Starting with nothing… again - Rimworld Royalty Extreme Desert Ep. 1 [Rimworld Naked Brutality]

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Oh no, this is terrible. I love that I discovered that series when it was over and got to binge watch it all. It made me discover Rimworld.

Now I'll actually have to wait between episodes, NOOOO! :D

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 17 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Bytewave πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 12 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

You got me excited, thought it was episode 2. Good good stuff. It's difficult to wait a week for each episode.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 9 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/brutaxus πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 12 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

it was really cool to see the growth of his channel during the original series. when he started he celebrated 5k subs, and half way through he already had 25k and climbing. he currently sits are 75k subs on YT. he's a chill guy that is fun to watch, i love his narration style

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/irishpete πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 12 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I’m really looking forward to the new series, I just wanted to get the word out if the people who might be interested didn’t see.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/whitekidfromsac21 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 12 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Once did an naked EX desert run, found it much easier then a Rich Traveler Sea Ice run, Especially in the mid to late game.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/goslingwithagun πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 12 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I've tried to get into these series, but the real dry documentary tone is putting me off. What am I missing?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Studly_Spud πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 12 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Come on Steak!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/superbanana3000 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 12 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Someone photoshop the domino meme where the start is this pete repeats video and the end is me buying rimworld and joining this subreddit

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Danheet πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 12 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
hey there and welcome back to rim world my name is Pete's and yes we're finally doing it again today we complete the first episode in our brand new rim world series this has been by far the single most requested thing on this channel for the past year or so and with good reason our rim world ice sheet Survival Series was a hugely popular and for a few weeks now I'm really itching to play the game again and let's be honest there could not be a better time for it not only did rim world recently received the rather extensive 1.1 patch but just a few days later the royalty DLC was released introducing a mighty empire psychic powers quests and much much more on top of that the pit complete channel just had its four year anniversary and I think it's safe to say that rim world has been a pivotal game in the channels history so it's only fitting that we start a new series to celebrate a series that will of course include all of the new content I just mentioned now just like last time I will spent the next few moments talking about the set up for this run and I'll leave a timestamp down below if you want to skip straight to the gameplay at this point however I will already say that it is probably going to be even tougher than our ice sheets series which if you haven't seen it yet I highly recommend checking out our starting scenario for the series we'll be naked brutality with a tribal colonists we will once again be playing on the hardest difficulty setting and both our starting location as well as our starting colonists will spice up the challenge even further but more on that in a second before we begin I quickly want to mention that we're also doing a small giveaway of one copy of the rim world royalty DLC to celebrate the launch of the series you can find all the information in the description and the comments down below but taking part is really not that hard all you have to do is leave a comment on the video including but not necessarily limited to the word giveaway the winner will be announced in the next episodes so there is no need to be hasty if you know me you also know that the next episode won't come out for at least another week and with that out of the way let's see what we're getting ourselves into this time first of all we have to choose our starting setup and we're going with a modified version of the naked brutality scenario probably the hardest of the four options here crash-landed starts you with three technically advanced colonists lost tribe gives you five who are a little more rudimentary in terms of knowledge and technology which Explorer gives you one very well prepared colonists and naked brutality gives you one regular columnist who starts with absolutely nothing not even clothes our modified version ramps up the difficulty a bit more by applying the technological restrictions from the new tribe scenario and I have also disabled the random joining of new colonists to keep full control over who enters the colony and who doesn't all and all very similar to how we began our ice sheets series but the lack of clothing is likely going to make the start even more difficult speaking of difficulty we now have to choose our difficulty setting but this time I don't think I have to explain in detail the role of the three different storytellers instead we're jumping right back down to Randy random who is in my opinion the most entertaining one as he is a little less