Let's Play STAR CITIZEN!! Getting Started: Beginner Basics - Episode 1

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hey guys braddon73 here welcome to a new series i'm going to be doing on star citizen and it's basically to help new players or or if you're just if you're thinking about getting in into star citizen this is gonna maybe help you decide but hopefully i'm intending for the series to help new players kind of get into the game and get a good idea of what the game is all about today is july 1st 2021 we are still in alpha 3.13 but 3.14 should be coming in a few weeks i'm thinking mid july maybe we might be getting ptu is early i don't think it's going to be as early as tomorrow but um probably within the next week so i don't know we're just going to have to kind of wait and see um what we get but um i actually went and i created a new account i'm not going to pull up my account information here but i'm i am going to show you kind of what i did i go into the pledge store and i actually purchased an aurora mr starter pack now the mustang alpha and the aurora mr starter packs are the two lowest cost starter packs you can get on average now sometimes different times of year there's going to be sales where you might be able to get five bucks off of these packs uh there and there might be additional starter game packs that are inexpensive uh there's also the um the origin 100i starter pack the anvil c8x pisces expedition this is also a very good starter pack the pisces is really nice it can zip around pretty good my favorite starter pack of all and the one that i personally am going to recommend to everybody is the avenger titan starter pack it is 70 us dollars and that's gonna vary from uh you know in different countries so uh but i because i wanted to start off you know absolutely cheapest bare bones price i could i could do which is i think what most people um are going to do when they join star citizen they're going to go for the lowest cost pack and that is going to be the um it's going to be one of these two either the mustang alpha starter pack or the aurora mr starter pack now two other options which i also highly recommend are the squadron 42 combos now if you can afford the extra 20 bucks these two combos are the best value overall now if you still want an avenger titan you can do what's called a ccu or a cross chassis upgrade and you can upgrade the ship within that starter pack so for example if i go up here to ship upgrades i'm just going to show you this really quick i can click on my aurora this is the ship that i want to upgrade from and then i can go down here i can find the avenger titan now there are several different variants of the avenger but the titan is definitely the best you can upgrade from this ship within that package to a avenger titan for only 25 so if you want to get squadron 42 you are going to save let me go back into game packages here if you want squadron 42 you're gonna save the most money because right now is the only time that you'll be able to buy a starter package and get squadron 42 for 20 bucks once you know once you do that you have to spend the 45 dollars for squadron 42 after the fact so it's either pay 25 bucks now 45 bucks later and one and once squadron 42 gets released hopefully maybe next year we don't we still don't know but hopefully once squadron 42 gets released it's probably going to be i would guess at least a 59.99 game that's what i maybe even more but i would say it's probably going to be it's probably going to hit that 59.99 price tag once it actually gets released to the public so again cheapest route aurora mr starter package mustang alpha starter package if you want the squadron 42 add-ons go with the the combo packages right down here if you don't want squadron 42 but you can afford a little bit more go with the avenger titan starter package and if you want both squadron 42 and the avenger titan pack they don't have a combo for that one um is just you know buy either one of these and ccu your ship from one to the other to get that for the so it's basically going to be uh 90. 65 plus the 25 ccu fee will get you an awesome starter pack and squadron 42. all right well let's go ahead we're going to jump in the game this is the first time i'm jumping into the game on this account and i'll show you guys how to get started okay so now that we're at the main menu this is the main menu of the game up here at the top left you've got the module selection the star citizen universe is the what's known as the pu or the persistent universe you might hear me talk about the ptu which is the public test universe the ptu usually comes out a few weeks ahead of it rolling over into the pu so the pu is basically what everybody's generally playing or the ptu is kind of like what testers play and often it's available to anyone who wants to play it um you know once they're given access um also you can get early access to the ptu if you are a concierge member which means you spent a thousand dollars buying ships or more so a thousand well not not necessarily ships any star should a star citizen purchase whether it's you know it can be subscription you know if you do the month to month subscription it can be physical merchandise any of that stuff would contribute towards the concierge but once you hit a thousand dollars you become a concierge and then you will get access to the ptu but anyway you've got the ptu you have star marine this is just a first person shooter module i personally don't play it very much but some people do occasionally also arena commander arena commander is kind of cool you can just go in and you can test fly your ship and sometimes you get access to different ships on top of that as well but it's basically just kind of like a dog fighting module and you can actually earn badges for different rewards either within or outside the game for example every year during talk like a pirate month you can go in and you can earn a pirate badge that will allow you to purchase a pirate gladius or a pirate caterpillar which are basically just a gladius light fighter and a caterpillar cargo ship but it's got this really cool black and red um pirate theme so anyway you've got your friends lists over here and that's where you can add friends and you can also invite friends into your group now we're just going to go ahead we're going to go into the persistent universe and because we've never entered the game before we can choose we have to make our characters we can either choose a male or female i'm going to go with male because i'm a dude and i actually kind of like i kind of like the default guy and i'm not going to go ahead or i'm not going to go and i'm not going to spend a whole lot of time um you know configuring my my guy but you can cycle through eye color and a whole a whole bunch of other things if we click begin blending there are different [Music] different heads that you can choose so we can cycle through i don't know why it's going to the eyes but we can cycle through different um heads different ethnicities um and you can actually blend each one of them now this is still kind of a work in progress this is actually going to change as development continues but it's way better than you know what we used to have but i you know the hair is fine um kind of looks like me when i was younger no not not really but i but anyway if you want to configure your character by all means um you can you're free to do that so once you have confirmed we will save our character that's going to