I did an entire heist with the GTA V Chaos mod

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hey there friends how's it going my name is kevin and today we are playing gta 5 again the chaos mod and i did mention it in one of the previous videos that i wanted to try an entire heist with the chaos mod it's probably a terrible idea but it's too late to stop now we're going gonna try and do the big score the set up and all with the chaos mod i'm just running into the strip club before anything bad can happen oh never mind okay at least i got put in the driver's seat hold on i'm doing a u-turn everyone watch out my gps said u-turn just mount the curb get out of my way pick a lane no amount to curb see this is the problem i've been using the menu to select missions but now i actually have to drive to everyone and i'm not gonna lie to you it's tougher than it looks especially when the mood changes so drastically and i have to drive slow to fit the filter are we safe you said we would be safe i don't have time to talk with your wife i made it to the strip club ah you know i do kind of have some extra time now if you want to call me back back up oh i got a companion everyone sorry come on brad it's time to reintroduce you to trevor we're going to do another heist together just like the good old days wait why is trevor in address [Laughter] oh god this isn't even part of the chaos man this is just him being him it's kind of ruining the tension michael subtle or obvious i'm not a big fan of subtlety we're gonna go with obvious what was that we get the tunnel bore machine [ __ ] glory what everyone just got lit on fire in the strip club i think oh um brad i'm sorry you've been replaced come on chimp let's go can you ask the dj to play some horror i think the dj burned to death sorry what happened my car wait are you gonna attack me where's my chimp where's my chimp no i don't want to fight help me help me do something bouncer bounce please die why are you so strong oh thank god he's actually trying to help me oh no oh i should run get in the car michael get in the car what give everyone an rpg great okay we got ourselves a mission i feel like i'm going too fast for the weather condition yeah a little bit too fast steal the drill look i don't really have time for subtlety any moment now i could just explode so i'm just going to take this if you don't mind great why are you picking the game speed one constantly today oh well it'll give me a chance to make a plan of action um i guess my plan of action is to just go straight whoa whoa whoa what is this oh it's spawned a blue sultan oh my [ __ ] enemy again hold on let me let me handle this stop shooting me a dude no no why do i even have that gun turn around and leave pal all right that's the guard down i'm gonna take the drill oh [ __ ] oh i am not going to take the drill the sultan has showed up again he's just waiting in the yard now how am i supposed to get it oh my god look at him he's like a [ __ ] multiplayer griefer right he's dead die monkeys you did nothing for me oh god they're invincible you can't be here back up hold on i'm being attacked by bees the bees are killing me what do i do oh that wasn't really my fault i feel like i'm gonna have to get super lucky to actually escape these cops no reattach the trailer yeah i'll get right on there oh my god it is absolute chaos i'm amazed it took that long to fail me they were like wait he still has a chance it spawned me just being absolutely destroyed oh am i okay where did you come from the truck is stuck i didn't even get there what happened to it all right this time i'm gonna go straight down into the overflow oh okay i may have broken this mission all by myself this time wait for it no we can reattach this excellent strategy kevin and i got my chimp in the passenger seat it keeps spawning chimps i mean i'm not angry it's kind of nice having a companion to do these missions with feels less lonely this mission has been surprisingly forgiving i'm i was about to say i'm actually going to make it but i shouldn't have even thought those words cause i've jinxed myself haven't i oh no it's lagging and i do not trust the trailer with the lag i've no radar for so long and i don't oh what was that what is going on there's nothing to do with explosions right now why are you exploding i don't know where i'm supposed to bring this and i don't have a map it's just delaying me so that i will die oh my god okay i was so upset i was like why did i even fail did i take too long but i don't know what i'm supposed to bring this i was like finally i know where to go they disabled forwards and backwards movement so i'm just stuck here it looks like i'm just a law-abiding citizen i'm stopped here at a red light although i am in the wrong lane that just exploded why are they exploding i don't know why they're exploding no effect is activated to make them explode now i have exploded why though oh my god i'm back here what's wrong with you michael what do you want you want to come help me let's go oh there's the chimp from earlier good to see you still having a good time you'd love to see it michael i'm sorry things are getting dicey i gotta go you gotta fend for yourself champ gonna drop onto the railroad that'll save me hold on hold on we can do this we just gotta do a little bit of turning a lot of turning you know what knowing my luck i am amazed that the train hasn't