I became an interior decorator and intentionally ruined everyone's home

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hey there friends how's it going my name is kevin and today we're playing the sims 4. taking a little break from the sims 2 because it is depressing i'm saying that in the fondest of ways by the way we're going to be doing some terrible terrible interior decoration hopefully we can do it on another neighborhood because last time we played sims 4 we did a speed run of killing our entire neighborhood and they're all gone and if you like the sound of that you should definitely subscribe because that is not even close to being the worst thing we've done here uh very cheery music to follow up that sentence all right so the new expansion has interior decorator yes please i mean he has the skills have you seen this place the hand on the mantle what the hell is that screaming about the cursed symbols on the floor and the trapped santa claus that really just ties the whole house together all right how do we get our first job calling fake sick to work aren't you like a freelancer the only one that will accept someone without any experience is this one so i guess i'll do that and it starts in the morning so let's get some rest um well try to anyway given that the place is haunted these two ghosts in the kitchen are just like boogieing down or something oh yeah i have to buy a toilet i'm not a very good interior decorator if i don't even have a toilet in my own home like sure the place looks nice but there's pee everywhere and i don't even want to bring up the poop bucket okay i know i said i wouldn't bring it up but just one mention the poop pocket is gone and i'm going to install a toilet in the kitchen there we go now that is convenience see these are the kind of skills i'm going to bring to my new job oh god there's loads of clothing piles here is that also decor did we just leave the clothes here just just pick it up yeah put that in your inventory it's fine the ghost of harry potter just texted me congrats on landing that sweet job i think this is going to be great for you yeah i think so too with design like this how could i go wrong this is when i speed round killing the neighborhood actually maybe i should put them in my inventory and i can leave them it can be like my calling card of interior decoration even though that does sound more like a serial killer's calling card what the hell does this take a panicked poop okay go for it turk's just gonna realize we upgraded the poop pocket like ooh nice bucket but even with the whole like the house being incredibly haunted thing it's so much easier to take care of your sims than the sims 4. like if this were the sims 2 i would already have died three times this episode and we're only like a minute in why is that ghost using an ipad damn millennial ghosts geez there's so many ghosts there's loads of them the only thing is it's good for keeping up your social stat oh come on dude i just bought that i'm trying to get fun up but i've just realized there's literally nothing fun in the house there we go i bought them a swing set they're fully grown adults but this is all we got ask to swing with that that's a weird sentence there they go just two swingers having the time of their lives time to design let's go to work fantastic straight out of bed let's give someone their dream home sorry did i say dream home i meant sleep paralysis home all right i'm liking the style of it so far some before and after pics okay oh my god he looks so sad showing up he really doesn't want to do this job he's not used to earning his money that's the problem i'm taking a before picture but i don't even know what i'm actually changing i'm just going to talk to the child and ask what do they want discuss designs i actually can't ask the child this guy's just like any minute now he'll ask me but no i think i'm going to go whatever the child likes he wants a dinosaur house he's getting a dinosaur house you have weird taste for a kid it's just way too normal and mature maybe he's just a young adult he's just waiting for that growth spurt oh another young adult what do you want in the house dislikes writing that doesn't help me at all so i'll put nothing with writing on it uh you like the color black and you like wellness let me tell you what i'm gonna do with the room it will not inspire wellness do i just get to pick the room that i redesign i guess i'll do the living room then okay so i've got to know the client i've taken before photos and here we go i guess oh wait first i gotta send you away yeah everyone leave the house this has to be a surprise and i'm saying that only because if you see me when i'm in progress you'll fire me on the spot okay let's get to work wait this adds to my budget if i sell stuff oh okay let's just sell everything sell the light too they said they like the color black i think delete this we need to get rid of this wall entirely we need an open plan oh my god i made that open plan just go straight out into the garden get into the windows we wanted to be black in here open doors no black there we go these doors will work nicely to keep it nice and dark in there i was changing through the cycle so i could