take us to the persistent universe now down here at the bottom left you've got server location best so there's usa the european union or australia so those are the servers that i have access to i'm always going to put best 99 of the time that's going to put me on a usa server so if you're in the eu it's going to put you on the eu servers if you're in australia it's probably going to put you on the australian servers up here we have a select system now you're like hey what's this hangers thing so every time you purchase a ship it's going to include one of four different hanger types now since i just own this one ship on this gaming profile i only have one i should only have one hanger does it i don't see the oh that's right hangers are broken right now okay so you should actually see the hanger modules there but for some reason a few weeks ago they got broken so hopefully once uh 3.14 comes out you know you'll be able to actually select a hanger there there's they're nothing special they're just kind of like a big box that looks like a hanger where you can load up ships up to size three and you know you can get in them and walk around them and things like that so that's what the hanger module is but we want to go to the stanton system now we're going to select a location here and we actually have three different locations to start out with now for simplicity's sake i am going to choose lorville loreville is kind of like the industrial planet if you've watched any of my series before you're going to know what that is area 18 is kind of like coruscant from if you're a star wars fan it's basically a planet the entire surface is covered in a gigantic city and then new babbage is kind of like the high-tech you know apple you know plan basically like apple of the future is is on new babbage it's really high-tech and stuff like that really cool but we're going to start out at lorville it's my pla it's the place that i always recommend people start it's a little bit confusing to get around but once you figure it out it's really not so bad so we're gonna visit the location and and we'll be back once i'm loaded in okay so the first time you load into the game especially the first time it can take a very long time to load in took me about a minute or so but if you've got i've got a pretty high end pc if you've got a lower end pc might take you even longer i've even heard rumors of people taking five or ten minutes to actually load in but we start out laying down in our hab and you can see our body here and you're probably like what the heck is going on here well to get out of bed we hold the y key for about half a second to a second and we should um get up out of the bed and so now i'm gonna hit f4 here this is gonna allow me to do kind of an external view of my character and as you can see i have the bare bones uh flight suit and helmet and i just have like the bare bones pistol hitting f4 again kind you kind of put you in a rear third person perspective and then hitting it f4 again will put you back into first person perspective now hitting f1 is going to bring up the mobi glass this is kind of like your little holographic wrist wrist computer i'm actually starting out with 25 000 alpha uec which is a pretty darn good amount that would allow me to buy you know some basic armor and some other equipment for starting off the game we can go into the equipment manager and we can actually see what type of clothing we have i don't think i have any extras on this account um we just have the the one arclight pistol as primary armor we have no armor other than the helmet the helmets are always considered armor and no utility items or well the moby glass is i guess technically a technology item so i'm going to turn off the in-game chat and take a look around and let's go ahead and get started so you may or may not start out with the twenty five thousand now if you're just getting started if you're watching my videos i'm going to have a link that wait a second i shouldn't have gone downstairs i'm going to have a link in the video description it's actually my referral link and if you guys want to get started and you want an extra 5 000 alpha uec to start the game off maybe you'll only start off with 20 000 because um i started out with 20 500 but um yeah if you want to start out with 25 000 alpha uec use my referral link down in the video description um you'll see there'll be a link to it you just click it be sure to use that when you create your star citizen account though because if you wait until later you can't if you're you're out of luck you have to do it uh when you create your account all right so i'm basically using the f button to look at the keypad doors and things like that so um whenever you hold f it kind of zoom you know you get this little reticle where you can look around and click on things so we're coming off the elevators here at the lauraville apartments or the lauraville residential halves and we're coming out here to t spaceport now this is on the planet hurston and the spaceport is actually if we zoom in the spaceport is kind of right over in this area um you can see the big kind of display hanger at new deal where there's a hammer head and some a couple other ships in there which are really cool and it's just it's just a really neat ambience that you get from you know the the city now this is a little confusing here because this splits off into two but it's really just a wall right here um if we go this way we're going to kind of come out into an area this is going to take us to the metro center um see there's going back to the residences and then there's like hospitals and bars and things down there now if you're coming out of here and i want to go to um to get some armor and things to get me started i'm generally gonna you know come around this way um the admin offices are right here this is where you can sell raw ores for the best price um you can just go right in here open up the doors with the f key and there's some terminals over here where you can sell commodities so if you do like any type of hand minedables or if you work your way up to a larger ship where you can do surface mining then you can come here to sell there's also terminals here to pay fees and citations and there's also a kovalex drop-off point or pickup point if you are doing package if you don't want to do combat you just want to do package deliveries then by all means there's one of the pickup points that you may be assigned coming down the stairs we're heading towards tammany and suns which is a store but coming over here we've got um maria pure of heart which is where the hospital is going to be located reclamation and disposal which is a mission giver uh once we get up to that point and then the uh the mcintyre invictus bar i think is what it is yeah m v so there's the bar we could go in there but i'm not going to waste time doing that reclamation and disposal is way over there and maria pura part is right here now hospital gameplay i think opens up in alpha 3.15 so this fall but maria pura hart i don't think is going to be open until alpha 3 16. so but anyway there's um there's this area so let's go back the way we came a little bit up the stairs there is admin and there's a there's signs around here so if you get lost you know if you need to get back to the admin office or the residences of the micro center micro center metro center now i wonder if micro center is still in business in the future they probably probably still don't have nvidia cards at this time in