I made myself in the sims and became horribly cursed

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Sims 1 is cruel. You have to work everyday, your stats are always low, making friends is hard, and there's always some old guy drinking your potions.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/_ASG_ 📅︎︎ Apr 28 2021 🗫︎ replies
hey there friends how's it going my name is kevin and today we're playing the sims one i'm gonna recreate my life and see how pathetic i can be we're gonna try our best but the sims one is hard so i hope you enjoy the video all right let's create a family enter last name call me what matches my hairstyle that maybe that's kind of close i kind of like this i could see myself wearing that make him pale this is as pale as he can go don't forget the cane leave me alone zero to active what the hell why i'm really active you're bullying me i'm being cyberbullied right now i think we can put up playful and we could put up nice a bit i'm i'm all right you know i'm okay right you better [ __ ] say yes bio for kevin call me didn't get hit by car it's a very specific bio it's also his resume the vanilla home that's like oh did you name it that because of your complexion and i'm like no that was just the name of it when i got it this is alternate reality kevin who did not get hit by a car so me me hit by car him no hit by car well i'm not blind i'm explaining to you so he didn't get hit by a car right slow down you forgot a word what does it say then it says didn't get by care you can fill in the blanks why use many words when small word do same effects sect the place is unfurnished i got ripped off i thought i was getting a good deal here all i got was this unfurnished mess uh the mystery man left an unmarked package at my door the starter kit is a complimentary gift from the friendly folks at magical inc ooh you see you say magic i say meth lab let's put that inside that's right the kevin that didn't get by car goes straight into drug dealing oop this escalated quickly that's what happens when you don't get by car i want to get a job okay so we got the military career i think there's always three isn't there wait what no okay well i guess my cv that i mentioned earlier isn't working probably because it's only four words and i'm missing a vital one maybe there's more jobs in this one he's eager jesus who are all of you get off my lawn uh we need something for fun what's this the go-go cage what's that i want to get some chairs so people can watch me dance here's my plan i serve lunch i bait them in with free food as any good business would do right everyone grab your meals and get ready for the performance oh yes shake that money maker oh they're even putting down the food oh no they're they're cleaning up it looks like he's trying to break free you kind of insulted me on two ways there lady because not only did you stop watching me dancing but you also threw away the fresh food that i just made for you how can we kill this lady hold on oh no the wrong sim is gonna get in the pool and he seemed like he was actually kind of enjoying the dancing but oh he's signing his own debt warrant oh careful jesus you really trusted your accuracy there [ __ ] hell he missed the concrete by like that much and made room for the next one to do the same thing all right have fun in the pool everyone i i like that it's like they're surrendering you know this may be one of the most terrifying scenes i have ever seen there's just something really really off-putting about the fact that he was just sitting there silently clinking away with his cutlery watching them frozen in the pool he doesn't seem bothered by it though oh god they just surrendered like stop it this is cruel and unusual punishment just kill us already see the cats love my music they think it's great they're like complaining about comfort anyway night folks i'm gonna get some nap time and i'm getting ready for work in the morning hold on let me just make this symmetrical i love building in the sims there you go that looks nice that is a warning right there if anyone goes into that from here on in it's their own damn fault it's known stupidity that got them into it the carpool is in an hour but it dark time sun hasn't woken up yet my guy may not have gotten hit by a car but he got hit by something there's some definite brain trauma going on here what the hell is that should i get in the car pool if it makes that noise you know what [ __ ] it going i don't have anything to lose don't wash your hands i'm ready ready to be kidnapped all right he got a promotion i guess now he works as a convenience store clerk how the hell did he get a promotion on his first day oh the circus yes i just gave up a promotion to go work in the circus i think we should focus on getting his mood up because it's really hard to keep them in a good mood and i don't want to let it slip too much to the point where i just can't get it back up yeah that's nice this is incredible i didn't even mean it to be cursed she i just genuinely wanted to go in and try to be myself but she stopped watching my dancing and i went into a rage i couldn't control myself could we buy a sign i'm thinking just for legal reasons if we put up a