i roasted my followers' tattoos

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hey guys so I'm editing right now and I realized that my camera was pretty much out of focus for this whole time I was filming it's still watchable but it's just like a little off so I apologize for that you know me I'm just bad at everything and I I don't know what to do to stop it so enjoy the video sorry again hey there what's up welcome back to my channel my name is Curtis Connor if you're new here of what the hell is up good good to meet you hello you for coming back hello good to see you I'm really excited about today's video I've been wanting to do it for like a pretty long time but I just never thought enough people would be down for it but I decided it I was like you know what today today and it was also suggested to me when I couldn't think of any ideas so thanks Emma [ __ ] off this fly is gonna isn't a no-fly zone you can't tell by the title today we're gonna be roasting my followers tattoos I'm really really excited cuz I love tattoos out of getting tattoos I love seeing tattoos I work for a tattoo company so my life is surrounded by tattoos all the time and I also love making fun of things if you know me that's literally my whole podcast is just me make it fun a stupid [ __ ] you know so plug go listen to my podcast and a lot of my followers slash supporters you know they always roast me because you know what that's you roast who you love I hope I'm not unless they just really hate me they're like unusual but no I'm pretty sure it's out of love right so before I get into this if I if I go a little too far okay if I am really mean to you or something and you get super sad I'm sorry it's all good fun you can make fun of my tattoos all you want cuz God knows I have some really bad ones so yeah a couple days ago I tweeted and was like hey guys I want to roast your tattoos so if you guys could tweet me that and I make fun of you I was expecting like maybe like 50 people with tops y'all want to get roasted real bad I got like 350 replies to the tweet if I look extra shiny it's cuz it's [ __ ] really hot in here okay apologies in advance am i sweating in my pits yet not yet we're golden I'm just gonna go to the tweet alright this one's at the top we got Tay with the Harry Styles Rubik's Cube I like the tattoo I don't like the triangle pinky look like isosceles pinky that's what that's what this tattoo is you're probably not even a Harry Styles fan okay you like Harry Styles solve five of his Rubik's cubes huh and then talk to me make five songs no chill for one way I said please roast my snake he's name is Jake good grammar Jake looks like he's crawling towards her butt so that's weird but snake dude I hope this is actually there's you've got some anime character holding up some some titties oh my god that is a very funny tattoo oh this is actually yours and I hope you're watching it because this is V funniest hats you ever see I want to get this I'm like my balls hit make character holding up some balls that'd be so funny Taylor tweeted me this like this in the shower right now just for this bro I don't know how this position came to be somebody already analyzed this position how did you take this I'm so confused hello it looks like they're probably sitting like this I'm doing that but standing hey that's great we figured it out that's really impressive um these little fuzzy little dust balls on your foot dusty footballs say it's like someone with dust balls in their eyes tattooed that and the only thing I've ever seen are dust balls so they're like whoa got a tattoo these take that Taylor it's a sign of the times no offense but this does look like a tattoo that I'm like a mom would get but she's getting it like for like prints like not for Harry so this your mom's Prince tattoo isn't what I'm asking this couch I believe it's a couch but this couch literally looks like to stoic gorillas there's eyes and like the mouth part they're so sick gorilla tattoo love it boy here's a good one from Joanie you're the Curtis Connor dude this is the ugliest ass you have ever seen whoever wrote this probably smells like old beans and is probably sweating a lot talking to a camera and making fun of your tattoos right now this guy's whoever wrote this he's a goddamn loser and for you to get that tattoos you're so dumb I'm kidding that's cool as [ __ ] you have my writing on your arm that's rad as [ __ ] I'm not gonna roast that I'm gonna roast myself for having such a [ __ ] bad writing I couldn't have just been like oh this is going on somebody's skin forever I should probably put some effort into it I was just like not me yeah that and my goddamn chicken scratch so thank you for like still getting that tattoo because that's crazy queen of basic tattoos here we go here's the earth here's the earth cuz I live here and I and I have been here and I've been to different places on the earth so I got it I gotta get it tattooed you know because the the earth it's where we like all our plane I'm airplane because to go to different places on earth sometimes you got to take a plane these are basic bro these are basic tattoos and another Harry Styles tattoo none of your business with a materialising Kiwi why is this Kiwi look like it's saying mr. sark I don't feel so good you know that'd kill me meme or it's like something so deformed looking in us it just says you know kill me this could be one of