I played the Sims 4 farming expansion in ways they didn't want me to

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hey there friends how's it going today we're going to be playing the sims 4 and i'm going to absolutely destroy this cottage living pack i say that with sarcastic air quotes because last time i tried industrializing the uh chicken industry and we're going to try and push that even further this time and i think the first thing to capitalize on is the man eating cow plant industry because there's a gap in the market i can sense it wait they're all failing to germinate god damn it and wait what is this there's a fox what are you talking about the silver fox and all those jim pickens or what are you saying there's no way he can get into my chickens they're in jail essentially plus i lit the last one on fire so surely that got around and no foxes would dare all right let's try and space these out a bit more give them a bit of room to grow water with tears yeah why not make that one extra evil oh great it's raining now i don't even have to do any work right on cue fantastic you see i want like an industrial farm but part of that is having employees can i hire like a gardener to take care of my entire farm all right scheduled gardening service so let's try that what white hen is thinking of leaving soon i don't think white hen understands the situation they're in how do they plan on leaving oh no now brown hand is thinking about it too imagine being in a prison and just going i think i'll leave soon if only it were that simple then i wouldn't just be committing crimes in video games ah something tells me i'm gonna be hearing a lot of this sad tune they're trying to guilt me with sorry kids you won't get any gifts this year santa claus is cleaning the chickens spotted cow has been unhappy for a while she's inadequate hair however spotted cow will stay if the turks since when are we the turks can provide food cleaning and attention the basics of a good life hey my people don't get food cleaning or attention and they're fine well i don't know if this is fine it just drops it on the floor okay i can understand why they want to leave they look so dirty they actually look radioactive well look that's what you get for being a chicken in the words of the great tommy wiseau cheep chip chip chip stop peeing on the chicken santa god it sounds like the worst children's book ever are you like i know you're not in my family but could you take care of the cow please can i just add you to my family i probably can i think you like jim that's to join household oh you really like gym god some people really don't mind being trapped inside a pen do they the cows and chickens could learn a lot from you at least she's having a good time i don't know how but she is she's definitely got a positive outlook on life like the glass isn't half full it's overflowing and then realistically it's overflowing with [ __ ] but she's happy with that x do i miss them yeah oh she's like oh why not yes i'd love to officially be part of this household so i can be a willing prisoner stockholm syndrome here i come there you are welcome to the family now take care of the cow can't be done while animal is in shed she cannot woohoo with gym hold on let's take away its last right to sleep and then we'll go in and woohoo woohoo animal cruelty always puts you in the mood right this proper cow is getting absolutely neglected i think he actually stinks less than the rest of them though however he is still dirty unhappy and starving attention is okay though not really sure how unhappy plus dirty plus starving equals okay okay brown hen is thinking of leaving for [ __ ] sake i'm gonna have to try and get parrots because you can upgrade these by going to this which is greyed out okay santa's in a great mood let's see if we can do it with him actions upgrade coupe auto feeder yeah that's what we need what the hell is the finch wick fair i guess i'll go i'll be there in a moment sorry hold on my animals are screaming abuse what are you doing you are a [ __ ] idiot jim honestly why are you eating santa's oh my god you know sushi kills you've killed so many people with this ah he's an idiot ah what can you say apple doesn't fall far from the tree i suppose the fox is in here somehow i don't know how the fox got inside the house he smelled something good that's the puffer fish you can take some if you want hold on plead come on dude i have stockholm syndrome real bad plus he doesn't even look dead look he's checking the pipes under the counter now for a fact's sake well this just became a rescue mission oh look at a fancy urn where have you been getting these fertilizers from santa are these self-made or or what all right i know jim had a load of death flowers on him or whatever but this is an issue because i think it was in his inventory unless it transfers to here oh yes okay great now all the urns got put into the family inventory as well oh there it is the book of life okay fantastic he had that in his inventory i only had one copy i need to make more of these the secret to uh everlasting life and you only wrote one and it's like i'll get around to the rest later meanwhile he's holding four copies of real her in a romantic fisherman novel wait i can create a copy of that for 20 bucks does the copy work i guess you could just photocopy it right what's the point writing another one okay so like all things in life i half ass to the book apparently you have to do it before they die you got to capture their essence whatever but i have all the ingredients and i definitely didn't cheat to make turk an excellent cook so he can actually cook ambrosia you cheated i didn't what you're bad all right turga i know you're not feeling great why the hell is the crim reaper serving up drinks in my living room all right you know what ignoring that i gotta go to the shop and pick up one last ingredient for this amazing ambrosia unfortunately i think i have amnesia because i'm not sure exactly where i can find it i think it's here oh look there's the pit where i made the two there's another chimpanzee maybe i have to sacrifice that one to bring back the new one but yeah that's the fighting pit where i made the two santas fight each other and then the winner got to eat the other uh hey i need your life essence so soul yes still to you too follow me bye bait angel fish oh my god that's so cheap too give me loads of them i need loads this is so weird look at him he's just going about his day he's an exact clone all right can i cook it now i should be able to there we go that's what we need just