Building a 70 Story Tower to Spite Mother Nature - Corma - Let's Game It Out (Early Access Gameplay)

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everybody welcome back to let's gaming out we are checking out a game called korma this is a survival game that I know nothing about currently in open beta welcome to karma right now worm is in beta testing bla bla bla bla bla lord of the land hmm smiles all day huh Who am I to judge brace yourselves were going in for smiles all day hello smiles is anyone else out here hello there I am now named unnamed player Peron like press ENTER to talk please God don't leave me here all by myself I'm so lonely I need companionship okay I don't think that guy's gonna play with me found the carnival oh my god another person what is life like over there so let's talk about this game for a second this game is early access free on Steam it is clearly a survival game reminds me a lot of rust right now I'm just running around it's got that pretty unreal game look to it there are two people here are you guys besties we just go around and we pick up wood that's great I guess we just harvested from these uh these these stumps here really why kill me can we be besties I think someone over there is gonna want to be besties there can only be two Oh oh is that a no on the besties oh god there's like three people in the game and already it's awful alright so that server didn't work out let's try that again real fast couldn't find any other servers we're just gonna play this single-player here free without any racial slurs it's gonna do us some quick resource gathering woah woah Superman back off with all that wood whoa oh my god and the sound is just getting louder and louder don't know if you can hear this but it's just compounding on itself I think I found the magical tree well that went well I would say I got to remember this tree this was this was this is really fruitful here's all the stuff we can craft you know it's all the stuff like campfire furnace metal bed wood axe pickaxe we're gonna need that pickaxe we can beat on stuff I also made a blueprint we'll see what that does in a second here can't wait to try out some of this here boom powder but to get that we're gonna have to get some copper bars and other stuff I think we all know the order of priorities with stuff like this right you first want to get a camp fire going then you want to get a furnace and then a prison bed you want to move your way to some boom powder before finally making some blueprints making herself a little house and then you want to go right to the m4a4 that's just standard good so let's see we need to and we can just pick up stone maybe let's not throw that axe so close to our face when we run okay whoo okay we can just go ahead whoa whoa whoa what what am I the Invisible Man can I just play the whole game like this man ran looking for some rocks this looks well paved is that the Sun or the moon what day is it am I on planet Earth so many questions what's that glowing over there let's go check that out is that just the Sun reflecting off of a rock crap that's exactly what it was it's like a copper rock or something wow that is one hefty gold nugget if I get out of here I know I've got it made good God the Sun sets fast Oh fiddlesticks is sure is getting dark well this is a conundrum to make that axe we need 125 stone and we don't have it yes I better eat me some apples ooh what's this radioactive pool over here this water kind of hurts the eyes doesn't that drink water yeah drink it all do you see that over there like a glimpse of red what is that sound like a cult um I thought I was on like a deserted island is this like the local Walmart what there was a motel excuse me hotel nope nope I was right the first time it's not just a motel either there's like a whole parking lot and everything what what what cable six van tell me what's going on here can I get in this can I go in here you got your party hard here you flipped over the whole table oh thank god it's just creepy there's no bodies there anything pants still there I hope these people come back soon cuz they left their lights on that's not gonna last forever not to turn into a detective here but this manhole cover leads me to believe not only do we have a motel but we also have like a sewage system so I've got so many questions that means there's infrastructure there's these power lines that go to nowhere okay that doesn't belong there that toilet should be in one of the rooms oh look at this look at this Oh beans Oh Oh TV running water well I guess my jury's complete looks like I can't claim any of these rooms as my own and this one I mean they haven't even put the toilets in hey go take that toilet from around back just put it in their hands pants pants pants pants pimp and putback is this just Canada is this how all of Canada is let's take a second look at these here blueprints right so I built these blueprints which are used to construct buildings a domicile if you will here we go this is like rust rust Oh since to him I'm assuming other games too it wouldn't sound ation pillars walls floor we'll just build our house right outside of the hotel here here's my goal now that I know that there's a hotel there's gotta be other stuff right yeah right here on the path this seems what what is your idea what's good right here okay so the sunset and I can't see anything so I figured I would collect some rocks and also we got ourselves a pickax oh yeah look at that old copper ore there I can't like dismantle this car can I you wouldn't steal a car would you what about these tables what about this bit huh what's this oh my god a flashlight you were just there waiting for you to find you this whole time right let's use the flashlight no turns on and turns off I don't know what I was expecting hey that or I have decided that the better place for us to be is way up there because if there's that hotel right there's got to be other crazy things on this island oh my god look look look look look look that is not a natural structure right there or I don't know maybe this is just normal in Canada and Brendan Brendan Brendan runnin runnin runnin runnin runnin runnin my god is this the ski lodge is this where you host your corporate events is this where you wait what is this are you a prison guys got a little problem here call it a hunch but I don't think your prison is very secure here huh what's this what's this what's this Apple damn it I have those God I feel like there's just some hidden meaning here are these hieroglyphics what does it means or anything for us to steal oh thank god the Dharma Initiative left us some water so we're here we're going up there again guys fix your fence pants man out of geez how am I gonna get up there there's our point of entry right there