I came up with the worst business ever and it ruined my life

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hey there friends how's it going today we're playing the sims 2 and he is not winking at the camera he is spying on the neighbors and as you can see in the background the other neighbors are dying in the pool this is my extremely flammable extremely unlucky sim who's obsessed with grilled cheese and who recently has employed several cats to earn all of his money i also opened a failing home business but people have to pay to be on the lot and well that part's going pretty well but you see money doesn't buy you happiness happiness buys your happiness and the only thing that makes him happy is serving grilled cheese and having people eat his grilled cheese so naturally the smart thing to do is open a restaurant and only serve grilled cheese okay i don't have this kind of money can i buy a lot that's just empty i have four thousand can we negotiate wait why are you coming into my house pushing me oh yeah i forgot you paid to be here and you're probably upset that there's absolutely nothing to do okay continue this is a community lot to build on this blah blah blah blah can i just delete everything please let this work i deleted one square of the pool well i guess i'm doing one block at a time then for god's sake oh for god's sake even deleting the foundation stuff just stays floating why oh wait can i pull those with this oh i can okay that's great wait the lot is entirely gone or can i just make like a custom one oh my god i can't okay i'm an idiot i just demolished a beloved community a lot and ruined the fun of everyone for my own business and then i didn't even use it just gonna call it grilled cheese good straight to the point i like that it's the smallest possible lot you know the depressing part about this is like i used that lot i needed that lot in there like there there was valuable parts to that law that that you know what it doesn't matter real estate purchase community lot they're like oh thank god he's finally going to the phone he's going to call the emergency line oh yes emergency emergency i need to buy a community lot and sell grilled cheese grilled cheese good 900 yes bye do you want to buy grilled cheese good for 900 yes i'll take all the cats i suppose not you you're not a cat you're a boring child at test tube 2 you're in charge so if anyone dies on your watch here it is your fault and you're the one that'll be going to prison look at them all marching off behind him brilliant he's like a disney princess or something except you know all the murdering and whatnot loading grilled cheese good oh my god this lot is so small but it's plenty big enough for me oh it's all uneven and everything you know it's still plenty good enough for me it'll be outdoor dining in the snow oh i'm spending a lot of my budget okay maybe just one display this is going to be so inefficient and then whatever the cheapest appliances are i suppose you'll notice i'm building the walls last because i don't know how much money i'm going to have no you know what i won't even get an oven i'll get a toaster oven the toaster oven is only a hundred dollars that's what i'm using if i can cook all this grilled cheese to be fair the one at home got a load of use and that's still an operation okay i think i can afford one more of these can i afford walls uh just about but i don't know if i should this is honestly a little bit pathetic this is my business even the inside is outside no no no no this is not for customers and not for cats either oh maybe it was a mistake hard worker isn't that much of a hard worker please everyone get out did you ever hear the expression too many cooks spoil the broth well it applies to grilled cheese too no no no no no stop stop stop stop talking to everyone get the grilled cheese this is bad this is how you've been lit on fire numerous times all right who would like some burnt grilled cheese everyone no it's not for eating it's for [ __ ] customers cannot be set for sale well i'm going home [ __ ] this place oh hold on he's having a [ __ ] grilled cheese meltdown probably poor phrasing sorry i don't i don't mean to make light of your situation she's still here pretending to be interested in grilled cheese but really she's only interested in his breakdown disallow pets even if they're my own you're not allowed in here get off the fecking road i don't want to be serving up cat here in a second yes a purchase no no stop trying to convince her to buy it she's already bought it hold on wait oh god i need a cash register oh no no no no 205. i i can't afford one can i sell something i don't really have much to sell and sell a chunk of wall that didn't give me enough money what if i sell one of these for the time being please if you're not buying anything get out of the queue wait are you being cat-napped attack hard worker attack get peter oh my god dude please i have one customer she just wants to check out she's got a grilled cheese in there oh [ __ ] sake i don't think i've ever seen a sim be this confused like she's just malfunctioning please come on okay there we go yes would you like to buy that oh jesus he's no people skills whatsoever okay i don't know whether you're just