I LOST A TOE In The Battle Of A Life Time

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this is a gator farm there are literally gators everywhere that potentially get out come on to the property there could be anything in here right now and it's me in here with them robbie what was in there getting my robbie robbie i used to have a big toe what it's okay you know what got my big toe i used to have a big toe you asked me to get in the truck where are we going robbie with the get swamped ranch called me and said it's an emergency i don't know how many emergencies this guy has but apparently this is a big one see dogs right over there so i don't see robbie yet i see z dog let's figure out zinda let's figure it out let's see what we have arrived what's going on what's the emergency well we just got another gear you got a gator how big how big we never know for sure but they said eight foot um oh man i am ready gator scouts is on yet again look at this that's my first pin what happened it's magic baby uh you know what you're missing z-dog z-dog z-dog you're missing your best my man i don't need a vessel yeah he needs a vest he needs a vest okay listen here rookie all right um you have to we have to practice okay so then we get our aim out all we gotta do is we'll hit that box we're aiming for the box yeah just hit the box and whenever you hit the box once is this two step back is this left-handed right-handed um uh-huh so so that's a so that's a righty or lefty um i'm right-handed so i just so you just you do your thing and there nervous he goes aim a little you know too far right a little to the right a little to the right you know not bad all right you think i can hit it i think so yeah it's your turn you really gotta try to hit that box all right i'm going for the box all right hands down here and yep okay yeah you you forgot a step would i forget oh oh oh oh oh oh minor detail minor detail it flipped the bale oh oh i thought it was bailing the hay there give me a tip so at the climax uh actually this is actually going to help george just ran out there this will actually you know what i'm good now i don't need i don't need no tips if i got her to aim at she's still stinking feisty i'm good to go oh within inches z dog if you can actually hit the box i have a special surprise reward for you you think you can hit the box watch and learn [Music] cow that's how it's done yeah um you earned this you earned this okay uh nice shot i figured you love playing with little robbie and uh so i got you a little something to play with little robbie brand new everlast ever shield you and little robbie can go at it and hey if you and little robbie don't want to go at it you and your sisters how about you and me rookie oh what are you guys doing practicing man what are you aiming at the box the box dude what are you where are you city boys i got robbie i have something you have something yeah a weight used to practice why are you making fun of me being fat why is it always a fat joke with you dude listen listen okay just tell me you got this down tell me look the vest is awesome yeah the city boy thing you got to lose you got to learn how to fish did you never grow up fishing no i didn't have a dad making the rookie carry all the heavy stuff you become the pack mule yeah my hooray i don't have to do any of that anymore if you hear behind me there's not only the wind but there's also a baby alligator call so right now what we're attempting to do is actually call this 10-foot gator into us instead of us going out to end all right what's what's going down robbie this is a small pot so that's cool yeah but i don't know what it is i saw we were walking up i saw something was out of the water there but it's gone now it it could have been a turtle head it definitely did not look like a 10-foot gator i mean how big would a 10-foot gator look like coming out of the water its head's gonna be about like that i saw something about you know like that like baseball softball yeah baseball softball size that's probably soft shell turtle yeah or taco you getting hungry it is lunch time it is we should maybe maybe go get us up yeah probably or soft shell taco over there with in the cypresses nope see this there's a black line yeah right there i don't think that was i didn't think that was a gator i thought that was just like a piece of plastic garbage yeah i saw that from the very beginning of us being out here that didn't look like a gator at all to me it's a gator you think for sure oh you got the binocular okay all right look that's his tail that black part you can see his head about three feet in front that's him i don't know man dog come here look i don't know i had lasik looking through the binoculars that looks like a piece of plastic this queen that they laid down for the edging of the pond that's a definite well i am the rookie what do you think z all right let's put some money down on this if it's plastic you owe me what if if it's plastic you owe me i owe you a hundred dollars you owe me if it's plastic you owe me a peacock i'm gonna give you peacocks anyways nobody knows that yet i'm gonna give him a peacock anyway okay if it's plastic what it's a hundred bucks you owe me a hundred dollars yes and if it's a gator you owe me 50. deal shake on it can i get on this yeah what do you think i can tell you for sure that's plastic okay you said plastic too 100 100 i will set i will give you a and z you owe me 50 if it's a gator so i you two together that'd be 150 wait yeah 100 yeah you know what i don't do math a little bit of information as we continue the search we've learned that there was not a 10-footer but potentially a four-footer and it was quite a ways down that four-footer's got to come up for air frequently so if it's here we'll see it z-dog is bringing the the gator call box right now again males and females will respond to that call as you see yeah actually i think z-dog is actually extremely fluent in gator as well hey focus what focus oh focus listen listen to z it just went under again it's right here it's right there so that it is that is it wasn't a turtle that i saw it was the baby it was the four-foot gator and i just saw it through the binoculars it is the gator okay perfect it's a gator for sure perfect so you just went under right just went under right here z dog we're going to need smaller