those if I saw a cat that looked like this in real life I would I don't even know I would call the police or something and I'd be like hey there's a cat here that's really just wrong okay what do you what do you want us to do I don't know I just like thought you guys should know because it's not right can't be legal so I don't know get down here and figure it out yes you got it sir just make sure nobody gets that cat face tattooed okay why would they do that it's so ugly boom Oh finger guns and a barbed wire heart and a switchblade whoa just quick question do you ever you ever had a tumblr account oh you have okay cool got it news batboy would be good for something eventually there it is in all its pride and glory my ex-boyfriends name dude this picture it's so good this is a bunch you will give him the finger to your ass of course Tony is an [ __ ] you know the guys name is Tony what did you expect but that's a very funny tattoo keep it forever right hawk really a little under it Tony Hawk love them a little polo here we go your your dark mark tattoo cuz you know no one else has that Harry Potter right I've never understood that tattoo yeah those are the bad guys and you're getting you're getting their like tattoo on you that's like if you're like I really love the movie [ __ ] a good burger and then you got a mondo burger tats you there are the bad guys alright you get a good burger tattoo and you [ __ ] move along you got two hearts next to each other pick one then you got these clouds I think to fill in the space but they don't look like clouds those are I think they're mashed potatoes I think you are they mashed potatoes I love mashed potatoes so I get it that makes sense this one that says I'm still alive well thanks for letting us know the funny thing about tattoos is that they're on your skin when you're dead they're on your skin until your skin goes away and you're just a skeleton so if you have a tattoo that said that's gonna be on your skin when you're dead and someone's gonna see that and be like oh that's wrong and finally a couch that doesn't look like a gorilla we made it we did it I'm so proud of you for having a couch that just looks like a couch this would be a great neat tattoo artist what do you want and this Katie person says oh just [ __ ] my [ __ ] up fan and the tattoo artist is like say no more I mean this happens it was looks like someone that that's you artists are just like oh this classic one that I've never seen before it's a perspective but all the letters are in different or they're facing different ways so you got to change your perspective too to read it just like in life if you want to see stuff you got to change your perspective bro you got to be out there bro you got to be [ __ ] you got you gotta just [ __ ] look at [ __ ] different that's why I got this tattoo because like you gotta look at [ __ ] from different angles this one's like a meat cleaver with some gunk on it and she said got it today be well hopefully there's a 30-day money-back guarantee but yeah coz what a piece of [ __ ] I'm kidding I have a Criss Angel tattoo so really it roasts itself and I couldn't agree more cuz holy [ __ ] you have a Criss Angel tattoo one number two it's the word believe but L I and E are in a different color to emphasize it cuz like lie you know she believed he lied this is that as a tattoo but also a Criss Angel so it's way [ __ ] funnier because Curtis angel just just some lines huh actually it's pretty useful because it's like if you know the length of them cuz then you just measure [ __ ] you're the human ruler let me be your ruler oh this is a hole this is the Lord tattoo this is a tattoo for a lord inspired tattoo priests it uh this tattoo says what a waste couldn't agree more could have put some way better there all right there is nothing wrong with this tattoo it is great it is perfect and everything and I agree with it good job all right that'll do it for that one that was pretty fun um if I roasted your tattoo obviously it's in good fun it was they're all sick they're all great they're all fun tattoos are meant to be fun you know that's the moral of the story you gotta be gotta be able to laugh at stuff you know thank you so much for watching if you enjoyed this video please press the like button and leave a comment if you want me to do another video like this cuz there's clearly a lot of tattoos out there and make fun of also a please press subscribe button cuz I try to make a video every week and that sometimes happens but I do have a weekly podcast so please check out the description for everything that I do you know it's better Instagram all that [ __ ] so yeah if any was feeling like going above and beyond to make a video response to this roasting all of my tattoos that would be amazing it's what I deserve and I would love to see that so if anybody wants to make that I would love it alright so thank you so much for watching Ivan Curtis Conor you have been you I guess um peace [ __ ] my doing it's so hot you
Channel: Kurtis Conner
Views: 1,074,285
Rating: 4.980679 out of 5
Keywords: kurtis conner, roast, tattoo, tattoos, kurtis conner tattoo, kurtis conner tattoos, roast tattoos, bad tattoos, harry styles tattoo, kurtis conner vine, vine
Id: DiIrm_n76Rk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 5sec (665 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 27 2018
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