I Run a Post Office That Is Clearly Purgatory - Willowbrooke Post gameplay - Let's Game It Out

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hey everybody welcome back to let's game it out I am Josh and we are checking out Willowbrook Post Excalibur thank you for hooking me up with a key this is a management sim where you get to be a male person I believe as always we're gonna try and play this game as wrong as possible but brace yourself it's brand new to early access so he might run into some bugs as well new game to your customers the Bell is currently out of order please knock on the window for assistance we apologize for any inconvenience Stan Brooke railway management you got it hello hello oh good evening yes let's all pretend this is normal yeah here to collect a reserved ticket certainly can I have your name please wait where'd I put my name no not John Doe no I am NOT John Doe backup I yes John Doe here you are no nuh-uh backup ok we're back let's try that again hello what did you do I'm afraid I'll have to charge you for this oh dear that'll be 200 gilled wow this is not starting off well ok enter your name mr. mail fraud oh yes mr. mail fraud here you are sorry for the delay one ticket to Willowbrook lovely town here's the train here to take us to not animal crossing slash harvest moon are these pill bottles here did I take a bunch of narcotics for the trip yep blacking out now ok so here we are I believe in the post office that we are soon to call home we have a stamp dispenser that's sold out we have what looks to be a bunch of broken windows it looks like I can write letters here I'll check this out tomorrow oh you'll check this out now are those stamps are those like Nintendo switch cartridges local events and opportunities within Willowbrook looks like we got lots of local events yes sure there wasn't like a bomb scare and everyone's gone ok we also got the postbox village letters that are due for sorting and delivery nothing in here oh my god look at this you can watch this wall light like disintegrate in real time let's just turn that off for now I do my best mail sorting in the cover of night what's this a villagers private lockbox rented for the entire year what you mean I can't open these it's probably for the better write that I can't just go through people's lockers turn that light off let's go behind the counter see this is the powered play where you only have light on your side so everyone comes in feeling uncomfortable and doesn't want to stay sealed letter it's addressed to you ok there's a whole lot of reading someone's gonna summarize it for you mom and dad went on a trip left this place to us for a year basically said like don't screw it up fireplace light it cool we did it now let's turn off all these lights save ourselves the bulbs there we go from creepy to cozy instantaneously alright let's just go upstairs whoa we're going to heaven okay here we are so many knickknacks to go through this is our parents house I guess we've been here probably before but I like the idea that we're just like yeah oh god what's this Lincolnville oh cool the game lets me take it I'm taking it I hope there's like a closet full of these because I'm gonna need them quite the swanky pad I have here hello it's Pete your father told me to meet you when you arrived I saw the lights on and I'm sorry the lights weren't on where's my axe I gotta stop this guy Pete I'm here hello loyal thank God when the revolution comes I'm gonna need you so you've got quite the task ahead of you to be in charge of this place no thank you all stick to delivering the mail Oh Betty might be just a bucket of rusted bolts but that van has served me well what is that face you're making Pete hey this goes without saying but we have to make sure we earn enough income to pay off the post office bills any gas water electricity that we use needs to be paid off every day there will always be a red envelope for each of them by the front door in the morning I'm gonna go check out the mailbag see what I have to tackle in the morning feel free to go to bed you must be pretty tired after being up so long don't come back here no no no no what's it what's in there well look how exciting this looks can I take all this stuff you mean give me all this what is happening to your body Pete okay good night Pete I'm just gonna turn off all these lights have fun working in the dark okay good night why do I have a stamina meter what kind of game is this that's nice and bright and blue me outside can I just go back to bed yep time to sleep my first day away Tuesday the second I don't want to deal with today good night spring is it not even telling me what day it is now well I slept for four solid days let's go see what's going on here I think I'm supposed to make food but everything is just so bright in here let's that sounds terrible but let's make some boiled eggs okay I don't have enough of everything and I also this I would argue is up to debate that you need all these