see better but i can't see no matter what i do because i've shot every single opening all right i think i delivered on what they wanted here i've redid the living room made it nice and black as they requested uh the wellness trait is fulfilled by both the feeling of being around people but also there's a boxing bag in the corner here and this of course is the seance table which honestly i added because i felt like i picked up on some body language requesting it and then the piece de resistance is the grave there we go put that up on the table and it's tying the whole room together oh i've got a knack for this take after photo yes this is going in the portfolio and no not this room this isn't the room i did this room the oh my god that is so scary the last after photo is just an option shot of this mannequin okay i'm done that last picture is like a threat to our next client call clients to lot select photos for the reveal okay before and after yeah that's kind of the same angle that works really well do you want to personally show off this renovated space of course i do i want to see the look in their faces show off objects okay well the first thing i'm going to show off is this grave maybe he just wasn't in the mood for this like he came in so depressed he's still very depressed maybe that just affected the design a little bit mouse back the sparkles and everything doesn't really live up to what i actually did what do you think folks first impressions she smacked herself in the face with the door and left before after oh i love the upbeat music before after before after her praise the designer you will die what do you think everyone huh oh she seems excited but probably just excited to be out of that space right check this out i'm showing them the mannequins he's just confused hold on i think i can summon the ghost that i left here not only did i redesign your living room i literally made it a living room for the dead oh no what is this what what was that oh that was scary was that supposed to be a hug or something is the ghost affecting us oh introduce yeah i never actually introduced myself to this person oh here's your ghost welcome this is your new neighbor this was a lot to take in i'm ready to talk about the changes the kid has finally decided give me your final verdicts kids oh god the kid isn't happy but why i guess you did a good job it's just not my taste technically all the boxes were checked just not feeling it i don't know what you're complaining about there's no writing at all in this room oh my god she's weeping from happiness maybe that ghost was her friend or something and i brought her back oh now she's just weeping okay maybe she was just putting on a happy face okay professionalism reputation improved significantly this is great news i'm just happy they're happy you know that's what it's all about really as well as summoning the dead of course my previous career is leaking into my current career i don't think i really let go of paranormal investigator they come back into the room and he's just floating on the chair talking with ghosts i'm trying to get their house haunted there you go all right you got a good deal here two for one interior decorator and i summon the dead oh guitar attempt to swipe that'd be good i have nothing fun at home oh god i peed on your floor oh and it's one of those tables that you like sit on the cushion on the floor oh well it doesn't matter it's not my house mine yes i pissed on the floor stole her guitar ruined her living room and now i'm bathing this is where he draws the line this is inappropriate please stop hey it's inappropriate to come in on me as well i'm clogging the drain because they won't allow me use their bath and if i can't use it no one can he's trying to stop me but i won't listen there we go it's clogged and start the bat perfect okay your bat's broken i'm going home thanks for paying upfront see you later and remember whenever you need an interior designer look toward the stars goodbye she just flew to a feckin vending machine all right go home okay we got another one for tomorrow booked another pile of laundry i think i'm just gonna dump all of my stuff at the next house because i have so much junk in my inventory well so many ghosts too i guess i did kill the entire neighborhood so there's a lot more ghosts and lot less places to haunt i'm the only person in the neighborhood who you can haunt everyone else is dead love day wasn't up to santa's expectations i wonder why he's still trying to get cell reception in there this house is a disaster like i can't get my mood up because it's just so haunted i wonder when i'm working on their house can i use all of their stuff all right let's go to work oh jesus he's scared already why are you terrified this neighborhood looks lovely oh i wish i lifted here he's just cowering outside i think again it is just work he's just cowering from work oh my god what a bonding experience you're both just in bed crying well whatever you're into as long as you're not hurting anyone i suppose interior decorator show portfolio hey i can just recreate this if you'd like wait a second i know you i took you prisoner at one point didn't i oh you're in my club too jim in the