I Committed WAR CRIMES By Capturing EVERY HUMAN In Palworld

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so now that I've tamed every single pal that I possibly can it's time to tame the humans hello Burly Max how are you today would you like to join my team oh balls I didn't think I could kill him in one shot he had a shotgun bro why do you do that to me all right let's see I got to get farther away so I can get like half damage and then Boop uh-oh he's coming after me okay there we go he's low and we're going to throw that away beautiful all right so this will be our first human there are 21 humans in this game that we need to cat today and I've heard one of them can go absolutely insane on the damage so we're going to try to find that proper one my goodness do I need to use better spheres these are Level 10s they should easily be captured Bly MC get in here do I need to get over to the legendaries my goodness come on there we go the Burly MC has been tamed a captured human capturing humans is considered inhumane whoops but if capturing them in is is inhumane what about throwing them inside of a prison cell for the rest of their puny Little Lives I bet that's going to be inhumane too now I think one thing we can do is try to find the smoke Towers coming up these smoke Towers always have camps oh oh no this is rough this is a village well I guess we get the civilians too hello friend nice of you to jump inside of my sphere kind of feel bad about that just sitting down eating a nice lunch and that's a child H they have a dungeon down here why did I not know that they had a dungeon but that's what you get for gossiping aw how did you get up there trying to be sneaky hiding on the roof like that also I see another one sleeping no would you stop running you're making me lose my Spears just hop inside the sphere and nobody gets hurt I promise except that Syndicate Thug who's getting attacked by a sparket up there we also need a Syndicate Thug so that's good ah a nice it was just a villager this one's an inkeeper are you going to be the same he taking a nap and wake up in the side of a ball ow what did I ever do to you besides put you in there all right we have an enthusiastic researcher The Village Chef we have a guard uh-oh that was a bad idea the guards have guns uh-oh now I have an assault charge on me that was a bad call why did I do this well get in there you too whoopsies that guy just died but the good news is I captured the guard H and I'm thinking these other people are just straight up called villagers I'm not sure but I did manage to catch the Villager who is hiding oh that one's called an Islander I think that is different and look an effigy this is the best day ever for for me not for these villagers yeah I can't even weaken them with his sword a little bit the other news is there's a pal Merchant in here that we should be able to get that I somehow climbed through through the ceiling I need to get behind the fella there we go get that benefit of capture from behind really please make it inside of this what I was saying is make it inside of The Spar you Dingus he's a level 30 though so he should be able to take one of these to the knee oh I've been spotted all right easy enough nice now we have the pal Merchant in addition to the black marketeer but we'll need to capture another one of those and speaking of merchants let's grab this guy too just for scientific purposes there we go Merchant has been captured great so I flew back home and these dummies are trying to assault my base don't worry we've got plenty of level 50 Pals here to destroy you and we might as well put in the O gossiping inep or villager nice the reliable officer the other inkeeper good you guys will make a nice collection I also got the other wandering Merchant and the pal Merchant looking good would you guys stop thank you I'm also going to need to queue up some more legendary spheres so we'll grab some pal metal from there and turn them all into these beautiful things so I've cited another Village from afar which one is this is this the free Alliance free pal Alliance I think so there's a robin quill free pal Alliance devout why are you attacking the Gil claw what do you ever do to you but I think these are the only creatures of this uh or the Only Humans of this faction so it would be a shame if someone order to shoot it in the face once or twice yep okay we got to weaken him up just a little bit so we can yoink it over there and capture another one all right you too whoopsies there we go The Devout has been captured now I can rescue the pal in there but I frankly don't I mean maybe I do look at your adorable little self little meow can I not walk through that these are still one of my favorite Pals in the entire game I have to free you from the evil monster sers I also have to free you from your evil life so good news we're going into the little desert biome and in here there are some more Pals by Pals I mean humans these should be upgraded a little bit or they're not here oh yeah we have thugs we have hunters and Gunners all right three different types let's shoot them in the foot once shoot them in the face oh shoot him in the foot twice dang that was a hunter my weapons are too powerful okay now that should be fine Mr Gunner you have to go halfway away yes catch that you too sir catch this I missed catch this again beautiful oh this is bad we're getting blasted by a Toko Toco Army now hold on Mr pal I you got to get in that sphere dude we're be attacked by these guys no Bowser's coming what is happening no no no ow it's going to tickle just rocket jumped that was fun do these Pals not know that I'm trying to free them from the evil humans great news we got The Syndicate Gunner finally usually there's some packs of creatures walking around out here too there's the Anubis there we go Syndicate thugs I do need one of those but not that badly there's another Hunter oh really