things I have all the things make an apple pie all right cook it geez oh it's ready there it is grab it with your bare hands okay time to have the breakfast of champions an apple pie okay previous day's electricity water gas okay and I got to pick up all this junk mail I guess take a look at the post oh my goodness there's so many inmate 488 can I read this stuff so I can't read the mail unfortunately but I can't empty the box out now the stuffs are ready to sort okay this looks like the sorting station maybe what the hell the light just blew out check out this computer here what the hell is that noise what is going on out here oh my god is this a horror game Jesus hi oh god more people are coming in and I don't know what to do oh here we go okay all letters require valid stamps is the letter within the acceptable weight limit is a signature required is the envelope in good condition is the address correct for the intended recipient as the customer have any special requirements if priority is the letter covered by AB special delivery shower okay so it's like papers please but with mail that means we can just no wait I didn't mean to do that oh oh we got a sorting fine what a shocker okay what if what if I just no no no no I didn't mean to click that one either oh god what happens if we run out of money I'm just gonna keep clicking this now oh your path you couldn't pay off fills the post office was repossessed by the bank this current version of the game ends here remember to keep your eye on your income all right let's try this again mr. mail fraud don't screw it up this time I like how as I'm loading in you get to hear all the bulbs breaking simultaneously here we are Thursday the 4th do you hear that is someone breaking into the shop where were all these things just exploding simultaneously though hi you're here can i whoa hey is why can't you just walk through that door P wait is there really a world out there Pete how come I can't go out there and why can't I pick up these bills check out the computer here nice and old just the way we like it ok so let's see we've got email compose email I'm in bed here loll and let's send it to whoever this is Magnifico you go Magnifico I'm in bed here loll ok we got our internet client here ok cool this is how we order stuff you don't have money for this kind of stuff though so we're just gonna hold off on this for now and just not eat anything I guess file browser doesn't want to do anything neither just print neither does games so let's collect our mail take it out of the box go on to the back here and now it's sorting time okay so we need to check all the postal regulations to make sure is there a stamp I mean that looks like a stamp right has to be under 25 grams which it is envelope looks to be in good condition address correct how am I supposed to know that oh I look over here Andrew 31 violet close Willowbrook yep I guess it passes here we go Pass why why I thought it was good wasn't that good oh no this is hard I don't think it requires anything else special everything looks good pass how'd we do okay there we go see now we're talking all mail to lockbox okay that's that's cool how do i how do i flag that okay here we go so these are the different codes here do i flag it for both lockbox and or incorrect address i guess let's try there you go there we go okay okay I got this that one passes no problems here okay I got this down sorting complete we did it and we move it to the mailbag okay Oh what's happening oh my stamina hmm good night oh wow you just wake up upstairs so if your stamina gets too low you're like f this I need to go to bed right now it's like I've been asleep for a million years okay pick all these this letters to just announce our new property rate 1250 Oh God okay we got to sort the red box here which it's got all these symbols that I don't understand in the slightest what am I supposed to do here let's just click that sent a lockbox three great I don't know what this symbol is oh it's to call oh I called in there like it needs a signature okay great okay ooh fancy green envelope I like it oh that's junk mail and Alex likes junk mail okay well then you can have this here you go oh this person doesn't want junk mail and I'm assuming because it's yellow it's junk mail crap someone's here except I can't leave this screen until no I didn't mean to click that no god I hear people coming in and what's happening now oh cool cool wow this game is really hard I'm mr. mail fraud let's try this again I love it I'd just love loading the game for this reason okay I'm at least looking healthier in the stamina Department this is my life now I just I'm just sorting mail now hey this bills negative 6 does that mean they pay us oh my god the Mail's just never ending I think I'm getting the hang of this I go back here and I sort sorting complete oh God someone's here hello are you wearing chainmail yeah take your sweet time afternoon you called me earlier about my letter I had to pay a fee hope