I bought the 2021 Olympics game so you don't have to

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He’s wearing the swim cap in table tennis to increase his speed.

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/saggywitchtits 📅︎︎ Aug 04 2021 🗫︎ replies
hey there friends how's it going today's video is sponsored by mobile legends totally in over 27 million downloads mobile legends is a mobile rpg with a well-designed storyline and a very creative art style from the moment you download mobile legends the game will accumulate resources and experience for you automatically without you having to lift a finger you can study work or even play other games freely and mla will do all the work for you just don't forget to claim your awards so it's a very passive and enjoyable rpg if you don't want to sync hours and hours of your time every day to progress the new update summer party carnival also brings four new summer themed skins to the game log in within seven days to claim 70 premium summon scrolls and get another 30 premium summon scrolls with the code in the description so you can get 100 premium summon scrolls for free and also the world tour opened on july 30th so there's lots to do there and lots of rewards to be claimed and you can even get the new hero nutan for free you can get boxes by doing tasks or idling and you can unlock new props for the hero too so join in on the biggest in-game event yet the summer party available up until august 13th thank you again to mobile legends for sponsoring the video if you want to check it out there's a link in the description if you want to learn more please do click there thank you very much for the support i appreciate you watching and i hope you enjoy the video today we are playing the olympic games no not the one that takes skill to get into the video game this is going to be wild so stick with it also you get a gold medal just for subscribing apparently what okay there was a starting line and then just a pistol shot and it went to white i thought someone had been killed all right i already hate it let's play all right let's go with ireland okay i can tell you right away those two are not from ireland given their complexion the avatar editor provides a wide range of possibilities please allow others to enjoy the game by refraining from making avatars that infringe on the rights of others what does that even mean all right well let's pick this nice pale irish lad yeah yeah that voice will do he's got the physique of an olympian anyway that's for sure he's got a gang tattoo as well yes there is no need to see i only want to see my dreams of me getting gold looks like something out of high school musical not that i would know oh now i'm blushing outfit so i can accessorize you can change the outfit for every event so for the hundred meters he's gonna be wearing this for some reason he's never ran before he's afraid to fall over and hurt himself honestly i would be terrified if my competitors showed up to the hundred meters in this they're confident and of course it won't be clean for the bmx right then so you just gotta go on that one naked okay it seems a bit unfair to do the boxing with the bike helmet on he's shocked this is his table tennis outfit like is he competing in every single event oh oh god those look really cool oh they're locked but like why does he he compete in every event does ireland just have one athlete jesus he looks like the final boss out of some kids game all right enough dress up it's time to compete in the olympic games oh god that lady's on fire you see that's why you gotta wear your protective helmet two players as if i have anyone to play with and even if i did they wouldn't play it with me plays fourth or above to move on to the semi-finals okay here we go a true underdog story look at him he should be disqualified on the spot look i'm just sensitive about my body okay mega booster i thought performance enhancing drugs were not allowed who just signed when i was announced this is honestly terrifying i have so much anxiety here i just want to do my country proud what yes i know that's me i'm the only one wearing a motorcycle helmet what i think i got shot i think i got shot hey wait wait wait for me but look at that speed oh my god considering the false start he should probably be disqualified but he still beats so many people oh i think that's just like permanently ingrained in my memory forever that's never leaving my head that was a beautiful moment oh we get an instant replay ah move move move i need to see this yes yes and look at that speed it's so unnatural oh yes the sideways view amazing the dubstep or whatever the hell it is makes it so much better look at that it's like terminator chasing the car okay when the word set disappears hold f to build up power what okay i guess the loading takes back in ages the loading's longer than the race and like i don't understand why what are you loading it's just some ai mpc's running that's all it is okay continuing to load this is uh this is taking a while all right here we go again uh this is the semi-final you're a superstar what about me i fell over and