Grounded: 12 Things I WISH I KNEW When I Started Playing

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have you ever played a game for a few weeks and after discovering something so game-changing you said to yourself i wish i knew that when i started playing i know i've said that with many games i've played if i had just known this one thing i could have saved hours of time or progressed so much faster or unlock this cool thing where after playing more than 200 hours of grounded i've learned quite a few of these tips and tricks in this video i'm going to share 12 things i wish i knew when i started playing grounded i'm sure you'll know some of them maybe most of them but hopefully you'll learn at least a few things that will help make your experience in the backyard more enjoyable before we jump into the list if you're not subscribed to the channel which based on my channel's analytics you're only about five percent likely to be make sure to hit the subscribe button so you never miss a future video let's get started so start off the list is probably going to be maybe the most useful thing if you don't know this i have seen quite a few people that are one aware of this so if you think about which items or resources in the game are the ones that you need the most number one on the list has to be crude rope it's one of the first things you'll discover but as you'll quickly realize it's used in so many things look at all these crafting recipes it's uh involved in or use them and in many cases you're going to need multiple pieces of this stuff so normally what you do is use craft crude rope right so if you take three plant fiber you can craft it into one crew rope and what that will do is three plant fiber will turn into a one crew rope so i have six in my inventory i can make that in the true crude rope but if you didn't know you can also put it on the spinning wheel so the spinning wheel is mainly used for turning web fiber into silk silk rope but you can also spit you can also spin the plant fiber and what will end up happening is it's going to take a little bit longer than just directly crafting it but each web each plant fiber you place on the spinning wheel will turn into one crude rope so as you can see upstairs this is our main survival world we have five spinning wheels up here i think we have one downstairs also along with all these jerky wraps so what we do is we end up when we get a bunch of plant fiber we'll just come in here and usually once a day we'll just put four of them on each one of the spinning wheels when we come back at the end of the day we collect all the crew rope repeat the process when we go to sleep and wake up in the morning usually they're all finished and you can end up getting tons of crude rope so if you're ever trying to build any crazy stuff like large bases or you just want to use and a lot of the things in the game that require crude rope running around and collecting plant fiber is one of the most least uh fun things to do so this is definitely a tip you can use second on the list is going to be converting berry chunks into berry leather now just like the uh crude rope you can craft berry berry leather by just using the berry chunks and it's the same ratio it takes three berry chunks to make one berry leather but what you can do is actually put it on a jerky rack so you can place up to three on each jerky rack and what you'll do is you'll place them on there come back at the end of the day they'll probably be finished if not they'll be done by the next morning so just like the crude rope this is going to end up turning uh less resources into a far better number of uh what you're trying to get out of it so instead of having to get three berry chunks to make one berry leather it only takes one to make one berry leather you can make tons of berry leather especially if you end up getting a bunch of jerky rocks like we have here so we pretty much never run out of berry leather because as we get berries we just come over here drop them all in here and within a couple of days we just have like a chest full of berry leather and it's much faster to do that so those are the first two tips let's head on outside for the third tip so next up on the list is going to be the water container now typically what you use the water container for is storing water so if you have a duke collector set up you can just get the dew off of there you can also collect it from the grass or if you just see it laying around on the backyard on the ground you can collect it in your canteen and deposit in a water container you can also store soda drops and juice drops in the water container if you uh want to collect those and just save them for later from when you're exploring the backyard so in my uh canteen right now you can see it's got the three in the bottom left corner that's yellow that means it has juice drops in it all i have to do is go over here and deposit it and we can deposit our juice into the water container and come back and get it later so it's definitely cool if you prefer drinking the juice or the soda over the water make sure you take advantage of that you can also set it up near the juice boxes so you can just collect a bunch of it there and put it in there next up on the list is going to be a trick for using the zip lines for transporting resources so as you can see and you're probably aware zip lines you can transport your team across the yard much more quickly than running across the yard so we have zip lines running from our main house over to the oak tree and then also