StoneHearth: Community Expansion Mod - (Massive Game Overhaul)

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stonehearth it came out back in 2018. this one came uh was originally a kickstarter uh many many years before that it was one of those big time hyped things uh like uh you know this is this is the new this is the pretty dwarf fortress everyone's excited about it and uh things were going all right it was they were staying up on the development quite well uh and then everything sort of fell apart and i don't know the complete story but it has to do with again like the the publishers pulled out and the devs didn't have the money to continue and they had issues with roofs and and all kinds of other things and um it basically got abandoned um it didn't this not abandoned but it got completed before it was fully built we'll call it that um and uh last time i played this which was back in 2018 i did a bit of a little a little youtube let's play series on it and i remember thinking i remember thinking man this game would be fantastic if it just had a little bit more to it something's missing um but our our hopes are all up to the community now well uh apparently the community has has done that and i'm playing i got a couple mods in there i'll show them off here but the main mod is the ace mod the authorized community expansion mod um which adds in a lot uh i don't know if i go through all of it um it spends a lot of play the game i don't know if i can distinguish a lot of the old from the new anymore um but we got irrigation we got crop things we got uh a new map we have lots of just lots of little things i've sort of been tweaked there's a fuel thing now there's a whole blacksmith overhaul military gear um there's um just just too much to really mention what is all new there uh this is is about to be coming out with like a version 1.0 i think is what they're at right now they're like just just before 1.0 where they're planning on releasing a whole new race we're going to get dwarves which is fantastic and uh i would love to play as dwarves we may come back to this if this is so good we go dwarves we'll do it but uh yeah so i'm uh we're trying this thing out um and we're gonna see what it does for stonehearth um we'll see this this game i like it i i i want to love it but it's just missing something i'm hoping this fixes it hey captain cowboy how's it going so uh let's try it shall we uh let's jump on in here make sure things are going all right let me show the mods i i do have here i've got so there's the uh authorized community expansion again this is not like it's not an official mod by the devs but the the the modders have gotten um the blessing of the devs to make an authorized community expansion basically um i have extra map options on there as well um there is a fischer job in the archipelago that's a separate one i have those two and i got the 16 hearthling start which is just going to give us a um an exciting start rather than just having five people or whatever we're gonna have a lot in here and yeah there is multiplayer i don't know how the multiplayer works anyone know how that works hey orc lord and he uses it yeah i try not to do too many mods because i wasn't sure which ones are going to be compatible which ones weren't so i tried to keep it keep it basic hey dial how's it going so um i have to redo this every time i go in that menu but i want to show them off um we'll jump in here i don't decide what i want to do i do know one thing i want to do and um it should be exciting i don't know what race i want to do yet i i i'm kind of partial to the desert folks we've got three different races here and let's see what we can do so we're a brave band of settlers from ascendancy riots children or northern alliance here in in months or so we should have the dwarves in here which i want to play but i can't um i don't even have any any um preferences the other lines is kind of cool they're kind of like the viking uh cold land people we got the raya's children are like the the desert people buildings i clay ascendancy are just sort of the ordinary buildings out of wood kind of um regular folk don't know um and partially there's just because they have sort of a well we can change a minute they sort of have like this um i don't know it's all sort of it's uh clay and uh and exciting and um what do you think anyone have any preferences we'll go back to that minute can i go back can i go back to that might i miss it i thought it looked like that we'll see um so we've got uh the temperate desert arc um arctic and there's an archipelago one which is which is a new one that came out i think just at the very end and uh we have the highlands which is one that's being prepared for the dwarves uh the map is already there we can play if we want but uh we won't everyone seems to have a thing for the uh the vikings okay um i can do i can do architecture i'm all for arctic yeah i like it let me change this back there we go let's go uh can i go back hmm gg and change this to the northern alliance i'm okay with that i like the way their buildings look so that'll be fine okay we're in the valkyrie woods an aspiring place start a new let's take our roster with our 16 hearthlings there's a lot of us my me and wife played together for a while until we got 15-ish hearthlings and it bogged down too much to play interesting how does it you play on the same map and you each have like different like a separate town that's kind of neat um i'm not gonna roll anybody here we got so many people that i think we'll just leave it as it is but we got 16 folks here everyone here has you know skills next they like this uh old vodier here is a green thumb and he's also a professor uh we got brad here is just an optimist you're a good a passionate worker and you like you're a goat basically eat anything oh okay um you've got a pessimist a callous pessimist oh you'll be fine at duna uh and you know i went around here so what will believably uh there is new um professions in here with this thing and i think there's new these like sleepyhead or whatever i think some of those are new as well um yeah that's funny that is uh as far as what we start with so i think since we have so many people we probably should do the hunt uh the hunting party one or maybe the food for days one actually this is our starting our starting uh setup and this one begins with a trapper cook some some taters and jerky this gives me bed rolls but i've got 16 people i think what we'll do um i'll stick with the food for days because i don't think we're probably prepared for 16 people i know i'm not it's been too long since i played this game one of the new additions to the update is you can save and load a party roster oh nice nice all right so um we're in arctic land we can reroll if we want but we have custom world options and i want to try this so we go with a large world i'm all for that um lakes are fine dirt holes are great let's have like uh like three rivers and i want a skylands world that's right that's right hey dude guy we're living in the sky we are a bunch of floating islands excellent excellent uh that's just that's just an island that's a river that's all it is fantastic um i um i guess we just popped down right here we got kind of we need a river because rivers are important with this mod because it gives us um irrigation so i think we just maybe like something like that it's a big map but we can get um yeah yeah see that's like i like it people probably scoot a little bit more this game i was looking at my steam friends and and it's like almost every steam friend i have has this game it's it's funny how popular this game is and that's hugely let down when they stop development how often i see that comment yeah irrigation we got fishes and stuff great well you just wait around zerk and you'll see how this game plays out so uh with the skylands which i think is fantastic i don't know if anyone else cares about this but i think it's very neat um floating islands we have to like build bridges to get across uh to go to the other islands um islands and um let's see i think it's kind of neat um we are the um the the cold people let's fix this thing come on give me uh where am i at yeah yeah give me a let me let me zoom don't don't do this in the game there we go there we go okay okay okay okay okay welcome to the floating islands excellent uh it's it's cold out there uh let's go find that island that had the uh that's kind of that's kind of nice uh oh there it is there it is i think it's the one we got a nice flat spot over there we got a river running through this way we've got some uh nice mountains over on this side of the world um if we want to expand we can go and make our way like a giant bridge over there yes um we could start we could start on the little one that would um that would um kind of force us to grow out that way i think hit over that and then that would force us to expand that way i think i kind of like that idea just just so i don't get complacent and sitting on a giant spot um and this would open us up a lot because i have to be on the islands before i can zoom out there we go um lots of good stuff around here cold out there but um there's another good one over here i think that maybe actually might be the one i was looking at before um yeah let's go um this is perfect let's go back to that one i like it see if we can kind of force me to to expand and we'll set up just this nice little area here we got a flat spot right there we can build anywhere around this this little little lake here let's place our thing down like right there all right welcome to stonehearth with 16 people that's a big crowd of folks all right um so first off we're going to throw down a stockpile so we can throw our junk out and put it wherever where we needed to go hang on like right there get away you block okay nice stockpile there we go all right it's going to hold everything so these are tossing some junk in there let's go ahead and get some things harvested around here let's go pop into the gather thing and grab some uh some flowers and some rocks and just get kind of tossed in there for now uh so what big part of this game is is professions and we'll see that in a minute here before i do that actually let me tell you can i move you just bushes um any bushes around find some so we'll go and look at the people let's grab this guy here so we've got fools like feels like let me look at you buddy let's see what you're all about so uh he's a little sad about being lack of safety he has a pioneering spirit though and is enjoying the breeze because there's no house um what you're all about you're pest you're you're a pessimist he has four mind which is your ability to uh to learn new things body is is uh basic constitution and then spirit is your um befriending animals uh standing strong against enemies you know the spirit uh we'll talk about figure here in a minute um i can give them jobs though so we got a couple different jobs that we can do um once we learn that we'll eventually learn all this stuff but we can go and we can do we can do masonry which takes um some rocks and things we can be a cook and we can be a trapper we can learn new things as time goes on as we get better at being in mason we'll learn new things in that mason tree as well which i think is the ac mod stuff um so yeah buddy don't you go be a me a mason i like it and then you uh we probably could pick someone who actually is good at this job um anyone in particular going to be a uh probably someone that's that's like a quick learner like ola olva all the starved starvamer yeah that's that's the what's that what's your uh thing at hang on hang on what was it i don't know my um i don't know my symbols here what is that love to save others and puts the safety of the town as paramount uh maybe you won't