this game is the random events for example behold our king's arch nemesis vaynemond has been pestering me for a long time now she has everyone believing she is a saint but she mocks me relentlessly for every tiny mistake i make i cannot get her to stop no matter what i do uh sir you're a king and you're 15 years old she is a toddler i'm sure we can handle this one without getting too upset about it the following has happened she is our bully but that's okay he's clearly got other things to worry about right now i'm entranced what is this feeling this longing he's discovered girls and just like that some amazing things have happened he's an adult now as i take my first steps into adulthood i find myself reminiscing about some of the people who have made an impact on the man i've become the things my bully vane monde now seven years old put me through as a child stillway heavily on me and every time i see her my mood is sure to turn sour you won't forget vayne monde anytime soon oh god and he gained the trait of drunkard now that's a face that definitely won't forget but no time to think about that the king and charna got married finally and look how happy he is if he weren't so drunk and now that he's a happy smiling adult we have to pick a lifestyle for him because he studied diplomacy in school or whatever we get a bonus so we're gonna go ahead and pick that and of the three focuses we can do we're gonna do a family focus because it gives us plus twenty percent of fertility and we wanna produce a lot of children eventually we'll be able to fill all these things in but we haven't unlocked them yet so more on that later so as mentioned as a grand strategy game there's a lot of different things we can do for example we could form an alliance with brittany probably not a bad idea and one way we can do that we can take a look at their beautiful rulers we can look at their heir and we can see that at the age of eight he has not yet betrothed well let's change that how would you like to marry my sister princess emma of um now it's true that her doing this makes her part of their dynasty and not mine but whatever they're just a sibling now that emma and ellen are betrothed we have an alliance isn't politics grand but this is kind of all in the service of one thing which i think is gonna be the whole point of this play through i want to draw your attention to one county in particular now this one it's special and i'll tell you why these two run the place hildegards seems innocent enough and they have one child it's her vain monde that's right it's your bully oh and look she's already betrothed have him killed now the odds aren't great 32 chance of succeeding 47 chance of not getting caught it's gonna take 12 months but don't forget that bullying she did when she was a toddler so let's give it a shot oh boy here we go when the time comes my agents will need a safe escape route out of count richard's castle should anything go wrong a detailed map of the local forest with all its hidden paths and caves would be an invaluable resource and i can pay someone to do it for me which cost me money and stress and i have to trust this guy who has a 37 chance of bragging about his wealth later or i can explore the forest myself and map out the surrounding area with a 60 chance of mapping out the area myself a 30 chance of getting lost and a 10 chance of getting lost overnight i'll take those odds uh oh you got lost in the forest overnight of course you did you drunk silver lining though while i'm off getting lost in the forest my lovely wife is pregnant cannot wait to hold the babe in my arms and look at that we've had our first child husband let us name him after you actually i had something else in mind how about lunchtime what do you think of that name magnificent meanwhile our scheme is progressing nicely one of my agents is preparing a special trip for young renaud the child trusts he will be brought on an enjoyable day in the forest do you hear this ominous wind are you ready for your very safe adventure in the forest he will unfortunately get lost and be impossible to find before nightfall oh he was so young too child lost in the forest it happens tragically often well buckle up let's see how this goes [Music] well there we have it he's dead the search went long into the night before it was called off and reconvened at dawn it was only then that the body was found bloodied mangled and torn after an attack of oh god let's skip to the end thankfully everyone agrees it was a terrible tragedy and my involvement and the existence of any scheme remains unknown that'll teach you eight-year-olds now sit there unbetrothed and think about what you've done oh wow i got so involved in that i didn't notice something we have some new neighbors over here i guess they took a piece out of the holy roman empire and also someone took a piece out of me england now as much as i would like to declare war to get that land back because i have a casus belly or as the game reminds me a cause for war i'm pretty sure i can't take all of them because they're england and they have more allies than i do so let's try something else instead like instead how about i add a perk point to befriend and then i ask old robert here if maybe we can be best buds i know there's only a 30 chance but i have to try and while that political victory is happening let's head on down here to barcelona where i can also declare war because my vassal here has a claim of his own and also their army is inferior to ours who am i to say no to a good war so let's raise up our armies of which we have about 5 000 levies which are like kind of untrained soldiers and stuff so we're going to create some minute arms regiments of some slightly better fighters each type kind of has their pros and cons all you really need to know is i'm going kind of cheap i'd like to win this war on a