I Brought A LEVEL 1 Character Into The HARDEST DUNGEONS in Palworld

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oh hey Kade oh hey hey can I capture you oh no I I I don't want that look at this you're little level one into a Max Level world I know it's kind of okay that's yeah this will be fun just please don't hurt me with that thing wait can I like for real talk Noe I PvP turned off oh yes so we had an idea today to bring a level one into the hardest dungeons of the entire game oh look at him he's sliding I'll protect you I can slightly keep up I don't know this thing's like max level speed so probably not there you go you can loot everything though I have enough eggs and raw meat to last me forever I think oh nice I like how the lamb ball rolls faster than you too look at that fell go that's a chicken oh you're just ragd doing this guy around yeah he deserved it though I told you I would protect you this is good I'll just stay here in the shade hidden behind a little tree it's not even getting a chance he doesn't deserve a chance you know what I should do instead of doing that we should break out the shadow beak there you go buddy have real fun so pretty oh so painful that was great all right Kade let's go to the base everyone's clear welcome home things are working nicely in your stad this a cute little house set up thanks it's ched a little bit now the thing is we need to get you in armor and weapons right yeah something at least covering me would be nice okay well let's see since you're not in the guild yet because you had gained experience actually you wouldn't right now cuz nobody's working so and now you are in my guild cool oh neat so over here in these boxes there is like armor and weapons we can make you all sorts of other fun things if you would like okay let me probably get a life pendant would be nice that would be a good one maybe two of those I also considered making you a legendary pistol because yes that yeah would also be very helpful and I got my tiny untrained fist oh no you leveled up to two already what did I level up from putting the armor on I believe so let's see what happens when a handgun is made for you we'll get the Anubis to start their work and of course the black market Trader why not you can also go through the library and pick out a few Pals for yourself ooh let's see I actually have no Pals in here I could take them from the base but yep take them from the base see take a little beard you're probably going to need a flying pal as well there is some jet Rons that are pretty quick in there so I can make you another saddle missile launcher I guess yeah it would let me use it uh could you put the jetrion as working so I could take them oh okay like a different level manager where I can just steal the employees only hey there you go all right so oh that fell should be out now he's pretty quick oh yeah he is fast oh my God zooms away hello friend oh goodbye yeah so I don't have enough coal right quick let me go get some you keep gearing up just a bathtub in the corner up here shut up you leave my my base design alone after I realized it was useless I decided I didn't even want to use my points to unlock that stuff keep your Palace clean I guess H uh-huh I thought maybe there's an animation lay down but nope hey fella there's a present out here for you oh you just made it to level four congratulations and five five come over here come over here Kade oh over here there's a shiny thing for you what do we have a nice little handun this thing to 600 damage yeah yeah yeah it'll be perfect for a level five I've got 16 shots where do we keep the spare ammunition in this place you know that's at the other base hold on we'll go there in a second sorry little guy I'm just going to test this real quick Kate don't what did the penguin never do to you don't shoot that one either I need to do how much damage did you do by the way I did a thousand just off that one nice so Kade I've got a jetrion and that should be made in a matter of seconds from our overpowered to do this oh my gosh uhhuh I think this took me like 9 minutes or how is he so quick she you got to got yeah Queen Anubis I didn't read the name it might be the fact that it's got like like I don't know serious lucky artisan and work Slave oh okay yeah that that might do it this is insane yeah it's pretty cool isn't this like a 10,000 workload uhhuh yeah she's she's crazy but that'll let you fly oh sweet thank you Queen Anubis yeah you have to thank the bus driver yeah oh there you go all right follow me now we'll go to my mining base we can get you money oo I do like being rich it's just light speed yeah dude that's why mine's named uh Anakin Skywalker because it's the chosen one where'd she go there you are yep all right so this is the workload area where the rest of my Anubis are hiding hello everybody can I steal this nice little or zerk for my fifth member oh sure we'll just have to I mean you see what he's doing right now though he's this is how they charge over it's a little bit weird I mean if it works it works that's how electric charge happens put a different uh electric pal in there and then I have no Pals available to me you got like a jolt hog somewhere sure I can do that I would a spark it sparket