be cook and how about uh how about you you're a glutton somebody might as well be a portal to another world as much as they're able to eat you sound like a good cook okay they have a chef in honor of steadfast efforts whatever he's a cook all right woman stands atop the edge of the camp she wears the travel worn blues of a scout for the library welcome traveler ronya she says pointing at herself her voice is strangled as if to explain she pulls her collar away from her throats revealing a mess of old scars she gestures at her knife i scout and she taps the star-shaped brooch approach on her cloak for valen's library she speaks as much with her hands as with her eyes with her hands and eyes with her voice i'm glad you have come to study and settle now that you are now i know you're here i will send tales of your learnings to the scholars at home she steps over to the banner and touches its blank center first though you must choose a symbol what future do you foresee for this voyage i don't know um um that idiot um how are the mobs gonna get me i think they'll still spawn they should still spawn like up here so we'll get someone that'll get us uh her voice takes on a cadence of one reciting words spoken a thousand times before valence created our alliance to share in plenty adapt in hardship and seek them to seek the horizon the northern lines will become one of the cycles of the stars of hearth just tilt her head in the quarry which of your philosophies does your outpost moses spire into a body well let me tell you oh hey he's a good job let me tell you what's the name of my my place um we're going to be um going to be sky nook yes hey it's a cropping thank you very much oh merry christmas to you you'd say cropping yeah this one in any shadow area uh all right so we can be available vitality this is just sort of like our town perk i guess um we can be a uh um uh bonus trees give us more wood plants and crops give us you know whether we're the farming people we can be the um the strength people mining gives us more ore stone and clay hearthlings don't mind cramped spaces i like the sound of that um kerotopia banner of cunning which gives us more trade stuff i think we gotta go banner of strength just because i want to okay else has it been established by unanimous agreement of the citizens of declare we declare sky note being outpost striving to be one with the environment sure okay hey there's bees over there oh we knocked him out of the trees nice sorry bees i can finally play this on a real computer instead of a 10 year old laptop in the graphics card we'll see about that they spawn on mountains and yeah they'll oh yeah they'll still i think they'll still spawn places they can't get to us hooray hey hearts all right one thing about this game and the reason the reason that i think i like it so much is the building even though it's a little bit wonky um we'll get to it in a minute but the building is fantastic when it works i should make sure and point that out when it works it's amazing um for now let me go just get the basic stuff done we got a lot of people here we should probably not dilly dally too much so let's gather as much as we can grab all this wood and get it all out of the ground here i actually come in here and i can gather and replant some of these like that guy i think i can do it maybe it's just on the bushes um oh hey buddy some flowers over there just bees buzzing we got a gift coming in everyone's yammering to me just grab that stuff we'll get our house here in a second uh yeah what do you want oh yeah that's just a thing for the mod uh and yes thank you ronia whispers from her uh and from her gesture it is clear she means you for your hospitality and presence she places a small pouch beside the banner and its side is an emblem of the nearest alleged town some days distance our towns are stars in the constellation of our people she says for you from them so that one day you will join those ranks she gives me a fruit spirit some bread a mead some sausage cornbread and carrot juice and some sheep milk delicious rhonia rises she's not standing by the edge of the fire he's written the town name in a brief account of its inhabitants in the white flesh of a birch bark shaving methodically she commits it to the flame which burns paler for a moment sky nook she in tones by valen's wisdom and under the squatchful eyes of the stars above should be committed to the records of the library those that matter will hear she bows and makes to fade into the edge of the wilderness it falls off the edge of the world farewell she gestures return for more stories farewell okay uh we also would out there look at some things made so we have a a mason we can come in here let's get him a couple of things we got rocks we can make a mason workbench we'll get all this stuff done here in a minute i guess i need some bone for the bone carving studio which of course we'll do in a minute mason's pedestal's gonna be important once he gets level three uh we can make some frost feast pres presents fantastic uh let me get a stone pile up real quick oh well i gotta get this thing first so let's make crack uh one of these guys out and let's get can i get us a coffer yeah this is uh um once it gets done we can we can crank out some coffers to store some things uh we've got a bone material once we get some bones we'll go kill some animals for that uh these are all window frames for our buildings some uh a bird bath excellent a stone candle holder i like it i like it yeah we're gonna go all like stone building and viking kind of looking uh we need a cook menu too i suppose let's get our cauldron up and running i'm gonna order each of these and we're just gonna plop them down in the ground for right now we'll get them in the building in a minute i think yarns of babylon type would be beautiful you can make some yeah you can over yeah yeah right and then place right you can operate berries and stick them close to your place which is a good idea uh and we'll do it uh uh soon so let me get you guys make that thing yet uh yeah make some more pitch i'm just gonna toss it uh the walkway over there let's just toss it down like right there for now what else we got here pine seeds juniper seed and a pear tree let's put our trees over there if we get more pear trees we'll toss them over there uh look at that algae yeah and there's fish oh there's fish eggs and noisy bees um i think i can come in here lots of bees what can i do with the bees uh it's so active honey can be harvested but the bees will be lost herbals can capture the bees from the nests captive bees will remain contained in a small crate until they're used for crafting a bee scap oh neat i can't do a i can't do that yet with this guy i have to be able to make i can't do a harvester yet right that's uh or an herbalist that's that guy there we'll get there um i think okay so let's make some things let's crank out a few things uh i want to get uh the um the mason's pet is level three i want to get the coffers make me like four of those for now and let's get some stone piles cranked out get this stuff sort of organized here and look at some food in here too thanks high school harvest tree stumps for more wood oh yeah i think i saw yeah those guys do i um in here i can't there we go i'll get the honey too that's fine we'll go ahead grab that out there take those tree stumps out of the ground uh take that guy too and uh all this stuff yeah we'll grab it out uh once we get these these coffers done we'll place them out somewhere and we'll get uh there's a copper right there let me put this guy i'm gonna set him over here next to this over here and um just sort of get things a little bit organized around here some cauldron for the food again i'm going to line everything up right now it's going to be ugly it'll be real ugly but it'll get organized in a bit i think they had stone piles before didn't they uh yeah well odd plants i don't see wild plants though there's i guess there's uh there's a couple of like flowers and things over here but i don't see any bushes we should probably get some some mining going so we get some more stone because we are going to be kind of a stone people so it's a little bit of a walk though but let's let's start it up and see about getting a little bit of this stuff cranked out we can probably get like a staircase and sort of work our way down um it's a long way up here is there a shorter it's all uh it's all up there all right so we can do something like like that just sort of slowly work our way it's gonna take a little while but we'll get there work our way down make a big staircase like a giant staircase this is the um giant case it's okay i don't think we got actually may even still be too big we can put a ladder next to it i just want to do this so it's a little bit easier for him looks i think i'm doing it because it looks neat honestly let's get to that guy reindeer i thought you were one of my people okay we'll go a little bit we'll have to build a little bit of a ladder okay like that and then um let's crank a ladder in here can we do can we build a ladder right now um yeah here we go i'm gonna put a ladder right it's gonna go a little higher i guess we'll go like there and what we can do is we can chop a little bit more this is just to get me some some stone like um that one and there we go that'll that'll work we kind of work our way up that'll that'll work for now we can we can do more if we need to later okay it's gonna be quite quite a job but uh stuff's just gonna come up here so we can sort of work our way down um we can also like like dig into the place uh that's one of the options here we want to take a like a hole like a cave which maybe we could do that too all right everyone's sitting around the fire isn't it nice um here let me make this uh thing worth something so instead of having all i would like you to um work about this guy i want you to have i think you want you just to be the food man right raw food next to the cauldron there have the food there and then this guy we need to place i'll stick him like right there and you i'm gonna have you um be like wood maybe wooden stone man maybe just stone man and then that guy next to you he can be cole man cause of important thing there's something that's a little bit organized have a chat yeah welcome to middle ridge you're right i was doing anybody working on this thing no well okay uh maybe i'll get there eventually um let's see i'm gonna need a fighter so alexander what are you all about you're a glutton i think i like we need someone with a lot of without with a high body mostly that's probably mostly it what about braum over here braum's a passionate blacksmith heard of a crafter he's also doing the job that i asked him to do good job braum i know i brought you along for some reason levi over here is uh he eats everything and he's a passionate worker i'll let him do it then i can go alexander's gonna do it alexander why don't you get yourself a uh oh i can't do weapons get yourself give me trapper do that i'll get you get the trapper's knife and go do some of that let's go back and look at the mason there we go good job buddy yeah yeah uh he gets speed up okay cool um i want i need to get bones we'll have to do some hunting i need to get a um a hatchet and then a mall like we need for the next steps let's see here there's some beds we'll have to make we'll get all that in there let me get some bone and what is that we're missing are we missing stone okay yeah we gotta go get some stone taken out uh we're gonna be a long way short on this stuff for a while because i got so many people in town all right okay they finally working on it yeah they got it now excellent excellent okay perfect that's a long walk over there i could build them like a little um like a little hut like a little uh a little