trying to pay for this wait are you not even gonna pay what are you doing you finally got to the front of the queue and then you threw my sandwich on the ground i was waiting what are you talking about okay well needless to say this has been a horrible first day what's he doing now he's serving pork chops no we don't do that here we literally only serve grilled cheese okay so if i restock it needs to be in his inventory so i'll just have to keep making grilled cheese oh my god the cats are distracting the customers you know what i need to go home and get rid of the cats he's like whistling to gather the cats come on everyone let's go god that is an awful family portrait he's holding the child lovingly but in reality he's never even touched it okay i dropped the cats off and now i'm just walking straight back to the lot i'm sure worth of mouth this place would do very well like the crazy cat man who's walking his cats just open a grilled cheese restaurant who wouldn't be talking about it like probably not for the right reasons but no publicity is bad publicity is what i've learned i wanted to expand but that is literally all my money if i expanded to there ah i just want to make it indoors so it's not snowing inside okay what about that jesus christ you get claustrophobia as soon as you stand in the door our floor is also made of dirt but that'll have to do right now floors aren't free but dirt is also roofs there so that's handy i know it's not snowing inside anymore why are you complaining cause we couldn't afford the door part of the door look just make do what you have are you back again i thought i locked that fecking door that's why it's there so you won't be coming back yeah you see smells good wait aren't you the one that threw away my other one you look very similar if you're not hurt no stop eating your own supply tough handshake be greedy will you [ __ ] off i'm trying to run a business oh god i ate that bit of that one that's okay it's just i have to separate them because i can't put them like all in as one big plate in my inventory you please get out this has to be the most inefficient way possible to open like that grilled cheese restaurant no no no no no no that's that's not free shoo shoo no no no no no no no no they're not free everyone this is a business you can't just come into the kitchen and start eating well you can apparently because that's what you did but you're not supposed to all right start taking these we can't pick up why not there you go uh let's you could just get off that okay most of them are half eaten and some of them are half trampled can't pick up why do i get the feeling that's because you are about to pick it up you see look crisis averted now you can purchase grilled cheese yeah shoot get out of here wait why can i still not pick it up there we go got it i have five dollars business is not good could someone please purchase something did he just punch that old lady if you did thank you i'm trying to shoe you but also you leave they are literally just point blank ignoring me i i'm trying to run a business i have cats to support no oh my god they are so brazen all right ask to leave tiffany ask to leave there you go now lock door allow me only sorted please buy something you're scratching your head there's only one option grilled cheese or not grilled cheese okay yes purchases yep here i am the cashier do i okay there you go you're doing it yeah i know sorry sorry i'm taking a while wait hold on are they writing a review i swear she was writing something a second ago make many single plates of grilled cheese sandwiches no i have no interest in talking to you you buy or you get out there we go now he's just putting it straight into his inventory this works way better there aren't enough funds to continue making food well that is an issue how have i two dollars now why are you juggling you can't just distract from the fact you're near bankruptcy by juggling could someone buy something i need money wait why is that going down why am i getting fears here eat bad grilled cheese you didn't eat anything oh he's having a breakdown i was wondering where he went off screen [Laughter] to be fair i've been there i've started a small business before in the past and it is maddening they're like where's the cashier and they're just hearing ape noises behind the building someone's considering buying something well why am i saying something someone's considering buying grilled cheese all right i got some stock to keep me going hey hold it hold it hold it hold it you don't have a toilet just keep holding that what's the profit loss looking like okay let's pretend we didn't see that how much am i even selling these for how much is my time worth because at average they're buying like one every two or three hours three hours later 17 well given that i put so much money into setting this up i'm starting to worry about my future in this grilled cheese industry could you stop pillow fighting like either buy some grilled cheese or get out i'm gonna ask one of them to leave like i need customers i don't think i have the right to just demand they leave when they're just hanging out on a public road but she listened okay oh no no no no no no no don't pee you're both peeing in front of the