This life simulator is 99.999% harder than real life

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Simulator? More like Bore Ragnarok

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Apr 27 2021 🗫︎ replies
hey there friends how's it going my name is kevin and this video is sponsored by morning brew which is a free newsletter that goes out monday through sunday when i wake up every morning i literally just stare at my phone looking at nothing useful but i recently subscribed to their newsletter to try it out a little bit and it's actually helped me get out of bed in the morning without searching endlessly through things to find out what's going on in the world in normal news or even social media can be so boring and dense this feels simple concise it's fun to read i've learned a little bit that i probably wouldn't have known about otherwise i was reading a lot about lumber prices and i know that sounds weird but i'm really into woodwork even though you wouldn't think it and also google earth's new time lapse feature which is super fascinating there's no real reason not to try it it's free it takes like 15 seconds to sign up so if you're interested there's a link in the description it's call me kevin i'd like to thank them again for the sponsor thank you for watching super appreciate it and i hope you enjoy the video today we're playing wobbly life and i don't just mean i'm vlogging i know i seem a bit unstable at times this game is actually called wobbly life wow wow let's get started oh look at him just enjoying himself on the swing alone he's so relatable oh he's a gamer too he's so relatable oh and his mom hates him he's so relatable i think i'm getting forcibly evicted this is assault can i call social services wait what age am i because it's either like really cruel or it's warranted depending on my age let me back let me in again go outside and do some work oh i've got to go get a job don't i just get straight back in like mama please she's like let me go dear i'll play video game outside all right let's see if i can get a job somewhere would you grab some jelly for me if you really love jelly even your t-shirt is jelly on it yeah i'll go get him some jelly when i can do i have an actual job though oh i didn't know this was like grand theft auto i just stole someone's drive on lawn mower for sale i'll take it i assume i don't have enough money right 1 000. oh that's not bad geez the housing market must be in shambles there must be something wrong with it let's check out the roof nope looks fine uh not sure how i'm supposed to get down but it looks fine oh hoppy thing okay now i'm happy who needs video games when you have this i should really get a job i love it it's the same color as my skin tone it just looks like i have a really strange ass what's this paper round i jump into paper gun fire into my gardens okay yeah except oh no this is a bad idea isn't it oh okay got one nice oh this is great this is great fun but a little bit stressful actually because there's a lot to deliver it now that i think about it oh oh oh no i don't like working i want to go back in and play video games but my mom won't let me that house is for sale i mean well i guess people could still believe in the internet i suppose i thought it's just abandoned [Music] god i'm gonna like destroy their house in newspaper as soon as it rains there's gonna be like ink everywhere i gotta say this does not feel like the most efficient way to deliver the papers i'm sorry to hate on this job but it just feels like maybe a bike would be a better option all right i got 17 34 bucks all right this is actually going to be hard to save for a house i don't even know what to do with it i never had this much money before i'm just holding the money bag can i deposit it here okay great yes i have money now time for some grand theft auto surely i could sell this for scrap and make you kill him and see why it's called wobbly life he's a little bit all over the place ah jesus it's a dangerous world when you're not following the roads i can cross water on this thing right this vehicle looks amphibious what do you know it is oh no it's not okay i knew that was too good to be true also i don't think i can swim i'm rising to the top like a dead goldfish can i care check you oh i can great what the hell is that where did they go all right it's time to go into the big city i'm tired of the suburbs i want to make a good living for myself god this car is destroyed oh pizza place they pay well ow take one pizza transport pizza deliver pizza that all seems fairly standard i'm timed where's the pizza hold on hold on hold on a second okay i got all of the pizza okay there we go pizza time no my pizza all right that's just one i didn't need that one anyway it's good to give back to nature the circle of life and all that where do you live why do we deliver to you you [ __ ] hermit where am i even going oh pizza time just take it take it out of the bag oh my god what do you want me to literally put it in your mouth too do you want me to spoon feed you oh my god i stopped on the checkpoint hold on hold on hold on hold on all right hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on all right pizza here eat pizza are we done oh my god he wanted the other pizza too [ __ ] oh god i can't even run over him in my car hey uh you hiring i don't know why i asked that like jfk hey you're right are you uh yeah you're right a ring right yeah yeah take bin van and find trash that's me please trash on lift press button on van easy i will make a living i will make my mama proud i destroyed their fence and was that pizza worth it to them oh my god a train i kind of got to get hit by this to see what happens oh not much really it just pushes me further from my objective and i'm stuck this wasn't worth trying i got nothing flashy my car didn't explode or anything all it did was delay me no i forgot paris and amphibious in this game so unrealistic wait wait oh my god okay actually i take it back no i don't take it back i thought it was the most realistic game ever for a second you know he really reminds me of me in some ways he's failing and everything he can't swim that's pretty much all you need to do to relate to me in an effort to complete my job i am taking the garbage to the waterfront or i will just dispose of it in the