predictable than the other two and he worked more or less nicely for us in the last series we're setting the difficulty up to the highest level merciless we'll make this run a tough one especially in the beginning as we won't have anything to defend against attackers wild animals or disasters and those will all come believe me now while I am going to abide by the no reloading rules of commitment mode we will have to play on reload anytime mode simply for recording purposes the XCOM series has shown me a few times now that small hiccups can and will occur sooner or later and especially with this series here it would be a shame if some of the footage has no audio or several minutes of video get lost because I forgot to hit the record button I am also working with a brand new recording software for the series that still takes some getting used to so I think it makes sense to take extra care up next we have a throwback to our ice sheet series as the seat for this playthrough will be can be our our previous cannibal protagonist so if you want to play along feel free all sliders here will remain on the default settings and world coverage will go to 100% because just like last time I have a very specific starting location in mind right it took me a while to find a suitable place for us but here we are in the desert the extreme desert to be precise after completing a playthrough on the ice sheet going for the total opposite seemed like the only logical choice to me and the extreme desert will bring its very own set of unique challenges temperatures will be very hot putting our colonists at a constant risk of heatstroke wildlife to hunt will be extremely scarce and while we can actually grow a few crops out here suitable patches of ground will be small and the soil will be far from ideal thanks to the hot temperatures our food will also spoil very quickly a challenge that we thankfully did not have to face on the ice sheet additionally as you can see we're also playing on a completely flat map with no hills or mountains that means we won't be able to build a mountain base and raw resources like stones and steel will also be hard to come by requiring us to find other means of getting a hold of them now our colony's location is somewhat close by to a neutral tribe so we will be able to do some trading and let's be honest that is pretty much a necessity with the starting scenario we have chosen but because it's just the tribe there you won't be able to offer us any high-tech equipment which adds to the challenge we are also in the neighborhood of an empire settlement added by the royalty DLC who might have a few more interesting items for sale but we won't be able to trade with them for a while until we have gathered enough royal favour if we zoom out a bit we can see there are a few other settlements in the more distant proximity so down the line new opportunities for trading and maybe also raiding are available now just to make sure and the advanced settings will increase the map size a tiny bit just to have a bit more room to work with and to increase the chance of perhaps finding one or two interesting or valuable things on the map will also start in spring so that you can exactly replicate the starting conditions again in case you want to play long and that's all we have our starting spot located so let's now meet our colonists all right so this right here is the amazing steak or steak for short our starting colonists named after one of my longtime patreon supporters and that is how we're going to handle naming in this series for everyone everyone in the naming rights tier or above over on patreon will get a chance to have their names appear in the series just like we did in the last one and just like we're also currently doing in the XCOM series now thanks to the prepare carefully mod to stake here is a pretty unusual and also pretty challenging colonists he is only 19 years young so he only has a childhood backstory the firekeepers backstory to be exact providing him with a small bonus to his cooking and crafting skills the latter of which is actually very important in the early game however as you can see on the right those are also the only two skills that steak has any sort of experience in and everything else he is a complete and utter novice to some what make up for that he has minor passions in every skill indicated by that small flame so he'll learn a bit quicker but it will still take him a long time until it's even remotely competent in just a single skill I have also decided not to give steak a single trait either which is something we did with cambia in the last series to significantly increase his usefulness but steak won't receive any bonuses to his movement speed or stress resistance or any other handy perk that makes life a little easier so he firmly remains a colonist way below the average he does however have no injuries and he's also capable of performing every skill in the game albeit far from expertly so apart from the restrictions put on us by the harsh location the lack of supplies the reduced research speed the absence of any other helping hands and of course the merciless difficulty setting we are not facing any other constraints and with that I would say we are ready to once again jump into the action our rimworld naked brutality run in the extreme desert with the royalty DLC begins all right so here we go again indeed - welcome to the extreme desert in the middle of our screen we now have a fully naked steak surrounded by not much more than sand it is 6 o'clock in the early morning so temperatures are still manageable but before we get going here let's take a moment to investigate the map you can see there are a few small patches of rocky hills around us those should be able to provide us with building materials for a while but they definitely won't last us for the entirety of the game we also have to dromedaries over on the left here which we might be able to hunt provided of course they stay on the map long enough over in the lower right corner of the map we then have a slightly more unnatural looking structure definitely a place that we will have to investigate sooner or later apart