Sims 4 but I rob my neighbors homes

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hey there friends how's it going my name is kevin and today we're playing the sims 4 with turg and jim apologies i look a bit messy my lockdown hair is coming in again but hey it kind of suits the game because well my utilities have been shut off and i look like a guy whose utilities have been shut off all right let's jump into the game all right so we're on a money-making mission we're trying to make some money in this game oh yes the lottery perfect the game answered my prayers that was way too in sync what would be a great idea now is to get as many people in my family as possible to get them all to get lottery tickets i'll be back i'm heading out for the day god damn it this had more people before i killed them [Music] uh where else can we go what about up here oh bagface family i'll fit in perfectly i like how everyone fixed when i removed that weird face mod i was using but then you got cyclops over here who just didn't revert for some reason all right head over to their house and uh bring bring a kid this one clerk use him as sympathy to get into their household then they'll realize it's not even my kid the thing is while i'm here i might steal some furniture if i can as well that's what i was going to say originally we're going to try and make some money and steal some furniture for the house wait is that an urn oh no that's just a vase i like your style though but they're in the room oh what about these no they can't be worth much they are tackies i don't know what all right who's the weak link here who looks like they could use a friend this guy's hanging out with children so probably him hey waving across the couch and there's a kid in the middle and once again terry's just happy to be here we're not even talking to him purchase lottery ticket they're a hundred dollars that's a quarter of my money and now with turk buying one that's half my money he's inspired after spending a hundred dollars oh god he's getting tense because he hasn't stolen something in a while all right let's get upstairs steal something real quick and then come back try and make friends wait recently caught what did he try and steal himself egypt he just can't resist look at him now in the garden eating this camper's chew under an umbrella jim you're not here to have a picnic with turkey we're supposed to make friends with the family look at this guy frying his eyes out yeah he's definitely my way and he's stupid okay yeah now he's sitting out with us in the rain under the umbrella he's the perfect amount of stupid friendly gifts there we go an incomplete hazmat suit i'm trying to get rid of the junk in my inventory so this is a good way of becoming friends while also getting rid of my trash you know what they say one man's trash is well in this case another man's trash sorry you're just gonna have to throw that away it's completely useless even he's pissed okay yeah blah blah blah blah blah yeah clap it your own little joke there okay now they're good friends asked to move in all right you know what just so it's an even trade and we have a hostage in case they do anything bad to jim take the kid in the meantime turkey come on don't be so sad dude turn that frown upside down you'll get your kid back eventually also there's a an admin fee to that other family thank you very much okay first things first as the new man of the house you all have to buy lottery tickets oh wait that's that kid i brought over we don't need you anymore now wait this is my son how is this my son i mean still my point stands um we don't need you anymore please leave i did not know you were my son until i just saw parenting and then i was like really send them home wherever your home is skated i'll see you around i'm a good dad i swear we're bringing out the cake and then sending the kid home bye bye see you later no cake for you why is he dripping wet oh cause it's still raining outside well best of luck kid it's best you learn now that it's a tough world out there it's just going out into the rain oh nice rug put an inventory take that the whole house is gonna be stripped of little furnishings by tomorrow and he's just gonna miraculously decide to move out hopefully with some lottery winnings the hell they've got like an indoor little garden here oh my god they're growing their own stuff i don't like that there we go there will be no planting under my roof this is the guy who just moved in there we go now that whole room is going up in flames and well no one's even aware because they're all downstairs and thinking there couldn't possibly be a fire upstairs all we have up there is plants it would have to be some kind of evil magic or something you can go to sleep jimmy you've had a long day we just got to sleep till the morning and see if we've won the lottery that fire is raging in there it's spreading to the hall as jim sleeps in a child's bed one room over this is the longest a fire has gone unnoticed and i don't know how long oh wait this person is a kid they're at school i thought they were a fully grown adult god that fire is loud kid come home yes skip school i'm your dad now i tell you what goes his only option is to call the fire department as if subconsciously he knows something's wrong no we're going to wait out that fire if you react to the fire you're letting the fire win how about that for a lifetime oh they've got a smart light set up look at this yeah i'm sitting in all the green and all lights on all the time how is that for obnoxious they're probably having a family meeting like uh why are we letting this new jim pickens guy decide everything in the house he demanded our son comes home from school to make cakes for us why do they love cakes so much there's cakes everywhere come on you can't even blame me at this point there's no way you can't hear or feel that fire upstairs okay now the air around the stairs is on fire which is never good you don't want to see that i've got an idea i lock the downstairs bathroom then someone will have to go up oh wait jim discovered the fire because it entered his room all right let's go over and sleep in the next room oh someone's come up and immediately caught fire oh my god they're all using the stairs and catching fire jim get out of there oh no jim's on fire extinguisher there you go he's a genius when it comes down to it there we go now he's locked in the bathroom nice and safe he's where the water is this person is burning to death and bag face is putting out the fire good thing he came home from school right sonny boy [Music] oh he put her