lake there we go did that work no it didn't it just reset it now i'm just skulking around people's gardens hiding in the hedges i wish i could be like a burglar or something something i'd be more used to grove street home great nothing's showing up on the map so now i know where i am oh my god i think i actually do live on grove street that's amazing how come the other job gave me like no time to deliver my pizza and this job has given me so much time i'm just waiting around for it to end all right you know before the day ends and i have to go back to my mom i gotta do one job right i should find that man some jelly if i find him jelly then the day isn't a complete write-off i'll head into the city and get some jelly is there any 24-hour jelly shops no not the water again i just i i can't i can't drown for the third time in one day wobbly mall this place should be open right needs jelly that's just like oh god this guy's off his face on something where's the jelly counter oh toy shop what age am i supposed to be because this could be very concerning if i'm anything over the age of seven oh look at that for a jump jesus chris oh my god i think i broke my neck where the jelly store i need to find it oh wait there's actually someone in here sorry about your stock oh a jewelry store time for a heist yeah it says pull the whole counter out god you're terrifying oh nice i did some money sorry i'm not used to any money i don't know how to say it oh nice i can afford an egg on my head and some chicken legs i'm gonna buy the horse you gotta come home and be like mom i earned money ah i've fallen down i could imagine just drowning in this this is how he dies dressed as a chicken with an egg on his head well i've spent all my money and even if there is jelly here now i can't afford it so i best get going it's gone midnight oh i'm gonna terrify some people out there perfect turn you're gonna get someone killed how do i terrify them no time to explain gotta get home to mama i can do this yes oh maybe i i'm not smart enough to deliver pizza but i can get a job at the nuclear power plant maybe i can get a job at security he's not pretty good at his job he just let me in yeah and i go to the nuclear power plant dressed like this help us out with this toxic waste you talking about me catch barrels load onto truck drive to dispose inquiry that sounds like my kind of job to be fair i tried to do illegal dumping even when i was on my other job oh no i came down here without getting the waste first oh wait what the hell is this should we be feeding this thing it looks like those things in the toy story the claw i can imagine the interaction when i left that place it's like okay so we want you to get rid of these barrels down at the quarry you got it bath and just drive straight out without even picking up the barrels oh okay that's the way oh oh i've become the hulk just start screaming and run out yeah i don't have much time i don't have much time let's just load up this truck if i could just hold on oh my god whatever i'm getting paid for this isn't worth the radiation poisoning one more one more toxic waste i got a minute to get down there but i can just ramp down there i can do this right easy does this yeah easy yeah there we go still got two not bad oh i grabbed them both look at this eat me too honestly you put me out of my misery if you love toxic stuff you love me we got two is that good enough honestly that's good as i can do i think it's just a shame i left without the barrels in the first place because i could have done this one you didn't pay me anything i'm going [ __ ] home i've worked for like 20 hours now and i've almost nothing to show for it except for my chicken legs and my egg head oh what's that vehicle that looks like it could be fun i'll steal that now you're talking i'm not going up i'm just going faster and i don't know what to do oh no that's a mountain that's a mountain oh no oh why is it snowing this is so bad i don't know how to go up oh there we go there we go all right i might be safe well i'm definitely not safe but i'm not immediately gonna die which honestly is probably my best status that should be my status on everything i'm discarded my idol status it's just not in immediate danger of dying there goes my house they think okay straight up in the air and just jump out oh why did i buy chicken legs or not chicken wings oh chicken wings i'm so hungry mama take me back i just want to go back to playing video games where am i this isn't my house now i'm the police can you help me mister please pull over i'm lost i want to find my mama oh i just killed a man mama very fitting given that i'm really really wanting my mom right now i'm lost in the big city and i'm just confused and scared is this where my hometown is this looks vaguely familiar oh grove street home aw [ __ ] here we go again mom i'm police man now please let me come home care for me no i don't wanna find more work i don't wanna the world is scary god there's really nothing underneath these hybrids is there nothing going on down there whatsoever similar to my guy actually oh here's something i could be a famous race car driver wait is this going to be something i have to pay for so i had to show up to the go-kart place and being like okay how much will you pay me all right let's give this a go anyway and hope i get some money out of this oh hold on hold on oh hold on all right there we go did i win is it over why isn't it over i think we should end it because if we get even to a minor bump i've had so much brain trauma already today that it could really be the end of me and i'm holding you responsible like look at the way i'm dressed i'm clearly insane why would you let me on these go-karts [Music] i did it and i got paid oh my god i could buy a shirt i'm not going to because i like a certain amount of freedom in my bosom area but i could afford one if i wanted it i just drove off with his car at the end of the race i just drove across the field and left and he's just there like are you gonna bring that back like i've i have a family to feed you're ruining my business oh carnival finally somewhere i belong is that a caterpillar ride can i go on the caterpillar ride why is there no one about is lockdown in effect in this world too i'm just sitting here in this roller coaster made for children by