I Turned a Cute Colony Game Into a Serial Killer Simulator - Founders' Fortune

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hey there it's Josh welcome back to let's game it out checking out founders fortune today a game about mining crystals to work on your glutes and apparently make some drugs I can't even see his hands anymore I'm kidding I think it's like a management game we start with two random colonists they come with random personality traits as well as specializations I clicked random colonists for a while hoping Greece would show up to her benefit she's probably in hiding so instead we're gonna try and pick the most worthless people possible we're gonna go with Madeline here who was both a killer and a pessimist how can you hate someone who loves apple strudel and for Madeline's BFF we're gonna go with Jan here because I love the idea that limping is part of your personality okay here we are on the shore Lutz and all Madeline's got the right attitude man there's so much that could go wrong in the next couple of days what do our little lawn gnome people sound like anyway okay cool kind of like this this reminds me of like The Sims a little bit Oh check it out even got sims like menus so we have the amicable options talking and hugging or we could go straight to fighting and obviously kill let's do this Oh so while they're fighting if I try to hug what happens oh look they hug and maybe more it's hard to tell and then right back to the punch and she and don't put up with that oh no Madeline you cold-blooded murderer it shouldn't be funny I like how there's a blood clot is putty look at the thoughts column over here happy to have received a hug happy to have a new colony happy to have won a fight but mostly happy to have killed someone Wow I guess it's time to sleep now in the presence of your old friend so it looks like up here we've got all of our resources this is like raw food and cooked food we got wood stone or marijuana heroin cotton magical crystals scrolls for scholars coins and of course getting its own special category here while Madeline's sleeping let's go ahead and build a bonfire which I can't possibly do this k9o yeah that's a real problem you can't build that close to water of course okay well we'll just put it right over here here you go Madeline figure that out wow that's that's a very elaborate bonfire next we're gonna build this amazing fruit basket oh my god how I wish I could build this right here if only I hadn't murdered my best friends so close to water that's crazy building that thing put food right in it you're just going to town on it here's our butyl scenery by the way it would appear that we are on a beautiful little island that we are gonna take over looks like there's an existing civilization here that we're just gonna have to go ahead and destroy even though they're kind of hanging out just doing their own thing maybe making out through their masks I can't really tell yeah seems like a normal day to me to just kick back you and your apples well Madeline's kicking back let's go ahead and build our facility here we want our place to be you know attractive to potential new people okay well I ran out of wood as I was starting my home but we'll get there oh my god migrants have arrived send a colonist to accept them oh my god GNU got this one Madeleine stop what you're doing good talked about how do I do this wall should I as much as I want to do this I'm pretty sure we don't have the health to accomplish that so we'll just accept them hello my hands are still dirty from bloodthirsty murder Alexandra slike I don't want to talk about it let's just let's just get to work yes I'm giving these two people jabs I need you people to get a bunch of wood so we can finish our masterpiece here since you don't have tools that's the way to do it you show that well-rooted stump who's boss yes sleep my pretties you've had a long day drinking the blood fumes I know they'll get more effective at this when I can build some tools but I do kind of love this just motorboat that tree while you kick it and adilyn over here is so unhappy probably cuz I haven't let her kill anyone in a while she won't respond to any of my orders oh my goodness a traitor has arrived stood just like let's do the trade quick and get out of here okay Alexandra you know what to do oh yes Dean now we're talking it's okay Madeline Alexandra's got this I think hopefully I don't know oh-ho-ho there we go yeah Alexandra finish him off so weird eyes open she's whoa she just goes right to sleep Alexandra wake up we need to meet the new person hello Newport what happened I'm dying this is the best well always quiet for now Madeline's knocked out Alexandra got too excited by the new person who left now well I guess while they're knocked out let's finish building this door right here seems good Oh Madeline woke up must do some secret eating sleep until completely healthy yes sleep that limp off oh crap it's the last day of spring because I'm not supposed to screw around this much they're supposed to have like 20 villagers by now now I've got another new person quite the welcoming party we got going on here Annalise and I assume this is the last settlement on earth I can't imagine why you would stop here let's make this lovely person a farmer okay well this nightmare is partially completed I mean there's no floor or anything now we're gonna add a lovely research book stand just put it right who cares split right there yeah we did it we had we built the book stand which allows our people to research stuff Alexandra get over here we're gonna have you become a scholar she's like I'd rather study death apparently part of becoming a scholar means you need crystals which means Alexandra here it goes out into the forest and then just beats the crap out of them you just like research