stock but anyway there's always going to be signs to kind of point you in the right direction going across here takes you to the central line this takes you over that line takes you over to the central business district you can also from the central business district take a train or back to the spaceport but that's the long way so i usually go a different way which will try to well i'll show you in this episode um there's still some ai bugs in the game so if you're wondering why there are um the ai people are standing on their chairs it's actually an artificial intelligence tick rate issue um and they continue to work on it to try to make that better um all right so coming out here there's a few things that um that we can get here number one is the pembroke armor now this is pretty expensive ten thousand three hundred and there's a helmet as well which is another so you know over 15 000 for this armor but it's something that we're gonna want um to possibly come back and pick up once we earn some money and we earn enough to do surface mining with a vehicle because some of the planets get really toasty and that's going to keep us protected the one thing that i generally recommend is the rucksack core and it's kind of hard to target here but it's basically this chest piece and the backpack there you can see the rucksack core for thirty one hundred dollars um and then you can you can buy the additional armor with it if you so choose there are other sets of armor that you can buy i don't really recommend going too crazy because for what i like to do i generally don't need it but because i don't want to look like an absolute noob i am gonna come in and we're gonna buy some things first off supplies get yourself an oxy pen and buy like i would say at least let's see let's do at least 10. we're going to buy 10 oxy pens i always like to have extras of these um i'm not going to worry about clothing clothing is not tight so if we step out into space and clothing well you die under suits there are a variety of different undersuits that we can choose from usually the beacon orange is one that i like to go with or even the force flex gold is it kind of it kind of works well with that rucksack core and the armor that goes with it so i'm gonna just i'm just gonna go with the beacon under suit orange we're gonna get that one uh weapons now they don't really sell weapons on this planet um they do have a salvo frag pistol uh the graphics are bugged here as well as grenades but i don't really use these too much what i do use however are the pyro right multi tools buy at least three of these these three to five of them should hold you for a while if we go into weapon attachments we're gonna come down here and we're gonna find all the attachments we need for the pyro right so we've got the orbit mining attachment gonna buy three of those i'm not gonna worry about the cutter attachment because the it's basically useless in the game right now because that gameplay has not been implemented however i do want to use i do want to look for the tractor beam attachment which is right here tractor beam is incredibly useful so we're going to buy three of those um and now we're going to go over to oh sometimes we the the display gets bugged so if that happens just step back and start over i'm going to click on armor and we're going to go down through and i'm going to find all those armor pieces what was the oh man there's like gold armor in here too that's right that's right okay i think nope that's tan is that the was that the yellow hell oh no no it was now i think it's this one the horizon helmet in orange so i'm going to go ahead and buy that and then we're going to go down and find the mac flex arms in orange there we go this is all light you know kind of yeah it's light armor nothing major okay now we're going down the torso we're gonna find the mac flex rucksack core gonna click on that to buy it and we're gonna do the same with the legs the mac flex uh legs orange and we're gonna go ahead and buy those so that's really everything i need right now to number one not look like a noob and number two have some equipment where i can go out and actually do fps mining if i want that's first person mining okay so my undersuit we're going to do the beacon orange i'm going to save my changes as i go in each category so save the undersuit my weapon now oh i can't do that until i get my armor on so we're going to do that horizon helmet see how everything see i'm going to look so nice and matchy everything is going to look so cool and look i don't look like a total noob i'd look like i could be you know a space marshal going off into the you know mining doing the mining of the mining things or of something uh so my my utility item is gonna be my multi-tool um i'm gonna do the let's do the tractor beam attachment because i don't plan on doing any surface mining just yet and then we'll once once you see the save changes and equip disappear and then it reappears nine times out of ten it's going to be equipped and actually we can see my um multi-tool is equipped right there on my left leg so there we go we are all set to go and rock and roll and um get started in star citizen so yeah now we're gonna head back over to the metro center and we're gonna take the train over to the spaceport so let's go ahead and do that gonna run up the stairs run past admin which is gonna be right here on the left again gonna run past security which is not i don't know they did they don't they don't open their doors for me they're like oh my gosh it's braddom73 wrong there's metro center also there's a really nice map right here of of the entire area so where we want to where we are we're right here so there's tammany and suns we ran kind of up through admin is right here i don't know why they don't have admin on the map i've always kind of wondered that but i believe admin is right here we've got the residences here we're right here and we need to go here now there's also trains that go out to the city gates don't worry about those right now and don't worry about leaving station just yet because that's a whole another [Music] area of floorville now if you want to if you want to pause the video if you're following along in game and you want to go explore those places by all means you know jump right over there uh check it out it's pretty cool but right now i'm just trying to get started i'm trying to get on the road to making money so we got some time before the train arrives i'm going to see what contracts we have now that right down here at the bottom we've got the contracts manager i like to start off with doing bounty hunting missions so the tracker training permit certification this is what you want to start off with i'm going to pay the 500 alpha uec fee and we have to find and apprehend aka kill salvatore ammo so we're going to do that now another thing that you always want to do when you are doing these missions you want to go into mercenary there's a mission called a call to arms and basically you're going to get rewards of anywhere from 500 to 1000 alpha uec sometimes more for killing bad guys so i accepted that hit my f1 button to get out of my moby glass and we are going to stop step we're going to step on the train we're going to say goodbye to the metro center now he's really far away he's like 31 almost 32 million kilometers which means we're gonna have to take off we're gonna have to fly all the way over he's probably at crusader and we can actually hit f2 which is also part of our moby glass