customers and on the food okay good you got into the back room thank god can i hire someone no don't pee yet hold on i'll bring you outside in a second what do you mean no just because i don't have enough money to pay you or any sort of decent working conditions out of the way come on i need to hire someone and then get outside i just need someone to cover while i go pp no one wants to work for me and frankly sorry for the poor phrasing kevin but i'm pissed my guy's called call me kevin by the way i'm a narcissist not crazy i'm not talking to myself oh there i go you know what it's desert ground it'll dry up in no time no one wants a job i just realized why no one's buying anything i never set the other ones for sale there is somewhere for sale but oh no i can't why can i not it could be because they're half eaten isn't it no stop eating them dude you keep going insane because you're eating bad grilled cheese and there's plenty of good grilled cheese what are you doing he's going crazy again for the third time and like he's only been open a day maybe the working life isn't for him he's used to just staying at home and his cat's taking care of him no stop making fun of him he's trying his best stop it okay you can make fun of him a little bit if you want all right hold on let me restock the one item in the shop there we go yeah i think it's because they're half eaten this is so awkward to work with because of the [ __ ] walls the place is so small okay now your job for the next hour is eat all of these grilled cheese you see now he's happy again oh oh bring up these customers come on let's go wait why is there a witch on the lawn don't cast the curse on me i'm already [ __ ] cursed ring up the customers for god's sake please hey where did i lose that dollar i had 19 earlier i just lost over 5 of my net worth yes now we're making it very good no no that smell isn't the food it's me i swear yes okay hourly wage 45. he's a swat team leader well now you're working in a grilled cheese restaurant hiring employed sims will cause them to lose their jobs yeah go ahead i can only afford to pay for one hour and i'm out of money you know what no this is a stupid idea this is really dumb change wage can i change your wage to something more suited to what you're doing okay he just charged me for the first hour quickly ridiculously underpaid i can't even afford that but i'll change it to that anyway assign restock items if you continue to deny employees their paychecks their work performance may decrease it may decrease like there's a chance it won't that's pretty amazing i think i need to move this door because i just cannot get out of here most of the time he's not restocking get back to work restocking i'm not even paying the guy i've had enough i can't handle his job anymore i quit well you took 50 bucks from me and i made you lose your swat team leader job that you probably worked your whole life for we both got screwed okay equally i would think wait where'd you get that oh she's eating the gun off grilled cheese i left on the ground the genius she's always one step ahead okay you know what i believe in this business but i gotta go home and let the cats work a little bit because i am not in a good position to continue the business like this i have zero dollars oh my god the amount of flies sweet but jesus i didn't even know that could happen oh oh oh you know i'd find they're screaming that there's no ladder okay she she wisened up good smart one of your pets is starving i have food out is that food or snow no there's food you you can eat oh wait yeah i have no money i can't give them any food okay i hope you have enough cat food to last the day wait is she going in again oh you are i thought you were smart but no no you're not grow up yeah feck and grow up would you you eat it catalyst is starving no eat wait the child can eat out of the cat bowl why didn't i just have a catball inside the house the whole time it could have looked after itself oh well you lift and you learn i know for next time oh there they go happy second birthday or whatever test tube do is hit rock bottom oh no there's plenty more of your terrible life to come that's relatable though you think it's rock bottom and it just keeps on sinking so you're saying you need to take care of your pets but like i have food out he just is refusing to eat it he's gone on a hunger strike and i can kind of understand that to be honest if you weren't so broke your pets would like you more well look they're the providers of the family if they earned more i'd like them more too i might have to sell something how how much can i sell this used cat bed for it's very stinky job cat two no get off it i want to sell the thing hey kid get counterfeiting yeah we gotta counterfeit some simoleons feed the cats you know oh thank god a carpool will be here soon i need some money oh wait get cash yes you're done okay how much have you printed for me with your counterfeit machine 32 that's not enough to feed the cats go again okay he's off that maybe i can sell it 64 bucks that's not bad for a used cat bed you invited me to spend the night but then you didn't let me get any sleep i'm leaving who are you oh you're the one in the pool okay yeah all right that's fine