little s uh place over here you think where are the animals the album with a bucket appears hey fool i found this bucket but it is trash so it must be yours it does not fit on my head see i don't care about what you do with it you can burn it for all i care throws it to the ground kicks it and then goes away angry oh yeah you dirty goblin we could also just dig down we got a lot of uh a lot of island here so maybe we should maybe we should do something over this way it's a bit of a off a thing to really plan on asking on uh weapons i can't do weapons until we uh until we can make them until we get that point star man with a wax mustache prances into town where'd you come from ah there you are no need to get up i found the lack of smoke columns disturbing even though that this settlement was abandoned uh even thought this sale was abandoned where are the smelters the kilns the ovens with the delicious empanadas drastically dramatically shakes his fist to the skies in silence reigns before he coughs and speaks with a more serious tone pardon me polio i am ferdinand the greats master smith wordsmith now i might be el maestro only at the forge but do you know what is common between simplest quick and herbalist the mightiest smith this is all about um uh fuels fuels so tell me about these fuels i think this is all part of the mod they work with fire he gestures with passion and the fire needs fuel legendary uh luke and various once said strongest fire needs the purest fuel so the um uh the better things we get the the better fuel we get the better things we get that kind of thing curls is mustache i can teach you a lot about fuels okay deal that's the spirit so uh fuel's essentially making workshops for many workshops and tools require a fire to function so like you want you know wood and then and then charcoal that kind of thing so we got lower grade good grade high grade gotcha thanks buddy uh work benches um firewood charcoal right how do i do it yes how do i will touch power easier than it sounds uh all workers incisions will help in keeping your workshops fueled as long as you have fuel available so uh fuel barely burns when it's not being used they'll cook it up in the campfire also secret mastering uh is to optimize language fuels are more efficient gotcha gotcha thanks buddy nice mustache okay hey andy how's it going i'm sorry about that yeah sorry about that too dave it's harsh all right um you guys hacking this thing up in a different order than i was expecting it's okay it's okay take a nap it's fine you know what let's build something so i had an idea here about building um what pre-made one which is the lazy way of doing this let me show this so we have templates that are built in the game there's plenty of these on the workshop as well steam workshop we can make like a little house um just just a little hut we've also got um a beach tower um we've got a uh we have boats in here too right yeah boats fantastic um real boats nice uh but we can make our own stuff as well um i think what we'll do these are kind of these are so cool looking though let's make a cook's turf hovel i want i just want to see it look because look at it it's so cool all right um i think i'm gonna put you i want the doors to be facing i think we're gonna go this way where's the where is the door where are you at right there it is one more spin there we go i think we'll just toss this guy like um like right there okay so we can see what we need over here some chairs yeah get to work i'll make my own house i just wanna put that one down for now that's for uh that's for the for the cook as for everyone else let's build something fancy oh we'll play a couple games today it should be uh these should be all right it's odd it's on the ground level there they go they're already getting to work good job everybody um let's get some um some food in here i do want to hunt a couple things we gotta get some bones keep talking about that and then not doing it so let's hunt a few folks i think do i have to have a bow to hunt things let's not hunt the babies it's not the big guys these little ones out anybody anyone else i want to get hunted no just the two of you all right furniture items yeah yeah like windows and things uh let's set up um forage if we need to but there's just not a lot out here it looks like there's a couple of we grabbing there like flowers work our way up top there forward what we can around here get the stuff in here there we go there we go more stuff there um do i have let's see go in here i've got oh yeah my stone pile right right let me just toss this guy down right here and i got another coffer there we can put in and i have this the mill grinder which i'm gonna put next to the kitchen here this um this is gonna be my kitchen here we'll move all the things in there in a minute if there's berry bushes out there then yes we'll move them but there is none that i can find i don't see any if anybody sees anything feel free to yell at me but i don't see any it's gonna be a real short game if we can't uh find some sort of food source here um all right let's uh let's see here how are we doing uh i do have a bucket that's good uh those are still getting built i've got some cash people come by and trade with us we need to so we will get some some food in here plus we started with a with a big thing of food we'll be right for a little bit morale is happy the house is getting built nice it has a little table and chairs excellent trapper's area for the trapper oh yeah yeah right let's see that's this one and trap right here let's do the trapping grounds i guess over uh this way there we go buddy big area uh just a common game uh oh you know what let me put it in the trees here then maybe over here like that there you go yep get those guys okay all yours hey buddy uh you got uh some nice looking armor there and an axe eh i only got 10 gold but uh would you like some windows we'll build that for the house i think i have a lot of things i can sell you right now i got some some juniper seeds 14 of those arctic pine scenes which i guess we probably should be a bit more mindful of our environmental impact because we've only got so much land here shouldn't we uh not sign him a bread uh no i'll leave you be food from him so armor is kind of cool hey grant i feel like i need one of those though let's see i can see there's 14 i could just crank out some things and sell them which was meant to do but i didn't do we can say there's 39 right there you know what you can have all my logs and that puts me at the 49 i want i want one of these things um what's that i have a rainbow no no no you can have we can just make another one of these tables right seven gold all yours let's make another one a little bit more let's sell um flowers juniper log we got uh oh how about this oak log all yours now give me that give me that axe excellent excellent okay daily update no food no gold got it uh can we get one um oh can we not give them to anyone without this oh sorry it's been too long can i give it to anyone that doesn't have i just buy that for no reason like ol um cenius here can i not give you a i can't i guess thanks thanks david's fiancee well we got an axe we may not need it but we got an axe oh well all right um here let me um let me come over here this guy hey buddy i know you're making all kinds of things and yeah he's cranking out lots of stuff do we have stone or rabbit stone again he's just making as fast as he can make it that's fine and then cook man is we have the fuel of wood logs or bundles of firewood uh and then this mill is um we can make some broths out of oh we have bone now bask of the nuts yeah yeah make a basket of nuts sure i'm pretty sure this is all new i don't remember this this one a coconut container fat bundle nice a wall mounted sign excellent i want to come in here and what we got bunnies excellent uh with the uh with the desert people i think you can you can tame them we can do that eventually with us but not yet uh i want uh to make let's see a big guy this one once i get some oh you made it level two mason all right well we'll make one as soon as we can we'll get there um right uh this box is everything in it which is fine all right how's the uh how's that it's going pretty good how much i almost have it all done uh well let's do some more then so there's my thinking i think we could just come up top here now we can get up here this is a whole new area that has been unlocked for us so let's go and do some more digging and i think we'll just do something like we sort of work our way down hear those rocks there get in the way um sort of just work our way down once we get this thing cleared out and um oh hello hello groveling um i would like i want to uh to to uh to fight back punch him punch him hard there you go get out of here take that acorns okay good job everybody i'm just stuck you think so yeah i guess we could do is we just do a ladder straight up or um we could just do what i was gonna do before and just dig straight in let's just do something like let's just go inside here like that okay and there's a way cutting through this right it's this one no it's this one yeah and then we can go down um control go down away so we can kind of see where we're cutting out things the x-ray better oh we won't do that there we go another working on that one there we go that'll get my stone yes that is chat bask in the nuts uh i got another i have another grinder the grinders oh it probably needs to go in there oh yeah that's what they're doing all right that's fine all right let's get those stones hauled in we'll get we'll get um oh there you are good job now the job you have are you set to make the thing i'd like this to be done now as soon as you can where'd it go [Music] make this one now when you can what you can now make this thing so we can get a bone carving studio [Music] and then to get new stuff we need a can you make to make like to get the next level i remember how to do this um let's go here let's just let's just go to anybody here all right i do know dude is the the you know bundle of sunshine here what do you need so oh you could be a fisherman oh cause we have a bucket of course yeah go fish a duna and don't complain about it excellent good job tuna yeah um aduna has a fishing rod now excellent uh was i doing right there i just put clothes on you buddy oh rod is happy so i've got you as this guy if i want to get if i don't make a potter i have to level up and get a potter's chisel uh if i want a this i'd make a carpenter's saw which i'll make it a blacksmith and i get a blacksmith by making a blacksmith hammer with my mason makes so we need to make a blacksmith hammer i guess it'll be the first thing we do what's that ice poor guy looks unpleasant you know what we should build a house oh anyway let's get this one done first and then we'll go build the next one so the thing about this game also you can see they like put in like the ladders to go complete the building it's also automated it's really neat remember what the button is to kind of cut away things don't remember i know it's this but i don't know how to use this i don't want to go just causing me some some lag issues but i don't remember that's right fishermen on the floating island do i fill our place to fish that wouldn't be like this would it no see if she just goes there on her own maybe house button oh the hospital will do this one you're right right right right that'll give us that guy song is very it's very lord of the rings all right um let's see how we doing in here you guys find anything good let me go and then how do i cut away this thing though remember let's go and um let's go build a ladder we're just going to go up this another ladder probably just we can just go up how can we go yeah like that that'll get us up there rather than having to deal