budget thank you okay with my army assembled let us head to barcelona victory will be ours here we are in barcelona spending five months to siege look at that right as we get to the end we have a new son who we're definitely not gonna name guillaume not when we can name him second breakfast may you grow to be strong and wise my son ah and there we go greetings king philippe you are a much greater foe than i imagined in order to put an end of this bloodshed i will comply to your demands and then we get all this stuff and all it took was nine years do you remember where you were during the tasty war of 1072-1081 and we spitefully take that from barcelona and add it to the glory of now we can disband all of our armies and then we can just go ahead and whoa province forest oh wow i guess i should have been paying better attention in the last nine years oh you know what else we need to do let's see where are you there you are well you two have looked better how's your daughter don't worry i haven't forgotten what the hell happened here how come he's in jail okay you know what lady you're really ruining my scheme here i wanted to upset you by killing your first husband which i did but now your second husband's in jail how are you gonna have kids now so i can keep messing with you through them i'm just gonna have to take matters into my own hands i guess let's see 34 49 11 months perfect and he's dead as planned the servant gained access to his chambers no doubt to his great confusion of course the confusion must have passed once the servant unsheathed his dagger let that be a lesson to you in fact let me arrange the next one how about this guy i mean look at that match made in heaven chance of children medium that's really all i need to hear to get you crazy kids together now go forth and have many beautiful kids that i'm definitely not going to try to kill later oh and more good news lunchtime is now an adult they grow up so fast don't they meanwhile vainman still hasn't had any kids look you two aren't getting any younger would it help if i took care of your mom since if she has an accident you inherit the land the things i'll do for future spite [Music] okay well that's handled by that i mean she's dead there you go the property is yours now make some offspring for my petty revenge meanwhile i'd like the world to meet my beautiful baby daughter elevensies oh and you know what else it's time to visit barcelona again because we haven't messed with them enough ah see that's a much more tasty war isn't it it only took 14 months instead of 9 years blah blah blah greater foe that's the face of disappointment thanks for the land look at that the realm of um is expanding and look more celebrating another child brunch speaking of babies my mortal enemy finally had a kid hello there child little swan hildas don't worry you're safe for now i have my own pregnancy to celebrate i should probably make sure i haven't doubled up on names accidentally let's see we've got lunchtime second breakfast 11z's and brunch oh no did i skip first breakfast oh well we'll just keep going tea time and between bouts of babies and messing with veinmond i go around declaring frivolous wars to capture more land oh geez what have you two been doing a shameful truth has reached the light of day my vassal count raymond has an extramarital affair with my vassal count as vaynemond how could you do this to my carefully set out plans actually you know what maybe this will work out i get to imprison her and as i have a fair reason i can do it without being a tyrant well that's too bad isn't it and she's been showing signs of pregnancy for some time now and everyone thought that her husband count arnold was the father now it has become clear the real soon to be father is count raymond i shall call this scandal vaingate i like how he looks way more shocked even though she's the one in prison just goes to show you anything can happen in this game i had all these long-term plans for vayne monde here and yet here she is now in jail but that's okay cause she still had two kids that oh maybe just one the other one died in a siege medieval times were rough anyway new plan vayne mond you stay in jail and watch as i slowly but surely discreetly kill every member of your family except your bastard child they're safe in prison for the rest of its life and that's just one of the many tales that we can tell here in crusader kings 3. soon all of my kids will become of age just like brunch and even though eventually all kings must die like king philippe after 39 years of playing as him we pass on the mantle to our son king lunchtime who will dutifully carry on the work of his father neglecting his entire nation to make this person's life miserable forever for that one time that she said one crappy thing as a kid and his wife is like you get em lunchtime you show them who's boss i want to thank xbox game pass for pc again for sponsoring this video if you want to check out the game for yourself the link you need is in the description and get your first month for one dollar so i hope you had fun i know i did and i'll see you next time
Channel: Let's Game It Out
Views: 1,794,615
Rating: 4.9295917 out of 5
Keywords: crusader kings, crusader, crusader kings 3, crusader kings iii, crusader kings gameplay, crusader kings 3 gameplay, crusader kings iii gameplay, crusader kings 3 game, crusader kings iii game, let's game it out, lets game it out, letsgameitout, lgio, josh let's game it out, let's game it out crusader, crusader kings let's play, crusader kings let's game it out, I Used an Entire Kingdom to Torment One Person, funny moments, crusader kings 3 map, crusader kings 3 preview
Id: 28cySLDzPzE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 55sec (895 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 04 2020
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