back over there we also have a zip line that we'll see up here that goes across the pond and one thing you can do if you weren't aware is you can actually transport both grass planks and weed stems across zip lines so if you're building in an area that for some reason just doesn't have either the weed stems or the grass planks and you need to transport them you can just build a zip line over there and transport them much faster so i have a plan i have a pallet of planks over here weed stems over here and what we're gonna do is we're gonna send them across the pond of course this is much faster than running them across the pond which you obviously can't do we have a bridge across there but it takes a lot it's a lot faster to do this so you just go up there and you just press the same button or you press drop so as you drop them you can see they will just transport across there what we'll do is we'll give them a second to go across then we'll follow them over and they will just lay on the ground there and then you get them over there so like when we were building on this side of the pond uh when we wanted to transport especially for making this bridge uh after we cut down all the weeds that are over on this side we were transporting them back and forth over here in order to build this bridge to help us get across here and as you can see here we have our weed stems now they do if they hit a wall they do glitch out a little bit but that's okay we can just place them on the ground right here and they'll be there when we come back all right the fifth item on our list of things i wish i knew when i started playing grounded is you can actually transport a lot more weed stems and grass planks if you move the pallet so of course you can equip the ant armor which gives you up to eight carrying slots but if you pick up the pallet you can actually move the pallet to your desired location and you just need to make sure that you place it down every once in a while so that it doesn't end up reverting back to where it was so what i do is i typically walk for maybe like 10 seconds or so then i just place it down and pick it back up and i can walk it all the way over here to where i'm where i would want to be using it and this just allows you to carry a lot more like i said planks or grass planks or weed stems we use this trick for building this museum over here as this took a lot of stems to build of course we use the stems that were around here but when those weren't uh available when we had cut those down we're waiting for the respawn we made sure that we carried our pallets over across the backyard in order to move a bunch of stems over there and it ended up reducing the amount of time it took to build the museum by quite a bit of time the sixth thing i wish i knew when i started playing ground it was grass planks and weed stems and anything you can cut down such as the clovers or anything like along those lines the dry grass will actually despawn after two to three in-game days as long as you don't touch it so what ended up happening was like when we were building this this here and the castle over there we had a ton of grass planks on the ground because we cleared off all these areas and while we did use some of it for this building for the castle over there we didn't use hardly any grass planks and i we needed to get rid of it and at the time i didn't know that it actually despawned so what we were doing was we were taking all the way over to the pond and just throwing it in the pond carrying pallets over there throwing it one at a time and then i said you know what i'm going to try something out i i took a bunch of the i took a couple pallets over threw them over by the starting spawn area where you spawn down a little cave by the little suitcase thing that has the people in it and i just threw a bunch of grass planks in there and i came back a couple days later and lo and behold all the grass plants were gone and you know what it it definitely helps with cleaning those up as well as with performance issues because if you end up having a bunch of these laying around on the ground it ends up causing performance issues especially if you're on a probably on console and also if you're on a lower end pc or if you're just trying to run on high settings and then also walking over them we'll just walk over real quick to see if it does anything goofy a lot of times walking over these things causes like physics issues especially the clovers it can end up shooting you up in the air so you want to make sure you get rid of them so you can either leave them where they drop carry them over to a spot where you're not currently playing the game and just drop them in there i like to just throw them into like i said the starting spawn area because i'm over here you can kind of do it anywhere just kind of put them in a pot leave them there and when you come back within two to three in game days they should be despawned as long as nobody's messing with them okay the seventh item on our list is going to be how to get the larva blade basically as soon as you start so i just hopped into a brand new game i set it on created with bug so we're not going to get attacked by anything and as you can see you can get you'll be able to get the larger blade really quickly so larvae is a decent weapon it's better than most of the starting weapons so what you're going to do is you're going to come out of the starting spawn area and of course be careful because sometimes now the wolf spider's over here and we're going to be heading over here to the