and we'll be able to zoom all the way out sorry about the flickering it's because i'm on the actually let's wait let's wait until i get off of the uh the train there is the hurston dynamics building off in the distance we started from over here [Music] i think that buildings like four and a half five kilometers tall it's really tall it's pretty sweet yeah sometimes there's like this little feisty flashy bug now another thing remember this is this game is alpha so it's like early alpha they're actually building this game and we are lucky enough to pay to test it i guess um so if if you know bugs and things like that are not for you then by all means i don't recommend the game but it's still like every every three months when they roll out the big patches it gets better and better all the time and i just love the fact that it's a seamless world it's just amazing it's just awesome and plus i love the sci-fi genre like this as well so this is like my dream game all right so um oh yeah we're gonna hit f2 okay so this is the stanton system this is the only system that's in the game right now but we've got several different planets we've got hurston right here this is where we are there's arc corp that's where area 18 is microtech up here that's where um new babbages so the high-tech microtech and then over here we have crusader crusaders like a gas giant and when the new patch comes out which is uh 3.14 they're actually completely redoing the planet and there's going to be kind of like this floating um city in the clouds of this planet and the screenshots i've seen of it so far are amazing um let's see crusader has three moons we've got selen yela which is looks like where the target is and daymar so looks like we're gonna have a really a really long flight um and i'll i'll probably just time lapse for that uh for you guys so um because it's gonna take probably five to eight minutes to get there um let's see here so yeah the oh skyline that's what the f2 is yours your map so we've got the vehicle loadout manager now we can select a ship so i've got my aurora mr here and we can actually go in we can change the missiles we can change the quantum drive so if we want to get places faster we can do that i'm not going to worry about that so much as i am like the power plant the coolers and the shield generators as well as the weaponry i definitely want to upgrade these weapons um fairly soon so that we can have a better chance of not dying um with the um uh the bat you know doing bounties so um all right so let's go ahead and we're gonna run over here and we're gonna call up whoops we're gonna call up our one this is all we have our one fighter light fighter here and we're gonna go to hangar nine now there uh there's a vehicle dealer ship dealer called new deal i'm just going to run in here really quick we've got a hammerhead out there we that you can look through you can tour the entire thing uh you've got a mustang beta right here so this is kind of similar to the other the other ship in the starter package definitely looks way cooler than the aurora but it's just not useful and then we also have a constellation phoenix which is the luxury version of the constellation we've got a origin m50 right here this is like a little racing snub fighter i've got an aurora no not an aurora an origin um x85 it's kind of like a little luxury runabout we do have an aurora we've got an aurora which one is this one the aurora lx and then we've got the um this is the prospector so this is like a mining ship for asteroids and large surface mineables so there's all kinds of ships you can actually purchase in game and that's what we're really going to be working up towards now i'm actually going to be either working up to either an avenger titan i might go a little bit further and go for like a misc freelancer if i can really slog it out the freelancers are really good and you can you can do bounties in them if i really want to grind i'm going to go for a freelance or miss because this ship is really awesome for doing really everything up to very high risk bounties you can't do extreme risk bounties but yeah we're i don't know we're just going to have to see how quickly i can get up to making some money with my little bass aurora mr this is going to be this is like expert mode here but also it's what the vast majority of you guys are going to be starting out with now you might again you might start out with the avenger titan or you might go all out and get like a you know a cutlass black or you know even a i'm trying to think some of the other starter packs i think they actually have a freelancer starter pack so you might even go with a slightly bigger ship and then i think we have to go to hangar nine if i'm not mistaken if you forget you should be able to zoom in on your ship and it should tell you which hanger it's located in sometimes the system gets it wrong but usually it's correct all right and here is our awesome ship oh here's our little tiny aurora oh my gosh i can't believe i'm going to be flying one of these for quite a long time again f key enter the ship we can board the ship or it's going to close and i'm just going to hit f enter the pilot seat now getting out of the pilot seat is just like your bed you just hit y if you want to get out of the ship or hold y for a second to power everything up we're going to hit the r key you can see everything come online there and actually we can either hit f11 and we can click on friends and and request takeoff clearance from lorville landing services we can do that from right here or on this ship we can hold the f key and we can click this little icon on the left panel to request landing or take off well we're landing uh landing clearance so we're cleared for launch we're gonna see those uh launch bay doors and i'm gonna hold i'm gonna if you can see straight ahead i've got this little indicator right here and i'm going to make sure that i'm holding it right there in the center over this little dot it's going to take some practice so get used to it but i'm going to just hold the space bar we're going to go straight up we're kind of tilting back a little bit so always use your attitude indicator to try to stay right around that zero mark all right so the sun is going down now once we kind of get some altitude and we're kind of cleared out of the um why am i going sideways we must be getting some wind um i'm gonna hit the c button that's gonna turn my cruise control on and you can see there's kind of like this little weird uh these two arrows pointing in at each other um that's actually showing the trajectory that my ship is heading in so even though i turn it's kind of lagging behind that's because my ship and the velocity is still kind of trying to play catch up there you can also we can see right here on the left um wait i don't know why it just turned into a little hand i don't know if you can see that or if that was just me but um this is actually what i have my speed set to so 140 meters per second this little up arrow means that i've got the cruise control set because you can see if i hit c to turn it off i come to a stop that little arrow goes away and i basically come to a stop and my ship is hovering in midair just like this i'm going to hit the in key and that's going to raise my landing gear let's go ahead and hit c to turn the cruise control on and then you're going to use your mouse wheel to actually increase or even decrease throttle so we're going to increase it a little bit usually i like to you know keep