Cities: Skylines Campus but a psycho is in charge of education

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Kevin's bridges are beautiful, and to that I say, "Yes"

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/DaMudkipper 📅︎︎ May 22 2019 🗫︎ replies

Oh feck. He made Louisville. I'm now living in a Kevin-run video game. Side note: the lack of education keeps us voting republican!

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/DrumpfTinyHands 📅︎︎ May 22 2019 🗫︎ replies
hey the friends how's it going my name is Kevin and today's video is sponsored by Paradox Interactive we're going to be taking a look at city skylines campus the new DLC that's right if you watched my draw my life you'll know that I quit school at an early age and it's time to get revenge put me in charge I'm sure there will be no issue whatsoever I'm not a psychopath I'll take care of the kids okay this is what we're working with I wanted islands because I'm thinking that I can have the school on one island and restrict it so only some people can use it I'm very picky who I let into school okay we got our basic structure there and you know what people always say to me they always say Kevin you're very creative with your bridges and I always reply yes it's a space-saving technique okay it's common in advanced cities I just have a one-way street here going into oncoming traffic that's a two-way street and this is a one-way section for no reason I just want this to only be an exit so you can come in this way but you can only come out that way and we'll get to that in a second there we go same on the opposite side perfect the sewage and the water mains just go through the same pipes it doesn't matter they're a two-way system - whoo wait I have a better idea here okay we'll get rid of this road it was ridiculous anyway it would never work okay so we'll have a one-way exit here that can remain one-way bridge over to here a one-way bridge across here this is normal City Planning this is the how my town looks in a one way bridge - they're perfect all right and this is medical land this is a Disneyland except you know it lets you not die this will be Education land wait how is either I haven't built police land yet what are you doing don't listen to him don't pull over I'll wait no that's an ambulance okay still don't pull over I'm sure it's not urgent no god I'm trying not to trap myself with these water mains I feel like I'm playing snake or something there we go that's organized ah worthy village great population of 650 I think we're expanding a bit too fast like this is a village look at this I dug up a barrel full of glowing goo who should I call it definitely not me anyway I'm not gonna answer that ah yes firefighter land one of my favorites actually of their right and police land now you can go around with your sirens on and finally we're on to the schooling zone so we're gonna put down the Institute of Creative Arts over here Community School we got a high school everything is grand over here oh my god why you all so unhappy what's wrong with you you're all sick get over it just go to hospital world while you still can it's free at the moment the music is fake and grim - okay congratulations I'm a boomtown now not even sure what that means I think that's like a festival or something but that's perfect because that means we've unlocked tolls one way toll oh my god where all the [ __ ] ambulance is going through all going to school world what happened over there I like how I made this [ __ ] town into a theme pack somehow okay there's another toll and then we got to get the final toll up here okay now that everyone's like moved into this area we'll start adding prices onto those tolls let's see the ticket price about there for that one that's to get to like all the emergency services then you got to pay more if you want to get into this area so we'll put it up about there and then to get out of the school area you got to pay the maximum fee so you can metaphor for student loans in fact let's call that a student loan Road perfect that probably it's a bit too close to home for some of you I don't want them like peeking over with binoculars or anything and learning when I'm not authorizing it and they're not paying a toll so I'm just gonna make a bit of a wall here imagine living over there with all the landfills and coal mines and everything and being like are they building a mound to keep us out the amount of money how much because they just feed us with that money a year would find food would be a short-term solution it's best we keep our distance vote Kevin because humans get hungry walls are permanent I mean the mayor does have a point like they will just get hungry again walls don't get hungry oh no there's a fire how did that happen don't worry I'll keep building this mountain so that you know oh wait maybe I can raise him up can I I was hoping I could raise him up into the wind so that uh you know he could extinguish it but I guess not there we go we built the wall no that is a second wall that is a mountain range look at it compared to the buildings oh my god even the posh side of town is dying what can I do for you my lovelies you're sick I will buy you hospitals don't you worry you can have as many hospitals as you want every island has some level of emergency response except for the first one which is nothing and they have to go all the way around to get to them - oh God everyone's dying community school a dead person is waiting for transport oh no there's a lot of skull and crossbones one of them has been in a parent for feckin ages good holy ambulances they've just gotta go so [ __ ] far to get in that first Island where most of the people are dying the Forest Service has stated that there is a risk of an imminent forest fire in the area that's not even a forest that's just a single tree okay now that's that's more of a problem leave campsite and tree houses I should probably listen to that I imagine this mayor would be living out of a tree house I can build some other trees to try and block the wind so that the