out through the wall uh he's a good kid really oh he didn't have a lottery ticket anyway that that's the one i don't care about you didn't even return the favor you just kind of look annoyed with him that he's on fire oh boys will be boys setting themselves on fire and whatnot all right i'm locking you in a room too because you're just gonna interfere there we go you're locked in there with the paintings the highly flammable paintings you know there's a fire department in the game now right you could call the fire department that one got bored of the fire and it's just leaving she's got other stuff to do oh oh the kid just died you know i don't want to place the blame on anyone but you kind of got to blame the guy who wears a flammable bag on his head i'm just saying like he probably won't even get an insurance payout on that one oh i know that toilet's on fire called the fire department god damn this family needs so much care and attention honestly how do they manage without me i mean granted i wasn't there to start the fire so they probably didn't have to deal with the fire but that's kind of irrelevant now like there's a fire we just gotta deal with the thing i don't think the grim reaper will take kindly to be sprayed with that you might want to be careful there we go all done and look we got an insurance payout i'll take that if you don't mind and to think that all started because they tried to illegally grow plants in their household i'll take your son's urn now if you don't mind he didn't even have a lottery ticket he's irrelevant to us she's still in there like can i come out now uh no the fire's still going it's been three days yep it's it's still going out here yeah lots of fire everywhere why were they trying to make so much cake resume white cake resume white cake resume white cake resume white cake cake resume white cake cake eat white cake eat white cake eat white cake and then there's two more three more white cakes oh and don't forget resume white cake over there what the hell and one more let's see who i can't you know what i could really go for some white cake right now wait the lottery was successful oh no that's just he had a great time because he bought a ticket okay i i actually got excited for once in my life jim swiped an object while at work and then it came up congratulations on starting your element collection why would he even steal that all right i got a counter a knife rack a sink a stainless steel auto pot another countertop i think jim is saying he wants a kitchen remodel god look at this state of the place the green tint makes it look so much worse it looks like a drug den or something i don't know if this is just the curse of jim but everything starts breaking every time he's around the place or maybe it's just the excessive usage because of all the cakes you're making for some reason i'll take a piece but i'm still angry at you and so is god if you hear that he's based about all these cakes oh someone's sleeping in there okay lock the door just locking them all in no they're in there too lock the door right they're all locked away now now wake her up and go to sleep they've had a rough day but i'm not allowing you sleep to forget it there we go she went in the ensuite that was a mistake as well now you're locked in there oh wait i just realized this one survived what the no we can't allow this there we go okay now back to sleep oh god it is just on the other side of the wall from this lady but don't worry love day starts tomorrow emily styles who the hell is emily styles that's not any of you one thing is for sure with these winnings she may have suiters and long-lost cousins lined up around the block and i'll be first in line where is emily why don't they filter out all the dead people and babies i don't want i just want to find emily god these people don't know anyone it's so small even with their dead son on there i gotta find that emily lady wait who are you how did you get in the house oh i know you i killed your mother yes of course how could i forget sorry well she's dead i'm leaving but oh the woman got caught on the fire on the way a freaking idiot he's having a great time all right emily no emily no he's just still having a chuckle out here he's like oh god he want to tell us this happens to me the happy little tuna plays just as someone dies he doesn't even care he walks on by i was just threatened to say let's fight fire with fire and i was gonna light the fire department on fire but it doesn't let you you can't do magic when there's fire on the lot all right 286 that's mine too and this is mine i'm going home to my turk thanks for the memories everyone it's been real i will see you later wait oh my god i just arrived and turk started a fire at the barbecue that wasn't even me for the third time today jim would you mind calling the fire department he may as well have him on speed dial at this point it wasn't really me but i i need your help please get out of that child um this is really uncomfortable can i talk to you about moving back in please why are you freaking out the fire's gone god they're having a weird interaction right now what is this okay there we go all right and you owe me roughly 1700 for that fire damage money that is mine i caused those fires i earned it i forgot to give back the kid well you're ours now kid unfairness there's not much to go back to the house is kind effect and two people are dead the kid's very hungry but i don't think turk knows how to cook i mean the last time you tried to make hot dogs the barbecue went on fire but i guess he can try again i'll perfect say come on god is definitely angry what i'm doing here what the hell was that jesus christ it just missed him what did we get though a gift from the gods all right kid i made hot dogs it's up there with the lightning and stuff you can get some if you want oh god he got struck by lightning this is a horrible day the kid's running inside but turk's just still happy to have his hot dog you get to sleep turkey there's gonna be ash everywhere when jim gets home ah for sake you're making a mess up here then i want to make you hang out there every day now we'll call you lightning rod just stick you on the roof on the solar panel got broken ah the money's leaving as fast as it comes in come on turk you may as well get some positive out of this go discover fire light the bonfire there you go you discovered fire immediately there's a fire dance to celebrate oh oh careful jesus christ oh not only did he discover fire he discovered that fire hurty jim swiped an object while he was at work he keeps swiping weird stuff don't