okay I believe yeah that's this up here no look at this branching excitement we're gonna start with farming for two reasons one if we don't pretty sure we're gonna die and two who doesn't want to get to writing as fast as possible Alexandra's over here being a scholar by studying principles of blank paper and once this little sundial gets completed five times we'll have completed our research I know that these two sleep over here we're just analyse sleep oh I see when you love your work that much huh okay finally farming unlocked we did it that means we can go over here to the farming column and get some soil going for our potatoes and boy are we gonna need this this is what they meant right like is this how we're supposed to we'll not a moment too soon because there's no food left and potatoes harvest in what like 10 minutes next research we're gonna work on is woodworking mostly so we can make tools and stuff oh no looks like Madeline lost consciousness we'll just continue on without her I love that to finish this work she just gets pushed out of the way okay we got people starving here how soon till these are ready Madeline Madeline can you at least you know help the crops with your corpse aha here's the person that will save us let's hope this dude doesn't see his predecessor in the background there okay Alexandra I'm getting you to go haggle and I never mind Annalise stop whatever you're doing I need you over here needs you to trade ASAP so we're gonna sell all this garbage that we don't need that probably would have helped people not die and in exchange we're gonna buy all this tomato hey Alexandra come over here and enjoy these cool Oh Alexandra died so it's up to Annalise now to carry on you'd think I should start over but we're not going to cuz I have faith that Annalise can pull this off so we just need to step over Madeline's body here plant some fresh crops because these ones died also it's almost false we got to really get this show on the road died I believe we can do it I've got confidence even if you don't she wants a bedroom so we'll give her one we can't this whole thing be her bedroom to see if we can keep her mood up cuz I can't have her freaking out again so I've told her to dance because this isn't the saddest thing imaginable is the Soul Survivor standing here just dancing with nobody this isn't even helping her mood hey here she goes doing the research that one just simply needs to do yes I'm talking about look at that look at all those effective tools we have now we're gonna take us a little tool rack put it right here yep that's right and just shove Alexandra's body right underneath it yes it's perfect oh my God look at these amazing tools Alexandra's just like what did I do to deserve this oh yeah oh yeah that's how you make tools old it out of clay an imagination and there we go one wooden axe Alexandra approves now we're gonna build us a tool rack which we're gonna place all the way over here next to this guy's lovely body we're gonna have an Elise here equip the wooden axe perfect okay we got a new friend that's arrived I like it he joined and he's immediately unhappy yeah limp over there cut some trees perfect what a great colony everybody gets their own dead person to sleep next to my god look at this we've actually got potatoes to harvest this is fantastic and weirdly easy oh boy it's that time again trader is here we got wood so let's sell them some wood and also your death as everyone leaves this murder with good feelings more people feel like she's already trying to climb back on her boat and get out of here Doris hey Doris this is just for you a sleeping bag shoved into these plants I guess let's also put like a floor in the house and by floor I mean a simple dirt pad a building dirt perfect it's now winter looks pretty rough out there and in here look at this it's like we're almost a real community now we got someone making pickaxes we have someone building the floor just in this one frame we can see four dead bodies oh cool another traitor yep get Adam you unfeeling monsters also gonna add a bunch of things we need like this like healing thing cheeky goblins attacking where are these cheeky goblins oh yeah here he comes okay well you know the drill little does this guy know we've been training for this wow that was easy yeah okay device you can go back to work now he's dead what are you three psychos doing over here you just eaten all the food okay it's spring again we're gonna put in some tomatoes tomato we did it oh we got ourselves a little bit of a problem I bought pumpkin stew but I don't know how to give it to people I think that might be shelf for food from the kitchen can't make without advanced cooking and advanced cooking is all the way over here oh dear our people are sad and also dying slowly but surely quickly new guy plant those Tomatoes well this isn't looking so good oh no Doris died where was Doris even oh there she is was still is I don't think Tobias is looking very good either though I gotta admit yeah there he goes yo they're dead because they get them blood fumes okay so that Archibald should get up at least Annalise is still here okay okay cool story don't get up guys awake good I really thought that was the end oh you know what there's a perfectly good apple tree like right near my base Archibald get over there look I'll even help you out I'm gonna put the raw food thingy like right there eat buddy there you go there you go oh my god look he has no health right now close call oh just in the nick of time hello there hipster and not a moment too soon Nathaniel here's like what have I gotten myself into what must Nathaniel be thinking he comes into sleep and it's just a bunch of dead bodies so we did it we made it to the point where we can harvest some tomatoes look at this good fortune okay new guy right