with all that nonsense get anything brought up so we can go upstairs there we go we can just start little our things down what you got over here oh traps nice hello it's kind of loud uh i'm bruno the most famous and accomplished fisherman of the realm or at least this realm he shakes his backpack full of fishing equipment i was trolling through the area but i'm afraid i've sold less fish to your neighbors he shrugs and suddenly straightens his face thinking of something well i'm actually also hooked on buying fish no trout about it sometimes i buy fish just for the halibuts you could probably net some if you have let's say a trapper do tell you want to get in the fishing eh well of course you can easily uh get some fish if you have this skilled fisher i do her name's eduna bruno points to the fancy fishing rod on his back but if you don't you can have your highly nutritious fish by trapping them with fish traps i assure you they're very nutritious and tasty fish traps yeah yeah i'm gonna make fish traps uh check your fish trapper maze uh they'll probably place a fish check you with trapper they'll make this a fish trap ah okay okay drop in the ocean i don't have the traps angry ones so you can tell the trapper just to capture fish instead okay punches the air with excitement yeah yeah me too drop your line any time all right buddy young cook has arrived with breakfast foods i like that i'm getting hungry um i would like oh we got some mutt i guess we got one of those guys um i guess i could say more logs and buy a couple things of of meat you can have you can have all my pine and i'm gonna buy how much of these i'm gonna buy some bacon and eggs yeah i'm getting hungry oh there's 60 gold a piece i looked at that wrong okay no bacon and eggs uh how about some roast fish i can buy two okay okay so trapper does this let me let me change the sound a little bit a little noisy a little better there we go at least they won't freeze to death on an empty stomach that's right that's right okay good job everybody got that all taken care of everyone's getting very cold and a little bit wounded um let's uh is this done yet it's almost done okay let's plan out our our master construction ready for this let's do it all right so this is the part of the game that i love and it's also a little wonky but it's great yeah i know we'll get three farms i know i know um let's go with a room so we're gonna build this thing probably out of wood i guess because we've got a lot of wood let's do a um let's do the walls out of wood we'll make them a uh a nice log i think i think it's probably pretty good you know we have um morocco brown eh that seems nice something like um i think i like that one and then the columns are going to be made of stone because that's fancy like a nice dark stone and then the floors are going to be enough stone for floors as well i think uh we'll uh we'll stick with wood let's see about what we can do here so i think what i want to do i think i'm gonna like we'll have like our we have a eating area already this is gonna be like um bedrooms essentially bedrooms maybe some craft lane in the middle like a big castle so something like like that and then from there we can build some rooms off of it like we can go something like we build the rooms downstairs we could go upstairs with all the bedrooms like each of these could be we could also have like a stockpile land over here uh it's a little bit off it's okay square buildings are boring oops cancel that one something like um over here and we can do that's a little bit off isn't it let's do how far away was that didn't measure it um it's okay we can do like um wait wait wait wait mom ah don't hit escape there we go okay so i want you to go uh oh we'll just keep like that let's go back a little bit like come on come on come on come on that's and how wide are you you're like 11 wide and i want you to be there okay and then we can come in with a ladder or stairs i mean that's what we call those stairs out of wood uh maybe we do maybe we should do stone there's a lot of stone over there let's do a nice red stone stair fantastic and i'm gonna put it back like right right in the middle maybe a double stone stairwell just for the cool factor like that a little in between thing just for uh we'll put something there uh and then we can go up a level and i'm gonna do another building the room which is gonna go on top of this and we can have like like this just we'll do a small area there which these will go up to did i do that right i hope i did that right maybe i need to move this down a little bit um go down a little bit like that and then maybe a little bit this way is that how we do that oh that's not what i wanted race i race they race okay erase that floor um i think i did things a little wrong there okay let's read it it's okay it's okay it's okay um so i want it to be like let's go back a little more i guess okay okay just like that um do i need to go down a little bit it's too tall isn't it so can i just like take this thing and go down just a smidgen maybe is that going to work is there an asking mode excellent question hopefully it's not too short people be okay with this maybe i should leave it alone i'm a little scared i'm gonna ruin things do that can i adjust you any yeah yeah just go up a bit more come on buddy come on come on up come on up a little higher you don't want to go up maybe like that and you can go out like that also yeah building system takes a little getting used to um that's not quite what i want you know like just back yeah not quite how do i do that before how'd that happen [Music] uh yeah yeah whatever and then you're gonna go okay that's that's cool yeah there we go we got it we got it we got it okay okay nobody panicking that's pretty uh let's build more more rooms everyone right now is probably starving to death but it's all right it's gonna like so if i do this then they should work right it should automatically cut that out so we can adjust it i think we can adjust it i think i know how to just adjust that and then upstairs here we're gonna have like a bunch of bedrooms okay they don't have to be giant they um like a little 7x7 thing um i probably should do it let's do something like it's an eight by eight so we want something like that right well we'll keep it even and then that's a little bigger than the other one the guy wouldn't like lives there you know what there's a lot of us maybe we can make these things a little smaller it doesn't seem to be the same size now does it is this not like it's lord of the rings right this song two three four six one two three four five six seven okay i like that okay okay i see why not underground why not above ground we're in the skylands can't build above ground or below ground on the skylands [Music] okay um now we've got 16 people i can't pause you're right i can pause um we've solved the uh the problem for four of them let's do a little more okay like that and let's do one like that people we like can be i can be here a little bit of an overhang how does it look looks kind of dumb it looks really dumb we can fix it later uh let's put a roof on this thing oh yeah i forgot we can do the castle thing oh that's nice um here hang on hang on don't do that um okay let's see we can we can we can fix this we can fix this don't worry let's go with a um we can do a big tower on the side here we could we could dig down that's correct i could do like a tower like this okay and then we do another one and another one okay uh and then and then maybe one more i think it's excited that's for a tower there he goes excited there's your tower like that and then we can put this guy on here oh that's nice oh yeah like i i i would like it better if it was even but it'll do i need to go out a little more can you come out just a little more excuse me yeah there you go does that fix it i think so okay and then i mean we can do this thing on the whole thing but i think we're gonna go with something like like a like an ordinary roof click on it right like like that that look dumb i mean yeah um but it's kind of neat and then we'll do like a like a little bit of a sideways guy uh how do i switch the i want to switch you to this one [Music] um actually that's perfect yeah yeah uh leaves a little more overhang there we go there we go there we go oh it looks like something okay uh and then same same guy yeah yeah and then we're gonna go like um yeah look at that look at that excellent uh we stick a couple columns there if we want to now we got to make some other things we can make doors let's make a big stone door yeah that's nice and then we can put some um we'll put doors inside also in a minute a stone hatch oh yeah so we can go underground uh let's put some windows in i want some nice some nice nice cross beamed ones because that's cool right there and right there it's not even oh just just just close your left eye and everything will look fine okay something like that one and then and then we'll okay and then we'll go something like over there and we'll put a couple windows in these guys bedrooms uh let me actually you know i should probably let me pause real quick i need to go fix that fishing guy we'll do that in a minute here before i get too carried away here so building this game is incredible the question is the old timey stonehearth things would never get built right that is way off isn't it okay how do i fix this can i make you maybe a different guy like i can put you yeah you're just not going to work are you i don't know i don't want you you you you go away um can i have like a a white guy would that do it yeah that'll work i'll put it up i'll put it down here so let's go that looks like a face sorry chat they're mostly they're mostly even three and three and then four and then four yeah that's fine no that one's not scoot over a little bit there you go okay okay my front door is a little crooked i know i know clearly do anything about that though because it's going to be either way it's going to be a little crooked unless i put in a couple of single doors might might be able to fix that all right let's erase that guy at once everyone's crying over there so we'll fix it i could do like it takes up three so i can't really i could do that and then i could flip it and squeeze it in like right now come on flip around flip around oh he doesn't want to flip like that it's okay it's cool okay um we didn't build anything inside we should do that so let's cut this guy down and go inside come in all right um first level here so this is going to be we have a way back here so we can get into the um like an armory or something back that way uh but in here is gonna be mainly let's just get doors first just some basic stony doors put one uh there to go in there another craft a craft room over there we'll stick a craft room over on this side uh and then i'm gonna get a door back there it's fine uh we'll go up and we can have a door into this room um i built this and there's no way of getting into that room is there why is it fool like that why is it like that [Music] um we need a stairway to get up there whoops [Music] on the ground level here you can walk him through here and then this is how you get your bedroom that's perfect [Music] is something wrong is that just cutting away and making it look funny okay okay okay okay and then we can go up a little level and we go up into the tower getting to the towers would be an issue let me get uh can i i could do stairs but stairs are gonna be complicated we could put in maybe like we just built a ladder just when you get out there you climb it that's the way you do it um inside uh we can always deal with this later but i think i want to come in here and just throw in some beds for the um the six people we like let's put a stone bed frame and i'm gonna slap them in here [Music] something