I Built a Hospital That Specializes in Ending Lives - Project Hospital

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Yes he should

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Noodles4me85 📅︎︎ Jul 25 2020 🗫︎ replies

That hospital is evil as [peewoop]

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/dina_zwitscher 📅︎︎ Jul 26 2020 🗫︎ replies
hey there it's josh welcome back to let's game it out we're checking out project hospital today where we get to build and manage a hospital like a total psychopath the developers have trusted me with a key for their hospital services dlc which we'll go ahead and see if we can incorporate into our brand new horrible hospital let's start by going to sandbox look at all these beautiful pre-built hospitals all built with beautiful loving care that's why we're going with the empty field so we can have full control over everything that goes wrong free building on unlock all departments on patients can die quad on and i think we're ready to go so here we are in our big beautiful future cemetery down here we have a list of all the departments we can build including emergency radiology and so much more new in the dlc is this administrative department which gives us fun new things like a pharmacy a gift shop and my favorite the cafeteria and the dlc also gives us this beautiful gem a pathology department more importantly an autopsy room you know where the real fun begins so in order for this to all work i want to have a lot of patience coming into our hospital oh and before we get going i would like to draw your attention to an option i just found if you scroll down in this crazy amount of options i noticed this increase employee limit to 600 fast pc needed or just disable the employee limit altogether very fast pc needed well let's just click on both and see how this goes i mean i have a good pc maybe not a great pc so what can possibly go wrong so we're gonna have to try to hire that many people which is definitely gonna reshape how we build our hospital so normally the way hiring works is you would build out your little doctor's office and then the game's gonna be like well now you need to hire some people then you click the little button if you're lucky it gives you a beautiful list of barely qualified candidates and then the games like cool you hired some people and as far as i can tell the amount of people you can hire is pretty much based on if they have a desk so we would actually have an on-call room which based on this prefab here you can already see the piles of desks which translates into a whole bunch more people we can hire see there we go lots of activity lots of playing solitaire and looking at youtube now that all being said this room is a prefab just look at all that wasted space who needs books and charts and clocks and stuff i'm not hiring you to learn to be good at your job these two have the right idea sit there and blankly stare so we're gonna get rid of all this and design our own space okay so first things first we're gonna need to build a stunning entrance to our hospital which for the moment i'm gonna shove in the middle of this field oh you know what let's even look legit with these stunning brick walls we'll just slap these doors on the front and just so people know they're going the right way let's make a path to the street in fact it turns out we can extend a little bit into the street give it this line of rope fences like it's some kind of carnival ride which is gonna go all the way around can't have people entering the improper way okay and there we go now you have to walk into traffic to get in there meanwhile back in the building we're gonna do something a little special now you might be wondering josh that's too small to be a working functional hospital and that's true but it just leads to an elevator but while people wait let's see are there any like activities they can have in here ooh like a sofa let's go ahead and have that face in the door yeah that's what you want to see when you're getting into the hospital people staring at you ooh and fresh fruit you shouldn't have i think this is supposed to be for the cafeteria or the gift shop or something but it's not my fault that we can just put this stuff anywhere and that's why you're gonna get these lovely magazines too see this is really shaping up nice isn't it okay that seems just great so up here on the second floor is where the real fun begins actually we're just gonna keep adding floors all the way until we can't anymore which in this case appears to be six floors now starting on the sixth floor we're gonna do something special which is we're gonna extend our foundation all the way to the edge and all the way to the other edge i like how if you go back down to the ground floor you can see no trace of that sixth floor flying high in the sky oh but it's there believe you me and based on what i'm seeing here i'm pretty sure it's hovering over the street too can you imagine how scary this must look one tiny little room supporting all this anyway the reason we're starting with the sixth floor we're gonna designate this whole thing in on call room welcome to the on-call room or floor whatever you wanna call it now unlike the prefab we used as a demonstration this one appears to be missing equipment and staff and here's the equipment it needs stuff in tan is a must-have the stuff in yellow is a would be nice and everything else is if we're feeling extra spendy okay so let's start in the very corner here put down a desk and a pc crappy stool and a paper holder no i guess that did it okay well let's just go ahead and keep adding them this can't possibly take that long right [Music] okay and here we are took a little longer than expected but we got all the desks to fit just imagine all these desks are being