I created a base that ignores all laws of physics and it went terrible

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hey there friends how's it going my name is kevin and this video is sponsored by dragon tamer dragon tamer is a turn-based strategy game to test your skills in tami and mastering the art of dragon ray you can build expand and decorate your dragon island paradise inside with dragons events daily quests and over 100 dragons to collect train different species and unlock new abilities right now there's an anniversary event including missions treasure coins tossing a dice and scratch cars there's a number of ways to get involved in the top 500 players will receive legendary dragons there's also an awesome coloring system where you can customize your own style of dragon however you like plus a day and night cycling game the game also has cool features like breeding dragons growing dragons there's nine different elements in the game that all interact in unique ways you can decorate your very own island and there's also different battle modes including the adventure mode alliance warfare arena and forest spirits there's a server for global players where you can battle other players from literally anywhere on the planet if you're interested you can click the link in the description you can join the anniversary event win loads of in-game items thank you to dragon tamer for sponsoring the video i very much appreciate it thank you for watching and i hope you enjoy the video today we are playing muk seed pity start so here we are in muk if you didn't watch my previous video on this do not worry it is a survival game but it's also a roguelike so every game everything is randomized and you got to try your best to survive and it gets pretty damn hard the game is super fun and they say money can't buy you happiness and that is true because this game is free and this game makes me very happy i am so determined to actually do something good today that's what i said when i woke up this morning i'm gonna do something good and i decided on doing well in muck rather than doing any charity work or anything like that just gonna make a table i don't know why i went here because this place is not useful at all but now we're here because this game is so hard like i've been thinking about some strategies i could use my first strategy idea is just to try and make weapons as early as possible and kill my neighbors over there on that hill repeatedly to get enough money to hopefully get some good luck and unlock one of these chests with the money and just get an amazing item and win through essentially all right cows i'm very sorry i have absolutely nothing against you but i need to eat like a whole herd of cows a day that's my new diet regimen i'm bulking i kind of like these cows they're not like minecraft cows where they scream no and they try and run away they just kind of accept their fate just like i guess i'll die then would you off i'm cooking now i know what it feels like to be a parent just these little rascals jumping around you as you're just trying to prepare a meal will you off i'm cooking that's what walter wyde would have sounded like if he were irish by the way there we go two cows eaten and i'm ready for more fighting but will you fight me i swear to say fight someone your own size but no that table is about your size so now fight someone bigger and scarier than you okay look at this i'm already making iron tools and it's only day two jesus i am evolving so fast hopefully soon i'll have a few extra arms and i can evolve even faster like jesus i went through the water age the bronze age the stone age and i went to the iron age and one day i guess it helps when you kind of know what you're doing but i don't know i've often thought about that like if i went way into the past i couldn't really convince anyone of anything because i don't know the know-how to make anything fancy if anything i'd probably just be hung for witchcraft because i just have mad ramblings but not able to prove anything okay anvil down and now i need to make a steel sword fast if i can which i think i can actually what do i need birchwood a son of a birch i'm thinking i might try and get the next sword up like if i can get like a mitral sword or something and just go on a rampage then it might be more beneficial to me you know what it the murder starts now i'm in the mood for a killing wouldn't mind some plundering too actually i got a boat map mitzralore fantastic and a blade what the hell i need a sword health how the hell did will i make that i mean i know i already made a sword but i think i'm just holding it at the pointy end i don't know what a hilt is yet okay maybe i'm not evolving that fast i don't know how to make a sword hilt but i want that second where's google yeah thinking about it i definitely wouldn't have been able to evolve without the help of technology back off i'm googling it's like what the hell does that mean heck's sake it's barely dropped at all i can't even make it there's a chance it's dropped from a goblin and then other than that it drops from a big boss oh god i hope it's not the boss baby i don't want to meet the boss baby at 3 am i've seen a lot of videos going around and i can't imagine it ends well for them hey neighbors i'm back it's daytime and none of your friends are spawning so i need to kill you for money thought i already made you all extinct you keep coming back how many times do i have to teach you this lesson huh stop existing or else jesus that chest is a bit wonky oh it's free what's this broccoli gross it doesn't even tell me what it does oh tell the regeneration okay sorry for getting angry i should know you're healthy for me i shouldn't be getting pissed off with broccoli it's not broccoli's fault it's disgusting much like it's not my fault that i'm disgusting we have more in common than i would like to admit small chance to unhit deal junkie damage great i've been thinking i could use some chunky damage okay we have enough mithril to make some stuff i gotta go back get a mithril pickaxe mitral sword and go on rampages what the oh you're there okay sorry i don't know i am apologizing for missing hitting you with a sword i'd be an awful warrior oopsie my bad if i missed them with an arrow how embarrassing unlock the dough no i don't need dough i need dough i need to buy stuff is that broccoli even doing anything okay it is just very slowly oh sweet jesus okay big boss you're not the boss baby you're even worse okay boss baby's dead ow jesus christ dude you don't throw rocks at people that's not how life works definitely needs to work on his people skills yeah you see now i have a pickaxe and you are a rock