I Spent 100 Days in RLCraft & Beat The Hardest Boss...

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What's so magical about it? I mean, what's not magical about it? We're talking dragons, hippogriffs, sirens, so many mythical creatures. And not only that, but also tons of crazy structures and dungeons to explore, and a lot of new mystical loot to collect. All of this comes from a modpack called RLCraft which you may be familiar with. It's widely known to be one of the most fun and most difficult mod packs out there. Throughout these 100 days, I plan on adventuring and exploring as much as I can, but things are just not as simple as that. Before the 100 days run out, I have to defeat Amalgalich, who is the most powerful boss in RLCraft. To defeat him, I'll have to get the best gear in the game: tide guardian armor and dragonbone weapons. There's a lot of adventuring and gearing up to do and there's a deadline to meet so it's time for us to begin our journey. On day one, I just took a look around and instantly saw these new creatures and netherrack tower and a dragon! I got out of there. Today was my first day. I just wanted to find a place to live so I began searching. While searching for an area, I found some pigs which I defeated for food and then I found this tower which I thought could have something pretty good inside, nut when I checked, it had absolutely nothing. Yeah, literally nothing, which was pretty disappointing. But anyways, after that, I ended up finding a village and this village had a really cool design to it. It pretty much only had food in it, but I was really happy with just finding shelter and a bed. As I was settling in though, something started attacking the village. (intense music) Uh-oh. It's killing all the villages. No, how did it get in? I probably left a... Oh my God, it's all my fault. Gotcha. After that, I wanted to start collecting some resources. In RLCraft, collecting resources is more difficult for no reason. Like you can't break trees without an axe. So for the time being, I just got some rocks and some sticks and I made a stone knife to protect myself in case any more creatures would sneak up on me in the village. It was almost night time so I started heading back home and on the way there, I ran into this bone dragon. At the time, I thought that this was a dragon that was alive, but was sleeping, but it turns out this was just a dead dragon and I only ended up realizing that later on. But anyways, for now, I got home safely and headed to sleep right away. With the start of day two, there was a lot to be done. It was time for me to get the essentials: tools, armor, just everything I needed to start. So I crafted a stone axe and went out to chop some trees, but it couldn't be that easy, could it? Oh! Are you kidding me? Yeah, yeah, the world was quickly letting me know who was the boss here. Anyways, I was able to get my loot back, kill the tree thingy and get back to chopping trees. And after chopping trees for a bit, I noticed that there was a battle tower near me. So I decided to check it out and on top of it, it had a double chest. Now the chest didn't have much, but I knew that this tower had more layers to it nesting itself into the ground in which there would be better and better loot. So I planned to return to it in a bit. Now, since I was already adventuring, I decided to adventure a little bit more and I ended up finding a village and then this happened. Oh my God! Run, run, run. No! What was that? That scared me so much, but anyways, I was able to get some loot from the village and then night time came. So I just slept the night away in a sleeping bag. The sun came up and day three was here and I started making my way back home from the village. But as I was on the way, honestly, I kind of got lost. And on top of that though, hyperthermia started killing me. Yeah, apparently I was too hot for the game. This temperature mod sucked. Anyways, I was able to make it back home and head to sleep before the night started to spawn anything crazy. And on the next day I made some more stone tools and was then able to loot another level of the tower by into the side of its wall from which I got some better loot for sure. I made a stone rapier as well, which was a huge upgrade from the stone knife that I had before and that was pretty much it for this day. On the following day, I made an antique atlas which is a map that lets you mark locations on it. So I was able to mark where my house is and this is so useful because I was getting lost a lot. And this comes in handy for the whole hundred days. By the way, the annoying clinking and clinking noises that you can hear when I'm at my base come from the guardians that guard the villagers. I don't know why these minions are so loud, but that's what the noise is coming from. I decided to try and loot the lower levels of the battle tower because I knew that it would be the best way to get loot early on. But when I dug down to the lower levels, I was met with some difficulties. Ow, all the way up here? Okay. That's really bad. I was really close to dying there and keep in mind that if the heart's for my head or chest go to zero in the bottom left corner, I instantly die. So with caution, I returned to looting and I was able to get some pretty good armor and useful materials. After a bit, I was finally returning back up to the surface with all of the loot that I had obtained. And then this happened. Ow! No, no. Aw. I was able to return and luckily, the banshee was no longer there and I was able to get my stuff back, but that's terrible. I stood no chance. Anyways, after that, I put all the loot that I had gotten in a chest and then went back to looting again. I made it to the layer right above the tower golem boss. And on this layer, I could not open the chest because he made it so that any chest around him could not be opened. I wanted to find a way to defeat him, but there was no way I would be able to do it in one-on-one face-to-face combat because he would probably just one shot me. So I knew that the only way for me to defeat him this early on was to make a summoning staff. So I returned home and on the next day I made a summoning staff. This allows you to summon minions and they are actually pretty powerful. However, I was not able to use it yet because my skill level in magic was not at level eight and I needed to level it up. And to do that, you need to use experience points. What I did is I went back down to the chest that was right above the tower golem layer, broke it, and fortunately, I got bottles of experience from doing so. Using those, I was able to get my magic skill level to level eight. So I could finally use my summoning staff. Day seven came along and I was really excited to use the new summoning staff, but the world, it was just not on board with that. Instead, it gave me hyperthermia again. Yeah, so I just had to sit in water so that I wouldn't die for the longest time. Eventually, I was able to back over to the battle tower. It was time to put my summoning staff to use and see if I could defeat the tower golem boss. I carefully opened a little pathway to the boss, staying as far away from it as I could in hopes that the pathway would be large enough to let my pets through it. I sat back in a corner and my pets were able to get to the tower golem. After a while, they defeated him and I was able to loot the final chest that he was guarding. And let me tell ya, this chest had some good stuff in it. Lots of diamonds, a miner's ring which gives you haste when you wear it in your bauble item slot which are new item slots that are in RLCraft. And just a lot of useful loot overall. After five days of trying to loot this battle tower, I had finally done it and I returned home with all of my new found loot. When I returned to the village though, I saw that