from even more rocks we then also have a few ruins scattered across the map perhaps a remnants of a civilization long gone but may be useful for us for shelter or materials there is also another interesting looking structure up north here pay another place that we want to investigate at some point down the line and that's it pretty much other than that we only have dirt and sand so let's now take a quick look at how steak himself is doing he is currently not hungry and also somewhat rested he does however have a small mood penalty due to being naked and because he's naked his comfortable temperature range is also rather slim and if temperatures rise above 26 degrees Celsius which they will very soon then steak here will start to feel uncomfortable for that reason clothing is high up on our to-do list even more important than that however is food so that is what we're now going to focus on first by having steak deconstruct a small ruin made of steel yes I know not exactly the most straightforward way to acquire a meal but don't worry there is a plan behind it we are aiming for 140 units of steel here twice the carrying capacity of steak and here we are 146 that is absolutely perfect we will now draw a stockpile zone across the entire area so that the game immediately recognizes all of that steel as ours we will then also put down a caravan packing spot right in the middle and then we'll open the wild map now with all of that steel we will now form a caravan as I said stake is able to carry 70 units worth of steel and as you can see steel also has a decent market value so we'll hopefully be able to exchange these 70 units for some food our destination is of course the tribe nearby and it will takes take a few hours to get there however I am fairly confident that he should be able to make it before nightfall as we have no food available to us at the moment we have to confirm to go on this journey without any rations but then again the plan here is to acquire food so we should be fine steak will now collect all 70 units of steel and then leave the map and afterwards we can watch him slowly traverse the desert now as he makes his journey we want to keep an eye on his hunger bar and we want to take note of the exact value it has once he reaches his destination and there we are with 6.3 percent of food remaining steak has a rich deep black rasca tribe so let's do some trading first things first we will sell all of our steel which will sadly only get a 65 silver in return now in terms of food we have a few choices here we could go for something prepared in pemmican but one unit of pemmican does actually have the same nutritional value as 1 unit of meat rice or berries and at the moment we need to get the highest nutritional value out of these small amount of silver we have so we will be purchasing exactly 19 units of rice here with each unit filling the hunger bar by 5% if that is enough to completely max it out with the remaining silver we will then purchase as much wood as we can our aim is to acquire 30 units to make ourselves the first and ranged weapon and unfortunately we don't have nearly enough growing on our map and that would be all for the moment now we can send steak back home with food available he also immediately consumes all of the rice we have just purchased and as you can see his hunger need is completely satisfied for the time being since it's getting late however steak is now taking a rest sleeping away the hours of the night in middle of the desert around 6:00 in the morning he then gets moving again but we can see hunger is already becoming an issue again steak then arrives back home at around noon we can see him here returning to the stockpile where two iguanas are also hanging out and I have also quickly created a small separate stockpile for the would if left out in the open Wood will slowly deteriorate so the least we can do is put it next to the mountain here and build a small roof to protect it that won't entirely solve the problem but it's the best we can do for now afterwards we will then do the entire trading journey again we have seventy six units of Steel left and we still need some food so let's form yet another Caravan and send steak on his way we are also taking the one silver coin here instead of one additional unit of Steel as you may have seen earlier we're selling the steel for less than the silver per unit so at least when it comes to trading the silver is actually worth more to us all right it is close to nightfall snakes hunger bar has been entirely depleted his mood has also hit a critical level but he is about to reach his destination before that happens however we have the very first rate of the series now luckily no one is home at the moment meaning the attacker won't actually have anyone to attack we also don't have any structures in place yet that she might want to destroy so I guess she'll just hang around for a while let's hope that she has lost interest before we return but first let's continue to do some trading again we're selling off all of our steel and then we're going after the potatoes eating them raw will definitely not improve steaks mood but again this early in the game we have to save every penny we can with the remaining silver will then once again stuck upon wood and then we'll send steak back home although before he continues his journey he will once again get some sleep our raiding party of one meanwhile seems to be running around rather aimlessly we will see how long that lasts and here we are halfway through the return trip our attacker has finally given up she has left the map and we can send steak back home safely as he arrives we can see that the two dromedaries are still there and that is excellent because we are about to go hunting now unfortunately in our trading efforts we have only been able to acquire 29 units of wood instead of 30 in hindsight we probably should have bought one or two potatoes less last time but it's not that bad because we have one single cactus on the map that cactus will provide us with some wood of its own and because we want to save travelling time we will have steak carry the wood he already has with him as