don't throw rocks if you live in a glass house or i don't know something wise like that okay my mithril bears are looking good now i'll just go in and i need fur wood feck what about the axe can i get the axe i'd effect's sake i need iron come on hurry up okay thank you and just make me some iron okay steel axe and now i will oh money yes now i will get some fur wood up here and then i'll be able to make mithril stuff and i'm good to go okay i think i have enough out of fur wood to make all mithral tools now including the sword so i should be good this is when things get real mithril sword yes i need normal wood fec come on the boss baby's coming the sun is not even high in the sky anymore all right pick and axe go away pick axe nobody wants you anymore you're outdated technology and i know you were made yesterday but still things move fast in this world okay now i need to make armor if i can but i've got loads of iron maybe i can just make iron armor steel yeah okay all right let's do that but i need food i need food okay let's go slaughter some cows and i'll try and kill as many things as i can tonight to get lots and lots of money oh now this hurts them i mean it doesn't hurt me it gives me immense pleasure like a lot more than it should oh oh that was a one shot to that cow i did chunky damage have i killed everything oh wait there's still stuff over there okay it's nighttime but there wasn't much coming out i went on a bit of a rampage all right oh why did i say anything so these fellas you're much better off using the pickaxe because they are a rock okay getting a little bit overwhelmed but daytime is here so i just need to kill these final ones and i'm good oh no no no no no i'm not good oh jesus christ you have any food go away you're wasting daylight i need to go get all healed up come on cook faster okay that's something that's something look at him just slowly making his way over here you're not welcome go away like back in furnace like better the furnace than me but still you're just being a dick i need some cold stat i need to look out for a nice chest as well like not in like a perverted way i just mean like i need a chest that costs like 200 to open oh i think i've spotted a golden chest all right let's get that open and see what's inside oh i do love a good old-fashioned mystery box what's this nut's hammer and his hammer was electric okay so i get lightning powers now i wouldn't mind a bit of lightning powers to be fair i have 25 gold will i open one of the small ones jesus christ 28 gold damn inflation i knew i should have invested this money excuse me mr cow i need to kill you and your family if i could just please get up there oh damn cows they're evolving now too they're getting some abilities that i don't have like okay i did get up here i'm evolving okay i need to get rid of some of this stuff i'm carrying around things that i just do not need it's clogging up my inventory sorry dude at least the meat will be cooked now right no how does that not cook the meat it's lightning sorry god guess you're not as good as an air fryer what can i say cook all those and get these bears and let's see if i can make any armor real quick yeah chest plate that'll do how do i go in my inventory panic panic panic okay finally i put some clothes on i hadn't evolved to the point of common decency yes but now i look pretty good besides the no eyes situation i got going on here nothing's really spawning it and it's kind of freaking me out jesus and it didn't even kill him look at that i made some shoes and a helmet will you off from my workbench like i don't know why it's pissing you off so much did i not get planning permission or something like i honestly think if you guys would just settle down and not attack me we can co-exist until i get powerful enough to overthrow you oh that's why you're doing this i understand now i wouldn't trust me either i'm definitely the bad guy duh okay day five things are looking pretty good for old no eyes here i need some more cash come here boys let me kill ya they're running do they always run or is that just a coincidence when i was approaching no it looks like they're actually running away is that a cow face in the rock i'm probably just very hungry ooh there's a wagon up there with some boxes i could grab that i'm gonna try and get some mithril to replace well to actually get some pants i never made pants i made a torso piece i made oh there's a chest in there interesting that's going to be the one i open when i have enough money that's a lucky one but i made a helmet shoes and uh a torso piece but never any pants i just haven't evolved to the point where i think they're useful and frankly i think i never will i think they're restrictive and they divide people ooh golden shoes okay wish i didn't just make some but oh well don't look you give horse in the mouth cause horses mouths freak me out a little bit okay i need to get more coal stat i think a boss might spawn tonight or maybe tomorrow so i have to be pretty careful i don't think i've ever beaten a boss in this game i've played it a few times since i did the video on it i really really like it but i've never gotten past this boss so i'm trying to get all armored up and get as many perks as i can i'm hoping i can have one more night to just get some more money and get one more perk okay in this world the cows like interbreed with mountain goats or something because i cannot climb up those mountains but they have no problem with it oh raw meat okay i definitely just let a family starve with this like they are going to be stranded with no food and i'm okay with that and bread yeah that's mine too great uh i can't remember where my house is oh no what have i done i got all turned around i'm pretty sure i approached from that yeah i definitely did i approach from that side i'll follow the cows back yeah there we go there's my house thank goodness it's so good to see you it's great to have you as kind of a landmark of being near my house anyway time to murder all of you oh golem why don't you go away it's in your name just go oh sweet jesus ah fireboy needs to die jesus christ he's strong okay i did chunky damage but there's another one oh this would be a good way of getting some wood from a tree okay that's interesting actually oh god maybe i shouldn't do this maybe i shouldn't do this it's a little dangerous oh no no no don't kill me don't kill me i have too much to live for too much to live for i'm way more important than you trust me just die my guys just like do you know who i am i own a youtube account i am extremely important okay the mithril is going i put some wood in here instead of coal because i need to speed things up and i