gym it's yeah i took you prisoner as an old man aged you downloads and then set you free i'm such a good person oh no am i peeing myself this is all part of the process everyone i need to mark my territory before i get started sorry okay so you want the color red no garden decor and cosmo looks decor i don't even know what that means just space stuff i said inspect on his p and they're all kind of just confused by it he's bringing out the colored charts what goes with p okay do i just pick the room that i do because i'm finding it very confusing i guess i'll just do the living room alright go away i do before pictures now wait why is right did someone die while i was here where did that come from i didn't put that down that wasn't here when i got here i'm so confused valentina mark who is that just destroy it i guess there we go just destroyed their loved ones ashes it didn't go with the decor what can i say okay so a red room with space stuff and no garden decor oops i just deleted your floor hold on i can fix this okay i i can't hold on um oh undo get rid of garden decor get rid of the rug get it pee stains on it anyway leave the pee though red room red room it's so creepy it's stained with the blood of my enemies and the pee of your friends so you like space stuff do you well i installed a rocket in your living room but jim how will the rocket fit in the house oh that's not a problem i removed your roof section entirely i also made this neat little spiky part i just wish i took a before picture of the roof i'm also going to assemble the rocket for them but i might be here a few days so i'm just sleeping in their bed i haven't washed since i peed myself either by the way bills have been delivered to your mailbox okay good that's not here well out of sight out of mind the festival is snow has started oh no i hope it doesn't snow here the roof is open i hired a caterer to take care of me this is all coming out of your budget by the way you're paying for this you get what you pay for or in this case you get what you didn't want one of jim's previous clients referred someone new to him oh my god they must hate that person why would they refer me to anyone jim has completed the gig wait no i'm not done stay on the lot oh god no they're coming home wait i'm not done hold on i'm still building the rocket look at that are you done it took all night but we're done how does that look like from the outside oh that is just a feat of engineering isn't it stop fruit and exhaust port yeah go for it what are you doing oh and she's going to space yes i sabotaged the thing so let's see how this works oh god that looks cool if you manage to land it back inside your living room i'll be amazed jess is often another amazing adventure in space or she would be if her ship were actually moving which it is not an error message on the main controlled screen informs her that the ship's dinotherm drivers need to be updated a helpful message appears saying that requests cannot be completed because the dyno them drivers have not been updated reboot or call tech support oh which is most likely to fail uh call tech support i suppose your call is important to us we'll be with you within one galactic cycle stay on the line the infuriating music seems to get louder it has been 0.0003 percent of one galactic cycle stay on the line oh they finally connected me uh do you want help with ship repairs or space madness my space madness please space madness just carefully enunciates into the calm you've selected self-destruct oh okay well she did land in the living room i'll give her that oh you are alive well that's astounding well um i hope you like the work i've done here today i'll um i'll go home now goodbye oh my god he peed himself in the exact same spot all right now it really is home time let's go we gotta do one more job i gotta get rid of all my trash okay there's some more specific ones like bedroom renovation kitchen renovation let's go with another room renovation just to be safe to make sure i have enough space to dump all of my trash turn get a nightmare about being given free earbuds absolutely terrifying how would you ever sleep again she's here what the hell does that mean you suddenly feel an immense evil presence oh i think that's just me many spirits dwell here but this one feels different than the rest if there was ever a time to panic this might be it okay or not okay i guess okay watch out she's here this isn't helping me at all who are you talking about is it mother oh no not puffer fish jesus that was close i'll have some salad please is it you are you that scary one you don't seem that scary ask if single honestly i look like the scary one here jim's freaking out scream incoherently that'll get the job done yeah it's scaring the ghost should we warn turk be like turk don't go downstairs why are there free earbuds down there all right let's go to work and just abandon this house that seems to be falling apart we really should move that house is just a disaster waiting to happen all right an apartment well i'm not going to abide by any rules this apartment block is set out just so you know why can i hear screaming in that bag what the hell did you just put in there oh no this is