it was burning in multiple areas and that meant that it was very likely attacked by a dragon. I was angry, okay? This dragon always flies around my village and bullies me as is, making me have to be very, very sneaky to get into my base and now it's attacking it as well! Oh, I wanted to kill it so bad, but there was no way for me to defeat it until I would be better prepared. And with that being said, my next mission was to tame a roc. Because if I could tame this beast, I would be able to fly around with it. How OP. How OP is that? It would make defeating sea serpents and dragons and just everything so much easier. These things only spawn in the night though and you need these avian treats to gain their trust so that you can tame them. So I made some treats and went out at night which I had been avoiding the night this whole time and for good reason. I waited and waited, but no roc was in sight and instead this happened. (sad horn plays) I went to sleep because there was no way I was risking not getting my loot back. And for another two days, I continued to try but fail in taming a roc. I mean, come on, at one point I died to a floating shovel, that's as bad as it can get. On day 10 though, I was determined to succeed. I sat out in the night on peak awareness levels, okay? And you know what? It worked because two rocs came at me at once. Yup, let's go, come here! I was finally able to tame one of these. This was the fourth day of me literally only trying to tame a roc. There was one problem though, it kind of picked me up before I tamed it and I ended up being kind of stuck in the sky for a while, but eventually it dropped me to the ground and I made my way or at least I tried to make my way back home. Fortunately, my roc had survived and it teleported to me when I respond on the next day. As I was heading back to my loot though, I got blown up by a skeleton that shoots fireballs! Yeah, good to know that that exists. Now, I didn't mind dying that much, but this time when I respawned, my roc didn't teleport back to me. Did my roc die? Please tell me my roc did not die. Please tell me it did not die. Yeah, it died to that skeleton too. I was really bummed out, but I knew that I couldn't give up. And on day 11, I was finally able to tame a roc. It wasn't really time to celebrate yet though. I should have learned that from my past experiences by now. So I cautiously made my way back home and was able to get back and get each saddle on the roc. I was then able to craft a soulgazer using the loot that I had gotten from the battle tower I looted previously. And oh yeah, by the way I died to hyperthermia after that, just so you know. Hyperthermia is still killing me every single day. But anyways, then I was able to craft a soulstone and when I use this on the roc, it made it so that even if it would die, I would be able to resummon it. Awesome. That's it, I had a permanent flying mount. I did not have to worry about taming a roc anymore which I had spent so much time trying to do. I was ecstatic. To make the roc as strong as possible, I also put some armor and a chest on him as well and I was all set to start adventuring. I equipped some armor and a weapon and headed out. I wasn't looking for anything specific on this trip. Really, I was looking for anything that would make me stronger and get me closer to being able to defeat the sea serpent because the armor that those give is really powerful. And I knew that if I want it to be able to defeat the final boss, Amalgalich, there was no way I was gonna be able to do that without the tide guardian armor. So I flew everywhere, marking any structures or dungeons that I found along the way using my antique atlas. As I was flying, I was able to find this village. Now, normally it wouldn't be anything special but in RLCraft, farming crops actually gives you XP and this village had a lot of wheat. This meant that I would be able to gain a lot of experience from this and invest it into skill points so that I would be able to wear better gear and ultimately be able to defeat stronger enemies. While I was trying to land, I noticed that there was a dragon here though. So I knew that I would have to be pretty careful when farming here. Eventually I landed and started farming the wheat and my luck, it's just not that great. Not only one, not two, but three of these things spawn in a short period of time from me farming. And after the third one, my health for my head was at half a heart and I was dying from hyperthermia at the same time. Here we go with hyperthermia again. I barely stayed alive from that, but after I healed up, I came back and then this aegis, this minion robot guardian thingy, just randomly started attacking me. I mean, I guess maybe I accidentally hit it or something. I literally have no idea. What? What is that? The next morning I returned for my loot and luckily was able to get it all back, but because of how risky this farming had been, I decided that I would leave for now and return home to regroup. For the rest of this day, I ended up just dying to hyperthermia and not getting anything done. It was really annoying me. So I decided that I needed to make some items that would help me out with the heat and cool me down and I needed to do that as soon as possible. The cooling coil and cooling liner gear were my best bets for stopping my problems with heat. But the difficulty was that I needed ice cubes in order to craft them and there was no ice anywhere near me, nowhere. So that was my next goal: to find ice. And on the next day, my search for ice began. While I was searching, I ended up finding this cool statue, but it didn't really end up having anything in it. And then I found this battle tower as well that was above ground. And I just summoned my pets to attack the tower golem while I sat back and relaxed and drank a piƱa colada. My pets ended up hitting the battle tower so far back that it got knocked into the water, but I didn't really mind and I just took this as a chance to loot the chest that he was guarding. And I have to say it gave me some pretty solid loot. As I kept searching, I also found this building which I checked out and it was inhabited by some villagers. I casually took a look around at the loot that the villagers kept in their chests and borrowed some of their items. There was some pet gear and some books and when I went up the stairs, I found some chest with oars in them as well. Also each of the rooms on the second floor had chests in them as well. So I looted all of those. With that, I had finished looting everything in the building and I headed to sleep because it was night time. Exiting the building, I actually saw a biome with ice in it right in front of me. I flew over to it and mined for ice cubes wherever I could and I got over a stack of them which felt like a pretty good amount to me. So I stored the ice cubes on my roc and headed back for home. On the way back though, I might've gotten a bit ahead of myself. Yeah, I tried to defeat a sea serpent. I thought that my height advantage would have helped me, but my pets just wouldn't attack the thing even though I was hitting it with my arrows. And then this happened. Oh. Attack! What? Oh, there was a dragon behind me. Oh are you serious? I just ran into a dragon from behind. I got wrecked. I got wrecked and on the way back to my loot, my roc glitched out. And so I was trying to resummon it and while doing that, I got defeated by a dragon. And then I returned to that death spot on the next day and was able to give my roc one of my atlases, but then I just got defeated by the dragon again. Okay, that's fine. I mean, I retrieved one atlas. I think that's all I'm gonna be able to do, honestly. You know what? It was actually fine that I died and lost most of my loot because I didn't lose the ice cubes that I had mined up. I actually