it right up around here we're just going to aim up aim up now another thing you can do is you can tap the b key that's going to give you all your quantum mobile points now you see everything is red all these little dots are all red that means we can't quantum drive or you know we can't quantity them yet because we're too low in the atmosphere now on hurston we have to get up to about ten thousand meters and you're going to see a few of these we'll shoot up to this is uh everest harbor we're going to shoot up to everest harbor so you'll see that actually turn uh kind of agree yep there we go now we're high enough and um yeah so i'm going to just kind of move over here and as long as we're kind of pointing in that direction you can see how the calibration um goes up to 100 once we're spooled and calibrated we should be able to hold the b key boom and we'll and we've quantumed right up to the space station here which is really cool so now we're actually in outer space and we've left behind the hurston loreville the hurston building lauraville behind us you could kind of barely see it right back there but yeah so this is a big space station once i really start getting into doing bounties this is usually going to be my base of operations it's usually kind of where i personally like to hang out but that's just me so now i'm going to rotate around here now you can see okay we've got a lock on crusader it's kind of hard to see because the sun is in the way um but looks like i got a lock on crusader so i'm going to hold the b key and uh the game is a little bit jumpy i mean i've got a pretty high end pc but the game is still a little bit jumpy uh when you jumped into quantum so we're saying goodbye to hurston and you know we're gonna make the journey over to crusader and it's gonna take us a while to get there because this ship is not the fastest in the game um we can't actually get up out of the seat while we're in quantum i mean take a look we could take a look at the ship if we want really there's nothing in here we've got the two doors where we can you know exit we can even open the doors and quantum just don't stick your hand out but we can actually lie down in the bed now you can lie down and log out i don't recommend doing that right now sometimes it works okay in some ships other times it doesn't you definitely don't want to do it while you're in quantum logging out while you're in quantum because yeah you're just it's gonna have all kinds of weird problems but um yeah all right so we're gonna get back into the pilot seat and we're gonna see how much further we've got to go so 26 million kilometers so i am just going to kind of time lapse this really quick and um when we come back we'll be at crusader ready to do our first bounty all righty well we're approaching uh the crusader planet and its system of moons and actually you can see a couple little dots there kind of moving slowly i think on the right just approaching the ship that's damar i thought i saw yellow but it might be hidden behind crusader right now though usually it's kind of more off to the right i thought and selin is usually behind crusader so this is a really big planet and we and it's gonna actually look a lot different in just you know a few weeks once uh the the updates come out um so let's see here i need to go to [Music] i need to go over to okay some right here right here and i will tell you that until they get the uh the map fixed which i don't know if that's coming in the next version or a little bit later um this this does take a little bit getting used to but um to yellow i can actually plot a quart or try to set a route but i can't because i'm going through the planet and there are no points around crusader right now to jump me around there so i can clear out now what i can do is i can jump straight to port alisar i can actually either point there because there's right there's point alisar you can always tell space stations because they're kind of like this little squarish box shape so i can do that or i can plot a chorus from right here i can just click it click set route up here at the top left it's going to say portalisar how much fuel is required to get there and we're going to be all set to go so now i'm already spooled up since i tapped b so all we have to do oh i just tapped b whoops all we have to do is tap b and spool up again and once we do that we should be able to hold the b button we're going to skim the surface kind of rocked around there as we were brushing the surface atmosphere and oh it looks like we got some ships around here is that an 890 jump it's an 890 jump i've got one of those on my other account um so right over here should be yellow oh i know this game so well now you guys are gonna be like what in the world is he doing um well let's go back in here and we're gonna plot a course up here to yellow uh oh wait it's not showing it's not showing my hold on a second i gotta figure something out it's not showing the waypoint for my mission anymore did i fail it oh oh no oh no i did i i guess it must have timed out i took too long i should have had an oh you've got to be kidding me i've got to go okay this happens sometimes guys but i've got to go all the way back am i even gonna have enough now here's the next problem am i gonna have enough fuel to get all the way back there what in the world i mean that is weird it figures i would have this issue wait do i have enough fuel oh barely oh my gosh um i tell you what let's go down we're gonna we're gonna land here at um this is port olisar i should be able to get landing clearance and i'm gonna here we go so now we see this little circle with the down arrow and oh and don't forget to hit the n key to put your landing gear out you can see that it's deployed right there and i'm going to use i still have it on cruise control but i'm going to just watch my throttle here on the lower right i'm going to really kind of bring that back so i can slowly come in i'm even going to roll it back a little bit more and then i'm going to tap c just to kind of float over the pad i'm just kind of i'm click you know going forward with w and now i'm using my left control to land now hopefully we can get quantum fuel so 20 20 uec for quantum fuel not that much not that expensive and you can see it you can hear it and you can actually see it fueling up so we were able to refuel and i can i'm just going to go ahead and take off again and we're going to go back i don't know what happened there guys but at least you got to see crusader right there we go and there's my guy inside oh i just love this game look how big that that planet is that's a big planet when you when you get to some of the other ones they're like ah they're not really that big then you see crusader and you're like o-m-g all right we got to do what we got to do this happens sometimes heading back to hurston [Music] okay one thing i just thought about doing while i'm still in quantum is going and actually looking to see now again i'm i don't have i don't have that thing that waypoint and it's dropping my mission again and it's it's putting it behind me once again and i'm i don't know i should yeah i don't know why it's doing this i've never had it my ship is so slow maybe that's what the problem is um let's see is that are we locked on crusader i can't do that okay so it's back at yala again did i mention this game is an alpha all right so we're gonna power back up head back to crusader we got more than halfway back two two third or three quarters of the way