Brewer Is Born! Juice* For all! | Part 2 | Stonehearth ACE Mod

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greetings sir anserret and welcome back to stonehearth with mia lathrix and of course welcome back to the lathrixian breweries where today we're gonna try and get the town to live up to its name because we are going to try and make our very first brewer and it turns out that's not actually as difficult as i originally thought i've already made myself one of the brewers tumblers and one of our current citizens dr hearthstone since i have now named some of these based on the comments in the previous video is ready to be converted into a brewer now originally they were going to be a cleric because they are courageous and well that was just the original goal with their high spirit but high spirit also increases the chance that you make improved quality items if you're a crafter and since we're all about brewery here well we're gonna be brewing some amazing stuff with doctor hearthstone a name which i'm sure will not be messing me up constantly with the gang of stone half unlike the last video where i totally didn't mess that up within the first three minutes so that's what we're gonna do straight away so you change jobs and let's turn you into a brewer which means though we do need a new alchemist as soon as possible a new herbalist so high spirit again probably you yeah you're a night owl but we definitely need a decent amount of spirit for our next cleric but first the names of our people we now have tiley we have color as our two footman we have bob the carpenter dr hearthstone the now to be brewer and mason smith the mason eventually gonna be a smith i just had to name it after i saw the comment wow i'm taking a quick look at some of these things and yeah uh lots and lots of options here with the brewer and a lot of workbenches so we have the brewers table which i'll make now then we have the treading vat the wine cask just so many of these lots of tools we have ingredients here unfermented juice vinegar unfermented wine vinegar yeah this is gonna take a while uh and of course juice is gonna be the main thing which i try and keep going so let's have oh brilliant cherry juice that is fantastic let's make sure there's always 10 cherry juice instead the berries could be for food soon we're huffing berries over there so that's really lovely though the fact that cherries can be turned into juice is wonderful so later on when you get smoothies which requires milk along with any sweetener oh like honey herbal teas that's really cool as well serving keg of isle any serving keg and aisle how do you make ale keger fruit spirit consuming applies light-headed yet imagined it probably would i imagine it probably would liquor [Music] yeah there's a lot of stuff we can make here and that only requires fruit uh what does it require a distilled much restriction so i'm assuming it's gonna require some of those but for now we can at least just make juice and we need you to become a new herbalist right away so let's get you crafting stuff so you can level up soon these roses will grow so you can make some health potions and that's probably what we're going to go with because we do need a cleric soon as well a cleric just makes our fighting force so much stronger i also need to get some buildings sorted okay brewer's table for now just go over here near the cherries that's fine so we need storage and we need some more housing because currently we have four beds for all of our people obviously that's not going to be great so where do i want to put the first brewery room first brewery room the first brewery maybe up here that would be cool kind of overlooking everything i mean the whole point of this entire thing is brewery so yeah sure so for now let's just put a ladder up here so we can get to work cut down these trees and that's where i put the brewery and we'll put some seating in that and by seating i meant to say bedding so i'm not 100 sure what a medieval style brewery would look like since everything else has been kind of medieval style uh not really too sure what to do there done on that road i do need roads though as well connecting things soon also need to move all these um cherries oh i could move them up here couldn't i okay so the cherries up here then maybe have the brewery in this corner like this okay let's see what i can make i'll just throw a few things down and see if i like it or not so this is what i'm thinking so far so we have this little outside area for storage we're going to have the inner area for all the crafting and then a top section here which is going to be split into four and that's going to have four beds well maybe i'll split into three that way it'll be a bit easier to have a proper staircase rather than just ladders uh not too sure but that we can work on later eventually we can add some more specialist storage on the inside but that can all wait until we've actually moved in and the building's finished we can always add items later so that's absolutely fine the problem is these are going to take up some space however move these more forward so we have one more row a little bit smaller then we can add some support struts here and the same style as this then this can come on over and then we can even have an outside area here for people to sit on which i think will look nice it'll add a bit more dimension to it not very good at building these kind of