I Let My Viewers Control the Events in Rimworld

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i just want to say f all of you because you're about to you are overwhelmingly sending me a bad animal event right now f all of you f everyone right now currently 53 out of 60 of you are trying to kill me if you ever decide to let your twitch chat type in the commands to events in rimworld don't let this happen to you be warned it all started off pretty simple okay so when you guys bought me milk okay so toe bandit sent me a care package with 12 mil oh sh oh my god what the you sent me cats i guess i could give the milk to the cats and the rats more cats yet more cats thank you for the uranium they were sending me kids stuff but i wasn't ready for what came next mega scarabs have joined hell yeah [ __ ] potatoes why did you do that rice gold now they're angry they're attacking my cats now the cats and the rats are loving it in here another a wild woman can you guys sense me some more wild men and women and now they're gonna try to tame the wild people we gotta put the table in here put that table there put that out there corn corn oh great thank you for the two bites let's put oh [ __ ] what is coming out of the sky it's like ikea it's just like ikea simulator wait whoa i gotta read this a freak localized flash storm is striking a small area with lightning and vomit and cause a massive fire and a massive vomit pulse this was not good it's raining vomit okay good more cats good good we're gonna need that for the ensuing vomit storm to come now what do they think about a vomit storm we need more animal beds guys send some marble sculptures my way i need those this is kind of freaking me out with all the human meat guys can we get some alpha beavers over the fields of vomit can you also give me something to clean up the vomit more human meat i'm a little concerned there's beer in somebody's bed how can we have rain and i guess we're getting rain and vomit rain though i think that the rain is washing away the vomit rain yep they're all gonna die riku is very passionate about medicine and there's a lot of just shitty shitty people more rats a tornado what in the world can we also just get like a shitload of tornadoes i'm going to give you all 1 000 coins paul's this actually turned out to be a very good idea oh no oh no where is the raid you sent me a yak interesting you sent me a yak am i where am i gonna have time for this why did you send me a large sculpture i mean it's a great idea i think we all everybody needs art but [Music] infest [ __ ] oh psychic ship oh we gotta take out that what are we gonna do with that we gotta deconstruct that now if you all chat please don't uh laugh later i've got like a hundred rats guys come on you guys are gonna have to do better than that if you want to kill me you've sent me so many visitors and rats that i think i have a permanent meat shield against anything that might come into this can we just appreciate the mess we still need more meteorites guys we still need more meteorites all right uh let's go just everything is dead everything is dead everything is [ __ ] okay everybody's getting a hundred coins a minute now so this is how this ends everybody gets a bed everybody gets a bed there's not enough beds i can't build beds that fast where are these rats being cut to death so many rats why are there so many raids too they're all getting drafted join the war another infestation look at how much wealth we have now compared to when we started [Music] this is going to cost a lot of lives and i'm going to use up those lives it's amazing it's everything i dreamed it would be and more it's my it's my [ __ ] storm can you just send mass meteors just meteors for a few minutes okay we're gonna take out the raid this is gonna be a heroic defense i want this entire map covered in stone i'll give you as many coins as you need let's cover the entire map in meteor good see if you can kill all of the colonists now i want them all dead i want this [ __ ] taking out good good good kill them all kill them all good good [Music] immediate steel come on kill my colors look at all them look at all them mountain oh [ __ ] we've discovered an ancient underground mechanoid shelter there are 3 000 tornadoes on the map there's fire everywhere just everywhere there's there have been about 500 meteors there is a thrumbo and on the ground are about 300 rats trying to call crawl into a cave and there is a tornado going through my colony now there is there is 500 human meat outside what is this event i didn't even know that this item existed more tornadoes can we count the tornadoes for a second can you crash my computer really try guys this isn't that bad this isn't that much this amateur stuff one two three four an explosion what even was that what was that was that the doomsday rocket launcher going up into a tornado there's a tornado now going on the mountain oh this has just ruined everything come on centipede you can survive come on create another race guys we're gonna need some more things we're running out of things good good is anyone okay mayumi is okay healthy and content he has an artery blockage everybody that he knows died there's a pack of five mad iguanas just going they're just going there maybe they'll get a kill good leads he may have a uh a large machine gun but he's being attacked by five aquinas one of whom died okay we have some sort of procession of rats going through the wasteland perhaps avenging their rat brethren how many rats is that almost 500 rats can we make it an even 500 rats come on rat 705 all my rats all my rats 1200 rats we got 1500 rats do you think that they'll make it past the rats though okay we got the cobras and we have about 500 rats coming in to fight them all under our control who are all fighting you're right sandstone what is all that [ __ ] coming down from the good good thank you so much thank you so much please do what i told you to do good come on my computer is going to crash it's going to crash let's make it happen a lovely jade comet how many rats how many rats 2200 rats i can see you there in chat i can see you fiona buying those rats i can see you how much human meat this is not appropriate almost three thousand rats in the colony okay we've got the rats charging in it's like flight of the valkyries with the rats the rats are mating next to the mechanoids oh good job rat 2442 good job get in there get a piece of that ass yeah all right it looks like rat 2427 and rat 2426 are just [ __ ] over go go my rats go good good job rats come on come on the supply chain the supply chain keep it coming although they're wounded they may have a chance they may have a chance i think the rats might actually kill him i had my doubts there for a second there's who sent me elephants who even sent elephants okay i'm turning back on tool kits so you can send whatever you want what in the world is this toxic fallout do we have toxic fallout now at this point i actually just got up from the computer and let everyone control the simulation it wasn't a game anymore it was just all right oh [ __ ] wow that's a lot on my screen uh [Music] what else what else did you get that's amazing that is amazing there they go there they go this is the result who did elephants who did elephants all the uh all the commands are off now this is this is the end this is the end i can't possibly do anymore we're still alive you're lying on the ground in a fire but you're okay spawn the anti-grain war oh man if we could nuke the map somehow that would be great i'm pretty sure i'm never gonna get out of these pings though i wonder if the game will ever come back to speed [Music] so [Music] [Music] you
Channel: ambiguousamphibian
Views: 120,630
Rating: 4.9451151 out of 5
Keywords: rimworld, rimworld gameplay, rimworld 1.1, rimworld mods, rimworld twitch toolkit, rimworld twitch, rimworld events, rimworld let's play, rimworld game, rimworld 2020, rimworld viewer controlled events, i let my viewers control the events in rimworld, rimworld tips, rimworld funny, rimworld funny moments, rimworld twitch integration, rimworld twitch toolkit integration, rimworld more events, rimworld gameplay 2020, rimworld let's play 1.1
Id: kjSzJqvHfM4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 1sec (601 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 25 2020
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