hooks and we need the knife and just bring that whole box over here because we're going to need a smaller hook to get him this is far from a 10-footer this feels like every conversation between a male and a female right now it really does it's ten foot try two but you know what's cool about if it is a four forefoot and under we get to go release it back into the wild that'll be cool that'll be really cool you gotta use the big hook for your best catches right yep came up twice right there what do you think three times lucky charm uh oh but small ones get spooked easy trying to say i'm spooky no not at all but everything is spooky to them but the problem is when they see one of these small dogs then they think they're billy then they think there's something bad what do you think that plastic is thinking right now when it sees us it's probably saying i'm safe they're not after me i was pretty confident that wasn't a gator but what i saw in the binoculars is now everything i even saw i saw the sun shining off of its eye so i i do have bionic eyes i had to have surgery for that i saw it come up twice now see i should never doubt your bionic eyes bionic eyes this is what makes the money baby this is what makes the money in storage units robbie if you want to lose my game taking off if you wanted a beach day you didn't have to lure me out and there was a gator we literally could have just went to the beach we shouldn't do it we could have just went swimming and hung out at the beach yeah have we've been okay with that this is kind of nice though it is it feels really nice good dino done that's fart rock right there that's the good stuff we've seen the gator pop up twice and the only thing going through my head right now is where oh where could this gator be i'm out in the water with z and robbie that's all i wrote so far we didn't find the gator but we saw the signs of the gator bubbles coming up from the actual water which is pretty characteristic of a gator still searching how do you go from ankle deep water to thigh high wasn't a frog unfortunately no gator and you know what that means no patch but scout master robbie what we got well we got back from the gator call and one of our workers scott told us he saw baby ducklings do you think they're in here nothing yet just poop just poop chicken poop chicken boo yeah ah chicken poop anyways stay up stay on f unfocused stay on track focus focus all right okay focus all right all right we got to find these baby ducks so i can get it done these are freshly hatched i can get a duck patch okay so there are freshly hatched ducks and we're gonna send them home with you because here the owls and the hawks will eat them deer owls and hawks uh no hawkers allowed here because rockers are gonna hawk owl and owls see your way out and then we'll just put welcome at yeah you know robbie's farm get swamped there you go hawks and owls go get swamp go figure oh my god jeremy they're right there look just just jeremy you can skip the first part of that it's just oh jeremy oh jeremy look they're right there they're down here in the pan right there oh man i see him i see him one two three four five six there we are there's a bunch of them there's six little ducklings okay all right what's our plan um do we ever have a plan i do you not so much so much i say we wing it let's go around there let's duck wing it we'll just wing it act like we're one of them so we're gonna go down we're gonna go down into the water we're gonna duckwing this how many did you count i count 10. they're swimming away they're swimming away you're good at this here we have we have six so far this is the six that we have they're either nine or ten total we're going back in these are very rare ducks now right now they look cute yellow these are a rare breed of ducks and they're gonna go to the what the hell's ranch they're gonna live nice happy lives i can't tell if it's nine or ten yet let me tell you walking down in there not knowing what you're stepping on there are a lot of things that feel like gators we gotta get the rest of these you guys are okay yeah you're okay two [Music] this one goes under long so does this one he's got it got it you got it [Music] this one over here we're at where we're at well something just hit my foot something's been hitting more than my foot where'd it go that one goes under there there all the way over there these little babies go under big time [Music] oh so nasty in here here's the craziest part has he got him it's a gator farm they're literally gators everywhere that potentially get out come on to the property there could be anything in here right now and it's me in here with them crazy hey come back here we potentially have them all we're going to count them right now okay we've got george i'm gonna have to hand them to you okay okay all right oh wait i'm not ready for z dog z dog can i hand them to you get the official count look at this look at this okay look at look at this one look how cool that one is that one has yellow feet that one has dark feet okay so there's two there's two good idea all right that's why you're the scout master look at this one pure yellow feet and this one pure black feet i love it okay so there's four nope we're good captain fumble nut still has it the beautiful thing about ducks is they could fall from thousands of feet and but just not here not here they're not gonna they have nine lives we got four five six look we got another look at that one look how cool those feet are like a hybrid there okay so there's six okay all right z dog okay that one that one see like i was saying they can fall from thousands of feet all right all right so like i was saying okay there's six right yeah i got six oh they're very square six very small okay seven eight guys seven eight nine ten eleven oh my god oh i got him got him all right there's 11. there are 11 total baby ducks now these things are so adaptable and literally literally can fall from all kinds of heights you're not going to hurt them one of the things that some ducks do they actually jump out of the nest they fall down they fall down they're fine they're going to be so stinking happy they're going to go with the other ducks and the other chickens at the ranch me on the other hand robbie what was in there i'm getting my robbie robbie i used to have a big toe what it's okay you know