a little fry up to bring him back from the dead you know all right there's the meal now i just need jim to come out and eat it here we go here we go okay eat it eat the ambrosia it's not doing anything okay there he goes goodbye he's going like hello i am also jim good to meet you is this him bro she's just not after working or what oh the grim reaper's here ah he's still eating that ambrosia okay this is the weirdest thing i've ever seen it's jim pickens and ghost jim pickens just having a chat while the grim reaper and turreg talk away between themselves about baseball [Music] why are there so many sad sounds from all the chickens leaving and i don't think any sad sound played when jim died ah here we go he's coming back i've sensed a disturbance in the universe there we go he's back yeah there you go yeah shove the grim reaper doesn't show up he's getting sad all right back to what i was doing i don't know whether to sacrifice the other gym or not like i do need the potion of youth which i think you can get from absorbing their life essence by feeding them to this plant i'm pretty sure you can but then again i could do that with anyone i'll have a think about it i'll see how the clone acts while he's here but i need something to differentiate him like he's he's close enough to a clone he's he's very close oh okay i was wondering why he wouldn't change appearance it's because the other gym is in the bath but in fairness you've seen it all before like it's you i feel like jim wouldn't even mind like he wouldn't be surprised the clone of him showed up somehow with all the weird stuff he's done all right look could you just wear the hot dog helmet all the time that would really help me out working out hot dog helmet going to sleep hot dog helmet at a party hot dog helmet in the pool hot dog helmet feeling too hot too bad hot dog helmet feeling cold better wrap up in that hot dog helmet all right that should make it clearer who's the clone or not the only thing he's holding is this children's guitar okay i came out to check on the cow and why is the real gym naked just standing with the cow he's like hey the cow is naked i just got naked too so he'd be more comfortable what is he doing shower in the rain this isn't showering who goes into the shower and just stands there idling wait his gravestone's still there so i still get to keep my own urn that's a little weird at least it's a nice one and we'll keep it in there in the kitchen remind me of better times when i was dead right we definitely have to expand this little area of the farm it's way too homely oh lovely flowers in the way no they're not gonna stay then i'm here to make money not look like a nice farm there we go all planted for the crop season this is looking like a nice farm other than all the animal abuse my moat is still staying well protected the crocodile's on the lookout for the foxes i feel like buying crocodiles to stop the foxes is just gonna escalate to having a crocodile infestation instead of a fox infestation in which case i don't know what i would have to do next oh hey clone jim i don't know why i didn't get you to plant all the [ __ ] plants this is a terrifying image like i don't even know why it's just very scary oh he's making his own fertilizer as well the hell is that for festival of youth i have no one young here everyone is old damn kids in their festivals i'm just not used to hearing happy sounds it's usually all sad ones and chickens threatening to leave and then realizing they can't all right it's time to collect the eggs before they revolt and start chucking them at me hey i got a special gift for you because you're such a good neighbor and i appreciate your kindness who is that sorry i'm getting so many like abused chicken alerts i didn't see it come up i don't know where he went he could be anywhere on the farm he's most likely dead he probably went into the crocs and i don't mean like as a fashion statement like literally into the moat play in water you can play in the crocodile moat okay this seems like a terrible idea where's the crocodile oh there it is no hot dog jim get away from there and now she's got sleep right next to the moat okay she's playing with fire or maybe she just wants to die i'd understand okay how many eggs did i get from that holy [ __ ] that's so many eggs wait 21 hours until spoiled how the hell am i supposed to eat 77 eggs oh what is happening now my chickens are being attacked good thing they're just the distraction chickens the real gold mine is in the back wait oh my god i thought that was another jim pickens for a second i got scared they must all think he's mad like i just saw you earlier oh no no no that was jim pickens i'm jim pickens i wear a hot dog outfit they're like yeah sure whatever and then the real one walks out it's good he's fulfilling my social duties while the real one is asleep on the floor all right i think we got to play the waiting game for a bit and just wait for these to grow so i can feed my neighbors to them and then absorb their essence okay bad news i was fast forwarding time and i forgot that well you know i'm neglecting my sims and well grace died i do have some extra stuff that i could bring her back with but i don't really understand how but some of my stuff are burned to a crisp as well and i don't know what happened oh well [Music] oh that's a cheery sound what was that for grace is dying from starvation okay what the hell have you been eating i think you've blocked your path into eat more i hope you haven't been cooking the chickens because you've no way of getting supplies wait white dana has returned after a grand chicken adventure better treat the right this time and they might not come back how are they even going to get back in how did they get out look at them marching back like some sort of chicken run sequel except they're trying to get into captivity okay they just appear inside interesting all the eggs in my inventory are spoiled i'm starting to think the industrial chicken industry doesn't work too well in the sims 4. you got to act fast you know now the crops on the other hand that's another story they're going great oh i just went outside to water all the crops and it started raining for some reason the gardener doesn't seem to be coming like all the crops are dying i might have to look for alternative measures and i've got just the idea hire a service and no not another gardener because i already have one scheduled apparently that's not showing up i'm going to adopt a child and they can take care of the garden uh too young too young too young uh do you have any like