are fun neat so now we'll make all of these Anubis make up a bunch of nails for you yeah yeah that's already 100 there we go and then once you take those Nails you have the wandering Merchant that you can sell the nails to and buy the other things you buy all the ammo you want okay slowly come here thank you meeting me halfway pause no don't go don't continue walking did you get it yep got it 50,000 I know right that all of it in handgun ammo all right how many did you get got looks like 430th shots now that should be good hopefully let's start uh taking care of some bosses anything else you need no I think I've I've got my team I've got gun and melee weapon Shield pendants yeah all good nice look we're twins Kade we're twins yeah you just got like a nice beard than me Shing I said I'm a little older all right dungeon one raid Syndicate Tower oh there they come why are we wearing armor for I'll just put this one on hello anyone here oh balls there little surprise all right let's see what your pals can doing oh my goodness you doing off that yeah all right paladis let's see how you want to play send my Bushi out oh no Dodge DOD 7,000 hitd K you're going to be all right buddy you're going be all right oh that works yeah oh I can do bushie special move Attack Mode that I think did good wow that's pretty good damage for oh this will kill it this will kill oh yeah that is just how many levels did you get that I almost went up two I'm at the cusp of 11 now nice so that was only like 4,000 XP so the rest of them are going to be a lot better me just claim that um um okay where do we go next and next we can head to I guess the volcano oh boy or we have that nice little Frost one I think it's just more North there's five right yes so that was Zoe and gr bolt number two is Lily and Len uh Kate do you want to do this one first why not right yeah might as well real of the Frozen Wings pen King hello oh there we go wait hold on there's little guys here no hang on orer do your thing okay orer look like a big move oh okay that kind of did the trick oh you got more buddy there you go your level 11 is going to take out the 15 oh my gosh just did so much am I doing bullet wise 178 oh my goodness do you want to tame him o that might be nice do you have a ball on you I can throw at him real quick you're going to have some of these meas might do the trick 37% oh come on get you a little more XP so your pals can do something Hi friend good this is the time it is we got it this time a no stay in he in oh no a oh yeah that's all the way up to level 12 nice hit stop for an effigy oh no I'm just hanging on to jetr God's neck I think I fell off oh I got it is that you zooming down here it is stop for a little Point red leader come in red leader this is red leader we have visual on the tower over over out of stamina need to recharge for a half a second oh make it jron yes nicely done that's piloting skills right there tell you entire locals mad at you what locals K you can't do the whole thing at once I'll better now oh another no this one's going to be a little more dangerous for you fella it's fine I'll just dodge and scream when things get bad oh good well hello there friends take one of these it's a shadow beak go take my fire bushie take my attack okay that might actually be tough was that 97,000 HP oh the bubbles the bubbles I know you got to stay away from Things o Bushi got a good hit in it's good oh yeah the crits matter Shadow beak has decided just to not do things right now pondering there he goes that this thing has done so much damage there look at that a th000 per hit look like a good 12K chunk oh yes push your ability that's so cool hello manam would you like a nightmare ball I bet you would oh seven and have a Divine whatever this thing is that's the one I really enjoy yeah that did the trick okay that was like five levels for you so that was good yeah I'm up to 17 now where do we want to go next uh I think we go to the volcano volcano okay and cross the map in under two minutes using superpowered Jets yeah it's definitely very nice and helpful oh stop for one of these I swear Kate whatever is happening over there it is not of my I doing I did not start the [Music] fire what are they even fighting about I don't know Shadow be figure it out though okay that yeah I have no what were they fighting oh there's birds over here he dropped six flame organs no you leave the birds alone I've done nothing wrong we in it now save me shadow beak wait what's Shadow beak what do you got a shadow beak for ah ah okay what did why have you done this you made them all mad at me I didn't mean to okay this will do the work whatever that skill is ridiculous it's so crazy and we got another dungeon so this is good they already conquered two not even level 20 yet nice little pace so I haven't seen this one I have not done this at all who's this fell why is he got such good kicks oh is he going to have like a an electric pal I have an electric pal okay it's a what Ozark ozerk yeah that's what I'm rocking I like him he looks cool not the not the guy Axel's kind of a dingus but orer is cool oh orer hey buddy oh let's go get a backstab situation happening attack oh okay so Shadow beak is the opposite this is maybe not good okay yeah