CRUSH The Queen's Gambit in 6 Moves: THE ALBIN

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ladies and gentlemen welcome back to another gotham chess openings video i'm very excited for this one today i will teach you how to absolutely crush the queen's gambit and anybody who starts the game with one d4 against you when you've got the black pieces now i should say that this is one of the main recommendations in my gotham gambits course for black feel free to check it out it goes into far more detail link is in the description but as always the video is split into a couple of parts first i will show you the theory and all of the moves that i am showing you on this board are linked they are in the description below you can plug them into any sort of reader that you'd like and then i have three time stamps i'm playing blizz games against my subscribers so here we go d4 d5 queens gambit with the move c4 afterward we will look at the london and other things that they can do to you so c4 we strike back with the move e5 as you saw on the thumbnail we are counter gambiting here now the best move in this position is for them to really take that gambit head on and say what do you want and when they do that we are going to play the move d4 the idea of this move is to blockade natural development we've got all sorts of bishop before ideas lurking in the future and of course i should show you how you can win in six or seven moves that is the very first thing that i should show you uh because obviously that's the most fun and exciting if the opponent meets this move d4 with the move e3 intending to trade off our central pawn here we lash out with the move bishop to b4 check that is the best move and then and only then will we take so that this bishop cannot easily recapture now if of course the opponent plays night out or nil then we just take it most people will block with the bishop and now we will take the pawn and here the untrained eye will say what an idiot they blundered a full bishop and it looks like they are actually completely correct because also if we take their queen they just take back well the king is guarding the queen so of course we need to continue on this journey pawn takes f2 check if the king takes the pawn we just take the queen for free then we come back we are up a queen you're welcome but what happens if they play king to e2 some people might play that move and it's defending their queen well if we just take the knight and make a new queen well then they're gonna take one queen with check and then they will take our other queen but if we play bishop to g4 x-ray then they move that same knight in block which is why the absolutely beautiful trap instead of pawn takes knight queen you hold your alt key and you make a knight that is the beautiful thing about this trap you make a knight and when they take back you have bishop to g4 winning the queen and if they go king to e1 you have one final move you have to remember which is queen out to h4 check and then your queen hunts everything down for example g3 you have queen e4 winning the rook and the game that is in a nutshell the absolutely most poisonous trap of the albin counter gambit but that is not a one it's not a one-trick pony all right if they play e3 then you have bishop to b4 now i should show you the best things right the best thing for them to do is to first play knight to f3 followed by a3 g3 those are the two critical most theoretical best lines absolutely best lines when they play knight f3 you play knight c6 in fact if they play just about any move you will play knight c6 for example a3 knight c6 etc if e3 without moving this knight at all uh you can play you know you can rotate this knight for example over uh or there's this move knight h6 here which i have included in the moves in the description knight h6 is intending to go to f5 and win this pawn back but knight f3 is considered the best move and we play knight c6 first let's take a look at this move a3 again if they don't play that if they play e3 then you will smash them with bishop b4 check and pawn takes pawn uh and if they play a3 which prevents all bishop b4 things you actually have a few moves i've left you here about four or five different options for you to investigate they're all played a lot my favorite thing to do here is to go for an extra gambit with this move f6 and when they take because if they don't then we will play a combination of a few moves here uh bishop g4 for example queen out and long castle very common here against this a3 setup if they do take then you can take uh and develop your bishop castle and basically in a perfect world your position will look something like this so you just get everything and you play a5 to prevent b4 you have a massive advantage of space you will go bishop f5 connect and just try to attack them for example when you make this battery of bishop and queen down to h3 that is very very strong uh i like this double gambit a lot but if you don't want to play a double gambit then you can play a lot of things first of all you can play a5 a5 prevents b4 uh and then you