should have enough money for the gold thing although that pesky inflation maybe i'll just kill this family again i've just been killing them for generations now at this point and then i'll go get a gold chest because tonight we have a boss fight oh jesus christ that was a bit overkill sorry and sorry you had to see it that's probably your son they didn't even attack me they just went right over to check on their family member this is so dark all right it was this one wasn't it 275. you all of you i need money 275. okay hopefully they'll spawn back in and i can kill them again okay i have loads of meat i have these um i think it would be a good idea to build some stuff and this is just a theory this might not work but i've just noticed they seem to attack stuff a lot so i'm thinking what if i just make like random windows and i just place them everywhere will the boss attack them instead just place them around for no reason all right hopefully this will get them to attack the walls instead of me and maybe i could make like a furnace or something yeah there we go there's another furnace they'll be so confused by my base they're like god he hasn't evolved at all actually we thought he was miles ahead but no he doesn't even understand what a house is supposed to look like all right mithril pants there we go perfect one goldberg can make a coin i need 20. how many do i have i have enough but there's no way i'll be able to smelt it all in time is there oh the family is back i'm coming they're just like oh no they're literally sinking into the rocks to avoid me seven coins come on bit more 12 coins okay i just need one or more i think we can do this can we good job family we worked together and we achieved something today here we go something good something good what's this falling below 30 boost your stats i'm not sure that's useful i don't think that was very much worth it i mean it might work against the waves but against the big boss he'll probably just one shot me jesus these cows are terrifying they just keep sticking out through the rocks okay the sun is setting here comes the big day i think anyway maybe i could make one more mithril thing i could i could make a helmet i don't know if that'll give me a big boost or not let's see uh marginal probably worth it oh okay oh no oh no i'm already scared how how how how how you see what i mean you see what i mean when i said he'd probably one-shot me poor jesus and there's little mini things too are you serious my health is 69. that's an internet number no oh jesus keep eating keep eating good thing i murdered all those cows okay need more assault need be more angry at him i'm doing damage but slowly ow ow ow and he's doing damage but fast jesus i went so fast that must be the thing i got earlier the adrenaline okay do you think i could live until morning if i just run so all this stuff won't spawn ah jesus i'm running out of food okay it's daytime it's die time that's what i meant to say i mispronounced it you know i'm not very good at english despite it being my first language okay so being prepared doesn't work at all apparently seed sad you know what my strategy is this time i'm gonna build a tower so high i just go to heaven i'm just interested what will happen if i build straight up so that they just can't get to me i'm curious yeah i know unlocked unlocked unlocked it doesn't matter i'm just building to heaven the thing is there's two bosses that guardian thing and then like gronk or something his name is something that a name that i would come up with i was gonna name my first child gronk regardless of boy or girl but i think gronk is a little bit easier so i was hoping to get him but guardian is just brutal like they're both brutal but gronk seems a little bit easier meat soup oh for sake i hate soup this is not a lucky run anyway go away i'm building a stairway to heaven oh go away you're not welcome up there there's only one space and i'm going fine i'll build it in the morning sweet jesus some people just don't want others to be happy now your whole kind has to die are you happy now i don't know how high this will allow me to go i'm just going towards the sun am i guys thinking like bright light me moth me go okay there we go i'm pretty high just gotta be careful going down i made it a ramp instead of stairs so it's wheelchair accessible because who knows what happens to me in the future especially with so many enemies all right cows as a parting gift when i prepare for the skies i wanted to kill you all one last time i mean either way it would have been the last time for you but i mean for me this is like my last send-off so it means a lot to me look at that feet of engineering it's beautiful that's the type of feet that give you a foot fetish right there i made this as a viewing platform but i can't really see over the top and i can't afford to make any more walls so actually it's the non-viewing platform oh i need rocks no well i guess i'll stay up here for the night and see what happens see what this plan leads to okay so you can jump these walls i wonder should i put these on like the last bit so i have to jump over them and nothing can get up here although i have a feeling they're just gonna start attacking the bottom okay nothing seems to be spawning down there at least nothing that i can see anyway unless they're right underneath me oh i see stuff there's a golem there and one of those little weird lizard things no okay this is awkward my whole house is falling down i was trying to just destroy the little half wall that was blocking my ramp because i didn't need it and i'm pretty sure that's all i was hitting all right well you know what my sky base is destroyed and the strategy doesn't really work i think i'll just walk off into the ocean if i can't live in the sky i live in the sea and by living the sea i mean die in the sea very peaceful under the sea all right there you go you're not a fish well thank you for informing me after the fact well those two strategies didn't work at all i do have one more strategy that i think could possibly work but i know this game is punishing let me know if you want to see more subscribe if you're new we'd love to have you around and i hope to see you all next time bye for now
Channel: Call Me Kevin
Views: 474,362
Rating: 4.9697523 out of 5
Keywords: Call Me Kevin, Call Me, CallMeKevin, CallMe, funny, funny moments, comedy, lets play, gameplay, gaming, muck, callmekevin muck, beating muck, muck tips, muck 1000iq, 1000 iq, muck dani, dani muck
Id: RmtxYbCpx_w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 44sec (1064 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 15 2021
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