sign warning people that that is creepy as [ __ ] like if you saw that it still went in it's entirely your own fault he's crying for them oh he's probably just having ptsd over there i've got all the trash on my in the way of the car he's probably just crying because the ptsd that he didn't get to dance okay stop crying you didn't know these people oh my god dude oh my god the carpool left yeah you're crying stop it shut up but was he just too upset to go to work was that it fecking upset with him now anyway that's for sure what the hell is that why am i being haunted this doesn't make any sense this is going off the rails so fast i just wanted to live my normal life they're not going to interfere with me right they wouldn't want like revenge or anything would they like that wouldn't make any sense they went in of their own accord i just sat there eating salad while they did it just keep eating why did you throw it away what are you doing that's not eating it at all i don't understand but what his deal is i really really don't understand stop throwing it away this is like me and the sims online now i know how it felt to be on the other side this is such a waste of i know he's pissed himself that is fantastic you know what we'll shower anyway it doesn't matter as skunk has decided to make your lot it's home why give me one reason i'm gonna go pet the skunk and see if i can make some sort of a peace treaty like i'll give it offerings every day why are you screaming okay all right get ready your first day of work is coming up he's gonna stink so bad get in that shower i might need a maid even though i don't really have the money for it it's just i'm struggling to look after myself oh for [ __ ] sake they're cockroaches i mean they're on the road like you wouldn't call like exterminators if you had cockroaches on the road they'd think you're [ __ ] mad yeah i'm just gonna leave them much like the skunk i'm sure if i just leave it alone there won't be any repercussions for that eat the roach's protein knowing him he'd eat one and throw the rest of him in the dishwasher the carpool will arrive okay he's a little bit uncomfortable but i think he's in a good enough mood what's his job again he works in the circus as a popcorn vendor he gave up a stable job for it which is questionable but he's going to be one of those great success stories that people look back and go wow you really took a shot at it and it worked out for you circus equals youtube i mean to be fair if you went and joined the circus it's probably a more realistic career path then i'm going to start youtube your parents would believe in you more i don't understand where all this trash is coming from because i haven't thrown anything out and it just keeps multiplying and i don't understand why but i'll ignore it for now out of sight out of mind so i'll just stay zoomed in because if you zoom out it probably looks a lot worse but stay zoomed in pretty good wait a second the room thing affects me when i'm at work oh my god i need a maid stat because the room thing is affecting my mood when i'm outside so when i'm at work the thing is affecting me and i can't get a promotion why am i cleaning i just hired a maid and started cleaning myself stop mourning or i swear to god oh there you go god the maid is going 90. okay off to work please off to work please go to work all right good man good man all right no promotion today but i think tomorrow is the big day throw party i think i'm throwing a parody in advance i'll be right over oh oh okay i thought i could plan a party i didn't realize that it would do it immediately someone showed up in later houston at midnight to this very day i don't know what party you think this is but uh it's not that kind of parody okay everyone i'm making you food and then we'll get the show on the road it's too late see you another time bye it's too late soon really not the later hosting no i've already made you all food gang come on well i'm having this party with or without them it's like 2 a.m on a wednesday it's just sitting there dancing alone going a little bit insane by the looks of it this is so depressing honestly what is this music i don't know he picked it switch the country they're lost later hozin i don't care i don't need you to have a good time i'm having a great time alone imagine that he's going to come into work and like oh sorry i'm exhausted partying all night and they're like oh yeah who'd you party with oh it's just myself put on some country tunes got in the cage and well the rest is history i think he'd lose his job oh i'm gonna have a party when i get back to celebrate my promotion because like that was the plan originally to have a parody when i get home but i mean i thought there'd be an option that would come up to planet i kind of forgot it would be immediately one second one second i can talk to this lady to get a bit of social first before work please give me social give me all your social hand it over yes ticket taker you know work 3 pm 6 p.m starting immediately amazing throw party is everyone leaving again everyone left this is just as depressing as the night before i'll have a party in the morning then i just want to have a good time you know get some