back what got my big toe i used to have a big toe jeremy it'll grow back i don't believe him best part of this is we're saving them man because by tomorrow she would have none between the owls and the hawks and at our place they're gonna have friends they're gonna have um no enemies no enemies at all exactly except my neighbors that's true but maybe we can train them to be attack ducks guard ducks to go along with the guard hogs oh yeah all right robbie what kind of duck okay okay i think we're yep we're good we're good but these are muskogees they're an african voiceless duck wait i just literally just heard them voiceless like i said when they're babies they peep you try to teach him but robbie robbie before we go i gave z-dog a gift i've got one for you too what is that that is the one and only carol baskins vhs we bought a storage unit with all my bills almost two thousand dollars dude stop stop stop listen carol baskin you're on gator call go home get some sleep because the phone could go off tonight and you gotta leave in the middle of the night get out of here thanks have fun brother we have all 11 beautiful little ducklings home all right we're going to get them we're going to get them a whole new home built let's check on the other ducks too we got pigs saying hi over there look at all these lucky ducks now they've been inside all day because we are home at robbies look at this they're so big guys hi guys all right this is how oh i was going to show you how big they are by the size of my hand how are you doing look at that there's chicken nugget chicken little we got their eggs today these ducks are so stinking all right here we go look at this there's my hand that's how big the ducks are now this is what the baby pigs scream and yell for when we get home they want a treat their dog treats they love it it's biscuit flavored look at them going look at them go all right let's see who we have first now i've got this whole little area for them we'll have a heater on them tonight they're so cute look at how their eyes are grayish [Music] identify each one okay so maybe that's huey uh-huh potentially this might be see that one huey this might be dewy look at the foot patterns oh my goodness look at that so cute that's like their fingerprint oh my goodness this one's so cute let's call that one jeremy because it's so cute okay now we've got fresh food fresh water and this is from grandma leanne right here the duck bed so we've already raised ducks in here once and let's see this foot now you see that foot doesn't have any marking except up on the leg we'll call that one black foot that sounds appropriate okay here's number four we see all the markings here now they're going to look so much different once they grow up oh yeah look at that let's look at the foot markings here too it's just so interesting the diversity but there's there's foot markings there little duckling manicures pedicures now we could probably put these ducks in with the chicken coop and the other ducks right now but i want to make sure that they have plenty of heat so we're actually going to put a little heater on them so these guys these are incredible these guys are going to have so much fun in the pond they're fast swimmers they are excellent swimmers already here's another oh look at that all right now that look at the feet here look at the feet there there's no yellow so diverse and look that's like the runt of the litter that is the smallest one yet that is the smallest one smallest one yet and then here we go i love ducks ducks are just okay feisty feisty feisty for sure spicy like you now they're not being hurt and ducks are so um man they bounce back from everything they literally they are they are the entire body here is is fluff which is again it's a protective layer of fluff helps them float on the water there's so much fluff think of it as their entire body is bubble wrap and that's why they can already float on water look look pure black feet there too you see that just a little bit of yellow on the right foot just a little bit of yellow on the right foot there right at the the speckling that's how we'll be able to tell them apart this one jumped at my hand hi how you doing oh where are you going i'm hoping that's the feisty one right there that is the feisty one now look we went from that one's very golden very very golden we went from pure black to now pure gold okay have we told you guys lately how cute you are okay now we've got look at that i love it write down write down the webbing okay so these two oh man they're so fun they're so fluffy now these guys will get i was trying to look at the color of the eyes of that one just like just like our farm ducks that we got these guys will get really okay that's all right that one definitely took skydiving classes this is they will grow accustomed to us yes and and very very quickly right now they're in stranger danger mode but they will they will imprint jeremy and george on them and once they imprint jeremy and george then what happens look at that see now this was the jumper and now hypnotize that one it was the jumper now the sleeper just like that and just like that they're already sleeping look at that we're imprinted okay now oh my god look at the runt that one is this one is the runt of the lit you see how different it's the darkest okay the darkest you see how different the feathers are as well and then so we've got some long so what we're gonna do i'm gonna put i'm gonna put a space heater in here and we already have fresh water we got fresh food and here i'm gonna i'm gonna encourage these guys to go over and together guys cuddle together and then i'm gonna put the runt in the middle i just want to take care of the run and then oh my gosh we're going to put a heater on them you are adorable with your gray eyes [Music] everybody seems to be doing all right i had to go with higher walls what is this look at this massive egg you know baby girl is eating good she's eating real good hey babies hey babies look at that so stinky they're part frog part ducky [Music] [Music] you
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 75,302
Rating: 4.86485 out of 5
Id: PXa3xfc4s2k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 43sec (1723 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 12 2021
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