blocky games but i'm trying my best maybe something like that then make it a bit more decorated on the inside then all this space have a fence on it then a door here perhaps or we could just extend this and have a much larger top section that would give us the ability to have one more housing here which we are going to try and sneak in but i don't like that too much the idea so instead just yeah maybe extend the walls something like this have a main door then fence this here it could be a little seating area for some food and everything else for the people working here would have less housing though unless we go up another level could have a third storage a third storey here so that's where the ladders will go there in between the two doors could actually have this is a balcony add some fences there or at least something to stop people falling down and then have the bed and everything here no i think it's probably best if i do seal it up in fact we could squeeze three beds up here one two then add a door here and have this whole thing as a extended wall as long as enough space no i think probably two is already cutting it a bit difficult just because how the ceiling slopes but we'll try a little bit lower okay so two windows here that should give us plenty of space for the two rooms still unsure to do i think yeah i think we can squeeze in one extra bedroom here it's just gonna be a little bit awkward i don't really know maybe not maybe we'll stick with the four for now we do need to build some homes which is just homes as well soon so yeah we'll just stick with the ones for now they'll be fine that'll do for now push that back made it a bit more three-dimensional still not like this though it looks a bit too cluttered okay i think it's done for now we can always add more like a chimney or anything else it's easy enough to add things to the outside of one of these builds you just can't edit the things you put down very easily but this is fine we've also had decorations nice and easily so it's nice and open plan uh again just super simple like me and that should be it and i quite like it i think it dominates the area pretty well it has a nice overlook it has some purpose outside of just a crafting table so let's build and hopefully ah and that's it hopefully there'll be no problems naturally there's a problem where though okay wish you would tell me where so after looking and looking and looking it turns out it was part of the staircase i think because of this cherry bush so we can add that lighter though it didn't come up as red i ended up just deleting things and then testing out and then deleting things and testing out and that seemingly was it so now that building got underway we're not quite gonna get a new person tomorrow it seems that's a shame oh do you have a pet twinkle oh you have a pet squirrel i think it's nice what are you you're adorable that's what you are well done well done you're adorable hey juice is being made look at him go cherry juice cherry juice for everyone both the net worth and the food are just shy of what we needed that is a serious shame okay now i'm going to start cooking down some trees and actually replanting them so i don't want to keep on um having to move so far away could grow some some trees up here that actually look really nice as a backdrop you know what sure once you're out of resources because i don't i don't think i have enough vlogs for everything here we can start planting some trees up here i think you can plant them up here should be able to i think i think our brewer is now level two which means we can start making some of the other stuff once we have some metal to use so we do need a blacksmith then honestly we just need more people i think we've split our jobs a bit too finely as it is the next few people are probably gonna stay as workers or don't really know so a smith is what you turn into correct noah mason becomes a potter so it becomes a smith oh we can just make a blacksmith straight away ah but the mason is needed to build the hammer and that requires at least one iron up we'll get that soon we're currently digging down we'll start um renovating an area so you just need more people oh invaders are approaching thankfully they are stuck okay you stay there that was weird normally they're a little bit better at spawning in places they can actually get to us so well done soldiers you scared it away before it even got here could we please harvest these yet oh thank you well does that mean now we can finally make some healy potions can someone please harvest the rose flowers that'll be lovely enable harvesting is already there so i guess it's like an automatic thing oh yeah there's some um roast clouds next good so as soon as that gets moved we can finally start making some healing potions not that we really need it considering the enemy oh twinkle are you eating that those cherries are for wine twinkle i'm watching you twinkle i'm very annoyed at this i had 170 and they all had breakfast they all had breakfast just enough to stop it yep a little bit irritated that's fine it's all fine baba's own new title the prolific crafter oh that's interesting so you can actually um choose between the different titles sure the tried to return and with that we now have two autonomous cricket golems there we go oh look how cute it is i love these things so they're pretty simple they can just do really basic jobs like restocking cleaning up