hygiene going and my party's ready to start this is why i have it in the bathroom there we go i'll make everyone lunch there you go and i'll get in the cage now for [ __ ] sake i'm heading to work yes look at his phone it's skyrocketing slowly somebody clap oh the carpool's here wait hold on hold on i gotta go folks all right um be safe while i'm gone and nobody go in the pool whatever you do maybe we can get something nice to go outside flamingos yes please you are here first folks buy flamingos if you want to be happy uh and also a cage i can't wait to have a parody in the morning and show everyone my flamingos throw party 7am party is that more acceptable to them there we go we can have a big bash we can indeed i call it the getting ready for work bash oh no there's people getting in the pool oh a queue has formed i'm sorry folks the pool is at max capacity hold on i did get a promotion i might be willing to expand it we just increased the pool size by 50 percent hop in everyone the water is compact why is the room a mess what happened in here god the parties just get out of control sometimes before you know it the music's off there's trash everywhere and there's three dead in the pool wait is that the oh my god no no no no no all right gang hang around as long as you want it's fine i gotta go to work what is that swimming and just swimming straight into them constantly right i am in a good mood slightly you would think i'm not because i'm super uncomfortable i'm exhausted i'm having no fun and i kind of need to use the bathroom but the room just looks great i'm just there thinking at work oh all those flamingos waiting at home for me can't wait to get back i might get a promotion because i did get the skills no i didn't i hate work chester has just died ah good to meet you chester i didn't catch your name earlier who the hell are you mama mama i just killed a man mama it's me your son i work in the circus now also i dance really nicely oh someone else just died someone else died okay oh i'm being haunted being haunted ain't all that bad like what are they gonna do you know watch me dance in the dead of night if anything that's a good thing yay midway carny i got a bonus you know what that means meth lab the cat does not care dude i i think you might have to get out and shoe it oh he's making one of the good potions the blue ones are good i don't know how i remember that it just came into my mind all of a sudden that blue good oh i'm not in the mood to work flexsec well an explosion would do that to you i suppose let's get some sleep in and i think we're ready for a promotion wait i need off effect's sake i need a friend what about lederhosen joseph instead of interacting with a person like a normal human being to earn a friend i could ask the magic genie by the heavens and the earth the spirits tell me your dwelling needs help there it is he gave me more flamingos oh for god's sake i already had an army of them and now he made an opposing army that's not what i needed i'll rub it again tomorrow the lamp i mean the lamp let me call my neighbor for a chat tony fingers what what's that i'm calling joseph i thought you'd never ask i'll be over in a minute okay oh god he is he been stalking me you literally showed up in a minute what do you think of the flamingos are you feeling friendly towards me at all you're minus two i spent so much time talking to them to try and be friends and i somehow made the situation worse all right i'm gonna stuff my face now oh jesus it's here let's go then not a very good mood i might piss myself in your car on the way over it'll be literally a carpool in a second why the menacing music stop it like there are a number of answers to why there could be menacing music but i just don't want it anymore i just want to have a normal life god damn it i just want a promotion i'm making potions all right i need a blue potion to save the day what does a green potion do can i invite someone over i'll invite joseph and he can drink it i don't know what it does no don't drink the porsche an evil clone but i thought i was the evil one can i be friends with myself what even is the sims 1 i have no idea talk about interests all right so far it's going pretty well for an evil twin you're not too bad you know oh wait -14 all of a sudden what did you do [Music] i wouldn't say that's really evil i would just say you're being kind of a dick oh joseph is leaving i'm gonna make a potion why don't you enjoy your time in the pool evil kevin will you leave me alone christ almighty clean the lamp call the genie we need something by the power of the lamp the lamb and the everlasting life i command the next morton lay eyes and you'd be smitten with love at least it wasn't my evil twin it was this claire what you [ __ ] egypt you need this you need a friend for work this is actually so depressing she's gonna start dating my evil twin that's fine i'm going to work can you somehow leave your sim self alone he's been through a lot i'm trying to help him believe it or not like granted some of the choice of making her goofy but even when i'm trying like legit trying to help him it's just having none of it you know like i just want him to be happy will the genie be