elder who just wants to be adopted you look mature for your age i'll hire you the adoption agency is like what do you mean higher all right the orphanage would like to introduce the gardener there we go oh and the gardener just showed up well that's unfortunate timing i don't need you anymore he's like hugging her goodbye c agency hasn't even left and i've placed the child on a rock in the middle of the crocodile pit all right well at least i gave her her phone damn millennials she'll play some candy crush she'll be fine i like how the gardener waited for a torrential storm to show up so he doesn't have to do any watering crafty bastard i'll put you in the island next in fact there you go now you're both on the island and now you look like the cruel one you've taken this child onto the island you weirdo that little tune that played it was like the realization that they weren't alone hot dog jim is sound asleep and real jim is cleaning and looking out the window at the crocodile pit i'm gonna be bankrupt for before long i just had to pay 33 000 on bills maybe i could put the chickens in like a giant wheel and have them run to generate power he's having the time of his life on the farm that's the main thing like from this angle it looks great it's just some old man having a blast splashing in a pond with a rainbow in the background but then if you look literally anywhere else on the farm it's an absolute nightmare oh i better move her headstone to the graveyard and better feed the cows i'm doing a pretty good job in keeping on top of this farm i gotta say hey their neighbor do i hear the sizzle of something broken in there oh you want to help yeah come on in you better be here to actually help because i visited the neighboring farms last time and lit them all on fire i'm not used to neighbors coming in helping she's probably just trying to get in my good graces to be fair oh also i can remove you from the family you're no longer needed have fun on the island she's been greeted by the clones why do you look like luigi what's going on here oh you're an inspector oh jesus christ i'm sure you'll find everything is uh fine on the farm oh okay no it's not like a regulatory thing she'll just tell me if there are any issues okay i'll pay for the the test then tell me if there are any issues i'm sure there are not and don't speak to the clone he doesn't like being spoken to well done looks like this household is in compliance of all active neighborhood action plans you'll see a reduction in your next round of builds fantastic i don't know what uh about this show's commitment to the neighborhood but i'm glad you like it oh my first one is done wait crumple bottom do i know you i don't really want to visit anyone right now why don't you come here i've got a surprise for you oh there's another one they're popping up everywhere now all right who do i want to invite over that i just don't like all right all his enemies are dead i guess just random people then the firefighter i killed another firefighter last time so may as well get rid of the entire firefighting service but wait they're showing up now i thought i could set a time it's 5 a.m wait the cows don't even want to eat yet oh my god there's so many of them okay you can you can go home everyone i i'll let you know when the plants are hungry i mean when the the cake is ready oh my god they're all morphing into one so they can share an uber okay now you're talking here we go this is exactly what we need all right let's call up those people again you know what we'll say it was uh santa claus's parody then all the blame can be pinned on him all right the cake is ready see i promised you you can eat that now oh here we go yes oh my god that was so sudden jesus christ holy crap it's such a violent pull oh there was the one in the back goodbye she just strolled away from this oh she made it out wait do they not die have they survived through this oh the one the back is good too oh god but do i get their juice oh don't you close another one okay this might be the greatest plan i've ever had in the sims 4. oh there goes another one they're not very smart are they like they've seen other people suffering and they just do it anyway oh look at the little bunny that's so cute not that you plants aren't cute too like that's that's utterly beautiful she's giving out to it like do not eat me again i can see someone getting eaten in the background over there all right let me drink your juices you can blame santa by the way leave him the bad review because i'm just here to drink some milk i'm also just a guest milk all of the cows this isn't what you had in mind when you thought you'd have cows and you'd milk them on the farm is it jim some farmers grow plants some raise cattle i chose both at the same time oh and there goes another one jesus all of them were fed now that was the last one he really is a good farmhand he's taking care of all of them all right i got all your juices uh you can all go home now goodbye wait i would like to adult now who are you you look like an adult what you'll always be my baby yeah sure i don't know who you are ashlyn rose i have no idea who you are you are an adult aren't you a teen okay i have no idea who you are though all right what have we got here that's coffee that's not from the cow we got essence of happiness yeah let's drink that i thought i'd get potions of youth but this works too oh sorry i can't be happy right now i'm sleeping on the floor there we go nice potion of happiness potion of playfulness yeah let's let's double down i'm not sure if doctors would recommend this but oh well he's having a great time and the crops are doing great the cow is uh left but the chickens are doing fine and the hatchimal eggs are automatically going in and hatching so they're kind of refilling as they leave and the island is doing great too all in all a very successful day on the farm i hope you enjoyed the video folks if you haven't already consider subscribing we'd love to have you around the farm visit anytime and thank you all for watching usually appreciate it and i hope to see you next time bye for now you
Channel: Call Me Kevin
Views: 408,820
Rating: 4.9807134 out of 5
Keywords: Call Me Kevin, Call Me, CallMeKevin, CallMe, funny, funny moments, comedy, lets play, gameplay, gaming, sims, new sims, sim 2, sims 3, sims 4, call me kevin sims, simulators, sims game, sims new, the sims
Id: P2pb59siQpw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 34sec (1054 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 03 2021
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