held up by this oh and in case you were wondering i did count this is over 2 800 desks well beyond that 600 employee limit okay next step is to hire everybody oh god you know i think i forgot about this part where i'm gonna have to go table by table and hire people and the game is not running what i would call smoothly well here we go wish me luck [Music] well that took longer than expected but every desk has a person and as you can see my computer's handling it really really well so this congestion should actually clear up in a little bit we now have over 4 900 people out of infinity on staff i just finished hiring everybody which means all the night crew doctors show up too and are slowly making their way to the elevator to get out of here let's see if things get any better once like a thousand people are out of here okay it's been about 45 minutes people are still filing out oh my god can you people hurry it up oh my god just move go home okay project hospital you win i brought it down to 552 total people and now the game is finally running at all which means we've curved the slideshow for now i've also set it up so there's one stool for each two computers which as you can see just results in them sitting on each other's laps it's story time while they play solitaire i also don't quite know why there's a couple doctors here who have decided they're just gonna air type i also have a couple here where i forgot to give them stools can you imagine sitting across from these people i mean you're just over here trying to reenact the pottery scene from ghost then you have this person just staring at you meanwhile down here these people are the nurses which is why if you keep going they have all their supplies like meal trays and stretchers hopefully that stuff is a real pain in the ass to get out of here also to get the game to run a little bit better i had to pull out all those other tables and while that would obviously be really convenient for them if we just gave them a nice clear path to the elevator we're not gonna do that that's what these lovely walls are for let's just go ahead and make a maze well less of a maze more like a sadness spiral okay yeah there we go nice and efficient that doesn't hurt the eyes at all especially you poor suckers with a stretcher oh my god they can run ish i mean can't say i blame her there's no bathroom on this floor also i don't know exactly how long it takes to get through this but i'm gonna say it's quite a while okay now that we've got that all squared away let's build the rest of our hospital we're going to start building here on lovely floor 2. i really want to experiment with this autopsy stuff but in order to do that we got to build a real hospital actually you know let's not get ahead of ourselves first let's build something around the elevator specifically a lovely gift shop look at all the fun stuff i can have balloons and flowers and t-shirts and magazines or the less desirables like open things of fruit juice let's make sure there's some nice fresh fruit waiting for you and also some delightful flowers maybe some t-shirt racks can you imagine if this is what you saw get off the elevator cause you're sick only to see sweet merch and to top it off let's put some of these tables down where we're gonna put some complimentary beverages that's what you want at the hospital right a variety of standing water and fruit juices and you just know this water is never getting switched out you could have been there for weeks you don't know i think the whole point of this is that people can get this stuff for their loved ones who are in the hospital which is a nice thought i don't know if anyone's gonna live that long oh and let's also put a wall around this so that once you're in here you have to peruse before leaving and the only way out is through this restricted area door which maybe they'll figure out maybe they won't okay now it's time to build out our emergency department for that we're to need to build a waiting room in a doctor's office as part of this we're also going to have to build an observation room in a trauma center so first let's start with the doctor's offices we're going to do a bunch of them so we can serve a bunch of people and we'll put our waiting room right here over here in the exam rooms we're going to have the exam tables face the waiting room we want to make sure everybody gets a nice front row seat to someone else's examination as a reminder there's no walls here all these rooms are just completely open to each other okay great now let's build out the observation room let's go ahead and put this on the other side of the waiting room that half will be observation this other half will be trauma center let's make sure to flip these chairs around so people can stare at this too put these all closer so they can be in the splash zone okay for observation let's see just how many beds we can shove in here and there we go perfect and roomy don't worry trauma we haven't forgotten about you you and your comfortable operating tables and there we go drama me bananas now that we've got our basic emergency room down let's also add some toilets so people have to crap in public okay there we go oh and before we open i learned one other thing so we can add our own ambulances ooh and ambulance parking okay let's see where can i put this can i just put it wait really i can just have it crossing our entryway oh my god you sure can well good luck everyone and let's see let's just take our ambulances and i guess this is where their parking locations will be okay well make good use of those parking spaces now remember the official layout and don't screw it up oh and it turns out we can reposition our ambulance unloading zone it's normally just right over here let's see can i put this in the crosswalk oh