i still won i'm called the rookie okay fine like why are you singling me out as the rookie we all fought very hard to get here i would imagine oh god no no no i was slow hold on i was better when i fell over for sake all right come on build the speed no no no no no no no no no no no no oh i came dead last okay it turns out the secret to victory is falling over at the starting line all right well that event's gone stop smiling and waving you lost this isn't golf the lowest points doesn't win new record dead last i mean given what he was wearing not bad but we gotta move on we lost it's time for boxing i can unpack amazon boxes faster than anyone oh this boxing oh no i'm gonna get punched in the face use what for a left bunch and what for a right punch what i'm what i don't understand oh and i'm against the chosen one great controls are made for right-handed athletes left-handed athletes celebrate controls are you actually calling us athletes just for playing a game where you play as an athlete at least i get the protective edward and the baseball outfit for some reason round one i don't know how to punch oh wait wait ow no i said wait okay hold on i'm figuring out something okay holding r allows me to punch ow all right yeah just keep up recording this is working actually yeah perfect i figured out the only controls i need this guy must be so pissed i'm hearing my motorcycle helmet well then i got a special ability oh my god smash bros rookie over here surely he's not only knocked down he is dead right come on someone step in and i don't mean about taking off my helmet i mean he's he's hurt bad what no end it come on you're gonna have to smelt down those medals and make an urn in a second if you're not careful he wasn't even up when they stopped counting no wonder the people in the audience are dead behind the eyes look at them no stop it stop it oh no he just put the ko in tokyo what what does this mean i don't have a controller what do you want me to do okay all right because i don't know the controls i lose this isn't fair you know what doubles on table tennis bringing some backup some good irish backup okay so by this tutorial the other person will be playing table tennis and i'll be running all over the place trying to get my steps for the day in perfect sake again with the whatever the hell this is i don't know how uh oh jesus this is embarrassing oh there we go uh hey you just pushed me out of the way oh i thought you had it sorry no all right hold on i'll figure this out eventually all right there we go there we go yeah here we go i'm so sorry i just left but we did it okay it turns out me running away from the table works wonders for the team hold on i'll go over to their site and run interference oh sorry i was i was chatting to the ref wondering if i could get my motorcycle helmet back those ping pong balls can do damage sorry don't shake your head at me connolly i'm trying my best over here you see that one was close oh here we go he always just watches it go by all right table tennis isn't my thing he's like oh man i almost touched it but no wonder he couldn't do it he couldn't see with his damn swimming goggles oh we don't want to replay that that's going right into the old repressed memories folder okay this is the normal controls for keyboard e thank you very much oh jesus i forgot i'm completely naked i hope i don't fall off i hope they have to censor him so there's just a little black bear flying through the course oh no don't take that position dude he's trying to go before i was even allowed yes now we're talking this is my event holy crap yeah i can defy gravity apparently i don't really understand this event to be honest with you i don't get what i'm supposed to do like am i supposed to win the race or do the most tricks or what okay i did it yay you see being clotheless and hairless pays off at camera you're looking the wrong way you're meant to be looking at me look the race is over i i won you should be all right never mind it's trying to go before the start all right great we qualified in another event all right i'm gonna stick with this false start strategy because that worked out great in the running and i abandoned it and then i lost there we go see it works oh sorry you know the old saying you never forget how to ride a bike but i forgot jesus christ what was that i'm really sure the game just bugged out i think we're going to make it to the finals everyone oh my god i sold thirds this is great okay place turner above to receive a medal i can do this riders oh my secret to victory is over it's gone oh no no no no no no no this is very very bad okay i'm catching up i'm catching up i can do this out of my way i need a medal oh my god he really wants that medal i don't know if you can hear but i am furiously clicking i want this medal so bad yeah what medal did they give for eight in the olympics wow the crowd goes mild look at them all they're all going nuts this one didn't even bother standing up they can't even see who won the long jump that's where i'll win you saw his jumps on the bike he's got this in the bag no off with these controls i don't know what