he makes his way over there then he can start chopping on the left we can see that the dromedaries are still there so in the crafting spot I have just put down we can already queue up a short bow as you can see we need 30 units of what to make one and this weapon is actually also why we went with the fire keeper Baxter earlier because in order to make it we need a crafting skill of at least two while stagers crafting we can then see one of the two dromedaries is running off and that is because of a rather unsurprising lack of food on the map as steak is just about to finish the short bow the other dromedary is also about to move but considering the direction it's taking we should be able to catch it before it leaves and now we are shot both finished at the same time we are being hit by a solar flare but we are still very far away from having any electronic devices whatsoever so this is an incident that we can safely ignore instead we will now have steak equipped his poor quality short bow and then try to catch up with the dromedary he is luckily a bit faster than the animal and that is absolutely vital in this situation because with a shooting skill of zero we will not even attempt to land a hit from distance instead we will get up close and personal and then fire the short bull from a distance where we have at least a moderate chance of landing a hit and as you can see that is working quite nicely and luckily also resetting the dromedaries priorities where it was once heading straight for the edge of the map in search of food it is now more concerned with running away from steak the much more pressing threat to its survival finally then stay glance the killing blow and with that he has now secured himself a food source on this map for the very first time in this series now at this point I made a small mistake by putting up a butcher spot right next to the dromedary carcass it would have been a bit smarter to first draft the corpse up to where we want to eventually put up our first temporary face still he can now butcher the animal for a decent amount of meat and camel hide good enough to provide him with a filling meal before he then lays down in the sand to get some rest now due to the temperatures out here in the desert of the meat will of course spoil very very quickly but then again it's not that much so we'll likely consume most of it before it goes bad at night then with the solar flare already over we can watch an interesting situation unfold here you can see one of the iguanas we caught a glimpse of earlier making a straight line for our power of dromedary meat and while considering the amount we have and how fast Spoils will actually live to do that with the second iguana also joining in a few moments later now here's where all of this actually turns out to our advantage after feeding the iguanas we'll just like steak get some rest and they will do that right next to steak meaning we can now sneak up on them so with his short bow in hand we will now move steak up as close as he can which in proper XCOM style gives us a guaranteed hit unfortunately it doesn't kill the iguana and it sends both animals fleeing for the moment but don't worry they're not overly ambitious in their escape so we should be able to kill them both fairly easily provided of course they did not fight back but even in that case we have the advantage of a ranged weapon albeit at least for now a highly inaccurate one all right there we go one-shot kill with the first iguana the other one has briefly gone back to sleep but is now active again but we should hopefully be able to take it out with the next hit as well all right there we go two dead iguanas that is a decent amount of food for the next few days and despite the hunting trip steak is actually still pretty well rested at the moment so let's have him do a bit more work first things first we'll have him haul the meat over to our already roofed overstock pal because that is what we will build our first small shelter and we will build that shelter in style out of Morrible to be exact we have a large marbled structure here that we can deconstruct and even though the entire process takes a while it provides us with ninety four units of marble more than enough to construct a few walls and a door now what I've planned here is really just a simple Shack on the side of the mountain it will takes take a while to get this finished because marble is pretty hard to work with and that is also the reason why I did not fill in the edges to save as much time as possible we'll also put down a small sleeping spot so that's they can finally sleep inside somewhere but then construction is suddenly interrupted by our very first quest okay so the gutless praetor has become available let's see what this quest is all about okay so it looks like a praetor of the Empire is calling upon us to help she is apparently being chased through the desert by an angry goose and asks us to keep her safe in our colony until her shuttle can arrive to pick her up in exchange she would bestow upon us eight units of royal favour enough to grant us the title of yeoman which will unlock psychic abilities all of that for simply fending off a goose I think we can confidently accept that quest we will accept it with stake since we have no other colonists so he will be the one receiving the royal favor and there we go the medics sign of Dana's has just arrived on the map now as you can see here she is a praetor and as such she refuses to do quite a few kinds of work for example she considers beneath her all forms of hauling cleaning plant and animal work but not listed here is construction and will actually use that to our advantage so for the moment stake can interrupt the shelter construction he will now carry the camel hide back over here while our esteemed guest makes her way over to the building site while she does the oh so dangerous goose arrives on the map however I really don't think we'll have much of an issue taking it down now back to our projects we can see that Sun and anus is already busy putting up walls while snake himself has put up a table from a nearby ruin and is now also busy constructing the goose