you guys killed him but I do need a thug too no awesome there's The Syndicate Thug this was a workaholic that's kind of nice oh this is looking good now Syndicate grenadiers oh balls actually it didn't hurt too bad here get in there ah I shot you in the knee all right we have another Grenadier we have multiple grenadiers oh that guy's got like a flamethrower nope nope nope he a cleaner what is is that not a that's a vacuum bro is bringing a vacuum to a fight here get in there whoopsies uh shoot all right you get in that sphere I got to try to get you in that one nice got to get him in the foot ah there we go now getting that ball yes we got the cleaner oh hello Mr Grenadier please get in my grenade I only have 10 more of these hyperspheres and no more legendary one so hopefully you get captured real soon there it is Grenadier is mine and I can free this sad little creature it's okay buddy we'll be friends all right so we got another camp we got some sweet is attacking the hunter we need that Hunter we're going to let the squeeze do their work I'm going to take everything else out so I can capture this little guy maybe oh wow all right that should help me we'll just get a lucky shot with a frozen a I got to back up a little bit shoot in the foot once capture kill that oh it's dead good come on yes get in there I don't have any more spheres beautiful how's everyone doing everyone fine you need some more friends have a devout and a gunner we'll also add a thug a cleaner a Grenadier and a hunter how's everyone doing today you bring cookies and the good news is our 13 legendary spheres what is that noise is that a shiny boy good thing I got legendary Spears because that giant chicken is going to be mine I don't know if I've ever seen a giant chicken in the game before but oh 87% delicious meets back on the menu boys I want to see lucky insulated a body all right not the best skills but I mean it's a shiny chickp now it might sound weird but all of those syndicates that we caught they can't actually do anything but this one right here The Syndicate Elite who has his rocket launcher oh look at that guy up there he's actually good so I've heard so if I remove this guy's life from him and this guy's life from him I should be able to weaken him slightly enough so I can throw spear at him if I capture him on the first time it' be so excited oh I did yes all right Mr cicit Elite we got to test this Theory out my goodness look at the crusher there all right we're going to take out the Grenadier first uh-oh why did I not reload no bad not allowed to throw grades at me ow ow ow okay Gunner bravely bravely bravely running away see that Dodge roll behind his friend all right so I'm going to throw out the Syndicate Elite and rumor is that he does a ton of damage so it's the only pal in the game that's actually worth using as a fighter oh you miss you big ugly brute get in my sphere now if we level that Elite up to level 50 he can do like 15,000 per hit or so I've heard the serent wants to play too now get in there there it is very nice plus we got XP hooray o and a chest in the chest is the silver key which will open another chest it's chest setion should we see if the crusher is large and in charge like I assume he is we are going to leave the elite here there's the crusher oh he's a big junky boy so now that we have all of the Sy kids say time to go find the brothers of the Eternal Flame I'm not exactly sure where they live but usually it's over in Mount obsidian or this is where I usually see them at I just don't want to burninate this world is spicy to live in I don't know why anyone would want to live in a volcano well I didn't find any of the brothers the Eternal Flame but I found another Village we have you already Mr merchant do we have you nope you're a flame worshipping villager which is kind of weird here get in the Box nobody will get hurt except me trying to attack attack me in junk hey no what are you doing those are expensive spheres you Dingus and you're level seven stop it a balls I'm going to have to come back for you now I also don't have this Merchant and we have a PF slacker which is a new type as well 2% please don't just please a well I can take you down a little bit now get in that sphere that's a better chance there's a sensitive one a poor fell got his feelings hurt come on yes we got the sensitive guard and you didn't get captured yet Excuse me while I grab this egg you guys just keep getting captured and stuff I need that for science nice we got the other one oh no I didn't realize the Infantry can shoot the villagers here have a star loving one really I got to back up far enough so I can shoot you in the knee there we go whoopsies I didn't do it don't worry they'll respawn tell you what these stupid PF Infantry take a ton of spheres to capture just get in there fella I should send out a new friend to go attack those guys though come on you got to get in there I only have one legendary sphere left and I just built a whole bunch of them please please oh poop nuggets ah so I'm not going to lie these guys kind of terrify me a little bit Brothers of the Eternal py martyr well okay they're not as as difficult as I thought they were now I have to find more whoops kind of makes me wonder if they hang out in dungeons here's a volcanic Cavern was not expecting a Manda in here not in the slightest this guy is stupidly strong oh my goodness I love him oh except he gets like absolutely punched in the throat on second thought we just have The Syndicate Crushers and the Gunners and a chest down here dibs run away all right here we go oh oh my goodness you're on fire okay head shot oh yeah head shots work now I don't have ouch it's hard to see when you got flame in your face right one more okay that one's dead let's use a foot shot and get in there all right Brothers of the Eternal py martyr this is the only one of the brothers of the Eternal py so we can get out of the