back and we got to turn around and do this again so i don't know why it's doing this now if i hit f2 i mean obviously there can't be that many people that are doing these missions because there there's just not there's you know you generally have no problem i'm just wondering if my ship is so darn slow that i can't get over there in time for it you know to i don't know you know what i'm saying like like i'm taking too long to get there but i don't think that's it because i've taken way longer to to get there in pa in the past oh god this is gonna like force me to do um what is it the uh delivery not a delivery mission no delivery missions are okay um actually let's go ahead since we have to wait anyway um another well oh man because we're out in the middle of nowhere i don't recommend the claim jumpers missions a lot of people do them because they get sucked in by you know the 22 500 alpha uec but for starting off you're going to get you're just going to get the floor wiped with you because you're gonna be going up against i think eight or nine um prospectors which are mining ships they're very lightly armed but they have decent shields and if all you have is an aurora they're just gonna wipe the floor with you and it's not gonna be pretty i'm actually really glad i thought to watch and see if we still had the the waypoint for the mission objective because i would have been really upset had i gone all the way to hurston because i mean it's i mean this is like real time i have to sit through this in real time i get to you know time lapse for you guys but you know this is actually we're sitting here in the ship in real time there's no like you know insta cut right over to the um uh right over to the destination um it's one of the things that i really like about the game but it's also one of the things that is kind of boring because there's no you know there's no game play aboard the ships yet eventually there is going to be some gameplay like for example we might have like if i get up here there might be like um you know there might be like a an access port or something where i might have to uh or you know maybe even up here something like that where i you know there's gonna be like a ship component that i might be able to take a tool out and and actually work on it and you know repair it back up to 100 or something like that just to give you something you know a little bit of something to do while you are in quantum like this so um all right so we've got three million to go it's about 30 seconds away i still see we've got leverett ishihara on our screen will he stay there oh did you i don't know if you just saw the little gas cloud i don't know if i can go around and look and it's kind of too too bright to see i don't know if you saw that little cloud back there going past that was actually one of the lagrange points which is kind of a gravity well there's actually a station and a bunch of asteroids you can go there and mine asteroids or you can go and trade at the station sometimes you have to go there to find parts that are specific for certain ships i'm going to tell you guys right now star citizen does have a pretty steep learning curve though it's not impossible if you get in with good players you know i love playing with um you know with you guys teaching new players how to play the game if you ever have questions about star citizen join my discord and ask because i love talking star citizen with you guys um all right let's see if we can get okay we got port alisar over here we're on cool down you can re-spool while you're on cooldown which is really nice really cool all right we should be okay shut the car you can you can actually hold b for a second to turn the quantum drive back off i'm gonna actually go there as quickly as i can let's see if we can get this guy now another thing it looks like if i hit the g key let's see oh but let's get out of quantum because i can't fire my weapons here anyway so we've got our primaries no secondaries okay so if i hit the g key we want to have this circle right here that's the our gimbal mode um so as long as we're in gimbal mode our guns are going to track the target as long as they're in that center um that that dotted circle there now turn it back on now these are probably size one gimbal guns uh okay so we're okay we can quantum to the target's location good and it's going to put us about 35 kilometers out so let's go ahead and speed up here um oh oh no i've got the cursor bug i don't know if that's going to come through on the um on the live stream or not that's rarely get that of course i get it while i'm recording um i hope it doesn't pull my attention off of the game um yale is really cool because it's got this big ring of asteroids now if you've got a mining ship you can bring the mining ship over here and mine for uh different ores which you can then refine for more money or sell for less money all right so we're coming in here [Music] at 556 meters per second there's like little buildings out there kind of surprised there we go all right i'm gonna hit the t key to to lock on to him okay he's locked on to me now and here we go we're in range oh gosh oh we can see that we're we can see that we're scoring hits here hear how it's going um what are we uh oh shields damage what are we going up against a aegis gladius okay now it's a dedicated light fighter um my ship is kind of just a dedicated [Music] mercury capri or something i don't know oh now you oh also for the best result boom boom objective complete neutralize leverage ishihara so objective complete subdue bounty and there is his ship right there oh let's see if we can go in so we've earned our tracker training permit we've gotten certified we were awarded 700 alpha uec which i think that was part of the call to arms always make sure you've got call to arms activated so yeah here is the uh the gladius actually let's go ahead and slow it down looks like we blew the front of the ship off which i just saw over here but now i don't see it i was gonna float around and i was gonna see if the guy was in there but oh gosh okay we're getting locked on probably by his buddies who are gonna come after us uh let's see if we can squeeze another bounty in here oh i don't want to send money to anyone let's see if bounty hunter contractor see marius berkheimer now this might actually take us back legitimately to yeah this one is going to take us back to hurston but this is like legitimately back to hurston it's not like we're getting shafted out of something oh we've got wait who was that who was that masked man somebody is definitely shooting at us why oh it's like an enemy dude wait why why am oh it's because my quantum drive oh gosh what is it oh gosh this is a big ship oh we might die here you guys oh oh i know i know is he hitting me oh i'm hitting him okay we are scoring hits now this is a this is a torpedo bomber here this is an aegis eclipse it's not really a fighter it's it's more of kind of like a stealth bomber i wouldn't want to be dog fighting in one of these oh so see how there's the small little inner ring right there oh nice see how there's that small inner ring i want to keep my reticle like right in that little inner ring all right so did i did i get did i get paid anything for that he attacked me um let's see we need to go back to port olisar because we are gonna have to fuel up again i would be sh yeah we don't have enough fuel to get back did i get any money for killing yeah i got something must have gotten about another thousand