showed up no please be fake oh thank god i do this took so much out of me i don't know if i could do it again my vehicle camera's locked and i'm stuck i i can't get through here oh my god i think i've messed everything up guys there are whales blocking my exit are you serious come on like how am i supposed to get out of here my my truck is stuck on wales [Music] why did i think this was a good idea and i did mention it in one of the previous videos that i wanted to try an entire heist with the chaos mod it's probably a terrible idea but it's too late to stop now this is donald bush yeah sure is look at him having a whale of a time huh poor choice award sorry all right this train strategy worked well i just took a wrong turn towards the end i mean when i say worked well it does have its flaws they're all just screaming like where the hell did he go no no no no no no no no turn turn turn oh my god that's the last thing i need easy does it now let's just get out of this nasty situation we found ourselves in how to turn truck i can fit through there can't i famous last words i think no no i made it okay great now i just need to get over the bridge and we're home free thanks for the tug but i do not need it right now oh god i'm 2.3 miles away okay disabled left and right movement are you serious oh no no it's gonna help my w key is stuck and my trailer detached so now i'm just flying high speed away from my trailer how am i gonna do the actual heist if i can't even do the first setup mission no no no no no no it's gonna say the truck got stuck if i stay here thank goodness the bus spawned to free me okay i freed myself and i'm heading in the general direction of my trailer no no no why is it going so fast no no no no no no no no no turn please turn please turn oh thank goodness okay i'm stuck again but my trailer's right there and i think this this is going to run out soon so i'll be able to move soon enough all right quickly hitch this up i'm amazed it hasn't just exploded me or something already there we go it's attached okay 0.3 miles to go i'm facing the right direction everything is in my favor right now no no no no no no my own truck almost crushed me i am stuck ragdolling unfortunately oh oh no no no no be careful please be careful the beds are going nuts point 11 miles i am right around the corner i think we've actually done this leave the truck up there and i'll look after it we did it it only took 28 minutes but we did it michael doesn't look so good to be fair i'd be pretty traumatized after all that too all right lester sorry if you can't hear me there's lots of fireworks going off there's a fair amount of prep work still to do wait there is but that was so difficult place a suitable vehicle in the bank's packing garage ah just take anything look those will do this won't do it what i have no interest in saving you no i'm busy jumpy vehicles perfect this is the perfect car we can jump our way to safety i want a car like that that car looks fast this train any locomotive and flatbed car will do okay wait why am i running on the spot i'm stuck daddy are you okay uh i don't know i am stuck on the ground and i don't know why oh thank goodness launch all nearby peds up saved me probably killed everyone else but it saved me no not five wanted stars i'm trying to go to the mission is this cause i didn't help my child oh my god oh and it's super hot so now that i'm stuck no one can even move oh we got max upgrades now i can use this as a getaway vehicle [Applause] that sounds awful i'm going to die yeah i'm probably better off dead to be honest that was just a mess you know what i'm going to call a taxi that's a great idea because i have to drive so far and i'm not even in a mission so it won't matter quickly call a taxi before i bust into flames or something is that a taxi i can't tell everything's green that is a taxi all right hold on wait wait wait wait jesus man hold up hey my man where are you going take me to that waypoint skip just skip everything we don't want to see what happens on your journey well maybe you do but i don't uh there's a train coming and those guards are fleeing the place they're supposed to be guarding and now they got smooshed by a train they were supposed to be guarding this area for the mission i think okay i was stuck but now i got it i'm supposed to incapacitate the railway workers but they just ran away last time so i was confused oh i was just sneaking up on him to punch him and michael screaming and giving me away stupid michael wait now there's two of them after spawning what is this it's just take you out too okay that works wait there's two of you too people don't have to knock out why are things exploding hold on i told the boss i'd call them if anybody showed die there you go did a bit of a kick flip there there we are off the train goes and the direction i needed to and then we swapped the trevor i don't know where michael's running but she just let him off he's got a battle axe and he looks like he's got a plan fantastic yeah helicopter trip with a chaos mod wait why is it virtual reality i don't get it wait i don't know how to pick it up i probably should have thought about this beforehand yes there we go okay that kind of worked i guess no remove current vehicle i like how it's like get in the sky lift like in any situation if you jumped out you're not gonna get it back okay okay at least it's not too fair of a