area where the fallen branch is so we're just going to follow this path over here and we're going to grab ourselves the sword out of the stone as it basically is called so you could you should be pretty safe if you just follow this path because although there are spider the wolf spider does wander over here sometimes it doesn't typically wander underneath of the the fallen branch from what i've seen but there are three wolf spider spawns over here so there is a chance we're going to see one while we're wandering over here so if you follow this path over here you're going to get to the fallen branch and we're just going to stay we're going to stay low here so we don't fight any long lights because there are a bunch of lights up there which you might also have to run into we're gonna follow this path so right now we are just running in this underground little uh half hidden tunnel that goes under the fallen branch that's over here we're gonna pop out head over to our left and like i said there are some uh there's three wolf spider spawns over here in fact there's one right there so you would want to be mindful of that but underneath this leaf over here if you get lucky and there's no wolf spiders over here you're gonna end up getting the larva blade right here which is a pretty decent starting weapon like it's it is a rot this is the rotten version of it but so it's gonna be uh lose durability a little bit faster and it's also gonna do a little bit less damage than the uh the regular version of it but you'll get that immediately you can use it as a decent starting weapon the next two tips on the list are going to be ways to get bug parts from the higher tier insects early game without actually having to fight them so the first one is going to be destroying these websacks so you need to be mindful that when you do destroy these well typically there's spiders around i did just kill the spiders that were over here but you can find them without spiders around but usually when you bust them open there will be spider ones that come out of them these things can contain ladybug heads stink bug parts stink bug gas sacks bombardier parts and nat fuzz so of course the ladybug parts stink bug parts and the bombardier parts are gonna be super useful especially early game early game so let's bust these up and see what comes out so we got a couple spiderlings which are not hard to deal with got ourselves a stink bug part so that one just gave us a stink bug part but like i said you can also get ladybug heads you can get uh the stink bug gas sack and the bomb at airports those are all super useful for making some of the things like the jerky rack the insect axe and while this spot only has one over by the oak tree so we are right here a little bit north of the oak tree over by the hedge lab there are a ton of websacks on there especially if you go by the broodmother on the um the frisbee that's up there there's web sacks everywhere over there so of course there's going to be orb weavers and spiderlings those aren't that hard to deal with but if you're trying not to fight the stink bugs because you don't want to take the gas damage or the beetles or even ladybugs uh an easy way is to just kill the spiders around and then especially if you're in the hedge up in the up in the hedge there might be a couple spiderlings but you can find tons of these websacks and find a lot of useful parts from those and uh it'll help you advance to getting better stuff much faster so let's head on over to another spot so i can show you the second tip for how to get uh high level insect parts without actually having to fight the insects the second way to get high level bug parts without actually having to fight them is to get them to fight each other so if you're not aware the aggressive bugs will actually fight each other so right here we have a stink bug what i'm gonna try to do is i'm gonna try to get the stink bug to kill one of the beetles up here for me you can also they'll also fight wolf spider so there is a wolf spider like right over here i don't think i have it marked there's a little spider it's like right over here in the haze area and the there's another spot over by the pond so like up here where the charcoal spawns like right over here there's a bunch of um stink bugs and there's a wolf spider this is over here that will wander over here and if you actually get them close enough to each other the stink bugs will kill the wolf spider pretty easily because they just can't withstand the um the poison from its uh stink so what we're gonna do is i'm gonna try i think the easiest thing to do is gonna be to get the [Music] get the beetle down and then try to aggro the stink bug and just see if we can get them to fight each other this is much harder than actually just um there's gonna be a little this is definitely harder than just breaking the egg sacs but it's definitely worth trying if you can get good at it we've got to make sure this guy can follow us so we've hit him and he should follow us down here he's mad so of course we got this little guy who's in the way you're gonna get on my nerves huh all right you're out of the way so the beetle's coming over here we're gonna do is we're gonna try to get this stink bug if we don't get hit all right the beetles right there now you stay aggregate you got to stay down where they can actually reach you and the stink bugs are once i get down here you should come back over here he comes so we're going to use the stink bug and uh try to get these two guys to fight each other so there's the