you speaking of swiping we gotta get out there and let's do our original plan of trying to get furniture i need to track down that emily woman but i don't know where she lives don't think i've been here yet and that looks like a good house to rob so i might visit there come on in okay perfect now what do i want oh this looks expensive take that you know the kid's coming the kid's coming okay never mind oh food feed me these people are rich look at this place maybe i shouldn't have jumped into grabbing that statue there was probably a lot of stuff i could have stolen here oh i found her emily styles one million dollars what how is that possible that's how much you get from the lottery uh sorry kid i i gotta go if anyone asks where that statue is you uh you saw nothing oh god damn it this is inappropriate please stop it look it's just a culture thing in my culture that's a compliment to freeze your kid i'll uh i'll leave i froze her because she saw me stealing the statue and then i ended up getting seen freezing a kid instead which is a lot worse i think anyway all right let me visit you lady i'll bring the fire department this time so i don't have to call them it would actually save them a lot of hassle if they just followed me around to be honest this household is off the utility grid it's an apartment block on its love day i love money i have never met this lady i just walked in and sat next door zibs flingle zibs now he's singing christmas songs i think but she she likes that that's okay where's turg when you need him he's sleeping on a park bench somewhere oh there he is yeah there's my partner in crime sleeping next to all the trash sleeper gideon starts in about now who's gideon oh yeah the guy i like semi-adopted he's still at home god you have nice furniture like look at that for a toilet if i went into a bathroom like that i'm not even classy enough to realize it's a toilet i'm pranking her toilet i don't know what that means all right i i don't know what i did so i'm just gonna use the thing and see what happens this is not a good prank whatever it is and turg is just sleeping in her bed now okay toilet is broken the p is just rebounding and coming back out by the looks of it hey what you doing i'm shirtless turk just checking in you mind if i read your browsing history i'm just really into that i like to get to know people oh wait no no she caught me clogging the trains okay enough is enough i'm gonna have to ask you to leave okay your money one way or another lady i don't know what he just took but he just swiped something off the wall while she was right there she's freaking out goddamn they must be the most annoying couple ever one is evil and the other is just clueless all right we'll go home for now but you haven't seen the last of us jim's a spell caster master how did you do that i should make a cauldron or something to make potions i've never tried that but i don't know if i have the money because that selfish millionaire won't give it to me i deserve it my god it cost 1 350. please someone buy that fish if someone bought that fish i'd have enough money it's worth two grand oh god damn it they're repossessing my items instead because i'm not paying my bills wait how are you taking my whole gazebo thingy at least it was the most useless item besides from me on the lot oh come on man you can't just repossess someone's toilet he said you're madly trying to sell that fish so you can afford a toilet no no no no don't take anything else come on please okay he's gone oh he bought the doll okay great now buy the fish someone buy the fish yeah you want it don't you it's just out by the docks and you're impulse buy a two grand fish it's nice it's only been out for a few days yes they bought my fish now i can buy a cauldron and a toilet i have a weird lot the things are just getting thrown everywhere look at that i want that that can cool toilet oh wait i should probably get an off the grid toilet though otherwise my stuff is going to keep getting repossessed all right i don't know why it's red i i literally have an evil toilet somehow i didn't think that was possible dude what the hell was that about he just knocked over my bin right in front of me chad over here you're going in the cauldron he'll crack him open again just to freeze him he's stuck in this cycle now he just keeps refreezing him you shouldn't even refreeze food none of my own people oh yeah my yard sale's still going that's over by the way you can all leave now except for obviously you the frozen dude you're stuck here yeah shishubi is right go on get out all right that wasn't a suggestion you know that was actually a demand leave my house oh god my spell backfired i thought it said he was a master in spells let's try this again and don't kill yourself jim i'm warning you there we go and now it works you're putting it out oh my god you're lame all right your heroes are gone now there's no one to protect you there you go now go yourself all right he somehow lived so i'll just freeze him and keep him as like a lawn ornament for now turkey's just looking at him like that is some fine craftsmanship all right that has been an eventful day i think we will leave it there i'm not sure what to do with this millionaire i don't think i've ever even ran into a millionaire in the sims if any suggestions do let me know because i don't want to just take the million because then that field's too easy you know i'll never think about it maybe they could fund some sort of business that jim could start or maybe turk i don't know that might be a good idea i hope you enjoyed i appreciate you watching as always if you want to see more of me i post every day and i also stream over on twitch the link to that is in the description but yeah other than that i guess i'll just say i hope you enjoyed and i hope to see you next time bye for now
Channel: Call Me Kevin
Views: 1,353,670
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kevin, callmekevin, kevin1811, funny, moments, gameplay, lets, play, game, cmk, clips, sims 4, sims, jim pickens, lets play, sims 4 gameplay, sims 4 let's play, sims 4 commentary, sims 4 death, sims 4 reaper, grim reaper mod, sims 4 mods, sims 4 story, sims 4 best mods, sims pets, sims vampire, expansion, simes deluxe edition, expansion packs, battle royale, sims 4 island living, sims 4 zombies, sims 4 turg, sims 4 babies, sims 4 lockdown, sims 4 eco living, sims 4 eco lifestyle
Id: F9Uers3SduQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 12sec (1032 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 17 2020
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