it's not too much yeah get collect the fee gimme I need that money bonus I think I'll go and pay my rent now thanks for this okay bye hey do you think maybe I can oh oh now's my chance I can go outside no I want to go outside no let me oh I made it I made it outside see I knew it I knew it was a ruse out here oh my god oh wow I think we just approached the singularity I mean I went to the light I guess I don't know what else I was expecting see now I understand why Pete wouldn't open the door for me he knew the truth that there's actually nothing outside the post office okay you know what let's start a new game because we're so screwed on this one okay let's not break the window this time I guess I read all mail yep there we are just me and my prescription pills oh good all the lights are still breaking we get here and all the bulbs are simultaneously broken I'm glad that was persistent from my last game let's grab all these supplies again okay fresh day one let's try not to screw it up this time look at all the money we have now hello what do you need what did you give me just give me like a parcel wait let me out please I want to go back into the void damn it do I need to like make it I need a wrap an item okay here we go what's supposed to go in there oh god what did I just throw in there was that what needs to be sent okay so packing peanuts which one of these is packing peanuts yet dump them in there you go there you go packing peanuts where's Maya they were gonna parcel tape here we go there you go I hope I'm mailing the right thing here and now we need to put an address label on I don't have the foggiest idea who this is going to and here postage okay it's ready to go it's gonna cost 155 to ship and I send what needed to be sent why did I do that so the core of this game is pretty simple you grab the mail you depressingly wander back you cut through the door like you're a wizard and then you sit here and you just flag mail forever and then once you're done sorting the mail you pick it up and you move it to the mailbag and now it just lives in here and then you run back here and you see if there's more mail and there isn't and then you just stare into the middle distance hoping someone anyone comes in but then there's other stuff you can do like ordering groceries so you don't die Oh i redeemed a coupon for a green apple how am I just full of coupons can I just keep pushing this button this is great we're gonna have my inventory is full of food now let's call the Historic Society I'm not even sure what this is but let's see oh god I can't even read that - one four oh one one eight seven hopefully five well far be it for me to not know how to read this to one four zero one one 873 there we go connected hello hello how are you are we just did I just call them to silently sit here and my that guy um how do I get off the call oh Christ I don't think I can get off the phone oh yeah yeah I'm stuck here all time is stopped - its 1109 a.m. forever hold on we're gonna restart this again note to self don't call the Historic Society this time how do I get to this liquor I need this the most gimme it I can write a letter let's do it okay let's write it - Magnifico cuz there's no one else to write it - he burnt your parcel la la okay cool just finished sorting that mail and uh um where am i why am i back in oblivion although time is still going I wonder if I fall asleep like let's just wait for my stamina to run out and maybe I'll like wake up back in the real world okay here we go getting a little more woozy that's what happens when you hit terminal velocity near falling through space oh there we go are we back in reality now who do we got I think we treated one problem for another I appear to have gone blind it would appear that I can interact with things I'm trying to see if I can get to the stairs there we go look going downstairs let's see if this helps nope still blind okay cool I found the wrapping gel can I wrap an item okay now I'm really screwed there's no way I'm getting out of this screen so I think we're gonna cap it here for now honestly the mail sorting parts pretty fun game is in super early access I expected to get better for now feels like I'm in a coma trapped in my own mind so that's gonna do it for this episode of the lets game it out as always i am josh and i will see you next time [Music]
Channel: Let's Game It Out
Views: 1,623,983
Rating: 4.9456348 out of 5
Keywords: willowbrooke post, willowbrooke post game, willowbrooke post gameplay, willowbrooke, post office simulator, post simulator, postal service simulator, let's game it out, lets game it out, lgio, lgio josh, willowbrooke post first look, willowbrooke post early access, willow brooke post, willowbrooke post office, willowbroooke, willowbrooke post game guide, willowbrookepost
Id: dFpYsnPavhA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 1sec (781 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 28 2019
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