that did like nothing moving in uh-huh all right get him beard why is my paladis not attack going explode no no it's not worth a be oh well that happened 41 damage you pick up be guard dude I thought the grass would work come M soku where's my where's my gun at there it is this is what we needi you've never let me down before never going to give you oh my gosh yeah it was what we needed sometimes you got to you got to just where did paladis go paladis shooting him in his but shoot him in the forehead I like you have so many that one's named a perfect paladis a yeah there's like eight of them I'm sorry just got a little bored one I'm not a fan of this ozar stop it so fast I'mma poke him knock it off poke poke poke poke poke okay I'm sorry I'm sorry for what I did do you want a perfect paladis on your team that might be nice ow oh that burns it tickles a little bit all right pow pow pow no I'll keep him distracted you do what you do best I'll just fly around in circles it's good he's just lost me and Bush got it I'll knock him out oh he doesn't get knocked over oh inom oh my gosh that works yeah hey K get on yours too it might work better okay hang on I'm on it where's he at where' Fireball wait it's hanging out over there my turn Fireball go I don't even see him did we knock him out no he he's in there somewhere no beam flares ow Fireball again have some tornadoes okay I think we figured out the way to ah stay away this is good he's just trying to catch up constantly just bravely running away you've done messed up friend you've done messed up so good this nice burning effect too yep who knew that jetrion that were bred for Speed could do so much damage for real and now they're riding on them yes more flames you don't want to let yours die though cuz you don't have a backup to fly home that is true that's that's a great point back to Bushi go this little blade ability is so nice I also recognize this thing has 180,000 XP yeah it's up there almost chunk out 82k though think we can get him nope incoming Balls of Fire oh yeah that move helps oh that's so good have a nice ball too you Dingus right in the face the blade can I I need to leave I need to leave this circle yeah don't stay in that I can tank a little bit he's half gone I think if he Winks at me I'll just fall over and die that could be good I can resurrect you oh speaking of winking at you so many beams uh-huh oh whoop you missed you dingus yeah missed you okay yeah you going to make it Kate I caught the tail into that one I got stuck you looking at me right now he's looking at me no G stop it's illegal all right our uh this should be good again uhoh I got to get distance here fire all the missiles good coming in a lot of effects going on over there that's a ton of damage happen you're only doing two but it's worth it yeah it add up Divine disaster again and the last 25 have another nightmare ball put so many bullets into this guy how are you still standing cuz our Pals don't mix very well against him oh fine Bushi has a slash oh no Bush's hungry oh I forgot about that we might need to go home for snacks feed I stole 20 tomatoes from the feed box earlier she stole my tomatoes I was hungry okay yes so close he is but so far away boom reload the rocket launcher and blast him okay yeah that was pretty good another couple level you went up Seven Levels yeah it's crazy nice uh bad news I'm I'm out of handgun ammo now uhoh well I know where to get more yeah roll oh I don't have nails unlocked whoops oh do I have to come make nails for you you might oh no way here it is here it is oh we have no ingots you want in tied the ingots should be in the furnace I I built up like a thousand oh yeah it was close to 3,000 in there oh okay that's it yeah just small amount do you have the UN unquenchable hunger for raw eggs yeah cuz that's pretty much all I eat anymore got little protein raw eggs and berries do we have to have the queen help out over here go crafting might be nice my goodness that goes up so fast can't even keep up it's just going up at like 50 increments that's crazy look at the XP go up [Laughter] too over 5,000 I think I'm going to level up whenever this is a I need like one more oh quit walking away come back please sir we want to talk we have to sell you things going to reach you about your car's extended warranty oh got cut them off good break back come on a I got him take all these nails and then give me all of this and then more there we go 1300 this time that's a good number yeah that's nice 33 lb it's a lot of bullets all right what's next uh well let me drop this Bard back off oh yeah Bard sucks you get the elizabe do you need a different pal yeah I'm down to four h uh paladis would be a good one oh yeah it'd be nice plop him in the work real quick and I pick him up yep there's the perfect paladis B it's the perfect match and I know we have another perfect Shadow beak uh we have three of them you want beta oh yeah that one sounds cool all right you can have beta you got room for one more uh yes I can take bushie out this is actually a really stinking solid like organic paladis oh yeah but did did I give you a padus I don't remember yes I have two paladis right now you might not want a palus would you like a necromus instead I would