kind today friends yes friends yes make me a friend hey this smell actually it works looks like somebody's taking a liking to you fantastic passionate kiss he's giving me a little tap on the shoulder you know what you're not so bad after all and my guy's like you know what you neither and i said planned a today today's the big day here comes the promotion i've got a friend my performance has been described as average but i'm going to come in in a great mood and i'm going to blow them away with the fact that i made a friend like how the hell did you manage to make a friend magic literally why did i not get promoted this is rigged against me just focus on keep me in a good mood and we'll call our friend in the morning going through this at work god damn it i guess joseph he's got nothing else going on i suppose poor joseph is at work don't shame me for not working like i also work i'm just not working right now god i wish i had mold people living in the walls what about mama will you come over hurry up the carpool's gonna be here i literally am not allowed to have a social life here just tell two jokes and that's all we can do that's our daily dose of fun goodbye like you invited me over to tell me a [ __ ] knock knock joke and then you just drove away nice one thank you appreciate it you can use the pool if you want as well but you'd want to be pretty stupid i'm afraid are you serious i'm losing a friend i just tried to call you this morning christ this game is cruel in the morning straight away i'll just call someone over to chat i'll call him over at the crack of dawn to get some conversation going oh my god did he bring me a little potted plant oh oh gunther you're something else you wear aren't you i'm gonna try and tickle them i know it's risky but i think it could work talk about cats just keep talking about cats no stop screaming stop it just talk about cats and now dance there you go look how much fun you're having you flooded my toilet are you serious someone is willing to buy this for 100 bucks i'm selling the toilet that's a good deal i'll buy another one repossess i'd like to see you try what are you gonna take i have nothing of value please don't take the guitar are you serious that is the only thing i cared about that in the potion machine all right fine see in a month i'm gonna get home and i'm gonna celebrate my definite 100 promotion by robbing the genies lamp are you serious you didn't get promoted oh jesus chat do you want fire water oh that thing i forgot the last thing that i cared about in the house has gone up in flames get in the shower dude there's water in there yes it burned down thank you chat for killing the one thing i cared about go to sleep dude just sleep it off this is one of those days you're better off just forgetting about i said go to sleep jesus it's all work and no play it's making him a dull boy the carpool left without me jesus make a potion what doesn't kill you makes you stronger and so he must be extremely strong by now yes he's making a blue one you're in a good mood as is let's call never right we'll make a friend and we'll sacrifice our mood for now don't wash your hands shake hands there you go good to meet you now we're going to get social up we're going to talk about dogs we're going to become best of friends i'm going to consume that potion in the morning so i'm in a fantastic mood and i'll get my promotion what dude come on no no no no no no no no no no no no no my happiness you're drinking it stop it yes stop stop you literally looked over your shoulder saw me and drank the [ __ ] thing anyway get in the [ __ ] pool that tasted great you feel totally refreshed well thank you so much for letting me know about that i cannot believe it and then he just leaves he just stood there idling in a fantastic mood and then he just left i've forgotten all about my need for promotion i just need that man to die hunter's at work duh i bet he's having a great day isn't he all right head to work he's in a fantastic mood i would have 100 percent got a promotion why is this relationship deteriorating so fast it's down to 33 now maybe i need to summon the genie again all work and no play work yes please give me promotion i broke your skills he got rid of the body and the charisma point that i needed hold on i just want to make this into a smaller room for no particular reason whatsoever gunther would you like to come over i'm making meatballs count me out this guy is an absolute dick like he took everything from me i swear to god if he says i don't even know who you are okay yes he's coming over okay come on in gunther why don't i make you some food or something there can i use the voodoo doll use on gunther yes yes take that gunter [ __ ] hell that is disturbing jesus christ he says as he clicks on it another 15 times it's probably her looking for her husband oh he's falling asleep standing up i'd like to wake him with a voodoo doll but i think i can only use it a certain amount per day you know i kind of like that he's suffering a long and painful death in there though um i might move this as well this is the only important thing in the kitchen right he woke up and he's like the bastard came in when i was asleep oh wait it's