Rimworld review | Deep Space Organ Harvesting™

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Probably the best review/explanation of rimworld ive seen

👍︎︎ 165 👤︎︎ u/prazedesun487 📅︎︎ Jul 20 2018 🗫︎ replies

It's great how Sseth's usual remarks aren't even exaggerations here.

👍︎︎ 148 👤︎︎ u/Shitposting_Skeleton 📅︎︎ Jul 20 2018 🗫︎ replies

"buy my book"

-- Tynan Sylvester

👍︎︎ 55 👤︎︎ u/acidwave 📅︎︎ Jul 20 2018 🗫︎ replies

Yup. That's about right. Suprised didn't mention the p ridiculousness of drug addicts and binges.

👍︎︎ 46 👤︎︎ u/natetan 📅︎︎ Jul 20 2018 🗫︎ replies

This review is absolutely perfect.

"Randy is objectively the best storyteller. He follows no set patterns and keeps you guessing and adapting your strategy. Whereas Phoebe lulls you into a false sense of security.("Have you been talking to other AI's?" "I only hurt you because I love you.") And Cassandra, Cassandra can go fuck herself."

👍︎︎ 93 👤︎︎ u/Thimascus 📅︎︎ Jul 20 2018 🗫︎ replies

Another great contribution from the merchant's guild.

This was a pleasant surprise , since Sseth's videos are usually followed by few months of no content

And the best part, I just started playing the game some 24h ago!

👍︎︎ 45 👤︎︎ u/AlexJKV 📅︎︎ Jul 20 2018 🗫︎ replies

Sseth is great. His review for factorio is hilarious too.

👍︎︎ 44 👤︎︎ u/ScotchAOC 📅︎︎ Jul 20 2018 🗫︎ replies

So how is Tynan actually pronounced? I always thought it was TIE-nin, but Sseth pronounces it tee-NAN here. Granted, Sseth is Danish and pronounces everything wrong, but now I'm paranoid.

👍︎︎ 13 👤︎︎ u/Whiskey-Rebellion 📅︎︎ Jul 20 2018 🗫︎ replies

Dumb question: is 1.0 out? because my game hasn't updated and the only thing I can find is if you opt into the unstable beta, and- at least to me- unstable beta≠1.0. If it's still beta they really shouldn't be calling it 1.0.