that's it up slipping and sliding no no no no no oh oh that hurt we're gonna have to find another way around see I knew we were on an island well now I have no choice but to keep on going see what we find over here so excited I'm hoping that you know maybe we'll find like an underworld so here we are on the Dark Side of the Moon we don't just see the ocean or the horizon we're seeing the edge of the earth oh my god the flat-earthers were right feel like I'm at reading somewhere that humanity was not meant to go oh what a shocker a dead end got to go back the way I came so I'll hand it to this game it's really made some lush forests oh it's all happening look do you see what I see a little friends what are we doing it's gonna be okay hey hey come here so it looks like I can't hit them are you telling me I need to hit these pigs with the assault rifle well if you say so first we're gonna need a crafting bench right there in the forest sounds good Telos and now we're gonna build this furnace which will let us smelt things 35 seconds up god I don't have that kind of time on this beautiful island by myself furnace is done let's just put it right there we go that looks great let's let's hope the weather lasts to put this iron ore in there let's give it some of this wood Wow look at that go look at that wow that's so I should get 50 bars out of that oh wow this all goes at the same time heli I just get all that in there get in copper we're getting aloo bars yeah let's go ahead and build ourselves a little homestead right here nothing fancy just a nice little space to call home some windows there and then a doorway there door right there look at that look how great that is I mean there's no roof but you know at least it's there right I see you pigs I see just running around all three of you not sure how you managed to keep your whole civilization going but need to find one of those magical trees there has to be one oh yeah there we go those are the sick gains I'm talking about uh oh no my cup runneth over the only thing I need now is an M for you for magazines I need to make the boom powder which I can make here we go just make a bunch of boom powder none is that it is that the boom powder oh god I hope so but I made the boom powder game are you [ __ ] telling me that I can't actually use the boom powder that I made the [ __ ] boom batter it's not actually blue powder is that what you're [ __ ] telling me at this juncture this empty spot right here that says done that's the boom powder son of a [ __ ] I can't make guns so it turns out I can't actually make the gun cuz I can't make the gunpowder so we're gonna go back to objective number 1 seeing if we can see what's out there now let's make some else stairs there we go like that yeah and then [Music] you know that feeling when you're you wake up in the morning see the wildlife see the Sun rising in the sky and you think about the cabin you have built yourself a very very tall cabin you built yourself so I decided that since we couldn't get up that mountain and we wanted a vantage point I felt like you know what we should do we should build ourselves a nice little 70 story little skyscraper I timed it by the way it takes over a minute to get to the top of this thing so I'll just jump us to the top finally at the top all right now let's careful because it would really suck if I fed oh god oh god the game glitched the game glitched well let's take a look before we obey oh boy oh boy yeah I figured well let's see if we're in the same world god I can't believe that I'm just like looking around being like easy be careful and then the game like freezes for a second doesn't it almost feel like the game is screwing with us oh hey there it is this is what it looks like from the hotel over here it's my body like out here somewhere well I was looking for the pants but I didn't see him so I'm gonna go ahead and assume that we didn't leave anything behind okay now that we're finally up here what can we see so obviously that's the motel down there and there is the place with the hieroglyphics wait that looks like a monument to let's go check that out I'm seeing something all right well that's a ferris wheel alright complete with lights and little things and we've got the roller coaster and the merry-go-round and I'm pretty sure it's all haunted it's like you knew what I needed water an apple oh yes the old haunted circus apples my favorite we got the uncomfortable merry-go-round what's what's that shadow was it oh we've got the haunted swings complete with complimentary water oh oh wait do you really swing whoa oh this is the nightmare every kid has that it'll swing too high and then then they'll go flying just like that yep my nightmares realized there we go that's it oh good it's got lights thank goodness all of the the carnival folk just left water for me and I'm glad these are still going clearly not being ridden by ghosts right now and look Armageddon is happening behind it that's just a really abrupt sunset but I guess we're left with no choice we need to take these kitti run downstairs and try to get into this thing and that that already doesn't bode well alright I'm in just easy let's just have us a nice fun time now I need you to just do dude stop I need you to stop please huh look at that now this is nice where's my tower there it is do you see look how beautiful that thing looks in the sunset huh this is not where I thought this experience was going I picked at this game like cool a survival game in the forest oh don't worry it's gonna help you discover the true meaning of this game that there's a haunted carnival let me off let me off let me off ooh ooh how do you get on this thing do you just climb up I'm pretty sure there's no entry point I think I know why this carnival failed I'm pretty sure that's our only three landmarks we've got the motel we've got the haunted carnival and we've got the under construction mining site and the rest of course is all just surrounded by ocean and we can see the edge of the ocean thus Flat Earth confirmed so that's gonna do it for this episode of let's game it out as always I am Josh thank you so much for watching and I will see you next time [Music]
Channel: Let's Game It Out
Views: 3,354,293
Rating: 4.9355736 out of 5
Keywords: corma game, corma gameplay, corma, corma game guide, corma alpha, corma early access, building a 70 story tower, to spite mother nature, let's game it out, lets game it out, lgio, lgio josh, josh lgio, survivla games, survival games early access 2019, survival games early access, early access survival games, early access 2019
Id: 3uwFrrvgI64
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 50sec (710 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 24 2019
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