which is actually exactly what we need because it means we don't need all that people doing that job i also should really uh where are you not for bid training there's an option here with certain jobs where you can essentially let them do other things and there it is toggle job off the the job activity for this unit or party is currently on toggle it to disable it so if i disable that yeah you'll run off now and you'll start doing cleaning up duties as well so that'll let our normal workers get other things done can you do that for every job yeah you can okay so that's something i really should have done um a lot earlier but i've only just noticed it so that's that oh i love these things so much the creek golems really are so useful since i'll run off and just grab everything they can and look how cute they do it as well yeah we need to add geomancer soon so we can start making more golems since you can get uh warrior golems as well and crafting golems i think i'm not sure how the ice mod affects them maybe more stuff has been added i really don't know currently a lot of people are sad and it's purely because of the snow it's been snowing for a few days in a row and that's really making people sad we've done some more berries over here as well because our food is struggling yep we are running out of food so i really need another farmer so i can have more patches i also need maybe another trapper so as soon as this job's done over here we're gonna swap things over the brewer isn't helping either since it's turning food into drinks maybe i'll just maintain ten instead of five or something it's maintaining five for now so remove that really want to make wine by the end of the video but probably next time oh look at little golems yep absolutely solve on these things i do like my bugs hence the tarantulas and such i've got oh i can grow flowers now oh will that include like the um yeah bright bell flowers that'll be the red herbs you know what sure i do need some more of those so let's have a row of red over there eventually i'll move all these but it's going to be a while so that'll be more than enough ooh you want more water than this okay so this is where we need to consider stuff so right now i can't actually build anything for for irrigation so i assume i'll just have to plant them over here so if i planted it here instead what would this water be like so that's a 10.2 okay this one's between 6.5 and 36.7 over here we're only at 2.3 so it's actually too low okay so for now it has to be just basically proximity to the water i'll leave that for now then we're already getting enough from my little pots over here so i just want more food so i can continue to you know sort all that stuff just going with the basics and i'll do two more berry sections here and that'll be it for now obviously i'll be more efficient later without more permanent farms but for now i just want all this place down still need that cleric but for that i need a bolt of leather so i need is a tailor as well since our food is pretty much sorted now we should be able to get another person tomorrow as well so i'm probably going to turn one of the people currently have into our taylor so that way we can get some leather bolts that way we can turn our doctor into a healer instantly around another problem we have no fiber at all just completely devoid of the stuff in this place some dill there there's a poppy a rose but there's no silkweed or anything similar which i can use for fiber some violets aha source of fibers and thatching okay let's harvest that and hopefully we get some seeds from it so we can start farming some fiber since we're going to need a lot of that for some of the other stuff we need so that is dwarf's beard oh look at the ducks in his little duck pond you can hardly see this is so dark here that's adorable silkweed yes that's what i wanted turns out the duck pond was absolutely right full of silkweed we also killed a goblin sneaking into the camp it happened in seconds i didn't really catch it so our first kill happened well done to us that probably happened because of the uh camps nearby i imagine should deal with those soon but because there's such a tiny little group at the moment a tiny little village it's pretty difficult for anything to happen without at least one of the guards or someone catching them now here's the question are these going to be renewable or when they're harvested is it like the roses and they simply vanish i'm hoping it's renewable now make things a lot easier similar to the cherry trees we just keep on harvesting them one of our berry bushes just got harvested fantastic so the great thing with the berry bushes is anyone can harvest them and they're renewable so as soon as they're full size it takes a while but then it's a constant supply of food and the berries can be turned into juice and i think probably some kind of alcohol is kind of what we do in this place you know the brewery it's more of a vineyard now but you get the idea crushed berries with skins and juice within a wine cask you can turn into berry wine okay so to just automatically make so once you make this it'll just make the wine over time by itself is that what it's saying because it looks like it might be unless aisle fruit spirit liquor malt spirit sugar bomb berry wine it looks okay so the berry wine gets made by itself it seems once you make these and once you have these two okay oh yeah i was digging