put those on my roc's chest before I started returning back home. So I had enough ice cubes to craft cooling liner. Upon doing so however, it turned out that I only had enough slime balls to make two pieces of it which wasn't even enough to make boots out of it. I figured that it didn't matter and I would get slime balls later, but for the time being, I would at least make a cooling coil for my house using some ice cubes. But without thinking, I had converted all of my ice cubes into ice. So I didn't even have enough of them to make a cooling coil. I tried to break the ice I made to get ice cubes back from it, but I didn't. That meant that I was back to where I started and I had to go get ice again while suffering from hyperthermia the whole time. I searched through the night and by the next day, I was once again able to find a biome with some ice in it. I didn't go to the one I went to before because it didn't have a lot of ice. And it was just easier for me to go to a new area. I mined around and got about two stacks of ice cubes this time, just so that I would have extra in case I would need them for anything else. I returned to my base by night time and was finally able to make a cooling coil. I activated it by using some water and a lever and after that it kept my home cool. I didn't have any more difficulties with hyperthermia at home. I also tried the cooling coil outdoors and it was a fail. It did not work at all. If I stood on it, I thought it would work, nope. Nope, did not work. Throughout days 19 to 26, my goal was ultimately the same, to continue getting experience baubles. That's a funny word, "baubles." Anyways, and then some more specific things such as slime balls that I needed to make cooling liner gear. Days 19 to 22, I spent looting this battle tower and while doing so, I had so many complications. It's just frustrating. First of all, these flying demons just kept harassing me. What is this? Oh my God. No, man! Oh my god. And after I struggled with those, these things called gorgonites just completely demoralized me. Aegis, yep, come here, come here. (intense music) Kill all of them. Wow, they actually keep spawning, this is crazy. What? They just duplicate. They're just duplicating. I actually can't believe this, what's going on? How do they duplicate? They duplicate. Wow. They duplicate. They duplicate. Now they've added duplicating mobs so that I can't get my things back. Yeah, all my stuff's gone. It wanted all my stuff to despawn. I like, I know, I know. It literally made me lose all my things on purpose. It's just so stupid how that works. I don't like how this is programmed, I mean... Now eventually, after a long time, I was able to defeat the tower golem and loot the battle tower fully. Yes! Yes! Oh, it took so long. It took so long, but I did it. Look, oh. Unfortunately I didn't get any slime balls from this battle tower, but I did get some blaze rods and other useful items as well. From days 23 to 26, I spent time farming another wheat village, cleared up some more battle towers, and defeated a sea serpent that got stuck on the battle tower that I had defeated which actually gave me 11 sea serpent's scales, not bad. That was pretty lucky. Now keep in mind, I couldn't actually use sea serpent gear at all yet because my skill level in armor just wasn't high enough. But after I defeated the sea serpent, what I did gain is confidence. My confidence level shot up to the sky. And honestly, it wasn't a good thing. While I was flying around, I ended up getting seduced by some sirens and I practically had no armor on when this happened. I wasn't sure if I was gonna be able to fend them off, but I tried to stay at range, hit them with my rapier, and I was able to survive. On day 27, I did a lot of exploring as usual, but the main event was that I started trying to defeat this huge sea serpent, like the biggest sea serpent I could find. While I was focusing on that though, a dragon shot at me from behind. Now I was fine, okay? I was fine when it shot at me. It didn't didn't kill me. But I should have just listened to this as a sign and stop trying to kill the sea serpent. But you know what? I didn't. I didn't and that's when something bad happened. Yeah, I'm dead. I started flying back to my loot right away and got back to it in the night time. But unfortunately, as I was trying to follow my antique atlas to my death point, I got seduced by some sirens that I didn't see and I had nothing to protect myself with which I probably should have so they just defeated me. My loot had despawned by now and I just had to accept that. I mainly just lost some good baubles, but I could get those back by looting some more battle towers. So it wasn't too much of a loss. I now knew that if I want it to defeat a sea serpent, I needed to get a better bow. And to do that, there were multiple things that I needed to do. First of all, I would need to craft a better version of the bow than just the default bow itself. Then I would need to make sure that I had the enchantments for that bow. But thirdly, to use a higher level bow, I would also need to fasten my experience gain so that I would have enough skill points to use a better bow. So it was my plan to farm blights. Blights are these rare mobs that spawn in the night time and have pink flames around them. And when you defeat one of them, they drop a lot of experience. Also they drop some crystals, which you can then form into extra hearts that you keep permanently. That meant that farming these mobs would get me both the skill points that I needed and a lot of additional health. So I decided that I would start hunting for blights and just experience in general for as much as I could and also look to get the materials I needed to make a dragon bone bow which was the best bow that you can make. And this ended up actually being a lot easier than I thought it would have been and you'll see why in a bit. On the next day while out looking for experience and materials, I found this light house that had a lot of iron blocks in it. So I marked it to return to it later. And then, I don't know what I was thinking, like actually, I have no idea. I tried to defeat another sea serpent. No, I was just ahead of myself. My pets wouldn't attack it. So I tried to go in for a melee hit to aggro my pets to it, get them to attack the sea serpent and no, it just destroyed me. I was able to get my loop back after, but I still have no idea what I was thinking. Honestly, I should've just crafted a bow, a basic bow, got some arrows, and then shot at it a bit with that. And my pets would've probably attacked it. Anyways, I got back home and there was always this bone dragon that was outside of my base, right? And I was looking for ways to get dragon bones. Now I thought that this was a bone dragon that was alive. It turns out that it's a dead dragon. So I realized that if I run up to it, click on it a bit, I can get dragon bones. It was literally as easy as that. Because of the dragon skull that I got from this, I would be able to make a dragon's eye bauble if I got some more materials as well. And this bauble makes it so that you literally take no fire damage, not even from dragons, and also you gain permanent night vision. That meant that with this bauble, killing dragons was pretty much no problem at all. To make one though, I still needed to get more glowing ingots and I would have to wait on that for now. On the morning of the following day, I found this massive structure that looked amazing. It looked kind of like it was a haunted church or something. I knew that I wouldn't be able to safely adventure through the building yet so I marked it to return when I had better gear. I also ended up finding a library and in it, there was an infinity and power IV book. Yeah, isn't that absolutely crazy? With these enchantments, I