I Stole a German Submarine and Defected to America - UBOAT - Let's Game It Out

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hey there it's Josh welcome back to let's game it out check it out u-boat today look at these beautiful sweeping shots of an boat this game is the unlikely combination of SiC World War two subs and survival sandbox I could not be more excited if I tried the devs were kind enough to send me a key for this game let's try this out tutorial oh I don't know why but I wasn't expecting like a first person game okay first we got to do the normal checks I always do can I walk in water no the game is smarter than that there we go look at that run now the question is can I catch up with these dudes oh can I block these guys huh nope go right through are we saluting now can I join in nice buns guys get on board to prepare for the road our orders are on my desk make yourself familiar with them okay heading down on my bunk let's make sure to close the hatch I wasn't born in a barn Nicole well this is quite the pleasure cruise isn't it smoked meats just hanging out or something out of doom I can't really tell which she possessed or did someone just have shaky hands when they took this picture hey were you on your way to the club to wait is this normal does your shirt have zebra stripe sirs that just really wrinkled for noon on September 1 the transport vessel Falcon left the port in Edinburgh we have information that a radar technology prototype had been loaded on it your task is to find the wreckage retrieve the equipment and if possible surely you can already tell the words you shouldn't have said in there if possible we cannot be linked to the sabotage or attempts to seize the radar it takes these back seas you already said if it's possible and I'm telling you it's not possible wow this map is pretty intense look at this here's our boat and here's how far we can zoom out so if I'm here and I just drag a line in we go over here oh yeah wow this game is massive looks like I just plotted our journey a mere 13,000 281 kilometers if my math is correct that's about half a mile I love seeing my guy down there especially because it thinks he's playing cards like I've never seen a portrait that looks more World Series of Poker than that dude okay tutorial seriously where oh you just want me to go here oh boy we're getting underway you can see the whole ship this is lovely I got a stuck turns out you can make course corrections on the fly okay guys listen I need you to reverse now that's a little fast that's a little fast alright never really cooking with gas I do enjoy that you get to see a cross-section of the ship like FTL style you know so you can see the part where nobody's doing anything except doing kegels and misson apparently where's my guy oh cool he's just staring at meets s1 does alright finally this is all I wanted there's a time compression thing where time speeds up which is especially darling when you're out here hello barf City looks like Stefan Keller decided to take a nap while on duty we should react to such a blatant lack of discipline what punishment will be right for him well obviously execution oh my god it's happening well that'll teach him to be sleeping when you should have been working alright enough of that tutorial stuff love even the loading screen because it's got four hipsters all deciding who's gonna shoot the gun okay here we are with our five young studs down below nice to see you all milling about so I think it's fair to say the first thing we need to do is change these people's personas here it's give you something a little more fitting see that's what I'm talking about we're gonna give everybody that nice agent 47 look everyone gets a pipe everyone you get stupid looking sunglasses really the only way you're gonna be able to tell these people apart is by their shirt there see how much better that is see that way you can tell who's important she's at this dude going to the club it's funny to just go between these dudes so sunglasses add a little something serious I'm a big fan I'm so glad you can even see the pipe in your shadow okay we got us some fun missions okay difficulty aside listen to these missions transport some dude report to your new officer or blow some stuff up I think it's pretty clear which one we have to do your order is to sneak into Cardiff docks and break enemy spirits by showing them that their ships are not safe at any place don't worry I'm planning on showing everyone that nothing is safe at any place all right guys we need to have a little talk here you can't eat all the soup that's gotta last the entire voyage so this is us and if we just zoom out like a lot a lot a lot a lot that's where we need to go up there in the English Channel so we're just gonna go ahead and set the most basic route so that's as many as it allows me to do so we're gonna have to do some course correcting once we get through the Celtic Sea all right boys let's launch oh wait wait wait did you see that before we go on our maiden voyage over here I really need to know if we can like Beach this thing so first let's go ahead and just take our beautiful ship okay this is good this is good this is looking very very good up you go well I think that's it I think we're stuck oh you know what this gun goes a lot lower easy does it oh no and by that I mean oh yes watch out everybody I can't believe the game lets me do this I can't believe these guys are still business as usual okay I know he's dead and that's not supposed to be funny but uh he died man sprinting and that it's kind of funny it's very simple all we really need to do is just select forward for a caution to the wind sorry about your troops oh wait wait wait what did you do there no no stop stop stop now look what you've done that's looking good nice sure gotta have the iconic pipe visible at all times alright guys straight ahead there's this enemy base here we're gonna take a look see if we can't do something about it bad news everybody we've been spotted we have no choice but to die of maximum dip oh that ships pooping on us Oh own decision okay that's just a minor leak and we have some injured here just a few the good news is we're slowly but surely sinking while that plane harmlessly flies overhead yes surely no one will find us here well this doesn't seem good at all I went ahead and sealed up the bulkhead here as you can see our guy is uh he's doing alright okay look I'll take it a little more seriously this time now I understand that the Allies mean business si good as new okay let's