like um one there yeah like that [Music] okay and then is that is that actually getting inside the bedroom so what's happening there i think it is get out of here okay and then okay that works uh and then bits again all right um you want to go there you got to there you go will they be able to figure out how to build this that is the question that's the test we're doing today um i want to put in a couple more holes here and make sure we can get up to this place that where we want it or is oh we want one here like that okay and we do want a block there can i like remove that and make it look not wonky okay huh what do you think i'm going to call it good for now we can come back and fix things later okay we got windows we got doors we don't have a way to the tower yet but we'll get there hey jack how's it going let's do it um build it okay get to work everybody uh and um back to playing here okay so now daily update what we got yeah yeah okay so the trapper's supposed to be able to get this this stuff over here so what are you you look scary a wild boar oh he's stuck in it oh he's starting to trap we got him nice um okay so i guess i need to set up a trapping area is this correct so i tried doing before though i didn't say to do that it doesn't want to go to the water i guess i guess i didn't read that carefully enough you can make traps and you can put them in the water can you there's pond workbench we have an arm goblin ice fishing spots fishing dock requires a placed workbench which is there okay so i'm gonna give you a workbench over here by this pond so make me one of those and then we'll get a um fish pond organize this fishing spot and use it when fishing oh does it have to be in there can i just throw this in the edge of it facing the water recognize this as a fishing spot used as fishing ah okay crab traps nice sashimi fish pit a boat doc can i build boats of course i can't we've seen them before okay now we have an armed goblin around here somewhere where is he uh where's my notification oh he's up there there's a couple of them denny the gross this guy and they got their uh their pile of bones all right uh let's call everybody [Music] they're not quite done with this room yet uh oh there actually is a bed in there too isn't there look at that it's like a it's it's the actual chef's house yeah they'll build tempo they'll build the temporary scaffolding to fix all this stuff which is what all that is and they'll get that done and then they'll go and uh do whatever uh where are those they just hang out up there oh hang on can i how do i oh i don't have a i don't have a soldier so i can't tell them to fight them can i um just go about your business oh except for that guy you gotta deal with that guy get your fishing your fishing tools and your and your sticks whatever you got there you go good job happy music okay back to work everyone's a bit hungry go grab a bite to eat i hope we have some food we got some oh we got plenty of sweet potatoes we're fine evergreen bows delicious um all right so we'll get that thing set up hopefully soon and the workbench i mean uh what else do we have to place here oh is it there already oh that's the bone coffee studio okay excellent set here for now oh what you doing what you doing up there of a starve hammer but you're my cook what do i gotta give you can i give you a uh a ladder can someone just build this thing for you you can do it come on buddy hey naga uh merry christmas to you okay i'm excited about the uh the fishing going on here let's crank up speed again and so if i want to build a bridge over here we're not going to do this yet but i guess i would do the same the same thing just i would build and then we could place um i got like a floor and sort of build a bridge to get across there which i think is fantastic i want to do that [Music] explain that happy heart music problems over here are uh causing me problems um let me go and get a bit more make sure we have a spot mined out for our uh for our mining we're trying to get all this stuff and whatever that's sort of work our way down a bit just make sure we get plenty of stone there's a lot of of good stone in here we might as well grab it and get this thing to cooperate come on come on all right now you listen here hey farmer jim hey you got some food do you well uh have i got um a need for that would you like some arctic pine tree seeds would you like a would you like a bronze x um we have a lot of stuff and they're so expensive 10 gold a piece five gold for some fish fillets that's cheap um i think the trapping's keeping us pretty good we've got those evergreen bows um used for thatching fuel and even in recipes yeah we're gonna be using that for sure um yeah we'll leave it we're good we're good we're fine i believe in our ability to stay alive okay now let's go plant some things i've got oh where are those there arctic pines so let's just make up like an area over here just pine tree land some people call it a forest something like that we're just gonna squeeze these guys in here yeah i guess the trapper likes having trees around so we'll do some of that too no point uh hanging on these seeds and we can just plant them and chop them back down again i'd like to have fruit trees but these will do okay nice nice forest over here the king's forest okay and then we've got a couple juniper trees sure sure okay and the workbench is ready to go so fisherman's going to live over this way somewhere so let's toss this guy here for now uh and then we'll get to working on some fishing stuff get a pier set out so we'll just pop it right over here oh look it's coming along look at that they built their little uh little scaffolds and and um that's nice this is one of those games that like um you just kind of sit back and watch it's a really slow pace kind of thing but it's fancy i like it hides so well okay it looks pretty nice off there with the floating lands and this is on like i don't know i was worried that it would be kind of um not happy with with streaming i guess we can try ultra and see what happens let me know if the stream looks i don't i tried this before i didn't really look any different the stream has some some issues let me know we'll crank it up the ultra um we'll see how it looks uh i think farmer is isn't that a job that we can do if once we get um a farmer start famous might cook right he's just worker there's a farmer right there which we can get one once we get a hoe made by the carpenter we can't make a carpentill carpenter until we make a saw made by the blacksmith which we can't make a blacksmith until we make a hammer made by the mason very complicated speaking of uh mason i would like to have a blacksmith hammer uh cook spoon we can make that a potter's cutter i can do that now a bone weaver's bone spindle spread is not possibly there's a blacksmith hammer which i need uh i need some iron to make that okay so we're almost there i'm gonna go ahead and well i don't need clay i'm gonna cue it anyway and i'm going to i'm going to cube both of these because we're getting very soon this one just needs some fibers which i'm sure we'll get anytime soon um i would like this as well once we find some iron okay embark has a similar yeah it's pretty similar there's a stone mall for perfect for bludgeoning do i need that can i if i make that thing does it give me a enables equipped by footman does it unlock a footman let's do that first okay where's that goblin at over here messing with us somewhere are we walking over to him where is he there he is two of them coming in okay here they come um we could call everyone in the fight i think yeah i guess we probably shouldn't all right everybody fight run back and do some fight hey tom take a bunch of spoons to sell oh yeah cool good idea okay we'll pass some goblins around take that filthy goblin is that cool [Music] i'll just look at him okay oh ronnie's back hey ronya appears against the edge of the camp how long has she been standing there i don't know how'd she get there she gestures at the camp smiling approval i have come again to pass your stories to the library she indicates she sits by the fire produces another birch shaving and waits she meticulously notes everyone's adventures and runes in the birch mark birch park again commits them to the flames your fleck of light is growing excuse me soon your hearth will draw others and someday you'll too will be a star in the constellations of our people but wisdom has a settlement gleaned that it wishes to pass on to the rest of our people that wealth should be shared that it is possible to build bastions that stand strong against the cold have you seen my fancy building that we hunt even while knowing that we in turn may become the hunted she tilts her head i look forward to your wisdom in the meantime a gift seeds hooray excellent this thing's still not done what are we waiting for on this [Music] what's up this building we need um what do i see what's is under this one and then click on here sure i see what what's uh what's remaining for this building yeah so she gave me some stuff she gave me some bright bell seeds provide red aromatic herbs when it grows excellent i'll throw them over here the other guy's gonna go right there yeah now morals i can i'll move these guys over here i don't know if they if they grow or not like if they can you pluck them and they grow back see how this works oh this is like this is just like heinous there's just meat and bones laying all over the place oh we're into the monsters mode and click the building to see what's missing builder mode click the building um of that one either placement builder mode click the building oh okay so it needs six something so we click on this guy and it's still missing uh oh here we go uh we need some stone oh okay we need stone for that guy and then what do you need you need stone stone stone okay okay okay i take the hint i can't really force more miners but we can just force more mining this is easy to get to so we keep on doing this this thing here and uh we'll clear out this side of the mountain so it'll come toppling down on us let's do another one we got a ladder here why don't we use it can i say controlled okay let's go like yeah like can i just like we'll just climb up here and then just sort of take don't go this way this way i'm sure let's dig it thing out we'll get there and we'll dig out like that so we can make our way over there and dig that thing out real easy because it's kind of hideous over here okay this is this is coming along quite nicely if i do say so myself we have this guy is ready the bone man's ready so let's let's do some bone things which include includes a um giant bone mace there was something else up here cook spoon i'll make another one of those we have two cooks probably we need that for the that guy once i get level five mason i can make that one there's bone material okay you're basically the same skull candle holder that is fantastic yes please one those please for sure hey bob yeah we gotta get the iron ore you're right we gotta get digging in here there's gotta be something in here that we can let's give you some sort of ore in here we can find um [Music] so i want slice right and i want to i want to come down like that like to there we'll just do some more mining this way also let's just go from there and then we'll dig in ronis again ronnie here you just please don't leave us alone do you what do you want now she's smiling again at the edge of camp stars bless your learnings she whispers shall i hear your tales sure sure sure taps her brooch library is pleased with your progress she bends and touches the stones of your hearth now it's time to choose the beacon that will represent your settlements as is tradition her voice takes on a gravelly cadence teacher sid saw the hearths as early stars learning lighting