fire doesn't get spread and Plus out of sight out of mind hmm did not work as intended don't worry I know what we need we need a cemetery there we go now we're sorting everybody came down everyone just got happy all of a sudden they're like yay now there's no problem even though if they looked behind them they might see that there's a little bit of a problem okay what if I just dig a hole and then all the fire will just be in a little fire pit people buy you fire pits I might be able to sell this to another city god bless the landscapers who were going in and doing this yep I'm aware don't worry I've got it under control still burying the thing I'm starting to think that's saying only you can prevent forest fires may not be true because I don't feel like I'm able to prevent this at all and if I'm the only one who can and I'm very worried I could make a sinkhole strike and then hopefully that'll suck up the rest of the fire but you know what it does seem a little big it seems like it might be a bit overkill let's just see how my plan works here I think it's burning out I think the fire pit was a good idea I'm just really smart that's why I'm in charge of Education okay I may have to admit that my sewage is it's flowing in to the water and it's probably making a lot of people die but not to worry I have solution what I've done I've built more cemeteries along here it's a one-way road that goes out this direction but I figured once you go down there you're probably not coming back anyway ah hi I'm a Big Town okay great now I can get the feck in University awesome and modern technology Institute okay who will we have to rehome for this sorry there's plenty of room in poor land okay great now that we've got a bit of a start here this is following a path by this island while I bought this island and I'm gonna start expanding using the new campus features okay so we got a campus area this entire thing the whole island is campus Island it's a new addition to our theme pack except for that one hole apparently this this area is not I don't know some sacred holy land whose something now some would say having only the one road from the main city over into the campus district is a bad idea and some are allowed to be wrong you know it's fine this way I'm the mayor here I've got us this far this isn't really in my favor saying that I can see so many skulls and crossbones but look everyone in aquarium look at their pretty fish trying to distract them from all the death I love libraries finally have unrestricted access that really depends on where you live sure the library is free but all the tolls you've to go through to get here okay let's get started on our University so we got the admin center this is gonna be the the brains of the operation this is where I sit drooling all day trying to plan out the college and put down a pack even though the last pack I put down kinda went up in flames and then I buried it no one who the city is allowed talking about that anymore first people across the river must become nuts it's like why are you spending all this money on a university when we have to drink our own sewage [ __ ] well Timmy if I fixed you water you might live but if I fix your education then you can learn to live yourself it's just like sir that makes no sense how about I build you a track-and-field so you can run from your problems I don't run all my problems that's why I love running there's only one problem I can never outrun and that was cares look at that from noxious it's a beacon of hope for all the poor people across the water Jesus Christ there's so much stuff here I don't think I even have an old police academy they make good movies let's put them down crime is like surprisingly not a struggle here I don't know how because I think I'd commit crime just for the hell of it if my mayor was neglecting me like this I'd certainly commit crimes against him god there's so many buildings huh a baseball bat is robbing even further these poor people emphasis on poor I would be pissed like a revolution is coming here for sure I may have to strike preemptively before they come and get me but first I need a landfill for all the junk this place is generating incineration plant where where's this this is my landfill zone I wanna knock some houses I'm doing you a favor trust me you don't want to live here anymore it's only gonna get worse we are however gonna expand out your area not so that you can expand or anything I just want more landfills and also cemeteries are needed badly there we go cemeteries next to the landfills if one's overflowing just put them in the other one oh I am a genius and just to cheer you up now put in a yoga garden across the way look how happy they are who needs food when you got yoga and we'll put in a sauna next to a crematorium just again make sure you're calling the right one we got to change up our team a bit I don't like this and we'll save Pickens public school oh that's fine too I feel like this is Kevin's career something it's like free to go to the matches and I'm seeing you so much money into it just for prestige even though half my people are starving we've only played one game we've lost it though we gotta get better okay we're gonna be a Spartan stereo team color can be hot pink the cheerleading budget is more than I'm giving the people across the way it's been more about her cheerleading and supporting and feeding my people I'm definitely Kevin's Korea can we are renaming to Kevin's Korea Kevin's Korea is that that's fine too you know there's a few islands I care for them slightly differently but they'll never find out which is the favorite childhood I'm accidentally bulldozing a lot of people's homes who have not abandoned this area God knows why who is in charge of picking up all these dead bodies because there doing a very good job could we get like the garbageman to just double down like the crematoriums landfills and the graveyards are all right next to each other they could just multitask imagine that you have like your waste your cycles you glass and then the body bin you just throw