can expand your space here with knight e7 knight g6 and winning this pawn back these three knight moves to win the pawn back if you think that's a little bit slow you can play the main line which is bishop to g4 pressuring this and then you can play queen e7 queen d7 and long castle for example that's another way you can play this position and you say well what if if they do this then you just take and take the pawn that's kind of the whole point and this pawn is very annoying for white it doesn't let white develop naturally it's a it's a lot you know lodging in their position so bishop g4 is good there's also 97 knight g695 that's a little bit slow for my liking but it is also one of the major options now a well-prepared opponent here will play a move like g3 uh and by the way should you know should they play something else like knight d2 for example you can do all the same stuff you can play knight e7 knight g6 you can play bishop g4 queen e7 and castle queen side f6 is also an option there's a lot of overlap but g3 is an entirely separate beast and what i like to do against g3 is very simple and straightforward and that is play bishop to e6 okay not even taking this queen d7 and long castle and then just attack so for example i play this position if i see that they're committing their bishop for example a3 i just play h5 just h5 and i'm not scared i'm not scared of this advancement because my my piece can always rotate also this is just a hanging pawn in many positions but for example h4 i've had people play b5 against me b5 again not very scary at all you can always rotate your knight stop everything if the queen comes you play b6 you're very solid this queen is not going to break through you and if they take like this they are damaging their h file this is very very bad your rook will eat that up and the most fun happens if they play knight takes h4 because uh you'll play moves like bishop to e7 bishop h3 and i i mean i've had games where i just smash i mean it's just it's just belligerent attack down the h file uh and if they allow something like this this is just absolutely game over for white like you will just blast them off the board with g5 g4 knight h6 knight g4 taking on h2 and a good experienced player will launch a counter attack and it will be a messy game but your attack on the king's side is far more dangerous so i personally think well-prepared opponents will play moves like g3 because according to chess theory it is the best move and white can prevent that attack uh by playing solid for example and you know managing your attack with their attack i've had people play h4 against me uh when they do that i will just take on c4 or i will play like bishop e7 and just keep chugging away on that side or throw in a bishop h3 to get rid of the bishop and it's a complex game there is inherent risk because you are playing a gambit with black so you're a down upon but i find the position's a tremendous amount of fun and i score quite well with them uh but those are really your main lines uh with uh with g3 and a3 in the in the album counter gambit uh again the whole point of this introductory area is to give you a general understanding i would have to make a much longer video but it's to get you going and give you the main ideas um of course they also can take your other pun and then you would just take back with the queen this is absolutely not challenging you can just do this and very quick development quick quick quick get all your pieces out um knight c3 is well met with this little gambit where you can take on d4 take and now knight c6 baiting them into taking another one of your pawns bishop e6 queen takes rook takes and you have this laser beam and now you're threatening night before knight c2 which by the way is checkmate so just for fun look at that that's mate so you might beat somebody like that right but that's that that that's one nice way to meet knight c3 uh and obviously there's the entire complex of well what if they don't play c4 so personally when they play knight f3 i actually really like to play knight c6 uh and the idea of knight c6 is of course if you play c4 then e5 right again um and uh if they i mean if they play like this and take on d5 for example queen takes knight c3 bishop b4 pins the knight and doesn't let them take this is included in the notes this is all written in the notes in the description so i have given you options to play against knight f3 and what i recommend for you if you are afraid of the london system which obviously if you watch this it doesn't give you a big weapon against the london system i have a video called want to crush the london system watch this video go to that video watch that video and now you will have a bulletproof repertoire against d4 in general my repertoire against the london is to play c5 but if they play knight f3 knight c6 and then bishop f4 and you can't play c5 what i like here is to put the bishop on g4 and build up with e6 bishop d6 or f6 e5 that is exactly how that london system video works you watch those two videos you will be good um yeah enjoy the album counter gambit