our knowledge of the world since the time we turned our backs on the phoenix we have burned to show the heavens we know our place in the cycle of hearth wisdom guide us a valid teaches us that a home is a boar against the elements a place to find sucre and friendship the hearth of cheer draws together all who seek to create a warmth and no blizzard can dissipate okay hearth of makers we've got a hearth of glory okay what do we want we want a hearth of cheer boosts daily uh net worth based on your overall morale uh makers gives us daily interest on any gold coins you have on hand health of glo hearth of glory allows summoning increasingly difficult enemies to prove your medal each ranked defeat it will boost your daily net worth yeah i like i like that one we don't have a soldier we don't need a soldier over green's coming by hey vert uh oh you sell some i need one of those don't i got some pine seeds some gourd seeds uh i would like that as well right that's that's going to be um edible things a hearty uh desert vegetable yeah oh uh oh my god let me sell you um i should really i should really make something that's worth uh something i have a gold bar but i'm gonna sell a couple more logs i guess okay so i want i want all those okay well two it's fine okay yes okay glory uh so we do all this stuff and we get we get uh okay cool that's i think it's gotta be new uh let's plant some things oh we got the goblin around here don't we [Music] where is he um see him where are you here he comes okay let's pick up the pace here walking through the uh the field of death on his way to our camp that trapping seems to be working overtime picking people oh look at that they got um this is like a pre-made one there's lots of these pre-made things that are on the workshop i mentioned uh but yeah i've got all this stuff already cranked out in here so did neat guys get him good job [Music] okay um now you let's get that pier fishing dock and i guess a fish rack maybe a couple of those a fishing net nope no nets okay we'll just do we'll just do the basics and they're here we'll go and uh we'll do some of that this is uh druna's job oh you took that bed huh oh there's a drinker right there oh ryden's level two cook oh which gives him some health um and i think does it give him any sort of level two gives him learn to make slightly fancier recipes and can now build an oven for delicious baked goods level 3 gives him meat and pies okay okay that works that works yeah we're all just waiting on the stone to come in uh how do i prioritize uh here we go we just have a couple folks that are just set on this so brahm for instance you're gonna be just a miner as is elwynn and gira you guys like the mine i hope so that's what you're gonna do um you there talking to uh talking to not working get the mining okay that'll help hopefully keep some people over here can i what's the button for this can i just hit this and go not sliced and then slice again yeah yeah okay okay yeah i know i didn't sell the spoons we're very busy like i've got a couple of them marked in there we'll make a couple more i guess we're very busy there's the potter's cutter actually if i get a potter's cutter do that now where's where's that at do that now and we get a potter in here i don't know if we have any clay but if we have clay we start making some clay things are you sad where's his where's his uh morale i feared for my life there's no end to this day there's nothing nothing to go on the sky is clear the sun is heating up like an oven is the world an oven there's something on the ground i'm very thirsty yeah yeah it happens oh do i need to go well i'll take a whale right here let's take this guy out how do i do this does that work is it just like right there is that right just like right i kind of have it i don't know where it goes ah ah okay angle it this way like that okay it's above the water right i think so okay the fish can go right here behind you okay we'll get those gourd seeds planted make some pumpkin things uh we got two fish racks right there's fishtopia okay our fishermen can go over there we probably could just make beds you know it might be a nice thing to do and you know i got so many people here i didn't think about this but we could probably crank out a lot more of these tables and get more things made or have multiple masons once we get the mason the ability to do that um we got miners going in there um doona has a job is there anyone that can other else that wants to do a job like levi over here levi what do you like doing you like you're you're a goat and you're passionate worker well not even you are a professor you're a smart sleepy head i don't have any tools for you so until we get those i'm not gonna do much potter things should come in pretty soon it's coming along though look at it all that scaffolding in there looking kind of nice i can't wait [Music] all the um how's the work going over here what is that is that coal to hunk a slate you're sleeping up here why you can get over here right are you stuck yeah they're stuck all right well let me go back to my my cutaway here anything good in here oh oh iron ore excellent excellent and there is a hunk of feldspar okay good let's mine some more you get all that let's just keep on keep on mining just give me some stone there we go okay excellent that'll help out a lot uh aruna should be doing the job once this thing gets made then we'll be on that we got over here oh yeah my glory okay you got it there you go good job get some fishing done you got a fishing pole right there you go yeah there you go oh there's a fish there's a bunny too [Music] okay i'm going to the goblin up here oh he's chasing us around all right [Music] 60 food left that'll help out a lot so we can get a second fisherman in there once we get into the fishing pole if we can make it you uh can i make another one of these that do me any good is that any any point in that over here he levels he needs to be level three before you do this he's making a ton of things um to make the mason though would i need to make the mason was it the mall no i could i could use another mason he just i guess once we get stone cranked in here he'll be able to do it and we can have a multiple guy multiple of them back to work got a giant house built and a tiny house built she's still waiting for stone and stone man and you bone carving man um can you do me this stuff like um can you make me a bath or another cook spoon let's see what who's my uh who's my guy that does this old what are you doing so i want you just doing your job don't worry anything else do a little bit of a bit of sad guy oh he's good he's in a pretty good mood though um oh he's level three oh he made it excellent um oh perfect nice timing buddy so make me that and do it now i already have it in there but you do it do it now make that get a blacksmith uh you make me a trapper's knife uh do i need to i need a herbalist bone staff do that supposed to do it now do that one and then let's get i guess another trap is fine i'm sure we'll make another one uh hope you don't have enough um there's a place mason pedestal okay that's what a mason pedestal is everything else is in the list that he can do market stall let me do that a mason pedestal what is that that's that's hideous a bone park bench yeah make one oh this too okay did you make those things yet buddy where are you at besides slacking uh is my whale working now oh good my well's working okay excellent um i don't remember that i remember water being needed in the old game is that's always how it's always been hey gurgler whatever okay fish are hanging on the rack excellent and with that that that's my potter's cutter let's hire a potter so um we're gonna grab um you're not the strongest you're not really any special you uh you have a green thumb though so maybe i should save you for far you're pretty tough you like the storms i like how somebody has some good good uh mind so they can level up fast you're a crafter um why can't i do this um [Music] do i need to have a oh maybe my i bet you my mason can level up but okay my mason can level up but uh yeah and go to that mic i can't okay we'll wait then we'll hold off for a minute joe boxing's got some bins i'll do a boxing i've got a couple things here for you i think a weapon i'm never going to use uh what's that uh boar pelts i'm not that interested i think i think we're okay like food's a little lights but we got a little bit we got a little bit of cooked pork yeah yeah we're fine we're fine i think water is an ace feature okay the hydration just makes them sad makes me kind of sad too can i put some benches up here do i make that that um that bench we just built a giant house but look at that look at it it's looking so neat now check that out we're to figure out a way of getting up there we'll we'll get that just you wait this one is is still not quite done thanks excited i think it's pretty neat um when we're done with it we're going to build a bridge over there what time is it uh we got like 30 more minutes and then we'll uh let's move on something else maybe we can go a little longer oh game's been decided we got a wild boar out there okay we can trap them lots of there's lots of meat just laying out there i think what i need actually everyone's very busy can i make a like a bone cabinet or something do i have a bone man who does this oh hey oh that was the sound of it being done i can make a stone cabinet to hold like raw food uh stone chest i think is what i want right there a stone uh we have a stone cough this holds more than a stone a small one some coffer kind of that uh yeah i guess i could move this and we'll set it like here between the two and i kind of like it being there because he can grab it from there but it might be better so then you just grab it for the jobs he's also got some stone i think one of these one of these boxes here he's making some things no food still food doesn't seem to be going down got some raiders coming in okay we'll call him in a minute these goblins are just gonna be a problem using my ladders [Music] we're in the military eventually i need like an alert whenever i get one of my tools built rather than just building laying around what is that it's a hatchet smash this guy get him there you go oh goblin don't run away smash him yeah is that all happy music all done you're my chef braum you're uh you're one of my miners i think let me grab lucious here lucious is a sleepyhead uh here we go i can make you a blacksmith nice blacksmith and what are you doing there buddy levi no drinking on my my watch you are going to be my new herbalist all right trying to build some things here uh i'd like it to be inside here so maybe we can figure out how to get this stuff inside um somehow in the bottom level here we can put in our um stuff we want to do can i go ahead and get it started in here and it'd be all right [Music] like down here and then we can like stash it in one of these rooms over here like can i come in i gotta build it first let's go to the jobs let's craft up a blacksmith furnace one of those i want a crucible i'd like a fancy spoon uh herbalists peter mortal mortar uh i need that don't i because i need it i need tin though for that i guess can i make tin oh i can't in a minute okay and then the uh the herbalist is gonna need an herbalist lab and a cauldron and a christmas tree and a pot once you get one but you can okay we'll stash those guys over there as soon as we can there's that potter's one and i guess what we could do um if we've got anything made that we that we need to get made we can bump our guy up to make to being a potter i don't even have any clay though i might not have a but not really a clay kind of people i'm not sure that's really advantageous so um there's our furnace which is going to go in here down down here