down i finally got to some awe uh but uh i also trapped them down there for all eternity so i had a fierce and goblin approach and instantly maybe not so fearsome the goblin approach is revealing herself to be a bit shorter than expected bones bones she shouts and apply for almost childish voice that was my playful and childish voice apparently bounds she continues she seems to be harmless bones she's really happy about it hopping about in circles bones bones many bones suddenly a stern and yet compassionate halfling voice rumbles nearby where are you ratley you've got a friend goblin they're adorable my voice isn't for it but they are he wears the colours of the northern alliance strong and grizzled he rests his hand on the head of little goblin so there you are going out to make new friends hey he notices the people around i apologize names thoroughf probably didn't get that right there traveler and former scout of the library and with gentle pat the goblin goes back to jumping around greetings i'm not going to question it rightly is like a daughter to me he says of a bittersweet smile i am the reason she's alone in the world oh no you did a killikilli to the parents i'm guessing and she's the reason i left the library each of us watches over each other now he laughs shoving the past back where it belongs can't read that fast i know you're busy so we'll find a place to camp for a few days he weighs his hand cooling rattly closer sure oh i almost forgot he scratches the back of his head and smirks i'll be busy setting up camp i won't have time to hunt very soon would you mind gifting a little would you like gifting little rattly a couple of bones the little goblin enthusiastically bones give bones thorl stares back at her radley what have i told you she looks down please sure uh do we have enough of those i mean i've been killing a lot of animals lately so i should have some right yeah you can have some you can have some i have loads of course goody exclaims before turning around we'll be nearby stay warm then they start walking away yeah of course i can have five of them rattly is very happy she quickly grabs the materials bones bones behind her thoroth is finishing setting up camp radley thank them for the gift she looks back before continuing you make radley happy have fun i promise never did that voice again it hurt my throat and sounded awful i tried okay i tried that's the important thing that's what my mom used to say to me as long as you try okay so uh what am i even doing now oh yeah i'm waiting for this we had some metal together uh waiting for the weaver to level up yes finally we can make bolts of a leather with that we can make ourselves a book one book please oh sorry being made oh this is the improved version i mean i'd like that too but no just focus on making that first place new trade 11 piece of charcoal the three iron helm nope i'll be making those myself soon once again i need the fuel actually i think about it i'll use fuel to make that was a terrible idea i should have accepted that oh no too much reading not a bird this time kind greetings at last i can see your settlements in person you've developed even faster than i anticipated you should all be proud thank you oh you're my burly hands i remember you from the bird that's what i said not a bird this time i'm piecing things together like a true sherlock i came up personally to help you on your last step towards being a true settlement of the ascendancy you've grown large enough now that you can choose what half shall represent your town as is tradition okay yeah so this is the next one of these probably should have let people read that but i really just want to look at the stats of them i'm sorry thank you okay so the half of chia the half of the makers and the half of glory the hearth of cheer proof that you have happy well-fed citizens and nice places them nice places for them to live well currently eight of them are really happy with their uh their accommodations they they do get a bonus for a happy um sleeping area which they've got right now the rest of them are sleeping on the floor so it's a bit of a mismatch currently but let's pretend so that boosts our daily update net worth value that's quite nice and each day brings a new random buff for your townsfolk i quite like both of those actually i really do half of the makers proof that gold has been flowing through your settlement and that you have fine crafters generate five percent daily interest in any gold coins you have on hand that's nice boost your daily update net worth based on coins and the half of glory prove that you have military strength allows the summoning of increasingly difficult enemies to prove your mettle and each rank defeated will boost daily update net worth oh i like all of these so we have happiness money and war the three things we need in our life uh you know i'm not gonna accept it yet i'm going to ask you lovely people watching which one would you like to see at the moment i'm kind of going with the gold one because that's kind of our shtick we are meant to be like a merchant thing but i have done that before we could scoff happiness with the random buffs every day that'll be interesting so i don't really know these been planted yet daily update yep one new person welcome kate five of mind one of body one of spirits oh oh actually no you can be a farmer the reason is i want our old farmer why do all of our farmers have