and uh let's get into some subscriber games here we go okay first game of the day is uh going to be emperor kira who was rated a thousand and one we're gonna have three games today normally i do two but today i'm doing three minute with two second bonus it's a bit faster but i do just want to get you all kind of i want to get you more positions than you would be expecting okay so here comes the album uh we'll see what happens most people i would say below 1500 will just take okay knight c3 is something we looked at in the intro uh and here you take on d4 and you have this very cool gambit anyway you play this knight c6 move which is very strong and here when white takes your pawn with the queen realizing that they can do so thinking that maybe you made a blunder you have your move bishop to e6 of course someone can also just hang their queen now yes you will also get this move if they play this you just keep pushing forward uh you need to kick the knight out of the center it's definitely the best move and it's a combination of a few things you will play bishop b4 bishop f5 knight f6 you need to quickly get your pieces out and developed knight d5 is not a bad move uh i can just attack it i kind of want to just attack it and get rid of it i can also play knight to f6 knight f6 actually is a bit more direct because for example if bishop g5 there is uh well that i can just take i think uh that's free now there is on poisson but just because you can doesn't mean you should if i go here and then queenie two is that something pinning me is my opponent secretly a genius i have some f5 there but f3 man i don't know could get weird you can also take on busan i know i said not to do that but i did that was before i saw this queen e2 move um i actually don't think that there's i i don't think this is good i'm just gonna take the pawn and we will analyze queen e2 later i will show you how to refute it but i i just don't think that my opponent lost all their center pawns they have no e d and c pawns so if i can quickly get castled and push this pawn forward remember this pawn's your big asset it's the one nice thing about your position you're always threatening to push uh so you always have like different tricks bishop e6 now obviously is a good move to just target the knight knight takes d4 is playable but i'm threatening to take the knight and win this pawn so we will always be a pawn up here right knight takes d4 takes and then i'm also again you really want this move but i don't want my bishop taken that's kind of the problem i don't want my bishop traded for that knight on d5 i want to get rid of the knight on d5 and then play bishop to b4 and then i will be happy right so there it is i'm gonna take i'm gonna take cd5 and then i will play bishop to b4 and that is going to be a major problem oh i can go back my opponent forgot that the one bishop that took one knight can move and take the other they tried to throw in this move but now i play this and now i'm just the piece up little trick but that's going to happen that that that will absolutely it's something that's going to happen now we give a check before my opponent can castle and their king is not going anywhere and i think we can probably like really end this game in some style uh by like uh not not sacrificing the queen i meant to draw this arrow so i was thinking queen d4 also have knight d2 check which is a move i can also just castle to get my king out of the center of the board and we are just a piece up then play queen f6 and rook d8 that's the next step queen g4 that used to guard the bishop man the albin is a disaster of an opening for an unprepared opponent i i'm telling you right now every time you get a queen's gambit you are going to be very excited queen e2 i mean you know you don't need to trade queens but the thing is we're up two pieces and the king is still stuck in the center of the board now we have double check which knight and rook both attack we have this and when the king goes back i'm gonna go rookie one and it's checkmate and the knight is guarded absolutely violent game just an extremely violent game of chess king f1 survives mate but uh yeah wow no i mean the album is crazy okay that's a good move that survives oh wait a second no it doesn't i wasn't even trying to be sarcastic i completely forgot that rookie one is possible even with the king on f1 wow all right 18 move win to kick things off um so opponent here uh just played queen d1 and queen d1 is already losing for white i mean white is just already doing very well knight takes e4 is playable and if my opponent had played queen e2 i was intending f5 if f3 trying to win my knight it looks like it's being won but we have a couple of ways that we can attack here uh and the way that i saw was actually playing this check because after takes takes takes we want to land knight c2 and we can do that by playing the move d3 or even more violent according to the computer is this move which is the crazy thing about the albin you get such a quick lead in development you get pawns rolling down the center you cannot prevent everything