could make a god bow. I immediately returned home and it was really excited to finally reap the benefits of all of my hard work in the past several days. But of course, things just couldn't go well could they? Yeah, yeah. I was in a very bad situation. Like how did that even happen? I think a villager literally opened the door for the husk and I'm not sure how I ended up not having a spawn point set. Anyways, this was bad. Coordinates weren't in RLCraft so I couldn't just pop up f3 and see where my base was and respawn points were completely random. So I literally had no clue of how to find my base. To find an area that I was familiar with, what I did was just die a bunch of times so that I could find somewhere that I could recognize. I didn't have to do the dying though luckily. Yeah, the game had that covered for me. Oh that's good. This one I'll just instantly die, all right. Eventually, I was able to find one of these waypoints and using that, I teleported to, well it's literally the only location that I was able to, and it ended up being the village that was next to my home. I could not believe it, but I was more worried about my things they likely would have despawned by now. So I raced over to my base and you know what? My stuff was still there. Home! With that, I quickly slept to make sure that my spawn point was set and something like that would never happen again. The next day I wasted some time on making the wrong thing. I was trying to make a reforging station, but apparently there are two versions of it and I made the wrong one. Yeah, anyways, I'll talk more about this later because I do make the right one later on. For now, let's talk about when I began working on the perfect bow. The first thing that I did was make a dragon bone long bow using the dragon bones I had collected earlier. Alongside the long bow, I was also able to make a dragon bone rapier which is an amazing melee weapon. To be able to use these weapons though, I needed to get a 24 skill level in attack and an 18 skill level in agility. I only had 16 levels in attack and agility, which means that I had a lot of enchantment points to collect. It was night time so I went out and defeated some blights and then enchanted the dragon bone bow with the infinity and power IV books that I had gotten. On day 32, all I did was get more experience and loot, but at the end of the day, I found chests that were being guarded by a sleeping dragon and I got kinda curious. (playful music) Can't see anything because of this bug. Ah, oh no! It was a trap, man. I knew that. I knew I should've stopped coming. I should've stopped coming honestly. You know, honestly, I kind of saw that coming. I ended up trying to bait the dragon away from my loot on the next day and it didn't work. I died again so my loot was lost, but I didn't have anything that special on me so I was okay with that. And I resumed working towards the perfect bow. I actually got some slime from the battle towers that I was clearing. So I made a pair of cooling liner boots and I put this on my boots and this made it so that I could finally stay cool while traveling. The next day, I made a very powerful item. In fact, two of the same very powerful item. You know what it was? It was the ring of resistance. This thing took a lot of diamonds to be crafted, but from all of the battle towers that I had been clearing, that was not much of a problem for me. These two rings combined gave me permanent resistance II which reduces any damage that you take by 40%. I know, it's just crazy! The rings were an amazing addition to my loadout and after getting them, I went out in the night to hunt for some more blight mobs. While exploring on day 35, I was able to find a sharpness IV enchanted book. And on top of that, I was able to defeat another sea serpent that got stuck on land, but it only gave me one scale which was a complete scam. It was a scammer sea serpent. That scamming operation needed to be looked into. But anyways, I kept traveling and I found this cyclops' cave and I tried to defeat him using my pets and just staying back, but you know what he did? He ate my pets. He picked them up. No, I'm getting out of here. Nope. Nope. I got as far away as possible from that cyclops as I could, but I did plan to avenge my pets when I would get my new bow which was actually pretty soon. Day 36 was a big, big day. I made some heart containers using the heart shards I had been getting from hunting blight mobs and these gave me some permanent hearts which was awesome. And on top of that, by the end of the day I had done it. I had gotten enough skill points to use the dragon bone bow and the dragon bone rapier as well. Before I went out and finally got to use my new bow which I was so excited to use, I made a reforging station which I had mentioned earlier. This time, the right one though. This basically lets you reroll traits on your gear. So sometimes gear will have a trait like plus 10% attack damage or sometimes it'll be -10% attack damage. So this lets you change that and get better ones. Also, by now I had enough skill levels in armor to use diamond armors. So that was really exciting as well. And I enchanted my dragon bone rapier with the sharpness IV book that I had gotten earlier. Oh! Yeah! Oh looking good man. I ended up spending the rest of the day just using the reforging station on all of my pieces of gear to make sure that I have good traits on all of them. And on day 38, I finally went out to use my new bow and attempted to defeat some sea serpents. After searching for a bit, I found a red sea serpent that was on the ground. Now was the time to put the dragon bone bow to the test. I defeated it, yes! Oh! One sea serpent, two sea serpents, and while I was doing this, I needed to make sure that I kept this bow safe after all of the hard work that went into getting it, right? Yeah. Yeah, welcome to sea serpent number three. Gotcha. Oh! No! No! No! Oh no, no, no, no, no, no, no no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. The bow that I had worked towards for 35 days? Gone. The rapier that had sharpness IV on it? Gone. Both deep underwater where it would take a miracle for me to get them back. I thought I could use sea serpent armor, which gives water breathing to swim underwater. But nope, my defense level was way too low for that. It would take too much experience. I thought about making water breathing potions, but I didn't have any netherwart so what was I gonna do? Well, remember how I just said a miracle needed to happen? Well, a miracle happened. In RLCraft, you can make water breathing potions with shiny scales and regular water bottles. No netherwart needed at all. I could not believe it. It was too good to be true. I tried to brew them and it worked! Three potions of three minute water breathing. I instantly flew back to where I died and tried to recover my loot. (intense music) Oh! I got away, barely and better yet, I somehow managed to pick up my bow too. Out of all of the things, I got my bow. I started shooting at the sea serpent right away because I did not have time. I needed to get my loot back, but it kept hiding underwater and I didn't have time to wait. So I had to risk it and go closer to the water to kind of bait it towards me and get some attacks on it. What? Dude. No, man, I should've just put that frickin' bow away, dude. The sea serpent misdirected me and then one shot me in diamond armor! One shot me! My loot had likely despawned by now, but at least I had hope of getting my bow back again because I had just died with it so the despawn timer on it would have been reset. At this point, I really needed to know what I was doing. I remembered that there was a way to teleport back to your death point by using a certain item. And after researching, I found out that it was called a grave scroll and this was