a passage you know what to do that is a menacing phase oh no that's like well I never and he just leaves oh hell yeah you know what I didn't realize you can remove the equipment from these dudes we can take their clothes this is everyone's royalty now so I figure at daybreak I'll just go ahead and walk our guys right over here to where there's a goblin encampment let's go kill these guys that are really not doing anything to hurt us yeah put your mean face on okay we did it knocked him out I'll finish them off okay is it time to like loot this place now can we destroy okay or if you're Nathaniel you'll just fall over oh it turns out he's got internal bleeding I'm sure he'll be fine Oh at least we can play the drum which somehow feels even more sadistic after we murdered this whole village my favorite day has arrived you'd think this guy's first indicator that something is wrong besides of course the dead bodies is that he's greeted by people wearing clothes of traitors oh well he should have known better if we brought in a new person here Griselda fortunately is allergic to potatoes the Zelda will avoid dishes that contain potatoes well ain't that a shame the only thing we have are potatoes Rahzel de eat up if that potato allergy is serious business it's guys like I don't care and I'm sleeping in the fumes of three dead people okay so it's been a number of seasons now things have been going rather well I've got a whole bunch of supplies as you can see now for the most part though it's been business as usual we've also had a couple of traders come by I gave them the old standard hello to my Island at this point there's just bodies everywhere but I kind of got tired of them just being all over the place like this so I built like a little shed where most of them go and also occasionally the goblins send someone to fight us they usually show up we just wail on them all my guys have a good time they have smiles on their faces and then they go about their day and they've done this a couple of times but aside from these dudes they send every so often we have a pretty harmonious relationship which is good cuz they're just right over here I've also spent a bunch of time researching just all this stuff but really the purpose of researching was to get to towers so if we go over here to the military tab one of the things we can make is a watch tower where we can put archers let's do a first test I like put one of these right here is like a welcoming party for the next trader that comes by cool now stay up there forever try to look a little less excited that you're probably gonna kill someone today there we go is he just punched in the guard tower oh wow that's that's an impressive number of arrows in his head oh my god I didn't realize you could move it with a person in it hold on hold on hold on I got an idea let us do battle let us do future battle and our Flying Saucer just get close enough to yep but you guys didn't see this coming did you just a couple more Nathaniel just uh huh what you gonna do you gonna do about this huh oh yeah just slap it quick new guy we gotta go help Daniel okay well this is working great and there we go another village down are you not entertained there is much still to be done I bet these bad guys thought they'd be safe on this little island I bet they didn't realize that I have space technology oh yeah meanwhile back at the ranch of dead bodies and people have buried we have a new gentleman caller here now that I know we definitely don't need more people I'd like you to just go check out what's in the shed over there would that be cool okay watch out a new person here comes the angel of death no don't fight it where are you running wow this person looks really unhappy there you go okay perfect now that she's dead let's just go Park this side anethe annual it's a fresh day I see you're in good spirits let's have a light breakfast and then get you back in the cherry we're gonna go finish this we have one more innocent settlement to take care of and it's the big one you guys think you can Juke this huh there's these dudes trying to shoot me and I'm just dodging their arrows as best I can in real time of course now it's time for the true invasion in we go so goofy I love it okay this should about do it well that takes care of the Goblin threat for the most part with that said I think there's really only one thing left to do let's have nothing you'll kill Alexandra in her sleep you know they're locked into mortal combat yeah that'll show her I hate that pain you'll go finish her off now that we're just Nathaniel first we're gonna wait for a new person to arrive there they are among the fumes of the Dead I'm actually not gonna recruit this person I'm just gonna have her chase me into my death shed at a wall finish that wall off so no one can leave and now she can go ahead and inherit this civilization that's gonna do it for this episode hope you had fun I definitely did oh god the way he looked at us at the very end there all hail our new overlord this game is still in alpha I actually think it's really sweet I gave it 10 out of 10 savage colonists and I'll see you next time how can the game hasn't ended I don't have any colonists left
Channel: Let's Game It Out
Views: 3,252,828
Rating: 4.9508629 out of 5
Keywords: founders fortune, founders fortune game, founders fortune gameplay, founders' fortune, founders' fortune game, let's game it out, lets game it out, lgio, lets game it out tycoon, tycoon games, no swearing, teen friendly, i turned a cute colony game, cute colony game, serial killer simulator, funny moments, simulator funny moments, funny tycoon games, tycoon funny
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 20sec (860 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 23 2019
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