that we want we have rookie 8 coming d3 knight jumps into c2 and it's it's it's just i mean it's it's just murder so we will move to the second game now uh which is the game against mama roach which is a fun username an opponent will play d4 i got everybody in my in my subscriber discord that plays the queen's gambit basically we'll play e5 so uh first guy uh played knight c3 now we have de5 d4 knight f3 knight c6 a3 yes so a3 is very much a main line and now i told you in the intro you have a lot of options i'm going to play the double gamut so i'm going to play this f6 move and the thing is f6 really a lot of things can happen a lot of people will take because they can some people will not take some people will play b4 right exactly i was going to say people will play b4 absolutely because they have just played a3 and the idea is that after takes they will go b5 this is very much something that is going to happen now there's a few ways to play this position uh bishop g4 is is very very strong so bishop g4 is intending to meet b5 by taking on f3 and then taking on e5 with the knight you don't really want to take with the pawn because b5 dislodges your defense and you don't want to play knight e5 because if knight takes d4 so bishop g4 is the most flexible move and then we will go queen e7 and long castle so we have exactly that if it takes the bishop drops back just like the first game right so this person blunders it as well that our bishop can actually take and then rotate back to c6 now we are no longer down upon and now we are centrally dominant and for example if bishop comes to b2 we will take and we also have bishop c5 so black is already better we have emerged from the opening utilizing the very simplest of our ideas uh actually i kind of want to play queen f6 so that i can castle queenside faster you know what i'm gonna do it just trying it out knight f6 is usually what's good but here we play queen f6 uh and now i will long castle of course all things e3 will be met with a with a with a shattering of the center and because we have the lead in development we like the center opening up we like that we take that we like that um e3 the crazy thing is i can just take which is kind of funny maybe i can take maybe not i can also just play bishop c5 again the massive lead in development for black makes this position brutal for white to play uh just so difficult and again i showed you the best lines i showed you the best line for white to play and even that line which we have not faced yet uh even that line is super super flexible for black you play bishop e6 queen d7 boom boom boom and you attack on that side of the board okay queen c2 um of course bishop c5 is very natural what else is there i guess e3 is coming i maybe should stop e3 but do i have to stop e3 why can't i just develop and go for checkmate like just get all the pieces out get all the pieces out let the opponent self-destruct and sit there and try to figure things out there's something pretty fascinating in this position which is e3 d3 but that doesn't quite work okay i have knight g4 coming that was part of my plan knight f3 stops that actually i kind of forgot about knight f3 it stops my queen from coming to f2 but i will just finish my development with bishop c5 so for example knight f3 just bishop c5 defending my center and then bring my second rook i mean my all i'm trying to do is get my pieces out as fast as possible right long castles is met with knight takes f2 queen f2 is a massive threat oh that allows knight e3 which i think should be the death of white uh that move allows knight e3 and i don't think you can recover from allowing this move i will just play bishop c5 and rookie 8. i had queen h4 but that move is just met with g3 so although i can set that up that actually would be very pretty if i can set up bishop d6 queen h4 and then sacking my queen for checkmate i don't know if it's gonna happen i would imagine my opponent would have something to say about that uh but bishop d6 queen h4 check and then sack the queen on g3 for a bishop and knight checkmate would be pretty violent i mean i think queen d3 is the only move i cannot i can really not imagine that there is another move here maybe queen c1 but it's just a it's just a brutal game i mean you're just pouncing it's 10 or 15 moves and we're just bang bang bang bang and uh i have to kill the dead air here while my opponent is thinking i will drink a little bit of water i don't think my opponent is stalling their clock out to zero because their position is bad maybe they what is going on did they disconnect oh okay well i'm not gonna lie the game was definitely over uh my subscriber is not a bad sport i think my subscriber must have disconnected but as i said this whole bishop g4 idea uh or in this position playing uh f takes e5 and then b5 uh knight a5 knight e5 with knight f6 and queen e7 is also possible this is also possible this kind of gambit where you allow the knight to come to the middle um is also possible i played it with bishop g4 the computer is not a massive fan because it's trying to tell me that you