that means oh my god he's in his karate gear again what is that helmet is it a boxing helmet or is in his swimming cap again what's he doing i don't understand what oh he's just kept running i forgot to say oh there we go oh look at that dent he made oh wait we're supposed to clap oh there we go come on get the crowd going yeah there you go wow i don't know what button i used i think it was like q and r or something you know it wasn't it all right cn 2024 everyone thank you why are you cheering yourself on you forgot to jump two out of three times he's like a new record i remember to jump once oh here we go watch that replay oh that was a good one to be fair i'm glad you didn't show my other runs on the replay they just have to keep showing the same thing from different angles because in the other ones i didn't even leave the ground wait i got to the semi-finals what did everyone else forget to jump entirely or did they just not show up i i don't know how to jump i don't know what it is i'm pressing all the keys imagine you got knocked out before the semi-finals to this fella who then made it through to the next round and just didn't even bother jumping yeah no no distance set he he just didn't jump at all oh no now they have nothing else to show other than him running on sand next event all right a team game that's what we need rugby he's got the frame for it and he's a team player as we saw in table tennis oh no don't start me with the ball i don't even know what i'm doing there you go booted up field what oh no i have the bot wait am i controlling everyone what no i don't like this i only want to be my guy where am i i thought i'd stand out but i don't see me for some reason oh here he is yes here we go yes he's gonna get a touchdown yes try yes that is his life motto try he tries everything look at him go it's pathetic and inspiring all at once oh my god we found his sport no i'm just gonna run around with the ball what are you gonna do if you can't get the ball then oh sh they got the ball i feel like i'm playing piggy in the middle i just keep tossing it to each other and they can't get it this is perfect i know this is allowed but this feels like i should be allowed to be disqualified for doing this okay what no it's not okay you miss the ball you're in the olympics for god's sake you don't just lose and go okay oh okay they just kind of let him through there they felt bad for him i like that oh here we go again he's the master of rugby we don't even need this i'm just tossing this out to the fans wait why can this keep going around where is he gonna kick this great are you sure stop hogging and let's get going why are you just standing there okay he is amazing i rubbed me he's way too fast i guess that's what you get when you get your olympic sprinter to play on your rugby team this time we're sending it out to this side of the crowd to my loyal fans oh i guess they're not no one even attempted to catch it wait no i don't want you getting glory you don't deserve it i want my guy to get all the glory he can be in the headlines for scoring every point look at that he's so proud of himself the thing is the games were so long and he doesn't feel like an underdog anymore i don't want to play i want to leave this event they're like what do you mean we got to do the semi-finals and he's just like well i'm competing in every event sometimes they conflict and i'm going swimming oh no i i gotta do the false stat i gotta know what happens for god's sake wait what is this sweeper jesus w and i but i'm tapping with the mouse how am i supposed to do that oh perfect's sake i'm losing good thing i have big hands because i'm just about managing this but i think it's too late to be figuring it out now hold on guys i'll get there thanks for waiting all right that's a bit condescending to just be leaning on my rope waiting for me he's gonna kill someone he just came here to take out frustration he heard hammer throw and he was like literally gonna throw just some carpenters hammers around the room he doesn't want to compete in this event frustration gone let's go home to ireland gang all right i think i'll leave it there because you know what i don't think i'll ever be an athlete despite what the game is trying to tell me because i just don't believe it but i hope you enjoyed the video i hope you got inspired and now you want to go and throw some hammers or you know false start a few times if you're new here please consider subscribing i would love to have you around thank you so much for watching and i hope to see you all next time bye for now
Channel: Call Me Kevin
Views: 288,652
Rating: 4.9498591 out of 5
Keywords: Call Me Kevin, Call Me, CallMeKevin, CallMe, funny, funny moments, comedy, lets play, gameplay, gaming, olympics, olympic, olympics game, olympic game, new olympics, meme, olympics funny, call me kevin olympics, olympics sim, olympics simulator, new sim, tokyo olympics, olympic games, tokyo 2020
Id: 9Ftz2cuZ7OI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 54sec (954 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 04 2021
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