we'll put like against that wall is that going to be okay like um like that toss that in there and then you need the um that's all i need right toss that guy in there and then we'll put the herbalist well it seems like he should be outside or out here somewhere here's the new kitchen which is still getting worked on earlier to stash you uh over here where the fields are we'll put a little spot over here for you like that in your lab and go right there i can give you like a little house on top of it i guess okay perfect colin is stuck in the camp again here he comes look at this soldier um you like to craft right i should give you a crafting job what do i need for this i need a bow i need a bow first and then i can do that like a bow and a carpenter and a carpenter we need a saw so we gotta we gotta get that saw in there pretty quick what's this what's this all about ah fuels ah okay use whatever you want now at the herbalists yeah fight fight them off then you go back out there uh i would like a brewer's tumbler some dried algae okay okay cause maybe herbalist pots do you have that already set up you're making some potions apparently you can also make a bee skep which i want but i need to get a woven supply basket where do i make that ass make that woven supply uh parasol colony consisting fungus to create more colonies to grow into new fungi it's like toxic when we're all used for cooking that's neat i'm making some weak antidotes apparently walnuts flower vase and garland healing potions anything go in here okay i got it gotta do your job i can cut this a little more i can eat that because it's already there i want to raise the whole floor i just want to yeah yeah he seems to be going there he made it i mean they've gotten i think they're getting there i have three food okay we should deal with that uh let's go on a big harvest mission let's just can i just gather forage for anything we can we're out of food the goblins alone and we'll go look food elsewhere okay that guy hey uh you need to uh need to fish a little faster please and cook which is here um you're making me lots of uh meals right some nutty meatballs nope uh how about some uh sausage i saw a fish one in here didn't i i didn't make you a stone oven i guess i'll get you one of those i think there's there might be one inside there roast duck there's the fish let's uh maintain just keep like 10 fish at all times and inventory and only very bushes around you have others right there okay good we got one we have two cooking spots if everybody had a spoon made we could have a second one of those we have a little three chopper though hey crazy american so my trapper uh lumavus can you advance no you need uh we need farming to be able to get the shepherd okay and we get farming from the carpenter we still gotta go to that blacksmith and make our saw also um can i tell you to hunt that guy can we do that i think we haven't like that can glory one yeah that's craft one not my team did i click the wrong one oh maintain okay keep the fish coming um i uh i would love to have a second fisherman and to do that i just need to have he can make a crab pincer slap fish is a weapon we can make a fishing bucket oh yeah and we make that at the uh the carpenter don't we you don't make a fishing bucket carpenter doesn't okay and uh blacksmith needs to make me a saw [Music] there it is what do we need for that you need level three for that and your anvil which i need level two to make an anvil okay so let's just start smelling something let's just make let's just make some copper and tin oh where's your where's your furnace delicious there's a bunny right there let's eat them do you need like a zone no okay i got some fish still hanging around there you guys will be hopefully just trapped at some point this guy is making them you know what happened we could try to do is just quickly build ourselves over here i mean there's a lot of stuff over here we make our way over here and find fishing and maybe some berries let's try it what time is it yeah let's try it so let's get a bridge i'm gonna see what we can do here use up all my stone it was a good inventory i'm just going to stick it just to get out here we can move it later [Music] on that way and i got two of these guys actually and there let's get them out there aromatic herbs perfect and we've got some pine trees sure and then the herbalist pot can go and sit like right over here hey a farmer came into town hey farmer oh you got some food do you well let me tell you what i need um what do you think about uh [Music] i don't want to get rid of my gold ingots but i think i kind of need to i got next one these blacksmith furnaces you can have it um i uh i'm not going to use a powder coat any time soon so i'll get rid of that and um goblin honor token so yeah give me those things and i'm going to buy a bit of food for me i'm buying whatever you have cheap some eggs catfish filet is 10 gold a piece these guys are one for the fish fillet basket of cherries sounds like what i want oh a farmer's hoe one please i would like what was that cheap guy just so this basket of cherries give me all those okay and i will also take pine seed pine pine pine i'll take your smelly fish fillet and i'll take your basket of berries okay food how much we've got now 14 okay feeling better i don't have carpenter yet but we got this guy now um yeah use whatever fuel you want it's fine and i want you to make uh yeah whatever whatever you want all good um make me a uh one button there we go blacksmith i want you to sort of just crank out some things um can you can you you know for you have a crucible you can make some bronzing i don't have that stuff though what can you do [Music] make a blacksmith sign i have a furnace right it got built yeah and the question is what do we um we're gonna do something to get him move making things i do have copper but i need a blacksmith furnace it's a stone oven don't say anything don't say anything uh whoops is it you that makes it blacksmith furnace i don't want to hear it chat i don't want to hear it quiet matt met i don't want to hear it i don't have to go okay um hey you get out of here how do i get rid of this thing just uh just just pack it up and uh how do you just get rid of it just get out of here we don't want you okay francis is right but it makes good pies oh yeah look at that a skull candle holder yeah it's gonna go right here next to the banner you walk into town that's what i want you looking at that guy and we put this goblin guy here next to him right there how you dang goblin get out of here [Music] okay okay he's working on that that blacksmith furnace thing are we hanging out over here look we got beds getting built oh it's looking kind of nice oh look at that okay okay we're getting there is it done did you guys get him i'm going to get away okay okay okay is it done where am i where my fancy fancy top there how do i tell them will they just use the beds on their own i think it is done there's no more scaffolding this one has a bit of scaffolding this doesn't though there's a excuse me oh there's a cat or a bunny or something in there you know my house buddy yeah they're using it excellent hey look my house works it's a little bit hideous but it's okay hey bucktor thanks look at that we did it we did it excellent i'm very happy all right uh let's let's go and build one more thing oh furnace uh it'll go right here a little blacksmith hut around that uh can i can i harv can i just like take care of this guy and re and regrow him there's a few of these aren't there these are these apple guys i chop them all down there's one i'm gonna i'll chop it and replant it yeah flying island that's right i'm gonna go to the next one here in a second let's build let's see what we can do here so what i want i don't want a building i just want blocks so maybe we can do something like i hope it's on the same level i don't know i can't really tell but can we do like stairs i'm gonna do wood just because it's it's around i think a little bit more than we there's more stone in the island but i'm gonna do wood uh it's like a nice nice red staircase gotta wait deer like that can i just grab you and just make you bigger you know that's why in that place we'll do like a like an um a six wide staircase okay maybe not off the edge because it's a little scary like right there okay and then we're gonna build a floor basically a road of wood i want it to be like not on the top there i want to be on the side i just put some blocks there and then my road can go i don't want to go on top though um oh you know what maybe we just do this like that and the road i'm doing this wrong you can yell at me it's gonna go like this uh no i don't have a um i'm not i'm not partnered with twitch so i can't do this subscribe thing on there i just have patreon my my way of supporting that way like that was six wide right hey look at that and then when we get over here we build a staircase and we can go like um that hey look at that it's a hideous looking bridge but we're gonna build it it only needs 286 85 stone i guess i did it still whoops that's good 83 food i got so much food hey remember that farmers thing i got let's use that um so one of you was was really itching to be a farmer was it you voted here yeah votier would love to farm vote here there you go once you get yourself a a hoe go do something about that and then we've also got um [Music] what do you want you like your callus okay sounds like the job for you is to be a weaver we got i guess we have another one we have another one available for a another blacksmith you guys got some i guess you got some cool clothes buddy uh braum it's dangerous crossing that bridge rom is a heart of a crafter so yeah if you want to craft things buddy i'm gonna let you craft things with this blacksmith hammer i think i made two of those and on the other cook ragnar um he likes to craft things anyone is that i don't know my farmer i gotta get you taken care of blacksmith anybody's not doing anything weaver i gotta find your spot minutes here uh you actually leave the only the one cook because i want to take everyone's jobs away uh let's get a farm built no [Music] okay so we want farmy things are those let's build a farm yeah a field we'll stash it over this way one like that what's gonna grow it's gonna grow sweet potatoes of course sweet but not very tasty when raw okay and we'll stick another one next to it this one will be the little um oh never mind more sweet potatoes okay and then you can build a um this guy an orchard oh well it's gonna be fallow for now can't build a bridge no try removing the stars from the other side [Music] try moving the stairs outside i can't with that thing that way [Music] because you did not connect the far set of stairs what do you mean i'll show what you mean and connect see if that doesn't okay he's going down excellent this house is not getting made mine's done this one's still getting waiting for things what are you waiting for some work supply table uh and and once what do we uh what do we need for that you should be working on it hey buddy supply tab what do you need for uh that thing yeah make it all right oh you need uh you need a mason pedestal what is a mason pedestal where is it i have one of those make one of those that's not what that is that's the workbench i guess never mind oh it's underneath the pedestal whoops and that's what goes in there and then that thing and look at its cool little place they're cooking in there fishing's going on over that way baby deer running around we've got the farm fields are up and running uh i i who else was the other guy that i made i need to deal with um the weaver needs a thing so let's get a weaver a loom very effective without yarn problem with the fancy hat swaggers in the town you got supplies we take we good we have