actually really easy to make. I got some gear on and used the grave scroll as soon as I could. And upon returning, I braced myself for another assault from the sea serpent. But when I looked around, I didn't see anything. And instead I found these blue sea serpent scales just floating in the water. I'm not exactly sure of what caused it to die but I got back to looting right away. I did not have time. I looked around for a bit, looting, and there it was, my bow. It wasn't time to celebrate yet though, at all, because I continued looking for my other valuables and I was noticing that some of them were gone. Not all of them, but some of them and what was likely the most detrimental loss was my dragon bone rapier, which had sharpness IV on it. I couldn't find it anywhere. It was a really powerful weapon but unfortunately it despawned and I couldn't find it no matter how much I looked. And while this was a pretty disappointing loss, it was kind of a bittersweet moment because I was really happy with the retrieval of my bow. And I headed back to the surface as soon as I could before any more sea serpents would attack me. Oh my god! That scared me so much! That was a jump scare. I thought that that was another sea serpent. My heart stopped for a moment, but fortunately it was just a bird. Now the bird did give me a debuff called weight which made it so I couldn't jump. And I sunk into the ocean. Fortunately, I had water breathing and eventually I was able to make it back up to the surface, place a bed, and sleep off the night. Day 40 was another big day. I got back home and I was able to make a full set of tide guardian armor using the sea serpent scales I had gotten. This was the best armor in the game and would make me significantly stronger when I would wear it. The bad news was that I couldn't wear the armor just yet because I needed a higher skill level in defense. My defense skill level was only at 16 and it needed to be at 20, meaning I had a lot of experience points to collect. I needed to enchant the armor as well so I had these two objectives to conquer next. And that's what I mainly did throughout days 41 all the way to 47. I created a level 30 enchanting table, hunted for a lot of blights, and did a lot of enchanting. I got protection IV on my chest plate and I got life steal IV on a new dragon bone rapier that I made. I just wanna pause and say that this was an extremely important moment. You see in RLCraft, you don't naturally regenerate health. The only way to regenerate it is to use bandages, have a regeneration potion, or use something like life steal. So life steal would give me a guaranteed, consistent source of healing. This is crucial for defeating stronger enemies and is definitely a top tier enchantment. It saves me many, many times in the future. So I just wanted to make sure that I marked it's importance. Getting back to it, the enchantment that I got on my boots wasn't that great, but I did get protection IV on my leggings and I also put sharpness III on my rapier which would do for the time being. On day 42, I came back to get revenge on the cyclops that ate my pets. I started firing at it with my bow while staying at a range and I destroyed it. Honestly, I kind of felt but bad after because I kind of invaded the cyclops' cave, but it ate my pets, okay? That was not cool. Day 43, I made an unenchanting table which lets you take enchantments off of a piece of gear and put them on a book instead. Also, I made a dragon bone saber instead of a rapier because when I would be running through dungeons, I would need more of a cleaving weapon to protect myself from groups of enemies. So I wanted to get that prepared. I also cleared multiple battle towers throughout this time from which I got to really powerful baubles actually. One of them was called the cobalt shield and this gave me permanent immunity to knock back. And the other one that I got was called the broken heart. I also found this building which had a lot of spawners and chests on the top of it. When I check the chests out, they actually had some really good loot. A lot of enchanted books, enchanted rings, other baubles, and glowing ingots as well which I would need to make a dragons eye. The building had more layers to it down below, but my inventory was full so I just marked it on my antique atlas for the time being and planned to return to it later. On day 46, I enchanted my tide guardian helmet and this marked the completion of my goal to enchant all of my gear. And by now I was also already able to wear the tide guardian gear because I had gotten my defense skill level to 20 so I could equip everything. With my gear being prepared, it was now time to move on to the next chapter of my journey and start entering and defeating dungeons. And on day 48, that's exactly what I started to do. In these dungeons, I was looking for glowing ingots so that I can make a dragons eye and then be able to defeat dragons and also just any other good loot that I could find. And so with a bit of searching, I found this massive building and I decided to see what's inside of it. As I broke in through a wall, I noticed that it had golden blocks everywhere along the walls which I didn't necessarily need, but it showed that this place was not poor in any way. As I ventured through though, the dungeon ended up being really easy to clear. Yeah, I was one shotting most of the mobs and there was wasn't really any loot there. So I got out and decided to go to the other building that I had marked a while ago, this church looking building. I took a look inside and right away, there were evokers spawning. For some reason, I got scared of them being powerful. And also, I didn't think of the fact that they dropped totems of undying. This was a totem of undying farm and I didn't realize it and ended up destroying the spawners that were there. It was bad. But anyways, I farmed up the evokers that were there and I realized after that, I shouldn't have broken the spawners, but honestly, it wasn't too bad because I got five totems of undying which would probably be all that I needed. As I was heading home, the next morning came and again, this annoying dragon that was at my base every single day was once again flying around and terrorizing me. And you know what? You know what? I was sick of it. I had had enough of being bullied around by this thing. I was supposed to just to get a dragon's eye before I would fight it, but I just couldn't wait any longer. I wanted to get rid of this dragon and I wanted to get rid of it now. So I engaged in combat with the dragon. I had to be extremely cautious of its fire breath because one shot of that at my roc and I could easily fall to my death. I tried to remain at range, just firing my bow, but at one point I got too close and the dragon shot at me. It defeated my roc and as I was falling, I got my water bucket in hand just in time and was able to save myself. That was too close comfort and now there were a lot of mobs spawning all over the place because it was night time. So I decided to quickly head to sleep and resume my fight with the dragon on the next morning. And the next day I returned to finish what I had started. This is the most anti-climactic thing ever. What are you doing my friend? Is it because I injured the dragon before? I got him! Wait, I actually got the dragon. There's no way. I got the dragon, it's dead. It's dead. Do I get fire from him? I was happy with having finally defeated the dragon that had been harassing me for all of the previous days. I didn't show it much, but I always had to sneak around my base to not get burned to a crisp by this dragon. Using the fire dragon blood that I got from looting it, I was able to make a flamed dragon bone saber. I then put sharpness V on it which I had gotten from unenchanting a saber that I had put two sharpness IV