something to do with me isn't this there's so many babies she's gone absolutely mad i thought she was singing out the window but now she's singing to a picture i understand given what's happening to me in the sims 2. why is it giving me warnings about the babies being taken away i have nothing to do with this are you sure you meant to hire an interior decorator and not a nanny or did you also not pay your nanny and they won't come back okay so you like gardening programming and snowboarding what am i supposed to do with that okay i'm sending the client away i hope you take the babies too okay you did god knows where you put them i hope not in that shoot you were putting that bag into earlier okay i've realized that if i sell things i actually get to keep the money so i'm selling everything i tried selling their baby things but that doesn't work unfortunately i put some grass in there for the gardening a computer from the 90s for programming now let's throw a few snowboards down as well to really seal the deal okay now let's dump all my trash and we got some fish here that have been in my inventory for ages we can get rid of those lots of books jesus why are you carrying all these around with you lots of laundry as well we can get rid of all that the urn's fantastic a few bones trash pile this cursed dolly all right i placed all my trash i also have the cow plant seed that i kind of want to get rid of so i'm gonna put that in there i'm gonna plant that and that'll eventually kill this entire family i would imagine and all my trash is out this is great all right let's take some after pictures there we go lots of fish on the ground and uh this one kind of says it already this is foreshadowing what the the cow plant is gonna do call clients to lot what are they gonna do with this host reveal yes i mean i don't really mind what you do with this oh no the babies are crying they don't like the design but as i was saying i don't really mind what you think of this i got rid of all my junk so i'm happy get ready oh no that's the wrong way why are you caring for your child now huh any excuse to not look at my renovations now this guy on the other hand he's even covering his eyes watch your step there buddy jesus it's dangerous in here the hype is so good for these reveals all right well what do you think he's complaining about the trash no don't do that say it's like modern art look check this out what do you think oh you love it yeah it looks nice right and what about these bones they think it's okay and what about this this plant that will eventually kill you they're loving it they're loving all this trash i got some seeds for you there you see you love gardening don't you you're uncomfortable i wonder why but he's hogging me for some reason oh my god she's overwhelmed she loves it what even is this expansion they love everything i do i literally spread trash all over their house and they love it maybe it matches now you get sensory overload the baby's crying constantly the sight is disgusting the smell is disgusting oh now she's crying okay her true emotions are coming out wait why do you look angry no but i've done it exactly how you want look at the nature here the gardening professional reputation improved significantly somehow now as a tradition i might stay on your lot and just use your facilities if that's cool oh my god this guy's calling me back for another job they've really loved that black mannequin room i'm just gonna start aging up their children because i feel like i should be allowed to do that as an interior decorator there you go i'm so glad your dad missed this magical moment in your life they're gonna follow me around they think i am their parent now i've fallen asleep in the weirdest position ever he's fallen asleep standing up like this what how is that even possible put that baby down i want to age it up i've aged up all their children i have ruined their life oh wait there's one more but i think it's stuck behind the chair due to neglect sheila has been whisked away yeah they were stuck okay well your life has been officially ruined today i ruined your interior design and put my trash all over the place and loads of urns by the way i aged up all of your kids so your life is going to be a misery and your only baby left got taken away by social services a job well done what do you mean no tip goodbye um i told him to go home and he's just he took a child okay i took two of your children from your life today like i know he's a history of swiping things but this seems a bit extreme all right gang that is a hard day's work i hope you enjoyed the video i really do i appreciate you watching as always if you're new be sure to subscribe and i hope to see you all next time bye for now
Channel: Call Me Kevin
Views: 885,347
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Call Me Kevin, Call Me, CallMeKevin, CallMe, funny, funny moments, comedy, lets play, gameplay, gaming, sims, sims 2, sims 4, new, call me kevin sims, callmekevin sims, interior decorator, ruined lives
Id: 9Tf9Dqw_luU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 24sec (1104 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 01 2021
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