not go there this time we're in the neighborhood of our target now thankfully we've got the cover of rain to protect us but I think it's time to dive wow this guy really wanted to smoke a cigarette didn't he just doesn't care whatsoever couldn't open Otis we're taking on water guys is there a reason you didn't think it was important oh no oh my god no one's closing the hatch I guess I've got to do it okay quickly Jesus you guys close that okay see that's much better so I turn down this pump here and thank God we're actually finally pulling the water out slowly but surely coastal defence patrol questionable ships everywhere why is there just a blood spill here are you just examining it for clues did you just kill a man down here hold that thought it's time to go be a hero uh where's my nevermind where was I well you guys seem remarkably calm considering what's happening don't worry I was just okay here we go and there's one waiter you're gonna Ram me is that what your deal is oh yeah oh that's good that's good that's great where was I they seem to be coming back for more is this just how you guys do it around here are you coming to Tony Hawk our boat again so I can't seem to use the gun anymore because we seem to be not floating anymore guys what is going on down here you look a little frightened over there buddy look I get it I'm scared too guys man just think we haven't even gotten close to Cardiff docks yet you suppose that is right there huh oh now they're dropping depth charges this boats not looking quite so good anymore but if there's one thing I do know it's that this guy's gonna finish his cigarette that you guys even died this way like I know I should administer first aid to you guys but I'm more concerned about what kind of partying you did they got you up here in the first place okay so this time we're gonna avoid those guys this is a lot harder than I thought it'd be but don't worry we're not gonna stop until we sink something or finish a mission or I don't know what oh my god they closed the hatch this time I guess all that time under waters really taught them a thing or two about camaraderie and stuff after this dude now that we're hiding from everybody onward okay we got a sink two Corvettes sized or larger ships I think those ones will do that are probably firing at us right now we're gonna surface because you need some fresh oxygen we're gonna handle this conflict a little bit differently they were probably supposed to I feel like for a submarine it's probably the element of surprise that really wins the war oh my God look at all these targets I think I'll start with this one do you that's what I'm talking about so you check that out we sank that freighter this is so easy all you got to do is be somewhere where they can't mobilize to get you really though I know what we all want we signed up for some hot naval action we're not just gonna stand by the sidelines and win like champions we're gonna go in for a suicide run hey guys come on let's play fair now see the subtitles just miscellaneous crying okay so we're just hanging out at the bottom of the ocean here I've had my boys Hill Burton atom over here figuring out trajectory and all kinds of stuff for shooting a torpedo at it and especially considering we're literally on top of that ship I think we'll be okay we'll just go ahead and do torpedo number two here everybody hold on to something oh cool torpedo was a dud let's shoot yeah okay guys cool story let's try a third one well I don't know if you heard the explosion at least the things on fire that's all I care about at this point I feel reasonably certain that 56% is good enough let's just go ahead and fire this up there ghosts and a beautiful lovely head yeah yeah lose your cargo survivors so why go after them the answer is yes all right say your prayers as I bullet time destroy you maybe I might a little low I missed off Fiddlesticks I look at these two I feel kind of bad now I mean not that bad did I just help them what the hell was that oh there's more of you hello they're like bumper cars today we're just gonna get out of here I'm gonna use the bay here to just scrape my ship off the side we managed to get out we managed to escape mission completed we are genuinely impressed by the scope of success of this assignment you and me both how nice some fresh recruits well I know how to celebrate my solid victory and that's with some nice human sacrifice yes salute he's like well my job here is done yet again you know what I just realized if we just keep heading west eventually we hit America over here is there a reason we can't just end the war right now let's go I'm sure it's only like 10 years to get there in a submarine just head right to the port of New York and New Jersey it's gonna be a great ride super duper rocky ride just all the way there my god is this actually gonna work couldn't be a nicer day to visit the states even if our on the other side of the war well we did it we sailed all the way to the United States there's the Port of New York and New Jersey and I've run into basically no opposition seems like a pretty friendly place having run into no enemy forces whatsoever what does that box up ahead is that New York at the port I've never felt more like I live in the matrix than this moment well here we are in New York a beautiful cinder block and we are gonna become one with it yeah that we are by to be fair the game is still in early access I'm sure they just haven't built this part out yet well I guess we're defecting to America now if for no other reason then we don't have enough fuel to get back let's go ahead and give them German trade secrets we're just gonna go ahead and Beach this bad boy here we go here we go huh and we did it welcome to America well I hope America is ready for some sensual German men and some meats all right so I think that's gonna do it I hope you had some fun I know I did and I'll see you next time [Music]
Channel: Let's Game It Out
Views: 3,150,934
Rating: 4.8864408 out of 5
Keywords: uboat, uboat game, uboat gameplay, u boat, u boat game, u boat gameplay, simulation games, u boat simulator, submarine simulator, german uboat, submarine game, drive a submarine, crash a submarine, submarine crash, funny moments, simulator funny moments, funny clips, tycoon funny, let's game it out, lets game it out, letsgameitout, lgio, I Stole a German Submarine, Defected to America, simulator
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 43sec (643 seconds)
Published: Fri May 17 2019
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