there we go get in the car boys it's time to work hey kid you gotta go to school come on both of you not to get good grades just to get out of my hair you're driving me a bit mad you don't even counterfeit well yeah i know you said you're leaving then [ __ ] leave good luck finding the ladder there we go they're all gone to work now i just gotta sit and wait no no no no no no no don't don't oh wait one of them died okay great i like how his reaction was just sigh by the way no no no no no don't dive in you egypt stop it go back go back go back you just saw someone dying in there turn around you're some [ __ ] egypt but how come they died so easily and when i had vidcon in the pool he was in there for days and he never died i can't afford a [ __ ] ladder are you serious how do i get him out of there then all right i can sell this and i can buy the [ __ ] ladder okay and you're out there you're gone perfect now you've no way back in and i got a bit of extra cash from that why didn't i just sell the diving board earlier and then i could have made some money for the cats yes yes spend time on the lot come on yes good man good man now i'll just talk with him the entire time just keep him busy get my social up and just keep him here spending money to talk to me isn't he delightful like it's just worth hanging around him even if it is costing you 18 an hour no don't [ __ ] yawn at him whatever he's saying just encourage him just be a yes man oh no what is this i just warned the other star i don't know what it is oh promoted oh okay that worked out once again not being able to read pays off and here comes the cat in the lambo yes now that is grilled cheese money just [ __ ] eat there's food here look i'm not food why are you hanging out with me go over here what no no why are you here oh don't take the cat don't take the cat off for feck's sake look how fast they all abandoned me cats have absolutely no loyalty they're just jumping into the police car you had everything here you had food you had the option to work and get nothing in return just to benefit me what more could you want how much are these bills they just gave me 428 okay that's not getting paid i don't have that sort of bill money at least only a few of my cats got taken because the others were off the lot working so that's something at least they still have a bit of income there we go and one of them even got a promotion fantastic you know what maybe this will work out it'll be less to take care of right why is there a fire what you put on grilled cheese and you just went to bed for [ __ ] sake you know last episode he just it went way too well didn't it now it's just everything is screwing them over it feels like the good old days again and by good old days i mean the depression days gotta run please be more careful next time look i'm the reason you have a job i have a fire here every week he's going crazy again okay ah you know i started this video with the hope of being happy and it's just not working out is it you did it again what is your issue dude they've already been here today the child doesn't even react she takes a passing glance and that's it she's just used to it see i told you we didn't hit rock bottom yet are you crying because of my heart it's okay i cry over that sometimes too i don't know why i set out on this mission like he's more miserable than ever i know i opened it saying like money can't buy you happiness but it can sure take some worries away did someone just die i think my child just died i remember it was call me kevin and then there's test shoe but there was someone else can't quite put my finger on it oh political talk the youtuber of course for god's sake i think he got scared to death i saw a little symbol down the bottom left on my screen there political talk died life's so short one moment you hear the next you're gone really makes you think it doesn't give a cause of death that the cat didn't really understand what happened i guess we have lost half the family striving to work on our grilled cheese business oh my god vidcon is angry i don't really understand why what could i have done to brought out this anger i'll work on trying to bring them back i don't know how though there's got to be a way it's like he's getting once like resurrect political talk call the grim reaper using the resurrect nomitron and don't be stingy with the simoleons ah so it comes down to money again doesn't it he's all cheesed out what does that mean what the hell is he doing what are you doing that's not grilled cheese that is a picture of grilled cheese all right i'm off to the grilled cheese restaurant yes babysitter yeah whatever i'm gonna lose more money paying the babysitter than i am gaining at the grilled cheese restaurant yep i'm back the cheery music just instantly died because it's so depressing here okay before people arrive i'm just going to start making grilled cheese just loads of them come on keep going and then i'll restock these and we'll be good to go make more make more oh oh customers yes all right and you know what i'm gonna buy a phone and i'm gonna look for employees and i'm going to pay them this time stop it stop it oh my god it's going insane stop it hire employees for this lot yes who is the cheapest i'll