books on before and so S'abaroth was created. I'm not sure why I put the apostrophe in the name, but it looks cool, okay? I wanted to wait until I had life steal to use this weapon, but it would be ready pretty soon. I then returned to the building in which I had previously found evokers to see if there was anything else hidden within it. I entered through the front gate and was instantly met with pure darkness and spawners. As I ventured further into the dungeon, mobs were spawning all over the place and I found that it was strangely lit up with redstone torches. I progressed through the whole dungeon, but it didn't really seem to have any more loot in it. It seemed like the evokers and the totems of undying from them were the only good loot in this building. But honestly, they were worth looting it. So with this building fully explored, I got on my roc and exited the building. On day 51, I only did one thing, but it was pretty big. I was able to get life steal IV and put it on S'aborath. And on the next day, with S'aborath complete, I decided that it was time to risk everything and try to clear a boss dungeon that I had marked earlier. Oh I look sick, don't I? I mean come on guys, like seriously? Look at this. Look at this! I just look so awesome. It's amazing. All right, it's time to fight the boss which I'm scared to do. Oh, my glasses are to the side. Now that's cool. Now that's being cool right there. I don't know what to expect just so you all know that, okay? So I should have probably grabbed some type of potions or something, but sometimes you just have to go in because otherwise it gets boring. Oh, that scared me, okay. That shouldn't scare me, but it did. Hey! Hey! Ow. Man, there's crazy mobs here. Cross necklace. What about the head? Yeah, I can't wear it in the head. I think that's better. Get off me, get off me, get off of me. Yeah, what do you have, huh? Oh, whoops. Let's not lose my sword. I'll loot after. Graboid, wait, wait, wait. Ow. Let's go. Oh? Outsmart him. Ow. I've outsmarted it. Yeah, what you have now, huh? Easy! He didn't drop anything. Did everything get burned? Where are the items, what? Why didn't I get any items? I guess it made sense that he didn't drop anything because he was only the first boss and there were stronger, more dangerous bosses to come. Oh boy, what am I getting myself into? Oh! Okay, oh! Oh my God, he does so much damage. The crypt executioner gave me a debuff when he hit me that made it so that I couldn't shoot my bow. So what I ended up doing is just digging a hole through the wall and defeating him through that. Hey, work smart, not hard, right? Oh, easy. Come here. I'm gonna kill the boss with my sword just so I can make sure I get the get the loot. Oh! Gotcha. What is this? Imp soulstone. He ended up dropping an imp soulstone which actually gave me a pretty cool pet. Okay ,bow I have an imp pet. Gnekk. Gnekk. I then ventured deeper into the dungeon and there was one boss left: the Tyrant Dragon. Oh my God. There it is. There's the Tyrant Dragon. (melancholic music) Got you all. There it is. Oh, the Tyrant Dragon. Oh boy. Oh boy. Oh, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Okay, how do I do this? I don't know if I wanna get in there with it. Golden apple. Hey. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! Ah! Oh boy. Ah! Get away. No, no, no. Go, go, go, go! I got him. Oh, I got a dragon soulstone Dude, no way I just got a dragon soulstone. Dragon soulstone! What is that? The zoatuar. Zoatuar. Aw, this isn't even good. Yeah, okay, okay. Well, I mean, it's still cool. I mean, hey. And so I had defeated the Tyrant Dragon. The dragon that I got from the dragon soulstone wasn't really not good because it couldn't even fly, but it was still cool to get some type of a dragon as a pet that I could use. Afterwards, I went over to a chest room that was there to collect my loot but honestly, the loop wasn't really that great. The only decent thing was this obsidian skull bauble which made it so that I couldn't take damage from burning anymore. But other than that, there was not really anything. What I did gain from this dungeon though, was confidence. Confidence to clear any dungeon that I would come across from now on. With that, I had successfully finished adventuring through the dungeon. I returned home and put a power IV book on my bow making it have power V and re-named it to add Agra'nok. I'm not sure where I got this name from either, but I liked it. Anyways, I didn't really do anything else for the rest of this day, but on the next day I made up for that inactivity. On this day, I finally decided to take a ventoraptor which was an amazing decision and honestly, I should have done it a long time ago, but now is still a good time to do it. These things are crazy fast ground mounts, the fastest in the game. I put this speed to use and ended up finding another boss dungeon. This dungeon ended up being an identical one to the one that I had just completed, but I decided to quickly run through it and see if it would have any better loot in it. And also I was really curious if the dragon soulstone that the Tyrant Dragon dropped could give me anything better than the other dragon that I got. The fights in the dungeon were pretty much all the same and they were even easier because I knew what to expect now. And also my ventoraptor ended up being an incredible fighting pet as well which I did not expect. I got another dragon soulstone from the Tyrant Dragon and when I used it, I actually got a morock which is a really good dragon because this dragon can fly and it's pretty fast and it also has a good amount of health. So in cases where I would need to fight dragons, and more specifically something like the Ender Dragon, this would be a lot better than the roc because it wouldn't get one shot. That was the end of day 57 and we need to talk. You see, while I was editing, I saw that on the next day, right here, I show the clock and it says that it's day 77. Now don't worry, there wasn't a jump in 20 days, that would have been terrible. I still have the same loot from the previous day. No skip and anything there. I think, unfortunately, what happened is that while I was editing the footage, since sometimes I'm underground or inside or sometimes the weather is confusing, sometimes I just missed days because I literally couldn't see them while editing. I couldn't see them even pass. Anyways, I hope that all of you are okay with this. I did not want this to happen at all. Fortunately it was only the days in the top right that were off, the footage itself was the exact same and it was all there. With that being said, the upcoming days are counted correctly and they are the most interesting days from this adventure. So let us get back into it. So day 77. Today, I decided that in addition to getting the dragons eye, I needed to also start preparing the resources needed to summon Amalgalich. What I needed to get is an undead soul cube and an emerald soul key, both of which are quite difficult to get because for the soul cube, you need a soulstone that only drops from certain rare mobs. And for the soul key, you need a Nether star so I needed wither skeleton skulls. I knew the dungeons could have both of these things and so I needed to continue looting more of them. I ran around on my ventoraptor into the next day and eventually, I was able to find a dungeon with a boss named Precious in it. So it was different from the ones that I had cleared before. I broke in and it was just pitch black inside. I could not see anything. I could barely see where I was standing. Also, I ended up having to turn off my shaders here because I was really lagging. Anyways, this was a pretty interesting dungeon. It's spawns zombies with armor equipped. And as I went further, it had a lot of shadowy creatures running around. I fought