know here black has good chances sorry white has good chances here after like this position but uh the whole point is the same that you will play queen e7 long castles and get this wave down the middle and it is definitely not easy to play uh but that's game number two reigns begins with d4 and now reigns is a is a long time c4 player uh so we'll see what he's prepared uh reigns i believe works at a restaurant so as a chef so he he just got home from work and now was playing this against me e3 he plays okay so e3 as we know is just a mistake uh because now we just played bishop to b4 check it's actually funny because he played that so fast okay he's uh he's really rattling off these moves like very confidently so we know that f takes e3 here is something that white can do to kind of bail out and get a slightly slightly worse position uh obviously nothing like completely terrible but but uh i like to play it like this i like to kind of laser beam with the bishops decide where to castle later maybe queen e7 knight e7 knight g6 also very common to win the e5 pawn i actually haven't done a whole lot of study of these positions just because they're not very challenging what is this can't i just take that i guess reigns is trying to kick me out i can also like try to take this pawn somehow i can also take on f3 i don't know what to do people what do i do i can take like anything here what if i take nothing i just play knight e7 i mean i mean bishop c5 is a free pawn and it leaves reigns with doubled isolated e pawns so we're no longer even down material which is nice let's play knight e7 to reinforce the knight um and i guess castle's castles would just get out of the way i don't know i don't think about the album if you if you emerge from the opening just a little bit better you just play from here and you're happy okay so i can just take on f3 right i can take on f3 and take on e5 that looks pretty convincing whoa that is not what i expected that's just the free pawn what reigns is really trying to kill me here uh first thing i see is this and that just looks really good isn't the rook just trapped that rook's got no moves rook f3 route g4 g5 it's all covered that's the end of the game we just beat a 1910 moves welcome to the album counter gambit ladies and gentlemen right but i don't even have to take that the crazy thing is i can go knight takes e3 and and reigns can't take because i would take the queen and the queen and the rook are still hanging [Music] whoa discover check wins the queen okay i'm not gonna lie i think reigns got a little bit stage fright uh i'm i don't i don't really know what happened there i almost want to play him again because that is not how the game is supposed to go uh i guess we will analyze but that's a pretty good note to end the video on i suppose but e3 is just not good i mean white is not losing here and should not be losing uh so quickly um bishop to g4 i played interesting the computer says knight h6 fascinating that's the amazing thing about the album and we saw knight h6 in the intro because you can play um you can play that in uh in this line with a3 knight c6 and e3 you can play knight h6 here which is something i did show in the intro but it's interesting that here you can play uh you can play like bishop before uh and all this and then instead of bishop g4 you can actually play the same idea knight h6 but obviously c5 is just an error and we developed naturally uh here we took and then took on e5 and already black is just doing extremely well um and wow i mean that's just an example of how uh even a 1900 can go completely wrong so if anything you know i took a poll on my youtube channel and uh over 90 of you are rated below 1600 in fact over 92 percent of you are rated below 1600 so kind of interesting that 1900 can go down like this but ladies and gentlemen uh let me just go back full screen for dramatic effect if you enjoyed the video you know what to do if you've made it this far i appreciate you very much thank you thank you so much uh for the support please post some games in the comments uh feel free to do so and let me know in the comments if there's an opening or a topic that you'd like me to cover in a future video i think this opening will serve you very very well partner it up with a concept an opening that you can play against the london system and you'll be on your way to beating everybody who plays d4 against you peace out i'll see you in the next video
Channel: GothamChess
Views: 468,442
Rating: 4.9693675 out of 5
Keywords: gothamchess, gothamchess london, gothamchess caro kann, gothamchess openings, gothamchess vienna, queens gambit, queens gambit netflix, queens gambit gothamchess, chess gambits, chess gambit, albin countergambit, albin chess, queens gambit chess, how to play the queens gambit, queen's gambit, queens gambit opening, queens gambit trailer, queens gambit ending, albin counter gambit, albin countergambit lasker trap
Id: WU9ai7VYylk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 52sec (1552 seconds)
Published: Mon May 10 2021
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