the bodies in and they take them away - ah now that is a utopian future I feel like this is actually turning into Korea and the North one just in case you didn't already get it I'm just like allowing boats to come in to the nice built-up area I have now and they just don't get to go over to here at all it's not allowed school law probably a bad idea actually I don't want them getting too smart in that regard they'll find out what I'm doing is kind of dodgy for the most part this sums up this entire - haven't just multiple problems exclamation mark oh my God look at that traffic no wonder that are collecting the dead bodies the traffic flow is so poor Jesus Christ it's kind of beautiful isn't it kind of lights up the city you know I can make this look better to tourists I can make our team's colors blue and right now it just looks like the citizens are cheering them on gonna give out a grant do something good make us look good to the outside world that aren't allowed in academic year report okay let's go Pickens pubic school academic works great we got one we want a sports trophy it's swimming amazing please don't go swim in that water and all the sewage goes right in there wait pathfinding how to find the way I'm sure people on VR chat could tell you a lot of them seem to know and they seem eager to show you I need like a statue in my honor for all the good I've done for these people like I'm teaching them stuff build me a Stonehenge I guess it's not as impressive with modern day technology I've just told someone from the city to go out and put some rocks up hurt well the mystery it's not as cool yeah you know what scrap it carry the rocks all the way out and I'm like I don't want it anymore who is this Cathedral we'll do me this will make me feel better about myself just been feeling a bit unappreciated recently you know there we go now I feel good from her five minutes so this'll do me how's their team doing person is waiting for transport that doesn't matter as long as they're not of the team they've lost one how I think the problem is genetics isn't it because we've a history of a weak population oh my god Jesus Christ a backup with traffic no wonder the dead bodies in the sick and getting collected this whole side of town is just our problem isn't it it's a distraction for the emergency services they're not taking care of the good people and for that reason we can't win in our sports there's only one solution a calling a calling that's what we need and leave the strong intact on campus island this is what I call the emergency bridge which is kind of ironic because if there is an emergency you can't really get off to think okay there we go a lot of the weak are gone now still need to get rid of a few more though perfect I think this was my prized area while ago and now I'm just calling them all because they're uneducated and they're not worth my time they're not putting in the effort that campus island is putting in however I am remembering that all of my emergency services are on these other islands yeah well there's smart people on campus island they'll figure it out I won't have to oh there's an emergency on emergency bridge by the way yes it doesn't matter anymore okay now that they're dealt with we just need to cut them off from us and then annex ourselves from the area can you annex your own land I don't know the point is I'm D annexing them they can have their independence it's fine honestly guys I'm totally cool with it I'm just that kind of a mayor I'm totally chilled with whatever we'll just stay over here with all the good stuff and start again and you guys can good good luck look the cemeteries live that's a plus and we'll learn to rebuild over here and we'll learn to be better at sports Kevin's Korea will prevail but I think I'll leave it at that I hope you enjoyed the video if you want to pick up the game a link will be in the description it does add a lot to the game as you can see there is a ton of new buildings I didn't even get to add them all in this one and there's a lot more gameplay mechanics going on as well which is really cool because this game is so fast as it is and it's just adding more into the toolbox there's a tsunami hitting it's that God like I thought I was God in this world but I I just got instant caramel how did this happen oh I think it was maybe is from the impact when I was destroying the bridges the water came up I'm not sure but yeah I've got instant camera I'm afraid well look there's more people as I said we're learning all about various different things in an island we'll figure it out in fact I think that may have an idea already there's the people complaining that they don't have water it's pretty much the only thing you have right now ok there we go okay I caused the sinkhole so now all the water will just drain out of there and we'll be okay let's just focus on our sports teams but yeah I hope you enjoyed I appreciate your watching as always hopefully you'll pick up this game and have a higher IQ than I do and you can make these people smarter because right now it's like the blind leading the blind pretty much order that I'll just say I hope to see you next time and bye for now shoutouts patrons fanny T fluffy beetle der Vita meatball goth eat our leaf soon Grant McPherson Giuseppe Lim Hannah marsh Harley Peterson have Co Hayden Peterson Hayden Weiss Hayden rice Haley charlesworth hey set 98 Hinrich 420 Hellfire it's breezy jake ruijven co j lady jeffrey Frick Jessie Brosnan Carrie Jesse Walter and Jimmy Lud Regan
Channel: Call Me Kevin
Views: 991,477
Rating: 4.9631438 out of 5
Keywords: kevin, callmekevin, kevin1811, imovingtarget, funny, moments, gameplay, lets, play, game, cmk, clips, city skylines, cities skylines, cities skylines funny moments, cities skylines funny, cities skylines callmekevin, cities skylines game, cities skylines disasters, cities skylines evil, cities skylines campus
Id: mum_ALQij7A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 47sec (1007 seconds)
Published: Wed May 22 2019
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