that complete the nice little set not to mention he looks so cool he does I'm going to bring a frost stallion have you seen this place yet Cade oh I don't think I have oh my gosh this is where all the magic happens this is the breeding Oasis my dude no wonder you have so many Alpha betas and everything yeah we don't we don't talk about how much time I've spent in this game but yeah as where magic happens hop on to your jet Rag and let's head out we got to go to over here I believe or I should be looking at the Northeast instead of the Southwest that might help oh yeah I can see it all the way in the distance I can too but I'm running on of stamina we're going down andon ball jetrion hold onl that's okay we still go like sound barrier levels ooh there's a dungeon here Kade have I have I showed you Kade where are you come over to me come over I got to show you something fun using a move on accident okay here we go yeah yeah come in here we're in see this place looks real nice right yeah that's pretty floral summon your jetrion okay and now put your face let's go over to this ball uh-oh oh these people are about to die to take care of it's okay I'm sorry sir now come over to the wall here okay you got to throw it throw the ball towards the wall and hit your four key to pet him okay okay and after you're done petting him ride him oh oh uhhuh and then we just fly to the exit this works what yeah dude super easy oh what do we got in here uh there's a puan knocked but the problem is you have to find the exit and you do not want to run out of stamina so pay attention to that void below us it looks like I think this is it yeah so who's the boss of this level oh we don't care about them how do you get back in so come over here get off of your guy throw him at the wall go ahead and pet and jump over the wall pet and you just skip the ball that's so cool know right whoops I haven't been here either before this is all new to me I just completed my first tutorial Mission BL oh good job Kate how need is that you're so good at this game so I've never done this one either no idea what to expect assume some scary desert monster ooh are you a scary desert monster oh he's got the military on his side the big bdy these this lore in this game is unhinged dude I don't know if you've read certain things it gets weird I haven't but I feel like I need to now throwing money yeah read the journal articles and stuff it's wild oh well I'm not too scared now going to fly around ah Marcus and feris or zerk Frost yeah have one of these oh you missed deceptive this thing's fire yeah Frost Ellen might not be oh get out of that can I knock him out of the air that's the real question no but that still did 2,000 damage 200,000 total oh my gosh necris you're going to be able to reach up there buddy I know that's what I've got a problem whoa get on your tippy toes oh yeah no that works big beam oh that actually did really good aon's doing well too oh yeah think poked his toe I believe you have an ingrown nail sir padus be that no missed completely okay that's why you're B yep I've got a in there nice shot out okay the spike attack doesn't work well eyeball seems to I feel like it's looking at me it's looking at me but it's it's looking at hey no I'll try to dra also bring mine out how about a little Divine disaster in your morning uh that missed quite a bit too that also struggles nightmare ball doesn't these flying pals are having a hard time today ow ow ow ow beam Comet oh fall out of the sky I'm oh Shadow beak just plowed down five tomatoes that were in my pants even during the fight y eat when you're hungry I need a snack please all right we're going for this one oh you missed that's pretty good that did a sizable amount of damage get him put my attack pendant on no NEC do a move yeah right they just kind of stand around sometimes that does so much damage if it hits ow okay yeah see poking him doesn't work buddy but it's a good effort Kan watch out buddy you're going to make it I'm trying is he still looking at me nope ow he's looking at me in oh my gosh hot it's hot The Ground is Lava gra Shake It Off Shake It Off ow ow ow run away this is like a raid boss man just throwing all the junk on the floor for me to get out of really trying to combine all these Pals together oh he's diving he's diving I'm on fire I'm bonting I'm stop drop and roll Kaya might not make it buddy no don't say I'm got to no you're going to have to get me up oh I'm survived with 70 hit points I'm all right back to looking oh that's a big AOE move all right okay come Touch Me Gently get Pat me on the back and tell me I get a good job you can do it you're doing great if you die he'll hurt me so please and we'll just delete the footage and pretend like I never died exactly go Jetro gun back at least I can ride this guy so I can control his moves mhm ooh that's a nice hit K where are you firing at fella I'm hitting him he's over there somewhere I've also upgraded from two damage to six whenever I did that nice Anakin is like going crazy on him right now down to 880,000 same health of also fought earlier had now that yeah well just do that do the I don't even know the carpet bomb maneuver or I ground this dang Bird right you can't you can't get him on the ground