helicopter ride that is the one positive here ooh okay someone's just got crushed to death yeah easy don't worry i know what i'm doing i'm just in a bit of a rush is all okay hold on yeah hold on i know what i'm doing hold on hold on hold on stop telling me what to do i really don't lower the engine onto the trailer oh god it's hard enough to pick it up never mind put it down all right easy easy oh just drop it hope for the best it didn't work probably for the best actually the helicopter's smoking i'm on my side oh look this is nothing to even do with the chaos mod i can't even blame it if i lose there we go we got it folks we got it in the end helicopter's a bit worse for wear actually i think it is on fire wait there's more no angry alien angry alien watch out why do aliens always show up at this part of the country like in the deserts and stuff oh look the train's on the move in that truck that's cool now we get to put this one down hopefully i can just drop it no i have to put it on another truck god damn it no it exploded all the near my vehicles i was so close don't make me retry the whole thing please [Music] this one's silly it's just certainly everything rainbow but the train just oh it's nice i needed that when you drop her off come back and get us one no it's gonna take me so long to get back down there i'm just hurtling back to the ground and i still don't feel like i'm getting any closer okay it took a solid like two minutes but i've lowered back to the ground again and now we'll just come gently in and drop down the train carriage love it oh 30 mile per hour speed limit in a helicopter who is this saving huh this is so defeating they're just playing with me now it's like a cat playing with a mouse oh my god i need glasses and i left them back at the airfield i'm too embarrassed and lazy to go back and get them now don't worry i struggle with this normally i'm sure i'll be able to do without glasses okay we've got a flatbed we're almost up to where we were earlier i'm confident we can pull this off what was that all right we're in mexico now i must have taken a wrong turn i was going too fast if only there was like a 30 mile per hour speed limit and i wouldn't have got so overwhelmed i can't even see the [ __ ] ground i'm just trusting the map here um okay i'm way too close to the ground wait i see i see the truck hold on it's there yes we good i think it's landed on it yes we did it sidetracked sidetracked is [ __ ] right once we've got the getaway vehicle we're good to go all right just need a getaway vehicle teleport about chilean oh my god i'm so glad i just missed that one oh that was rough all right let's go back to michael wait where are you oh we're here all right let's go to franklin i'm not driving you back to town buddy boy friendly neighborhood this is a sign of things to come everyone's gonna be nice to me and i'm gonna get the backup vehicle no problem all peds attack player no no a friendly neighborhood though that was still active hey what's up hey it's okay thank you very much it raised up now [ __ ] are you angry or happy i don't understand it's okay it's okay all right thank you oh oh this can be used as a getaway vehicle okay contact is it ringing okay hold on stop but there's so much ringing i don't understand getaway vehicle ready there you go stop stop attacking me also i resprained it luminous green so it would be less noticeable and i just happen to be super close to where i need to drop it off franklin is the one you need to be he's getting all the luck other than that really annoying phone which is honestly really really irritating wait i parked it in the disabled spot but i can't move it oh god damn stop leave me alone what how am i supposed to get this out of here i can't get out either it's not letting me out he's falling leicester leicester help the getaway car is in the parking garage i can't really hear you are you in a tunnel yeah not only that but i'm in a plane too wait is that a train over there yeah i'm stuck can can something kill me what is michael doing up here but he's still here oh you're explosive aren't you how did i even punch him thanks a lot dad my ass hurts near it counts four figures lighter f you gonna give them a call stop bothering me how did you get this number where are the zombies running to i wonder it looks like they're chasing something oh yes my cab has arrived oh no no oh careful go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go oh my god oh it was scary oh um i'm gonna do a favor and just skip the journey and i hope we get there hey we're here i have to take your word on it because i can't see anything get into the car i'll try is it working okay yeah i think we're coming back yay we did it [Music] what was that randomly people are just attacking me today and it's not even the chaos mod well it probably is in some way shape or form but like the only thing active is snow and someone just took a shot at me you ready to do something profoundly stupid nice to meet you too homie that's a weird intro i don't think i've done this method before wait what oh wait hold on i missed it i thought it was being auto driven there hold up yeah and it'll just turn and then we'll drill through here yep they got it oh hold on sorry yep this is just awkward dude sorry i'm usually a much better driver but i guess how can you expect me to be that good i am like seven by the looks of it i'm