stink bug and there we go perfect they're actually fighting each other so that was a little more complicated because all these little wall mics were over here so as you can see they're just going to fight each other you want to make sure you keep your distance unless you have a gas mask on in this case but we'll see who's going to win this battle of attrition here we got the acid shooting beetle versus the stink bug who's just putting on his noxious fumes and basically what you do is just wait for so the beetle just died there now the stink bug might be low health and here comes more stink bugs so we're gonna have to wait for these guys to uh get away we don't want to fight them uh once the fume once the fumes dissipate we'll just run over there and grab our beetle parts so like i said you can definitely use that to your advantage with stink bugs the stink bugs are just op they will kill a a wolf spider uh they can kill ladybugs pretty easily you just gotta get them aggroed and get them in there and as you can see we've got ourselves two vomit ear parts without having to do anything other than shoot a couple of arrows and avoid the fight so those are two ways to get the higher level bug parts without actually having to fight the higher level bugs it'll help you unlock stuff a lot earlier next up on our list is going to be ant armor and it's set bonus so as you can see if you're the full set of ant armor the ant helmet the ant arm guards and the ante guards the full set on it will give you the set bonus of human what human does is it will make the ants not be attracted to you at all so if you're unaware the soldier ants are aggressive and a soldier ant will just attack you so there's a few i think there's a few soldier ants in here somewhere there was one just walking around here a minute ago uh if you go into the anthill so here's a soldier and you can see this guy is not even bothering us so if you're trying to explore the anthill uh anything the anthill or any of the animals they add in the future if you have one the full set of ant armor uh the soldier ants won't bother you and you just go in there and freely explore last two tips on this list are going to involve mutations so first up is going to be something that might seem obvious to many of you but i have seen quite a few people not even not know this from comments on my youtube videos as well as i've seen on reddit in other places like on discord and what that is you actually have to equip mutations when you unlock them so when you're first playing when you're first starting out you'll probably end up unlocking natural explorer first and natural explorer is unlocked by just finding uh five different landmarks around the map but what ends up happening is a lot of people just don't even realize you have to equip it so you actually have to go and equip these different mutations you can have up to three equipped uh activated at any time but just unlocking does not make them passive so a lot of people i think think that they're passive and you just get the benefits of all of them you do not as you can see right here it's uh there's nothing over here so if i put this one it's going to give me natural explorer as the active mutation and what natural explorer does is it gives you the quickness down here and then if we put on cardio fan it's going to give us uh the hyper stamina and then i usually use method baptism so mithridatism gives us the uh poison guard here so as you can see if you switch these around it'll give you different buffs over here so there's mom's jeans but you need to make sure you actually activate them so on pc it is uh pressing the space bar on console i believe or in control i believe which is by pressing a so make sure when you unlock mutations you equip them you can equip up to three of them and last but not least is going to be the natural explorer mutations specifically so a lot of these mutations as you can see will have up to three phases and you can unlock phase three on all them except for natural explorer so national explorer is unlocked by finding different landmarks to unlock phase three it requires to find 50 landmarks currently i think there's only about like 33 somewhere around it's the low 30s number of landmarks on the map and landmarks are anything from the uh like the old ant hill the mysterious machine so points of interest the labs um you also have like the superhero figures the soda cans the juice boxes those are all um landmarks so in order to unlock level three you're going to need 50 of those there's only currently i think like i said 30 or 33 of them so you can only get level two all the others you can unlock so if this is the only one you haven't been able to unlock no worries don't worry about it you'll be able to unlock it in the future when they add more landmarks those are the 12 things i wish i knew when i started playing grounded let me know in the comments if you didn't know one or more of these things if you enjoyed the video make sure to smash the like button as it really helps my videos get out to more people just like you thank you for watching and i'll see you in the next video you
Channel: Mediocre Milton
Views: 39,701
Rating: 4.9072847 out of 5
Keywords: Grounded Tips and Tricks, Grounded Guide, Grounded Game, Grounded Tips & Tricks, Grounded Gameplay, Grounded How To, Grounded Starter Guide, Grounded Beginners Tips
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 0sec (1080 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 20 2021
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