that's the annoying thing maybe a thousand handgun man wasn't [Laughter] enough fine get him shadow be I Shadow V doesn't even do anything staring oh you poked him actually this time well done ooh look at necromass doing the work come on going down great showing buddy we only have two more minutes left too oh my goodness so close ow physically you just touched me yeah I don't like that don't touch me again these flares get out of there jetrion oh that's that's that's an OU that's I'm paralyzed oh no Kade do I need to touch you like you touched me no no I shook it off luckily but okay maybe soon cuz now I'm burning uh-oh so the burning is what did me in ow he fine he's down to the last 22,000 he's so close coming down to the wire get him necris okay I should be able to get it in a second good hit here it comes Anakin going to take him down take down the raid boss yes help him out yes oh 25,000 XP how many did you get how many levels you're up to 29 yeah you really shot me up it takes so much now four more points I can put in attack it's also spicy out here I don't like it when it's spicy outside it hurts so now it's so does that mean we have one remaining and that's the Frozone believe so all the way in the big old Frost Mountain that's the most dangerous one too right yes think I think it's like the final final the final final Final the level one into the final boss do we need more ammo yeah let's see how much I have I'm at 889 now oh I used about 500 in that part good perfect oh you know what I might need to repair my gun is what I might need to do oh no that's expensive to repair all right all right Kade we got it repaired let's head out to the final dungeon I'm hopefully ready I yeah it's going to be a little bit intense we're going to which one is it volcano Frosty North oh Mountain breeding center base thing yeah yeah yeah yeah I I was I was quizzing you yeah oh yeah you won you got oh B I got an explosion oh no you broke the food box oh no whoopsies wasn't me weird lightning strikes that her I've got something else in my inventory that I have no idea why it's so heavy oh cuz there was 2,000 oh something else what is so oh 170 why do I have 172 ancient civilization parts and 1,300 paldum fragments what's going on here game what are you feeding your pals I know right they're a little hungry sometimes all that breeding here really makes it up lead on oh fearless leader charge something tells me I'm oh I'm cold oh oh yeah oh this isn't good put this on yeah put that on put this on too we're good much just I would love to get up there in one just quick little breather and I tell you what these jetrion jet dragons however you want to pronounce it are a game changer it's so insane how good they are I'm really going to miss it whenever I leave you can take him with to your world oh thank you we should go to the big tree next I want to go to the big tree same it's just so close but so far now who's this someone with a fashionable style sense oh my goodness the '90s are calling Neo wants his coat back even got the blindfold on everything uh-huh huh you know we should have captured these bosses oh who is this though that would have been nice hello is that a shadow Peak I know exactly who this is oh no okay things are about to get dangerous for us here all right get him shadowx attack 280,000 hit points oh my gosh okay we got to just unload oh no this fell my goodness all immediately jetrion oh that's a good idea that's a really good idea except you only need three damage dude well this guy is pretty strong Frozen my gosh have you beat him on in your own world it do no I never seen this guy yet ah run away okay he's almost murdered jetrion that's not nice oh yeah jetrion go back in my pants for a second I'm going to hide behind it oh no no padus how come his is so much health right what traits do you got on this Victor please well did you just try capturing him with a mega sphere you never know there is a glitch that we can capture him oh hello there General be where like now is not the time for a stroll there's a Giant Shadow beak things appear to be not as good as they used to be oh no I'm on my way I'm not on my way anymore oh hang on at least Anakin Skywalker is highly effective keep tanking those hits Please I didn't even realize give you going to make get Cade I'm trying just keep ignoring me okay run away oh he's Frozen demon him that works oh shoot if we can freeze them we can kill him super easy I just need Frost eye and to keep smacking no it's even better than that blizzard spike is it you shoot that at me no yes oh yes Frozen sometimes it works if you freeze them and hit them with a rocket launcher they like get glitched out and fly his space that would be very nice right there what I feel like I don't want to be standing here oh no option that doesn't oh just no damage oh Anakin's down oh that's not good at all you might say that Victor had The High Ground can I tame him kanade we can't do enough damage here honestly I think that would be fine 0% chance oh no not this again this move oh it hurts it hurts so bad I'm down to two Pals fired oh I'm just I'm just down no no I will rescue you again I don't know how to do this how do you do this nice I think it's just told yeah no how do we