a minion i'm terrible look at that that is awesome you'd never think a literal child could do this but yet here we are it looks like i'm wearing my dad's clothes do i have the bombs i do okay now the other perfect got it all right we good please give me a checkpoint i don't want to do this part again hey i said this is a robbery this is pretty easy actually i'm just kind of like popping them off as they come around the corner oh no they're coming from the other side why did i say anything it spawned a blimp in the tunnel and now i'm stuck down here we good we good we're getting all the gold i i'm amazed that nothing has just totally screwed me over yet like a few have tried but nothing is just like you are dead it's ready to collect okay let's go yes cutscene fantastic i don't know why we didn't just take the blimp out of here to be honest it seemed like a good option okay we got some gold let's go let's go but no i don't need a bale trailer right now although then it's probably worth a bit of money too should we hoist that away too guys all right so after michael fantastic all all's going really well surprisingly like getting the getaway vehicles and all that was way harder than this but sorry michael i didn't realize you were having a tougher time down here on the ground it's just flying away they're trying to 360 me for the call of duty montage or something wait is that franklin i can't tell it is sorry every npc kind of looks the same when they're all spinning like that franklin why did i follow him oh my god i died i did so well but then i just got concerned for franklin's safety he just jumped off that ledge for some reason loser you just call me a loser there's no need for that we're clean i don't think we are clean like even just literally i'm not clean i am destroyed with the blood of your colleagues i'm a little bit stuck on this whale i can't get out of here ah okay there we go i'm out ah there was a guy hiding behind the whale look behind see yes oh thank goodness i made it i looked behind me i did it why did it kill me did i have to keep looking behind me was that it oh that was rough i keep restarting and it just keeps killing michael over and over again okay wait he finally stopped and then instantly teleported me to a random vehicle to end the mission no i died due to my own incompetence that time i was just being too aggressive i was trying to storm through because this game isn't giving me much of a break push through what what huh okay hidden package wait explosive pants this is perfect wait how did it live ah affect him what why fail oh he ran into the fire didn't he from the explosions dude no not again don't go into the fire don't go into the fire oh he's gonna die isn't he i love this whale it's like an art piece or something i blew myself up oh my god we're meeting up at the off the street what okay i don't even know what happened that time give everyone an open atomizer no and we're shooting cats at the same time stop hitting me with cats what if oh my god they just keep shooting me with cats oh there's so many cats and it's not even doing anything to me i just can't move forward okay i'm dead due to cats one hit ko why are you making this so difficult oh my god the game crashed oh my gosh michael subtle or obvious one hmm um all right we're going through the wall so we'll just need a skeleton i was planning the heist wish how am i supposed to do this i can't even die because i'm not supposed to be here i'm in a cutscene technically did it wait did it work it just kind of faded to black no i'm i'm at the hospital now i'm just confused i can't even go into replay mission i'm stuck go to hell yeah it's it's completely broken i cannot even load the mission i don't know what's happening oh wait i can go into my menu now yes hey so we ready for to get this [ __ ] cracking right oh yeah yes a little render distance even his computer isn't rendering in why is chop here come on guys let's cyberpunk our way to the heist oh no gravity upside down oh no oh no all right you know what i'm going to attempt to get to where i was and i'll be right back with you i just want to show you this pat first because i think it's kind of funny that he's falling up and just screaming and it transitioned from inverting gravity to low gravity so he's just going to continue okay finally i'm back where i was i think it's hard to see because the render distance one bullet max off effect sink all right use rpg then i was wondering i was like what kind of gun is like this where it's just reloading constantly okay rpgs are really helping me on this one i think i might actually be able to do it i can't do this i can't do this i can't do this the amount of times i'll have done this section what now you ran into fire again it's not my fault just let him die we can take his cut [Music] invisible helicopter i hit him wait what what now you went on fire again okay maybe the rpg is a bad idea it was going really well but if it keeps killing you i guess oh no please stop the madness how do i kill him oh this is so disorientating [Music] i'm getting shot hey they didn't give us the goal wait where is he going there's oh wait it's invisible vehicles here i forgot i was like is is gravity gone okay i've made it the furthest i've ever made it on the mission are we good we done what no wait oh softer franklin swap the franklin yes okay that saved me oh wait i just realized