such a bad spirit no i just realized i wanted at least one high spirit farmer because i wanted them to be a cook and make good food and make people happy but one spirit they'll never make decent oh no the quality would be terrible yeah i really want to cook at the moment but spirits kind of needed there i don't know what to do with you you would level up quickly though and get all the stuff okay i still think i'll make you a cook be going to be a terrible cook and your name eventually will represent that so for now you'll be a farmer and then later on i'll turn you into a cook so for now though i need is a farmer's hoe there we go another new day another new person so whoa [Music] whoa that is that oh that is yeah you are staying as a worker and you're gonna be the best worker we have well done you our friends have reappeared greetings once more friends says the northerner as he puts a small bowl for feeding pets by our banner radley is showing herself to be a very promising bone carver bones she seems very happy and grateful oh he seems very proud we think you should have her lights creation so kind thank you you're welcome says ratly of a smile he pats her on the head before continuing she is a great apprentice bone carving is an art as ancient as the stars very important to my people he rests his hand over his heart curiously though so curiously enough it's also a tradition for the goblins fascinating thoroth looks around scratching his mustache few folks from the southern lands are not accustomed to carving bones he rises his brows clearly having an idea i'm teaching radley one more apprentice wouldn't hurt we'll go on a hunting trip soon and i can teach a mason if willing he smiles all i ask is for some supplies for the days will be gone and bones cheers rutley good idea sure thoroth rejoices ha good i knew he'd appreciate the invitation it's hard not to appreciate intricate bone craftsmanship we will head back to our camp send your mason hour away whenever they're ready we'll do oh three prepared food well that requires a cook so it'll be a while but eventually i'm ice and then can learn some new stuff do we finally have the stuff for making wine please eventually eventually it'll be made we have the wine cask and we have the treading vats okay so then oh they are oh i thought it was huge them for a second um probably gonna have multiple casks in the future but for now just put them both here oh these things are so cute empty wine cask produce berry wine prickly pear wine cherry wine cider date wine okay well we'll make berry wine once the treading vats are down so then i need not better juice the berry mash that makes sense sorry must rather let's try and keep 10. hopefully soon we'll see the wine being produced so with the cleric your preferred weapon can be scepter and shield engage the enemies in melee combat they'll focus on support spells that weaken and hinder their foes they can't use any direct healing spells only their healing aura that's very cool though okay the brewer is doing brewer stuff making the must that sums it up [Laughter] so once that's produced they should put it in here i guess maybe why is the storage there full okay that's why you need to be careful about storage did you just put it in storage to pick it up again did you just do that i'm looking at you i'm judging you i'm judging myself for poor inventory management i'm also judging you so in a few days we'll have our first berry wines that's why we need multiple of these casks then so how many do we want to make really the casks i think i'm going to focus mostly on wine because i love the idea of berry wine but also i do love the idea of mead because i love meat in real life some of my favorite drinks um okay meat's a bit easier to make at least once you have the uh the honey since these are easy to make themselves but for now let's try and make i kind of want them outside so i can see them easier honestly the wine casks so i might do that somehow but i think i would like you to make 10 of these well everything's a bit of a mess but the same time things are now going a lot smoother so we have our first alcoholic beverage currently fermenting we have these berries which are producing an insane amount of food now they're fully grown so much so i'm probably gonna stop growing some of this stuff very soon it's just it's kind of over the top we have our blacksmith and we have everything else going honestly we just need some more houses now so the next episode is going to be dedicated to building some more homes building some proper storage building some proper stairs over here just really neatening up the village i'm actually really happy with how things are looking at the moment it's just time to neaten things out so with that if you have enjoyed the video then of course likes favorite shares comments all that good stuff helps out me helps out the channel and most importantly shows that stone half is a series you wish to see continued in the future and lots of names are still up for grabs in the comments is where you can tell me about them so thank you so much for watching have a lovely day do take care until next time goodbye
Channel: Lathland
Views: 38,702
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 7NP4XaZ96og
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 4sec (1924 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 15 2021
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