desert if you get tamed please only have 10 more spheres for you oh I'm so proud We actually captured on the third one neat hello good s would you like some more friends you can have a Brother's Eternal pirate martyr sensitive nose p and then the slacker did I get nothing else from that Village a I feel bad for the PD BF officers just kidding can I talk to him oh man I'm bored I wonder why your job is to guarder place yeah I mean you're just stuck in my my prison for the rest of Eternity or until I butcher you whatever comes first also kind of fun there's no guards left in this Village cuz they just massacred them but all the people came back so have this star- loving Merchant I just like how they breed out the breaking club uh please just capture on the first one I really don't want to waste a bunch of spheres yes I also stand corrected about being in the desert my goodness I thought we were done here but there's a village that I've never actually found which is kind of insane o hello chest there it is down there supposed to be a bunch of guards in there hello Village desicated desert SE this is Dune shelter where it should be there's like six things here we get to capture oh neat I didn't know there was a teleporter here too hello esteemed officers nice of you to keep this place nice and safe ooh I think we need both of these is there anyone else here this place has really run down my goodness why do they have the Cannons inside too they should be facing out a warm-blooded desert inhabitant all right pal Merchant I think you already have the same things in stock that the rest of them do same with you I bet yep we're just going to try it for scientific purposes y oh balls I'm sorry it wasn't me it was uh Clark over here wait Clark's got a case of the dubs too ooh Clark hi there hi you don't have to get in my face to shoot me you can do it from a distance I'm fine with that whoopsies goody two shoes I need you back at least I got the grunt oh and there's the bonfire lover yes that's another rare one that we need who are you shooting at I have no idea here why don't you Alpha play with those guys Al is having fun already all right you get in there okay maybe maybe this isn't the best idea to have Alpha plan oh nice that was perfect all right we're just going to try to capture the kind desert inhabitant cuz I know how nice they are they'll make a proper o nope shoot ah poop nuggets I really don't want to kill you I got to go far away and then shoot you in the knee yep that worked I've been spotted good I need an infantry member too I think maybe don't oh nice we captured it same thing here shoot the timid one in the knee throw a big ball at it oh those are expensive get in there that one has a gun my goodness I didn't know you had guns ow ow how do I injure you now I have to get really far away and then shoot it in the legs I can't get a head shot here foot no that wasn't far enough away well I guess we'll have to come back here but there is one more just villager just just chilling the warm-blooded one oh this would be so nice if we captured ah shoot ah balls all right fellas I'm out of here I'll see you in a little bit I would suggest you don't follow me back to my base cuz things might get a little bit spicy here if you do oh Kevin the intern's going to go have some fun too he's like yay and he just stares at the fella so th the battle is Raging out there we'll bring in the bonfire lover the grunt and the star- loving villager into our collection along with the Infantry member and the kind desert inhabitant we're getting there my goodness this fella he just really wants to be caught somehow he is immediately respawned this is goody two shoes which we didn't capture last time but we're going to attempt to now poop nuggets promise it ow wasn't me it was uh that guy okay get in there oh wow okay they're just spawning okay these are the Infantry all right this might take a few attempts hopefully not more than 15 more oh it's always so stressful taking out these guards cuz they just shoot you even though they aren't doing damage to me ow okay maybe they are doing damage they broke my shield you guys are jerks I'm just trying to collect you it's the final form of Pokemon ah get in there come on come on a o he I can go up there we'll be friends we'll look at the rooftop terce where did you go hey I should really send out Alpha down here just to distract them and I'll play with this guy alone or you know you can go ahead and kill them all you Dingus we needed him for the collection Dingus is back again like fella I think you learn your lesson I wonder why the other ones don't respawn though get in there this would be so great if we just got that backwards capture come on ah shoot all right I guess we anger the locals again get him in the toes get him in the ball that's uh I don't know all right it doesn't doesn't matter if I keep shooting him either stop it you're annoying I guess it gives me something to do well that guy's getting tamed and he's in my way plus he drops me more ammo come on I only have two balls left only one please go no last ball do I have to come back a fourth time for this guy oh you're so annoying I'm just going to let you live fourth time is the charm and somehow I only have 10 bullets but let's see if I can make it work get in there I also have 28 spheres so we should be doing a lot better this time that's one oh goody two shoes why do you do this to me also why is there a guard named goody two shoes like why did a developer spend time doing that got it to work my giant box of humans there's something very satisfying about this no I don't want to talk to you Mr bonfire lover I want to put more friends in there oh wow there's a battle raging out here and there's even a cow attacking it's adorable all right and I just teleported directly to the final one that we need the genetic research unit executioner uh I mean wouldn't it be nice to get the first