mobs off for a while and after a bit of exploring, I found Precious. Oh my, that's Precious. Oh, Precious is dead, okay. My ventoraptor just wrecked him, but there were stronger bosses up ahead. Night shade, Chaos Serpent. Oh, oh! Uh-oh. That looks like Night Shade. Uh-oh, dude, he's gonna run fast. I mean, I know it dude. I know how this works. Ah, ah, ah, ah! Dead. I used the aberrant soulstone I got right away on accident and it ended up giving me the beholder pet and this thing ended up being pretty cool. Oh, oh! Wait. Oh, wait, that's mine, right? Yeah. That's OP. That is OP right there. As I was progressing through the tower though, this happened and keep in mind that if the health on my head goes to zero, I die instantly. Oh my God, my sword, my sword. Where's my sword? Dude, what is happening? Oh, I almost died. I actually got so close to dying there, but now it was time to fight Night Shade. Oh, is that the Night Shade? That's the Night Shade. Oh! Oh wow. Let's go. Let's go. Oh, gotcha. Yeah, Night Shade turned out to be pretty easy, but what I will say is that he was the only boss to go outside of his spawn area which I did not expect him to do at all. Anyways, while I didn't get much from this dungeon, I did get the beholder which is pretty cool mount at least. And on the next day, I returned home and tried it out. Oh! Oh wow, it gives me fire resistance II. Oh my! This is OP. This thing is crazy. Oh, I can explode things. Yeah, I ended up getting kind of carried away with it and just exploded things for the whole day. Honestly though, it was worth it. Ooh! Day 82 came along and I had finally collected all of the materials that I needed to make a dragon's eye. All right. Move items, dragons eye. I got it. I got the dragon's eye man. What a good day. And also after looking some more into Amalgalich, I found out that the undead soulstone can be obtained by summoning a mini boss called the Lunar Grue. And to summon him, I still needed a Nether star. So as much as I didn't want to, I decided I'd try to go to the Nether since wither skeletons would be pretty much guaranteed to spawn around there. There was one problem though, I needed a source of water to drink while I would be in the Nether, otherwise I would run out of thirst. So what I ended up doing is I made a water canteen which stores some water that you can drink and then I chanted it with mending so that I could replenish its uses and it actually worked. And with that, it was time to go to the Nether. But I had no idea what to expect. Should I do this? That's the question. I'm so scared. Oh boy. Oh boy, here we go. Here we go. Oh, and my Nether portal is gone. Good thing I brought the matchbox. Ow. Oh, there we go, the mending does work. Wait, now I can't drink water. No. The canteen ended up glitching out and I had to return to the overworld to replenish it. But when I headed back into the Nether, I was met with these exploding heads and as I explored more, I ran into more crazy mobs. Dude, what is going on? On the next day, I wanted to take a little break from the Nether. So I returned home, reorganize some of my things, and then went back in. I flew around exploring on my beholder because it had fire resistance so it was actually perfect for the Nether. And I ended up finding this random Nether portal in the middle of nowhere. Whoa. I don't know if this leads to some bad place or what? Oh, wait, is that a dragon? I don't know what this thing is. Some dragon, it's not attacking me though. It just doesn't take damage. Defeated it. Did the loot burn? I wasn't able to get the loot that it dropped because it went into lava and I wasn't really able to find it. I wasn't really able to find anything else and the mending on my canteen bugged out again. So I decided that I would return home before my thirst ran out. But as I tried to find my another portal even though I had it marked on my atlas, it was difficult for me to find an entrance to it and what Y level it was on. I started panicking because my thirst was just about to hit zero and I had no idea what would happen if it ran out. It was already making my screen blurry and I thought it would kill me. So I put all of my stuff in a chest but I forgot to take my baubles off when I did and I went down a hole in search for an entrance to my Nether portal. While I was in this hole, I realized eventually that I still had my baubles on me and that stressed me out even more because the dragons eye took me forever to make, I did not wanna lose it and I wanted to find a way up immediately. I guess the stress was just getting in my head because at first I forgot that I could just summon my mount to get up and I was breaking blocks with my fist to staircase up. Thankfully though, I eventually realized that I could mount up and afterwards return back to my chest. At this point, I was at zero thirst, but I wasn't dying or anything and I realized that I would be okay to put all my stuff back on and mine towards the Nether portal. No! Oh my God, I didn't look at the durability. Yeah, I don't know how I let my pickaxe break, but I did. Luckily, I had the resources to craft a new stone pickaxe, otherwise I would have been done for. I mined straight down in hopes that the Nether portal would be below me which you should never do and after a lot of mining, it actually was. I was extremely relieved and instantly headed over in the overworld to drink some water and then settled down at home. On the next day, I remembered that a tower I had looted before had some wither skeletons on the top of it. So I used my ventoraptor to return back to it. There ended up being a lot of rooms to explore here and some decent loot as well. The wither skeleton spawners that I had seen on the top of the tower before and unfortunately run out from when I was defeating them before. But I did find some more wither skeleton spawners on the outside of the structure. And the first weather skeleton I defeated gave me a wither skeleton skull. So I was already off to a good start. Unfortunately though, as I was fighting the skeletons, I was not paying attention to the durability of my armor and it broke. I still stayed and fought off the rest of the wither skeletons carefully, but they didn't end up dropping any more skulls and I just headed home on my raptor. By the next morning, I got home and found out that I didn't have enough sea serpent scales to make a new helmet. So for the time being, I just put a diamond helmet on and planned to hunt for some more sea serpents. But I wanted a quicker way of being able to defeat them so I made a stone of the sea bauble. This basically gives you depth strider III and if you stack that with depth strider III on your boots, you become really fast in the water, like crazy fast. I mean, check this out. Here we go. Gotcha. Wow, that is quick. I was able to go so fast that I was just destroying any sea serpent I came across with no troubles. On day 86, I used the scales that I got to repair my armor and make some new armor as well. I was able to enchant the new armor with protection IV so my set was looking even better than it was before. I was just about as strong as I could get which was exactly the form that I needed to be in if I wanted to have a chance at defeating Amalgalich. I then got back to looking for with skeleton skulls on the following day because I had no time to lose. I searched for underwater dungeons this time because I knew that they could have some pretty good loot, including with their skeleton skulls, and with the speed that I could travel in water, finding them was gonna be pretty easy. The first dungeon I found ended up having an elytra in it which I didn't really expect at all, but that was a cool find. In another one, I found a chest plate that was enchanted with strengthened vitality II which gives you extra hearts. So I kept