understanding if i gave you that you'll be happy i'll get out of here you say no we take all things get out of my sight you filthy goblin [Music] i want to be directly on top of something to connect it one of these will play a loom here on the channel [Music] okay use whatever you want and i want you to build a um you think if i put a floor on there instead of a road it would do it um i can't do that computer mortar or herbalist i need that but you need to be level three which means you gotta make lots of things like ingots um just make me a bunch of ingots uh hey thanks thank you very much i appreciate that okay make some of that we don't have any anything for bronze i'm gonna make gold ingots oh i'm listening okay now i got these hatchets but i can't use them because we need to make a bow first uh an anchor we can make boats okay so he'll make a few things hopefully they're gonna level eight at some points oh he's gonna we gotta get some mine done over here in this mountain wherever that was here we go oh yeah we got it all cleared out so let's do some more mine what time is it yeah we probably wrap this thing up pretty soon let's get something like over this way and then maybe around that over here um someone said there is no gravity in this for a mountain so we're gonna ink it all down why is everyone asking about loom excellent question [Music] okay how are we doing do we have more than five food 89 what's going up all right all right yeah i got the three uh oh it's working it's working it's working okay oh is there like a there's a village over here are you a village of like of goblins oh look at that they have a golden chest there it holds loot a little huts around this is what i should have made for my town she made just like lots of little huts that's what i should have done why did i even think about what i was doing here make tiny little huts big enough to hold a bed let's try something over here like we need a house for our herbalist let's see what we can do real quick tiny house um i've watched a lot of tiny house shows i should be an expert at this we've got lots of stone laying around so let's make a nice stone i want stone walls okay so a nice uh a nice tuna wall delicious i'll have a wooden column however and then the floor is gonna be stone as well that lord of the rings long is playing again uh i'm gonna make a tiny little place it's gonna have enough to hold this stuff basically that's it in his in his his bed like uh like that i think and maybe we'll do just like a little a little um opening here because square buildings are boring okay and then we can make let's make this go away oh back back back everybody [Music] that's a scary looking bridge yeah okay achieve new title what'd you get town watcher defended town from 25 enemies doesn't that title have a nice ring to it you can select which title one your citizens using by cracking their name a character sheet yeah what do you got town watcher oh yeah well i i like it time to watch it it's good yeah yeah it's good good job buddy okay nice little cat or whatever that thing is dog okay so we got that let's go ahead and i want to remove this little wall right here can i do that this one here this one i didn't mean to do that i want to get rid of this little spot right here so we can just do the whole thing i guess okay put a block down like that and put a door in if i can fit the door it might be kind of small nice skinny door barn yeah that'll work it's a little bit there we go you're gonna go there and then uh in their house they're gonna have a uh well we're gonna move this thing into there but they're gonna mostly just need a bed i want a uh i don't care about a comfy bed just give them a bed what is this luxury nonsense like that i think it's fine and then they can have a table or whatever we want to give them like a place to sit you want a chair a little table oh we can have we have the bone park bench of course it's outside and look at the kids in your lawn yell at them your bone park bench then let's get a stone table and toss it down right right uh there and then a window door looks looks sink yeah yeah you think it'll be right that'd be all right you get a window out there you can look at your tree um you can stick one over here it's nice and and uh same yep same level straight there we go and then um oh yeah that's cool extra cool let's give you a roof what kind of roof would you like a red one uh now we can do neat things like we could do uh we could do this so it's just like a little mushroom hut which probably fits i think floor's higher than the door is that what the problem is the window into though erase that window okay and then you gotta go up [Music] here go up come buddy come on buddy you need to go like that oh because i put the floors in wrong uh okay thanks to croptic i'll achieve that feels bad for my my building so uh let's try this a little tiny staircase actually you know what we should do rather than stairs uh just put some blocks in uh some nice uh redstone porch okay i think you have like little stumps here there we go i think it really works [Music] okay build it don't mention anything is the stream still look okay even though i bumped up the quality the floors got inside to dig the ground out yeah i when you make it you can go up or down with it i didn't i know what you mean our bridge over here is is it done oh yeah just about uh let me put in the stairs then oops okay all right and all good oh good build it food's back down again i'm ignoring things a little choppy for me zooming around doing too much zooming around looks fine on twitch good okay i um that frog my deer belt i really uh want a different game here we will eventually just sort of carve out that bit there there's probably some mining already going on in here i hear it yeah there's plenty of mining going on in here lots of ore and things we could give them a box i guess over here so they can toss their stuff into so the uh these miners aren't hauling anything so maybe we build them um maybe we stick them a coffer over here like uh we'll stick outside so then the haulers can all maybe may ease their troubles a little bit and they can even have a candle holder oh my base and petals don't make that okay pear tree let's see that over there and did i make two of those things or was it just waiting to get moved over there what was that noise um they seem to be doing all right oh the goblins from this side now oh there's a bunch of them they built the ladder all by themselves a bunch of them and when can i make a soldier i'm gonna make a bow and i can't make a bow until i make a carpenter's ham uh saw i need a i need a trader to come in and sell me a saw probably my only hope here so down here i had this plan of making this workshop land there's a bunch of them [Music] let's get them there you go nobody dying there's a lot of voxel madness i can build a bunch of chests and line them up that would that would help a lot oh you know oh no don't die oh no oh no don't die mean goblins whose idea was it to build a bridge over there worst idea ever oh no nobody die incapacitated incapacity cowering fear we're all gonna die get him bunny or cat whatever you are hey duna oh no wake up what what yeah that guy's healing them no no no not the cat got lots of new tiles what is it like the wimp scathed okay nice nice we all got scathe's title uh you guys gonna be okay just take a little nap i did not expect that look and there's more of them man what a terrible idea to come over here that's harsh uh put that back yeah well they're all leaving oh they're breaking my stuff now oh man anybody sneaking they come from this side man that was quite a raid they did they wake up after a while that happens they're all gonna beat down again thanks for the stream all right have a good one i like this game i like the mod i want them more um i can click on rescue but you know no one's no one's really here to rescue so uh are you sick you got a poison what would you poison from i must have eaten something you shouldn't have eaten well you guys go back to go back to work didn't even finish the tiny house yeah uh we'll certainly come back to this game once the uh the dwarf when the dwarves have been updated which apparently is coming very soon i guess um i thought i thought it would already be there by the time i played it tonight just wait for a bit we'll see let's just they're gonna get up and get beat back down again the goblins now own this town i mean where they all come from i guess you know we gave him time and there i don't see any i hear a lot of growling going on what are you guys chewing on over here animals yeah it's a bunch of them but right here this is all one giant landmass which they can cross right here here's a big town of theirs there's any more you can see over there any more big spots like that rock flies up over here this is that river island sometimes you find like bunny statues and things out there is that only in the sand world and there's ruins sometimes and we got food now was the bridge's fault right i just want to have a live stream one time where where uh where i live one of these days good timing though i've been needing to stop playing for a while thanks game i appreciate that [Music] see anybody uh any other uh landmarks or anything other than that one galway goblin village there yep um all right well there are they all go oh and tombstones are popping up outside all right all right you know what let's call it a day well not quite not quite we got more things to play all right so um there's stone hearth um i will certainly have to uh come back to that at some point um i it's funny because i lost my place a couple years ago um i i never thought i'd come back to it and uh see look at some of these buildings that people make i just if you spend the time on it it's it's incredible you know just don't do stupid things like you know like build bridges um but look at that look at that thing oh yeah that's pretty cool and then a little town i like it i'm so glad that the uh that there's a community mod is doing things with it and there's a bunch of mods there's a there's a lot of them out there if i yeah if i had a soldier i probably could have fought him off and just taken out that the guy the the cleric guy um there's the 16 high things which one i which i was using just now um and then the ace expansion which is at 0.9 which i guess point or 1.0 is supposed to be the uh the the healer one uh this one just adds a new job the hunter i don't know what works well with um the ace one so i didn't want to mess with anything else but there's all kinds of good stuff in here um including like things that are um just three that i had uh things that were um like new houses and things so minor profession settlement decor auto harvest mode it's gonna see is it one thousand population period yeah there's there's somebody on it has a youtube channel that does that this foundation that they um they build like that's like they take over like a whole map it's just like it's like a time lapse that they do and every time it pops up in my my feed every once in a while every time i see it i um i want i want to uh i want to play more more room world anyway there's stonehearth uh and it was uh with that ace mod uh along with those other two that i showed that show there so uh let's play something else i guess i suppose we'll move on to something else
Channel: Nookrium
Views: 43,763
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nookrium, games & demos, nookrium livestream, colony sim, strategy games, indie games, stonehearth ace, stonehearth 2020, stonehearth gameplay, ace mod
Id: 35dyZ_YSi1c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 137min 55sec (8275 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 25 2020
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