👍︎︎ 27 👤︎︎ u/Desembler 📅︎︎ Jul 20 2018 🗫︎ replies
Hey, hey people. Sseth here. Today, I'll be reviewing Rimworld. Because it hit 1.0 recently, and it's pretty fucking great. It's made by a few people in Montreal, China. Including this guy... ... who wants you to buy his book. Rimworld is a sci-fi colony simulation game. Which includes, but is not limited to: Forceful organ harvesting, Cannibalism, Catching carcinoma from breathing in toxic fallout, And cargo pods falling from the sky directly on your favorite animal. Rimworld's got it all! It's very similar in the vein of Dwarf Fortress. You generate a planet, you choose some appropriate colonists... (Which could either be:) Useful members of society, possessing skills that will improve your chances of survival Or... Mentally challenged apes. Who can't actually contribute anything meaningful to your colony. Besides being a walking breathing shitting sack of human meat. And then once you've chosen them, you crash land on a location of your choice. The location of your choice can be a reasonable one... ... Like a forest with appropriate vegetation and close proximity to friendly colonies Or... You can land in the middle of malaria town. Or maybe you'd like to spice things up! And crash in a sub-zero ice sheet. Or a scorching hot desert with no resources. Why would you ever possibly do that? Because it's """"""""""""""""FUN"""""""""""""""" Your ultimate goal: Get yourself a working ship and get the fuck off this planet. But surviving that long and managing the combined autism of multiple colonists who think beating the shit out of each other (Just prior to a pirate raid) is a good idea, will make that exceedingly difficult. When starting a new game Rimworld asks you to choose from a selection of three different AI storytellers. These influence the events and the frequency of which they occur as part of your colonies story. In no particular order, they are: Cassandra Classic... ... Who will progressively increase the challenge your colony experiences. By... sending a pack of alpha beavers to eat all your trees! five times in a row. There's also Phoebe Chillax... ... Who suffers from bipolar disorder! She does absolutely nothing for several months Making you question whether or not the game is broken. Then... She'll send two hordes of pirates with sappers. Who will dig through your defenses, while all of your colonists simultaneously catch intestinal parasites from not wearing appropriate protection when eating @$$. And then There's Randy Random. Randy doesn't hide the fact that he is out for your blood. And doesn't actually give a shit what happens to your colony. Events will happen. Good or bad... But they'll happen consistently. Randy has previously sent raids, crashed mechanoid ships containing toxic waste, and started a volcanic winter... ... All in the span of a single afternoon! But he made up for it shortly after, by instantly domesticating every squirrel on the map to join my colony and eat my potatoes. Objectively, Randy is the best storyteller. He follows no set pattern, and keeps you guessing and adapting your strategy. Whereas, Phoebe... ... lulls you into a false sense of security. And Cassandra... Cassandra can go fuck herself! The game is quite innovative in the sense that each colonists has their own Background, traits and personality. This sounds good, in theory. If you've worked in a special needs school before and have experience of tard wrangling. You'll find yourself right at home. Colonists can have traits ranging anywhere, from being; Kind, hardworking and having exceptional immunity To being Neurotic, depressive and being a hideously deformed mouth-breather. Their backgrounds often mesh together with their traits And create an exceptionally volatile, unstable human being. These are quite diverse and colorful. And consists of both a childhood and an adulthood that forms the core of their character. There's probably so many fucking backgrounds that I've never even seen them all. You can have a research scientist, Medieval slaves, Japanese pop idols, PUBG ( Player's Unknown Battleground ) players, and vat grown sex slaves. All living in the same colony. Or, You can get a special snowflake. Who, due to their pampered childhood and traumatic adulthood... ... Can do no useful work, and sexually identifies as limestone. I recommend stripping these people nude, handing them some dog food, and sending them out to the wilderness. Don't worry... They'll be fine. Oh shit! She got captured by pirates. Don't worry! *asthmatic giggle* Help is on the way! Characters interact with each other And may even love and hate the shit out of each other. An effecient colony needs a variety of skills and people to survive. As every person shines on different tasks And develops them at different rates, according to how much they enjoy it. A digger seasoned in mining will feel right at home chipping away iron and exposing my colony to insect infestations. While the sickly 15 year old boi I bought from a slave trader May not be the optimal person for crafting leather jackets. Owing to the fact that I've replaced both his legs and hands with wooden stumps... And you can "DO" that. Every body parts can be replaced with prosthetic and bionic parts... Because people tend to lose them. Whether through a stray bullet, Or getting pecked out by an ostrich. "ACCIDENTS" happen. Rimworld has a fully functional bodypart and organ system For every living creature in the game. Parts can get damaged, scarred, burned, infected, and chopped right off... And that's about the gist of it, for colonists. For the colony itself... You need to adapt to different environmental and physical threats As you slowly grow and expand. In between threats, you can even research new and additional technology Giving you access to equipment, resources, and structures that increase your self-sufficiency. You can also open up the World Map and send caravans to trade with friendly colonies, Take missions, and improve diplomatic relations. You can even start additional colonies, get ambushed by flesh-eating turtles, Build pod launchers and fire a dozen super soldiers dressed in power armor Straight... ... into a colony and commit genocide. Rimworld 1.0 really has it all ;) Aside from handling food, energy, appropriate accommodations and clothing... Defense is probably your most important priority. No matter how well your colony is doing, an unexpected attack can decimate your entire base. Luckily, the AI is pretty predictable And even the smarter AI patterns can be learned and manipulated. This leads to people constructing increasingly elaborate and sadistic killboxes. Labyrinth themed trap mazes, Romanian corpse freezers, Engineered cave-ins and walking Holocaust ovens. Temperature dynamics work quite nicely in this game. So one of my favorite defensive strategies is to bait raiders into entering my base through a narrow, creeping tunnel of granite. As they manage to slowly crawl halfway through the tunnel I quickly go all Edgar Allan Poe on them, and seal the entrance behind them. Since we don't want our guests to get cold, I tell one of my colonists to start a nice roaring fire near the exit using some conveniently placed furniture We seal the door shut, and that's when they make the realization. "LOL WE GON DIE OMG! :DDDDDD" The walls are covered in scratches. The tunnel heats to several hundred degrees celsius. Clothing ignites... ... Flesh fries ... ... And skin melts off the bone. Each man will dig and claw at the walls in futile desperation. Tearing their nails out while their organs boil. And then Randy will drop a cargo pod containing milk! The best trade of course is psychopath That's a bit of a segway. But I felt that I should talk about my current colony. I exclusively recruit psychopaths, because they practice what I call "Moral Relativism" And I practice what some would call "An organ harvesting operation" Which personally, I find to be a very offensive and bigoted term to describe "Non-consensual organ arbitrage" Why do I do it? Because it's very profitable. A human in Rimworld can provide you with free healthy organs before they need to rest. One of his kidneys, one of his lungs. And a free choice between his liver or heart. My colony makes every attempt to grow smoothly, and weed out undesirables. Who can't adapt to corporate culture. This one didn't dodge so well.. :( At least, he'll make a good sofa! :) It's amazing, how quickly this game turns you into a monster. Surprisingly though, every faction loves me. (Besides the Raiders) Even on the frontiers of civilization, You can't escape the unwashed horde of human rights activism The soundtrack is pretty alright, but Tynan keeps asking me to buy it separately. (Together with his book) The graphics are pretty clean and simple, and have a certain charm to how minimalistic they are It's very utilitarian in its appearance, but still very pleasant. To close off, Rimworld is very expansive of its content right now. And can easily consume hours and days of your life. It's very addictive, challenging, and frustrating. I simultaneously give my highest recommendation. And a word of caution, since I genuinely believe my blood pressure and cortisol levels sharply rise when playing this game. It's fucking great. And there's always mods to fix all the broken shit. Go play it, enjoy it! Get two psychic ship crashing in the middle of your base and never touch that retarded shit ever again! Oh, at least Randi sent me more milk. A warm thank you to the many members of a merchants guilt, which have been generously funding and bankrolling these videos. You're all truly Wonderful Have a good one!
Channel: SsethTzeentach
Views: 2,859,010
Rating: 4.9448142 out of 5
Keywords: rimworld, review, ssethtzeentach
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 10sec (610 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 20 2018
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