is getting closer though so let's prepare for combat now just in that moment Saturday's as shuttle also arrives so we could in theory now have adjust run over there and fly away which would complete the quest but leaf stake alone with a man hunting goose and that is not really the plan I think we should execute primarily because seiner Dana's herself has access to a number of very interesting psychic abilities you can see them here down low in green she can for example slowed down a creature or form a psychic link with a target she can also command eight to approach her and her psychic abilities even allow her to raise a physical wall from out of the ground a little further off on the left she has what is called a psychic entropy meter rim world's equivalent to a mana bar if you will and each ability used will fill a portion of that bar up and the more it fills the more dangerous things become I think we'll get a bit more into detail once we have psychic abilities of our own for the moment we can have steak already his bow and send him into cover and then begin the hunt with Sylar Dana's will use the burden psychic ability to slow down the goose but then again it is a fairly slow animal anyway so there's really not much of a need for it our guest herself will then also play the bait as we lure the goose around in circles and this should hopefully allow stake to land a hit or two but as you can see my rimworld skills appear to be a bit rusty because the first one to land a hit is the goose a few moments later however an arrow finally connects and at this point I decided to turn our guests into a melee fighter one more hit should be enough to eliminate the goose and indeed sander Dana's punches the goose to death threat removed quest more or less completed now our esteemed guest here has suffered a few injuries and should probably get back to her shuttle but on the right side you can see that the shuttle will actually stay around for quite a while longer so for a few more hours we can make use of an additional pair of helping hands and we would be stupid not to take that opportunity so we'll have both steak and sauna Dana's do some construction work now that will definitely speed up the building process and provide steak with a working shelter as soon as possible we can also handily circumvents ina Dennis's aversion to hauling by making her a butcher since the task of butchering a creature includes hauling the corpse to the butcher spot and since I know Dana's is actually capable of butchering we will now have her carry over the to Daddy quanis she won't do any actual butchering though because for the moment we have enough meat but this is a neat little trick to circumvent certain restrictions once all animal corpses are much closer to our temporary base we can have her continue to construct and then in the evening we do actually have our shelter up and running all that's missing is a roof so let's quickly get that in place and then we can also have her build a marble hoop stone ring just so that steak has something to play with and to blow off stress and once the thing is constructed he does in fact immediately start playing while for sign Adina's it is now finally time to leave we definitely do not want to risk her shuttle leaving without her so let's have her make the trip over there enter the shuttle and then send it off all right and there we go we have completed our very first quest sila dana's has safely escaped both the goose and the desert and for our help we have received the title of yeoman and a psychic amplifier the other two notes here basically say the same with eight points of royal favor we have skipped right over the first title of freeholder to yeoman and as such we have been granted access to a psychic amplifier which has been dropped right next to our base and we will of course have steaky use it immediately and there we go we unlocked the psychic ability burden the same ability that we just used a moment ago to slow down the goose and ladies and gentlemen that in my opinion marks a perfect point to make the cut in today's episode the first few days out here in the extreme desert have certainly been eventful but I am very much looking forward to see how our journey continues now to wrap things up I quickly want to note that of course not all episodes in this series are going to be this long as many of you already know I'm doing post commentary for all of my videos and that takes a lot of time and effort so let us realistically aim for 15 to 20 minute episodes from here on out also again in case you have not seen it yet please feel free to check out my room wild ice sheet series which starts with a very similar set up but of course in an entirely different biome also do not forget to take part in the giveaway if you're interested in winning a copy of the royalty DLC for yourself and I think that's really all I have for today now as always but of course especially today I hope you enjoyed the episode and if you did then I would be very happy if you could leave a thumbs up if you like what I'm doing and want to support me in my channel further then you can of course subscribe to stay up to date and get notified when the next episode goes up or you can also support me over on patreon for a chance to have your name appear in the game at some point as well and that's all I am super excited to have room wealth back on the channel and I hope you are as well so thank you all for watching and I'll see you next time yes
Channel: Pete Complete
Views: 1,054,148
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Rimworld Extreme Desert, Rimworld Naked Brutality, Rimworld Extreme Desert Naked Brutality, Rimworld Royalty, Rimworld Royalty Expansion, Rimworld Royalty DLC, Rimworld Extreme Desert Challenge, Rimworld Pete Complete, Pete Complete Rimworld, Rimworld 1.1, Rimworld Randy Random Merciless, Rimworld Starting with nothing, Rimworld start with nothing, pete complete rimworld, rimworld pete complete
Id: yDeqk45z900
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 54sec (1674 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 04 2020
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