here oh sweet jesus oh well there goes my day at work earth and air more flamingos please thank you very much roach is not for facts sake this is a disaster this is a [ __ ] disaster kevin lost his job he's fallen asleep again he's in there with the dead plant that he gave me it's kind of symbolic isn't it it's like at one point we were such good friends blossoming such a nice relationship and now it's withered and dead like you will be gunther i would like money please unrelated it just synced up by chance that i i picked the money and then the next notice was about the bills i'm not paying the genie hasn't done his spell yet hold on give me all the riches in the world so i can afford my bills he gave me more bills 898 three times are you kidding me potion make potion perfect's sake pizza eat pizza oh god the pizza's gone off this is going horribly you know for brief moments when he's eating bathroom pizza off the ground life kind of feels okay oh he's back to screaming now pizza and screaming so relatable it's a normal friday for me i can't wait till tomorrow okay pretty good mood make a potion yes he's making a good potion throw party i can socialize and try and make a friend oh he drank it okay you know what wait it doesn't do all of them it did the ones i didn't really even need wait she loves me hold on hold on hold on if i talk to her enough then maybe i can make a friend please befriend why is this game so unfair like you have to be so careful about what you pick when you stop screaming in the yard you're scaring the flamingos how come they're scaring each other and they like that but when i just try and make conversation everyone hates me oh here we go yes now that's a party you love to see it you really really do ah at least i get my kitchen back now as well can i dismantle that wall while you're in there deep the simply countries just died this has been my most successful party yet why are you all crying the life of the party is here hold on let me get the genie out he'll make you all forget he always makes things better i must be losing my touch looks like someone's angry at you i mean it doesn't really matter i didn't have any friends so i had nothing to lose he's having such a tough life and none of it is his or my fault it's just been a bad draw of the carrots i'm afraid all right i'm just gonna start making potions and drinking potions and there's nothing you can do to stop me there you go i feel great make another potion then the police are here oh no oh no just ignore them she can physically see that i'm using like a meth lab here and through the door just ignore them they'll go away kids can smell these toxic fumes a mile away at school whatever you're making knock it off you've been fine 500 bucks he can't win like come on i like how he doesn't even glance at her and just continues to make the potion he's coming back god damn it keep making these potions you're gonna be the smartest man on earth and you're staying alive because the potions are putting you in such a good form there we go come on hunger all right comfort dissolve you're repossessing stuff no go away i'll throw my potion at you okay wait don't hold on i didn't tell you to drink that one i don't know what the yellow one does your personality has been permanently reversed that's fantastic news look at him he's still nice he's neat he's outgoing he's active oh my god by being such a shitty person that's that was amazing orange what does orange do i'm willing to drink orange looks like a friendly color kevin has turned invisible okay now we're really winning not only is he a better person he's out of everyone's sight can i clean this yet i'm in such a good mood i think if i clean the genie lamp then i'm guaranteed to get something good fire or water you know what i'm in such a good mood i'm convinced it'll work fire my potions after being warned by the police so many times but he just wouldn't listen would he call the fire brigade leave the door unlocked and hop right into bed you'll be fine all right you know what i think that went pretty okay all things considered at the end of it because we killed his friend his only friend and uh then we reversed his personality so he's actually a decent person and we'll probably make friends get a new job and live a happy life i would have to assume ah the house looks like [ __ ] but overall i'm pretty happy with what we've done here today that is the end of the video everyone i really hope you enjoyed please consider subscribing if you want to see more i would love to have you around the regulars thank you again for watching appreciate you all either way and i hope to see you tomorrow
Channel: Call Me Kevin
Views: 757,251
Rating: 4.9755077 out of 5
Keywords: Call Me Kevin, Call Me, CallMeKevin, CallMe, funny, funny moments, comedy, lets play, gameplay, gaming, callmekevin sims, sims 1 gameplay, sims 1 challenge, sims challenge, sims challenge ideas, sims 4, sims kevin, sims funny, sims funny moments, sims 2, sims stream, sims gameplay, sims lets play
Id: V3bqKv4IePk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 30sec (1470 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 28 2021
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