this to unenchant and then put onto my chest plate later. I kept looting the dungeon, searching for wither skulls, and the best thing ever happened. Oh, no way. Let's go, dude. Let's go. I cannot believe... What? Yes, yes, dude. Finally, I could not believe it. Two wither skeleton skulls, exactly what I needed to some summon the wither in combination with the skull I already had at home. So I used my recall potion and as the sun came up on the next day, I fought the wither and warning, it was really blurry. Ow. I can't see anything. I could not see a single thing that whole fight. With the wither down and a Nether star acquired, I was able to make a soul key. And with this, I could summon the Lunar Grue mini boss which would give me an undead soulstone. So I started making an altar from which I could summon the boss, but a dragon was flying around me and it was getting too close for comfort. And you know what? I decided to fight it. After my last dragon fight, I was pretty confident and this time I actually just went in for melee hits and it worked really well. I can't even see the dragon. And you're gone. This is why you do not mess with me dragon, come on! With the dragon down and the space around me clear, I fought the Lunar Grue. Okay, that worked. Let's go. Easy. All right, undead soulstone, got 'em. Now I had obtained an undead soulstone so that I could make an undead soul cube and summon Amalgalich. It didn't feel right to fight him before the Ender Dragon though. And on top of that, the Ender Dragon would give me a lot of experience that I could use to become even more powerful. So I set out to find a stronghold on my ventoraptor and soon enough, I was able to find it. I got everything prepared and by the next day I entered into The End. Now going into The End, I thought that my biggest challenge would, of course, be the Ender Dragon, but no, no, definitely not. Uh-oh what are you? Man, I'm just here to fight the Ender Dragon, give me a moment. What is going on? Oh my. Yeah, there were a lot of mobs all over the place and they did a lot of damage. After fighting the mons for quite a while, I eventually started getting to destroying crystals, but for some reason at first, I completely forgot that I could summon my mount. I think it was the stress getting to me again and I wasted a lot of time just the blocking up the towers. Eventually, thankfully, I came to my senses and I summoned a morock to destroy the crystals with and that made it way easier. Ow, ow, ow. And after breaking all of the crystals, the Ender Dragon was finally vulnerable and I took the opportunity to defeat it. Gotcha. Gotcha, dude, finally. Got 'em. Woo! When I returned to the overworld, all of my health got reduced down which was kind of strange, but I was okay and headed back home. When I was back, I made use of all of the levels I had gotten and I put three new enchantments on my bow, multi-shot III, range, and unbreaking III. Each of these increasing its effectiveness, especially multi-shot. And with that, I had everything I needed to fight Amalgalich. So I got prepared and on the next day, I set out to do so. But we need to talk because I didn't end up recording the fight by accident. Did I actually just do that? Dude, come on man. No way, dude. It's always for the most important things. When you tell yourself that you will not mess it up, it always gets messed up and I didn't record the fight. Now don't worry, I do set out to try and fight him again because I just couldn't leave it like that. But I did defeat Amalgalich on my first try and to show you from the little proof that I do have, which I don't expect you all to take as 100%, if you look in the chat, I have the achievement for when you use the totem of undying for the first time called postmortal and then right below that it says you have now learned rank 2 of Amalgalich. and you learn rank 2 of mobs once you defeat them. I mean, obviously I could have went into creative mode or something to defeat him, but I didn't. I mean, I think you would see if I did. I think it would show up as game mode or something. So, I mean, I hope that's proof enough, but again, I couldn't just leave it like that. Of course, I'm gonna fight them again and Amalgalich luckily drops Nether stars and undead soulstones so I already had the materials I needed to summon him once again. Getting back to it, I needed to get to defeating Amalgalich and I needed to do it as soon as possible because if day 100 would end and I still wouldn't defeat Amalgalich, that's it. The whole journey would be over. I couldn't defeat him because it wouldn't be within the 100 days so I had to go out. Now, I had the most difficult items to collect, but I looked around my chests and I didn't have any obsidian in them. Zero. And I needed obsidian to make the alter to summon Amalgalich. Now was seriously not the time to mine obsidian. Anyways, to look for obsidian, I just had to mine down. I ended up making an opening to a lava pool and then I was able to use water to convert it into obsidian and mine that up. Now that I had everything I needed to summon Amalgalich, I started building the altar. Amalgalich is widely known to be the hardest boss to defeat in RLCraft and for good reason. The most important thing that I had to do was make sure that whenever Amalgalich's eyes would light up, I would face the other way and hold down sprint right away because during this phase, he starts pulling you in and if he successfully pulls you in all the way to him, he can two-shot you. And so with 99 days of preparation behind this moment, it was time to fight Amalgalich and I only had one shot at this because if I wouldn't defeat him here, I would not be able to defeat him within the 100 days. Let's do it again. (suspenseful music) Let's go. Oh no. Dude. Oh my God, dude. Dude, please dude. Medkit, come on. Yeah. Oh my God. Here he goes. Just do it, no. Come on, come on, come on! Oh I thought he was done, I thought he was done! Come on, come on. Come on! Oof, let's go. Let's go, let's go! Go, go, go, go, go! Go, go, go! Yes, dude, there we go, second time. Ah, am I recording this time? Yes, yes. Yes, dude. Okay, I cannot believe I did not record the first time man. I did it. I did it, dude. I did it. I defeated it, man. Most difficult boss in this pack. That's it. What day is it? Day 100. (somber music) We did it, we finally defeated Amalgalich. Throughout these 100 days, we did so much. We got multiple mounts, we got the best and coolest gear I've ever seen, we adventured through so many dungeons, and we defeated the Ender Dragon. 100 days ago, I wouldn't have been able to tell you that I could defeat Amalgalich and frankly I couldn't. But after 99 days of preparation and adventuring, I did. And you can do the same with anything you want in life. Just set your goals, do your absolute best to achieve them, and you will. Hey everyone, this video was quite the journey and I hope you all enjoyed it as much as I did. Also, I have a discord server and a Reddit page and I often pop into them and talk to everyone and take any suggestions that anyone might have. So if you wanna become a part of those communities, make sure to join them. Other than that everyone, thank you all so much for watching and I'll see you all in the next video. Peace out, everybody.
Channel: Suev
Views: 737,116
Rating: 4.8985181 out of 5
Keywords: Suev, minecraft, rlcraft, modded minecraft, modded, 100 days, minecraft 100 days, 100, days, minecraft survival, magical minecraft world, survival, gameplay, magical, I Spent 100 Days in a Magical Minecraft World with the Strongest Mobs Ever..., 100 days minecraft, minecraft rlcraft, hardest, mod
Id: yobZKdjHjWg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 88min 52sec (5332 seconds)
Published: Sat May 29 2021
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