myself with an egg smashed on my head all right well that was fun that's like a five second ride good thing the line isn't long i mentioned queuing for that god damn it i was hoping i could get this thing free i need a vehicle to drive away in oh yes i did it i think i'm not sure i don't know what's going on yes i don't know how it's still working but it's working this is kind of relaxing it's going so steadily and it's making the noise of like a vacuum in the next room oh now this is more like it pull up in my bumper car ask for a job on a local farm crops around here sure grow fast give me a hand and jump in the harvester harvest the crop and deliver it for me i don't know if you trust a man dressed like a chicken hey you got any chickens around here by the way jump in harvester let's just jump in the top pick it grind it up i should stop accepting all these jobs but here goes nothing that's the first open the gate i don't think this is how i should be harvesting tomatoes am i just ruining as crops okay i harvested them all now i got to deliver them all do you have a car for me to do this in or because i only brought my bumper car i don't think i'm gonna be able to load anything up into that oops wait does this not hitch on oh is that hitched on it doesn't look very stable nope it's definitely not hitched on can i can i put this on you must just be like why did i hire this dude who just pulled up in a bumper car i've made a great mistake okay i've wasted far too much time with this trailer and honestly it's it's actually concerning because i i could lose the whole job because of that when i i could have just loaded them in the pickup i just may have had to take a little less but now i might take not at all i wish i knew why i was like this like why why do i keep doing this stuff i keep making the same mistake over and over again of being stupid i just want to make my mama proud just realize i can probably take two at a time yeah i can't god damn it i'm just not very efficient am i even the way i've packed these like i couldn't pack them so much better but no i just do this weird stacking that clearly isn't gonna work these are gonna be the most bruised tomatoes you've ever seen oh my god i haven't even pulled off and there's not already falling out no i can't i can't even keep the wall in the back please what if i put one leg on the front of the car will that work [Music] okay so far so good oh that didn't last very long yeah perfect balance oh one fell off the back hold on i'm feet from the farm go around i'm having a rough day okay oh my god now one is falling out the back and when i break to pick it up the one on the front falls off oh my god no my van come back with my pickup all right look so many kind of free tomatoes all right i'm gonna go to the destination because i have to keep starting and stopping and i'm never going to get there if i keep doing that oh my god another one goes fine that's fine look who needs this much tomatoes do people even like tomatoes people just argue over them it causes tension you know is it a vegetable or a fruit okay i know this probably isn't the best idea but i've lost my way so i'm going off-road no i already lost one as soon as i said it oh red light red light red light that's fine look it's an emergency the people need their tomatoes hello oh don't tell me i have to [ __ ] offload the thing as well i'm stuck oh my god oh my god oh my god okay there we go please i knocked a signpost down it's blocking the door where even is this place it's a fast food restaurant why do i need to hand deliver all these tomatoes it's about to say it's stuck but no i'm just grabbing onto the floor as i try and pull it out of here three to deliver and they're just back up the road will i go get them can i go get them if i can pull off this insane ramp maybe i can oh my god i'm going to be up on someone's roof well the good news is i delivered your tomatoes but the bad news is your pickups stuck up on the gas station sorry i'm just dry humping the tomatoes it just gives them that bit of flavor you know just like a mama used to do these shelves driving me insane out of the way gotta get these tomatoes to the fast food restaurant oh my god like why why do they need them in the next 30 seconds they had zero customers and i just delivered them loads i think they can wait an extra minute or two to get more tomatoes why did i say it like that you say tomato i say tamiya twos come on come on come on come on come on i can do this i got 10 seconds and the store is right there right there all right stop stop stop stop stop stop get out get out get out get out get out get out get out get in get in get in get go go i'm looking in there i hate you guys so much i put so much effort into that but at least i got paid that's my highest paying job yet i didn't get paid that much though you know i'm i'm keeping the pickup it's mine now oh you can even buy your own vehicles and everything that's so nice but i can't afford anything because no one pays me a fair wage for a job well done hello i would like to put this in my account please oh i'm six bucks short of a scooter that would have made it all worthwhile you know all the days of torture brain trauma and radiation would all have been worth it just for a scooter no don't leave without me oh thank god this day would have went from bad to worse if i didn't make my train nothing more depressing than reaching your platform and not getting on your train all right well it's been a hell of a wobbly day but i hope you enjoyed i think we're going to end it there we're going to end the torture of this poor little egghead i hope you enjoyed i appreciate it as always folks i hope you enjoyed watching and i hope to see you tomorrow bye for now
Channel: Call Me Kevin
Views: 723,788
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Call Me Kevin, Call Me, CallMeKevin, CallMe, funny, funny moments, comedy, lets play, gameplay, gaming, simulator funny moments, simulation games, and this happened, life simulator, wobbly life gameplay, wobbly life, wobbly life game, wobbly life simulator, simulator, life game, call me kevin simulator
Id: W9UGX9znSTw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 20sec (1100 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 26 2021
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