good wait i can just keep going yep that's my ambulance drop off spot sorry cross traffic the space belongs to the ambulances now now we're ready to open well this is going about as intended this woman in the waiting room just gets to watch this examination happen try not to make eye contact as she gets redressed and then undressed again for some reason what's the hands icon for oh don't worry there's more people here to watch god this is so weird and now the doctor sits back down and there's like this awkward moment where everyone's just looking at each other doctor please tell me you're not asking her out to dinner can we make this less creepy and also why don't you have any hands this is all bad this is definitely the hospital to come to if you want to view something very specific but it's not all about the greatest show on earth we can also actually click these people and boy does it give us a lot of information like what the possible diagnosis might be the symptoms we know so far the symptoms we're still trying to figure out examinations we can try and of course my favorite available treatments now right now this is all being controlled by the doctor on staff but we can click this little button here and now it becomes an us problem which means now i'm gonna recommend we send him to trauma care so go ahead and put your shirt back on and just go ahead and walk yourself all the way over to whatever bed you feel like ah a wise choice i see you would like to be studied so at this point he's waiting for me to do something which is why i'm gonna do nothing i want to see if he'll just lay here until he dies and since you two are giving each other the flirty eyes i'm just gonna bypass you seeing the doctor gonna recommend you also go into trauma in fact how would all of you like to be in the trauma unit i'm looking at you in the back there okay and there we go ah true love okay so far so good this feels really normal right and not like an alien abduction why so freaked out buddy be more like this guy guess we gotta start filling up observation too i like how this person just barely gets off the elevator and i'm already like hold it right there i don't need to know your seven hidden symptoms we'll figure it out in observation land i mean that's probably like scary and comforting right like no waiting required just choose a bed in hotel sadness and off you go hospitals sleeping with a smile oh buddy you got chickenpox well we can't be too sure about that final diagnosis even though it clearly says 100 you get into observation right now oh wow he fell asleep fast i mean i of course use the term sleeping lightly okay things are looking nice and swell every bed is filled i like that the people in observation can actually get out of bed wearing their delightful prison attire a delicious six day old fruit juice and then back to bed meanwhile all these lovely folk aren't allowed to move at all or get any sheets so now let's play the waiting game and see if we keep them in the hospital long enough they'll just die on their own okay so this has been going for a little while now it's day 85. to my complete surprise all these people are still here they haven't moved they certainly haven't been blinking and they're still very much alive in fact nobody's died like at all also because i have no janitorial staff the floors are just getting dirty everywhere i just don't get it though how come nobody's dying okay so here's what i think the problem is people are coming into the emergency room they've got all these curable symptoms and even if i trap him in the hospital he's never gonna die of that and i think that's kind of the problem with the emergency department what i think we need is to add in a department that handles more serious cases oh like cardiology we'll just put our offices right over here waiting room right here diagnostic unit there regular ward over yonder and high dependency and there we go what luxury now we just have to wait for people to roll in with debilitating heart problems and we should be good to go okay let's see we got our first contender 100 chance of pulmonary embolism well that sounds great already go ahead and shuffle your way over to a bed see everyone that comes in here looks a lot more bothered hmm dizziness and fever i got this one fellas this calls for hospitalization and off you go nap time is now uh-oh peter hall or as the game calls him favorite patient and they're collapsing hey peter hall i think you're swell and stuff but i don't know if i call you my favorite patient your staff will do their best to keep them alive well don't try too hard ah see now we're talking she didn't even make it to a bed oh peter died well we all knew he couldn't hold on forever okay peter let's go ahead and get you over to the morgue i'm no favorite patient where you going buddy oh yeah i guess i don't have a morgue do i wow that guy took his bed instantly didn't even change the sheets or anything i guess i should really build out the morgue before more people die we're gonna build that down here on the ground floor so we're gonna need an autopsy room and a cold room can i put the autopsy room through the ambulance path well i guess that works and we'll put the cold room on the other side after all body fridges are the first thing you want to see when you're walking up to a hospital right more tables right here plenty of autopsy tables on the other side okay perfect plenty of autopsy tables plenty of cold space you know it really could use a splash of color though oh i know let's put out some of these donuts yeah let's just put those right there ooh and some tasty sandwiches that's more like it anyway let's head back into our hospital see how everybody's doing yep seems like business as usual i like how this patient just walks by like oh that's