go for the unemployed one [ __ ] it i'll get you too linda i don't care if she's a job already i didn't care when the other guy lost his much better job like he legit probably had to work his way up the ladder over decades are you my employee i can't remember what they look like okay wait no here we are management assign cashier oh no he's looking at that [ __ ] picture of grilled cheese again he's having a breakdown after putting the grilled cheese in and the grilled cheese is gonna go up in flames in a second i would advise everyone to get out of here i'm paying her to have a [ __ ] water balloon fight there sets the fire doc i appreciate the help but i think i need a fireman rather than the doctor or just keep hypnotizing me you cannot see the fire it's losing favor and has gone down one business rank i get that but could someone call the police or something or the fire brigade even better he's like all right thanks doc now i'll get to panicking emergency please someone anyone please call emergency line thank you no no no no no emergency call emergency cancel stop freaking out you've seen about three million fires and in two million of those you yourself have been on fire he doesn't know how to use the phone he's holding it up to his [ __ ] eyes she's like really finally got a call for somewhere else in this neighborhood and it's still you oh the grilled cheese oven is gone all right an eventful first day at work lucky you you weren't even in the building sorry to interrupt your [ __ ] water balloon fight like but can you just go and you assign restock items oh there we go finally and now i get to focus on doing what i love just making grilled cheese after i re-buy the [ __ ] appliance can we stop with the cheery music please could we just could we cut that thank you thank you very much it just felt a bit patronizing you know given everything that's going on oh the cashier's in the way of the door okay hold on one second i'm just gonna move this i can't okay it's in use one second just get out of the way i can't get in neither can this sim this may have been just a big mistake i don't think i can talk to her to get her off the till now yeah the door is stuck open i can't get in there to well i guess i'll buy another door then your business is losing favors it's cut down to minus two i didn't even know that was possible no you're not meant to be eating them you're it hasn't been the greatest week why would you think things would turn around when they never have before just stop eating the stock oh no now he put down the second sandwich on the preparation area so then he couldn't prepare it so he put it on the floor oh my god even the [ __ ] health standards just awful look at that counter good lord what even is that wait what what are you doing hold on you're meant to be working wait no stop it how are we looking today i've okay lost eight hundred and eight dollars that's not good i think there's only one way out of this to be honest i think insurance fraud i'll just sell those doors now and uh i'm gonna go bird watch over here the thing is it won't even look like insurance fraud what the hell are you doing like i'm paying you you disrespectful little you know what you're gonna burn to death and i'm glad what the hell are you doing like i step out for one moment maybe she's hoping to find narnia in there because the doors just disappeared like you're an adult why are you doing this oh i'm having a breakdown well this is the perfect cover now they won't think it's insurance fraud just because of this and also the fact that i have a fire nearly every day it was an accident there we go places up in flames folks let's just speed this up here they probably won't even die knowing my luck oh wait oh oh oh jesus christ oh this is spreading fast okay the disrespectful one is on fire that's good wait kevin no no no no no you're not meant to be in there why didn't i sell the [ __ ] arch okay she's on fire that's great now she's on fire okay and let me call the emergency department hold on let me go out there i don't think they can get back to you anyway so yeah there we go i'm out fire station i'm having another breakdown by the way if anyone's interested i'm not still paying them am i this looks like trouble i can't get to the fire okay the grim reaper took one plead for a loved one i hardly knew you all right well on that note it's time to close for good this has been a failed experiment i think that goes to show sometimes your passion shouldn't be a job that's definitely the case here grilled cheese will remain his passion but not his profession i hope you enjoyed the video subscribe if you're new would love to have you around thank you all for watching and i hope to see you next time bye for now
Channel: Call Me Kevin
Views: 1,081,336
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Call Me Kevin, Call Me, CallMeKevin, CallMe, funny, funny moments, comedy, lets play, gameplay, gaming, sims, sim, new sims, sims new, callmekevin sims, call me kevin sims, sims 2, sims 4, the sims, the sims 2, sims 2 lets play
Id: 3xZ8N4CH1TY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 10sec (1390 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 24 2021
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