how do we kill Victor and Shadow beak I don't know summon a nuke out of something an army we could we could breed nukes that would be like the jolt hog right going to start dropping them on them no my gon's dead oh no oh we're below 200,000 hit points so we have that going for us yeah that's a nice little Milestone uhoh perfect paladis just got knocked out that leaves me only with uh Frost alion get him oh there's orer dead now okay we just start bargaining yeah like we'll leave you alone if you leave us alone where's the entrance let's just leave can you open the door cuz like we can't you can get out of here that doesn't look good fly away from that stuff get away ow ow ow ow ow ow ow even the sky is sa two blizzard spikes wasn't enough hey I'm awake again yeah okay what happens if the time runs out I have no idea but we're going to find out in three two 1 timeout I've been going for a timeout for a while no did you die oh yeah what this straight up getting murderized not a time out at all so K do you have an idea I do so these little guards this one yes this guy right here doesn't like whenever you hit him he tries to send his buddies after you hey ohal do that we got to go there's a lot of them if we teleport back up to the Shad beak boss okay that's up here they hate us so much they and come with wait how do they spawn over here give me this chest though for real hypersphere neat oh you did the thing how did you do that he just hit a nice little slide what the button is that one is the c or the the Crouch no it's not working three assault charges now okay we're good okay now we just got to get in here and we just let them fight Victor and Shadow beak instead oh okay they don't like us very much Kade we heard them okay now we just survive oh try to get them to shoot Shadow beak come on Friends guys guys take out Shadow beak Shadow be's murdering him no no no no no not us Shadow beak oh I think they figured it out oh now yes his guard's down I think you can get him wait I can get him yeah think you might be able to tame him he's not looking is that he said a sphere it says 0% what so tough now no what happens oh uh now we're just kind of stuck in here until we die oh but oh I'm been spotted for more assault hold on just like when you get five stars in GTA and just keep trying to yeah they're going to send in the tanks pretty soon yeah o moris can we get a high score e a thousand assault the secret legendary comes out or something just I have the tank now why do I only get level seven assault that's not as fun oh I they freed me of my charges I think they don't care about you now well it means I've got the high score I guess nine oh they Dro ammo assault rifle ammo oh these are at leades now all right fellas I give up I please crawling to show my innocence I got level 15 now oh my gosh there so many here's to get a little bit more group up please 19 20 I did it I beat the final boss oh nice I think I did cuz nobody spawn anymore it's out of the budget at this point you're I'm up to 20 are you dead yeah I didn't know you were dead it's okay I'll bring you back oh thank you well okay we didn't quite beat every dungeon in the game but we kind of did where is it in a way I don't see him in here try sorting by level he should be level Max or whatever 280,000 HP I I don't see them oh there it is Victor and Shadow beak can I summon them oh that's incredible I want to hang on my shadow beak like that that's so cool dude dude's amazing wish I was that awesome that's so cool though wow all right so you can tame the bosses can you breed them too one way to find out oh boy I think that's for another video though so you made it up to 29 Kade it's a pretty good day for an hour's work yeah say so proved our dominance thanks for letting me use this jetrion oh you're welcome you can keep want oh yeah I like that the real question though is Victor and Shadow beak are they any good at anything being cool dressing um okay they can melt a t fent and break up a party of tanies just runs over Stomps on them that's incredible it looks so cool too oh oh nice shot 3,800 damage good stuff anyway thanks for watching hope you enjoyed and we'll see you next time bye bye I'd also like to thank all my channel members and patrons including autod Dave Ben Dicky J Teddy hippus General Harris trenten Cino RIT Le Warrior Keegan H zarov maxer Ral BC engineer sarx Spencer T whiskey YH splatter saxs Doug rules Fred dton C cander D Payton plays fussy badge link hit Kyler J Nitro nit trucks YK and Rainbow Dash
Channel: Blitz
Views: 187,905
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blitz, blitz plays, blits, blit, blotz, biltz, palworld, pal world, palworld gameplay, palworld blitz, palworld intern, palworld multiplayer, palwordl, palwolrd, palworld boss, palworld bosses, palworld hatching, palworld animals, palworld eggs, palworld condenser, palworld essence, palworld essence condenser, palworld most legendary, palworld breeding guide, palworld tips and tricks, palworld tips, palworld secrets, palworld shadowbeak, palworld level 50
Id: q5ZG8xehRsY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 15sec (2355 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 28 2024
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