for killing that that eclipse but my ship's kind of too small to lock a torpedo onto it so um you know you usually reserve those more for capital ships and things like that all right contact atc to land we're going to do that right over there make sure my orientation is correct put my landing gear down throttle back a little bit i'm just gonna fly this in manually now another cool thing is if if you suck at landing you can kind of just hover over the pad here hold the end key for a moment and it's going to take you in auto land now there's a couple shops here you can we can stop at and actually buy some guns and things like that but again i don't really necessarily need to um let's go ahead we're going to refuel one more time i'm going to restock my ammo as well kind of do everything and it's going to go through okay there's hydrogen fuel then it's their quantum field then it should refill hydrogen fuel and then i think it re-arms us first and then it repairs last i think it goes rearm or restock quantum fuel hydrogen fuel and then repair let's down we'll just do the repair all right so i'm going to take off again cruise control spool up my quantum drive and we got another oh it's not going to give us the okay so i must not have a direct path to him so i'm going to double right click to zoom all the way out we're going to double click over here on hurston oh it's because he's over here so we're gonna plot a course to hurston and again we're i'm just gonna time lapse this i'm gonna keep i'm gonna stay in the cockpit this time and um yeah i don't want to lose i don't want to lose another bounty because i think what might be happening is when i hit f4 to go into that external view i think i was losing that bounty contract that shouldn't happen um [Music] and and again with without you know with the game being alpha like it is these kind of weird bugs happen and when you talk to other players in the game generally players are pretty helpful uh to help you figure out you know what kind of bugs to look out for and how to more importantly how to work around them this is a huge an immensely huge game i can't even begin to explain what a gigantic concept this is for a game um where we're gonna have full you know planetary systems we are gonna have full persistence that means you know if i drop a can of you know a bottle of water on the surface of a planet i should be able to come back to that same spot six months later and still see that bottle laying there which has never been done in a game before so you know it kind of creates the um the ability to create stashes and do all kinds of things i mean this is really going to be a huge universe that i just cannot wait to get into so anyway let's uh i'm going to just just going to time lapse the rest of this and we'll be back in just a second [Music] and we are back at hurston all right so now i think we have to go to ariel maybe so yeah so let's see if we can um get a course plotted sometimes we click there yeah it's going to take us to outer marker three then to ariel then to the targets location so right there it's it and it's really nice when you can we can when you can plot the course like that it's going to point you right where you need to go so you can always look like see if the upper left see how there's like that little arrow right there so it's always going to point you in the direction that you need to fly the ship and then it's just going to be three quick jumps there's the first one i'm going to immediately tap b to start spooling my drive again now we're locked on to ariel and because we have the course plotted it's not going to confuse the two because there's going to be two there's the neutralization point where we have to go to actually get our target but it's not going to confuse the two because we have them you know pre-plotted i'm going to tap b to start spooling again and we're 343 kilometers away now we're going to be about 35 kilometers away now you could actually fly that 343 kilometers away or god forbid you'd want to spend the you know few days flying from hurst and where's hurston oh there it is over there see it ah oh no what did i do i don't know how i just turned my ship off that was weird oh i i was holding the f okay make sure we've got guns we have shield okay yeah see our shields are coming back up there so they're charging okay we're uh we're all right we're okay oh my gosh now i'm going pretty fast i'm going about 575 meters per second okay so i've got my target there's for 22 kilometers out once i get within about 10 kilometers though i'm going to want to slow that down to you know pretty much maneuvering speed which is what this little line represents some ships it's like a green line some ships it's a red line all that's supposed to change in the next version of star citizen as well because all of the uh the panel overlays are getting a redo which is gonna be really good all right targeting let's see what do we got we have a mustang delta oh this guy should be pretty easy once you see like this look the little green circle oh gosh he hit me really hard oh gosh i think he did he oh god what are we mustang delta oh i thought he was gonna be a cake i thought he was gonna be cake cake come on okay i'm hitting him i think i blew his wing off come on oh he's upset oh yeah he's spinning he's out of control boom nice see ya wouldn't want to be you um all right so looking at the top contract complete bounty hunter contract evaluation uh hurston dynamics uh work authorization so oh that's what that's why because this was the hurston we got 4 500 alpha uec off of that kill pretty good and let's see what we're up to money-wise so we're up to 19 000 not too bad um and then let's see now that we've got so now we have very low risk targets now we can do um we already have the permit to do the low risk bounties um but the very low risk bam boy we've got all kinds of stuff verified freelancer bounty hunter okay we've got to go all the way oh this is for crusader says for crusader security we have we'd have to go all the way back to crusader to do that one and then we have an unknown risk target now this these are usually ground attack missions um yeah cave can only be accessible accessed on foot they pay really well 25 000 alpha uec so we might come back um in a future episode and definitely do one of those but let's go and hit this this last um bounty here it should be pretty close by so it's over here at magda and we'll just hop straight over uh come on now okay sometimes we have to recalibrate [Music] that does happen sometimes when that when you can't jump all you have to do is just pull the nose off the center so that it loses calibration but keep it spooled up just pull the nose off put it back on let it recalibrate and you should be good to go so we have to neutralize hop mcmanus as soon as i'm out i'm spooling right back up again all right let's go full throttle here okay shields are full we're all good i don't want to power off again you're coming in hot okay i'm gonna start slowing down here oh yeah we've gotta really slow down i'm gonna hold the x button that's basically your space break space break space break you don't when you're going through these debris fields there is debris flipping all over the place and um flipping and tumbling and all kinds of fun stuff and sometimes it's really hard to see sometimes it's like completely black and the next thing you know you're slamming into it at you know 800 meters per second which is going to destroy your ship okay we are