one right away and why is there a cblx underground like that's the real why is there a genetic executioner underground is it really underground if they're underwater I saw somebody had made an underwater base in the game they figured out how to glitch underwater and swim down deep without water thought that was weird there it is there it is that's the one we're looking for genetic research executioner oh speaking of execution I kind of want to get the cix too but I'm not whoopsies I made them extinct now there's a few more PF agents that we need and I'm wondering if we can get them here at the wildlife sanctuaries they have to spawn here though hello oh a chest don't mind if I yoink that handgun schematic I already have the legendary I don't need the level one okay nobody's here oh hello I need this for science purposes thank you how about number two Wildlife Sanctuary could there be some Wildlife Sanctuary yes it's here no but that is my favorite menacing I think that thing looks so cool Hello Wildlife Sanctuary number one do you have any guards today oh you do infantry PF infantry I think we might need to harass them slightly maybe level them up so let's just blast them okay that wasn't exactly what I wanted to do cuz they're dead now but if I have shoot them in the face we might be able to level them up a little bit this boy does the work my goodness Alpha is strong hot Dang if you have a a healthy health bar I'm going to shoot you in the face to get a better assault charge maybe as long as Shadow be can uh have some fun with him there he you go Alpha this is the strong one right here I love that that is so fun well uh we destroyed all of them we didn't get the Infantry that we were looking for there we go I found the elites oh there's one infantry member who's wet but these guys are probably a little more difficult yeah they're 42s we'll just kind of knock them oh they're they're busting me for trespassing they have no idea what's about to happen to them hey getting the ball all right you get destroyed I might need to kill no no no no stop shooting at me my jet dragon's done nothing wrong oh dang okay so we got the elite which is good now if we fly to the other base it should be where the agents live I've already been to this island but they didn't spawn so we have to fly back and forth and around collecting the chests until they show up also I entirely forgot that there's an upstairs of these places my goodness how many times has I've been trying to farm and not even realizing it ooh heat resistant undershirt so this is interesting I've been circling this thing almost an entire day cycle now and oh there's Elites yep so I've only been finding Elites there's no agents here I'm not sure where to find them to spawn the wiki says they exist but I don't know where they are but one really interesting thing is I just found this little thing here a vret challenger I'm not even sure what that means but sir if you'd like to challenge me to battle I'm totally yours you're new around here aren't you not not really I bet you're also just trying to catch some Pals and get rich quick yeah kind of come across the giant pal steer clear no I I tamed a all buddy okay sure turn around sit down and get captured you're kind of a giant pal that I want to capture pal oh oh you got a gun I also have a gun I'm going to have to run away from you for a little while so I can shoot you in the toes shoot the V and challeng has now been vanquished but that does totally remind me that there's a little fellow that's camping out right here really those guys are so annoying let's see if we can capture this one a skilled Islander ow I don't have any weapon that works and there was that one more fellow that was just camping out up here too yeah get in the sphere Expedition Survivor yeah right you're not expiring this oh shoot if I get far enough away no it doesn't work I'm too powerful to capture these and I love how you capture that those rare guards and they're just gone they're just gone for good but some of these people can still be captured we'll try we'll give it a go if they don't make it then they don't make it you're not going to make it nope oh nice oh great I'm sorry sorry infantry members it wasn't me oh I escaped my sphere again there it is nice we got another villager now the final one should be right over here the timid one we'll just sneak up behind and go twink I love how the gun floats you know this game is broken when that happens okay shoot the fit no shoot man so we'll put our last little friend into the cage oh there's a couple of him the warm blooded desert the elite Plus the genetic researcher and look at that we have a prison full of humans we've captured pretty much every single one of them in the game and I had a lot of fun doing it hope you guys did as well if you did let me know and keep your stick on the ice we'll catch you next time I'd also like to thank all of my channel members and patrons including autod Dave Ben Dicky J Teddy hippus General Harris trenten cadino RIT Le Warrior Keegan H zarov Max Ral BC engineer sarx Spencer T whiskey YH splatter saxs Doug rules Fred dton SE cander D pton plays badge link heet Kyler J Nitro nitrox w k and Rainbow Dash
Channel: Blitz
Views: 127,366
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blitz, blitz plays, blits, blit, blotz, biltz, palworld, pal world, palworld gameplay, palworld blitz, palworld intern, palworld multiplayer, palwordl, palwolrd, palworld boss, palworld bosses, palworld hatching, palworld animals, palworld eggs, palworld incubating, palworld condenser, palworld essence, palworld essence condenser, palworld most legendary, palworld grizzbolt, palworld breeding guide, palworld humans, palworld capture humans
Id: YtSU6xYsub8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 3sec (1563 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 02 2024
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