too bad oh well gotta take a dumb i don't know why the game insists on calling them my favorite patients i mean i'm sure she's awesome i'm just saying i think favorite patient might be a little far okay now she's my favorite patient i always liked you linda well at least she's not fading out of existence this time hey do you guys want to like cover her up oh i guess they're a little busy right now that's cool yeah just leaving this dead body hanging out with everyone else linda's status now is dead transported to morgue uh i beg to differ she is very much not in the morgue i love that this resuscitation process over here has been going on for like a day that's what i call dedication oh see now things are going according to plan this poor fellow seems to have gone his own way with the game also thinking he's been transported to the morgue linda's body's still here so there's kind of a queue oh if we got some more deaths here you can pretty much tell who's dead if they're over their sheets which has got to be real uncomfortable for this lady or you could just pass out and join the fun like this woman did see that's dedication try to save this woman's life while using this other person's face for leverage hey buddy i don't want to tell you how it is but you might be waiting a little while none of the doctors appear to be at their post right now couldn't tell you why i guess it's just that kind of day oh that poor woman finally got picked up were they just waiting for a stretcher all that time what's taking you so long up here are you all racing for pink slips or what don't worry you two that means it's just like five more days before a stretcher shows up oh my god is someone actually being delivered to the morgue oh no they're just taking a shortcut oh my god how screwed up is that psych you out with the morgue on your way to the ambulance oh good news speaking of ambulances this is still a valid thoroughfare i salute you sir as you hit all these pedestrians god what a mad house this is i love when the ambulances show up and they're just like out of the way citizen this is where we park and then they take this injured person on a nice little stroll through the autopsy room oh my god dead patient has been transferred to pathology it finally happened you can send the body to funeral services or perform an autopsy to learn what went wrong well i think we know what we're gonna do your body belongs to science now i can't believe how well this is going everyone's finally coming home including this ambulance yeah just put yourself in position perfect okay cool great thanks guys okay i feel at this point like everything's going according to plan just a world of people passing out everywhere most people in cardiology are dead it's a good time over here speaking of good times look how beautiful our morgue is looking so much so that we've been expanding i can't really explain why there's blood everywhere like a lot of blood as before we don't have any custodial services and it is day 138 so you know blood just kind of happens so i think it's finally time let's autopsy it up you know i'm so excited to do our first autopsy let's make it real special let's make a day out of it so let's get rid of all these extra tables slim it down to just the one you know you could have fooled me that there was no autopsies happening here this looks like this has been a kill floor for years anyway let's add some extra lights [Music] and now let's add some refreshments as well as some of those tasty sandwiches everybody loves not to mention some donuts add in some proper seating okay now we've got ourselves a good old-fashioned prison autopsy okay let's pick our first person completely a random come on michael let's go here's our doctor scrubbing in and now she's just staring at the paper towel holder is this like the medical version of shadow boxing she's just like mentally psyching herself up for the big autopsy oh boy i do believe it's show time there he is what a festive day this is for all everyone just grabbing sandwiches and drinks they're all here to see you the doctor's like yup let's get this over with this woman's just like huh you know what i just realized this is literally the only time i've seen anyone's eyes closed all it took was being dead on a table for like four months and then finally having an autopsy done and now that she's done let's give it a big finish here to turn you into human jelly it's the ambulance well that was fun at this point i think there's only one thing left to do and that's checking on our favorite love birds that's right 139 days later they're still here you know what i think it's time we give them the wedding ceremony they always deserve clear away all this stuff and let's go ahead and give you two a little privacy kinda now these two lovebirds can live out the rest of their days in holy matrimony i mean at least for a couple of minutes before the air runs out so i hope you had fun i know i did and just like with this guy who's now a centerpiece because no one picked him up after the autopsy i'll see you next time
Channel: Let's Game It Out
Views: 4,102,610
Rating: 4.9413543 out of 5
Keywords: project hospital, project hospital gameplay, project hospital game, project hospital dlc, project hospital dlc services, project hospital hospital services, hospital services dlc, hospital services game, hospital games, hospital tycoon, tycoon games, funny tycoon games, let's game it out, lets game it out, lgio, josh let's game it out, let's game it out tycoon, let's game it out hospital, let's game it out simulator, funny moments, two point hospital, theme hospital
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 53sec (1133 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 12 2020
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