that was a fake teleport anyway it teleported him back cheeky fecker get out no why do a real teleport after a fake teleport oh okay good okay continued from a little bit further than the last checkpoint why were they so weird what was wrong with the running animation after fake say where do you come from oh no they're all stuck sliding around now you're talking give everyone a mini gun and explosive peds okay this is my chance beyblades why do i get the feeling the highway why do i get the feeling this wasn't really well planned out oh no no no no no no no no somebody help me he's getting too close and i can't shoot him you really want to die for these [ __ ] oh thank god we're getting out one way or another yeah get them chomping i am where you going i don't know there were some dancing monkeys and i got distracted what do they want me to do oh this is where i packed the car earlier this is my getaway i'm almost there we're here everybody get in amazing we didn't get towed because of this handicapped space let's get out of here wait i'm losing the cops from just being in here hold up let's just go back in i mean if they've just forgotten about us and we can hide down here i'm happy wait how do they found me what what do you mean they didn't forget about the robbery don't worry i've got my secret strategy it's weird but it gets the job done hey we ain't getting caught not now homie i we might be i'm kind of stuck my neat trick wasn't so neat after all oh no that cop is looking no he's getting over the wall oh he's found us oh no insane gravity i wonder well let's get us out come on okay guys three seasons have gone by and now it's winter could you just kill me at this point i'm stuck michael just collapses from exhaustion i've been up for three whole seasons all right that kind of worked uh the car is leaking something but let's ignore that can't believe i didn't think of that sooner i was just trying to kill myself and now now that i've destroyed my vehicle freeing up with the minigun vehicles have no gravity and it's gently lifting me upwards and it would have just lifted me off the wall gracefully and i would have just landed back down nice and safe it's like any score you just lose the cup this is not like any score franklin this is not like anything i've ever seen great earthquake yep just like any score jesus christ almighty like now you've been kind of wrecking i am reckless yeah i am in control apparently i started the earthquake the car is on fire guys oh my god i thought it actually crashed come on we gotta get off the street we gotta get off the street back here it's our only hope return to chef great he's in a [ __ ] fire fight in the street he's just waiting for me he doesn't know what to do he's idling he's like a toddler lost in a supermarket [Music] it just spawned a cougar for me could you please help me cougar or wait is he trying to get in do you want to get in the car no i think he's running away he got kind of mangled there in an animation oh my cougar okay finally i've made it to where i want to go i just want to go in here yes i know we crashed i am aware okay if this doesn't escape i don't know what will oh thank goodness that took so long revive deadpans oh my god thank god that didn't happen when i was fighting the cops what launch all vehicles up oh my god there goes the gold it's just flying off into the sky hold it steady i'm trying but i can't see anything why do you have to go through the windmill area i can't see anything they're not cruise vessels i gotta be close oh we are way too high my apologies my good man you can see them flying down there oh wait yes okay awesome it actually completed i just got the checkpoint i guess look at this single carriage train how adorable wait what is going on oh wait it's jesus jesus is flying the helicopter and jesus wants to kill us as usual i was wondering i was like it's not really responding yes bit of a dolce landing but we made it mission accomplished [Laughter] oh god mission accomplished that it sounded like he was gonna go we did it he just blew up we did it in this reality we did it in the last one it was very unfortunate no it timing like there was going to be a betrayal there everyone pulled out their battle axes at the last second did we do it is that the whole mission complete please be mission complete even a simple journey is just gonna overload my mental ability right now yes heist passed fantastic we did it folks oh my god that took so long all right guys they pulled me in for one last job but that's where i end this thought it was so difficult i hope you enjoyed my misery thank you so much for watching i appreciate as always and i hope to see you tomorrow
Channel: Call Me Kevin
Views: 1,997,189
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kevin, callmekevin, kevin1811, funny, moments, gameplay, lets, play, game, cmk, clips, gta 5 mods, gta v, gta v mods, gta 5, gta mods, gta v pc mods, gta, best gta 5 mods, gta 5 mod, mods, gta v mod, gta 5 best mods, top 10 gta 5 mods, mods gta 5, gta v funny moments, mods gta v, best gta mods, new gta v mods, best gta v mods, mods for gta v, best mods gta v, gta v epic moments, mod gta v, gta v modding, gta mod, gta v chaos mod
Id: XmXTLWhsf2A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 34sec (1714 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 16 2021
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