somewhat okay he's got to be out here somewhere i'm going to go into scanning mode let's see if maybe we can send a few pings out and figure out where he is he's got to be in here somewhere [Music] do i just want to make sure that that little trajectory pip that i showed you guys at the beginning does not intersect with uh any of these pieces of debris oh come on he's got to be around here look how beautiful this game is though look at the thruster oh my gosh it looks so nice oh oh is that him wait where'd he go oh here he goes there he is yeah sometimes just stop within about a thousand meters of your um of that waypoint oh let's go back into normal mode you can go into scanning mode by hitting the tab key on the keyboard okay t to target what are we going up an aurora uh ln i don't know if that's better or worse than my aurora but should be fairly evenly matched okay let's see if we can lock do i want to lock a missile on i don't really think i do and i want to keep that center circle the center dotted circle really right about dead center right where my little reticle pip is it's like a little tiny dot dead center oh gosh come on oh got me there oh oh there's his face i almost got him boom enemy down all right so hot mcmanus subdue bounty i'm going to um plot a course we're gonna go back to hurston and i'm gonna try to plot a course in here to everest harbor i don't know if we're gonna be able to from way over here though no i don't think so um but we'll be able to plot a course to hurston so let's head to hurston we're gonna land get out and that'll be the end of the episode so this has been i don't know how long this has been with all the quantuming around which i'm gonna time lapse for you but hopefully this is going to give you a an excellent understanding of how to get into the game and how to start making money doing bounties look at that we're almost back up to our starting money and that's actually g those those that's going to go up that's going to keep going up as we um as we do more bounties we're going to be making money um here in a few episodes probably we're going to be making tons of money why can't i find any okay there that should be okay there's an outer marker or orbital marker one of the two i call them outer markers because my background in aviation um i guess in the game they do call them orbital markers but you know there was actually um one of the trailers for star citizen referred to an outer marker so you know om is it really does mean outer markers so i kind of use orbital oh gosh orbital marker and outer marker interchangeably so keep that in mind if you're going to continue watching this series but really guys i hope you guys like the series i'm going to love doing this one for you i've been wanting to do this for a long long long time it's basically starting with a completely fresh account ooh and we get to land at night on the space station so what i'm going to do is i'm going to hit the l key to turn my landing lights on you can actually see that illumination kind of light up i'm going to turn them off again see how it turns them off turns it on so that's kind of cool but we have to get in within about 7 000 kilometers of the space station so we should be getting pretty close uh entering armistice zone uh almost there we should see something pop up on the screen here in just a second oh here we go so yeah right there everest harbor so we're about eight eight or nine thousand meters so we're gonna get a landing clearance here oh there it is please contact atc to land and it's going to give us a little circle with the down arrow so there we go right over here to the left uh hit the n key like nancy to put the landing gear down and again now here here's the big hangar bays like right over here that's where you're gonna land some of the larger not the biggest ships like the 890 jumps those actually have docking collars but um yep we're gonna fly right up over here okay i'm gonna start slowing down here gosh the roll rate on this ship is crazy and we're gonna hit the c button just to slow all the way down and i'm just kind of tapping my keys uh we can get we can do the auto lan thing again did it did it work oh there it goes oh i turned it off again let's just go ahead or wait did i it's not flooding okay no i guess i didn't here we go so once we've landed what i want to do i don't want to completely shut my ship down i just want to turn my engines off the reason why is i always want to keep my shields up so that you know if there's some guy out there some other player wait we're okay exit left there we go if there's some other player that's out to troll people and that does happen in star citizen it happens in every single game but sometimes people will literally shoot you on the pad or ram their ship into your ship which blows you up which is not really fun uh might be fun for them you know because they're making other people feel bad and have a bad day and they are getting a laugh out of it but i always like to keep my shields up in case they do fire on me because that might might give me enough time to either get you know take off again and fly away or run away from the ship if i'm already out so we're going to go to the lobby so there's docking ports for the really big ships hangers for the big big ships and the pads for like all the smaller ships so we're gonna head back to the hangar here and it's a short elevator ride of a few thousand meters you can see we're already almost 2500 meters away from our little aurora but yeah we we're back up to 23 652 in the next episode hopefully we won't have all of those really long quantums and um we'll be able to what just happened what what the heck was that i like stubbed my look like even at the bottom left like i took damage what the heck just happened that's weird okay well anyway thank you so much guys if you enjoy this series do not forget to hit the like button leave a comment if you've got any questions about getting started started in star citizen i will be happy to or i'll do my best to answer all all your questions and also if you if you want even you know if there's other questions that i can't be that can't be answered in the uh in the in the comments section join my discord link's down in the video description again i love talking about star citizen and i got to take a breath of air here because i was like talking i love this game i absolutely love it but um yeah smack that like button leave a comment uh please subscribe for this and many more videos and again if you want to get started use my referral link when you create your account that'll get you five thousand extra alpha uec to start off the game with um and uh and i'll it'll helps me out and i really appreciate everybody who does that so thank you again so much star citizen alpha 3.13 3.13 right now we're just a few weeks away from 3.14 starting off like a total noob with an aurora mr i'm bradm73 thanks again for watching bye for now
Channel: BradM73
Views: 242,655
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Star Citizen (Video Game), Shooter Game (Media Genre), Wing Commander Arena (Video Game), Arena Commander, BradM73, Stockoglaws, Scott Manley, Roberts Space Industries, RSI, Alpha, Beta, First look, let's play, Referral code, URSA rover, rover, ursa, Carrack, Pisces, Nomad, wing commander
Id: EuShycbezwk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 83min 19sec (4999 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 03 2021
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